January 2013
This Participant Handbook is part of the Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Training Module for
Medical and Allied Health Professionals, developed under collaboration between the United
Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Philippines, the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) and
the Nutrition Center of the Philippines. The project aims to review, update and harmonize the
countrys training on maternal nutrition and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) so that
appropriate maternal and young child nutrition (MYCN) practices are uniformly understood by all
stakeholders and counseled to the community. Comprehensive MYCN Training Modules were
developed under this collaboration aimed at three audiences: medical and allied health
professionals, formal health workers and CHWs. The Maternal and Young Child Nutrition
Training Module for Medical and Allied Health Professionals includes the Trainers Training
Module, Training Curriculum, Facilitators Guide, Participants Handbook, and PowerPoint visual
aid for use by the trainer.
The Maternal and Young Child Nutrition Training Module for Medical and Allied Health
Professionals is based on WHO/UNICEF IYCF guidance documents and other relevant policies
on IYCF. The components of this training module were based largely on the World Health
Organizations (WHO) Infant and Young Child Feeding Model Chapter for textbooks for medical
students and allied health professionals. Additional information was taken from the Manual on
Infant feeding with emphasis on breastfeeding, jointly published by the Nutrition Center of the
Philippines (NCP) and the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC). Updates on the
feeding recommendations for infants of HIV-infected mothers were based on the Guidelines on
HIV and infant feeding 2010 published by the WHO in collaboration with UNAIDS, UNFPA and
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Table of Contents
Glossary of Terms
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Antenatal Care
Arachidonic acid
Anti-retroviral drugs
Association of Philippine Medical Colleges
Administrative Order
Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative
Breast milk substitute
Community health worker
Community management of acute malnutrition
Department of Health
Exclusive breastfeeding
Expressed breastmilk
Essential nutrition actions
Executive Order
Feedback inhibitor of lactation
Food and Nutrition Research Institute
Follicle stimulating hormone
Human immunodeficiency virus
Integrated management of childhood illness
Intrauterine growth retardation
Infant and young child feeding
Kangaroo mother care
Lactation amenorrhea method
Low birth weight
Luteinizing hormone
Millennium Development Goals
Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health and Nutrition
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Middle upper-arm circumference
Maternal and young child nutrition
National Demographic and Health Survey
Non-governmental organization
National Statistics Office
Oral Rehydration Salts
Republic Act
Ready-to-use therapeutic food
Supplementary Feeding Program
Small for gestational age
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Childrens Fund
World Health Organization
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Importance of this course
Proper infant and young child feeding plays a crucial role in preventing malnutrition. The WHO
and UNICEF developed The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding with global
public health recommendation for infants to be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of
life to help them reach optimal growth, development and health followed by a recommendation
for the timely introduction of nutritionally adequate, safe and appropriate complementary food at
six months while maintaining on-demand breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond.
{WHO/UNICEF, 2003, Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding} However, the rate
of exclusive breastfeeding during the first four months of life is no more than 35% worldwide.
{WHO/UNICEF, 2003, Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding} In the Philippines,
breastfeeding indices are relatively poor. The 2008 Philippines National Demographic and
Health Survey (NDHS) data showed that only one third (1/3) of Filipino children under six
months are exclusively breastfed, with the median duration of exclusive breastfeeding at only
three weeks. {National Statistics Office [Philippines] and ICF Macro, 2009, Philippines National
Demographic and Health Survey 2008} Data from the National Nutrition Survey 2008 indicates
that 35.9% of infants 0-5 months old are being exclusively breastfed. {Food and Nutrition
Research Institute-Department of Science and Technology, 2010, Philippine Nutrition Facts and
Figures 2008} The more recent 2011 Updating of the Nutritional Status of Filipinos data showed
that exclusive breastfeeding rate, based on the current feeding practice, is 48.9% among 0-5
month old infants. {Food and Nutrition Research Institute-Department of Science and
Technology, 2012, Nutritional Status of Filipinos 2011}. Water and complementary food is also
given very early. The NDHS 2008 data indicates that as early as 0-1 month old, 17.6% of
infants are given plain water only in addition to breastfeeding and 1% are already given
complementary food. {National Statistics Office [Philippines] and ICF Macro, 2009, Philippines
National Demographic and Health Survey 2008}. By 2-3 months of age, about 4.9% are already
given complementary foods and by 4-5 months of age, 23.3% are already receiving
complementary foods.
Optimal infant and young child feeding practices play an important role in child survival, growth
and development {UNICEF, 2011, Programming Guide: Infant and Young Child Feeding}.
Studies have shown that infants under 6 months of age who are not breastfed have a seven-fold
increased risk of mortality from diarrhea and a five-fold increased risk of mortality from
pneumonia {Robert E Black et al., 2003, Lancet, 361, 222634}. Furthermore, infants of the
same age who are non-exclusively breastfed have a more than two-fold increased risk of death
from diarrhea or mortality. Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life and
continued breastfeeding from 6 to 11 months was ranked first among 15 interventions to prevent
under-five mortality while complementary feeding ranked third {Gareth Jones et al., 2003,
Lancet, 362, 65-71}.
To improve this situation, mothers and other family members and caregivers need support to
initiate and sustain appropriate IYCF practices. Professional, lay and peer support as well as
community-based breastfeeding promotion and support are among the interventions shown to
be effective in improving breastfeeding practices {UNICEF, 2011, Programming Guide: Infant
and Young Child Feeding}. Nutrition education has also been shown to improve caregiver
practices on complementary feeding. A high coverage of breastfeeding promotion and support
could prevent about 9% of child deaths under 36 months of age while the promotion of
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
complementary feeding and other supportive strategies prevents 1.5% more of child deaths
{Bhutta et al., 2008, Lancet, 371, 41740}.
Health professionals play a critical role in providing that support, by providing timely and
appropriate information to influence decisions about feeding practices. At present, IYCF is often
not well addressed in the basic training of doctors, nurses, and other allied health professionals.
Health professionals who lack adequate knowledge and skills may provide the wrong
information, such as recommending breast milk substitutes as a convenient solution to feeding
The Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Milk Code clarifies that it is the
primary responsibility of health workers to promote, protect and support breastfeeding and
appropriate infant and young child feeding. It further states that part of this responsibility is to
continuously update their knowledge and skills on breastfeeding, without assistance, support or
logistics from milk companies.
Chapter IV of the Expanded Breastfeeding Act (RA 10028) of 2009 emphasized the need for the
continuing education, re-education and training on lactation management for health workers and
institutions. In addition, it stipulates the integration in relevant subjects in elementary, high
school and college levels of the importance, benefits, methods and techniques of breastfeeding.
It is vital for health professionals to have basic knowledge and skills to give appropriate advice,
to help solve feeding difficulties and to know when and where to refer mothers who experience
more complex feeding problems.
This manual provides the basic knowledge on maternal nutrition and infant and young child
feeding needed by health students and professionals. It also summarizes basic skills that every
health professional should master, such as positioning and attachment for breastfeeding, and
counseling skills.
Course Objectives
After completing the course, the participants will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and
tools to support mothers, fathers and other caregivers to optimally feed their infants and young
The Course and the Handbook
The training course is divided into 10 sessions, which take approximately 21 hours not including
meals or the opening and closing ceremonies, given over a 3-day training.
The Participant Handbook is your main guide to the course, and you should keep it with you at
all times, except during practical sessions. In the following pages, you will find a summary of the
main information from each session, including descriptions of how to do each of the skills that
you will learn. You do not need to take detailed notes during the sessions, though you may find
it helpful to make notes of points of particular interest, for example from discussions. Keep your
Handbook after the course, and use it as a source of reference as you put what you have learnt
into practice.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Session 1: 60 minutes
Introductions, pre- assessment, group
norms, expectations and objectives
Session 2: 60 minutes
A mothers health and nutrition during
pregnancy and lactation
Session 8 contd. :
Session 3: 60 minutes
Importance of infant and young child
feeding and recommended practices
Session 4: 60 minutes
The physiological basis of
Session 8 contd. :
Session 7: 120 minutes
Continuing support for IYCF
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Session 4 contd: 15 minutes
Session 5 contd: 60 minutes
Session 8 contd:
8C: IYCF in Emergencies- 60
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Begin to name fellow participants, facilitators and resource persons.
2. Discuss participants expectations, compare with the objectives of the training and
clarify the priorities/focus of the course.
3. Identify strengths and weaknesses of participants IYCF knowledge.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women in the Philippines.
2. Describe recommended maternal nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.
3. Explain the effects of mothers illness, intake of medication and drugs to breastfeeding.
4. Discuss family planning for a breastfeeding woman.
a. Discuss the importance of family planning and adequate birth spacing
b. Explain the relationship between breastfeeding and lactation amenorrhea method
c. Describe other family planning methods suitable for the breastfeeding woman.
In this session, you will learn about the status of maternal nutrition in the country as well as their
health and nutritional needs. Women have high nutritional needs. Maternal nutrition plays a
pivotal role since it determines the nutritional status of her infant at birth and months and years
after that.
Nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women
The graph shows the nutritional status of Filipino pregnant women from 1998 to 2011. It is seen
that it decreased slightly by 1.3 percent points from 2008 to 2011 but not significantly.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The graph shows the nutritional status of Filipino lactating women. From 2008 to 2011, there is
a decrease in the proportion of underweight lactating mothers but the decrease is not
significant. On the other hand, there is an increase in the proportion of overweight lactating
The graph shows the anemia prevalence among pregnant and lactating women from 1993 to
2011. In 1993, 43.6% of pregnant women suffered from anemia. This decreased minimally to
42.5% in 2008. Anemia remains a severe public health problem among pregnant women.
For lactating women, anemia prevalence in 1993 was 43%, decreasing to 31.4% in 2008.
Among lactating women, anemia remains a moderate public health problem.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The graph shows the prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency among pregnant and lactating women.
