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The adventure details the legend of the evil sorcerer Acererak and his transformation into a demi-lich. It also provides background on his infamous tomb and deadly traps.

Ancient legend tells of Acererak seeking immortality through lichdom. After centuries, his body failed but he became a demi-lich. Little is known about his current powers but it is believed to be equally deadly.

Possible locations given for Acererak's tomb include the highest hill on the Plains of Iuz, an unmapped island in the Nyr Dyv, the Bright Desert, the western border of the Duchy of Geoff, somewhere in the Vast Swamp, or an island beyond the Sea Barons.

Dungeon Module S7

The Howling Hills

by Charley Phipps

Far to the North, in the upper reaches of the land of dread Iuz, lies one of the possible resting places of the
ancient evil sorcerer, Acererak. Rumored to lie inside are deadly traps and terrific treasures, but all pales in
comparison to the awesome power of the Demi-Lich.

This module is one of a series of adventures created in homage to the deadliest adventure ever created, The
Tomb of Horrors! This adventure is not to be taken lightly, for many a character will likely meet their demise
within. The author wishes to thank Brian “Glad” Thomas for the amazing cover art, Jason “Jaybird” Braun for
the awesome interior art, Allan “Grodog” Grohe for contributing some of the encountered creatures for this
module, Joe “Bodanay” Pallai and Ronald “rredmond” Redmond for content and editorial assistance.

Included within are background information, the history of Acererak and his tomb, and possible locations for
the tomb within the World of Greyhawk campaign setting.

LEGEND OF THE TOMB As stated above, it is highly advised that only the
strongest of parties consider entering deep into Iuz. A
well outfitted and well balanced group consisting of
Ancient legend tells of the evil sorcerer Acererak, a several fighters, clerics, magic users, and thieves is
wicked man who sought to extend his life far beyond that
required to successfully navigate the land to locate the
which is normal for men. His desire for immortality tomb.
eventually led him to lichdom, and for a time, he was
content. But as the centuries wore on, so did even his Start: Having discovered the likely location of the Tomb
immortal body. And thus passed Acererak from the world, of Acererak to be in the dread realm of Iuz, you
leaving behind his undiscovered lair. Surely great
summoned what little remains of your courage to outfit the
treasures and deadly traps await the foolhardy party to forge deep into that horrid place. You know that
adventurers that seek them out… this trek is a gamble, for one mistake and death far worse
than any you can imagine awaits you.
Modern tales have added to the legend and seers have
confirmed the truth; Acererak the lich did not perish when
Having befriended the Wolf Nomads, you established a
his body finally gave out. He managed to pass on into a
base camp at Eru-Tovar, where you learned the ways of
state known as a demi-lich. Nothing but the skull remains
the region. Maps gained for very high cost show the likely
of the wizard. But beware, while little is known about location of Acererak‟s tomb to be several leagues into an
demi-liches, it is thought that Acererak‟s power has not area known to the locals as the Howling Hills.
diminished, but perhaps has merely become something
else equally deadly. The Nomads have informed you of the location of the
highest peak (located on the World of Greyhawk map at
Possible Locale of the Tomb:
hex K4-59). No longer under their control, it was avoided
at all costs for something evil certainly dwells there. It is
Despite the knowledge of Acererak‟s condition, very little
thought that even the forces of Iuz dare not approach for
is known about the location of his hidden tomb. There are fear of loosing some evil fouler yet than the Old One.
a few possible locations that are suspected as hiding his
final resting place.
After spending several days contemplating this reality
while barge-bound down the river known as Blackwater,
1) The highest hill on the Plains of Iuz you have reached the point where it merges with the Dulsi
2) An island (unmapped) in the Nyr Dyv
River – the point from which you must debark and travel
3) In the Bright Desert
on foot North-East into the Howling Hills. Your maps
4) At the western border of the Duchy of Geoff show a rough patrol trail that winds through the hills.
5) Somewhere in the Vast Swamp Occasionally used by the soldiery of Iuz, it must be
6) On an island beyond the realm of the Sea Barons followed nearly 100 miles to the base of the highest peak,
at which point, a stealthy search must be conducted to
Notes for the Dungeon Master locate the entrance to the tomb.

This adventure is an expansion of the classic Tomb of Note: As with the original Tomb of Horrors, characters
Horrors, famous for the unforgiving doom of countless that become astral or ethereal in the false Tomb will
pc‟s. In the original, the above location list is provided attract a type I-IV demon 1 in 6, with a check made each
(and copied here) to provide some hint of where bold round.
adventurers may begin their search for the tomb. One
such possible location, which is where this adventure Doors: All doors in the complex are large and heavy.
takes place, is on the Plains of Iuz. They are set with an iron ring and open outwards. It takes
a combined strength of 20 to open any of them.
A deadly place in its own right, Iuz is a most unwelcoming
location, ruled, of course, by the thoroughly evil cambion-
god Iuz. Negotiating this hostile land, regardless of the Random Encounter Key in the Howling Hills
final destination, is only to be undertaken by the hardiest
of adventurers for within are the many humanoid soldiers This table may be used in lieu of the table in the World of
that constantly patrol for intruders and sacrifices for their Greyhawk Glossography if you do not have it. There is a 1
demon-lord. Worse still are the demonic predators that in 8 chance for random encounter, check every 4 hours of
Iuz has loosed upon the land to prey upon anyone or travel, and once during an 8 hour rest period.
anything that dare encroach upon his sovereign territory.

