Jan-1, 1935 - R. G. de La Mater Er Al 1,985,889

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Jan- 1, 1935-




- Filed larch 22. 1932



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/,, 44.




Jan. 1, 1935.




Filed larch 22, 1952

2 Sheets-Sheet 2




. . -





Patented Jan. 1, 1935

' 1.985.889









Robert Grii?n De La Mater and William Schwcni

' lein, Parkersburg, W. Va., aseignors to The

Parkersburg Rig & Reel Company, a corpora

tion of West Virginia

Application March 22. 19st. Seriai No. 600,478

- zscisim.

(01. 188-90)

This invention relates to a method of and rate of discharge of liquid from a brake oper
means for regualting and controlling the braking ating full of liquid, it will be apparent that the
eilort developed by the so-called hydro-dynamic range of speed regulation will be rather limited.
brakes of the type in which energy is absorbed
An object or this invention is the provision of
by ?uid friction.
means for controlling the braking effort devel
Heretofore hydro-dynamic brakes have been oped ' by' hydro-dynamic brakes whereby such~
designed to operate full of liquid or water which braking eiIort may be regulated from practically
is introduced to the brake under pressure. Such zero value to the maximum value that may be
brakes unless provided with su?icient liquid to obtained with a brake full of liquid with no dis
10 maintain them full at all times, or unless a sup

ply pump, or a source of liquid under pressure

charge therefrom.

Another object of the invention is the provision ~

was provided to introduce liquid to the brakes" of a method and means of obtaining primary
at thesarne rate as it was discharged therefrom, regulation of the braking e?ort independent of
would not function properly. In accordance with the' rate of discharge of liquid and secondary
this invention it is proposed to provide an hydro- ' regulation by controllingv the rate of liquid dis

dynamic brake which may be operated either full charge from the brake.
of liquid or water, or only partially full.
A still further object of the invention is the
A brake constructed in accordance with this in provision of a brake which will function in its
vention may be operated full of liquid or water, intended manner although only partially ?lled
or partially full, with or without discharge of with liquid.
liquid therefrom. The brake will develop maxi - It is also an object of the invention to provide


mum braking e?ort when operated full of liquid means whereby the volume of liquid in the brake
with no discharge therefrom.~ Howevenif no may be predetermined and maintained constant

discharge takes place, and no liquid is circulated

at such volume.


through the brake, the temperature of the liquid

It is also an object of the invention to provide

may be raised to the point where steam pockets a fluid friction brake system wherein the heat
may form therein, thereby either impairing or absorbed in the liquid in the brake may be uti
destroying the braking action thereof. It is lized .to automatically increase the braking ac~

therefore proposed to discharge liquid from the



30 brake, whether operated full or partially full of

Other objects of the invention will, in part, be

liquid and to circulate cool liquid through the apparent and will, in part, be obvious from the
brake so that the temperature of the liquid there following description taken in conjunction with
in will be below the point where steam may the accompanying drawings in which:


Figure 1 is a view of a hoist to which an hydro

If no discharge of liquid from the brake is per

dynamic brake is applied, the brake being shown

mitted, there is no leakage between the stator and partially in section;
I rotor, hence the back pressure and brake re

Fig. 2 is a more or less diagrammatic illustra

sistance are a maximum. If liquid is discharged tion of apparatus for obtaining primary and
from the brake, leakage between rotor and stator secondary regulation of the braking effort de
40 .takes place, causing the back pressure and brake veloped by the hydro-dynamic brake shown in7
resistance to be reduced. Therefore, by regu Fig. 1;
- ,
lating the rate of discharge, the back pressure
Fig. 3 is a'fragmentary sectional view of the
and the braking effort or resistance may be regu lnrdro-dynamlc brake taken on line III-III of
lated within predetermined limits.


_ Fig. 1 showing one form of nozzle or inlet tubevfor

regulate or control the speed of descent of a loaded ' Fig. 4 is a similar fragmentary sectional view

Where hydro-dynamic. brakes are utilized to introducing liquid to the brake, and-

hoist, the speedat which the load descends will

be substantially constant for a given rate of dis-_
charge of liquid from the brake. In hoist appli
cations, it is therefore apparent that the pri
mary function of means for obtaining regulation
is that of governing the descent of the load and
~ providing for variations in speed over a prede-'
termined range.


showing another form of nozzle or inlet tube for

introducing liquid to the brake;
Fig. 5 is a view of a tank, such as shown in Fig.

