Al-Zno Paper Joam

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Vol. 13, No. 10, October 2011, p. 1331 - 1337

Al doped ZnO thick films as CO2 gas sensors

L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik 422003, Maharashtra, India.
Thin and Thick film Laboratory, Dept. of Electronics, M.S.G.College, Malegaon Camp 423105, Dist. Nashik,
Maharashtra, India

Thick films of pure and Al doped ZnO with various concentrations (1 wt. %, 3 wt. %, 5 wt. %, 7 wt. % and 10 wt. %) of Al
were prepared on alumina substrates using a screen printing technique. These films were fired at a temperature of 700C
for two hours in an air atmosphere. Morphological, compositional and structural properties of the samples were studied
using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDAX) and X-ray diffraction techniques
respectively. The gas sensing studies were carried out in a static gas sensing system under normal laboratory conditions.
The surface resistance of thick films changes when exposed to CO2 gas. The Al doped films show significant sensitivity to
CO2 gas than pure ZnO film. 10 wt. % Al-doped ZnO films were found to be more sensitive to CO2 gas exposed at 250 C
than other doping concentrations with fast response and comparatively slow recovery time.
(Received August 17, 2011; accepted October 20, 2011)
Keywords: ZnO, Al, Thick films, Screen printing, CO2

1. Introduction
Nowadays, there is a great interest in implementing
sensing devices in order to improve environmental and
safety control of gases. There is also great needing of this
kind of sensors to carry out the optimization of
combustion reactions in the emerging transport industry
and in domestic & industrial applications. Solid state gas
implementation and low prices [1, 2, 3]. Transition metal
oxides such as TiO2, SnO2, WO3, ZnO, In2O3 etc. appear
to be best candidates for semiconductor gas sensors [1, 2,
4-9]. The sensitivity of these devices is based on the
dependence of conductivity of metal oxides on the
surrounding atmosphere. Nevertheless, full development
of such devices require an improvement of their
characteristics by the introduction of metal additives
[10].These additives enhance the material sensitivity &
selectivity & decrease the response time & the operating
temperature of the sensing layer [11,12]. Another
important property is that the presence of metallic
additives can also modify the growth kinetic. The amount
and distribution of the metal is the most important
parameter to be controlled in order to obtain the highest
sensitivity [13].
ZnO is an n-type semiconducting oxide of the group II
metal zinc, and belongs to the P63mc space group [14].
The undoped ZnO has high n-type conductivity due to
defects such as oxygen vacancies and Zn interstitials,
which form donor levels [15]. ZnO has high transparency
in the visible and near-ultraviolet spectral regions, wide
conductivity range and conductivity changes under
photoreduction/oxidation condition [16]. Accordingly this
binary compound has wide applications in chemical
sensors, heterojunction solar cells, electrophotography,
surface acoustic wave devices, conductive transparent

conductors and many others. However, pure ZnO films

lack stability in terms of thermal edging in air or corrosive
environments [17]. Therefore polycrystalline ZnO films
doped metal ions such as indium (In), aluminum (Al),
gallium (Ga), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) etc. have been
reported to enhance their structural, optical and electrical
properties [18]. Doping is particularly done to get high
transparency, stability and high conductivity. Aluminium
doping is particularly suitable for this purpose. Aluminium
doped ZnO (AZO) films have high transmittance in the
visible region, and a low resistivity, and the optical band
gap can be controlled by using Al doping amount [19].
Accordingly they have got potential applications in solar
cells, antistatic coatings, solid-state display devices,
optical coatings, heaters, defrosters, chemical sensors etc.
[19-21]. Al has been used to improve the electrical
conductivity and thermal stability of ZnO films. For this
work, Al3+ substitution on Zn2+ was chosen due to the
small ion size of Al3+ compared to that of Zn2+ (rAl3+ =
0.054 nm and rZn2+=0.074 nm) [22].
Al doped films showed the potential to increase
the gas response of ZnO films, since their performance is
directly related to the exposed surface area, electrical and
sensitivity characteristics [23-25].
Due to environmental concerns, carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere needs to be monitored and controlled
regularly. The atmosphere contains 0.038% CO2 while the
concentration of CO2 in exhaled air was approximately
6%. The regulations from OSHA (Occupational Safety and
Health Administration) limited CO2 in the workplace to
0.5% for a prolonged period, and the U.S. National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health limited brief
exposures (up to ten minutes) of CO2 to 3% [26].
Recently, carbon dioxide (CO2) gas sensor have attracted
considerably attention for applications in greenhouse gases
(GHGs) monitoring. This type of sensors is also required


