Jan-1, 1935 - R. G. de La Mater Er Al 1,985,889
Jan-1, 1935 - R. G. de La Mater Er Al 1,985,889
Jan-1, 1935 - R. G. de La Mater Er Al 1,985,889
2 Sheets-Shae} 1
/,, 44.
Jan. 1, 1935.
2 Sheets-Sheet 2
. . -
' 1.985.889
(01. 188-90)
This invention relates to a method of and rate of discharge of liquid from a brake oper
means for regualting and controlling the braking ating full of liquid, it will be apparent that the
eilort developed by the so-called hydro-dynamic range of speed regulation will be rather limited.
brakes of the type in which energy is absorbed
An object or this invention is the provision of
by ?uid friction.
means for controlling the braking effort devel
Heretofore hydro-dynamic brakes have been oped ' by' hydro-dynamic brakes whereby such~
designed to operate full of liquid or water which braking eiIort may be regulated from practically
is introduced to the brake under pressure. Such zero value to the maximum value that may be
brakes unless provided with su?icient liquid to obtained with a brake full of liquid with no dis
10 maintain them full at all times, or unless a sup
charge therefrom.
Another object of the invention is the provision ~
was provided to introduce liquid to the brakes" of a method and means of obtaining primary
at thesarne rate as it was discharged therefrom, regulation of the braking e?ort independent of
would not function properly. In accordance with the' rate of discharge of liquid and secondary
this invention it is proposed to provide an hydro- ' regulation by controllingv the rate of liquid dis
dynamic brake which may be operated either full charge from the brake.
of liquid or water, or only partially full.
A still further object of the invention is the
A brake constructed in accordance with this in provision of a brake which will function in its
vention may be operated full of liquid or water, intended manner although only partially ?lled
or partially full, with or without discharge of with liquid.
liquid therefrom. The brake will develop maxi - It is also an object of the invention to provide
mum braking e?ort when operated full of liquid means whereby the volume of liquid in the brake
with no discharge therefrom.~ Howevenif no may be predetermined and maintained constant
at such volume.
Where hydro-dynamic. brakes are utilized to introducing liquid to the brake, and-
' 2
In the drawings, with particular reference to threaded into tapped holes formed in the stator
Fig. 1, av hoist rig is shown that comprises a shaft walls separating the stator pockets from the
1 on which a drum or reel 2 is mounted. _A cable chambers. In one form, the nozzles may extend
3 wound on the drum, operates over a pulley 4 at right angles to the rotor as shown in Fig. 4.
and carries a load W. A motor 5 coupled to the In another form, nozzles 25 inclined at an angle
shaft by means of a clutch .6, for example a jaw as shown in Fig. 3, may be provided. When
clutch, is utilized to turn the shaft, whereby the mounted as shown in Fig. 3, liquid is discharged
' cable is wound on the drum when it is desired to from the nozzles in the general direction of ro
raise the load. When the load is to be lowered, tation of the rotor when functioning as a brake.
10 the clutch is shifted to disengage the motor from,
As shown, brake '7 is mounted on a portion of is a minimum when the brake is empty, and a
shaft 1 that overhangs its hearing so that the maximum when full with the discharge port
brake may be easily removed. The brake may closed.
preferably be mounted on an overhanging shaft
requiring the braking qualities or functions there posed to vary the quantity of liquid in the brake
modate a key 12 so that the rotor may be held the tank may reach in operation. Thus, a con
' fast on the shaft. The stator "may be bolted to a ?ned space is provided in the top of the tank which
40 foundation as indicated at 13 and 13' (see Fig. 2) is sealed from'the atmosphere because the lower
of and a similar series of radially disposed pockets 30 to the bottom of the tank, a valve 31 being pro-.
or recesses 15 on the opposite side. Each series vided so that the brake may be shut 03 from the
of pockets, or recesses are formed concentrically tank. The outlet from the brake is connected by
a pipe 32 to the stand pipe at a point preferably
the broken line circles A and B of Fig. 2, repre above the level of the top of the brake so that
senting, respectively, the outer and inner ends of liquid dischargingtherefrom may be returned to
The pockets of each series or group the tank. To control the amount of liquid dis
the recesses.
are separated by vanes ' or partitions, 16 which ' charging from the brake, valve 26 is appropriately
pressure, the levels may be adjusted from a point
where the brake is empty to the point where the
brake is full. By 'placing a gauge glass 36 on
the stand pipe, the level of the liquid in the brake
may be determined by observation.
30 ciated that we have provided an hydro-dynamic supply to the brake, superposing on said source a 30
brake which will function as a brake when either supply of compressible ?uid under pressure, and
partially full or completely full of liquid and adjusting said pressure until the head of liquid
that we have also provided means whereby the in the brake is of the desired value.