From 1993 to 2008, the prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency among pregnant women decreased
from 16.4% to 8.3%. For the group of lactating women, the prevalence of Vitamin A deficiency
decreased from 16.4% in 1993 to 6% in 1998, and remained at this level (6.4% in 2008). For
both pregnant and lactating women, Vitamin A deficiency remains a mild public health problem.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, special nutrients will help the baby grow well and be
Based on the Manual of Operations on Micronutrient Supplementation supported by
DOH AO No. 2010-0010 Revised Policy on Micronutrient Supplementation, mothers
should take iron and folic acid tablets once a day during pregnancy and once a week
after birth until the mother gets pregnant again to prevent anemia.
Take vitamin A supplements immediately after birth or within 1 month after delivery to
ensure that the baby receives the vitamin A in breast milk.
Through RA No. 8172 ASIN Law and RA 8976 Philippine Food Fortification Act of
2000, salt is required to be fortified with iodine and staple foods such as rice with iron,
wheat flour with iron and vitamin A, and cooking oil and sugar with vitamin A.
Other food manufacturers are also encouraged to fortify processed food products with
micronutrients through voluntary food fortification.
Mothers should be encouraged to consume fortified food products to help ensure that
mothers receive adequate amounts of micronutrients.
Always use iodized salt to prevent goiter in the mother; and learning disabilities,
delayed development, and poor physical growth in the baby.
Protecting Health
There are other important practices that should be advised to the mothers to protect their health.
Attend antenatal care at least 4 times during pregnancy starting as early as possible.
Rest more during the last 3 months of pregnancy and the first months after delivery.
After delivery, attend postpartum care or visit; the first visit should be within the first
week, preferably 2-3 days and the second visit within 4-6 weeks (DOH, 2003).
Take de-worming tablets to help prevent anemia.
To prevent malaria, sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito net and take antimalarial tablets as prescribed.
Mothers should know their HIV status. If HIV-infected, consult a health care provider
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Drugs are classified in this way if they have been reported to cause side-effects in
the infant, especially if the side-effects could be serious. Use these drugs only when
they are really essential for the mothers treatment and when no safer alternative is
available. Allow the mother to continue breastfeeding but give her clear instructions
about observing the baby and arrange for frequent follow-up. If side-effects occur,
stop the drug. If it is not possible to stop giving the drug, stop breastfeeding and feed
the baby artificially until treatment is completed. Help her to express her breastmilk to
keep up the supply so that she can breastfeed again after stops taking the drug.
(e.g. metronidazole, haloperidol, , atenolol, metoclopramide, cimetidine)
4. Avoid if possible. May inhibit lactation
Drugs classified this way may reduce breastmilk production and, if possible, they
should be avoided. However, if a mother has to take one of these drugs for a short
period, she does not need to give artificial milk to her baby. She can offset the
possible decrease in milk production by encouraging her baby to suckle more
(e.g. levodopa+carbidopa, some diuretics (amiloride,
furosemide,hydrochlorothiazide), hormonal contraceptives, estrogens)
5. Avoid
Drugs are classified in this way if they can have dangerous side-effects on the baby.
They should not be given to a mother while she is breastfeeding. If they are essential
for treating the mother, she should stop breastfeeding until treatment is completed. If
treatment is prolonged, she may need to stop breastfeeding altogether. There are
very few drugs in this category apart from anticancer drugs and radioactive
(e.g. cytotoxic drugs, tamoxifen, immunosuppressive drugs)
Source: UNICEF/World Health organization. Breastfeeding and Maternal Medication:
Recommended for Drugs in the Eleventh WHO Model List of Essential Drugs. Geneva:
WHO; 2002.
Breastfeeding contraindicated
Anti-cancer drugs (anti-metabolites);
Radio-active substances (stop breastfeeding temporarily)
Continue breastfeeding
Side-effects possible
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
See Appendix 1 for additional list of medicines and their effects on breastfeeding.
In addition to these health benefits, family planning helps governments achieve national
and international development goals. Governments around the world are focused on
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
combating poverty and achieving a range of health and development goals, such as
those outlined in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Family
planning can contribute to nearly all of these goals, including reducing poverty and
hunger, promoting gender equity and empowering women, reducing child mortality,
improving maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, and ensuring environmental
Data from The Nutritional Institute of Central America and Panama (INCAP) suggest six
months exclusive breastfeeding, followed by at least 18 months additional breastfeeding
with complementary foods, and at least six months of neither breastfeeding nor
pregnancy for best child outcomes. This would be inter-birth spacing of 39 months.
(WHO, 2006; Merchant, Martorell, and Hass, 1990)
Lactation Amenorrhea Method
Breastfeeding has many benefits for the child as well as for the mother. Under certain
conditions, women may gain the benefit of birth spacing or delaying a new pregnancy
thru breastfeeding.
This is what is called the Lactation Amenorrhea Method. As the baby suckles breast
milk, messages are sent to the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland of the brain.
The suckling message results in changing levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
and luteinizing hormone (LH) which prevent ovulation and menstruation (leading to
amenorrhea). This condition is true only if the infant suckles frequently, with no more
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
than 4-6 hours passing between any two breastfeeds. (Brown, 1982)
Criteria in using LAM
This method is indicated or suitable for :
1. lactating woman who choose to delay the use of another complementary method;
2. for the woman who wishes to take the time to decide between methods; and
3. for the woman whom chosen methods is not immediately available.
There are three conditions that must be met if a woman wishes to use LAM as a sole
methods of family planning. According to researches, LAM is more than 98% effective if
the 3 following criteria are met:
1. Amenorrhea (no menses) - no bleeding after 8 weeks of birth
2. Exclusive breastfeeding is practiced - no more than 4 hrs between breastfeeds
and no more than one 6-hour period (in 24 hrs) between breastfeeds (night and
3. The infant is less than 6 months of age
At any point that the abovementioned criteria are not met, counsel the couple regarding
the need for other family planning method. The use of LAM and its efficacy is dependent
on intensity of the breastfeeding. This method therefore is not suitable for women who
for any reason cannot fully or nearly fully breastfeed her infant.
As soon as a woman relying on LAM for contraception no longer meets all three
criteria, she should start another family planning method.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
First Choice
Non-hormonal methods of contraception are First Choice methods in this case, as they
do not interfere with breast milk and do not enter the bloodstream. These methods
include the use of natural family methods, diaphragm, condoms, IUDs, spermicides, and
male/female sterilization.
Second Choice
Progestin-only methods are Second Choice methods, as the hormones may pass into
the breast milk with no evidence of adverse effect on the infant. With the use of this
method, milk production may be reduced prior to eight weeks. Progestin-only methods
include: progestin only pills (POPs) with 99.5% effectiveness; injectables (DMPA, NetEN) with 99.7% effectiveness; and Norplant Subdermal Implants with 99.9%
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Third Choice
Third choice options include both estrogens and progestins. The estrogen in these
methods can reduce the production of breast milk, and decreased milk supply can lead
to earlier cessation of breastfeeding. However, breastfeeding can and should continue
during use as it supplies important health benefits for the infant. WHO recommends
delaying the use of this method for at least 6 months. The hormones may also pass into
the breast milk. These methods include: combined oral contraceptives (COCs) and
combined injectable hormones with 99.9% effectivity.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
Other references utilized are:
1. Brown R, Breast-feeding and family planning: a review of the relationships
between breast-feeding and family planning. Am J Clin Nutr 1982:(35): 162-171.
2. Merchant K, Martorell R, Haas JD. Consequences for maternal nutrition of
reproductive stress across consecutive pregnancies. Am J Clin Nutr 1990:52(4):
3. Smith R, Ashford L, Gribble J, Clifton D. Population Reference Bureau. Family
Saves Lives Fourth Edition; 2009.
4. World Health Organization. Report of a WHO Technical Consultation on Birth
Spacing. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
5. DOH. Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care: A guide for
essential practice in Philippine setting. WHO publication: Geneva; 2003.
6. Food and Nutrition Research Institute Department of Science and Technology
(FNRI-DOST). Nutritional Status of Filipinos. DOST Complex, FNRI Bldg.,
Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines; 2011.
7. Food and Nutrition Research Institute Department of Science and Technology
(FNRI-DOST). Philippine Nutrition Facts and Figures 2008. DOST Complex,
FNRI Bldg., Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines; 2010.
8. RP-Congress of the Philippines. Republic Act No. 8976, An Act Establishing the
Philippine Food Fortification Program and For Other Purposes. Manila: 2000.
9. RP-Congress of the Philippines. An Act Promoting Salt Iodization Nationwide and
For Related Purposes. Manila: 1995.
10. RP-DOH (Republic of the Philippine- Department of Health). Administrative Order
No. 2008-0029: Implementing Health Reforms for Rapid Reduction of Maternal
and Neonatal Mortality. Manila: 2008.
11. RP-DOH (Republic of the Philippines-Department of Health). Administrative
Order No. 2010-0010: Revised Policy on Micronutrient Supplementation to
Support Achievement of 2015 MDG Targets to Reduce Under-Five and Maternal
Deaths and Address Micronutrient Needs of Other Population Groups. Manila:
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of IYCF.
2. Describe the current status of IYCF.
3. Discuss recommended practices for IYCF.
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life promotes optimal growth, development
and health. After this, breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods will continue to
ensure the infant and young childs growth, development and health.
Low rates and early cessation of these practices have significant implications on the health and
development of not only children, but mothers and community as well (Leon-Cava et.al, 2002).
Importance of IYCF
Growth, health and development
Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health,
and development of children to their full potential.
The first 1,000 days from conception to two years of age provide a critical window of opportunity
for ensuring a childs appropriate growth and development through optimal feeding. Poor
nutrition increases the risk of illness and is linked to 1/3 of the estimated 9.5 M deaths in
children less than 5 years of age in 2006. Early nutritional deficits are linked to long-term
impairment in growth and health:
Malnutrition in the first two years of life causes stunting.
Studies suggest that adults who were malnourished in early childhood have impaired
intellectual performance and reduced capacity for physical work.
Women who were malnourished as children have reduced reproductive capacity and
higher risk of complicated deliveries.
The graph shows trends in EBF rates worldwide. Between 1996 and 2006, the rates of
exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life increased slightly from 33% to 37%.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
In the Philippines, there was a slight decrease in the mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding
among children 0-23 months old from 3 months in 2003 to 2.3 months in 2008. This slightly
increased to 3.7 months in 2011.
