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Leilon: A Noble Reception

A Ruins of Leilon Adventure

Introduction: This is the 15th follow-up adventure to the module Leilon: City of Adventure, which
provides an overview to the ruined town destroyed by the Spellplague over 100 years ago, as well as
the exploration of the city now that the effects of the Sundering have made the place habitable once
again. This adventure is designed for 1st level PCs and can be played as the beginning to a new
campaign. Freshly arriving in the fort of Durgin’s Hold, the PCs arrive shortly before a group of
nobles are expected from the City of Waterdeep. What is Durgin going to serve at the banquet? This
may provide a chance for fresh PCs to prove useful. Surviving first level leads to dealing with the
kobold shaman and the skeleton threat in the region.

A 1-2 night adventure for 1st and 2nd level characters

by Keith Stonefield

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A Noble Reception which specialty to pursue and each brings them into
lands known for a tribe of kobolds and their sorcerer

Part 1: The Noble Reception

Caravan Duty
Read the following once everyone is ready to begin

The last several days out of Waterdeep have been slow

going for the caravan. Not much excitement along the
road to Leilon, save a few random arrows from some
goblins before being chased off into the undergrowth.

The last few days along the Mere of Dead Men has
been filled with tension since the mists have blown in
and the threat of lizardfolk is always on everyone’s mind.
You thought coming out of the swamp would end any
problems and the last day to the Hold would be easy.

The drizzle of the day is interrupted by shouting at the

front of the caravan. Perhaps the lead wagon lost a
Background wheel in the mud and ruts. It quickly becomes apparent
Spring has come to The North. With it, caravans have that the lead wagons are under attack. The driver shouts
been sent bringing supplies to the ruins of Leilon in order back to you to go help.
to supply the fort set up to explore and plunder the ruins
of the ancient town. Several successful adventuring You head around to the front of the wagons and see
groups have pulled out much silver and gold from the several skeletons attacking the front wagons. Several of
ruins as well as more mundane goods such as metals and the other guards are fighting them, but a few guards
old furniture. keep looking back to see if aid is coming to help them.
Several noble families in Waterdeep sponsored the The drivers are trying to keep the horses calm while
expedition and sent Durgin to investigate. The news and getting the wagons out of the way.
items brought back to the city have the nobles excited.
The news of Neverwinter sending their own groups to This is a good encounter for the PCs to test their
explore the ruins has the nobles worried enough to send abilities and the first time the characters can work
some of their own to investigate for themselves. together in combat. Set the encounter up by having the
PCs come up one side of the wagon train and see a few
They hope to find that Durgin’s lead in exploring the
guards fighting up in front of the lead wagon. Have 4
town has led them to secure the best sites and treasures.
skeletons not engaged start approaching from the side
They also hope that he has recovered and seeds and
where the PCs can intercept. You can also have the lead
papers they can use to lay rightful claims upon the town
guard shout to the PCs to take those out while they deal
in eventual hopes that the town will be rebuilt once
with these.
The skeletons for their part fight until destroyed. You
Adventure Setup should let the PCs deal with their side and not worry
The PCs are soon to arrive in Durgin’s Hold, having about the other groups. Simply have the other guards
been escorting a small caravan of food and goods from destroy their skeletons at the same time the PCs are
Waterdeep over the last 10 days. A roadside encounter wrapping up. If the encounter is going bad for the PCs,
earns the PCs respect from the caravan master and you can have guards come to aid, or provide some
Thanks from Durgin once inside the Hold. healing if needed. Try to not overshadow the PCs and
their actions by keeping the rest of the action in the
The Caravan master alerts Durgin about the visiting background. If the PCs take out their side easily, you can
nobles in 3 days’ time and Durgin needs the PCs to
secure meat for the banquet. The PCs need to choose

