Optimal Design Methodology For An AGV Transportation System by Using The Queuing Network Theory
Optimal Design Methodology For An AGV Transportation System by Using The Queuing Network Theory
Optimal Design Methodology For An AGV Transportation System by Using The Queuing Network Theory
1 Introduction
In an automated port transportation system, timeliness is always an important constraint. Therefore, this system oers improvements in eciency. In
this paper, we propose an optimal design methodology for a transportation
system with AGVs. This design problem can be considered as combinatorial optimization problem. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the following
design elements: (1) an optimal number of working agents to satisfy the requirement, and (2) an optimal number of paths between agents.
Conventional researches relating to the design of transportation systems
are generally divided into two categories: (1) A method based on the analysis
of the local aspects of the transportation system [1][2], and (2) A method
based on solving problems with simulation [3][4]. Abe et al. [1][2] proposed a
design method using the open queuing network for optimal system design. In
this method, a belt conveyor was used at a coaling wharf. However, a transportation system using a transport agent, such as a belt conveyor, which may
move constantly, is inadequate for a multi-agent transportation system that
includes AGVs. On the other hand, Chiba et al. [3] proposed an integrated design methodology in AGV transportation systems. In this study, they designed
an optimal number of AGVs and transport routes based on a simulation. Liu
et al. [4] developed a microscopic simulation model for the purpose of designing, analyzing, and evaluating some dierent Automated Container Terminals
(ATCs).However, these two design methodologies are called simulation-based
optimization; therefore, they sometimes need a signicant amount of computational time to achieve an optimal design.
For this study, an AGV transportation system shown in Fig.1 was designed.
An objective of this study is to establish a specic methodology with the
following eects:
1. It is possible to model and design the transportation system as a multiagent system, globally and optimally.
2. The computational time deriving the design solutions is less than that
required in the simulation-based optimization method.
3. It is possible to evaluate and analyze the system proposed here.
To achieve the eects outlined above, we applied a closed queuing network,
which is used to analyze and design large-scale computer systems for transportation systems. However, because the transportation time changes when
the number of AGVs in the system changes, the following problem arises when
only the queuing network theory is used.
For this challenging point, we aim to integrate the queuing network theory
into the simulation-based method and iterate a design process; then, we will
propose a methodology which can exactly simulate the transportation delay
and thus estimate the eciency of the proposed methodology.
j1 (K) =
G[j] (K) =
j1 (K) = j1
G(K 1)
j1 (K) = hj1
G(K 1)
j1 (K) = hj1
G(K 1)
xj qj (xj )G[j] (K xj )
0xj K
qi (xi )
K: The Number of AGVs
j1 : The trac parameter
hj1 : The number of relative arrivals of AGVs
G(K): Normalization constant
G[j] (K): Normalization constant of j-complement in the network
N : The number of nodes
xj : The number of AGVs around the nodej
x Sj
, Sj < x
xSj x!
Sj !Sj
for (k = K; k >= 0; k ) {
8 }
q(y)G(k y)
4 System Design
4.1 Modeling of the transportation system
Fig.1 is modeled as shown in Fig.3 based on the cyclic queuing network. The
three areas in Fig.1 are assigned from nodes 1 to 4, and the number of cranes
and ATCs in the quay area and container yard area are the number of servers
at nodes 1 and 3. AGVs circulate through those nodes in the network until
their transportation tasks are completed.
4.6 Consideration
Consideration of design solutions by the throughput
Fig.6 indicates the throughput obtained by this design result. It can be conrmed that more than the optimal number of AGVs derived by this proposed
design algorithm could satisfy the requirement. From the simulation result,
the throughput is conrmed to be (a) 120.1 and (b) 126.6. From this result,
we consider that the proposed design methodology is available.
Fig.7 indicates the trac intensity curve at nodes 1 and 3 while the number of AGVs in the system increases. It has been conrmed that the trac
intensity of node 1 approximates 100 [%] faster than that of node 3. This shows
that more container cranes are needed to obtain much more throughput.
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