The mean duration of breastfeeding increased by about 2 months over the same 8-year period.
From 2003 to 2011, the proportion of exclusively breastfed infants, 0-5 months old, increased by
17 percentage points, to 46.7%.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The practice of exclusive breastfeeding increased by 3.2 percentage points from 8.6% in 2008
to 11.8% in 2011. The practice of breastfeeding and giving complementary foods increased
from 29.9% in 2008 to 45.2% in 2011.
About half of mothers start to breastfeed within the recommended one hour after delivery
(51.9%), followed by one-third at less than one day after delivery (32.3%).
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Nearly half of infants 0-5 months old (48.9%) are exclusively breastfed. Breastfeeding with
complementary foods is highest when infant is 6-8 months old and declines at 9-23 months.
Recommended Feeding practices
Evidence for recommended feeding practices
1. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding confers short-term and long-term benefits on both the child and the
Benefits for infants:
Infants who are not breastfed are 6 10 times more likely to die in the first
months of life than infants who are breastfed. Diarrhea and pneumonia are
responsible for many of these deaths.
Diarrheal illness is more common in artificially-fed infants even in situations with
adequate hygiene, as in Belarus and Scotland.
Other acute infections like otitis media, Haemophilus influenza meningitis, and
UTi, are less common and less severe in breastfed infants.
Artificially-fed children have an increased risk of long-term diseases with an
immunological basis, including asthma and other atopic conditions, Type I
diabetes, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, and even
childhood leukemia.
Obesity in later childhood and adolescence is less common among breastfed
children, with a longer duration of breastfeeding associated with a lower risk.
Several recent studies have linked artificial feeding with risks to cardiovascular
health, including increased blood pressure, altered blood cholesterol levels, and
atherosclerosis in later adulthood.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The risk of breast and ovarian cancers is less among women who breastfeed.
Exclusive breastfeeding can delay the return of fertility. Mothers who breastfeed
exclusively and frequently have less than a 2% risk of becoming pregnant,
provided that they still have amenorrhea.
Exclusive breastfeeding can accelerate recovery of pre-pregnancy weight.
The period of 6-23 months coincides with the peak incidence of growth faltering,
micronutrient deficiencies and infectious illnesses in many countries.
Breastfeeding remains a critical source of nutrients and protective factors for the growing
child, even after complementary foods have been introduced. It provides around of an
infants energy needs up to one year of age. In the second year of life, it provides up to
1/3 of a childs energy needs
Complementary foods need to be:
Nutritionally adequate
Appropriately fed
Mothers and families need support to practice good complementary feeding. This will be
discussed further in Session 5.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young child
feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package. New
York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An Integrated
Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;2009.
Other references utilized are:
1. FNRI-DOST. Nutritional Status of Filipinos 2011. Taguig City: FNRI-DOST; 2012.
2. Len-Cava N, Lutter C, Ross J, Martin L. Quantifying the benefits of breastfeeding: a
summary of the evidence. Pan American Health Organization, Washington DC; 2002.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Name the main parts of the breast and their functions.
2. Describe the hormonal control of breast milk production and ejection.
3. Discuss the feedback inhibition of lactation.
4. Explain how babys reflexes help in appropriate breastfeeding.
5. Describe the difference between good and poor attachment of a baby at the breast.
6. Describe the difference between effective and ineffective suckling.
7. Discuss the composition of breast milk.
8. Differentiate the colostrum and mature milk.
9. Explain the difference between the animal milk and infant formula.
The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding recommends that infants are
exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. As health professionals, it is
important to understand the physiological basis of breastfeeding so as to help support
this advocacy.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The breast structure includes the nipple and areola, mammary tissue, supporting
connective tissue and fat, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves.
The mammary tissue This tissue includes the alveoli, which consist of small sacs
made of milk-secreting cells, and the ducts that carry the milk to the outside. Between
feeds, milk collects in the lumen of the alveoli and ducts. The alveoli are surrounded by a
basket of myoepithelial, or muscle cells, which contract and make the milk flow along the
Nipple and areola The nipple has an average of nine milk ducts passing to the outside,
and also muscle fibres and nerves. The nipple is surrounded by the circular pigmented
areola, in which are located Montgomerys glands. These glands secrete an oily fluid
that protects the skin of the nipple and areola during lactation, and produce the mothers
individual scent that attracts her baby to the breast. The ducts beneath the areola fill with
milk and become wider during a feed, when the oxytocin reflex is active.
Hormonal Control of Milk Production
There are two hormones that directly affect breastfeeding:
Oxytocin reflex is also called the let-down reflex or milk ejection reflex
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The following are the signs of an active oxytocin reflex. The absence of
these signs does not mean the reflex is not active. The signs may not be
obvious, and the mother may not be aware of them.
Tingling sensation in the breast before or during a feed
Milk flowing from her breasts when she thinks of the baby or hears
him crying
Milk flowing from the other breast when the baby is suckling
Milk flowing from the breast in streams if suckling is interrupted
Slow deep sucks and swallowing by the baby, which show that
milk is flowing into his mouth
Uterine pain or a flow of blood from the uterus
Thirst during a feed
Rooting reflex if something touches a babys lip or cheek, s/he turns to find the
stimulus, opens his/her mouth, putting his/her tongue forward. The rooting reflex
is present from about the 32nd week of pregnancy.
Suckling reflex a baby starts to suck when something touches his/her palate.
The suckling reflex is developed at around 31 weeks of gestation.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Swallowing reflex a baby swallows when his/her mouth fills with milk.
The picture shows how a baby takes the breast into his or her mouth to suckle
effectively. This baby is well attached to the breast.
The points to notice are:
much of the areola and the tissues underneath it, including the larger ducts, are
in the babys mouth;
the breast is stretched out to form a long teat, but the nipple only forms about
one third of the teat;
the babys tongue is forward over the lower gums, beneath the milk ducts (the
babys tongue is in fact cupped around the sides of the teat, but a drawing
cannot show this);
the baby is suckling from the breast, not from the nipple.
As the baby suckles, a wave passes along the tongue from front to back, pressing the
teat against the hard palate, and pressing milk out of the sinuses into the babys mouth
from where he or she swallows it. The baby uses suction mainly to stretch out the breast
tissue and to hold it in his or her mouth. The oxytocin reflex makes the breast milk flow
along the ducts, and the action of the babys tongue presses the milk from the ducts into
the babys mouth. When a baby is well attached his mouth and tongue do not rub or
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
traumatize the skin of the nipple and areola. Suckling is comfortable and often
pleasurable for the mother. She does not feel pain.
Poor Attachment
The picture shows what happens in the mouth when a baby is not well attached at the
The points to notice are:
only the nipple is in the babys mouth, not the underlying breast tissue or ducts;
the babys tongue is back inside his or her mouth, and cannot reach the ducts to
press on them.
Suckling with poor attachment may be uncomfortable or painful for the mother, and may
damage the skin of the nipple and areola, causing sore nipples and fissures (or
cracks). Poor attachment is the commonest and most important cause of sore nipple,
and may result in inefficient removal of milk and apparent low supply.
Signs of Good and Poor Attachment
Table 4.1 Signs of Good and Poor Attachment
Good Attachment
Poor Attachment
more of the areola is visible below the
babys bottom lip than above the top lip
or the amounts above and below are
the babys mouth is not wide open;
the babys lower lip points forward or is
turned inwards;
the babys chin is away from the breast.
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
Good Signs of Attachment: These signs show that the baby is close to the breast, and
opening his or her mouth to take in plenty of breast. The areola sign shows that the baby
is taking the breast and nipple from below, enabling the nipple to touch the babys
palate, and his or her tongue to reach well underneath the breast tissue, and to press on
the ducts. All four signs need to be present to show that a baby is well attached. In
addition, suckling should be comfortable for the mother.
Poor Signs of Attachment: If any one of these signs is present, or if suckling is painful or
uncomfortable, attachment needs to be improved. However, when a baby is very close
to the breast, it can be difficult to see what is happening to the lower lip. Sometimes
much of the areola is outside the babys mouth, but by itself this is not a reliable sign of
poor attachment. Some women have very big areolas, which cannot all be taken into the
babys mouth. If the amount of areola above and below the babys mouth is equal, or if
there is more below the lower lip, these are more reliable signs of poor attachment than
the total amount outside.
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
Mother needs to be relaxed and comfortable, with support for her back. She
should be able to hold the baby at her breast without leaning forward.
Babys body should be straight, not bent or twisted. His/her head can be slightly
extended at the neck.
S/he should be facing the breast. The baby should not be flat against the
mothers chest or abdomen, but turned slightly on his or her back able to see the
mothers face.
Babys body should be close to the mother, enabling him/her to be close to the
breast and to take a large mouthful.
Ineffective Suckling
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
Human milk contains 3.5 g fat / 100 mL o f milk which provides half the energy
content of the milk. The fat is secreted in small droplets, and the amount
increases as the feed progresses
Foremilk at the beginning of a feed contains less fat and looks bluish-grey
in color
Hindmilk is rich in fat and looks creamy white
Breast milk fat contains long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA
(decosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (arachidonic acid) that are important for a
childs neurological development. They are added to some varieties of infant
formula, but this does not confer any advantage over breast milk, and may not be
as effective as those in breast milk
The main carbohydrate in human milk is the disaccharide lactose. Breast milk
contains about 7 g lactose/100 mL milk. Another kind of carbohydrate,
oligosaccharides, provide protection against infection
Breast milk contains 0.9 g protein/100mL milk, a lower concentration than animal
milks. The higher protein in animal milks can overload an infants immature
kidneys with waste nitrogen products. Breast milk contains less of the protein
casein. The casein in human breast milk has a different molecular structure,
forming softer, more easily-digested curds. Among the whey (or soluble)
proteins, human milk contains more alpha-lactalbumin; cows milk contains betalactoglobulin, to which infants can become intolerant.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Anti-infective Factors
Breast milk contains many factors that help to protect an infant against infection
Immunoglobulin, principally secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA), which
coats intestinal mucosa and prevents bacteria from entering the cells.
