April 24
April 24
April 24
I have placed a very important form in your childs
Friday Folder today that I need filled out and
returned to school. The Health Assessment Record
must be returned in order to complete your childs
2015-16 registration process. Everyone needs to
fill out both sides! However, if your child does
not have any chronic health condition(s), the only
items needed on the second page are; checking the
box at the top and signing/dating at the bottom. I
appreciate your attentiveness in getting this back to
me as soon as possible. Even though the due date
is May 1, the sooner I get everyones back, the
easier it is! And please dont worry if you
accidently misplace your copyI can email you
another copy or will gladly send it home.
April 30 Talent Show form due
May 1 Picture order due
Health Assessment Record due
Journal goes home
5 Talent Show during music (girls)
7 Kindergarten Market
8 All library books due to library
11-15 Book Fair
12 Talent Show during music (boys)
S. Jones absent
This weeks reading, Are We Paving Paradise?, is
a handout I received a few years ago from a former
principal. The article traces the evolution of
kindergarten from its focus on children, to its focus
on outcomes, to its current focus on literacy and
math. The author expresses her worry about the
early childhood parts of kindergarten losing ground
to a growing allocation of time to academic
content. The article ends by discussing how the
kindergarten experience should be broad based,
contextual, and inclusive of all dimensions of
development. If you signed up for the Paperless
Classroom Communication option, this reading
can be found on the right side of our blog under
Suggested Parent Readings.