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have them assist the others, but should end the end the He has word about a group of nobles coming to visit and
encounter after only another round or two. needs to serve them a welcoming banquet. He spoke
with Conway and he recommended your group since
The PCs will not know why they are out attacking, but
your aid along the road proved your abilities.
can get a few clues by searching the remains. A Wisdom
check (Perception DC12) tells the PCs that the skeletons Durgin understands that the PCs are eager to explore
were human, goblin, and lizardfolk. The humans wear the city and seek fortune, but hopes that they can take a
old armor parts similar to city guards. A success also few days to aid him and Conway in this matter. He can
allows the PCs to notice that there is a mark carved into offer each PC 10gp or the party a potion of healing. He
the skull of each skeleton. The mark shows a circle with can also entice the PCs with pointing out good sites for
a slash through it and two dots below the circle. This visiting. He can also hint at locations in the outer mining
mark is also found in the broken tower later in the areas where the PCs will be traveling that can be good
module for the PCs to link clues together. sites that are mostly unexplored.
If the PCs follow their trail, it appears that it trails back The PCs can be given a hand-scratched map of the
towards the swamp. The wagon master does not want region (appendix 1) and pointed to either location that
the PCs following and just wants to get to the Hold the inn hopes to find something exotic enough to serve
before dark. The rest of the trip will be uneventful. to the nobles. They are also given a mule that can carry
enough of the meat back. Elissa will provide the group
Treasure: The skeletons carry no treasure and any gear
with a basket lunch before the head out as thanks and
or weapons are rusted and not worth anything.
hopes their journey is safe.
Skeleton_(4) __ ______Med undead, LE The Kobold Lands
Armor Class- scraps 13
Hit Points (2d8+4) 13 #1 The Broken Tower ___
Speed 30 ft.
The PCs should have little trouble traveling to the old
mines and finding their way with their map. The old
10 14 15 6 8 5
road leads to the broken tower where they must choose
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
to go after the bear or the boar. Either way, kobolds use
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning the ruins as a lookout and a few are here when the PCs
Damage Immunities poison come upon them.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison Read the following once the PCs approach.
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Languages understands- usually Common The ruined tower is little more than the bottom floor
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) and a partial second floor standing among the thin
Actions_______________________ ______ stands of trees. It is roughly 30ft square and has rubble
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). piled along one side where the top fell long ago.
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
As you approach, you see a humanoid figure standing
Durgin’s Hold in the doorway waving you to come in. He appears
partially hidden shadows but you can make out a cloak
The caravan will eventually arrive in Durgin’s Hold.
Several residents and staff will come out to aid in and some sort of metal armor.
removing supplies to the storehouses. PCs can aid in this
or head to the inn where a staff member is around, but Kobolds using the tower have set up a mannequin
the owners Conway and Elissa are busy until all the dressed in old armor and a tattered cloak. It may not
supplies are offloaded. fool the PCs if they suspect a trap or bandits. Once the
PCs approach within 30ft they can make a Wisdom check
The PCs can be paid 3gp each for their guard duty along (Perception DC12) to determine that the person is fake.
the road and would be offered employment again if they If PCs beat a DC15, they can also see a few kobolds
are heading back south. Conway will thank them for hiding among the ruins and past the mannequin.
aiding in the fight along the road and provide free supper
Once the kobolds think they have been seen, they will
and ale for the night. There is not much to purchase
attack. They try to wait until the PCs are in the tower
here, but PCs can buy limited supplies aimed at
where they can move in behind, but do not mind trying
to surprise them from the tower and ruins. The kobolds
Eventually Durgin will come to the group and ask to sit are not trying to get themselves killed and will flee once
and introduces himself as the leader of this small hold. half their numbers are killed.

