1 Typical Duties of Welding Inspectors

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Welding Inspectors are employed to assist with the quality control (QC)
activities that are necessary to ensure that welded items will meet specified
requirements and be fit for their application.
For employers to have confidence in their work, Welding Inspectors need to
have the ability to understand/interpret the various QC procedures and also
have sound knowledge of welding technology.
Visual inspection is one of the nondestructive examination (NDE)
disciplines and for some applications may be the only form of NDE.
For more demanding service conditions, visual inspection is usually followed
by one or more of the other non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques
surface crack detection and volumetric inspection of butt welds.
Application Standards/Codes usually specify (or refer to other standards)
the acceptance criteria for weld inspection and may be very specific about
the particular techniques to be used for surface crack detection and
volumetric inspection, they do not usually give any guidance about basic
requirements for visual inspection.
Guidance and basic requirements for visual inspection are given by:
BS EN 970 (Nondestructive Examination of Fusion Welds Visual

Basic Requirements for Visual Inspection (to BS EN

BS EN 970 provides the following:

Requirements for welding inspection personnel.

Recommendations about conditions suitable for visual examination.
The use of gauges/inspection aids that may be needed/helpful for
Guidance about when inspection may be required during the stages of
Guidance about information that may need to be included in the
inspection records.

A summary of each of these topics is given in the following sections.

Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Welding Inspection Personnel

Before starting work on a particular contract, BS 970 states that Welding
Inspectors should:

Be familiar with relevant standards*, rules and specifications for the

fabrication work that is to be undertaken
Be informed about the welding procedure(s) to be used
Have good vision in accordance with EN 473 and should be checked
every 12 months

(* standards may be National or Client)

BS EN 970 does not give or make any recommendation about a formal
qualification for visual inspection of welds. However, it has become industry
practice for inspectors to have practical experience of welding inspection
together with a recognised qualification in Welding Inspection such as a
CSWIP Qualification.

Conditions for Visual Inspection

BS EN 970 states that the minimum illumination shall be 350 lux but
recommends a minimum of 500 lux*.
* normal shop or office lighting
Access to the surface, for direct inspection, should enable the eye to be:

Within 600mm of the surface being inspected

In a position to give a viewing angle of not less than 30


Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Aids to Visual Inspection

Where access is restricted for direct visual inspection, the use of a mirrored
boroscope, or a fibre optic viewing system, are options that may be used
usually by agreement between the contracting parties.
It may also be necessary to provide auxiliary lighting to give suitable
contrast and relief effect between surface imperfections and the
Other items of equipment that may be appropriate, to facilitate visual
examination, are:

Welding gauges (for checking bevel angles and weld profile, fillet sizing,
measuring undercut depth).
Dedicated weld gap gauges and linear misalignment (highlow) gauges.
Straight edges and measuring tapes.
Magnifying lens (if magnification lens used to aid visual examination it
should be X2 to X5).

BS 970 has schematics of a range of welding gauges together with details

of what they can be used for and the precision of the measurements that
can be made.

Stages when Inspection may be Required

BS EN 970 states that examination is normally performed on welds in the
aswelded condition. This means that visual inspection of the finished weld
is a minimum requirement.
However, BS EN 970 goes on to say that the extent of examination, and the
stages when some inspection activity is required, should be specified by the
Application Standard or by agreement between Client and fabricator.
For fabricated items that must have high integrity, such as pressure
vessels and piping or large structures inspection activity will usually be
required throughout the fabrication process, namely:

Before welding
During welding
After welding

Inspection activities at each of these stages of fabrication can be

considered to be the Duties of the Welding Inspector and typical
inspection checks that may be required are described in the following

Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector

The relevant standards, rules and specifications that a Welding Inspector
should be familiar with at the start of a new contract are all the documents
he will need to refer to during the fabrication sequence in order to make
judgements about particular details.
Typical documents that may need to be referred to are:

The Application Standard (or Code)

(for visual acceptance criteria see note below*)
Quality plans or inspection check lists
(for the type and extent of inspection)
(for assembly/fit-up details and dimensional requirements)
QC procedures
(Company QC/QA Procedures such as those for document control,
material handling, electrode storage and issue, WPSs etc)