2. The method of controlling the braking action
volume of the liquid in the brake may be accu
rately adjulted to give the desired control of in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in provid 35
the speed at which the load W is permitted to fall. ing a source of supply of liquid, connecting said
The means illustrated insures that a predeter supply to the brake, superposing on said source a
mined quantity of liquid may be introduced to the supply of compressible ?uid under pressure, ad
brake and that this quantity will be maintained justing the level of the liquid in the brake by
-40 constant even though the discharge control valve adjusting the pressure of the ?uid acting on the 40
supply source, and discharging liquid from the
is wide open or nearly completely closed.
In the system shown, the pipe leading from brake to supply source in accordance with the
the brake to the tank and the tank itself serve braking action desired.
3. The method of controlling the braking action
as a cooling system for the dischargedliquid which
45 maintains the liquid at a temperature well below in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in provid
the critical value above which the braking action ing a source of supply of liquid, connecting said
supply to the brake, superposing on said source
would ordinarily be impaired.
uid in the tank, thereby raising or lowering the comprising a stator having a rotor therein, a
level of theliquidand correspondingly regulat closed tank having a supply of liquid therein,
means placing the interior or the tank in com
ing the amount of active liquid in the brake.
In cases where the load on the brake remains munication with the interior of the brake, means
practically constant, it may not be necessary to for introducing a compressible ?uid under pres
pump air into the tank. Instead, the tank may sure to said tank of such value that a predeter~
be ?lled with liquid until the level rises in the mined quantity of liquid is delivered to said brake,
stand pipe to the point where the brake contains and'means to indicate the level of the liquid in
su?icient liquid to produce the braking action re the brake.
75 stand pipe 281cm, in elIect, an open tank. The friction brake comprising astator having a rotor 75
therein adapted to be driven by an over-hauling in response'toincreasing loads being imposed on
load, a closed container having a supply of liquid
therein, a stand pipe extending into said con-
7. In combination, an hydro-dynamic ?uid brake to the source of supply and regulating the
15 friction brake comprising a stator having a rotor level of the liquid at the'source to increase or 15
therein adapted to be driven by' an over-hauling decrease the quantity of active liquid in the brake.
load, a closed container having a supply of liquid
14. A liquid friction brake, a tank containing ,
therein, a stand pipe, extending into saidtank, the supply of liquid for said brake, means for
said pipe having its lower end submerged in the connecting the tank to brake and circulating .
20 liquid therein and its upper end vented to the liquid therethrough, and means for varying the 20
atmosphere, a connection from said container liquid level in the- tank for varying the level of
to the inlet of said brake, a connection from the the liquid in the brake.
outlet of-the brake to the upper portion of the 15. The method of controlling the braking ac
stand pipe for returning liquid discharged from tion in hydro-dynamic brakes that consists in
the brake to the container, and means for intro
ducing ?uid to said container under variable pres
sure to vary the liquid level in the brake in ac
cordance with the braking action desired.
to regulate the rate at which liquid is discharged tainer, under pressure of such value that a pre
from the brake.
determined quantity of liquid is delivered to said
9. In combination, an hydro-dynamic. brake .brake.
having an inlet and an outlet through which liquid I '18. In combination, a liquid friction brake hav
may discharge, a closed tank having liquid and ing an inlet and an outlet through which liquid
a charge of compressible ?uid therein under pres may discharge, a closed tank having liquid and
sure, and connections from said tank to the inlet , a charge of compressible ?uid therein under pres
of the brake and from the outlet of the brake to sure, a connection from said tank to the inlet of 50
ed to automatically increase the quantity of fric ing a connection with the inlet of the brake, there
tion absorbing liquid in the brake and thereby being a' discharge pipe connected to the outlet of >
15 increase the braking effort developed by-the broke the
brake arranged to return liquid to the tank .,75
at a point above the liquid level therein and a . ing an inlet and outlet for liquid, a tank having
substantiallyconstant volume of liquid in the a connection with the inlet 0! the brake, there
tank, brake and connections therebetween, and being a discharge pipe connected to the outlet of
means for adjustably displacing liquid in the tank the brake arranged to return" liquid to the tank
to vary the active quantity of liquid in the brake. at a point above the liquid level therein and a
22. In combination, a liquid friction brake, a substantially constant volume of liquid in the
tank having a supply of liquid therein, means for tank, brake and connections therebetween, and
' connecting the tank to the brake and circulating means for varying the level of the liquid in the
liquid therethrough, and means for varying the tank to adjust the braking eiIort developed by the
level of the liquid'in the, tank to adjust the brak brake.
ing e?ort developed by the brake.
23. In combination, a liquid friction brake, hav