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Investigating the tower reveals that it is used quite a lot #2 The Boar Hunt ___
by the kobolds. There is trash and junk scattered around
along with graffiti showing stick figures of kobolds killing An hour’s walk past the broken tower leads the PCs to
humans and such. There is also a long chain to tying off the area where they think the boars live. There is a low
an animal such as a wolf or bear. PCs can make a lying area with a marshy bog. You can have the PCs
Wisdom check (Survival DC14) to determine that the fur make a group Wisdom check (Survival DC13) to find a
and tracks are from a giant badger. Rangers and good location where the giant boar are seen to pass
characters with the hermit background can have through. If more than half the PCs fail the check you
advantage on this check. PCs can also make a Wisdom should have a group of kobolds attack them as a
check (Perception DC13) to notice that one of the wandering encounter. After this, move to the encounter
symbols painted on the wall matches the same symbol with the boar.
they may have noticed carved on the skeletons from the Read the following once the PC’s find the boar ambush
first encounter on the road. site.
PCs may want to try and track the kobolds back to their
The sparse woods give way to a more swampy section
lair. The tracks are easy enough to follow and lead to the
old mines area on the PCs map. This leads away from of the forest. The animal path you have been following
their mission, but PCs may want to know what is out leads to a small clearing dominated by a large 5ft rock
here and scout the extent of the kobold threat. Their lair with a large tree trunk leaning upon it. To the right the
is detailed in the next module, but DMs should feel free ground gets more swamp-like and reeds poke through
to lay out over a dozen kobolds and several giant rats the waist high shrubs.
that the PCs can see from the wood line. This should
give 1 level characters pause before attacking. As you begin searching the area for boar tracks you spy
Treasure: The kobolds each have 1d10cp and 1d4sp. 3 sets of tracks. One belongs to a boar that may be
larger than a horse, while the other 2 are smaller, but
Kobold_(6) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE still more than the average boar. Looking around he
Armor Class- leather scraps 12 begin to hear grunting noises before seeing a boar
Hit Points (2d6-2) 5 charge out from the swampy are near the base of the
Speed 30 ft. fallen tree. Luckily it does not seem to be the large one.
7 15 9 8 7 8 The PCs can roll a Wisdom check (Perception DC12) or
(-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1) be surprised by the boar. The boar charges at the largest
PC in range of its charge ability. It will try and flee once
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
its HP drops below 5, but usually that means it cannot
Languages Common, Draconic
get away. You can have a second juvenile come on
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
round 3 if the first one is nearly dead and you think the
Abilities________________ ____________
encounter was not satisfying enough.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or
target in sunlight. Statistics for the giant boar are in the appendix, but it is
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if listed as a CR2 monster which is most likely more than
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t the PCs can handle. You can give hints and threats of it
incapacitated. coming back if the PCs remain in the area too long after a
Actions________________ _____________ short rest.
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). Treasure: The boar does not have any treasure. PCs
Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’ can find its lair by the base of the fallen tree. There they
find the remains of a hobgoblin. It still has 1d10sp and
1d6sp. There is also a potion of healing among the

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Boar, Giant-Juvinile __Med. Beast, UN #3 The Bear Hunt ___
Armor Class- natural 12 Two hour’s walk past the broken tower towards the
Hit Points (3d8+6) 20 mountains lead the PCs to the area where they think the
Speed 40 ft. bears live. They come to a rocky area with smaller caves
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and boulders. You can have the PCs make a group
14 11 14 2 7 5 Wisdom check (Survival DC13) to find a cave where a
(+2) (+0) (+2) (-4) (-2) (-3) bear are seen to pass through. If more than half the PCs
fail the check you should have a group of kobolds attack
Senses Perception -1 them as a wandering encounter. After this, move to the
Languages Nil encounter with the bear.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities_______________ _____________ Read the following once the PC’s find the bear’s den.
Charge. If it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
target and hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the The small cave you found shows good signs of having
target takes an extra (1d6) slashing damage, and must a bear living within. The narrow entrance gives way to a
make a Strength save (DC12) or be knocked prone. roughly 20ft room with a sloping ceiling that makes it
Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 7 hard to shoot in this room. A second room opens behind
damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is this small one to a larger room maybe 30x20ft. This one
reduced to 1 hit point instead. has a few small holes in the ceiling that lets in enough
Actions________________ _____________
light to see a nesting site on the right wall and a rotting
Tusk. +4 to hit, Hit: (1d8+2) damage.
carcass on the left side.

A large bear is stretching its muscles near the nesting

area, seemingly having hears your entrance.

