Structural Analysis of Ladder Chassis For Higher Strength

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)

Structural Analysis of Ladder Chassis for Higher Strength

Abhishek Singh1, Vishal Soni2, Aditya Singh3

PG student, 2Assistant Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Oriental Institute of Science & Technology, Bhopal-462021,
UG student, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, Shri Ram College of Engg & Management, Gwalior-476444, India
Chassis of Automotive or automobile helps keep an
automobile rigid, stiff and unbending. Automobile
chassis ensures less noise, vibrations and harshness
throughout the automobile.
The different types of automobile chassis are as

Abstract Automotive chassis is an important part of an

automobile. It forms the bones of a vehicle. The chassis
serves as a frame work for supporting the body and
different parts of the automobile, it should be rigid enough
to withstand the shock, twist, vibration and other stresses &
its principle function is to carry the maximum load for all
designed operating condition safely. An important
consideration in chassis design is to have adequate bending
stiffness along with strength for better handling
characteristics. Therefore, maximum shear stress and
deflection are important criteria for the chassis design. This
paper describes Structural analysis & optimization of
vehicle chassis with constraints of maximum shear stress
and deflection of chassis under maximum load. In the
present work, we have taken higher strength as the main
issue, so the dimensions of an existing vehicle chassis of a
TATA LP 912 Diesel BS4 bus is taken for analysis with
materials namely Steel alloy (Austenitic) subjected to the
same load. The four different vehicle chassis have been
modeled by considering four different cross-sections.
Namely C, I, Rectangular Box (Hollow) and Rectangular
Box (Intermediate) type cross sections. For validation the
design is done by applying the vertical loads acting on the
horizontal different cross sections.
Software used in this work Pro e 4.0 & Altair
Hyperworks (Hypermesh).

A. Ladder Chassis:
Ladder chassis is one of the oldest forms of
automotive chassis these are still used in most of the
SUVs today. It is clear from its name that ladder chassis
resembles a shape of a ladder having two longitudinal
rails inter linked by lateral and cross braces.

Keywords Vehicle chassis, Static analysis, Steel alloy

(Austenitic), C, I, Rectangular Box (Hollow) and
Rectangular Box (Intermediate) type cross sections.
Fig 1: Model of C cross section type of ladder chassis


B. Monocoque Chassis:
Monocoque Chassis is a one-piece structure it is
overall shape of a vehicle. Such type of automotive
chassis is manufactured by welding floor pan and other
pieces together. Therefore monocoque chassis is cost
effective and suitable for robotized production, now a
day most of the vehicles make use of steel plated
monocoque chassis.

Automotive chassis is a frame just like skeletal on

which various machine parts like engine, tires, axle
assemblies, brakes, steering etc. are bolted. It gives
strength and stability to the vehicle under different
conditions. Frames provide strength as well as flexibility
to the automobile. Automotive chassis is the supporting
frame like backbone of any automobile to which the body
of an engine, axle assemblies are affixed. Tie bars, which
are essential parts of frames, are fasteners that bind
different automotive parts together. Automotive frames
are generally manufactured from steel alloys. Frame
holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle.
According to the structure of chassis, the body of a
vehicle is flexibly molded at the time of manufacturing.
Automobile chassis is generally made of light sheet
metal. It provides strength needed for supporting
vehicular components and payload placed over it.

C. Backbone Chassis:
In Backbone chassis it has a rectangular tube type
backbone, which is usually made up of glass fiber that is
used for joining front and rear axle together. This type of
automotive chassis or automobile chassis is strong and
powerful enough to provide support it is used in smaller
sports car. Backbone chassis is easy to manufacture and
also cost effective.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
112 kg as compared to case 1, 2 and 3. So that the
modifications as per case 4 are also recommended, case 3
the weight reduction is 88 kg with maximum stress level
in range of 25MPa to 66 MPa.