01-12: Bugbears, tribal 6-36
13-17: Hill Giants, patrol 1-10 - Ancient Red Dragon: This fearsome beast has been
18-25: Gnolls and Flinds, patrol 20-80 / 2-8 summoned by Iuz in the hopes that he will join forces with
26-37: Goblins and Hobgoblins, tribal 40-160 / 20-80 the Old One. He is currently flying south towards Dorakka
38-43: Trolls, tribal 1-12 to hear what the Demi God has to offer. His stats are:
44: Soldiery, large raiding force (special)
45-55: Ogres and Ogre Magi, patrol 2-20 / 1-6 AC: -1, HP: 88, #At: 3, Dam: 1-8/1-8/3-30 or breath. This
56-61: Soldiery, standard patrol (special) beast speaks and uses spells (2 of each first through
62-72: Orcs, tribal 30-120 fourth level Magic User spells). He carries no treasure, but
73-80: Norkers, tribal 20-80 an interested DM can certainly create a lair to explore,
81-93: Clerics and Type II Demons (special) somewhere to the North-East of the False Tomb…
94-99: Bulletes 2
00: Ancient Red Dragon 1 (special) Key to the False Tomb
* Tribal indicates that the creatures encountered are not
1. FALSE ENTRANCE TUNNEL: The tunnel is 20‟ wide
soldiery of Iuz, but local tribes of the specified type. They
and 20‟ tall all the way to the two doors 70‟in. Cobwebs
may negotiate if facing an obviously superior force.
and moss cover the walls and ceiling in most areas, but a
* Patrol indicates that the creatures encountered are tribal few etchings can be seen on the walls in some spots.
Clearing away the moss and webs will reveal an intricate
bands in the employ of Iuz and empowered to carry out
his will. They will not negotiate. tile mosaic depicting demons sacrificing men and other
beasts before a robed skeletal being. If careful cleaning
- Soldiery, large raiding force: This is a raiding force of of the detritus on the floors is being done, the party will
orcs headed towards the lands of the Wolf Nomads to discover several small 1” diameter holes in the floor from
about 1‟ out from the doors until 8‟ out. If the doors are
deal them a blow and remind them that Iuz is in charge
around here. They number as follows: opened or disturbed in any way, a large 10‟ section of the
ceiling will drop sealing off the area from there to 10‟ away
1 Captain (1/2 Orc): F6, AC: 3 (Platemail) HP: 47 wields a
two handed sword +1 (as marked on the map). Anyone standing in the area
5 Lieutenants (3 Orcs (F3), 1 Ogre, 1 Stone Giant) where the stone wall drops will take 10-100 hp of crushing
1 Shaman (Orc) C5/MU3 damage, a save vs. Breath Weapon will halve the
damage. Anyone trapped between the wall and the doors
35 Orc heavy infantry
will begin to feel the burning drip of acid pouring down
70 Orc light infantry
20 Orc light crossbowmen from above, dealing 1-8 hp of damage per round. Within
3 rounds the dripping will increase to a rate that outpaces
- Soldiery, standard patrol: These troops are on a routine the ability of the holes in the floor to drain it away, and by
patrol looking for scouts and anything else to harass. round 8, the damage dealt will increase to 2-16 hp per
round. The acid will cease falling after 12 rounds, though,
There are the following creatures in the patrol:
1 Captain (Human) F7, AC: 2 (Chain +2, Shield), HP: 58, unless some way is used to get above it, damage will still
wields +2 Horseman’s mace and a Longsword accrue at 1-8 hp per round for 3 more rounds until it has
2 Lieutenants (Human) F3 drained completely away. There is nothing but solid stone
5 Sergeants (Human) F1 behind the doors. Any attempts at digging, magical or
otherwise, will fail.
25 Heavy Lancers
25 Mounted Archers
2. FALSE ENTRANCE TUNNEL: This tunnel is similar in
All are mounted on medium war horses
- Clerics and Type II Demons: This group is on the hunt design to the first, being 20‟ wide and 20‟ tall. It is slightly
for sacrifices. They are not too particular about whom shorter in length at 50‟ but no door is apparent. Identical
tile mosaics to area 1 adorn the walls, with the exception
they sacrifice, but have been instructed to leave official
soldiery alone. A party of do-gooding adventurers would that several small diamonds can be found if a thorough
search of the walls is conducted. There are roughly 100
suit them nicely. All worship Iuz. There are the following
with a base value of 10gp each. When 50 or more are
removed, a large metal portcullis will drop, blocking the
Lead Cleric (Human) C8, AC: -1 (Plate+2, Shield +1), HP: entrance. Each hole will produce 1 poisoned dart that will
48, wields +2 mace. DM choose spells fire straight out dealing 1-3 hp of damage and require a
save vs. poison or death. The darts will come from all 100
2 Attendant Clerics (Human) C5
5 Fighters (Human) F5 holes; those with diamonds blocking the path will knock
2 Type II Demons them out and onto the floor. From 1-4 darts may strike any
one character, and a save is required for each dart. There crawl inside. The opening radiates magic as it is cloaked
is no other egress from this tunnel. in a permanent darkness. The dark area is completely
impervious to any dispelling magic short of a wish or alter
3. ENTRANCE TO THE FALSE TOMB OF HORRORS: reality. If a PC climbs into the mouth and searches
This is the “true” entrance to the tomb. Upon close around blindly, they will discover the skeletal remains of a
inspection is a trail of colored stones in the floor. The trail former adventurer. Should they drag the body out, they
ends at area 5, the Green Devil Face. will discover a +1 short sword still in its scabbard around
the waist of the skeleton and some moldy, decaying
All Pits, except those marked with a “T” (or otherwise leather armor. The opening is of no danger to anyone.
noted) are 10‟ deep and have 6 poisoned spikes at the
bottom. The pits trap mechanisms are engaged when a 6. ROOM OF THE FIRST KEY: This room contains all
force of 75lbs or more is applied to the center section. manner of vases, jars, and crates heaped in piles and on
Characters have a 100% chance of falling in. This is shelves in every corner and open wall space. In a large
modified downward by the character‟s dexterity score. floor-standing vase in the South-West corner is a strange,
PC‟s with exceptional dexterity may apply their reaction ornate key made of iron. If checked for, it radiates magic.
bonus in addition, while those with exceptionally poor This is the key to unlock great iron door to gain entrance
dexterity must add their penalty. to the Grand Foyer. The key is one of 666 keys inside the
vase. A second key also radiates magic, but this one will
4. STONE MOSAIC WITH DEMONIC IMAGES: To the act as a missile attractor (functioning the same as shield -
right of the trap door, on the wall, is an intricate mosaic of 1, missile attractor). It can only be rid of with a remove
superb craftsmanship. It displays an orgy of sacrifices curse cast by a 14th level or higher Lawful Good Cleric. If
similar in nature to the mosaic in area 1. If the mosaic is discarded, it mysteriously reappears buried in the bottom
inspected physically, a small stone tile in the eye of a of the pack of the first person that touched it.
demon can be pressed inward. This will have the effect of
opening the trap door beneath the character(s). Unless 7. THE FIRST GUARDIAN: A large brazier sits in the
specific caution is taken, the character pressing the stone middle of this room. Freshly placed coals line the pan.
and anyone in the immediate area will plummet 20‟ below When the party approaches to within 10‟ of the bowl, the
into area 6, taking 2d6 points of damage in the process. coals burst into flames, casting enough light to dimly
illuminate the entire 30‟x30‟ room. The party will see all
sorts of drawings of geometric symbols on the floor, walls,
and ceiling. An accomplished Magic User has a 50%
chance of recognizing these as runes of protection- for or
from what is not yet determinable…

