Waste Management Development and Current State of Waste Sector Municipal Waste

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Municipal Waste
In accordance with Law on Environment, Solid Waste Management Regulation,
Metropolitan Municipalities Law and Municipal Law; Metropolitan municipalities and
municipalities out of adjacent zones and the highest civilian authority out of these zones
are responsible for ensuring the disposal of domestic and domestic-type industrial solid
waste while avoiding environmental damage, ensuring the maximal use of the landfills
and ensuring the classification and seperation of recyclable solid waste to contribute to
the economy and taking relevant measures to ensure these.
Municipalities, while fulfilling their duties in collecting and transporting the solid
waste to a great extent, can not show the required level of activity and attention in
disposal within solid waste management. The great majority of the solid waste in the
country are still not being disposed in accordance with the legislation. There exist many
administrative, financial and technical reasons contributing to this existing situtation.
Especially unsanitary disposal, errors in selection of the disposal sites and the drawbacks
in administration are causing ever increasing problems.
In solid waste production, primarily the amount of waste produced should be
reduced. Moreover, the need for awareness raising in households for seperation of waste
at the source, to make it ready for collection, is ongoing.
Existence of many local administrative units in the same region makes it
compulsory to have cooperation and coordination in solid waste services like in other
infrastructural services. Local administrative union model applications, as promoted by
the new legislation, come up as a facilitating bodies for realization of local-level
environmental services. Within this framework, it is observed that the number of solid
waste projects implemented by local administrative unions are increasing.
Solid waste in Turkey is generally discharged to unsanitary landfill sites in an
uncontrolled manner.
Medical institutions are paying due attention on seperation of medical waste from
other solid waste at its source, transportation and temporary storage. Equally,
municipalities as well have made progress in proper disposal of the medical waste. Yet
bearing these in mind, many municipalities could not establish disposal sites adequate in
number and technical aspects to date.
Studies on establishment of a nation-wide effective solid waste management
system have been initiated. In this regard, Solid Waste Master Plan for the domestic-type
waste is completed and further studies are ongoing for development of the National and
Regional Waste Management Plan for other waste types.
Solid Waste Master Plan Project, implemented under coordination of Ministry
of Environment and Forestry (MOEF) and Undersecretariat of State Planning

Organization in 2006, has aimed at establishment of unions between municipalities for

solid waste disposal across Turkey, development of economically sustainable Regional
Solid Waste Facilities and ensuring the implementation of the projects within a plan. As
foreseen by the relevant legislation, plans are developed for the establishment of sanitary
landfill sites, reduction of amount of produced solid waste, ensuring recycling, reduction
of solid waste transport costs and use of transport sites equipped with appropriate
technologies where deemed necessary; 16 type of projects are developed in this regard so
as to provide guidance to municipalities.
MOEFs estimation of domestic solid waste production in 2008, calculated
through per capita waste estimates, is 26,8 million tons. 13,3 million tons of these wastes
are disposed in sanitary landfills while 0,3 million tons are processed in compost
The number of sanitary landfill sites in operation have risen to 41 by 2009.
MOEF have carried out various regional fieldwork in 2006 in order to determine
the domestic waste composition of households in Turkey in addition to solid waste
surveys sent to cities that are representative of Turkey, including 16 metropolitan
municipalities. In the light of the fieldwork and declared information on composition,
solid waste projections are calculated for the use of all municipalities.
The outcome of these studies as 2008 municipal waste composition is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Composition of domestic waste (2008)