2, provided with a modi?ed form of apparatus for

regulating the level of the liquid therein and the
' braking action of the brake. .

Throughout the drawings andthe speci?cation

similar and like parts are designated by the some

If such regulation is dependent entirely on the reference characters.



' 2

In the drawings, with particular reference to threaded into tapped holes formed in the stator
Fig. 1, av hoist rig is shown that comprises a shaft walls separating the stator pockets from the

1 on which a drum or reel 2 is mounted. _A cable chambers. In one form, the nozzles may extend
3 wound on the drum, operates over a pulley 4 at right angles to the rotor as shown in Fig. 4.

and carries a load W. A motor 5 coupled to the In another form, nozzles 25 inclined at an angle
shaft by means of a clutch .6, for example a jaw as shown in Fig. 3, may be provided. When

clutch, is utilized to turn the shaft, whereby the mounted as shown in Fig. 3, liquid is discharged

' cable is wound on the drum when it is desired to from the nozzles in the general direction of ro
raise the load. When the load is to be lowered, tation of the rotor when functioning as a brake.
10 the clutch is shifted to disengage the motor from,

the shaft, permitting the load to fall under the

action of gravity, thereby turning the drum and
unwinding the cable.
In order that the speed at which the load falls
15 or descends may be regulated and limited to some
desired safe speed, an hydro-dynamic brake '7 is
provided, the load being stopped and/or held in
the desired position by means of a mechanical or
solid friction brake 8 of standard or known con
20 struction mounted on the reel shaft. When the

load is being raised'by the motor, brake 7 offers

negligible resistance to rotation of the. reel shaft.

The particular form of brake shown and de


scribed'above is shown and described in the co

pending application of Robert G. De La Mater,

Serial No. 601,337, ?led March 26, 1932. In such
a brake, the braking action is not dependent upon
the amount of liquid in the brake, except as'it 15
affects the degree of braking effort or resisting
torque developed thereby, nor is it necessary to
introduce liquid into the brake under pressure.
However, the braking action may be varied from
a minimum, or practically zero value, to a maxi 20
mum value by controlling the amount of liquid
con?ned in the brake. Thus the braking action

As shown, brake '7 is mounted on a portion of is a minimum when the brake is empty, and a
shaft 1 that overhangs its hearing so that the maximum when full with the discharge port
brake may be easily removed. The brake may closed.
preferably be mounted on an overhanging shaft
requiring the braking qualities or functions there posed to vary the quantity of liquid in the brake

by regulating the liquid level therein in order to

pedites assembly or disassembly. However, they obtain primary regulation of the braking action, [30
brake may be mounted in any position on the and to obtain secondary regulation by adjusting

of. The mounting on an overhanging shaft ex

shaft, or mounted on an auxiliary shaft driven

from the shaft, the braking of which is required.

The hydro-dynamic brake 7 comprises a stator
9' having a rotor 10 therein which is journalled in
bushings 11 mounted in the stator. The journal
of the rotor is hollow to accommodate the reel
shaft 1, and is provided with a keyway to accom

a valve 26 in the discharge line.

In order to obtain such regulation, a closed tank
or container 27 is provided having a stand pipe
or riser 28 which is vented at its top to the atmos
phere. The lower end of the pipe or riser ex 85
tends downwardly into the tank to a depth below

.the lowest point whichthe level of the'liquid in

modate a key 12 so that the rotor may be held the tank may reach in operation. Thus, a con
' fast on the shaft. The stator "may be bolted to a ?ned space is provided in the top of the tank which
40 foundation as indicated at 13 and 13' (see Fig. 2) is sealed from'the atmosphere because the lower

end of the pipe or riser 28 is always submerged

The top of the tank is preferably at
the inlet to the brake and the top of
stator prevented from rotating by tying it to the
thestand pipe at a level slightly higher than the.
foundation or any stationary support.
The stator is provided with a series of radially discharge outlet from the top of the brake.
The inlet to the brake is connected by a pipe
disposed pockets or recesses 14 on one side there

to prevent its turning when the brake is in op

eration, or it may be mounted on the shaft and the in liquid.

