Drugs Drugs Dtugs
Drugs Drugs Dtugs
Drugs Drugs Dtugs
Local: Pain,
abscess at
injection site,
inflammation at
IV site
including oral
candidiasis and
sweating, flushing
reactions with
Ipratropium Duavent Antiasthmatic Increases Hypersensitivity to Respiratory: >Per 2.5 mL Pulmoneb: Each Before:
Salbutamol and COPD bronchodilation soya lecithin or paradoxical pulmoneb pulmoneb of 1. The solution is
preparations through 2 distinctly related food bronchospasm, Ipratropium ipratropium intended only for
different mechanisms products e.g., bronchitis, Br 500 mcg, bromide- inhalation with
ie, anticholinergic soybeans or dyspnea, salbutamol salbutamol suitable
(parasympatholytic) peanuts; and to coughing, sulfate 2.5 contains 2500 nebulizing
and β2-agonist any component of respiratory mg. mcg (2.5 mg) of devices and
(sympathomimetic) Duavent or to disorders, salbutamol base should not be
effects. Simultaneous atropine and its pneumonia, >Per (with each drop taken orally.
administration of both derivatives. URTI, actuation containing 50 2. Asses for
an anticholinergic Hypertrophic pharyngitis, Ipratropium mcg). soybean or
(ipratropium bromide) obstructive sinusitis, rhinitis Br 21 mcg, peanut allergy.
and a β2- cardiomyopathy or salbutamol Adult (Including
sympathomimetic tachyarrhythmia. CV: sulfate 120 Elderly Patients) 3. Assess
(salbutamol sulfate) ECG changes mcg and Adolescents breathsounds,
produces a greater including >12 years: triggers; monitor
bronchodilator effect flattening of T Treatment of CXR, symptoms
than when either drug wave, Acute Attacks: and PFT’s.
is used alone prolongation of 1 pulmoneb (2.5
(www.mims.com). QTc interval, and mL) is sufficient During:
ST segment for prompt 1. Paradoxical
depression, symptom relief bronchospasm, a
arrhythmias, in many cases; 2 potentially life-
palpitation, pulmonebs (5 threatening
tachycardia, mL) may be event, frequently
angina, required in occurs with the
hypertension severe cases 1st use of a new
where an attack canister. If it
Hypersensitivity, has not been occurs,
immediate: relieved by 1 discontinue the
urticaria, pulmoneb. use
angioedema, of Duavent im-
bronchospasm, Maintenance mediately
anaphylaxis, Treatment:
oropahryngeal 2. Do not allow
edema 1 pulmoneb (2.5 the solution/mist
mL) every 6-8 to enter the eyes,
Body as a whole: hrs daily since this may
headache, pain, result in
flu, chest pain, Children 2-12 precipitation or
edema, fatigue years: 3 worsening of
drops/kg/dose, narrow-angle
GI: maximum dose glaucoma, eye
nausea, vomiting, 2500 mcg (2.5 pain or
dry mouth, mg) of discomfort,
diarrhea, salbutamol every temporary
dyspepsia 6-8 hrs. blurring of
vision, visual
halos or colored
CNS: images in
dizziness, association of
nervousness, Metered-Dose red eyes from
headache, Inhaler: Adults conjunctival and
presthesia, and children corneal
tremor, ≥12 years: 2 congestion.
dysphonia, actuations every Wash eyes with
insomnia 6 hrs. water if this
Miscellaneous: Patients may
arthralgia, have additional 3. A new
increased sputum, inhalations as pulmoneb should
taste perversion, required but be used for each
UTI, dysuria, pain should not administration to
exceed 12 avoid microbial
actuations in 24 contamination.
4. Do not mix
the inhalation
solution with
other drugs in
the same
1. Report
treatment failure
(exacerbation of
symptoms) to the
2. Since the
solution contains
no preservatives,
it is important to
use the content
soon after
opening. Discard
partly used
opened or
3. Store at
temperatures not
exceeding 30°C.
