MATLAB Simulink For Single Phase PWM Inverter in An Uninterrupted Power Supply
MATLAB Simulink For Single Phase PWM Inverter in An Uninterrupted Power Supply
MATLAB Simulink For Single Phase PWM Inverter in An Uninterrupted Power Supply
Asst. Professor of EEE Department, R.V.S. College of Engineering & technology, Jamshedpur,
Electrical Engg.Department, NIT Patna, India
Abstract: Now a days Uninterrupted power supply is very necessary for industry, and domestic purpose.
This paper presents the design and implementation of UPS for using personal computer. Here solar
energy is used for charging the battery in sunny days and in absence of solar energy it will automatically
connect to main AC supply. Also MATLAB simulation work is done for PWM single phase inverter and
full bridge rectifier.. Here microcontroller is used for switching between solar plate and main AC supply
to Battery. By using this method we can save our electricity bill which is consumed in charging of battery.
Keywords: Single-phase Inverter, Battery cell, Sinusoidal pulse-width-modulation and microcontroller.
I. Introduction
In the last few decades, the traditional power generation methods of burning fossil fuels has affected
the environment, causing an increase in the greenhouse gas emissions that lead to global warming.
Consequently, thishas become the driving force for the growing interest in alternative energy [1, 2].However, a
battery inverter system is more preferable and more flexible to operate in stand-alone modeapplications. The
single-phase inverters in stationary battery cell power generation systems have been installedworldwide in case
of utility power failures and are widely used in delivering backup power to critical loads,such as for computers
and life-support systems in hospitals, hotels, office buildings, schools, utility powerplants, and even in airport
terminals, as well as in communication systems [5]. Any UPS system has two operating modes: bypass mode
and backup mode. Ideally, a UPSshould be able to deliver a regulated sinusoidal output voltage with low total
harmonic distortion(THD) during the two modes, even when feeding nonlinear loads. The first step is to
generate 5V smooth DC so that microcontroller may be switched ON i.e. regulated DC power supply.
MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply
MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply
Switching state of the SPWM and the corresponding voltage levels are given and waveform is shown below.
In MATLAB simulation is done for regulated power supply and inverter. After simulation a constant dc
supply voltage is found for inverter input. Heresimulation blockand its output result is shown.
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |
MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply
MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply
Figure 9:(a) Terminal current of the battery when the loadchanges from a resistive load of 400 W to an
inductive loadof 500 W with 0.85 PF lagging.(b) Output voltage after the load changes from a resistive load of
400 W toan inductive load of 500 W with 0.85 PF lagging.
In this project PIC microcontroller is used. Although in simulation microcontroller is not shown but in
hardware part microcontroller is used by which battery charging is done by solar energy whenever it is available
otherwise it is connected to main supply. The complete circuit diagram is shown below of this project in which
microcontroller plays as a brain of this UPS system.
MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply
The inverter unit consists of four, IGBTs connected as a bridge and drivewith a low cost driver. The
experimental result matched with simulation results. Although any parameters are adjusted for giving
fundamentalfrequency rms output voltage of 220V at 50 Hz. With this inverter unit, furtherresearch on singlephase inverters can becarried out such as soft switching inverters. By using this proposed UPS we can save
electricity bill and also can use better alternate renewable energy source. In this project there is future scope is
that during presence of solar energy we can use solar energy instead of main supply.
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MATLAB Simulink for single phase PWM inverter in an uninterrupted power supply