of and a similar series of radially disposed pockets 30 to the bottom of the tank, a valve 31 being pro-.
or recesses 15 on the opposite side. Each series vided so that the brake may be shut 03 from the

of pockets, or recesses are formed concentrically tank. The outlet from the brake is connected by
a pipe 32 to the stand pipe at a point preferably
the broken line circles A and B of Fig. 2, repre above the level of the top of the brake so that

50 to the axis of rotation of the rotor as indicated by



senting, respectively, the outer and inner ends of liquid dischargingtherefrom may be returned to
The pockets of each series or group the tank. To control the amount of liquid dis
the recesses.

are separated by vanes ' or partitions, 16 which ' charging from the brake, valve 26 is appropriately

slope in a direction rearward to that in which the

rotor rotates while functioning as a brake.

The braking effort developed by the brake for

Each side of the rotor is provided with a series a given rotor speed depends primarily upon the
' of pockets or recesses 1'1 and 18 of substantially amount of liquid con?ned in the brake and sec
the same shape and size as the pockets in the ondarily upon the amount of liquid discharging 60
60 stator and occupy substantially the same posi-. therefrom. . Since the amount of liquid in the
tion relativev thereto, The pockets in the rotor brake is dependent upon the level of the liquid in
are separated by slopingv vanes or partitions 19. the stand pipe it follows that primary regulation ~
> As shown the rotor partitions or vanes slope in a of the braking action may be obtained by con
forward direction with respect to the direction trolling the level of the liquid in the pipe.
In order to control the liquid level in the pipe,
in which the rotor rotates when functioning as a
means are provided for auperposing an artificial
In order that liquid may be introduced to the head or pressure on the liquid in the tank. The
brake to replace the water which is permitted to liquid level may be conveniently adjusted by in
discharge therefrom at the top of the stator, the troducing air, under pressure, to thetank. A
stator is provided with circular chambers 20 convenient way of providing such air pressure is
and 21 having inlets .22 and 23, respectively, at to utilize an air pump 34, preferably a manual
the bottom of the stator. .These inlets are con ly operated plunger pump. By operating the
nected by a pipeto a source of supply of liquid. pump and forcing air into the tank through a pipe
The liquid is introduced into the pockets. of the 35, the liquid level will rise in the stand pipe and
rotor through nozzles or tubes 24 which are in the brake to equal levels. By varying the air



pressure, the levels may be adjusted from a point
where the brake is empty to the point where the
brake is full. By 'placing a gauge glass 36 on
the stand pipe, the level of the liquid in the brake
may be determined by observation.

If the level in the stand pipe is high and it is

desired to lower the same, air maybe exhausted
fromthe tank. To' provide for exhausting or re
ducing the air pressure in the tank, a two-way
10 cock 37 is provided in line 35'between the pump
and the tank. By turning the valve to one posi

tion, air ?ows from the tank to the atmosphere,

and to another position, air may be forced by the
pump into the tank.



If the liquid level in'the brake and the stand

pipe is at X for example (the brake being only

charged from the brake and returned to the tank

.via the discharge line 32. Such discharge of
liquid tends-to create a partial vacuum in the
brake, causing liquid to flow from the tank into
the brake to replace the quantity of liquid dis
charged. Thus the quantity of liquid and the
volume of air in the brake are maintained at a
constant value regardless of how wide open or how
nearly closed the discharged valve may be.
If thedischarge valve is opened wide, the flow v10
of liquid out of the brake permits, considerable
leakage between the outside circumference of the
rotor and stator, thus reducing the quantity of the
liquid thrown from the rotor pockets ~to stator
and reducing the braking resistance.

If the discharge valve is completelyv closed, the

partially full) and the rotor is driven in the liquid around the outside of the rotor would form

direction of arrow 38 by the descending load W,

the braking effort developed will be of a prede
20 termined value when the rotor speed is at a pre
determined value. That is, for a given amount
of liquid in the brake, whether full or only par?
tially full, the load will increase in speed until
the power absorbed by the brake is equalto the
25 kinetic energy of the load. When the kinetic

a solid wall and prevent .any leakagebetween the

outside circumference of rotor and the stator.
The liquid will thenbe thrown from rotor to

stator with-maximum velocity and the maximum

resistance obtained.