These were formed in the mothers body against the bacteria in her gut
and infections she has encountered, thus providing protection against
bacteria that are likely to be in the babys environment
White blood cells which can kill microorganisms;
Whey proteins (lysozyme and lactoferrin) which can kill bacteria, viruses
and fungi; and
Oligosaccharides which prevent bacteria from attaching to mucosal
infant is normally taking about 300400 ml per 24 hours, and on the fifth day 500800
ml. From day 7 to 14, the milk is called transitional, and after 2 weeks it is called mature
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the important considerations in complementary feeding.
2. Describe good feeding practices Diet diversification.
3. Describe good feeding practices Meal Frequency.
4. Describe good feeding practices Responsive Feeding.
5. Describe good feeding practices Micronutrient supplementation.
6. Describe good feeding practices Handwashing, hygiene, sanitation and water safety.
The term complementary feeding is used to emphasize that this feeding complements breast
milk rather than replacing it. Effective complementary feeding activities include support to
continue breastfeeding. These additional foods and liquids are called complementary foods, as
they are additional or complementary to breastfeeding, rather than adequate on their own as the
diet. Complementary foods must be nutritious foods and in adequate amounts so the child can
continue to grow.
The policy guideline on complementary feeding practices in the countrys National Policies on
IYCF through the DOH AO 2005-0014 states that infants shall be given appropriate
complementary foods at age six months in order to meet their evolving nutritional requirements.
This is in accordance with the global public health recommendation indicated in the Global
Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding that after exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months,
infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding
continues for up to two years of age or beyond.
Our body uses food for energy to keep alive, to grow, to fight infection, to move around
and be active. Food is like the wood for the fire if we do not have enough good wood,
the fire does not provide good heat or energy. In the same way, if young children do not
have enough good food, they will not have the energy to grow and be active.
This graph shows the energy needed by the growing child and how much is provided by
effective breastfeeding. On this graph, each column represents the total energy needed
at that age. The columns become taller to indicate that more energy is needed as the
child becomes older, bigger and more active. The dark part shows how much of this
energy is supplied by breast milk.
You can see that from about six months onwards there is a gap between the total energy
needs and the energy provided by breast milk. The gap increases as the child gets
As the young child gets older, breast milk continues to provide energy, however the
childs energy needs increase as the child grows. If these gaps are not filled, the child
will stop growing or grow only at a slow rate. The child who is not growing well may also
be more likely to become ill or to recover less quickly from an illness.
This graph is that of an average child and the nutrients supplied by breast milk from an
average mother. A few children may have higher needs and the energy gap would be
larger. A few children may have smaller needs and thus a smaller gap.
Therefore, for most babies, six months of age is a good time to start complementary
foods. Complementary feeding from six completed months helps a child to grow well and
be active and content. At six completed months of age it becomes easier to feed thick
porridge and mashed food because babies:
show interest in other people eating and reach for food
like to put things in their mouth
can control their tongue better to move food around their mouth
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
In addition, at this age, babies digestive systems are mature enough to begin to digest a
range of foods. Adding complementary foods too soon may:
take the place of breast milk, making it difficult to meet the childs nutritional
result in a diet that is low in nutrients if thin, watery soups and porridges are used
increase the risk of illness because less of the protective factors in breast milk
are consumed
increase the risk of diarrhea because the complementary foods may not be as
clean or as easy to digest as breast milk
increase the risk of wheezing and other allergic conditions because the baby
cannot yet digest and absorb non-human proteins well
increase the mothers risk of another pregnancy if breastfeeding is less frequent.
However, starting complementary foods too late is also a risk because the child:
does not receive the extra food required to meet his/her growing needs
grows and develops more slowly
might not receive the nutrients to avoid malnutrition and deficiencies such as
anemia from lack of iron
2. Frequency of foods
Meal frequency or the number of times that the child is fed complementary foods should
be increased as the child gets older (PAHO/WHO, 2003). The appropriate number of
feedings depends on the energy density of the local foods and the usual amounts
consumed at each feeding. A growing child needs 2-4 meals a day plus 1-2 snacks if
For the average healthy breastfed infant, meals of complementary foods should be
provided (PAHO/WHO, 2003):
2-3 meals plus frequent breastfeeds at 6 months
2-3 meals plus frequent breastfeeds from 6 up to 9 months, 1-2 snacks may
be offered
3-4 meals plus frequent breastfeeds from 9 up to 12 months, 1-2 snacks may
be offered
3-4 meals plus frequent breastfeeds from 12 up to 24 months, 1-2 snacks
may be offered
If a child is less than 24 months and is not breastfed, 1-2 extra meals should be added
and 1-2 snacks may be offered (UNICEF, 2011).
Meal frequency will be discussed more during the discussion of good feeding practices.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
3. Amount of foods
The amount of foods varies from each age group as the childs total energy
requirements also vary. The amount of energy that should be provided by
complementary foods is estimated by subtracting the average energy intake from breast
milk from total energy requirements at each age.
But in practice, caregivers will not know the exact amount of breast milk intake, and they
will not compute the energy content of complementary foods to be offered. The amount
of food to be offered should therefore be based on the principles of responsive feeding
(PAHO/WHO, 2003).
When a child starts to eat complementary foods, he needs time to get accustomed to the
new taste and texture of the foods. A child needs to learn the skill of eating. Start at 6
months of age with small amounts of food and gradually increase the amount as the
infant gets older, while maintaining breastfeeding.
A 6-month old infant may start with 2-3 tablespoons per feeds starting with tastes. From
6 up to 9 months of age, 2-3 tablespoons per feed can be gradually increased to half of
a 250 mL cup/bowl. From 9 up to 12 months of age, give half of a 250 mL cup/bowl per
feed. From 12 up to 24 months of age, give three-quarters to one 250 mL cup/bowl per
feed. If a child is less than 24 months and is not breastfed, the same amount is
recommended according to age group (UNICEF, 2011). Children vary in their appetite
and these are just guidelines.
4. Texture (thickness/consistency)
Food consistency and variety should be gradually increased as the infant gets older,
adapting to the infants requirements and abilities. The neuromuscular development of
infants dictates the minimum age at which they can ingest particular types of foods
(WHO/UNICEF, 1998). Semi-solid or pureed foods are needed at first, until the ability for
munching (up and down mandibular movements) or chewing (use of teeth) appears.
When foods of inappropriate consistency are offered, the child may be unable to
consume more than a trivial amount, or may take so long to eat that food intake is
Let us say that the child will have lugaw (or rice porridge). The food may be thin and
runny or it may be thick and stay on the spoon. Often families are afraid that thick foods
will be difficult to swallow, be stuck in the babys throat, or give the baby constipation.
Therefore, they add extra liquid to the foods to make it easier for the young child to eat.
Sometimes extra liquid is added so that it will take less time to feed the baby. Food that
is too thin and watery will fill the babys stomach before he gets the energy he needs to
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The food should be thick enough to stay easily on the spoon without running off when
the spoon is tilted. If families use a blender to prepare the babys foods this may need
extra fluid to work. It may be better to mash the babys food instead so that less fluid is
added. Porridge or food mixtures that are so thin that they can be fed from a feeding
bottle, or poured from the hand or that the child can drink from a cup, do not provide
enough energy or nutrients. The consistency or thickness of foods makes a big
difference to how well that food meets the young childs energy needs. Foods of a thick
consistency help to fill the energy gap.
As the child develops and learns the skills of eating, he progresses from very soft,
mashed food, to foods with some lumps that need chewing, and to family foods. Some
family foods may need to be chopped for longer if the child finds them difficult to eat.
5. Variety of foods
Infants and young children should be fed a variety of foods to ensure that nutrient needs
are met.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Meat, poultry, fish or eggs should be eaten daily, or as often as possible. Vegetarian
diets cannot meet nutrient needs at this age unless nutrient supplements or fortified
products are used (PAHO/WHO, 2003). Vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables should be
eaten daily.
Provide diets with adequate fat content because it provides essential fatty acids,
facilitates absorption of fat soluble vitamins, and enhances dietary energy density and
sensory qualities. Avoid giving drinks with low nutrient value, such as tea, coffee and
sugary drinks such as soda. Tea and coffee contain compounds that can interfere with
iron absorption. Sugary drinks, such as soda, should be avoided because they
contribute little other than energy, and thereby decrease the childs appetite for more
nutritious foods. Limit the amount of juice offered so as to avoid displacing more nutrientrich foods. Excessive juice consumption can also decrease the childs appetite for other
foods, and may cause loose stools.
Most adults and older children eat a mixture or variety of foods at mealtime. In the same
way, it is important for young children to eat a mix of good complementary foods. Often
the food preparations of the family meals include all or most of the appropriate
complementary foods that young children need.
When you build on the usual food preparations in a household, it is easier for families to
feed their young children a diet with good complementary foods.
If a child is less than 24 months and is not breastfed, the same is recommended in
addition to 1 to 2 cups of milk per day and 2 to 3 cups of extra fluid especially in hot
climates (UNICEF, 2011).
The giving of variety of foods will be discussed more during the separate section on the
good feeding practice of diet diversification.
6. Active or responsive feeding
During the period of complementary feeding, the young child gradually becomes
accustomed to eating family foods. Feeding includes more than just the foods provided.
How the child is fed can be as important as what the child is fed.
Active or responsive feeding should be practiced, applying the principles of psychosocial care. Specifically, this means (PAHO/WHO, 2003):
feed infants directly and assist older children when they feed themselves, being
sensitive to their hunger and satiety cues
feed slowly and patiently, and encourage children to eat, but do not force them
if children refuse many foods, experiment with different food combinations,
tastes, textures and methods of encouragement
minimize distractions during meals if the child loses interest easily
remember that feeding times are periods of learning and love - talk to children
during feeding, with eye to eye contact
Responsive feeding will be discussed in more detail during a separate section on the
good feeding practice of responsive feeding.
7. Hygiene
Attention to hygienic practices during food preparation and feeding is critical for
prevention of gastrointestinal illness. The peak incidence of diarrheal disease is during
the second half year of infancy, as the intake of complementary foods increases
(PAHO/WHO, 2003; Martinez et al., 1992).