If the party approaches the brazier, to within 5‟, Grurgard

the Efreeti (hp: 61) springs from the bowl and attacks the
closest PC, preferably a spell caster first. If reduced to
25% of his hit points, Grugard will go ethereal and flee;
the conditions of his service to Acererak fulfilled. If the
party is able to give pursuit in the ethereal plane,
remember to check for Demonic response… If the Efreeti
is somehow captured, he will grant the party 1 wish but
will seek to pervert it in any way that he can. If it is
carefully worded though, grant the party something
reasonable. If he is captured in the ethereal plane, in 3
rounds 2-5 more Efreet will arrive to assist their cousin.

8. TRAPPED FALSE DOORS: These doors are all false

save for a spear trap. Anyone opening the door will be
struck by a shooting missile for 3-18 points of damage and
requiring a save vs. poison or die. After the first trap is set
off, taking precautions to avoid being in the line of fire will
5. THE GREEN DEVIL FACE: Set in the wall before the allow the PC opening the door a save vs. Breath Weapon
party is an enormous tile mosaic of a giant Green Devil‟s to avoid the spear.
face. Its mouth is open but is pitch black inside. It
appears that it is large enough of an opening for a man to
9. ROOM OF THE SECOND KEY: In the center of this the halfway point, the floor of the passage will become
room, suspended in a column of reddish light is a cube slick. Anyone using a light source will notice a thick,
roughly 6” on all sides. Etched upon each side of the viscous liquid seeping up from the floor all along the
cube is an image; side 1 is an image of the Green Devil length. Begin a count of 1 to 5. At “5” a flaming arrow will
Face, side 2 is of a skull set with emeralds for eyes and shoot from the ceiling into the liquid, which is oil, and
teeth, side 3 displays a horned demonic visage, side 4 is ignite the entire passage. There will only be time for 1 PC
of a stone head of no particular origin, side 5 appears as a to escape in either direction without taking damage. All
medusa head, and side 6 is an image of an unknown others will take 2-16 hp of damage per round for 4 rounds
human male. before the oil is exhausted.