Roslan Abd Rahman: does stress analysis on heavy
duty truck chassis by finite element package ABAQUS.
To improve the fatigue life of components at critical
point by design modifications the stresses can be reduces.
He uses ASTM low alloy steel a 710 C (Class 3) with
552 MPa of yield strength and 620 MPa of tensile
strength for chassis founds the maximum stress 386.9
MPa at critical point occurred at opening of chassis. This
critical point is located at element 86104 and node 16045,
which was in contacted with the bolt from it he
concludes, that this critical point is an initial to probable
Cicek Karaoglu: does stress analysis of heavy duty
truck chassis with riveted joints by using a finite element
package ANSYS version 5.3. He examine the effect of
the side member thickness and connection plate thickness
with length change, the thickness of the side member is
varied from 8 to 12 mm, and the thickness of the
connection plate is also varied by local plate from 8 to 12
mm, the connection plate thickness is varied from 7 to 10
mm, and the length of the connection plate (L) is varied
from 390 to 430 mm during his study. From it he
concluded that if it is not possible to change the side
member thickness using local plates, because of increase
in weight of chassis then choosing an optimum
connection plate length (L) seems to be best practical
solutions for decreasing the stress values.
Mohd Azizi Muhammad Nor: determine the stress
analysis of an actual low loader structure having I-beams
design application of 35 ton trailer. He uses CATIA
V5R18 for modeling. Analysis results show that the
location of maximum deflection and maximum stress
agrees with theoretical maximum location of simple
beam under uniform loading distribution. This shows that
there is discrepancy between the theoretical (2-D) and
numerical (3-D FEA) results. It shows that the maximum
deflection is pointed in situated in between BC1 and BC2
with magnitude of 7.79mm. The results show the
numerical analysis revealed that the location of
maximum deflection and maximum stress agrees well
with theoretical maximum location of simple beam
loaded by uniform force.
N.K. Ingole: make the modifications in existing model
of tractor trailer chassis by 1) Variation in cross members
in there Cross sectional areas, 2) Variation in cross and
longitudinal members in there cross sectional areas, 3)
Variation in cross and longitudinal members in there
cross sectional areas and 4) Changing the position of
cross members of main frames of chassis, Considering
variable cross sectional areas of cross and longitudinal
members. It was found that, maximum stress present in
existing chassis was 75 MPa and weight of chassis was
751.82 kg. Case 4 leads to reduction in weight of approx.


In present the Ladder chassis which are uses for
making buses and trucks are C and I cross section type,
which are made of Steel alloy (Austenitic). In India no of
passengers travel in the bus is not uniform, excess
passengers are travelling in the buses daily due to which
there are always possibilities of being failure/fracture in
the chassis/frame. Therefore Chassis with high strength
cross section is needed to minimize the failures including
factor of safety in design. Basically C cross section type
of chassis is used in buses and I cross section type in
heavy trucks where high strength is required. So we have
taken Rectangular Box type cross section for making
ladder chassis by fabricating it which is used in small
trucks. It will give best strength among all above three.
Another type of cross section we have taken is also
rectangular box type section but it is filled diagonally so
that this type of intermediate structure can increase the
strength of chassis.
The problem to be dealt with for this dissertation
work is to Design and Analyses using suitable CAE
software for ladder chassis.
The aim of this work is to achieve good strength
of automotive ladder chassis, so engineering solution to
the component addressing functionality during the
service life of the component. The component should
withstand all the forces acting on it without rupture or
failure or undue deformation that might render the
component incapable during its service life because of a
mishap due to sudden failure during operation.
An attempt to evolve an improved design resisting the
failure and in turn enhancing the life would be the
objective for this dissertation work. The key objectives
for this work:
1) Identify and study using software tools (for
characteristics of stresses acting on the
2) Evaluate the influence of the loads/ mass/
geometry/ boundary conditions over the nature and
extend of stresses.
3) Review the existing design and consider
improvement for negating the harmful influences
of undue stresses.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
A finite element stress analysis need to be carried out
at the failure region to determine the stress distribution
and possible design improvement. Since suitable
software like ProE, Catia, Solid Works, Unigraphics, etc.
are normally utilized for creating the geometry of the
component (3D model). The design verification can be
achieved without elaborate need for prototypes at each
phase saving time and effort. A final prototype for the
final design review can be employed for verifying the
analytical results.
Specification of Ladder chassis:
Wheel Base (WB) = 4920 mm
Rear Overhang (ROH) = 2700 mm
Front Overhang (FOH) = 1275/1430 mm
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) = 9000 kg = 9 ton
Length = 8897 mm
Width = 2200 mm

Fig 2: CAD Model of C cross section type of ladder chassis

Specification of Material (Steel alloy -Austenitic):

Mass density = 7.86 g/cm3
Yield strength = 207 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength = 345 MPa
Youngs Modulus = 220 GPa
Poissons ratio = 0.275
Shear Modulus = 86.2745 Gpa

Fig 3: CAD Model of I cross section type of ladder chassis

Basic Calculation for Chassis:

Weight of passengers = Weight per passenger No. of
= 75kg 51
= 3825 kg = 3.825 ton
Total load acting on chassis
= Gross vehicle weight + Weight of
= 9000 kg + 3825 kg = 12825 kg
= 9 ton + 3.825 ton = 12.825 ton
Chassis has two longitudinal members so load will be
acted upon these two longitudinal members. Therefore,
load acting on each member will be half of the total load
acting on chassis.