Arun Patil, Chandrakant Dighavkar, Ratan Borse

for quality assurance of carbon dioxide used in soft drinks,

mineral waters and beers according to The International
Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) [27]. To assess
the potential for such applications we investigated screen
printed ZnO: Al films as sensing material for a novel
carbon dioxide sensor.
2. Experimental

ray spectrometer (JOEL-JED 6360 LA). The thickness of

the films was measured using a Taylor-Hobson (Taly-step
UK) system and was observed to be uniform in the range
of 20m to 25m.
The average crystallite size was calculated from XRD
pattern using following Debye Scherers formula [28],


2.1 Materials
AR grade ZnO was used as a functional material. AR
grade Al powder was used as a dopant. Glass frit
(70 wt. % PbO, 18 wt. % Al2O3, 9wt. % SiO2 and 3wt. %
B2O3) was used as a permanent binder and ethyl cellulose
(EC) was as local binder. Butyl carbitol acetate (BCA) was
the vehicle used to prepare the paste of ZnO: Al material.
2.2 Screen printing process
The ZnO: Al pastes used in screen printing were
prepared by maintaining the inorganic to organic materials
ratio of 70:30. Inorganic part consists of a functional
material (ZnO), dopant (Al) and glass frit. Organic parts
consist of 8% ethyl cellulose (EC) and 92% butyl carbitol
acetate (BCA). The Analar (AR) grade ZnO with x wt. %
Al (x = 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10%) and 5 wt. % of glass frit were
mixed thoroughly in an acetone medium with mortar and
pestle. A solution of EC and BCA in the ratio 8:92 was
made, which was added drop by drop to achieve the
thixotropic properties of the paste. ZnO thick films were
prepared on alumina substrates using a standard screenprinting technique. A nylon screen (40s, mesh no.355)
was used for screen-printing. The required mask (2 x 1.25
cm) was developed on the screen using a standard
photolithography process. The paste was printed on clean
alumina substrates (5 x 2 cm) with the help of a mask.
The pattern was allowed to settle for 15 to 20 minutes
in air. The films were dried under infrared radiation for 45
minutes to remove the organic vehicle and then fired at a
temperature of 700oC for 2 h ( which includes the time
required to achieve the peak firing temperature , constant
firing for 30 minutes at the peak temperature and then to
attain the room temperature) in a muffle furnace. During
the firing process glass frit melted and the functional
material and dopant were sintered. The function of glass
frit is to bind the grains of functional and dopant materials
together and also to adhere the film firmly to the substrate
2.3 Characterization
The structural properties of ZnO: Al films were
investigated using X-ray diffraction analysis from 20-800
[Rigaku diffractometer (Miniflex Model, Rigaku, Japan)
with CuK, =0.1542 nm radiation] with a 0.1o/step (2) at
the rate of 2 s/step. A scanning electron microscopy
(SEM- JOEL JED-2300) was employed to characterize the
surface morphology. The composition of ZnO: Al thick
film samples were analyzed by an energy dispersive X-



where, = Full angular width of diffraction peak at the at

half maxima peak intensity. = wavelength of Xradiation.
The average particle size was measured from SEM and
specific surface area was calculated for spherical particles
using the following equation [29].