In general, good hygiene and proper food handling include:
washing caregivers and childrens hands before food preparation and eating
storing foods safely and serving foods immediately after preparation
using clean utensils to prepare and serve food
using clean cups and bowls when feeding children
avoiding the use of feeding bottles, which are difficult to keep clean
Additional details will be discussed later during the separate section on handwashing,
hygiene, sanitation and water safety.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Frequency of feeding a non-breastfed child
A child who does not have breast milk needs special attention to ensure he receives
sufficient food.
A child who is not taking any breast milk and is eating enough complementary foods
will still have a very large gap for energy.
One way to increase the energy intake is to give the child 1-2 cups of milk (where
one cup is equal to 250ml) and an extra 1-2 meals per day in addition to the amounts
of food recommended.
If no animal-source foods are included in the diet, fortified complementary foods or
nutrient supplements are needed for a child to meet his nutrient needs.
Babies have small stomachs and can only eat small amounts at each meal so it
important to feed them frequently throughout the day.
When baby reaches 6 months, continue breastfeeding and give 2-3 meals in addition to
frequent breastfeeding.
Start with small amount of foods about 2-3 tablespoons per feeds starting with tastes.
Start with the staple cereal to make porridge (e.g. rice, corn, wheat, potatoes). The
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
From 6 up to 9 months, continue breastfeeding and give 2-3 meals per day in addition
to frequent breastfeeding. Additional 1-2 nutritious snacks (such as fruit or bread) may
be added.
The 2 to 3 tablespoonfuls per feed can be gradually increased to half () of a 250 ml
cup or bowl.
Mash and soften the added foods so your baby/child can easily chew and swallow.
Any food can be given to children after 6 months as long as it is mashed/chopped.
Children do not need teeth to consume foods such as eggs, meat, and green leafy
Add colorful (variety) foods to enrich the staple including beans, peanuts, peas, lentils
or seeds; orange/red fruits and vegetables (such ripe mango, papaya, and carrots,
squash); dark-green leaves, avocado. Soak beans and legumes before cooking to
make them more suitable for feeding children
Add animal-source foods: meat, chicken, fish, liver; and eggs and milk, and milk
products (whenever available)
Use iodized salt when preparing complementary food
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
From 12 up to 24 months, continue breastfeeding and give 3-4 meals per day in
addition to frequent breastfeeding. Additional 1-2 nutritious snacks (such as fruit or
bread) may be added.
Give three-quarter () to one cup of 250 ml cup/bowl.
Give family foods.
Add colorful (variety) foods to enrich the staple including beans, peanuts, peas, lentils
or seeds; orange/red fruits and vegetables (such ripe mango, papaya, and carrots,
squash); dark-green leaves, avocado.
Add animal-source foods: meat, chicken, fish, liver; and eggs and milk, and milk
products every day at least in one meal (or at least 3 times /week)
Use iodized salt when preparing complementary food
3. Responsive Feeding
Active/responsive feeding is being alert and responsive to the babys signs that he or she is
ready-to-eat; actively encourage, but dont force the baby to eat.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
When feeding him/herself, a child may not eat enough. He or she is easily distracted.
Therefore the young child needs help. When a child does not eat enough, he or she will
become malnourished.
Responsive feeding practices:
how much the child eats. This may include force-feeding. Children may not learn
to regulate their intake, which may lead to obesity and food refusal later. The
child may feel eating is very frightening and uncomfortable. He may feel scared.
b. Another feeding style is that the children are left to feed themselves. The
caregiver believes that the child will eat if hungry. The caregiver may also believe
when the child stops eating that he has had enough to eat. If the child has a
poor appetite or is too young to manage the skills of eating, this can result in
malnutrition. The child may feel eating is very difficult. He may be hungry or
c. The third style is feeding in response to the childs cues or signals using
encouragement and praise. The childs cue or signal that he is hungry may
include restlessness, reaching for food, or crying. Cues or signals that he does
not want to eat more may include turning away, spiting out food or crying.
Caregivers need to be aware of their childs cues, interpret them accurately, and
respond to them promptly, appropriately and consistently.
Vitamin A
400 ug
Folic Acid
150 ug
Vitamin C
30 mg
6 mg
Vitamin D
5.0 ug
10 mg
Vitamin E
5 mg a-TE
4.1 mg
Vitamin B1
0.5 mg
0.56 mg
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Vitamin B2
0.5 mg
90 ug
Vitamin B6
0.5 mg
17.0 ug
Vitamin B12
0.9 ug
Although results of the initial studies on the use of MNP are encouraging, the DOH needs
time and resources to establish the support mechanisms to ensure its accessibility to target
groups nationwide.
Micronutrient supplementation guideline for infants
12-59 months
old (1-<5 year
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Diarrhea and other food borne diseases can cause anorexia, abdominal pain, fever and loss
of nutrients that will lead to nutritional deficiencies with serious and hazardous
consequences for the growth and development of children.
Good Hygiene practices
Good hygiene practices, particularly, handwashing with soap and water at critical moments
can reduce the incidence of diarrhea and respiratory infections (UNICEF, 2011).
Wash hands with soap and water before preparing foods and feeding baby. Wash hands
and babys hands before eating. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet
and washing or cleaning babys bottom. Foods intended to be given to the child should
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
always be stored and prepared in hygienic conditions to avoid contamination, which can
cause diarrhea and other illnesses.
Keep clean
Wash your hands before handling food and often during food preparation.
Wash your hands after going to the toilet, changing the baby or in contact with
Wash very clean all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation or
Use a clean spoon or cup to give foods or liquids to the baby.
Do not use bottles, teats or spouted cups since they are difficult to clean and can
cause your baby to become sick.
Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and other animals.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours.
Do not store food too long, even in a refrigerator.
Do not thaw frozen food at room temperature.
Food for infants and young children should ideally be freshly prepared and not
stored at all after cooking.
Use safe water and raw materials
Use safe water or treat it to make it safe.
Choose fresh and wholesome foods.
Use pasteurized milk.
Wash fruits and vegetables in safe water, especially if eaten raw.
Do not use food beyond its expiry date.
Other sanitary and hygienic practices should be practiced to prevent other sources of
food contamination:
Keeping food covered to protect it from flies and other insects.
Proper use of toilet and sanitary disposal of human excreta. Demand to put a
stop to open defecation.
Use of safe storage system for drinking water and making sure that it is covered.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of two existing infant and young child
feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package. New
York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An Integrated
Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
Other references used for this session are:
1. Bhutta ZA, Ahmed T, Black RE et al. Maternal and Child Undernutrition 3. What works?
Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. Lancet. 2008;371:417
Brown KH, et al. Effects of common illnesses on infants energy intakes from breast milk
and other foods during longitudinal community-based studies in Huascar (Lima), Peru. Am
J Clin Nutr 1990;52:1005-13.
Dewey KG, Brown KH. Update on technical issues concerning complementary feeding of
young children in developing countries and implications for intervention programs. Food
Nutr Bull 2003;24:5-28.
5. DOH/FHI 360/USAID. Micronutrient Supplementation Manual of Operations: Manila: DOH;
6. Gibson, R. and Hotz, C. Dietary diversification/modification strategies to enhance
micronutrient content and bioavailability of diets in developing countries. British Journal of
Nutrition 2001;85:S159-S166 doi:10.1079/ BJN2001309
7. Giugliani, ERJ and Victora, CG. Complementary Feeding. Journal de Pediatria
8. Malacaan Palace. Executive Order No. 51: Adopting a National Code of Marketing of
Breast - Milk Substitutes, Breastmilk Supplements and Related Products, Penalizing
Violations Thereof, and for Other Purposes. Manila: 1986.
9. Martinez BC, de Zoysza I, Glass RI. The magnitude of the global problem of diarrhoeal
disease: a ten-year update. Bull WHO 1992;70:705-14.
10. Molbak K, Gottschau A, Aaby P, Hojlyng N, Ingholt L, da Silva AP. Prolonged breast
feeding, diarrhoeal disease, and survival of children in Guinea-Bissau. BMJ
11. Motarjemi, Y. Research Priorities on Safety of Complementary Feeding. Pediatrics.
12. Ogunba, BO. Diet Diversity in Complementary Feeding and Nutritional Status of Children
Aged 0 to 24 Months in Osun State, Nigeria : A Comparison of the Urban and Rural
Communities. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition 2010;2:330
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
30. WHO/UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding: Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2003.
31. WHO. Complementary feeding: report of the global consultation, and summary of guiding
principles for complementary feeding of the breastfed child. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2002.
32. WHO. Complementary feeding counselling: training course. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2004.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe how the Mother-and-Baby-Friendly hospital initiative evolved.
2. Define the criteria for a Mother-and-Baby-Friendly hospital.
3. Explain the 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding and related indicators.
Previous sessions have dealt with the significance of breastfeeding in providing optimal
nutrition for infants and its link to decreased infant and maternal mortality and morbidity.
Maternity practices in the hospital and birth centers can influence breastfeeding
behaviors during a period critical to successful establishment of lactation (DiGirolamo
and Grummer-Strawn, 2001). Professional and other formal health workers in all health
care facilities should make every effort to protect, promote and support breastfeeding,
and to provide expectant and new mothers with objective and consistent advice in
practices of infant feeding (WHO/UNICEF, 1989).
coincided with the crafting of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk
Substitutes and its local counterpart, Executive Order 51 (the Milk Code).
In 1991, the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched by UNICEF and the
World Health Organization (WHO). The Initiative concretized the plan of action of the
1990 Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding.
The Initiative called for the provision of a supportive environment for breastfeeding in
health facilities providing maternity and newborn care through its Ten Steps to
Successful Breastfeeding. The initiative was successfully implemented in thousands of
hospitals in 156 countries.
The Philippines was chosen to be one of the 12 starter countries to implement the
BFHI. Republic Act 7600 (The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act) was passed in 1992,
giving the legal framework for the adoption of BFHI in the country. In 3 short years, over
4,000 were trained. From a mere 139 accredited Baby-Friendly Hospitals in 1993, the
number ballooned to 1,427 by 1999, or 83% of the target hospitals (UNICEF/AED, 2009).