Scribbled on the far West wall are the following words: 11. THE GASEOUS TRAP: The trap door that is the
portal of entry for this room is similar to the one at area
“Look into the grinning face to open the way.” 10. It will require slightly less strength to open due to
having a larger surface area to push on. A single person
This indicates that when the second key (the cube) is may stand on the ladder in the tunnel and push with their
inserted into the great iron door, it should be inserted so back, in which case a strength of 18/00 or better is
that the skull set with emeralds is facing out. needed to push the stone block up and over.
Alternatively, 3 people with a combined Strength of 30,
The column of light is roughly 3‟ in diameter with the cube standing at the bottom of the 20‟ ladder well, all working
suspended at about chest level for a human. The light with 15‟ to 20‟ long poles may lift the block enough to
itself is harmless, but anyone reaching into it will feel as if squeeze someone through. Of course, magic is the most
they are being seared by an unholy flame. In addition, it expedient way to pass through, and if the party has such
will be like reaching through a mass of goo that will slow available, things will go a lot smoother for them. It will
the actions of the character reaching in. They will seem to take at least 1 turn to manually move the door enough to
take 1-10 points of damage but when they withdraw their squeeze through. Unfortunately, if Transmute Rock to
appendage, no apparent harm will have been done. The Mud is used on the trap door in this area only (not area
character will need to make a successful system shock 10), the mud will drop to the bottom of the ladder well and,
roll each round that they take “damage” or die. in 1 round, form a super-charged Mudman (hd: 8, hp: 35).
In addition to mud hardening, the mud will deliver 1-4 hp
Any attempt to use a non-living substance or item to grab of damage on impact. It conforms to its lower hit dice
or knock the cube out will be stopped. Only living matter cousins in all other respects.
may pass through the light. It will take 5 rounds to reach
through the light to grab the cube, but once it is out the When they first budge the trap door, a light mist of acidic
light will disappear and all feeling of injury will be gone. If gas will begin to fill the room. Within 3 rounds the gas will
during the reaching in the character is reduced to 0 hit begin filtering down; at first as a flowery smelling mist.
points, the character will actually die, no save. After 3 rounds of this gas, it will begin corroding
equipment. Nothing will seem out of the ordinary for 2
Finally, no one of lawful good alignment will ever reach more rounds at which point item saving throws should
into the light. They will be utterly repulsed by the start to be made by the DM. Make sure the players hear
overwhelming sense of evil. you rolling dice so they stop and think about what is
happening. After the first obvious item fails, it should be
10. TRAP DOOR AND PASSAGE: This trap door is so pretty clear that a retreat is in order, if not continue rolling
cleverly hidden in the floor that it is exceptionally difficult for item saving throws until they get the hint.
to detect. It will never be discovered by a human save
through magical means and demi-humans that specialize The good news for the party is that the acidic gas is not
in such things will only detect it on a 1 in 6 when actively harmful to living material. After 1 turn the gas will have
searching. It will further require a combined strength of 36 filled the tunnel and in 3 turns it will have dissipated. At
and some sort of strong metal fulcrum to lift the stone this point the room is safe to enter…
block out of the way far enough to allow the passage of a
single individual. Alternatively, spells such as Transmute 12. CHAPEL OF WIZARDLY DELIGHTS: When the
Rock to Mud will allow passage. party enters this room, they will notice immediately how
Once the trap door is opened, a ladder set in the stone immaculately clean it is. On the West wall, almost directly
wall will allow descent into the narrow dug out hallway 20‟ in front of them is an altar with lit candles glowing on the
below. The passage is but 2 1/2‟ wide by 4‟ high, and is edges. A small bowl sits in the middle of the altar-top.
70‟ long. It will be necessary for anyone larger than a Two sarcophagi are here, one to the right and one across
Halfling to remove their armor to navigate the passage. At the room. They are draped with a red cloth emblazoned
with a grinning, white skull. Four statues stand, one in stone and my master ordered me to make them test the
each corner of the room, seemingly guarding the traps.
chamber. They appear as powerful mailed warriors and
are nearly 10‟ tall. On the East wall is an alcove filled withFinally, when the work was done, I watched as my master
a pink mist that swirls almost enchantingly. summoned demons from the Abyss to consume, and
carry away to their infernal homes, my workers. At last
If the party approaches the altar, a booming voice calls when I was the last to live, he turned to me and told me
out from nowhere: “To who is the eternal life most that I would be his greatest guardian of this tomb. Fearing
sacred?” The answer? There is no answer. If the party is for my life, I fled before him, thinking that I knew this place
silent for one round, nothing untoward will immediately better than he. But I did not count on his cunning and
befall them in this room. If they answer “Acererak”, all cruel ways.
four statues animate and attack, as they are Stone
Golems and programmed to do so upon hearing that As I neared the entrance and prepared to flee back home
trigger word. If they give any other answer, the one to my family, I saw him. He stood silhouetted against the
answering the question is struck deaf, dumb, and blind by setting sun, a woman and a child under each arm. My
a powerful beam of unknown energy that reaches out from child! My wife! There they stood, the three of them
the altar, no save. If someone else provides an answer, laughing at me with such sinister malice. Never had I
the same happens. If a third person answers, that known such grief, such pain. I turned, defeated, and
character is teleported instantly to the base of the hill returned through the passages to this room where you
where the true Tomb of Horrors is located – in the Vast found me and climbed into this coffin to wait for death to
Swamp! take me. But it did not for a long while. Once inside, I
could not raise the strength to push this stone lid off. I
The bowl on the altar is empty, but if a potion of healing is panicked and clawed until my fingers bled, until the bone
poured into it, it will turn to blood and drain away, leaving began to show. I tore my skin in horror before, finally,
behind an Ioun Stone that doubles the number of 1st level after days of suffering – suffering from the betrayal of my
Magic User spells that can be memorized in a given day. master, my wife, my child – suffering from a fate worse
It is usable by a Magic User or Ranger. than death I had helped to cause for my workers – I at last
The stone sarcophagus on the South wall contains the
remains of the slave-engineer that designed this False Were it that the tale ended here, I would be content, yet it
Tomb. He is quite dead and does not animate unless a did not. My spirit has roamed the Astral since that day,
party member casts Speak with Dead or Animate Dead barred from taking my rightful place in the afterlife. Now,
upon his desiccated corpse. If this happens, he will slowly after all these centuries, you have come, my new master.
sit up and turn towards his new master and relate the Will you set me free? Are you the one? Please tell me
following tale: that you are! All you need to do is leave this place and
find my home, 10 leagues south from here. It was a small
stone structure near a beautiful pond and a great
bronzewood tree. Buried below the floor is a locket that
an artisan crafted for my beloved and I when we wed.
Take it to the great Nyr Dyv and find the Lonely Isle. On it
lays my old master‟s resting place. There is a room such
as this in that dread tomb. Find the altar and place the
locket in the sacrificial bowl and wash it in holy water.
This will release my spirit to leave the Astral Plane and be
with my God. Will you do this for me? * ”

