April 29, 2015 Builder

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May is one of the busiest months of the year at First Baptist.

You will see in the calendar of events special emphasis are planned for
each Sunday of the month. Some will look at this and think a particular
activity does not apply to them, so they should not attend. They might
even chose to skip the event altogether. That is sad. Why? Because
unity is built on your presence, not simply in words. Dont have a child
in Awanas? Still come to encourage the parents who do and celebrate
the accomplishments of the children. Dont know our graduates? Come
and hear what their goals are and meet them. Think old people dont
have anything to offer? Talk to one, you will be surprised.
Just as we need one anothers support physically, we need that
same support financially. Never in my 40 plus years of ministry have I
talked so much in one year about finances. But I must. We were
blessed with a special gift recently that brought our budget up to par.
But it is up to us to continue to keep our giving at an acceptable level.
We cannot rely on special gifts to sustain us. Each of us must take
seriously our responsibility before the Lord to give. Each of us must be
honest with the Lord in our giving. We are facing crucial times and I
know we can step up to the plate and fulfill our commitment.
You have received your list of men that can be nominated to
serve as a Deacon at First Baptist Church. Please add Jerry Pollock to
the list. We apologize to Jerry for inadvertently omitting his name.
Prayerfully consider whom you will nominate.
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

Georgia Baptist Children's Homes Truck Loading

Impossible Situations VS Possible Solutions for the Children
Friday, May 8, 2015
9:00 AMNoon at the Bowen Association Office
The Bowen Baptist Association is collecting: washing powders, canned
chicken, croutons, 100% juice, beans (all kinds), Vienna sausage and
bathroom cleaner. Gift cards are always appreciated!
You can drop donations off at the church prior to May 8.

Sunday April 26, 2015

Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study
May 6
Potato Salad
Butter Beans

Sunday, May 3
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
Wedding Policy Comm.
4:00 PM
Church Council
5:00 PM
5:30 PM
PM Worship - Youth Bld.
6:30 PM
Monday, May 4
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM
Fellowship Club - Boat Basin Noon
Property Committee
6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 5
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM
Wednesday, May 6
Graded Choirs
5:45 PM
640 Worship
6:00 PM
Family Supper
6:00 PM
Mission Friends/GAs/RAs 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Chancel Choir
7:45 PM


May 3
Early SessionBucky & LeAnn Buchanan and Jean Stokes.
Extended SessionFaye & Morrell Martin, Allison & Maci Barber,
Erin Caplan, Sandra Heath and Emily Medley.
Wedding Policy Committee
The Wedding Policy Committee will meet Sunday, May 3, at 4:00 PM.
Billy & Traci Poppell and family in the death of their daughter, Beth
The family of Kay Elliott.

First Baptist

April 29, 2015


Pastor Rev. Paul Medley

Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer


Join us, Wednesday, May 13th as we hear our Childrens
Choirs share their end of the school year program. Every child
has worked hard this year learning songs and music which
honors God. Meet us at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary for a great


Preschool Paid Position Available

The Preschool Committee announces the need for a paid part-time
nursery worker. Hours will be on Wednesday and Sunday evenings.
A job description with qualifications and application may be picked up
from the church office. Further inquiries may be made to Stacey or
members of the preschool committee.

5th & 6th Grade Retreat

SNAC is scheduled for this Sunday night

following the evening worship service. This month
for SNAC we will be meeting together in the Youth
Building to have a time of fellowship, food, and to
just hang out together. Make plans to worship this
Sunday evening and then hang around for SNAC.

Bainbridge High School Band, under the direction of our very

own Paschal Ward and J.J. Sewell, accepted an invitation to
march in San Antonios annual Fiesta Flambeau Parade. This
fiesta travels nearly three miles through the streets of one of
Texas friendliest cities. The band included instrumentalist of
all types in addition to the Dance Line and Flag Corps.
It took 6 large tour busses to transport over 250 band members, leaders and chaperones 900 miles to South Texas. In addition to the great nighttime parade, the band tasted the many
flavors of San Antonio including the RiverWalk, Six Flags
and SeaWorld. FBC Bainbridge was represented by a wonderful group of students and leaders. They include:
Heather Barr, Alissa Brown, Erin Caplan, Alexander
Coleman, Nicholas Coleman, Mayson Colon, Taylor Colon, Natalie Edmunds, Brannon Fagan, Calen Greene,
Sarah Hobby, Lani Jackson, Carah Jones, Chelsea Jones,
Collin Morrison, Austin Presnal, Lindsay Presnal, Charley
Rayfield, Mackenzie Sewell, Marla Sims, Jonathan
Thrower, Matthew Walker and Trey Walker.

May 29-30 Moultrie, GA


Our traditional gathering at the Boat Basin will take place on
Monday, May 4th this year. We bring our covered dishes and
share them together at the pavilion just to the left of the Chamber of Commerce promptly at noon that day. A pontoon boat
is available for those who might like a leisurely trip up the
Flint River to cap off a day of fun and fellowship.

If you work with children at our church, are a parent, grandparent or

interested in ways to talk with a child about salvation, you won't want
to miss this time of training. There is no cost, but supplies will need to
be ready for you. Please call the office to sign up.


What's Happening:
May 3 AWANA Awards Night
May 20 Last day of RAs/GAs/Mission Friend

Wednesday Night Meal Team May 6: April Helms,

April Aldridge, Pam Oliver, Patti Hall, Melissa Brock,
Anne Hobby

We are headed to the Adventure Course at Moultries YMCA to zip

line, climb the repel tower and do some team building. There will be
Bible Study and a few surprises. You wont want to miss it! Cost is
$80 per person, scholarships available. Sign up today with me or Jeff.

Calling all artists!

Now that the Preschool Hallway has a new coat of paint, we would
like to share our vision with you. We invite artists of all ages in the
church who are members or regular attendees and who are inspired by
Bible verses or stories or God's beautiful creation to share their art on
the hallway. Our intent is to make the preschool hallway a gallery or
museum, ever changing with the seasons, and proclaiming God's glory.
There are a few criteria for donating or loaning work. If you are
interested, please contact the church office.

AWANA Awards Night Sunday, May 3 6:30 pm Youth

Please join us as we recognize the hard work the children of FBC's
AWANA Club accomplished this year.

Leading a Child to Christ Tuesday, June 2 6:30 pm

Friday night May 8th will be our monthly game

night. We will be meeting at the Youth Building
beginning at 6:30. This is a laid back evening for
our students to meet together and spend time
playing games, eating, and just getting to know
each other better. Do not miss this opportunity.
We will be honoring our graduating seniors on
Sunday, May 17th. Beginning at 8:30 in the
Fellowship Hall, we will have breakfast and then will
be honoring our graduates during the 11:00
The balance for Merge is due Wednesday, May
13th. If you have questions about Merge, contact
me anytime!

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