By varying the air pressure in the tank, the

quantity of liquid con?ned in the brake may be

varied over a widerange whereby a wide' range

' energy is equal to the power absorbed by the of braking effort may be obtained. "A wide range

brake,the speed of the load will remain constant.

The braking action is caused by the rotor pock
ets collecting slugs or small bodies of liquid
30 and throwing these bodies, under the action of
centrifugal force, to the outer ends of the rotor
pockets which are shaped to direct them across
the spaces between the sides of the-rotor and





of braking effort also permits of a wide range in

the speed-at which the load W may be dropped.
The maximum braking effort is obtained when the
brake is full of liquid andgvoid of air, the dis

charge valve being completely clpsed. However,

where a considerable amount of power is ab

sorbed by the liquid, the discharge valve should

the stator in the form of high velocity jets. , When .be open to permit 'su?icient circulation through
' these high velocity Jets strike the stator pockets the brake to prevent the temperature of the liquid
they are de?ected to the inner ends thereof and from rising beyond a certain value, say 180 to 190
thence back to the rotor pockets. The direction degrees F. If steam should be generated in the
in which these slugs move is indicated by vectors brake, the braking action may be impaired, but
in Fig. 1. The acceleration of these slugs of liquid no damage would result to {the brake because the
in the rotor, the cutting of the high velocity jets pressure thus developed would merely cause the 40
by the stator vanes as they sweep across the stator liquid and steam to v?ow back into the tank
vanes, the deceleration thereof in the stator, and through the inlet pipe 30.
the friction between the liquid and the surfaces of _ If load W falls a great distance, say 5,000 feet
the rotor and stator pockets, produces the brak or-more, and the brake is absorbing considerable
ingaction required to hold the speed of the load power, the temperature of the liquid passing
in check. This absorption of power causes the through the brake will be raised. Since the heated
liquid to be heated. If the heat developed in the liquid is discharged from the brake and returned
liquid is too great, the discharge valve is opened to the tank _via stand pipe 28, the temperature of
to permit a certain amount of .the liquid to be the liquid in the tank will rise.- The rise in tem
circulated and recirculated from the tank through perature of the liquid causes the air and liquid in 50
the brake, thereby dissipatingthe heat in the the tank to expand, whereby the pressure of the
liquid and maintaining the temperature of the air is increased. Since the air and the liquid in
liquid delivered to the brake within operating _ the tank expand, the liquid level in the stand pipe
and in the brake is raised, thereby automatically
The larger the slugs or bodies of water which increasing the braking effort developed by the
are thrown from the rotor pockets to the stator brake.
pockets, the greater will be the braking action.
Such automatic increase in braking action may It therefore follows that the greater the quantity be particularly useful in some applications where
of liquid in the brake, the greater will be the the cable spooled fromv the reel materially in
braking action for a given rotor speed.
creases the load tending to drive the shaft on 60
The operation of the brake may be described as which the brake is mounted.

For example, if the brake is applied to the

follows: If the brake has been filled withliquid
tothe desired level, the remainder of the brake. draw works of rotary-drill rigs, the total weight
if not full of liquid, will be filled with air, the which the brake'must hold in check increases
discharge valve being either iully open or partly rapidly as thev load is lowered, thereby increasing 65
open. When the'rotor starts to rotate in the di the energy absorbed by the'brake and the tem
rection of arrow 38, the liquid in the brake is perature of the liquid discharged therefrom. vThe:
caused to circulate between the rotor and statorj heat of the discharged liquid, as stated above,
pockets as described above. Partl'of the liquidis varying with the increase in load,- automatically
thrown out to the rim of the stator where itlseals increasesthe quantity of liquid in the brake, and
oi! the discharge port so that the air near the consequently automatically increases the braking
center of the brake cannot escape. Therefore
Thus- by controlling the vair pressure in the sup
the original volume of air will remain in the




