Basic Dance Steps: Left Mayim

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Seed of Abraham, Albany, NY


1. Mayim
The mayim is the most popular and most used step. Begin by spreading your feet slightly apart.
Left mayim Cross your right foot in front of your left foot, left goes to the side. Cross your right foot behind
your left and bring your left foot back into place.
Right mayim Cross your left foot in front your right foot, right goes to the side. Cross your left foot behind
your right and bring your right foot back into place.
2. Toe point Klezmer
Right klezmer
Step to the right with your right foot, bring left behind, right goes to the side, and point with your left toe. Then
go the other direction with a
Left klezmer
Step to the left with your left foot, bring right behind, left goes to the side, and point with your right toe.
3. Tcherkessia
Your left foot is pretty much staying in the same place, but moving up and down a bit. Your arms are going up
as you move forward and brought back down as you move back.
Step forward with your right foot, rock on your left, step behind with your right foot, rock back on your left,
right foot back into place. When you do several Tcherkessias in a row, you just step forward again with your
right foot.
4. Coup
Left coup step to left, bring your right leg in front of your left as you bend your knees, going into a bowing
motion, come back up on left and put your feet back into place.
Right coup step to right, bring your left leg in front of your right as you bend your knees, going into a bowing
motion, come back up on right and put your feet back into place.
In dances where we do a left and right coupe sequentially, we dont do the step out because the right foot is
already stepping out and in place to continue.
5. Step together step
Right goes forward, (R L R)
Left goes forward (L R L)
6. Box Step #1
Right foot crosses over left foot
Left foot crosses over right foot
Right foot goes back into place
Left goes back into place.
7. Box Step #2
Step right together right
Left forward together
Step left together left
Right back together
8. Balance
Legs are spread slightly apart and you shift your weight from right to left
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9. Debka
Right debka - Extend your right heal and pull it back flat on the floor.
Left debka - Extend your left heal and pull it back flat on the floor.

Seed of Abraham, Albany, NY

10. Ashrei
Ashrei right Take a small step forward with right foot putting your weight on your right foot in a slight sitting
position. Push yourself up as your left foot goes behind you and come forward on your right and back into place.
Ashrei left Take a small step forward with left foot putting your weight on your left foot in a slight sitting
position. Push yourself up as your right foot goes behind you and come forward on your left and back into
11. Yemenite
3 steps in 4 counts and you hold still on the 4th count.
Right Yemenite right steps to the side, left goes behind, right goes forward and hold.
Left Yemenite left steps to the side, right goes behind, left goes forward and hold.
12. Pivot
Step forward with right foot, pivot left and bring feet back together

The following dances are interchangeable. That means that they can be danced to many different praise songs.
Although the dance steps have been learned along the way from many different sources (as stated when available
after the name of the dance), the music we are dancing to has been part of worship at the Seed of Abraham in
Albany, New York. Several of those songs were composed by and used with permission of Toni Feinman.
13. Dance With Me (Dance learned from Praise Him With Dancing Beit Tehila Congregation, Brandon, Florida)
Step forward with your right foot, bring your left foot forward to meet it (together)
(Your hands go up in praise as you move forward and come down as you step back.)
Step back with your left foot, bring your right foot back to meet it (together)
Turn to the right
Step forward with your right foot, bring your left foot forward to meet it (together)
Step forward with you left foot; turn your body to the left so that you will be moving backwards landing on your
right foot; bring your left foot back to meet it (together); Step back on your left foot and bring your right to meet it.

Go into 2 left mayims

14. Grapevine (Dance learned from Praise Him With Dancing Beit Tehila Congregation, Brandon, Florida)
(Your hands go up in praise as you move forward and come down as you step back.)
Step forward with your right foot; bring your left foot up to meet it. (together)
Step forward with your left foot; together. Step back with your right foot; together.
Step back with you left foot; together.
Do one mayim to the left, swinging arms left to right (Mayim 2, 3, 4)
Klezmer right and Klezmer left. Hands make a big circle as you move.
Right klezmer
Step to the right with your right foot, bring left behind, step right, and point your left toe.
Left klezmer
Step to the left with your left foot, bring right behind, step left, and point your right toe.
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Seed of Abraham, Albany, NY

15. Kabootz
This dance has many of the same steps as the Grapevine but is done in a line with people following each other.
Step right, lift left knee up, clap
Step left, lift right knee up, clap
Take 4 normal steps, right, left, right, left (1,2,3,4)
Step to the right with your right foot, bring left behind, step right, put the left heal out (arms circle in & around)
Step to the left with your left foot, bring right behind, step left, put the right heal out (arms circle in & around)
16. Clap Song (Dance learned at the Simchat Torah Beit Midrash Congregation, Parker, Colorado)
This dance is done in a line with people following each other.

