G6 - Another Super Module
G6 - Another Super Module
G6 - Another Super Module
This adventure is intended for use with the First Edition
Game rules, and should not consider anything from the
UA manual or any errata that has appeared since. The
party of adventurers should range from 5 to 9 in size
and from levels 8 to 12. Dwarves and paladins should be
included within the group, with at least one cleric,
magic-user and thief along as well. Whether a paladin is
used or not the general bent of the group should be
Lawful and Good. The DM should deny any evil race or
class from being used. The DM should make a list of
pre-rolled characters in case the players do not have any
of the appropriate levels; one or more of these may also
be used as henchman to strengthen a small group.
By RC Pinnell
E. Gary Gygax wrote the beloved G-series of modules
back in the mid to late '70s. The first two installments
ran only 8 pages each (the last being a whopping 16) and
all came with maps on the inside of the folder-cover. It is
easy to refer to them as beloved since, from the moment
of their original printing till now it is safe to say that no
other module or series has so ingrained itself into the
fabric of the fantasy role playing community.
Recently the castle of the Cloud Giant King became a
location of great concern. When the King abandoned his
abode, fleeing south with a concubine and his most
loyal guardsmen, the castle was quickly deluged by a
force of Fog Giants. The good Cloud Giant King had
maintained a steadfast guard atop the mountain so that
caravans of the "little folk" in the valleys on either side
could transport their goods along the route that
traversed the great peak. With him suddenly gone and
the mountain pass threatened by the Fog Giants a party
of adventurers had to reach the locale and rescue the
Queen thought still to be alive within, and drive back
the nefarious Fog Giants. In doing so the group came
across a map and some hastily scripted parchments
alluding to the involvement of a subterranean race.
Returning victorious to the valley below with this
Worms (HP: 61, 59, 57, 55, 53, 51). At 30' long each the
creatures are more than capable of extending themselves
out of their holes and attacking anyone attempting to
use the passage. They have little treasure to speak of, no
more than 2-8 GP and 1-6 PP each tucked at the rear of
their tunnels; with a 50% chance of each having 1-4 small
gems as well.
b. It is generally a
This adventure is dedicated my son and daughter-Jarred and Alison-- who still patiently listen to me
ramble on about D&D.
APPENDICES, SLO-VAN (Fomorian demigod)
AC: -5
Move: 15"
Hit Points: 201
# Of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 10-40 (+14)
Special Attacks: See Below
Special Defenses: +3 OB weapon to hit; blunt types do
only 1 HP of damage; all others 1/2 if Save vs. R is made
MR: 50%
Size: L (15' tall)
Alignment: NE
Worshipper's Alignment: fomorian giants; NE dwarfs
Symbol: Hammer
Plane: Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid: 14th level druid
Fighter: As 16+ HD monster
MU/I: 16th level magic user
S: 25 (+7, +14), I:18, W:18, D:15, C:23, CH:6