As the rotor co tinues to rotate, liquid is dis

ply tank, the level of the liquid in the brake may ,

be adjusted to that value which will give the brak



ing action desired. The regulation of the braking

action, as aifected by the air- pressure in the tank,
provides the primary form of control, adjustment
of the discharge valve 26 gives a secondary form of
control, and the increasing temperature of the.
liquid discharging from the brake gives automatic
increase in resistance through the primary- con

braking resistance may be regulated by draining

the tank until the liquid level is reduced to the
desired point, or by adding-liquid until the leve '
is raised to the proper height.


i If it were desired to run the brake full of liquid

but to have the discharge valve open so as to per
mit circulation, the resistance of the brake may

be further increased by increasing the pressure

. '
It may also be desirable to provide means on the liquid at the brake inlet. This may be

trol, if this is desired.

10 whereby the braking e?ort developed by the brake

may be suddenly increased, in case it should be
necessary to decelerate the load quickly. A means
for accomplishing this result is illustrated as
comprising a storage tank T, having air or com
15 pressible ?uid therein under pressure, for ex
ample, a pressure of 25 or 30 pounds per square
inch, connected to tank 27. A valve V is utilized


accomplished by having the stand pipe 28 and 10

the discharge pipe 32 extend as high as required

in order to securethe head desired. The pres
sure may be regulated within the range made pos
sible by the height of the stand pipe by varying
the liquid level in the stand pipe in the manner 16
previously described.
While various modi?cations and changes may
be-made in the method for controlling the liquid
level in the brake andin the apparatus for car
rying out such method, without departing from 20
the spirit or the scope of the invention, it is to be.
understood that only such limitations shall be

to normally shut off tank T from tank 2'7. When

it is desired to rapidly increase thebraking ac
tion, valve V is opened thereby increasing the
pressure in tank 27, and raising the level of the
liquid in the brake quickly. The quantity of liq
uid being increased rapidly the braking action'is placed on the invention as are imposed by the
increased correspondingly whereby the load is de prior art and the appended claims.
Whatwe claim as new and desire to secure by 25
celerated at a high rate. In practice, it has been
found thatby suddenly 9.11pm air, under pres Letters Patent is:
1. The method of controlling the braking action
sure, to tank 27 that the load may be decelerat- _
in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in provid
ed quickly almost to the point of stopping.
a source of supply or liquid, connecting said
From the above description, it will be appre

30 ciated that we have provided an hydro-dynamic supply to the brake, superposing on said source a 30
brake which will function as a brake when either supply of compressible ?uid under pressure, and

partially full or completely full of liquid and adjusting said pressure until the head of liquid
that we have also provided means whereby the in the brake is of the desired value.
2. The method of controlling the braking action
volume of the liquid in the brake may be accu

rately adjulted to give the desired control of in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in provid 35
the speed at which the load W is permitted to fall. ing a source of supply of liquid, connecting said
The means illustrated insures that a predeter supply to the brake, superposing on said source a
mined quantity of liquid may be introduced to the supply of compressible ?uid under pressure, ad
brake and that this quantity will be maintained justing the level of the liquid in the brake by
-40 constant even though the discharge control valve adjusting the pressure of the ?uid acting on the 40
supply source, and discharging liquid from the
is wide open or nearly completely closed.
In the system shown, the pipe leading from brake to supply source in accordance with the

the brake to the tank and the tank itself serve braking action desired.
3. The method of controlling the braking action
as a cooling system for the dischargedliquid which
45 maintains the liquid at a temperature well below in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in provid
the critical value above which the braking action ing a source of supply of liquid, connecting said
supply to the brake, superposing on said source
would ordinarily be impaired.

a supply of compressible ?uid under pressure, ad

justing the level of the liquid in the brake by
adjusting the pressure of the ?uid acting on the 50
supply source, discharging liquid from the brake
ducinga weight into the tank, thus displacing to supply source in accordance with the braking
the ?uid to the required level. In Fig. 5 such an action desired, and varying the rate of discharge
arrangement is shown. It a weight is used to of liquid from the brake to the supply source.
4. In combination, an hydro-dynamic brake 55
55 variably displace liquid in tank 27, pump 34 and
the connections therefor, and pressure tank T and comprisinga stator having a rotor therein, a
valve Vmay be omitted, and a weight 40 substi closed container having a supply of liquid there
in, means placing the interior of the containerin
tuted in lieu thereof.
Weight 40 may be disposed in a pipe or cylinder communication with the interior of the brake,
41 that extends through and opens into the'top'of and means for introducing'a compressible ?uid
the tank, and be suspended from av cable forming _' pressure to said container of such value that a
part of a windlass 42 mounted on top or the pipe. predetermined quantity of liquid is delivered to
Thus, by operating the windlass, weight 40 may said brake.

