Perfect Gift That God Wants For Us
Perfect Gift That God Wants For Us
Perfect Gift That God Wants For Us
23 March 2015
TBI BSM Assignment #9
Prayer in the Gospel of Luke
1. In 3:21, what happened when Jesus prayed at His baptism?
Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also
baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened
and the Holy Spirit descended
2. What are the significant events in Jesus ministry in which he
prayed before the event occurred?
a. 6:12-13 - Jesus preaches to the masses in Galilee
b. 9:18- Jesus predicts his death
c. 9:28- The transfiguration (God declares Jesus his son)
d. 22:40-42- Jesus is arrested
e. 23: 34, 46- Jesus is crucified
f. 24:30- Jesus appears to the disciples
3. What are the five petitions in His model for prayer in Luke 11?
How can we apply each petition when we pray?
a. 1st petition: Hallowed be Thy name.
i. may Your name be held holy
ii. Praying for the return of our Savior
b. 2nd petition: Thy kingdom come.
i. Praying for the Lords return
ii. Allowing Christs reign to be effective in our life
c. 3rd petition: Thy will be done on (in) earth, as it is in
i. Return of Christ
ii. Willing to be obedient to Gods will
d. Give us this day our coming days (daily) bread.
i. Heavens blessings
ii. Look to heaven to fulfill our appetites for every good and
perfect gift that God wants for us.
e. 5th petition: And forgive us our debts as we forgive our
i. Asking for forgiveness
Caroline Jok
23 March 2015
TBI BSM Assignment #9
Prayer in the Gospel of Luke
a. Father
i. Important to note because of the Trinity (Father,
Spirit, Son)
7. Explain how Jesus modeled praying for others (intercessory
prayer)? See 6:28; 10:2, 22:32
a. Bless those who curse you, pray for those that mistreat
b. Ask the lord of Harvest to send workers out into his
Harvest field.
c. I have prayed for you, Simon, That your faith may not
d. Always praying for FAITH and what they can do to further
Gods kingdom. Never with ill-will.
8. What is Jesus purpose of the Parable on Prayer 18:1-8?
a. Pray always and do not lose heart
9. While in the Garden of Gethsemane, what command does Jesus
give his disciples twice? What is the application for us?
a. pray that you would not fall into temptation
b. We cant do it alone, we need help and as previously
indicated, we need to ask for help from God when we need
After seeing Jesus posture in prayer, the content of His
prayers, and Gods response to His prayers: How do you apply
Jesus prayer life to your life?
a. Jesus shows complete reverence for God, respect and
submission. An undying thirst to fulfill Gods will, Trust,
selflessness, and conversation with God. In application to
my life, I should do the same. I dont need to hold back in
prayer, but I also need to show complete respect and
reverence towards God.