Packaging Waste
Necessary legal and technical arrangements are established in order to reduce the
environmental pollution caused by the packaging waste as an important component in the
solid waste in the country and to recover these as economical assets.
In accordance with the Control of Packaging Waste Regulation, packaging
material producers are obliged to submit Packaging Material Producer Application
Form and the market providers are obliged to submit Market Provider Application
Form to the Ministry annually. Within the system defined under the regulation, since
municipalities are responsible for waste collection as defined in Law on Metropolitan
Municipalities and Law on Municipalities, responsibility of seperation of the packaging
waste at the source and its transportation are also given to province and district
Seperate collection of packaging waste at the source can be done through service
procurement as well as being able to be carried out by the province and district
municipalities themselves. In accordance with the regulation; collection, transportation
and recycling of the packaging waste is prohibited for those except the licensed
enterprises. Municipalities are responsible for developing packaging waste management
plans which define how, when and in which way packaging waste will be collected and
are obliged to carry out their work in this scope. Approval of the plans, prepared within
the scope of packaging waste management plans format and submitted to MOEF, has
started for the first time in 2008.
Medical Wastes
Wastes produced in medical institutions are classified as medical wastes,
hazardous wastes, domestic-type and packaging wastes; these are seperated without
mixing at the source and collected with special bags and boxes. In compliance with the
regulation; medical wastes must be collected at the source in red-colored special bags
with signs of International Biohazard and Caution! Medical Waste seperately.
Cutting and perforating wastes, as a sub-group of medical wastes, must be collected
seperately from other medical wastes in special boxes with the same caution signs made
out of special plastic or laminated cardboard.
Wastes collected in medical institutions must be stored in temporary waste storage
or containers until they are collected by the municipality.
Transportation of medical wastes from temporary storage sites and containers as
well as small sources to disposal sites are being carried out by entities and enterprises as
authorized by the municipalities.
According to 2006 data of Ministry of Health, the total number of hospitals in
Turkey is 1.204 with a total number of available beds in these hospitals being 173.421.
Calculations made taking into consideration of the occupancy rates according to cities
reveal a daily estimate of 250 tons and an annual estimate of 91.323 tons of medical
waste produced in ambulatory treatment and inpatient treatment institutions.
Medical Waste Control Regulation paved the path for implementation of
alternative disposal technologies for the disposal of medical waste in Turkey. In this

framework, MOEF has instructed the municipalities to handle domestic solid waste and
medical waste disposal in an integrated manner, to consider the medical waste disposal as
a component and to prioritize sterilization as the best means of intermediate processing
method as per countrys circumstances. 12.681 tons of medical waste, corresponding to
14% of the total medical waste is sterilized and made innocuous by September 2008.
Medical waste sterilization facilities taken into operation in 2008 is presented. Project
design and licensing works are ongoing in many cities except these forementioned
Waste oils
An approximate amount of 1,5 million tons of vegetable oil is consumed in
Turkey annually. It is estimated that 150-300 thousand tons of fried waste vegetable oil is
produced especially after frying processes. Used waste vegetable oils are causing 25% of
the domestic wastewater pollution. Municipalities are given the responsibility for the
collection of used frying oil from the residences as of 2008 in compliance with the
regulations and in order to prevent contraction and clogging in wastewater collection
systems (sewerage, collectors, etc.) caused by waste oils.
Currently, works on establishment of a system for collecting and processing waste
oils are already ongoing. These works carried out under the provisions of Waste Oil
Control Regulation are performing registration of waste oil producers, determination of
waste oil types and quantities produced in various sectors in Turkey, transportation of
waste oils, licensing of recycling and disposal facilities as well as control of the activities
of these facilities and determination of illegal practices.
There are 21 enterprises licensed by MOEF to recycle waste oils. These
enterprises monthly activity reports and collected waste oil quantities as well as the
quantity of sales of the products reclaimed through recycling, efficiency of recycling and
wastes incurring as a result of recycling processes are evaluated and registered by MOEF.
Production of biodiesels from waste vegetable oils are predicated on with the
regulation and licensing was made in this direction.
As the quantity of collected waste oils increase, illegal waste oil markets and
uncontrolled use of these waste oils will be forestalled.
An environmentally-aware use of waste oils for energy recovery as an additional
fuel in cement factories is encouraged. However refinement and regeneration of waste
oils are more prioritized. Thus the aim is set at increasing the number of recycling and
regeneration facilities and improvement of the conditions of 21 currently operating
Waste Oils Management Project is aimed at collecting and waste engine oil used
in motor vehicles by licensed and authorized crews in proper manners in car service
stations, oil stations and public vehicle maintenance stations; and ensuring processing of
these with avoiding harm to nature or humans and establishment of appropriate collection
system, determination of oil producing sources and awareness raising. The amount of
collected waste engine oil and collection points have increased gradually since the
initiation of the work in May 2004 and expanded to whole country.