Fig 4: CAD Model of Rectangular Box (Hollow) cross section type

of ladder chassis

Load acting on one longitudinal member = 12.825

ton 2
= 6.288

Fig 5: CAD Model of Rectangular Box (Intermediate) cross section

type of ladder chassis


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
A). Analytical Method:
The analytical/ computational approach offers results
through simulation/ analyses for the case study
predefined for the solver. The technique would deploy
any of the following software tools: Ansys, Hyper mesh,
Nastran, Abaqus, Radioss or any compatible CAE
software in the `Structural domain.

Fig 10: Mesh quality check on C cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 6: Mesh on C cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 11: Mesh quality check on I cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 7: Mesh on I cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 12: Mesh quality check on Rectangular Box cross section type of
ladder chassis

Fig 8: Mesh on Rectangular Box cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 13: Mesh quality check on Rectangular intermediate cross

section type of ladder chassis
Fig 9: Mesh on Rectangular intermediate cross section type of
ladder chassis


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
B). FEA for ladder chassis:
Now a days in industry shorter product development
cycle and faster time-to-market is done, with increased
emphasis on up-front analysis to design, develop, and
optimize a reliable and durable product. Electronic
prototyping, reduce development costs instead of
hardware prototyping.
Today structural analysis is to perform system
analysis instead of component analysis. The advent of
faster computers and robust FEA software allows
Design engineers to build larger, more refined and
complex models resulting in timely, cost-effective,
accurate, and informative solutions to customer
The effects of stress, strain and displacement are
computed in the structural analysis under the varying
load condition.

Fig 16: Max Shear stress on C cross section type of ladder



C). Structural analysis of Ladder Chassis:


Fig 17: Displacement on I cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 14: Displacement on C cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 18: Von Mises stress on I cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 15: Von Mises stress on C cross section type of ladder chassis

Fig 19: Max Shear stress on I cross section type of ladder chassis


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
Rectangular Box (HOLLOW) Cross Section Type:

Fig 24: Von Mises stress on Rectangular Box (Intermediate) cross

section type of ladder chassis

Fig 20: Displacement on Rectangular Box (Hollow) cross section

type of ladder chassis

Fig 25: Max Shear stress on Rectangular Box (Intermediate) cross

section type of ladder chassis

Fig 21: Von Mises stress on Rectangular Box (Hollow) cross section
type of ladder chassis

In the analysis of existing component, we have

taken quad element of 3mm size for meshing. Element
size is taken in such a way every geometry feature
should be captured in mesh. If there is any hole then
washer is provided on it to get adequate result. More the
number of elements accuracy will increase but solution
time will also increase so a proper combination between
accuracy and solution time is considered while choosing
the element size.
After the calculation carried on Hyper Mesh we have
concluded that our Rectangular Box (intermediate)
section is safer under 12.825 tone load which is the Total
weight of vehicle including gross vehicle weight and
weight of passengers. The displacement is good of our
Rectangular Box (intermediate) section in comparison to
C, I and Rectangular Box (hollow) section type chassis
therefor our chassis is more safer among all type of cross

Fig 22: Max Shear stress on Rectangular Box (Hollow) cross section
type of ladder chassis

Rectangular Box (INTERMEDIATE) Cross Section Type:

Fig 23: Displacement on Rectangular Box (Intermediate) cross

section type of ladder chassis


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)




s Stress

Max. Shear













Box (Hollow)










From the results, it is observed that the Rectangular
Box (Intermediate) section is more strength full than the
conventional steel alloy chassis with C, I and Rectangular
Box (Hollow) section design specifications. The
Rectangular Box (Intermediate) section is having least
deflection i.e., 1.839 mm in all the four type of chassis of
different cross section. Finite element analysis is
effectively utilized for addressing the conceptualization
and formulation for the design stages. The results
obtained are quite favorable which was expected. The
iterations are carried out in the analysis phase which
yields the suitable values for design parameter.
Following information is achieved.
1) Part is safe under the given loading condition.
2) To improve performance, geometry has been
modified which enables to reduce stress levels
marginally well below yield limit.

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