Self Translation
Self Translation
Self Translation
Michael Boyden and Liesbeth De Bleeker, University College Ghent-Ghent
University Association
research has been directed at authors belonging to so-called minor literatures (in Deleuze and Guattaris sense), who translate their work into
one of the major European languages. Prominent examples are Karen Blixen (DanishEnglish), Vassilis Alexakis (GreekFrench), Panat Istrati
(RomanianFrench), and Czesaw Miosz (PolishEnglish), as well as a
host of Basque, Catalan, and Galician authors. What all of these postcolonial and minority writers have in common, it seems, is that the incentive
to translate ones own work derives in large part from the asymmetric
power relation between the languages involved. In the case of Beckett, this
dynamic is largely absent. Self-translation is here not so much an instrument of empowerment although, on some level, it is of course also that
as of deliberate estrangement. While linguistic asymmetries do play a
role in the writings of the Neo-Latin authors mentioned above, the directionality is markedly dierent here. In the Renaissance, the transfer was
generally (but not exclusively) from Latin to a vernacular, and the motive
was often to elevate the latter. By contrast, writers hailing from postcolonial or minority contexts tend to translate from an unsanctioned language
into a dominant one as a paradoxical act of armation.
The rst decade of the new millennium has witnessed a further intensication of academic interest in self-translation, and the playing eld has
consequently become much more variegated. While canonical authors
such as Kundera, Nabokov, and especially Beckett continue to soar high
(Oustino 2001; Sardin-Damestoy 2002; Van Hulle 2006; Ackerley
2008), a number of others seem to be well on their way to becoming
new classics, among them Alexakis, Ferre, and Nancy Huston. Much of
this recent research is presentist in scope. A lot of attention has gone to
contemporary self-translators emerging from unstable contexts, where
the choice of a writing language is politically loaded, to the degree even
that self-translation is often approached as inherently asymmetrical. For
the Scottish poet Christopher Whyte, who translates his Gaelic works
into English, self-translation is a necessary evil because it entails the
danger that the author may wield improper control over his own text
(Whyte 2002, 70). Like Ezra Pound and Walter Benjamin before him,
Whyte sees translation as a mode of criticism, which is driven by
fascination for the opacity of the original. The practice of selftranslation, however, springs from a desire to make ones work more
widely available, which clashes with the critical impulse to confront the
Bassnetts observations seem to call for greater attention to what is happening in translation rather than who is involved in it, the translation process rather than the product. This indicates that the debate over the freedom
of the self-translator is at least partly misguided, insofar as all human
behavior is necessarily norm-based, including the freedom to ignore norms.
The more important question, then, is which particular norms are at work
in self-translations. One could claim, for instance, that what Andrew Chesterman (1997) refers to as the relation norm (which establishes a relation
of relevant similarity between source and target text) is often weaker for
self-translators, who may be less bound by the expectation of source text
equivalence. On the other hand, in spite of the assumed dictate of uency, it
cannot be denied that regular translations sometimes display a relatively
high tolerance for correctives or explanatory insertions. In this regard, selftranslators seem more constrained by their audiences horizon, or by Chestermans accountability norm (which involves the translators loyalty to
the original, the commissioner or the prospective audience): They are supposed to guard over the coherence of the text and are inclined to smooth
over, rather than point out, inconsistencies springing from the process of
cultural transfer, which they will sometimes do at the cost of violating
socially transmitted standards of equivalence. A translator is bound by the
demand of consistency in his translation method. A self-translator, however, is often also expected to project a coherent self-image, which may
require rewriting of the original. This is not necessarily an expression of
freedom. It is simply another norm to be reckoned with. One question that
an integrated approach to self-translation would have to address, in our
view, is that of why dierent types of self-translators translate as they do.
One could venture, for instance, that self-translations from one dominant language into another dominant language are more like creative
writing and less like translation proper than self-translations from a
minor language into a dominant one (self-translations from a dominant
into a dominated language, or from one dominated language into
another, are much less frequent). Since the aim in the latter case (minor
into major) is often the desire for broader recognition of the original
through self-translation, the impact of the relation norm may be greater
here. Dierent kinds of self-translations will also display dierent degrees
of accountability. With translations from a minor into a major language,
the responsibility of authorizing the work in the host culture can be
devolved onto, or rather taken over by, secondary agents like editors,
reviewers, or critics. The sociologist Harrison White has posited that
heightened comparability functions as an unanticipated by-product of
attempts at dominance (White 1992, 13). Extending this insight to selftranslation in its various guises, we could construct some kind of law in
Tourys sense: The greater the power imbalance in the language pair, the
closer the original and the translated versions will be expected to resemble
each other (which obviously does not mean that they actually will). Vice
versa, the less one language manages to overshadow the other, the more
leeway the reader will have to approach the two language versions as distinct original works, departing from each other in signicant ways
(although, here too, the self-translator may defy expectations by being less
adventurous than anticipated). Such sweeping claims obviously cry out
for correction by the facts, but it may nevertheless be helpful to keep an
eye on the big questions, especially given the above-mentioned fragmentation of scholarship on self-translation. The essays collected in this special
issue take up various positions in the ongoing debate about the status and
distinctive quality of self-translation as a discourse genre.