In the system shown the level of the liquid in

the stand pipe is controlled by air pressure: This
'50 could be accomplished in a number of other ways.
For example, the level could be varied by intro

be lowered or raised, displacing more or less liq


5. In combination, an hydro-dynamic brake ~

uid in the tank, thereby raising or lowering the comprising a stator having a rotor therein, a
level of theliquidand correspondingly regulat closed tank having a supply of liquid therein,
means placing the interior or the tank in com
ing the amount of active liquid in the brake.
In cases where the load on the brake remains munication with the interior of the brake, means
practically constant, it may not be necessary to for introducing a compressible ?uid under pres
pump air into the tank. Instead, the tank may sure to said tank of such value that a predeter~
be ?lled with liquid until the level rises in the mined quantity of liquid is delivered to said brake,
stand pipe to the point where the brake contains and'means to indicate the level of the liquid in
su?icient liquid to produce the braking action re the brake.

-_ quired. If operated in this manner, tank 27 and

6. In combination, an hydro-dynamic ?uid

75 stand pipe 281cm, in elIect, an open tank. The friction brake comprising astator having a rotor 75


therein adapted to be driven by an over-hauling in response'toincreasing loads being imposed on
load, a closed container having a supply of liquid
therein, a stand pipe extending into said con-






12. A ?uid friction brake, a source of supply

tainer, said pipe having its lower end submerged .for said ?uid, connecting means between the
in the liquid therein and its upper end vented to brake and ?uid supply, means for varying the level a
the atmosphere, a connection from said container of the liquid in the brake to thereby regulate the
to the inlet of said brake, a connection from'the resistanceof the brake, and meansfor discharg
outlet of the brake to the upper portion of the ing liquid from the brake into the ?uid supply.
stand pipe for returning liquid discharged from 13. The method of controlling the braking ac-.
the brake to the container, and means for intro- I tion in hydrodynamic brakes of the liquid fric 10
ducing a charge of compressible ?uid to said . tion type that consists in providing a source of
container, in the space between the top thereof supply of liquid, connecting said supply to the
and the liquid.

brake, returning the liquid discharged from the


7. In combination, an hydro-dynamic ?uid brake to the source of supply and regulating the
15 friction brake comprising a stator having a rotor level of the liquid at the'source to increase or 15
therein adapted to be driven by' an over-hauling decrease the quantity of active liquid in the brake.
load, a closed container having a supply of liquid
14. A liquid friction brake, a tank containing ,
therein, a stand pipe, extending into saidtank, the supply of liquid for said brake, means for

said pipe having its lower end submerged in the connecting the tank to brake and circulating .
20 liquid therein and its upper end vented to the liquid therethrough, and means for varying the 20
atmosphere, a connection from said container liquid level in the- tank for varying the level of
to the inlet of said brake, a connection from the the liquid in the brake.

outlet of-the brake to the upper portion of the 15. The method of controlling the braking ac
stand pipe for returning liquid discharged from tion in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in
the brake to the container, and means for intro
ducing ?uid to said container under variable pres
sure to vary the liquid level in the brake in ac
cordance with the braking action desired.


providing a source of supply of liquid, connect 25

ing said supply to the brake, superposing' a vari
ablepressure onthe source, and adjusting said
pressure until the level of the liquid in the brake

8. In combination, an hydro-dynamic ?uid is of the desired value. , '_

friction brake comprising a stator having a rotor
16. The method of controlling the braking ac 30
therein adapted to be driven by an over-hauling tion in liquid friction brakes that consists in pro
load, a closed tank having a supply of liquid there viding a source of supply of liquid, connecting
.in, a stand pipe entending into said tank, 'said ' said simply to the brake, superposing a variable

pipe having its lower end submerged in the liquid

therein and its upper end vented to the'atmos
phere, a connection from said tank to the inlet
of said brake, a connection from the outlet of
the brake to the upper portion of the "stand pipe

pressure on the source, and adjusting-said pres- -

sure until the level of the liquid in the brake is of 35

the desired value.