The bear attacks until killed if it is in its lair. If the PCs

have lures it out or waited until it emerges on its own, it
will try to flee if knocked below half its HP.
Treasure: The decaying body is the remains of a
hobgoblin. It still has 1d10sp and 1d6gp. There is also a
potion of healing among the remains.

Bear, Brown __Lg. Beast, UN

Armor Class- natural 11
Hit Points (4d10+12) 35
Speed 40 ft.
19 10 16 2 13 7
(+4) (+0) (+3) (-4) (+1) (-2)

Senses Perception +3
Languages Nil
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Abilities_______________ _____________
Keen Smell and Hearing. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception)
checks- hearing and smell.
Actions________________ _____________
Multiattack. Make two attacks: one bite and one claws.
Bite. +5 to hit, Hit: (1d8+4) damage.
Claws. +5 to hit, Hit: (2d6+4) damage.

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#4 Wandering Encounter ___ Kobold_(4) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE
Use this encounter if the PCs fail their Survival check Armor Class- leather scraps 12
while searching for either the boar or bear. You can also Hit Points (2d6-2) 5
use this encounter on the return trip to Durgin’s Hold if Speed 30 ft.
you need to expand the adventure of feel the PCs need STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
another encounter to challenge them. 7 15 9 8 7 8
(-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1)
Read the following while the PCs are travelling on a
trail or road. Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
Languages Common, Draconic
A group of kobolds seem to have been following you Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
in the area. From behind you roughly 30ft you hear Abilities________________ ____________
several of the beasts yell out before they charge. One Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or
prods a pair of giant rats in front of him. target in sunlight.
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
The kobolds think they can attack and steal the meat if at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
the PCs have some or just to gain treasure. They try to incapacitated.
wait before they flee until they are down to only one or Actions________________ _____________
two. Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2).
Treasure: The kobolds each carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp. Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’
One also carries a 10gp gem.
Part 2: The Kobold Lair
Rat, Giant (2) ___ Small beast, UN Adventure Setup
Armor Class natural 12 The PCs have completed the first part of the adventure
Hit Points (2d6) 7 and find themselves relaxing after the banquet with food
Speed 30 ft. and drink. If they are not already planning to investigate
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the kobolds and the skeleton threat you can have Durgin
7 15 11 2 10 4 approach them.
(-2) (+2) (+0) (−4) (+0) (−3)
He can tell them that he overheard that the kobolds in
Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0 the outer mines are gathering in numbers and asks the
Languages — PCs to investigate. He tells them that he has heard about
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) a leader kobold, a shaman that has gathered forces and
Abilities________ ____________________ lives in one of the outer mines. He fears that they are
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that hiding something larger than what kobolds present.
rely on smell. He is not sure on their exact location, but knows where
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if several of the mines are and he has already sent another
at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of the adventuring party several days ago. He fears that they
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. are captured of dead and asks the PCs to find them if
Actions___________ __________________ able and recover them if alive or bury them if dead. He
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing damage. offers 25gp per PC to locate them. Durgin will also give
them another potion of healng if the PCs do not wish to
go on another mission, or if they hesitate about finding
the other adventuring party.
Traveling to the mines takes 3-4 hours and is relatively
easy. You can have an encounter with some kobolds as a
wandering scouting party. You can also have the PCs
make a group Dexterity check (Stealth DC12) to be able
to sneak up to the entrance area and gain surprise upon
the kobolds there.

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The Mines Badger, Giant___ Med. beast, UN
Armor Class- natural 10
#1 The Entrance ___
Hit Points (2d8+2) 13
There are several old mine entrances in the area. This Speed 30 ft. Burrow 10ft.
one has a mostly intact building out front and an old STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
foundation that has been converted into an animal pen. 13 10 15 2 12 5
Read the following while the PCs approach. (+1) (+0) (+3) (−4) (+1) (−3)

Senses DV 30 ft., Perception +1

As you approach to the edge of trees closest to the
Languages —
entrance to the mines, several things are noticeable.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
There is a large, one-story building to the right of the Abilities__________________ __________
main entrance. Part of the closest wall is crumbling, but Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks- smell.
still intact. Smoke trails out of a chimney in the rear. Actions_______________ ______________
The other side of the entrance is a building foundation Multiattack. Make two attacks: bite and claws.
that has been converted into an animal pen. You can see Bite. +3 to hit, Hit: 4 (1d6+1)
Claws. +3 to hit, Hit: 6 (2d4+1)
several sheep inside.

