Drugs Study. PTB. DM

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Drug, Dosage, Mechanism Contraindicati Side/adverse effect Nursing consideration

Frequency & of action on


Claforan Inhibits Contraindicated CNS: dizziness,  Watch and discontinue

(cefotaxime)1gm synthesis of with patients lethargy, paresthiasis, if hypersensitivity
TIV q12hr bacterial cell with allergy to GI: n/v diarrhea, occur.
ANST(-) wall causing cephalosphorin anorexia, abd. Pain,  Inform patient that she
cell death or penicillin. flatulence, may be experiencing
Indication: pseudomembranous the side effect like
treatment for use cautiously colitis, hepatotoxicity stomach upset and
lower respiratory with renal GU: nephrotoxicity diarrhea
infection caused failure Hematologic: rash to  Report immediately
by fever, anaphylaxis severe diarrhea, DOB,
ataphylococcus Local: pain, fatigue and pain and
aureus, klebsiella inflammation and inflammation at the IV
species, abscess at injection site
enterobactor site, phlebitis.  Obtain specimen for
species culture and sensitivity
test before giving first
Drug, Dosage, Mechanism Contraindication Side/adverse effect Nursing
Frequency & of action consideration

metronidazole Bactericidal:  Contraindicated CNS: Headache,  Avoid use unless

(Flagyl) 500mg, Inhibits DNA with dizziness, ataxia, vertigo, necessary.
PO TID synthesis in hypersensitivity incoordination, insomnia, Metronidazole is
specific to seizures, peripheral carcinogenic in
indication: acute (obligate) metronidazole; neuropathy, fatigue some rodents.
infection with anaerobes, pregnancy (do GI: Unpleasant metallic  Administer oral
susceptible causing cell not use for taste, anorexia, nausea, doses with food.
anaerobic death trichomoniasis vomiting, diarrhea, GI  Do not drink alcohol
bacteria in first upset, cramps (beverages or
trimester). GU: Dysuria, preparations
 Use cautiously incontinence, darkening of containing alcohol,
with CNS the urine cough syrups);
diseases, Local: Thrombophlebitis severe reactions
hepatic (IV); redness, burning, may occur.
disease, dryness, and skin irritation  Report severe GI
candidiasis (topical) upset, dizziness,
(moniliasis), Other: Severe, disulfiram- unusual fatigue or
blood like interaction with weakness, fever,
dyscrasias, alcohol, candidiasis chills.
lactation. (superinfection)
Drug, Dosage, Mechanism Contraindication Side/adverse effect Nursing consideration
Frequency & of action

Diamicron Decrease Allergy to this Hypoglycemic  Patients who are NPO

(gliclazide) 20mg hepatic medicine manifestations: may need to have their
2 tabs before glucose, Diabetes requiring sweating, pallor, dose held to avoid
breakfast decrease treatment with intense hunger, hypoglycemia
intestinal insulin or insulin- malaise. Skin  Instruct the patient to
Indication: absorption dependent reactions: urticaria, follow as closely possible
For non-insulin of glucose. diabetes Keto- itching, skin rash. the diet prescribed by the
dependent Increased acidosis, diabetic Nausea, diarrhea, doctor
diabetes (type utilization of precoma, severe stomach upsets,  Regularly carry out the
2), in association glucose but liver or kidney constipation, laboratory tests as
with dietary not cause disease, treatment hepatitis. Abnormal prescribed or
measures and hypoglycemi with miconazole laboratory results recommended by the
with exercise, a affecting blood and doctor
when these liver functions  Note for onset of Diabetes
measures alone  Take with GI upset occur
are not sufficient.  Don’t crush/chew
extended released drug
Drug, Dosage, Mechanis Contraindication Side/adverse effect Nursing
Frequency & m of consideration
route action

gentamicin Bactericidal  Contraindicated CNS: Ototoxicity—tinnitus, dizziness,  Monitor hearing

sulfate 80mg : Inhibits with allergy to any vertigo, deafness (partially reversible to loss with long term
TIV q* ANST(-) protein aminoglycosides. irreversible), vestibular paralysis, confusion, therapy
synthesis disorientation, depression, lethargy, visual
 Use cautiously disturbances, headache, numbness,
 Culture infected
indication: in with renal or tingling, tremor, paresthesias, muscle area before
Serious susceptible hepatic disease; twitching, seizures, muscular weakness, therapy.
infections strains of preexisting hearing neuromuscular blockade  Ensure adequate
caused by gram- loss; active CV: Palpitations, hypotension, hypertension hydration of patient
susceptible negative infection with GI: Hepatic toxicity, nausea, vomiting, before and during
strains of bacteria; herpes, vaccinia, anorexia, weight loss, stomatitis, increased therapy.
Pseudomonas appears to varicella, fungal salivation
 Report pain at
aeruginosa, disrupt GU: Nephrotoxicity
infections, injection site,
Proteus species, functional Hematologic: Leukemoid reaction,
myobacterial agranulocytosis, granulocytosis, leukopenia, severe headache,
Escherichia coli, integrity of infections leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, dizziness, loss of
Klebsiella- bacterial eosinophilia, pancytopenia, anemia, hearing, changes in
Enterobacter- cell hemolytic anemia, increased or decreased urine pattern,
Serratia species, membrane, reticulocyte count, electrolyte disturbances difficulty breathing,
Citrobacter, causing Hypersensitivity: rash, urticaria, exfoliative rash or skin
Staphylococcus cell death. dermatitis, itching lesions; itching or
species irritation
Drug, Dosage, Mechanism of Contraindication Side/adverse effect Nursing
Frequency & action consideration

tramadol Binds to mu-  Contraindicated CNS: Sedation,  Limit use in patients

hydrochloride opioid receptors with allergy to dizziness or vertigo, with past or present
(Ultram) and inhibits the tramadol or headache, confusion, history of addiction
30mg/ml 1amp reuptake of opioids or acute dreaming, sweating, to or dependence on
TIV ANST(-) norepinephrine intoxication with anxiety, seizures opioids.
and serotonin; alcohol, opioids, CV: Hypotension,  Report severe
Indication causes many or psychotropic tachycardia, bradycardia nausea, dizziness,
Relief of effects similar drugs. Dermatologic: Sweating, severe constipation.
moderate to to the opioids,  Use cautiously pruritus, rash, pallor,  Control environment
moderately but does not with seizures, urticaria (temperature,
severe pain have the concomitant use GI: Nausea, vomiting, lighting) if sweating
respiratory of CNS dry mouth, constipation, or CNS effects
depressant depressants or flatulence occur.
effects. renal or hepatic Other: Potential for
impairment. abuse, anaphylactoid

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