These early gains were eroded in the early years of the new millennium. In late 1999,
the reorganization of the Department of Health paved the way for the transfer of key
personnel to non-related positions. At the same time, donor support for BFHI trainings
and accreditations decreased. As a result, there were very little trainings conducted in
the years 2000 2003 (UNICEF/AED, 2009). Previously accredited Baby-Friendly
Hospitals were poorly compliant with the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding published jointly by the WHO
and UNICEF provided the motive force for revitalizing programs promoting optimal IYCF
practices (WHO/UNICEF, 2003).. Using the WHO assessment protocol, IYCF practices
in the country rated poor to fair in the following indices: early initiation of breastfeeding,
rates of exclusive breastfeeding, median duration of breastfeeding, and adequacy and
timing of complementary feeding (UNICEF/AED, 2009).
To address these issues, a National IYCF Plan of Action was drawn up. In the following
years, Administrative Orders that focused on improving IYCF practices were issued.
These include:
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Mother-friendly hospital
AO 2007 -0026 lists additional criteria for a hospital to be certified as mother-friendly.
These include incorporating mother-friendly labor and birthing practices, (such as
offering a mother access to a birth companion of her choice, the freedom to walk and
move about and assume a birthing position of her choice), the inclusion of non-drug
methods of pain relief to minimize the use of analgesics and anesthetics, and the
rationalization of instrumentation and procedures that may inhibit breastfeeding.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young child
feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package. New
York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
Other references utilized are:
1. Clavano, NR. Mode of feeding and its effect on infant mortality and morbidity. Journal
of Tropical Pediatrics. 1982. 28 (6): 287-293.
2. Congress of the Philippines. The Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act of 1992. Republic
Act 7600. 1992.
3. Congress of the Philippines. An Act Expanding the Promotion of Breastfeeding,
Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7600, otherwise known as An Act
providing incentives to all government and private health institutions with rooming-in
and breastfeeding practices and for other purposes. Republic Act 10028. 2009.
4. Department of Health. The Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of
Executive Order 51, Otherwise Known as the Milk Code, Relevant International
Agreements, Penalizing Violations Thereof, and Other Purposes. A.O. 2006 0012.
Office of the Secretary. May 15, 2006.
5. Department of Health. Revitalization of the Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in
Health Facilities with Maternity and Newborn Care Services. A.O. 2007-0026. Office of
the Secretary. July 10, 2007.
6. DiGirolamo AM, Grummer-Strawn LM, Fein S. Maternity care practices: implications
for breastfeeding. Birth 2001;28:94-100.
7. National Statistics Office and ICF Macro. National Demographic and Health Survey
2008. Calverton, Maryland. 2009.
8. Power point presentation delivered at the workshop of the CFC Research Initiative,
held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from March 18-21 2009. Available at
9. RP-DOH. Administrative Order No. 2005-0014: National Policies on Infant and Young
Child Feeding. Manila: 2005.
10. UNICEF/WHO. Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: Revised, Upgraded and Expanded for
Integrated Care. Geneva. 2009.
11. UNICEF Nutrition Section/ Academy for Educational Development (AED). Infant and
Young Child Feeding Programme Review, Case Study: The Philippines. New York.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
12. WHO/UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva. 2003.
13. WHO/UNICEF. Protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding:the special role of
maternity services. Geneva. 1989.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of providing continuing support for breastfeeding and
complementary feeding to mothers in the community.
2. Discuss ways to support optimal infant and young child feeding practices in the
community through IYCF counseling:
a. Using good communication and support skills
b. Assessing the situation
c. Managing problems and supporting good feeding practices
d. Follow-up
The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding recommends the development
of community-based support networks to help ensure appropriate infant and young child
feeding to which hospitals and clinics can refer mothers on discharge.
These community-based support networks are a welcome extension of the health care
system and can participate actively in planning and provision of care.
Support for mothers in the community
Health workers do not always have the opportunity to ensure the establishment of
successful breastfeeding:
Family members and friends are often a mothers source of information on feeding
practices. Some of these may be based on misconceptions. Health care providers
should also talk to other family members when helping a mother, show respect for their
ideas and help them to understand advice on optimal feeding.
IYCF Counselling
IYCF counselling is the process by which a health worker can support mothers and
babies to implement good feeding practices and overcome difficulties. A health worker
a. Use good communication and support skills
b. Assess the situation
c. Manage problems and reinforce good feeding practices
d. Follow-up
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Mid upper arm circumference (MUAC)
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Helps identify children who are stunted (or short) due to prolonged
undernutrition or repeated illness.
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Common Problems
Low weight-for-age a child is underweight if his/her weight falls below the 2 z-score line, and severely underweight if his/her weight falls below the -3 zscore line. A child who is severely underweight is at risk for severe
malnutrition and urgently needs attention.
Loss of weight a child with a falling growth curve may be afflicted with an
illness. S/he should be assessed according to the IMCI guidelines and
referred accordingly.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
8. Observing Breastfeeding
Ask the mother to offer her baby the breast and to breastfeed in her usual
Try to observe a complete feed, to see how long the baby suckles and if
s/he releases the breast by her/him-self.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Date _________________________
Babys name:
Baby looks healthy
Baby calm and relaxed
Baby reaches or roots for breast if hungry
Baby looks sleepy or ill
Baby is restless or crying
Baby does not reach or root
Breasts look healthy
No pain or discomfort
Breast well supported with fingers away
from nipple
Nipple stands out, protractile
Mother looks ill or depressed
Mother looks tense and uncomfortable
No mother/baby eye contact
Babys head and body in line
Baby held close to mothers body
Babys whole body supported
Baby approaches breast, nose opposite
More areola seen above babys top lip
Babys mouth open wide
Lower lip turned outwards
Babys chin touches breast
Slow, deep sucks with pauses
Cheeks round when suckling
Baby releases breast when finished
Mother notices signs of oxytocin reflex
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Figure 7.1 Assessing and classifying infant and young child feeding
Refer urgently:
If the child:
Is unconscious or
Is severely
Is not able to
despite help with
Vomits copiously
after all feeds
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Poor growth that continues despite health center care or community care
Breastfeeding difficulties that do not respond to the usual management
Abnormalities including cleft lip and palate, tongue tie, Down syndrome,
cerebral palsy
9 11 months:
approximately cup at
each meal
12 23 months:
approximately to
cup at each meal
6 8 months: 2 3
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;2009.
Support good feeding practices
An important part of counselling a mother is active support and reinforcement of
good feeding practices.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Follow-up and continuing care of all children is important, whether they have
feeding difficulties or not. Follow-up may take place at a health facility or on a
home visit.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Refer if a child has not gained weight on two consecutive visits or within one
month (2 months if more than 6 months of age).
If a child has gained weight and feeding difficulties are resolved, follow-up should
be scheduled at the same frequency as a child with no feeding difficulty.
Follow-up of the infant or young child with no feeding difficulties
Suggested intervals for feeding counselling and growth assessment for healthy
full-term babies are:
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. WHO. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for Textbooks for Medical
Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
Other references utilized are:
1. WHO/UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva:
WHO; 2003.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe problems associated with low birth weight infants.
2. Discuss feeding options and supportive care for LBW infants of different gestational
ages (> 36 weeks, 32-36 weeks, < 32 weeks).
3. Describe the breastfeeding positions appropriate for LBW babies.
One of the key priorities of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding is
ensuring optimal nutrition for children in difficult circumstances (WHO/UNICEF, 2003).
Low birth weight can be a consequence of preterm birth (before 37 completed weeks of
gestation) or related to a small size for gestational age (SGA, defined as weight for
gestation <10th percentile), or both (WHO, 2006).
Feeding the low birth weight infant involves decisions about what milk to feed, what
nutritional supplements to give, how to feed, how much and how frequently to feed, what
support is needed, and how to monitor (WHO, 2006).
Low-birth-weight (LBW) babies are babies weighing less than 2500 grams at
Very low birth weight (VLBW) babies are babies weighing less than 1500
grams at birth
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Appropriate care of LBW infants (feeding, temperature maintenance, hygienic cord and
skin care, early detection and treatment of infections) can substantially reduce excess
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Expressed breast milk
Intra-gastric tube
Babies less than 32 weeks gestational age usually need to be fed by gastric tube.
They should not receive any enteral feeds for the first 12 24 hours.
Table 8A.2 shows the daily quantity of milk needed by a LBW baby fed by gastric
1500-2000 g
1000-1500 g
(Every 2 Hours) *
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
If the baby is cup feeding, add 5 ml per feed to allow for spillage and variability of infants
* For infants with birth weight <1250 g who do not show signs of feeding readiness, start
with small 1-2 ml feeds every 1-2 hours and give the rest of the fluid requirement as
intravenous fluids.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Infants born at 36 weeks of gestation or older are able to breastfeed directly. The
underarm position or supporting the baby with the arm opposite the breast are the
best positions for breastfeeding LBW babies.
When a LBW baby first suckles, he or she may pause quite often and for longer
periods, and may continue feeding for more than an hour. It is important not to
take the baby off the breast during these pauses.
If a baby has difficulty suckling effectively, tires quickly at the breast or does not gain
adequate weight, offer expressed milk by cup after the breastfeed, or give alternate
breast and cup feeds.
A mother can give her LBW or small baby the benefits similar to those provided by
an incubator through Kangaroo mother care (KMC).
Evidence indicates that using KMC for preterm babies results in stability of cardiac
and respiratory function, lower rates of severe infection, increased breastmilk
supply, higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding, and better weight gain
(AED/USAID, 2006).
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
KMC is a gentle, effective method that leads to shorter stay and earlier discharge
for hospitalized babies, encourages frequent observation of the baby by the
mother, and fosters bonding.
All medically stable LBW babies are eligible for KMC. For most LBW babies, KMC
can start immediately after birth. However, very preterm babies who are acutely ill
may require specialized care until they are medically stable and ready for KMC.