SW =



where d is the diameter of the particles, is the composite

density of the particles.
The D.C. resistance of the films was measured by using
half bridge method in an air atmosphere at different
temperatures. The gas sensing studies were carried out on
a static gas sensing system under normal laboratory
conditions. The electrical resistance of thick films in air
(Ra) and in the presence of CO2 vapour (Rg) was measured
to evaluate the gas response (S) given by the relation,

Sensitivity ( S ) =

Ra R g



where Ra is the resistance of the ZnO: Al thick films in

air and Rg is the resistance of the ZnO: Al thick films in
CO2 atmosphere.
The selectivity of the films for the particular gas with
respect to other was determined by the relation,

S other gas
% Selectivity =
S t arg et gas



Where S is sensitivity of the films

3. Result and discussion

3.1 Elemental Analysis
The elemental compositions of ZnO: Al films were
analyzed using an energy dispersive spectrometer and is
shown in Table.1. The mass% of Zn and O in each sample
was not as per stoichiometric proportion. The ZnO film
doped with 10 wt. % Al was observed to be most oxygen
difficient. The deficiency of the constituent material

Al doped ZnO thick films as CO2 gas sensors

particles or an excess of it leads to the semiconducting

behaviour of the material. [30]
Table 1. Composition of Al doped ZnO films.




















3.2 Structural analysis

The crystalline structure of the films was analyzed
with X-ray diffractogram in the 20-800 (2) range using
Cuk radiation. Figure 1 shows the XRD pattern of
undoped and Al doped ZnO thick films of different
concentrations. From the XRD pattern of Al doped ZnO
films of different doping concentrations, the observed
diffraction peaks correspond to the hexagonal wurtzite
structure of ZnO (JCPDS 36- 1451). It has been observed
that ZnO phase has preferred orientation in (101) plane.
XRD pattern of all the films seem to be qualitatively
similar. No metallic Al characteristic peak was observed.
From 5 wt. % to 10 wt. % al doping, the slight increases in
the intensity of strong orientation of alumina substrate
(Al2O3) was observed. This may be due to Al replacing
zinc substitutionally in the lattice or Al segregation to the
non-crystalline regions in the grain boundary [31]. From
5wt. % to 10 wt. %, the excess Al was suppose to be
converted into Al2O3. The average crystallite size was
calculated from XRD pattern using Debye Scherers
formula represented by equation 1. The crystallite size of
10 wt. % Al doped films was observed as 17.47nm which
is less than its value for other doping concentrations.


3.3 Surface morphology analysis

It is well known that the gas sensing properties of a
metal oxide thick film strongly depends on its
morphological features. A high surface area facilitates the
chemisorptions process by increasing the adsorption and
desorption rates [32]. Figure 2 indicates the SEM images
of pure and x wt. % of Al (x = 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 wt. %)
thick films. Fig. 2-(a) shows the microstructure of pure
ZnO thick film. It showed that the microstructure is nearly
uniform with negligible open porosity. From Fig.2-(b, c,
d, e, f), Formation of submicrometer crystallites
distributed more or less uniformly over the surface. No
cracks are detected. Some holes indicating porosity is
present. Agglomeration of small crystallites also seems to
be present in the certain region. The contrast difference is
due to different orientations of the crystallites. The
microstructure observation indicated that the Al addition
decreased the grain growth at higher doping concentration.
The particle size of pure ZnO films is more than Al doped
ZnO films. As Al concentration increased upto 3 wt. %,
the particle size increases and the surface roughness
increases. For the further doping concentration of Al upto
10 wt. %, the particle size decreases and the surface
roughness decreases. It may be due to segregation of Al to
the non crystalline region in the boundary [33].
The specific surface area was calculated by using
equation 2.The films doped with 10 wt. % Al showed
higher specific surface area. The specific surface area
increases as the size of the grains decreases [29]. Table-2
presents the particle size and surface area of ZnO thick
films doped with different wt. % of Al.