In his panoramic opening article, Rainier Grutman argues that in order
to get at a better understanding of some of the systemic constraints at
the basis of this genre, we need to make a rhetorical move beyond
Beckett, whose remarkable double oeuvre is too easily taken as a benchmark for what self-translation is about. As Grutman points out, the
average self-translator does not normally start out as a particularly
experienced literary translator, nor does he or she consistently develop a
double oeuvre the way Beckett did, collapsing the temporal (simultaneous translation) and spatial (bidirectionality of the linguistic transfer)
boundaries between original and translation. Furthermore, contrary to
Beckett, the typical self-translator is thrown into an asymmetrical
world, wedged as he or she is between languages that are not on the
same footing. This inequality has to do with the power relations between
languages in a specic speech community, but also with their overall
exchange value on the global translation market. For writers working
in such asymmetrical constellations (typically immigrants, or those
coming from minority cultures or formerly colonized nations), the decision to cross the Rubicon of self-translation (as Grutman beautifully
phrases it) springs from a totally dierent set of motivations than those
signicant portions of the text, but also adding a lot of materials (the second French version counts no less than eighty-four letters, seven times
the number included in the rst English edition!). In other words, while
preparing his work for the French readership, Crevecur could draw on
a creative arsenal unavailable to, for instance, the coetaneous Dutch
translation which Boyden and Jooken draw into the analysis. Yet, the
article rubs against the grain of the widely held view that self-translators
by denition enjoy a privileged status on the supposition that they are
not faced with the kind of interpretation problems that beset regular
translations. On the basis of an extended comparison of the paratextual
framing of the English, French, and Dutch versions of Crevecurs Letters on the one hand, and a close analysis of one section of the work, the
allegorical tale of Andrew the Hebridean, on the other, Boyden and Jooken show that Crevecur (whose French pen might have been guided by
some of his patrons) had to submit to the expectational horizon of the
French reader at the time, which raises important questions about the
historical embedding of self-translated narratives. The dominance conguration in which Crevecurs Letters are now received is markedly dierent from, in some sense even inversely proportional to, the one in place
at the end of the eighteenth century, when everything gravitated toward
Paris and the freedom of the press was severely curtailed.
In her article on Nancy Hustons 1993 double text PlainsongCantique
des plaines, Desiree Schyns adopts a similar procedure of comparing the
authors own translation to an ordinary one. Given that she herself translated Hustons work into Dutch for a Flemish publisher, Schyns can draw
on her own experience as a professional translator of francophone literature. The article thus oers a view into the complex inner workings of the
translation process and the contradictory demands of literary institutions.
Among other things, this approach is revelatory of the gaps between ocially sanctioned norms and those that actually guide the work of the translator, or between what Niklas Luhmann (1995, 320321) would call
cognitive and normative expectations, that is to say, expectations disposed
toward learning and those relatively immune to contestation. While the
Flemish publisher advertised the Dutch version as a translation from the
French without making reference to the English original, Schyns was urged
by the author to acknowledge the priority of the English version (which she
did, although she takes the French version as her primary source text). The
tenor of this personal correspondence clashes in its turn with Hustons ocial proclamations upon her receipt of the Governor Generals Award for
Cantique des plaines. Responding to the critique that a translation could
not qualify for the prize, Huston stressed that the English and French versions had mutually inuenced each other and should therefore be regarded
as parallel original works. In her article, Schyns attests that Hustons translation strategies are in many ways similar to the ones she herself applied in
the Dutch translation. There are no indications, moreover, of interference
from the French version in the English. Another interesting tension can be
inferred from the fact that, while translating her English text, Huston
primarily appealed to the readership of the Hexagon rather than that of
Quebec, as appears from her use of Parisian argot (even while describing
Western scenes). It can thus be argued that the consecration of Hustons
novel in francophone North America went along with, perhaps even
derived from, a desire to connect to French valuation orderings.
The nal article in this collection by Eva Gentes on dual-language editions oers perhaps the most compelling arguments for breaking open
an exclusively product-based approach to self-translation by bringing in
empirical research on reading patterns. Gentess typology of various
kinds of bilingual editions and the sort of readers they appeal to suggests
the need for a Genette-style study teasing out the intricacies of this
genre. As Gentes shows, even the most common and supposedly symmetrical format, that of the en face edition, has a more or less implicit
perspectivity built into it, as appears from the language used for the
peritexts, the choice for corresponding facing pages, and the governing
practice of printing the original on the left-hand side. Usually it is
only when such received practices are upset, through the use of bilingual
footnotes, non-aligned text, or a deliberate reversal of the left-to-right
text arrangement, that the reader is forced into recognition of the conventionality of age-old methods of information processing ingrained in
our social order and the directionality of the writing systems associated
with it. Therefore, although it may strike one as a rather exotic genre at
rst, dual-language publishing (but one should also consider, for
instance, trilingual translations of such dual editions) raises highly pertinent questions about the study of self-translations in relation to issues of
authorship, transliteration, intermediality, and digraphia. Without a
doubt, the digital age will yield interesting new research objects in this
regard. We believe that the most productive avenue for future research
is not to adopt a shopkeepers mentality of setting self-translation o
from other discourse genres, but rather to situate it in relation to what
George Steiner (1998, 58) referred to as the destructive prodigality of
the language system. This volume is a modest contribution to such a
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Michael Boyden (, born 1977, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Applied Language Studies at Ghent University College
(Belgium). Prior to his appointment, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Leuven, a fellow at the German Historical Institute, and a Fulbright scholar
at the Harvard University Longfellow Institute. Boyden has published various
articles on translation and multilingualism in American literature. His rst book,
Predicting the Past, was published by Leuven University Press in 2009.
Liesbeth De Bleeker (, born 1980, PhD, is an assistant
professor in the Faculty of Applied Language Studies at Ghent University College (Belgium). After nishing her PhD (2007, University of Leuven), she worked as a Francqui
Foundation fellow of the BAEF at New York University. Her current research project
focuses on the translation of multilingual literature in the Caribbean region.
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