Protect from
direct sunlight or
heat. Do not
freeze or
refrigerate. For
Pulmoneb, Do
not use if the
Furosemide Lasix Diuretic, loop Inhibits the Never use with Electrolyte and Injection: Tablet: solution is
reabsorption of sodium ethacrynic acid. fluid effects: 10 mg/ml discolored.
and chloride in the Anuria, Fluid and Adult Initially
proximal and distal hypersensitivity to electrolyte Oral ½-1-2 tab daily. Before:
tubules as well s the the drug, severe depletion leading Solution: Maintenance: ½- 1. Assess closely
ascending loop of renal disease to dehydration, 10 mg/ml 1 tab daily. for signs of
Henle; this results in associated with hypovolemia, 40 mg/5 ml vascular
the excretion of azotemia and thromboembo- Children 2 thrombosis and
sodium, chloride and to oliguria, hepatic lism, Tablets: 20 mg/kg body wt embolism,
a lesser degree, coma associated hypokalemia, mg up to a max of particularly in
potassium and with electrolyte hypochloremia 40 mg 40 mg daily. the elderly with
bicarbonate ions. The depletion, may cause 80 mg gout history of
resulting urine is more lactation. metabolic Injection: gout , monitor
acid. Diuretic action is alkalosis, uric acid levels.
independent of changes hyperuricemia, Adult Initially
in client’s acid-base azotemia, 20-40 mg IV/IM. 2. Monitor BP,
balance (Spratto and hyponatremia If diuretic effect weight, breath
Woods, 2008: 687- is not sounds. I & O,
688). GI: satisfactory, electrolytes.
Nausea, oral, dose may be Observe for
gastric irritation, increased signs and
abdominal pain, stepwise, at 2- symptoms of
vomiting, hrly interval by hypokalemia and
anorexia, 20 mg each time for edema.
constipation, until satisfactory 3. With renal,
cramps, diuresis is impairment or if
pancreatitis, obtained, the receiving other
jaundice, dose should then ototoxic drugs,
ischemic hepatitis be given once- observe for
bid. ototoxicity.
Tinnitus, hearing During:
impairment, 1. Give 2-4 days
reversible per week.
following rapid 2. Food
IV or IM decreases
administration bioavailability of
furosemide and
CNS: ultimately the
Vertigo, degree of
headache, dieresis.
dizziness, blurred
vision, 3. Slight
restlessness, discoloration
paresthesias, resulting from
xanthopsia light does not
affect potency.
CV: However, do not
Orthostatic dispense
hypotension, discolored
thrombophlebitis, tablets or
chronic aortitis injection.
2. With chronic
use, assess for
deficiency; if
used with
zarolyn assess
for low
phosphate levels.
3. Store in light-
containers at
temperature (15-
Tramadol HCl Dolcet Analgesics Centrally acting-opoid Hypersensitivity to Drowsiness, Tablet: Adult & 30 degrees
paracetamol (Non-Opioid) & synthetic opoid tamadol or other dizziness, vertigo, Tramadol children >16 Celsius).
Antipyretics, analgesic. Its opioid analgesics; fatigue, headache, HCl (narcotic yrs. old 1-2 tab
Analgesics mechanism is not patients on MAOI, restlessness, analgesic) 4-6 hrly. Before:
(Opioid), completely known but patients acutely euphoria, 37.5 mg, Max: 8 tab/day 1. Assess for level
Supportive Care both tarmadol and its intoxicated with confusion, paracetamol of pain relief and
Therapy active metabolite bimd alcohol, hypnotics, anxiety, (nonnarcotic administer dose as
to µ-popoid receptors centrally acting palpitations, analgesic) needed but not to
and they are weak analgesics, vasodilation, 325 mg exceed the
inhibitors of opioids, or nausea, recommended
total daily dose.
norepinephrine and psychotropic constipation,
serotonin reuptake. drugs; patients on urinary
2. Assess bowel
Tramadol is only obstetric retention/frequen- and bladder
partially anatagonized preoperative cy function, report
by naloxone. medication, urinary frequency
Acetaminophen may lactation or retention.
cause analgesia by
inhibiting CNS 3. Take
prostaglandin synthesis appropriate safety
although it has no anti- precautions for
inflammatory activity patients with a
(Spratto and Woods, history of seizures
2008: 1592). and epilepsy, drug
addiction, allergy
to opiates or
codeine; drug may
increase the risk of
1. Monitor vital
signs and assess
for orthostatic
hypotension or
signs of CNS
2. May be taken
with or without
3. Withdrawal
symptoms upon
4. Discontinue
drug and notify
the physician if
s/sx of
1. Report lack of
response. Review
list of sideffects
that one patient
may experience
and report if
persistent or
2. Advice client
not to perform
activities that
require mental
alertness; drug
may cause
drowsiness and
impair mental or
Alcohol may
intensify the