The main entrance has a large set of double doors just Kobold_(6) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE
inside the main entrance. They are closed at this time, Armor Class- leather scraps 12
but two guards are stationed just outside. There is also a Hit Points (2d6-2) 5
few other kobolds milling around the building and one Speed 30 ft.
with a giant badger watching the sheep pen. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
7 15 9 8 7 8
The kobolds may be surprised depending on if the PCs (-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1)
made the group Stealth check approaching. If they
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
failed, the badger senses their approach and alerts the
Languages Common, Draconic
other kobolds. There are 2 kobolds guarding the
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
entrance. They will stay there and shoot until things
Abilities________________ ____________
start turning and they will try to enter and warn the
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or
others. The 2 milling around will charge along with the
target in sunlight.
one with the badger. The badger will attach fearlessly.
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
The last 2 are in the house and will come out on the
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
second round to attack. You can have more kobolds
come out of the building if you feel the encounter was
Actions________________ _____________
too easy, but the first three encounters were designed to
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2).
be taken before a short rest leading to the final
Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’
Treasure: The kobolds each carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp. #2 The Strongroom ___
One also carries a longsword of good quality worth 10gp.
This room was once the transfer room for silver coming
out of the mine. Workers would take the silver from the
deep smelter and transfer it to larger wagons here.
Today, kobolds use it for storing supplies and protecting
the interior rooms.
Read the following when the PCs enter.

The doors open to a large room measuring 20x40ft.

Another 10ft hall with a closed door lays out the far end
of the room. Dim light comes from a fireplace on the
right wall. A table with some sort of food upon it sits
near the fireplace. The left wall contains several crates
of supplies amid a few old mining carts.

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Near the fire are a few kobolds and you can make out a #3 The Warrens ___
couple more near the rear doors. The dim light makes it This encounter encompasses a few smaller rooms into
hard to determine how many creatures are on the left one large area. Originally these were offices and guard
side of the room. rooms, but today they are mostly sleeping quarters and
housing for the young.
The PCs can role a Wisdom check (Perception DC13) to Read the following when the PCs enter and proceed
also hear rat sounds coming from the left crate areas. partway down the hall.
Overall there are 2 kobolds on the right near the fire and
2 kobolds on the left side near the far doors. There are You enter a dark hallway 10ft wide and roughly 50ft
also 2 giant rats hiding among the crates on the left. All long. The sides are filled with old rags and other piles of
will attack as soon as the notice the PCs. filth. A small hall is on your left a short ways down and
Treasure: The kobolds each carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp. another hall further down on the right. These look like
One also carries a longsword of good quality worth 10gp. they lead to small dark rooms. At the end of the hall
Rat, Giant (2) ___ Small beast, UN there appears to be a larger room with a faint bit of light
Armor Class natural 12 coming from the area.
Hit Points (2d6) 7 As you enter you here a dozen or more kobold voices
Speed 30 ft.
and shouts coming from the darkness all around you. At
7 15 11 2 10 4 the end of the tunnel you see a few smaller shadows
(-2) (+2) (+0) (−4) (+0) (−3) cross the dim light.

Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0 At some point the adult kobolds will come and attack
Languages — from the main room and the right. They will try and
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) flank the PCs and go around them to provide an escape
Abilities________ ____________________ for their young and women that are with them. The
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that kobold brutes will attack directly trying to get the fighter-
rely on smell. types to meet them while the other kobolds flank and
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if shoot. The PCs could get into trouble here if they do not
at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of the have light or become flanked. DMs are free to add or
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. subtract creatures from the encounter as you see fit.
Actions___________ __________________ You can describe seeing a few adults sheltering young
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing damage. kobolds and trying to hide them or push them to flee,
but they do not put up any fight and cover if cornered.
Kobold_(4) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE They can be killed but offer no additional XP.
Armor Class- leather scraps 12 In the larger room at the end there is a hanging cage
Hit Points (2d6-2) 5 that holds one of the members of the missing
Speed 30 ft. adventuring party. Light comes from a single candle on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA top of the cage. He is currently unconscious, but can be
7 15 9 8 7 8 woken after a few minutes. His name is Garty and was
(-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1) sent here to investigate the kobold threat to Durgin’s
Hold. If he is healed he would like to help find out what
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2 happened to the rest of his party. Use the statistics for
Languages Common, Draconic the wagon guard in the appendix. He knows that most
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) of the party is dead, but thinks one or two were captured
Abilities________________ ____________ with him.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or
Searching the area leads to the small room with the
target in sunlight.
lockable door that the brutes lived in with their family. It
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
contains the listed treasure not part of the individual
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
Actions________________ _____________ Treasure: The kobolds each carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp.
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). The room with the door contains a deerskin pouch with
Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’ 50sp and 25gp inside.

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Kobold, Brute (2) _ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
at least one of the rat’s allies is within 5 feet of the
Armor Class- Hide, shield 16
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Hit Points (4d6+4) 20
Actions___________ __________________
Speed 30 ft.
Bite: +4 to hit, (1d4+2) piercing damage.
11 15 12 8 7 8
(+0) (+2) (+1) (−1) (−2) (−1) #4 The Shaman Throne ___
This room once was the junction between the surface
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2 rooms and the entrance to the lower mines. It is locked
Languages Common, Draconic today to keep the demons and other threats from the
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) deep away from the kobolds. Both the entrance door
Abilities_______ ___________________ and rear doors are locked, requiring a Dexterity check
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or (Thieves Tools DC14) to open.
target in sunlight.
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if Read the following when the PCs enter, but before they
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t are under the trap.
Actions________________ ___________ This room opens to a large room roughly 40x40ft with
Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). a 20x20ft alcove in the rear right. In the rear left area is
a tunnel with another set of doors similar to the ones
Kobold_(4) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE you just entered. In the middle of the room is a throne
Armor Class- leather scraps 12 of some sort made of old ore carts, with more carts in a
Hit Points (2d6-2) 5 pile along the left wall. A table and some sort of lab or
Speed 30 ft. kitchen is set around the alcove.
7 15 9 8 7 8 There are 3 more hanging cages in the room containing
(-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1) more bodies, but only one looks alive near the cart-
throne. You also notice several skeletons chained to the
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2 wall near the doors leading further into the mines. A
Languages Common, Draconic
leader kobold dressed in tattered robes sits on the
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Abilities________________ ____________ throne petting a skeletal drake of some type. There is
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or also a few other kobolds in this room with some that
target in sunlight. look like guards and others more like servants.
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t There is a trap in the room directly in front of the hall
incapacitated. leading in. This may distract and slow the PCs down
Actions________________ _____________ enough for one of the kobolds to release the skeletons
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). chained in the far corner. Any of the kobolds can release
Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’ the skeletons. Each round they can release 3 of the
skeletons. If none of the skeletons are released, they are
only a threat within 10ft of the hall area. The wyrmpriest
Rat, Giant (2) ____ Small beast, UN
created and controls the skeletons, but has them
Armor Class natural 12
blocking the rear hall from intrusion from the demons
Hit Points (2d6) 7
further inside the mines.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The wyrmpriest will try to withdraw towards the corner
7 15 11 2 10 4 with the skeletons to defend him while the other kobolds
(-2) (+2) (+0) (−4) (+0) (−3) defend the area and the wyrmpriest. This is a difficult
encounter and meant to be the last of the day. If things
Senses DV 60 ft., Perception 0 are going badly, you can have the skeletons act randomly
Languages — once the wyrmpriest is killed. He is not that tough and
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) most PCs will try and focus on him. The randomly acting
Abilities________ ____________________ skeletons may attack a few kobolds instead of PCs. Also,
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that you can have the remaining kobolds try and flee once
rely on smell.