Within the scope of these studies, 65.299 tons of waste engine oil is collected
from 6.426 waste oil producers in a total of 79 provinces by paying 48.416 visits in 5
year timespan including October 2009 and these are recycled in licensed facilities either
as product or energy. The number of enterprises contributing to organization is 85 and the
quantity of engine oil served to market by these enterprises in 2008 is 199.835 tons.
63% of the waste oil collected in 5 years was collected from car service stations
while 15% from industrial car parks, 11% from public institutions, 4% from
municipalities, 5% from oil production facilities and 1% from the oil stations.
Waste Batteries and Accumulators
The responsibility of collection, transportation, recycling and disposal of waste
batteries and accumulators lies with the producers. In order to ensure seperate collection
of waste batteries from the domestic solid waste, a waste battery collection obligation is
introduced for battery producers and exporters as per their quotas. An obligation is
introduced for accumulator producer and exporters to collect waste accumulators as per
defined deposit rates.
The responsibility for seperate disposal of waste batteries from domestic wastes
lies with the municipalities. Allocation of land for waste battery storage sites with
impervious conditions, of which the establishment and operational costs will be born by
battery producers, is also among the role and responsibility of the municipalities.
Annual amount of batteries supplied to market in Turkey is approximately 10.000
tons while annual amount of accumulators is 74.000 tons. Within the scope of inventory
studies realized under the framework of regulation, total amount of registered waste
batteries equals 200 tons, total amount of waste accumulators equals to 45.476 tons in
2007. Total amount of waste accumulator collected in accordance with the regulation
corresponds to 67% of the accumulators supplied to the market in 2007, total amount of
collected waste batteries corresponds to 2% of the batteries supplied to the market in
Hazardous Waste
Due to the priority given in the current state to production, product quality and
costs given in production industry in Turkey, waste reduction and recycling maintained a
secondary role. However developing environmental protection awareness over time, legal
sanctions, difficulties faced in waste disposal and most importantly increasing
significance of environmental protection measures in production in international trade
have placed use of clean technologies and waste reduction in an important position.
Efforts for reuse and recycling of hazardous wastes often focus on wastes that
require simple technologies for collection and disposal. The most striking example of this
could be recycling of barrels and silver. Waste markets are established under the
chambers of commerce, by Union of Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges
of Turkey (TOBB) with the support of MOEF, in order to reduce the amount of industrial
waste and allow their reuse.
As of 2008, there are 3 disposal facilities in Turkey for hazardous waste through
incineration. Capacities of these facilities are inadequate in meeting the needs of industry.

Except these, a pilot scale facility which received license for recycling hazardous wastes
through gassification with a capacity of 29.000 tons/year is put into operation in stanbul
Kemerburgaz. Moreover some cement factories are accepting hazardous wastes as
alternative fuels for purposes of energy recovery. Due to technological inadequacy of
stack gas treatment systems in cement factories in eliminating stack gases that are
produced as a result of hazardous waste incineration, these factories are only able to
accept certain types of wastes. Among these are used tyres, I. and II. category waste oils,
paint sludge, solvents, plastic wastes etc. Energy recovery license is being distributed to
allow the use of hazardous waste in cement kilns as an alternative fuel with 24 facilities
already in possession of this license. Some of the hazardous wastes are also exported to
be disposed in incineration facilities abroad.
Production industry in Turkey is annually producing more than 20 million tons of
waste. Approximately 1.12 million tons of this amount is made up of hazardous wastes.
8% of this amount is being recovered, 47% is being disposed and 45% is being reused.
Approximately 80% of the established capacity of 6 facility licensed by MOEF
for the disposal of industrial waste is currently in use. 5.586 tons of ash and slag coming
from incineration facilities are disposed in sanitary landfills.
Provision of services by hazardous waste facilities in regions of high population
density and high industrialization rates in Turkey is advantageous both in terms of costs,
utility and to keep the environmental loads at minimum.
According to the constitution of Republic of Turkey; improving environment,
preventing environmental pollution and protecting environment is a duty of all public
institutions and citizens.
Institutions responsible for waste management as per their fields of work are as
1. Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF): The main duty of MOEF is to
define policies and principles in most general terms aiming at protecting the
environment, preventing and reducing pollution, organizing the relevant legislation
and ensuring its implementation.
Responsibilities of MOEF in terms of waste management: These can be summarized
in terms of preparation of by-laws and national regulations, producing policy and
strategy for waste management, organization of nation-wide actions on waste
management, research, coordination of waste management plan preparation, taking
precautionary measures, defining technical standards, licensing, monitoring,
regulation, keeping track of given licenses, data collection, exportation of wastes,
release of permits regulating hazardous waste import and transportation of these
wastes over Turkey and ensuring the continuation of trainings.
2. State Planning Organization (SPO): Undersecretariat of SPO under Prime
Ministry is responsible for preparing Development Plans, medium-term and annual
programmes and annual investment plans. In this regard, SPO is developing macro
policies for waste management and taking relevant measures to ensure coherence of