Step forward for 4 beats, clapping with each step of your foot . . . right, left, right, left.
One Tcherkessia by stepping forward with your right foot, rock on your left, step behind with your right foot,
rock back on your left. (REPEAT)

Facing the middle

Step out with your right foot, bring your left foot behind, step out to the right, bringing your left knee up, & clap.
Step out with your left foot, bring your right foot behind, step out to the left, bringing your right knee up & clap.
Step right, hop & clap
Step left, hop & clap
Make a full turn to your right to the initial position.
17. Katan (Dance learned at the Simchat Torah Beit Midrash Congregation, Parker, Colorado)
This dance is done in a circle facing the center, holding hands.
We begin by taking small steps
Step right together
Step left together
Step right together
Step again right together
Step left together
Step right together
Step left together
Step again left together
Do two mayims to the left
(Stepping into the middle of the circle, hands go up in praise as you move forward and come down and bow as
you step back.)
Step forward with your right foot; Step together
Step forward with your left foot; Step together
Step back with your right foot; Step together
Step back with you left foot; Step together

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Seed of Abraham, Albany, NY

18. Blessed Are You (Dance learned from Teach Your Feet to Praise the Lord MDCI w/Ralph & Mindy Seta)
Face the center in a circle.

As the hands come up in prayer over your face, your knees bend
Then bring your hands down and straighten your legs, bowing your head slightly
Go into a right cha cha (right, left, right) (hands up to right)
Go into a left cha cha (left, right, left) (hands down to left)
With your hands lifted, step to the right snap, step to the left snap, (snapping your fingers)
Turn right half way around and repeat (facing in opposite direction)
Repeat facing out.

Put your hands palm to palm with each other and

Brush your right foot forward and then bring it behind your left foot and then going directly into a left mayim.
Step to your right - right hand up and left hand on back.
Step to your left left hand up and right hand on back.
Turn to your right 360 degrees and begin this part again.
19. The Hora
Stand in a circle or in a line holding hands
Kick your right foot out in front of you toward the left side, bring back into place.
Kick your left foot out in front of you toward the right side, bring back into place.
Bring your right foot behind your left foot, bring your left foot back into place and begin again
20. Four by Four
Begin this dance by holding your right hand up high and your left hand tucked into your back.
Moving in a single file row, following each other, step out with your right foot and just walk (RLRL)
As you are stepping on your left foot turn left and land on right foot to do the same thing backwards (RLRL)
(Please notice that when you are moving forward your right hand is up and left is behind your back and when
you are moving backwards, your left hand is up and your right hand in on your back note the location of the
hand it is not on the waist but is positioned in the middle of your back)
2 Left Mayims -- Mayim 2, 3, 4 Mayim 2, 3, 4
Two Tcherkessias by stepping forward with your right foot, rock on your left, step behind with your right foot,
rock back on your left.
Repeat the whole dance
21. Swish
Take hands in either a line or circle.
Step with right foot
Left foot out front and swish it to the back
Turn to right and step forward with your right foot and then your left
Make a sharp turn to your left
Rock right, left, right rock left right left
Put your right foot back into place to start over
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Seed of Abraham, Albany, NY

22. Kadosh (means Holy)

You are in a circle facing your neighbors back and will be moving clockwise
Step into the center with your right foot bringing your left foot to meet it. 2X
Your right hand is moving in and out/up and down as if calling on the Lord with your hand.
Repeat to the outside of the circle
Go into a bowing Tcherkessia
Go into one left Mayim
23. Sanctify Me
Moving counterclockwise in circle facing your neighbors back and holding hands.

Right, left (turning to the left so that you are stepping backwards)
Right back, left back
(Turn to right to continue in counterclockwise motion)
Step together step (RLR) to the right
Step together step (LRL) to the left
Still facing your neighbors back (drop hands)
Step together step right (arms moving up to right - moving out to make circle bigger)
Step together step left (arms moving up to left - back into center of circle)

Facing middle of circle

Step right cross left (in front) as you clap your hands once in front 2x
Tcherkessia to your neighbors back.

Step into middle of circle with right foot and PIVOT turning left to face opposite outside of circle
Step right cross left (in front) as you clap your hands once in front 2x
Tcherkessia to your neighbors back.

Step to outside of circle with right foot and PIVOT turning left to face inside of the circle
Tcherkessia 3x into middle
24. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa
Done in a circle with hands palm to palm
Side step to the right for 4 counts with your hands going up on each count
Drop hands
Walk in the middle 4 counts and lift your left foot up on count 4
Walk back from the middle 4 counts and lift your right foot up on count 4

3 left mayims (12 counts)

Stop and do right heel up for 4 counts as your hands go up

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