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the leader is killed and only leave the remaining Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
skeletons for the PCs to finish off. at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
The side room marked 4a on the map is concealed incapacitated.
behind the pile of ore carts. The wyrmpriest uses it as Actions________________ _____________
his private bedroom. PCs searching the room can find it Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2).
easily enough and should only need to roll a Wisdom Sling: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). 30’/120’
check (Perception DC11) to notice during combat if one
of the kobolds retreats into the room. Skeleton_(6) __ ______Med undead, LE
Treasure: The kobolds each carry 1d10cp and 1d6sp. Armor Class- scraps 13
The wyrmpriest has a potion of healing inside a soft cloth Hit Points (2d8+4) 13
next to his bed along with a periapt of wound closure. Speed 30 ft.
He wears an amulet of Health. Hidden in the room is a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
small sack containing 40sp and 40gp. An Intelligence 10 14 15 6 8 5
check (Investigation DC13) is needed to locate this. (+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)

Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning

Damage Immunities poison
Kobold, Wyrmpriest_ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Armor Class- leather 13
Senses DV 60’, Perception -1
Hit Points (3d6) 12
Languages understands- usually Common
Speed 30 ft.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Actions_______________________ ______
7 15 10 8
7 (−2) 8 (−1) Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
(-1) (+2) (+0) (−1)
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
Languages Common, Draconic Skeleton, Drake (2) Med. Undead, UN
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Armor Class- scraps 13
Abilities_________ _________________ Hit Points (4d8+12) 30
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or Speed 40 ft.
target in sunlight. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if 12 15 16 6 8 6
at least one ally is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t (+1) (+2) (+3) (−2) (-1) (−2)
Actions________________ ___________ Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2). Damage Immunities poison
Energy Orb: +4 to hit, (1d8) cold. 20’/60’ Senses DV 60 ft., Perception -1
Frost Breath (Rec ): 15ft cone. Dex Save (DC 12) for Languages —
half. (3d6) cold damage. Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities_______________ _____________
Pack Tactics. Adv. on an attack roll against a creature if
Kobold_(4) ____ _Sm. Humanoid (kobold), LE at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the target and
Armor Class- leather scraps 12
the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Hit Points (2d6-2) 5
Actions_________________ ____________
Speed 30 ft.
Bite: +5 to hit, (1d8+2) piercing and make a Dex ST DC 13
or become grappled. While grappled auto hit each
7 15 9 8 7 8
round for (1d4+2). (To escape grapple make athletics or
(-1) (+2) (-1) (−1) (−2) (−1)
acrobatics check DC13)
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Abilities________________ ____________
Sunlight Sensitivity. Disadvantage on attacks when he or
target in sunlight.