legal and institutional arrangements with these policies. Moreover, the projects of
central administrative institutions and the projects of municipalities that need foreign
loan are appraised by SPO and the feasible one are included into public investment
3. Undersecretariat of Treasury: It has a role in following up and finalizing credit
negotiations where external financing is provided for the waste related projects.
4. Ministry of Health: It has a role in monitoring and ensuring coherence with respect
to its mandate on public health.
5. Ministry of Interior: It is responsible in the process with respect to its mandate in
developing, monitoring and controlling policies regarding local authorities.
6. Ministry of Finance: Ministry of Finance is responsible for tax arrangements, tax
collection and follow-up. As regards this, it is responsible for preparing the legal
arrangements for financing the waste management.
7. Ministry of Industry and Trade: It is responsible for supporting and controlling
establishment of large and small scale industries, preparing standards for industrial
products or publishing prepared standards, controlling the quality of industrial assets
or to get this control done.
8. Directorate-General of Bank of Provinces: It is providing technical support to
municipalities for the solid waste projects run by municipalities. It provides
financing for solid waste management projects on municipalitys request and be a
credit guarantor.
9. Ministry of Transport: It is responsible for establishment and development of
transport and communication systems and services as per countrys needs.
Authorization documents for waste transportation is given by Ministry of Transport
and Communication.
10. Turkish Standards Institution: Among other responsibilities, it is responsible for
preparing standards for waste management services.
11. Local Authorities: The most important task on protection of environmental quality
is given to local authorities. Local authorities, also entrusted with the task of waste
management within the framework of laws and regulations, are obliged to ensure the
implementation of legal arrangements and take appropriate measures for ensuring a
healthy environment for citizens to live within their territories of responsibility.
12. Sectoral Unions: Union of Chamber of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of
Turkey, Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, Chambers of
Commerce, Chambers of Trade and sectorally established bodies like Turkish
Cement Manufacturers Association, Union of Lime Producers are responsible for
delivering information and carrying out studies on enforcement and control on issues
like sectoral approaches to implementation of the legislation.
The most important aspects of provisions of laws related to waste is summarized

Law on Environment no. 2872: Article 8 - It is prohibited to discharge all sorts

of waste and residue directly or indirectly into receiving environment, storing them or
being engaged in a similar activity.
Law on Amendments in Law on Environment no. 5491: Amendment in Article
11 - Metropolitan municipalities and municipalities are responsible for establishing
domestic solid waste disposal facilities, ensuring their establishment, operating them or
ensuring their operation.
Those who benefit or will benefit from this service are liable for sharing the costs
of investment, operation, maintenance and improvement to be carried out by responsible
Municipality collects solid waste collection, transportation and disposal fees from
those who benefit from this service in accordance with the tariffs to be decided upon by
the municipal council.
The fees collected in relation to this clause can not be used for services other than
those related to solid waste
Law on Metropolitan Municipalities no. 5216: Article 7 - ...planning solid
waste management, ensuring its planning; providing services for revalorizing, storage and
disposal of the solid wastes and excavation residues other than seperation of solid waste
at the source and its transportation until transfer station and to establish facilities for their
Municipal Law no. 5393: Articles 14 and 15 - ...carrying out or ensuring
accomplishment of collection of solid wastes, their transportation, seperation, recycling,
disposal and storage...
Law on Municipal Revenues no. 2464 (TV): Article 97 - Waste producers
participation to waste management services is ensured with polluter-pays principle.
Turkish Penal Code no. 5237 : With articles 181 and 182, penalties are
established regarding polluting the environment with intent or negligence, penal
sanctions up to jail sentences are foreseen for the responsibles.
Waste problem is accepted as a priority for Turkey and policies are being
developed to overcome this problem.
Development plans are the main tools for coordination of public policy in
Turkey. In this regard, plans are one among the main policy documents on solid waste.
Significant policies regarding solid waste management, as they are reflected in 9th
Development Plan, are given below:
In domestic type solid waste management, seperation, collection, transportation,
recycling and disposal phases will be considered as a whole in technical and financial
terms; sanitary landfill method with low investment and operational costs as the most
suitable solid waste disposal technology will be preferred.