*Note: Although most of the requirements for the fabricated item should be
specified by National Standards, Client Standards or various QC
Procedures, some features are not easy to define precisely and the
requirement may be given as to good workmanship standard.
Examples of requirements that are difficult to define precisely are some
shape tolerances, distortion, surface damage or the amount of weld spatter.
'Good workmanship is the standard that a competent worker should be able
to achieve without difficulty when using the correct tools in a particular
working environment.
In practice the application of the fabricated item will be the main factor that
influences what is judged to be good workmanship or the relevant client
specification will determine what is the acceptable level of workmanship.
'Reference samples are sometimes needed to give guidance about the
acceptance standard for details such as weld surface finish and toe blend,
weld root profile and finish required for welds that need to be dressed by
grinding or linishing.
A Welding Inspector should also ensure that any inspection aids that will be
needed are:

In good condition
Calibrated as appropriate/as specified by QC Procedures

Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Safety consciousness is a duty of all employees and a Welding Inspector


Be aware of all safety regulations for the workplace

Ensure that safety equipment that will be needed is available and in
suitable condition

Duties Before Welding


Welding equipment
Weld preparations
Joint fit-ups
Weld faces
Preheat (if required)

Is in accordance with drawing / WPS
Is identified and can be traced to a test certificate
Is in suitable condition (free from damage and
Have been approved and are available to welders
(and inspectors)
Is in suitable condition and calibrated as appropriate
Are in accordance with WPS (and/or drawings)
Identification of welders qualified for each WPS to be
used all welder qualification certificates are valid (indate)
Those to be used are as specified by the WPSs are
being stored/controlled as specified by the QC
Are in accordance with WPS/drawings tack welds are
to good workmanship standard and to code/WPS
Are free from defects, contamination and damage
Minimum temperature is in accordance with WPS

Duties During Welding

Site/field welding
Welding process
Preheat (if required)
Welding parameters
Root run
Interrun cleaning
Rev 1 April 2008
Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Ensure weather conditions are suitable/comply with
Code (conditions will not affect welding)
Is in accordance with WPS
Minimum temperature is being maintained in
accordance with WPS
Max. temp. is in accordance with WPS
Are in accordance with WPS and being controlled as
Current, volts, travel speed are in accordance with
Is visually acceptable to Code (before filling the joint)
(for single sided welds)
Is by an approved method and to good workmanship
Is to good workmanship standard
Is on the approval register/qualified for the WPS being

Duties After Welding

Weld identification
Weld appearance

Dimensional survey
PWHT (if required)
Pressure/load test
(if required)

Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

Each weld is marked with the welder's identification
Each weld is identified in accordance with
drawing/weld map
Ensure welds are suitable for all NDT (profile,
cleanness etc)
Visually inspect welds and sentence in accordance
with Code
Check dimensions are in accordance with
Ensure any modifications are included on 'as-built
Ensure all NDT is complete and reports are available
for records
Monitor in accordance with the Procedure
Monitor for compliance with Procedure (check chart
Ensure test equipment is calibrated
Monitor test to ensure compliance with Procedure/
Code ensure reports/records are available
Ensure all reports/records are completed and collated
as required

Examination Records
The requirement for examination records/inspection reports will vary
according to contract and type of fabrication and there is frequently no
requirement for a formal record.
When an inspection record is required it may be necessary to show that
items have been checked at the specified stages and that they have
satisfied the acceptance criteria.
The form of this record will vary possibly a signature against an activity on
an Inspection Checklist or on a Quality Plan, or it may be an individual
inspection report for each item.
For individual inspection reports, BS EN 970 lists typical details for inclusion
such as:

Name of manufacturer/fabricator
Identification of item examined
Material type and thickness
Type of joint
Welding process
Acceptance standard/acceptance criteria
Locations and types of all imperfections not acceptable
(when specified, it may be necessary to include an accurate sketch or
Name of examiner/inspector and date of examination

Rev 1 April 2008

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties
Copyright 2008 TWI Ltd

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