Whether or not the party member agrees to complete this

task for the long-dead engineer, the corpse will lie back
down and not move or speak again.

*If you wish to continue this adventure as a side trek,

“Long ago when my old master bid me construct this tomb there is much potential for tracking down this old stone
to fool his enemies; I set about the task diligently. I house as it is deeper into Iuz territory, and another
worked for two decades to design it. Many a slave location for a False Tomb lies on an “Unknown Isle in the
perished during the construction from falling blocks of Nyr Dyv. Create your own False Tomb and have fun with

this. Hopefully this provides a useful hook for getting your discovered by a human excepting through magical means.
players to keep searching for the real tomb… Demi-humans that specialize in detecting secret doors will
detect it only on a 1 in 6 if actively searching. The rough
If you choose not to continue the adventure in this hewn passageway below is similar to the one that
manner, it would be wise to drop a hint that the answer connects areas 10 and 11, except that there is no trap to
should be „no‟. A false answer of „yes‟ will result in the foil the party‟s movement.
character being visited by a Type IV Demon in the middle
of the night at some future point, as the spirit of the 15. STORAGE ROOM: This room is piled with boxes and
engineer will be greatly angered and anguished by yet crates from floor to ceiling. Mostly food stuffs, all is rotten
another betrayal… and useless to the party. Buried in the bottom of a crate
in the far North-East corner of the room is a scroll with a
The second sarcophagus near the North wall contains the diagram of a room without any apparent entrance or exit.
remains of another slave-worker. This slave did not resist If a Comprehend Languages spell is cast or a party
or show fear when Acererak summoned his demons. member can read Old Suloise, they will be able to make
Inspired by his bravery, the Lich spared him infernal out words that translate in Common to “Pit of Despair”.
destruction and transformed him into a Vampire and left This scroll was left accidentally by one of Acererak‟s
him here in stasis to defend his tomb eternally. slave-engineers that designed the room and lies long
forgotten. This scroll combined with the Wand of
When the lid is opened, Krusvrik the Vampire (hp: 57) will Teleport Without Error from room 20 will lead quick
leap out and attack the closest party member. Acererak thinkers to realize they have a way to rescue their fellows
gave him some charms to protect him from do-gooding trapped there. Of course, the wand only works on others
clerics. Around the creature‟s neck is an Amulet of Proof so the rescuer will soon become the trapped if precautions
Against Turning. This will make any turn attempts at 6 are not taken to ensure his method of escape…
levels below the current level of the turning Cleric. If
reduced to 0 hp, Krusvrik will turn gaseous form and flee, 16. PILLARED THRONE ROOM: When the party enters
through a small vent hole in the floor that leads to the this room they will see several pillars in front of them. If
Northern hallway, to area 17 to recover. He will be fully they walk the edges of the room they will see sconces
recovered and waiting for the party within 3 turns. with torches set in the wall every 10‟. A large dais is
directly in the center of the South wall and a large throne
Inside his coffin are a small golden shovel (about 3‟ in sits upon it. A closer inspection will note a bejeweled
length) worth 3000gp, a Ring of Protection +2, and a crown lying on the seat. This crown is made of solid
Potion of Healing. platinum worth 15,000gp and is set with 15 rubies and
emeralds alternating around the rim, each valued at
A. The Pink Misty Alcove: This alcove is filled with a 1000gp. The first person that touches the crown will be
pinkish mist that swirls about. There is no way to teleported nude to area 3, while their belongings are
dissipate the mist. If anyone steps into the mist, they will teleport to area 21. The crown will be safe to handle after
be teleported to the entrance at area 3 completely nude that. A Detect Magic will determine it is of a magical
while their belongings are teleported to area 21. nature, but will not reveal its power. A Detect Evil will
determine the hostile intent, though only if actually
13. OPEN PIT SURPRISE: This open pit is 20‟ across. If concentrating on the item as it does not radiate evil per
a character glances inside the pit, they will notice a large, se. An Augury will be sufficient to determine its nature,
thick, gooey mass of something at the bottom. This is a and a Commune will give full information about the
mass of 3 Grey Oozes (hp: 27 each). They will devour crown. If it is taken from the False Tomb, the holder will
anything that happens to fall into the pit (provided it is be visited by a Minor Death, as described in the Deck of
something they can devour). But more sinister, once the Many Things in the Dungeon Masters Guide (page 143)
pc‟s are across the large pit, another hidden one is but 5‟ within 24 hours of leaving.
distant. This pit is 20‟ deep and does not contain
poisoned spikes. When a pc (or pc‟s) falls into the pit, a The secret door behind the throne can only be detected
small stone slides out from the south wall about 10‟ up by magical means. But once detected, will be easy to
and in pours the occupants of the large pit… open (a small block of stone must be pushed in to raise
the door).
The false door at the end of the hall operates as those
located at areas 8.
17. ROOM OF THE THIRD KEY: When the party enters
14. TRAP DOOR AND PASSAGE: Similar to area 10, this room they will note a musty, metallic odor and taste in
this trap door is completely hidden and can never be the air. Hanging in the center of the far wall on a peg
above a wooden coffin (the backup coffin for the Vampire precious metal and stones, fully 50,000 gpv worth of such
in area 12) is a chain with a key attached. It is fairly large, things can be extracted, though the total weight of such is
almost comically so, being about 2 feet in length and 3 about 10,000 gpw. At the East end of the foyer are a set
inches in thickness; decorated in bright colors of the of bronze bound wooden doors. They appear to have no
rainbow. Other than a thick layer of dust on the floor, lock and, like all the rest of the standard doors, have an
nothing else is notable about this room. iron ring set on each door that pulls outward.