Production of non-domestic wastes will be reduced, collection relevant to waste

type and countrys circumstances, transportation, recycling and disposal systems will be
In order to identify the urban infrastructure needs regarding environmental
protection across the country, urban infrastructure master plan and financing strategy will
be prepared to define the municipalities needs for infrastructure like drinking water
system, sewerage, wastewater treatment plant and solid waste disposal.
Capacities of the municipalities will be developed in terms of planning, project
design, implementation and operation of environmental infrastructure services.
Technologies and systems that are most suitable to countrys circumstances will
be preferred in establishment, maintenance and operation of water, wastewater and solid
waste infrastructure aiming at environmental protection.
Financial and technical consultancy services that will be provided to
municipalities for urban infrastructure investments will be activated.
Through using environmentally friendly techniques in the industry, more efficient
production will be achieved by increased efficacy of raw material use and thus wastes
will be reduced.
Increase in production followed by increase in consumption brought an increase
in life standards of the society along with an increased amount and changed composition
of solid waste. Elimination of generated solid waste with least damage to environment
especially became a major problem for the big cities. Solid waste management which
covers control of urban solid waste and works regarding introducing healthy and
economical solutions to this issue have taken its place among development priorities as
regards providing services with international standards to urban citizens and protection of
environmental quality.
Policies aiming at preventing and reducing hazardous waste
Considering the waste management hierarchy, it is evident that waste reduction
and prevention will enhance the lifetime of sanitary landfills. Thus there are ongoing
works to reduce the amount of materials that give waste a hazardous waste character. For
example; works on reducing the carbon amount existent in electronic wastes are
proceeding. On the other hand, some restrictions are introduced with regulations on use
of heavy metals in batteries. Additionally, in a booklet published on domestic hazardous
waste, hazardous materials used in households are defined and their non-hazardous
substitutes are presented to the general public.
Environmental protection awareness which actively developed after 1993, legal
sanctions, difficulties in waste disposal and most importantly increased importance of the
production related environmental protections measures in international trade have placed
use of clean technologies and waste reduction in an important position.

Efforts in reuse and recycling of hazardous waste are concentrating on wastes that
require simpler technologies for their collection and use. Waste markets established in the
country, which are enabling recycling, need to be improved.
Especially in chemicals sector in Turkey, there are trainings open to everyone as
organized by trade associations and chambers of commerce. These trainings specifically
focus on transmitting knowledge and applications of waste management systems,
development of waste management plans and waste reduction for small and mediumsized enterprises.
Recycling and Recovery Facilities
Licensing of enterprises for seperation and recycling of packaging material waste
was first initiated in 2003. In the four year period between 2003 to 2007, the number of
licenses given to seperation facilities by MOEF reached 81 and that of recycling facilities
reached 56. Among the licensed recycling facilities, 18 are paper, 6 are glass, 55 are
plastic, 3 are metal and 2 are composite wastes recycling facilities.
According to 2007 data, there are 52 facilities which recover hazardous wastes
especially through recovery of energy and solvents. Total capacity of hazardous waste
recovery facilities are approximately 800.000 tons/year and their existing used capacities
are approximately 121.000 tons/year.
There is a total of 13 facilities that carry out recovery of lead from waste
accumulators dispersed in 10 cities.
Ankara, stanbul and Bursa are the cities that have ongoing works regarding the
use of landfill gas from sanitary landfills in Turkey. Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality
has also started studies in this regard.
Radioactive Wastes and Environmentally Conscious Management
The only low-level radioactive waste processing facility in Turkey was established
in 1989. Primarily, equipment containing radioactive components are supposed to be sent
to country of origin for disposal however in the case of unavailability of this transfer,
equipments are required to be handed in to the forementioned facility. In such a case,
transportation process should be realized through companies with radioactive waste
transfer license or under the liability of the responsible staff for protection from radiation,
working for companies which hold license to use and maintain radioactive equipment in
full compliance with the relevant regulation.
Transfer responsible of the companies with radioactive waste transfer license or the
responsible staff for protection from radiation of the companies with radioactive
equipment use and maintanance license are liable for transport safety and security of
the transferred material during each radioactive waste transport, packaging, loading,
unloading and during the transfer of radioactive waste.

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