Fig.2a.SEM of Pure ZnO film

Fig.1 XRD pattern of pure ZnO and ZnO: Al films

Fig.2b.SEM of 1 wt. % Al: ZnO film


Arun Patil, Chandrakant Dighavkar, Ratan Borse

Table 2. Particle size and surface area of ZnO- Al
composite thick films.

wt. % of Al
Pure ZnO

Particle size in

Specific Surface
Area in m2/g





Fig.2c.SEM of 3 wt. % Al: ZnO film

3.4. Gas sensing characteristics

Fig.2d.SEM of 5 wt. % Al: ZnO film

Fig.2e.SEM of 7 wt.% Al: ZnO film

Fig.2f.SEM of 10 wt.%Al: ZnO film

Fig. 3 shows the gas sensitivity of pure ZnO and

different wt. % Al doped ZnO thick films fired at 700oC
exposed to 1000 ppm of CO2 with operating temperatures.
Sensitivity is the device characteristic of perceiving a
variation in physical and/or chemical properties of the
sensing material under gas exposure. The sensitivity of the
films was determined using equation 3. The sensitivity of
pure ZnO thick film to CO2 was found to be 12.1% at
3000C. Pure ZnO is notably less sensitive than doped
ZnO.The sensitivity of 10 wt. % Al doped ZnO film was
observed as 87.3% at 2500C which is higher than other
dopant concentrations. The selectivity of the films was
determined using equation 4. Fig. 4-(a) shows histograms
indicating the selectivity of 10wt. % of Al doped ZnO
thick films for different gases against CO2. Selectivity or
specificity is defined as the ability of a sensor respond to a
certain (target) gas in the presence of other gases.
Fig. 4-(b) shows variation of sensitivity of 10wt. %
Al doped ZnO thick films for different gases with
operating temperatures. The films showed highest
selectivity to CO2 at 2500C against other tested gases viz:
NH3, LPG. H2S, Ethanol, NO2. Figure 5 shows the
variation of sensitivity of the 10% Al doped ZnO films
with CO2concentrations (in ppm) at 250oC temperature.
The response and recovery times of 10wt. % Al doped
ZnO thick films are represented in Figure 6. The response
was quick (~ 25 sec) to 1000 ppm of CO2 while the
recovery was slow (~ 110 sec). The response/recovery
time is an important parameter, used for characterizing
sensors. It is defined as the time required to reach 90% of
the final change in voltage or resistance, when the gas is
turned on or off, respectively. The sensor performance
obtained in this work is comparatively better than O.Lupan
et al [23] where they could obtain 22.5 % sensitivity at

Al doped ZnO thick films as CO2 gas sensors

Fig.3 Gas sensitivity of pure and doped films for 1000

ppm CO2


Fig.5. Variation of gas Sensitivity with gas


Fig.4(a) Selectivity of 10wt. % of Al: ZnO film for

different gases against CO2
Fig.6 Response and recovery time of 10% Al doped
ZnO film.

Fig.4(b) Variation of sensitivity of 10wt. % Al doped

ZnO thick film for different gases with temp.

The higher response may be attributed to the optimum

porosity and largest effective surface area available to
react with the gas. The response could be attributed to the
adsorptiondesorption type of sensing mechanism. The
adsorptiondesorption sensing mechanism is proposed on
the base of reversible chemisorptions of the carbon dioxide
on the ZnO surface. It produces a reversible variation in
the resistivity with the exchange of charges between
carbon dioxide and the ZnO surface leading to changes in
the depletion length [23, 34]. Thus, one way to improve
sensitivity is to increase the change in the surface/volume
ratio by adding Al like dopants [23, 35]. It is well known
that oxygen is adsorbed on a ZnO surface as O- or O2- by
capturing electrons [23, 36].