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Falling Net Trap________________________________ Playtest Notes:
See Trap: Wisdom (Perception DC12 in bright light, DC15 This module proved a fine first adventure. The PCs had an
in dim light). easy time with the initial encounter and defeated the skeletons
Disable Trap: Dexterity (Thievery DC14) Prevents falling in only a couple rounds and went to assist the other guards.
Activates: tripwire or lever There was some good roleplaying while at Durgin’s Hold with
Set Off Trap: Enter area or by enemy releasing wire. the innkeeper and his wife leading to the adventure.
Target must make a Dexterity save (DC13) or be hit by a The hunt went good and the PCs chose to go after the boar
net until escape. over the bear. They rolled a group check to locate it and all the
PCs rolled over 15 so I moved directly to the encounter. The
Net. A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained
boar scored a critical on the fighter and dropped him, but the
until it is freed. A creature can use its action to make a
others managed to kill the boar and revive the fighter. I did not
DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature want to send another boar after them or certainly the giant
within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage boar.
to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without They returned to the Hold and celebrated with free drinks
harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. and food. I had the inn clear out a room for them even though
When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to they are usually booked and new adventurers sleep in the barn
attack with a net, you can make only one attack or common room. The players enjoyed their characters getting
regardless of the number of attacks you can normally some minor celebrity status. The next morning Durgin asked
make. them to return for the second part of the module, but I gave
them enough XP to make 2 level.
I was a bit pinched for time the next week and moved them
What’s Next? ___ directly to the kobold lair. They had an easy time with the first
If the PCs successfully bring back either the bear or the couple rooms, but the kobold brutes managed a critical on the
boar they will be cheered within the Hold. The nobles fighter and he needed to withdraw. That encounter proved a
bit tense since it was dark and I was giving them information
come a couple days later and the inn provides a good
only on what their torchlight could manage. I described the
meal for them. The PCs can be invited to take part in the flirting shadows from women and children kobolds scattering
meal, but in the next room with the rest of the staff. and trying to hide. The side tunnels held uncertainty, so the
DMs can create a meeting with the nobles or some of PCs stayed away from them. They left the non-combatants
their staff and guards. These contacts with the nobles alone to flee after the fighting started.
can lead to follow on adventures of the DMs making. They went into the last encounter after a short rest. It
The second part of the adventure leads to the next started off fine but the fighter charged forward and became
adventure when the PCs must deal with the true threat surrounded trying to get to the wyrmpriest. The encounter
became very tough when the skeletons started to get released.
behind the skeletons and the kobold leader in the region. rd
The wyrmpriest released 3 of them on the 3 turn and the
The PCs also earn the respect of Durgin and he will be th
other 3 on the 4 turn. The cleric turned the skeletons and
true to his word and recommend the PCs for further pushed 3 of them to the corners of the room while the rest of
adventures if they have succeeded. the PCs finished off the kobolds and skeletal drakes. By the
time the PCs pushed to the corner after dealing with the rest of
the room, they must have been more damaged than I thought.
Awarding Experience Points ___ The fighter went down from a skeleton attack and the thief
DMs should award experience based on each encounter managed to kill the wyrmpriest before dropping himself. The
and monsters that were overcome. A story award of cleric dropped as well leaving the barbarian in a tough
100xp each should be given for bringing the banquet situation.
meat back to the Hold before the nobles arrive. There The cleric has a noble background and had a squire follower
should be another award of 100xp each for defeating the who was holding the torch in the rear of the room and I
kobold threat. allowed him to run up and give the cleric a potion of healing.
The barbarian ended up with some great rolls and killed the
remaining skeletons before the cleric could revive the others.
I have lowered the skeletal drakes AC from 15 to 13, but
depending on the make-up of your group I would also eliminate
one of them. You can also remove 2 of the skeletons and it
would still be a tough encounter. I also think that if the PCs
were able to shoot and prevent the skeletons from being
released it would be an easier encounter.

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PC’s Map

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Kobold Lair 1

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Kobold Lair 2

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NPC Wagon Guard _____ Med humanoid (any), any
Armor Class- chain shirt, shield 16
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft.
13 12 12 10 11 10
(+1) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Perception +2
Languages usually Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions________________ _____________
Spear: +3 to hit, (1d6+1). 20’/60’
Short Sword: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).

NPC Wagon Driver _ Med human, NG

Armor Class- leather 13
Hit Points (1d8+1) 6
Speed 30 ft.
12 12 10 10 10 10
(+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Perception +4
Languages usually Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_____ ______________ ________
Club: +3 to hit, (1d4+1)
Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8)

Boar, Giant __Lg. Beast, UN

Armor Class- natural 12
Hit Points (5d10+15) 42
Speed 40 ft.
17 10 16 2 7 5
(+3) (+0) (+3) (-4) (-2) (-3)

Senses Perception -2
Languages Nil
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Abilities_______________ _____________
Charge. If it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
target and hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the
target takes an extra (2d6) slashing damage, and must
make a Strength save (DC13) or be knocked prone.
Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 10
damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is
reduced to 1 hit point instead.
Actions________________ _____________
Tusk. +5 to hit, Hit: (2d6+3) damage.

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