Anyone in metallic armor that approaches within 10‟ of the 19. THE SECOND GUARDIAN: When the party opens
key will be on the receiving end of a bolt of lightning that the double doors to the West, they will see an extremely
materializes in mid air near the West wall of the room. large blue and silver scaled beast sitting upon a large
They will take 6-60 points of damage; a save vs. Breath throne, brooding. It has enormous claws, mouth full of
Weapon will halve it. sharp-looking teeth, milky white eyes and long flapping
jowls. It has a semi-short tail that ends in a spear-like
The large key on the wall is really a joke. Acererak point.
thought it amusing to make intruders, provided they made
it this far, carry around some large and ridiculous item. This beast, a Cataboligne Demon (hp: 81), when it sees
The real key is inside this fake one. No seam or other the party enter, will rise, grin, and wave them forward.
apparent manner of opening is immediately discoverable. Upon standing, the party will see the beast is roughly 15‟
It will require some form of divine communication to tall and quite demonic in appearance… It has been
discover the means of opening, such as Commune, or 1 waiting centuries for an opportunity to fulfill its oath to
hour of thoughtful pondering using Incense of Acererak and will fight until dead. Win or lose, it will be
Meditation, or a Necklace of Prayer Beads. Once free to leave this prison and return to the Abyss.
contact is made, a polite request will earn the Cleric the
answer: Dispel Evil, followed by a Bless spell will If the party succeeds in destroying the demon, they will
dissolve the bonds of evil around the key, the false shell have little stopping them from getting a better look around
disintegrating and revealing the true third key – a small the room.
round ball with one set of finger grips that appear sized for
a human child. This key will unlock the true false tomb of This front half is 30‟ cubed, while the back half, where the
Acererak… Note, only the hand of a human child or throne is located, widens to 50‟ and has ornate carvings
someone similarly sized will be able to grip the key on nearly every surface of the room, including the ceiling
properly; be it an actual human child, Halfling, and floor. The large throne could seat a giant, and
Polymorphed being, or “reduced” person. All others will certainly the demon! It is inlaid with ivory and jade, and
find it too clumsy and small to successfully use. the whole is worth 25,000gp but weighs over a ton. The
ivory and jade can be stripped but will only have a street
18. GRAND FOYER: A great iron door approximately 15‟ value of 1000gp and weighing about the same. The
tall and 8‟ wide bars further passage. The door is etched ornate carvings and inscriptions depict a battle being
with all manner of runes and words of power. A small overseen by a wizardly sort that happens to be right over
cubic indentation about 6” on all sides spans the seam of where the secret door is to the South. The door cannot be
the door and jamb at about waist height for a human. The discovered but by magical means, but once accomplished
second key is required to open this door. Any attempt to it is opened by depressing the eye of demon carved into
open the door without the proper key (or by magical the ceiling directly 30‟ above.
means) will result in A: failure and B: the offender being
blasted with a wave of negative energy that will drain 3-30 20. TOMB OF ACERERAK?: The secret door that
hp, no save, and 1-4 points of constitution permanently guards this room is of superior quality. It will never be
(recoverable only by a Restoration or Wish). detectable by normal means, although a small spherical
indentation in the wall may be noticed on a 1 in 6 chance
When the second key is inserted properly (Skull facing by a dwarf or elf. The depression in the wall appears to
out), the door will slowly swing open and reveal a grand be the same size as the second key. If the second key is
staircase that ascends 25‟ to an equally grand foyer that inserted into the slot by anyone other than that who can
ends in a pair of ornate wooden double doors. If the cube wield it (as described in area 9), they will be teleported, no
is inserted improperly, it will disappear; teleported back to save, to area 21.
the second key room and must be retrieved again
(undergoing the same task of reaching through the light…) If the correct sized person utilizes the 3rd key, the secret
door will sink into the floor allowing access into the crypt