Arun Patil, Chandrakant Dighavkar, Ratan Borse

When Al-doped zinc oxide gas sensor is exposed to

gas, the reversible chemisorptions can take place:
CO2 + Vo + 2e CO + Oox


where Vo is a double positive charged oxygen vacancies,

e is negatively charged electron, Oox is neutral oxygen in
oxygen site according to the KrogerVink notation [37].
It is obvious from the figure 4(b) that operating
temperature plays a vital role in determining the response
of the film. In fact, there exists an optimum operating
temperature of a sensor to achieve the maximum response
to a gas of interest, the temperature being dependent upon
the kind of gases, i.e. the mechanism of dissociation and
further chemisorptions of a gas on the particular sensor
surface [38]. Also, the adsorption of atmospheric oxygen
on the film surface depends upon the operating
The temperature (thermal energy) at which the gas
response is maximum is the actual thermal energy required
to activate the material for progress in reaction. However
the response decreases at higher operating temperature, as
the oxygen adsorbates are desorbed from the surface of the
sensor [39]. Also at higher temperature, the carrier
concentration increases due to intrinsic thermal excitation
and Debye length decreases. This may be one of the
reasons for decreased gas response at higher temperature
At a low operating temperature, the response of the
films to CO2 is restricted by the speed of the chemical
reaction because the gas molecules do not have enough
thermal energy to react with the surface adsorbed oxygen
species. In fact, during adsorption of atmospheric oxygen
on the film surface, a potential barrier to charge transport
is developed.
When the optimum amount of Al (10 wt. %) is
incorporated on the surface of the ZnO film, Al or Al2O3
species would be distributed uniformly throughout the
surface of the film. As a result the initial resistance of the
film is high and this amount would also be sufficient to
promote the catalytic reaction effectively and the overall
change in the resistance on the exposure of CO2 gas
leading to an increase in the sensitivity. When the amount
of Al or Al2O3 on the surface of the film is less than the
optimum, the surface dispersion may be poor and the
sensitivity of the film is observed to be decreased since the
amount may not be sufficient to promote the reaction more
The 10 wt. % Al: ZnO films were exposed to different
concentrations of CO2. The sensitivity values were
observed to have increased by increasing the gas
concentration up to 1000 ppm. The response was highest
for 1000 ppm of CO2. From the above graph, it has been
observed that the sensitivity of thick films for CO2 at
250oC increases linearly with increase in gas concentration
upto 500 ppm. Above 500 ppm the increase in sensitivity
is slow and almost saturates at 1000 ppm.Thus the active
region of the sensor would be up to 500 ppm. At lower gas
concentrations, the unimolecular layer of gas molecules
would be formed on the surface of the sensor which could

interact more actively giving larger response. At the higher

gas concentrations, the multilayer of gas molecules may
formed that would result into saturation in response
beyond 500 ppm. The excess gas molecules would remain
idle and would not reach the surface active sites of the
film. So, the response at higher concentrations of the gas
was not expected to increase in large extent [41].
The quick response may be due to faster
oxidation of gas. The aluminum species catalyses the
reaction promoting the rapid electron transfers between the
adsorate and substrate.

4. Conclusions
From the results obtained, following conclusions can
be made for the sensing performance of Al doped ZnO
thick films,
It has become possible to make thick film gas sensors
using screen printing method.
Pure ZnO thick films showed low response to CO2.
10wt. % Al doped ZnO thick films showed highest
response to CO2 at 2500C.
The sensitivity increases in proportion to the test gas
concentration upto 500ppm and then increase is slow.
The sensor has good selectivity to CO2 against LPG,
NH3, H2S, Ethanol and NO2 at 2500C.
The sensor showed very rapid response and slower
recovery to CO2.
The authors thank management authorities of M.G.
Vidyamandir Malegaon camp Dist:-Nasik, The Principal,
M.S.G. College, Malegaon and the Principal, L.V.H.
College, Nashik for providing all the required
infrastructural facilities for doing this work.

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