The three key elements of Kangaroo Mother Care are (AED/USAID, 2006):
1. Position. During KMC, the baby (wearing only a diaper/nappy, hat, and
socks) is placed between the mothers naked breasts and secured in a pouch
or cloth tied around the mothers chest. The baby is carried continuously in
this skin-to-skin position. The mother sleeps and rests in a semi-reclined
position. Heat loss is avoided by keeping the baby in skin-to-skin contact
inside the mothers clothing.
2. Nutrition. KMC is conducive to early and exclusive breastfeeding. The
mother can offer the breast in response to the babys cues. When KMC is first
started, some preterm babies are unable to suckle at the breast. A mother
can express her breastmilk directly into the babys mouth, or the mothers
expressed breastmilk can be given by cup or other appropriate feeding
3. Support. Mother and baby are rarely separated. The mother can observe
any changes in the baby that may require follow-up care. The father or
another family member can provide KMC some of the time.
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva:
Other references utilized are:
1. WHO. Optimal feeding of low-birth-weight infants: technical review. Geneva.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
2. WHO/UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva.
3. ACCESS Program. Kangaroo Mother Care Training Manual. Baltimore: 2006.
4. Academy for Educational Development/USAID. 2006. Facts for Feeding- Feeding
Low Birth weight Babies. Retrieved November 20, 2012 from
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe what relactation is.
2. Describe indications for relactation.
3. Discuss the physiological basis of lactation.
4. Describe the necessary measures for successful relactation.
Evidence shows that breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding
with appropriate complementary feeding is the most effective way to ensure optimal
nutrition for children. Infants who have not breastfeed or who have stopped
breastfeeding are at increased risk of illness, malnutrition and death.
In instances where mothers stopped breastfeeding for some reasons, it is a known fact
that breastfeeding can be re-established. A woman who has stopped breastfeeding her
child, recently or in the past, can resume the production of breastmilk for her own or an
adopted infant, even without a further pregnancy. This potentially life-saving measure is
called relactation (WHO, 1998).
Relactation is the re-establishment of lactation after a gap of several weeks, months or
years (Hormann, 2006).
The re-establishment of breastfeeding is an important management option in emergency
situations, and for infants who are malnourished or ill.
A woman needs to be:
Highly motivated
Well supported by health care workers
Supported by family and friends, mother support groups, traditional birth attendants
Most women can relactate any number of years after their last child, but it is easier for
women who stopped breastfeeding recently.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
for infants who are unaccompanied; those who were artificially fed before the
emergency; and those for whom breastfeeding has been interrupted. As
many infants as possible should be enabled to resume or continue
breastfeeding to help prevent diarrhea, infection and malnutrition. A woman
can relactate to feed one or more unaccompanied infants.
individual situations,
in emergency situations,
and who were unable to suckle effectively in the first weeks of life, and who
required gavage or cup feeding.
such as those under 6 months of age with acute or persistent diarrhea, those
who stopped breastfeeding before or during an illness, and those who have
been artificially fed but cannot tolerate artificial milks.
for example when a mother who chose to feed her infant artificially changes
her mind or, in the case of adoption, to enhance mother-infant bonding as
well as providing other advantages of breastfeeding.
for example because she is severely ill or has died or because she is HIV
positive and chooses, after counselling, not to breastfeed her infant. One
option in these situations is for someone in the same community, such as a
grandmother, to relactate to feed the child.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Breast changes (breasts feel fuller or firmer), milk leaks or can be expressed
Infant takes less supplement while continuing to gain weight
Infants stools become softer, and more like stools of a breastfed infant
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
If you are showing a woman how to express, show her on your own body
as much as possible, while she copies you. If you need to touch her to
show her exactly where to press her breast, be very gentle.
Teach a mother to do this herself. Do not express her milk for her. Touch her only to
show her what to do, and be gentle. Teach her to:
Wash her hands thoroughly.
Sit or stand comfortably, and hold the container near her breast.
Put her thumb on her breast ABOVE the nipple and areola, and her first finger on the
breast BELOW the nipple and areola, opposite the thumb. She supports the breast with
her other fingers.
Press her thumb and first finger slightly inwards towards the chest wall. She should
avoid pressing too far or she may block the milk ducts.
Press her breast behind the nipple and areola between her finger and thumb. She
should press on the larger ducts beneath the areola. Sometimes in a lactating breast it
is possible to feel the ducts. They are like pods, or peanuts. If she can feel them, she
can press on them.
Press and release, press and release. This should not hurt - if it hurts, the technique is
At first no milk may come, but after pressing a few times, milk starts to drip out. It may
flow in streams if the oxytocin reflex is active.
Press the areola in the same way from the SIDES, to make sure that milk is expressed
from all segments of the breast.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Avoid rubbing or sliding her fingers along the skin. The movement of the fingers should
be more like rolling.
Avoid squeezing the nipple itself. Pressing or pulling the nipple cannot express the milk.
It is the same as the baby sucking only the nipple.
Express one breast for at least 3-5 minutes until the flow slows; then express the other
side; and then repeat both sides. She can use either hand for either breast, and change
when they tire.
c. Skin-to-skin contact
Skin-to-skin contact is a mother holding her naked baby against her own
skin. Skin-to-skin with mother keeps newborn warm and helps stimulate
bonding or closeness, and brain development. Skin-to-skin helps stimulate
the "let down" of milk.
3. Provision of a temporary milk supplement for the infant without using a
While the mother's breastmilk supply is becoming established, it is essential to
ensure that the infant receives adequate nourishment.
If expressed breastmilk is available, this is usually the best alternative.
If an infant is not willing to suckle at a non-productive breast, the
supplement can be given through a breastfeeding supplementer.
If the infant is willing to suckle at a non-productive breast, the supplement
can be given separately.
Supplementary feeds
Temporary supplementary feeds for the infant, in order of preference:
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Use a fine nasogastric tube or other fine plastic tubing and a cup to hold the milk. If
there is no very fine tube, use the best available.
Cut a small hole in the side of the tube, near the end of the part that goes into the
infants mouth (this is in addition to the hole at the end). This helps the flow of milk.
Prepare a cup of milk (expressed breastmilk or artificial milk) containing the amount
of milk that her infant needs for one feed.
Put one end of the tube along her nipple, so that her infant suckles the breast and
the tube at the same time. Tape the tube in place on her breast.
Put the other end of the tube into the cup of milk.
Tie a knot in the tube if it is wide or put a paper clip on it, or pinch it. This controls the
flow of milk, so that the infant does not finish the feed too fast.
Control the flow of milk so that the infant suckles for about 30 minutes at each feed if
possible. (Raising the cup makes the milk flow faster, lowering the cup makes the
milk flow more slowly).
Let the infant suckle at any time that he is willing not just when she is using the
Clean and sterilise the tube of the supplementer and the cup or bottle, each time she
uses them.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Quantity of supplements
Drugs only help when a woman receives adequate help and her breasts are
stimulated by her infant suckling.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
Other references utilized are:
1. WHO. Relatation: A review of experience and recommendations for practice.
Geneva: WHO; 1998.
2. Hormann, E. Breastfeeding an Adopted Baby and Relactation. La Leche League
International, Schaumburg, IL: 2006.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of IYCF in Emergencies (IYCF-E).
2. Understand the risks of infant formula feeding during emergencies.
3. Understand the existing laws and policies that will help protect IYCF practices
during emergencies situations.
4. Be familiar with the tools in assessing IYCF-.
IYCF in emergencies concerns the protection and support of optimal feeding for
infants and young children in all emergencies, wherever they happen in the world.
Sub-optimal IYCF practices increase vulnerability to under-nutrition, disease and
death. The risks are heightened in emergencies and the youngest are most
vulnerable. Infants and young children in exceptionally difficult circumstances,
such as HIV prevalent populations, orphans, low birth weight (LBW) infants, those
who are severely malnourished, and non-breastfed infants are particularly at risk
(NutritionWorks, Emergency Nutrition Network & Global Nutrition Cluster, 2011)
Legal Bases
Populations affected by any form of disaster whether natural or man-made including the
situation of armed conflict have the right to appropriate assistance and protection based
on the International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, Refugee Law
and Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross.
Why IFE matters?
The Philippines is a disaster-prone country considering that we experience almost all
forms of calamities such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions,
landslides, tidal waves, fires, and armed conflict.
The risks of artificial feeding during emergency and disaster are high because:
Water or a source of safe water is lacking, cooking utensils are inadequate, there
is shortage of fuel;
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
This graph was taken from the Refugee Information System at WHO, Geneva, 1998 and
1999. It shows increased deaths among under-fives children in selected countries during
emergencies. The white graph represents people of all ages, while the black or dark
graph represents the children 5 years and below.
Death among under-fives is very high in countries like Chad, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The graph shows that children under five are the most vulnerable during emergencies
for the rest of all countries in this graph.
Risks to Infant and Young Child Feeding During Emergencies
During emergencies, protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding are critical.
Illness and death rates can be as great as 20 times the usual level, a result of increased
exposure to infection and inadequate infant feeding and care.
The risk of artificial feeding dramatically increased due to:
poor sanitation and hygiene
limited and contaminated water
limited fuel
unpredictable delivery of breast milk substitute
United States of America: April 11, 2002, US Food and Drug Administration
(USFDA) wrote to Health Care Professionals: One study tested milk-based
powdered infant formula products obtained from different countries and found
that Enterobacter sakazakii could be recovered from 20 (14%) of 141 samples.
The majority of cases of E. sakazakii infection reported in the peer reviewed
literature have described neonates with sepsis, meningitis and necrotizing
enterocolitis, and the case-fatality rate among infected neonates was as high as
Germany: May 13, 2002, Federal Institute for Consumer Health Protection states:
Mortality is very high (bet. 50-75%) in the large numbers of cases of meningitis
caused by powdered infant formula contaminated by E. sakazakii. The warning
indicated that powdered infant formulas are not sterile.
Strict food safety procedures should be followed in preparation of feeds because
bacteria develop in prepared formula if it is kept warm for more than 40 minutes.
Formula milk should be monitored for bacterial contamination.