The walls and steps are lined with inlays of platinum and beyond.
studded with gems. If 1 full day is spent digging out the
When the party enters they will notice immediately piles of summon another of its kind due to the powerful
treasure of all manners and in quantities unheard of. enchantments on this room. This nasty will lie in wait at
Gleaming armor and weapons, cloaks, staves, gems, and the bottom of the pile. If only one character arrives, it will
coins are piled in the North-West corner of the room. In wait a few rounds to see if anyone else arrives before
the center of it all is large chest with a skull with emeralds attacking. If more than one party member is trapped here,
for eyes and teeth perched atop it. it will lie in wait for the most opportune time…

This is all a Programmed Illusion that has full audible Escape can be achieved by a few methods. Once the
and physical manifestation. Name level pc‟s are allowed Bone Devil is defeated, any spell books that were
a save vs. Spells at a -6 to disbelieve, but only if they teleported here might be located and provide some mode
state they are attempting to deny the illusion. of escape. For instance, the following spells could allow
exit: Teleport, Word of Recall, Dimension Door
If the party touches any of the illusory treasure (it will feel (provided the direction to an open space is known), Alter
real enough) the skull will rise up and turn towards the Reality, Limited Wish, or Wish.
most powerful character, choosing a Magic User first,
Fighter second, Cleric third, and lastly a Thief. It will Perhaps there is something of use to the PC‟s in here…
seemingly disintegrate the character with a beam of
reddish light that shoots out from the eyes of the skull. A thorough search, taking many hours, will net the
Rather than be disintegrated, the PC will be teleported to following loot:
area 21 to die a slow starving death. If the treasure or
skull is molested again, the process repeats until the party - all items from characters teleported nude
is all teleported. Note that the illusion is not quite as - 7 potions and 3 scrolls determined randomly (or
perfect as Acererak thought and each successive chosen by a forgiving DM)
“disintegration” will afford the remaining party members a - Ring of Shooting Stars, Wand of Illumination (7
save vs. Spells to disbelieve the illusion. charges remaining), Boots of Levitation
- Suit of Chainmail +3 (Human or ½ Elf)
If anyone is left that disbelieves, the true nature of the - Suit of Studded Leather +3
room will become apparent. On a stand at the same - Shield +2
height as the illusory skull is a wand that points in the - Longsword +4, Int:14, Ego: 8, NG, Detects Evil
direction of the party. It is ensorcelled to cast a Teleport in 1” radius, Levitates 1 turn 3/day, speaks
Without Error spell on a target. It may be freely taken Common, Elvish, Goblin
and has 11 charges remaining. A small tapestry hangs on - Broadsword –2, Cursed, Int:16, Ego: 14, CN,
the wall with the following words stitched onto it: Detects Lawful in 1” radius, attracts zombies in
1 mile radius, causes slow insanity on wielder
“Brave adventurers you have passed my tests, (over 1 year period), Speaks Common, Old
Fought creature and trap to find my lair. Suloise, Ogre, Blue Dragon, and Orcish, is
Sadly, here in hiding my soul does not rest, Telepathic to wielder. This sword will try to
But your friends do languish in my pit of despair.” convince its new owner that it is a powerful magic
21. THE PIT OF DESPAIR: When characters arrive here, - 21 Arrows +2
they will be in utter pitch black darkness. Infravision and - Spear +3
Ultravision will be useless here and unless some manner - 47 gems 10gp base value, 13 pieces of jewelry
of illumination is discovered, they will have a very tough valued at 17,000gp
time of figuring out the dimensions. - 3,495 pp, 17,666 gp, 1,177 ep, 25,040 sp, 65,120
cp. All loose coins buried in the skeletons.
The room is 30‟ in diameter and 50‟ tall. It will only seem
to be about 35‟ high as the bottom 15‟ are covered in the These items are mixed amongst many items of a
bones and equipment of victims past. Fortunately for mundane nature. Determining magical qualities will
them, this is the location of everything that has been require some method to do so, i.e. spell, testing suspect
teleported from 12A. The downside is that there is no exit items, etc. The swords will glow a light blue when
from this chamber and it is 100‟ down inside the hill. unsheathed.