1'7. In combination, aliquid friction brake com

prising a stator having a rotor therein, a closed

for. returning liquid discharged from the brake container having a supply of liquid therein, means
(0 to the tank, means for introducing a charge of placing the interiorof the container in communi
compressible ?uid to said tank in the space be cation 'with the interior of the brake, and means
tween the top'thereof and the liquid, and means for introducing a compressible ?uid, to said con

to regulate the rate at which liquid is discharged tainer, under pressure of such value that a pre
from the brake.
determined quantity of liquid is delivered to said
9. In combination, an hydro-dynamic. brake .brake.

having an inlet and an outlet through which liquid I '18. In combination, a liquid friction brake hav
may discharge, a closed tank having liquid and ing an inlet and an outlet through which liquid
a charge of compressible ?uid therein under pres may discharge, a closed tank having liquid and
sure, and connections from said tank to the inlet , a charge of compressible ?uid therein under pres
of the brake and from the outlet of the brake to sure, a connection from said tank to the inlet of 50

the tank, the heat developed in the liquid passing

through the brake heating the compressible ?uid
in the tank to expand thesame, therebyraising
the liquid level in the brake and increasing the
braking action thereof.
10. In combination, an hydro-dynamicbrake
comprising a stator and a rotor, said stator hav
ing an inlet for liquid and outlet through which
liquid may be discharged, 9. source of supply liquid
connected to the ihlet to the stator and means
responsive to the heat ' absorbed by the liquid

passing through the brake' for automatically in

creasing the quantity of liquid introducedto the
brake and thereby automatically increasing the
- braking effort developed thereby.



the brake, and means for utilizing the heat de- I

veloped in the liquid in the brake and imparted

to said ?uid forvvarying the liquid level in the
tank. and brake to thereby vary the braking action
of the brake in response to changes in- temper


ature of said compressible ?uid.

19. A liquid friction brake, a tank having there
in a supply of liquid for the brake, means for con
necting the tank to the brake and circulating
liquid therethrough, and means coacting with the
liquid in the tank for regulating the active quan
tity of liquid in the brake.
20. A liquid friction brake having an inlet,
through which liquid may enter the brake, an out
let from which liquid may discharge, a source of 65

supply of liquid connected to the inlet, means for

11. In combination, [an hydro-dynamic ?uid

the quantity of active liquid in the
friction brake comprising a'stator and a rotor, controlling
brake independently of the rate at which liquid
said stator having an inlet and outlet for, re
being discharged therefrom, and means for
70 spectively, introducing liquid to the brake and is
regulating the rate of discharge.
discharging liquid therefrom, a source of supply
21. In combination, a liquid friction brake,
~ of liquid connected to the inlet, and means adqot having an inlet and outlet for liquid, a tank hav


ed to automatically increase the quantity of fric ing a connection with the inlet of the brake, there
tion absorbing liquid in the brake and thereby being a' discharge pipe connected to the outlet of >
15 increase the braking effort developed by-the broke the
brake arranged to return liquid to the tank .,75


at a point above the liquid level therein and a . ing an inlet and outlet for liquid, a tank having
substantiallyconstant volume of liquid in the a connection with the inlet 0! the brake, there
tank, brake and connections therebetween, and being a discharge pipe connected to the outlet of
means for adjustably displacing liquid in the tank the brake arranged to return" liquid to the tank
to vary the active quantity of liquid in the brake. at a point above the liquid level therein and a
22. In combination, a liquid friction brake, a substantially constant volume of liquid in the
tank having a supply of liquid therein, means for tank, brake and connections therebetween, and
' connecting the tank to the brake and circulating means for varying the level of the liquid in the
liquid therethrough, and means for varying the tank to adjust the braking eiIort developed by the
level of the liquid'in the, tank to adjust the brak brake.
ing e?ort developed by the brake.
23. In combination, a liquid friction brake, hav

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