Ocean Dynamics and Modeling: Hypop
Ocean Dynamics and Modeling: Hypop
Ocean Dynamics and Modeling: Hypop
HYPOP: I’m part of the Climate Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling (COSIM) team at LANL. In this role, I
presently work on the developement of HYPOP, a hybrid vertical coordinate version of POP (Parallel
Ocean Program.) The latter, developed at LANL from GFDL’s modular ocean model is one of the most
widely used z-coordinate OGCM and is the ocean component of NCAR’s Community Climate System
POP vs MICOM: Prior to being part of the HYPOP model development team, I was involved, in the
COSIM effort to characterize and understand the differences in the representation of the thermoha-
line circulation (THC) in POP and Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM.) These two
OGCMs are based on the same governing equations but adopt fundamentally different formulations
and numerical techniques. The main difference is that POP uses depth as the vertical coordinate
while MICOM uses potential density as the vertical coordinate. The interplay of numerics and physics
could not be better illustrated than in the way POP and MICOM finally represent ocean circulation.
The specific setup consists of a global domain, bulk forcing through a Kraus-Turner mixed layer with
specified atmospheric climatology (no restoring boundary conditions), and a simple ice model (pub-
Besides my involvement in COSIM, I have maintained an independent set of research interests in GFD in
general and ’dynamics of ocean circulation’ in particular. I have had them funded mostly through small
one or two PI projects. Oceans are an important component of the earth’s climate system and many
issues of climate change are closely tied to transport processes in the oceans. Transport in the oceans is
primarily acheived by (1) the surface-intensified wind-driven circulation and (2) the buoyancy-driven
Thermo-Haline Circulation (THC) I’m working on specific aspects of these component modes using
both realistic Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCMs) and their more idealized counterparts, as
briefly described below.
MESOSCALE EDDIES (50-100 kms) play a vital role in large scale ocean circulation, but cannot
be adequately resolved in long term simulations and must therefore be parameterized. In separate
studies of wind-driven and buoyancy-driven components, I use idealized eddy-resolving models
of ocean basins in an effort to understand eddy-induced transport processes and to investigate and
develop parameterizations of these processes (public.lanl.gov/balu/Turb.html.)
GULF STREAM SEPARATION: Idealized studies of flow past a cylinder on a β-plane by Tansley
and Marshall (2001) imply that the Reynolds number of the vertically-homogeneous flow may
play an important role in the separation of Western Boundary Currents (WBC). By simulating the
vertically-homogeneous flow in the world oceans using realistic topography and coastlines, I’m
hoping to shed more light on this aspect of WBC separation.
THC DYNAMICS: I’m using MICOM in the global setup previously mentioned to study the role
of Ekman drift at the latitudes of the ACC in determining the rate of formation of deep water in the
North Atlantic.
LARGE EDDY SIMULATION (LES) is a powerful computational tool that has come to play
a central role in the investigation of turbulent, three dimensional, fluid flows that are of both
scientific and engineering importance. However, the use of these ideas in climate modeling, i.e.,
in the modeling of atmospheric and oceanic turbulence is severely lacking and does not extend
beyond the most elementary ideas of eddy viscosity. We also note that very different physical
phenomena underlie the mesoscale turbulence of the atmosphere and the ocean, as compared
to the much smaller scale three dimensional turbulence that is previously referred to. In recent
work, we have investigated the use of a class of LES models in modeling mesoscale turbulence in
idealized Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (GFD) problems and demonstrated the viability of some of
these models in reproducing important aspects of both eddy-driven mean circulation and eddy-
induced variability at coarse resolutions that resolve only the largest of the eddy scales. I plan to
extend this LES work to more realistic ocean circulation problems, both by implementing these LES
schemes in OGCMs, and investigating a hierarcy of test problems involving both wind-driven and
buoyancy-driven circulation. (public.lanl.gov/balu/les1.pdf)
iPOP: Long-term changes in climate are crucially controlled by the global ocean. However, because
of limitations inherent to the numerical techniques that underlie present day ocean models, state-
of-the-art climate change simulations resolve the oceans only very coarsely. Rather than evolve the
strongly-coupled multiple-scale ocean system on the fastest time scale, as is done in present day
models, with this project, one is able to evolve the dynamics on the long time scales of interest
through a series of quasi-steady states wherein the fast scales are continually equilibrated. In
collaboration with Mark Taylor, we have implemented recently developed, sophisticated, fully-
implicit integration techniques in a version of POP. This is intended to make possible long-term
simulations of ocean circulation at high resolutions and should serve as a prototype for the next
generation of climate-ocean models. (public.lanl.gov/balu/iPOP)