In addition, the enormous depth of bones piled here has Thus ends the False Tomb of Horrors.
attracted a resident Bone Devil (hp: 56). This vicious
creature has found itself trapped and unable to leave. It
may use all of its powers with one exception; it may not
No. of Attacks: 3
New Monsters Damage/Attack: 3-13/3-13/1-10
Special Attacks: poison sting (save at -3 or die; save
Cataboligne (Major Demon) indicates wracking pains [as power word: pain] for 2-5
rounds), and see below
Frequency: Very Rare (on PMP; Rare in Abyss) Special Defenses: +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to
No. Appearing: 1 (1-3 in Abyss) poison
Armor Class: -2 Magic Resistance: 60%
Move: 18" Intelligence: Average
Hit Dice: 12+2 Alignment: Chaotic Evil
% in Lair: 100% (on PMP, usually bound) Size: L (9' tall, 20' long)
Treasure Type: special Psionic Ability: Nil
No. of Attacks 3 and 1 Level/X.P. Value: VIII/5800+12/hp
Damage/Attack: 3-9/3-9/4-16 and 2-12
Special Attacks: On natural 20 hugs for 8-20 (4d4+4) Description: a man- (or perhaps centaur-) demon, the
Special Defenses: +3 or better weapon to hit, see below skurdra have a massive body. The torso is that of a
Magic Resistance: 65% human with small, redding brown scales which gradually
Intelligence: Exceptional turn darker until the arachnid body is reached, which is
Alignment: Chaotic Evil black---the shiny, lustrous black of an insect exoskeleton.
Size: 15' tall (L) The eyes are generally yellow with red pupils, and hair is
Psionic Ability: Nil red, brown, auburn, and black. Skurdra possess
Level/XP Value: X/16,500+16/hp (x10 if slain permanently infravision and ultravision to a 9" range.
in the Abyss)
Spell-like powers: darkness 2" radius, teleport (no error),
Description: Cataboligne demons have a huge blue/silver cause fear (by gaze, save at -1), detect invisibility, detect
scaled and knobbed body, with huge claws and a mouth magic, invisibility, gate (1/day at 35%, 1-2 skurdra if
full of razor sharp teeth. Upon their heads rest twin horns successful), telekinese 3500 gp weight, speed poison
of bone. Their tail is short and stubby, with a spade-like (2/day).
end. Twin dewlaps hang from their cheeks. The eyes are
white with red pupils. Final Thoughts
The Cataboligne and Skurda Demons are none other than
Spell-like powers: illusion generation (as per efreet), fear the creation of Ernest Gary Gygax and were featured in
(by glance), teleport (no error, 1/day), darkness 30' radius, the Gord the Rogue Novels. These incarnations of the
paralyzation (by gray eye beams, save at -2), magic creatures were statted out and used by permission from
missile (3/day, 6/cast), charm (person or monster, by Allan Grohe, the illustrious Grodog to many of you out
voice), telekinesis 4750 gp weight, animate dead, gate there.
(60%; 1 cataboligne 70% or 1-2 skurdra 30% [a man-
scorpion demon I wrote up]), detect invisibility, detect I have found myself caught up in the Old School Revival
magic, suggestion, symbol (hopelessness or fear, 1/day), and had dreams of glory of starting my own publishing
pyrotechnics. company to produce classic-styled adventures. Alas, I
cannot seem to find the time to devote to it and have
Blunt weapons inflict 1/2 damage due to the toughness decided to settle for the occasional freebie for the online
and strength of the cataboligne's exoskeleton; they Dragonsfoot community at large. If anyone deigns this
regenerate 2 hp per round and can reattach lost limbs. work to be of high quality and wishes to offer me part time
employment (ha ha!), or even wants some assistance on
Skurdra (lesser demon) their own projects (free or otherwise) let me know. I do
digital maps using GIMP and a little writing/editing, none
Frequency: Rare (Uncommon in the Abyss) of which is professional!
No. Appearing: 1-8
Armor Class: 2/-3 I hope you enjoyed this adventure!
Move: 15"
Hit Dice: 8+1 Charley M. Phipps
% in Lair: [undetermined]
Treasure Type: [undetermined]


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