Carrier Tabletalk 1432747 PDF
Carrier Tabletalk 1432747 PDF
Carrier Tabletalk 1432747 PDF
RichardC. Carrier
Hitlerwas passionatelyhostile to Christianity:"Ishallnevercome to termswith
the Christian lie.... Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of
Christianity.It will last anotherhundredyears,two hundredyearsperhaps.My
regretwill have been thatI couldn't, like whoever the prophetwas, behold the
promised land from afar." He accepted a broadly Nietzschean account of
Christianityas a conspiracy of Jews for a slave revolt against their Roman
conquerors:"Christianityis a prototypeof Bolshevism:the mobilisationby the
Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of underminingsociety."
Jonathan Glover'
This is a claim often made, employing the same or similar quotations. But the
quotationsare largely false. Hitlerdid criticize priests and the Churchand certain
Christiandogmas quite a bit, but so do god-fearingChristians.Hitler never went
quiteas faras these statementsimply. HasGloverbeen dupedby a shamdocument?
His source is Hitler's Table Talk, a curious text whose story remains to be
adequately told by historians of the era. The need for furtherresearch will be
emphasizedby the findings presentedhere.2
What is the Table Talk?
The Table Talkis purportedlya transcriptionfrom notebookswrittenin shorthand
by at least two secretariesto Hitler, HeinrichHeim and Henry Picker, who were
instructedby Hitler's right-handman Martin Bormann to record for posterity
whateverHitlersaidin his bunkerin Berlin,usuallyduringmeals ortea. In addition
to official matters,they recordedthingshe saidoff the cuff, each logged by dateand
time (like "morning,""afternoon,"or "evening").So farall accountsagree.Beyond
this is some confusion thatan enterprisinghistorianwill some day have to sortout.
Richard C. Carrier
Schrasberger.Gerdafled to Italy with her collection of the notes in 1945 and died
there in a detention camp in 1946. A local Italian official then acquired the
manuscript,whichhe sold to Genoudaround1948.5Thatmanuscriptis thebasis for
Jochmann'stext, as well as Genoud's and Trevor-Roper'stranslations.
Which Version Should We Trust?
Thereareso manypublishedversionsandeditionsof these notes I gave up attempts
to track them all. In general, there are four major versions, each with its own
advocate: Henry Picker (1951, 1963, 1976), Francois Genoud (1952), H. R.
Trevor-Roper(1953, 1973, 2000), and WernerJochmann(1980). Of these only
two offer the originalGerman(PickerandJochmann).Genoud,a Swiss bankerand
lifetime Nazi, offers his own Frenchtranslation.HistorianTrevor-Roperpresents
the English translationof R. H. Stevens and NormanCameron.
From the isolated comparisonsI made, Trevor-Roper'sEnglish appearsto be
an almost verbatimtranslationof Genoud's French.Yet the title "Hitler'sTable
Talk"is a direct English translationof Picker's title, not Genoud's,6and TrevorRoper's preface claims the translationwas made from the German original of
MartinBormann.Genoud's version ends in 1942 (his prefacedeclaresan intentto
publishthe restin a second volume, which nevertranspired),as does Picker's (who
did not have any material beyond 1942), while Trevor-Roperand Jochmann
continue with entries up to 1944.7
Assuming any publishedtext is a genuinecopy of these notes, Picker's edition
(especiallywhereit agreeswithJochmann)carriesthestrongestclaimto authenticity.
It contains the actual German,and was the first to be published, a year before
Genoud,andthoughGenoudprocureda lengthybutessentiallytrivialprefacefrom
Robert d'Harcourtof the Academie Franqaise,Picker had the involvement and
auspices of a major university and Hitler historian:"Arrangedon behalf of the
GermanInstitutefor the Historyof NationalSocialism, initiatedandpublishedby
GerhardRitter, professor of history at the University of Freiburg."8Moreover,
Pickerwas one of the actualstenographers(from21 March1942 to 2 August 1942),
and thus transcribedmany of the notes himself in the very presence of Hitler,
makinghim an eyewitness with access to the notebooksof his predecessorHeim,
which he says he acquireddirectly,bypassing the editing of Bormann.
Picker's second andthirdeditions also containseveraltestimonialsto the text's
accuracyandauthenticityby fellow bunkerofficers, includingGerhardEngel, and
also a testimonialby historianWalterMedigerwho checkedthe firsteditionagainst
Picker's own transcriptsand "made corrections"accordingly, testifying to the
accuracyof the new edition in relationto those notes. Picker assertedin his first
edition that [translatingPicker's German]"a sufficient numberof the staff at the
FHQ lives to be able to testify to the authenticityof the recordingsof the table
discussions,since Hitlerspokerarelyattableon militaryaffairs,"andto demonstrate
his personalknowledge he gives a detaileddescriptionof the bunkerand meeting
Richard C. Carrier
Richard C. Carrier
Richard C. Carrier
Richard C. Carrier
Richard C. Carrier
editions,in the actualGermanof thisentryHitlerdoes attack
the Church,Christiandogma,andinstitutionalreligion, while promotingpersonal
religionandreligioustolerance.And while he talksof Christianityintroducinglies,
he still denounces atheism (e.g. "zumAtheismus wollen wir nicht erziehen").In
anotherentryHitlertalksof Christianitybecomingobsoletewhile,again,denouncing
atheism(14 October, 1941, midday).Hitler's position appearsto resembleKant's
with regardto the primacy of science over theology in deciding the facts of the
universe, while remainingpersonallycommittedto a more abstracttheism. But I
won't argue for any particularconstructionof Hitler's religious views here. It is
sufficientto note that,whateverhis beliefs were, they aredistortedin Genoud,and
these distortionsamongmanyotherswereretainedin the text of Trevor-Roper.Yet
that is the only English translationof the Table Talkin print,and few know how
worthlessit is.
Thereis need of muchmoreworkon this sourcebeforeit canbe used in any way
by competenthistorians.At the very least we need a complete investigationof the
manuscriptson which they are based and the persons who have claimed to have
them,theirmotives andcapabilities,anda collationof all versionsandeditionswith
commentaryon all the discrepancies,with a new English translationbased on a
critical edition of Picker and Jochmann.18
1 Jonathan
Richard C. Carrier