Belgium: May 21, 2002, the Counseil Superieur d Hygiene, or Food Safety
Counsel circulated an order which emphasized that powdered infant formula is
not a sterile product and recommends that all kitchens in hospitals and maternity
wards should comply with food safety regulations. In addition, breast milk should
be used in these services.
Canada: Although premature infants and those with underlying medical
conditions may be at highest risk, healthy infants are not immune to E. sakazakii
Health Canada draws attention to the fact that:
Powdered infant formulas are not commercially sterile products.
Human milk fortifiers which are added to preterm breast milk are also
available in powdered form. Likewise, formula milk for infants with metabolic
conditions are available only in powdered form.
Powdered soy-based infant formulas may also become contaminated with E.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Existing Laws And Policies That Protect IYCF Practices During Emergency
Milk Code (EO 51)
The Milk Code protects breastfeeding. This helps prevent spill-over of breast milk
substitutes to mothers currently breastfeeding their babies. Accurate and adequate
information as well as proper and safe preparation must be taught only by health
workers to mothers/carers/camp managers who will feed babies who might need Breast
milk substitutes and breast milk supplements.
The Code applies even during emergencies and disasters. It covers not only milk and
other milk products but also foods and beverages including complementary foods. Milk
companies may donate other items (not covered by the Law), but they should request for
a permit from the DOH. This is to avoid the use of donations as an opportunity to
promote their products.
A.O. No. 2007 0017
Administrative Order No. 2007-0017, Guidelines on the Acceptance & Processing of
Foreign & Local Donations During Emergency & Disaster Situations was formulated
because of the following:
Accepted donations turn out to be inappropriate to address the needs during
emergencies and disasters.
Acceptance and distribution experience unnecessary delays.
There were no procedures and protocol for handling and administering
There was a lack of information whether donated items reach the desired
Guidelines for Acceptance
The guideline on acceptance and processing of foreign and local donations during
emergency and disaster situations specifically states that any of the following items shall
not be accepted for donation:
infant formula,
breast milk substitutes,
feeding bottles,
artificial nipples and teats.
Safety of recipients of foodstuffs is to be guarded. Expiration dates should be properly
inspected. Donations of food stuffs in emergency and disaster situations should also
have a shelf life of three months from the time of arrival in the Philippines.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Infants who were fully dependent on artificial feeding even before the emergency
(use BMS to at least six months or use temporarily until relactation is achieved.
Before resulting to the alternatives, all efforts must be exerted to look for sources of
mothers milk like wet nurses or milk banks.
Preferred Options Safer than Infant Formula
There are occasions when mothers cannot breastfeed her baby. However, formula
feeding is not the correct immediate answer. There are other options which are safer
than feeding the baby formula milk such as:
Relactation, bringing back the flow of milk when it has stopped for some
reasons. There are ways of doing this and skilled help is needed to assist the
Wet nursing or having the baby be fed by another lactating/nursing mother.
Expressed human milk or getting human milk from the milk bank.
Basic help
More skilled help for breastfeeding
Low birth weight babies
Thin and underweight
The malnourished mother
Other breast milk options
Special cultural issues
Deciding Who Needs Help
The diagram explains how health workers can be guided in deciding who needs help.
This starts with simple rapid assessment to identify what continuing support should be
provided. If the assessment shows a more complex need or problem, the succeeding
step involves a full assessment so as to gather supplementary data needed to provide
both basic aid and further help.
Simple Rapid Assessment (Age-Appropriate Feeding)
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Ask the mother whether the baby is able to suckle the breast or whether the mother is
experiencing difficulties in breastfeeding. The baby should be fully assessed if not able
to suckle, if mother has difficulties in breastfeeding and when mother is requesting for
breast milk.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Now, look at the baby and determine if the baby looks very thin, lethargic or seems ill.
These are reasons to refer the baby for full assessment at higher level of care.
Full Assessment
This is the summary of the steps in conducting the full assessment during emergencies.
Notice that you are asked to apply the knowledge and skills you learned in IYCF
Counselling or Lactation Management training.
Observe a mother while breastfeeding her baby. Take note of the correct
positioning and attachment.
You should apply the communications skills that you have learned.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
It is very important that you observe infants receiving artificial feeding because
they need greater care and attention, and their mothers need necessary support
in terms of the available resources and how well they know how to provide
appropriate, adequate and safe feeding.
Philippines promoting and protecting breastfeeding
When everyone is so busy attending to other needs during emergency, peer counselors
(PCs) are critical people that must be available to support breastfeeding and nonbreastfeeding mothers.
Peer counselors are mothers themselves with successful breastfeeding experience. The
PCs provide the necessary counselling needed by mothers in order to ensure that
infants and young children will not be deprived of the optimum nutrition they need even
in emergency or disaster situations.
The PCs also assist camp managers in evacuation centers in terms of other concerns
that they have been trained to. The PCs are in close coordination with professional
trained health workers in health centers and in hospitals.
Some mothers who have not been formally trained in peer counselling can also help to
support mothers of infants and young children as long as they have successful
experience in breastfeeding and are willing to coordinate and discuss or report issues to
health workers.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Being Prepared
A plan of action must be prepared and this must be made known to all those involved in
emergencies and disaster management. The plan of action should include a list of
trained staff and volunteers on IYCF/Breastfeeding.
The designated location of the feeding center must be made known to the team.
Assessment is necessary to isolate those who will be needing help. The
emergency/disaster team must follow the protocol that is available locally. Clean/safe
water is important.
For a short time, mothers might be in shock and other sources of breast milk might not
be available. In rare/extreme cases, temporary giving of formula might be necessary
while supply of breast milk is not yet available. There my also be young children
dependent on formula, so clean and safe water must be available.
An emergency would come as a surprise. But now that you have been trained on
LMT/IYCF counselling course, it is expected that you will be ready and prepared for
emergency situations. Help protect breastfeeding and protect the infants and young
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the following modules:
1. DOH Philippines. Protecting Infant And Young Child Feeding During
Emergencies (IYCF-E) Training Module. August 2012.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explain when the HIV virus can be transmitted from mother to child and explain the risk
of transmission with and without interventions.
2. Describe infant feeding in the context of HIV (dependent on National Policy).
3. Describe feeding a child from 6 up to 24 months when an HIV-infected mother
breastfeeds or does NOT breastfeed.
4. Describe counselling for infant feeding in relation to HIV.
5. Outline counselling for infant feeding decisions.
HIV infection and AIDS have become major problems in many countries. A very sad
aspect of the epidemic is the number of young children who are infected. This is one
cause of the increasing number of child deaths.
It is important to remember that the best way to prevent infection of children is to help
their fathers and mothers to avoid becoming infected in the first place, and to avoid
infecting each other.
Defining HIV and AIDS
People infected with HIV feel well at first and usually do not know they are infected.
They may remain healthy for many years as the body produces antibodies to fight HIV.
But the antibodies are not very effective. The virus lives inside the immune cells and
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
slowly destroys them. When these cells are destroyed, the body becomes less able to
fight infections.
The person becomes ill and after a time develops AIDS. Eventually he or she dies.
A special blood test can be done to see if people have HIV antibodies in their blood. A
positive test means that the person is infected with HIV. This is called HIV-positive or
Once people have the virus in their body, they can give the virus to other people. HIV
is passed from an infected man or woman to another person through:
Exchange of HIV-infected body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid or blood
during unprotected sexual intercourse
HIV-infected blood transfusions or contaminated needles. HIV can also pass
from an infected woman to her child during pregnancy at the time of birth or
through breastfeeding. This is called mother-to-child transmission or MTCT.
Risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Young children who get HIV are usually infected through their mothers:
during pregnancy across the placenta
at the time of labor and birth through blood and secretions
through breastfeeding
This is called mother-to-child transmission of HIV or MTCT. Not all babies born to HIVinfected mothers become infected with HIV.
About two-thirds of infants born to HIV-infected mothers will not be infected, even with
no intervention, such as anti-retroviral prophylaxis or caesarean section. 15-25% of
infants born to HIV- infected mothers are infected during pregnancy, labor and
delivery. A smaller proportion, 5-20%, are infected through breastfeeding. The risk
continues as long as the mother breastfeeds, and is more or less constant over time.
Exclusive breastfeeding during the first few months of life carries a lower risk of HIV
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
transmission than mixed feeding. Research has shown that the transmission risk at six
months in exclusively breastfed babies is lower than in mixed fed babies.
If the prevalence of HIV infection among the women in your district is known to be 20%
and you see 100 women, 20 of these 100 women are likely to be HIV-positive. The
other 80 will probably be HIV-negative. We used a prevalence rate of 20% for this
example. Use your local rates when talking with the mother.
Here we have a figure of 100 mothers. 20% of them are HIV-positive (mothers with a
red cross). 20% of their infants, or 4 infants, are likely to be infected during pregnancy
or delivery.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
The transmission rate through breastfeeding is about 5-20% of the infants who are
breastfed for several months by mothers who are HIV-positive. Let us use 15% for this
example. Assuming all the infants are breastfeeding, about three of the infants, of the
HIV-positive mothers, are likely to be infected by breastfeeding.
In a group of 100 mothers in an area with a 20% prevalence of HIV infection among
mothers, about three babies are likely to be infected with HIV through breastfeeding. If
all HIV-positive mothers were breastfeeding exclusively, the number of infected infants
would be less.
If pregnant women are not tested, you cannot predict which babies will be infected. So,
if a mother does not know her HIV status, she should be encouraged to breastfeed.
She should also be assisted to protect herself against infection with HIV.
Factors which affect maternal-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV through
Recent infection with HIV
If a woman becomes infected with HIV during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, she
has higher levels of virus in her blood, and her infant is more likely to be infected. It is
especially important to prevent an HIV-negative woman from becoming infected at this
time because then both the woman and her baby are at risk. All sexually active people
need to know that unprotected extramarital sex exposes them to infection with HIV.
They may then infect their partners, and their baby too will be at high risk, if the
infection occurs during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
Severity of HIV infection
If the mother is ill with HIV-related disease or AIDS and is not being treated with drugs
for her own health, she has more virus in her body and transmission to the baby is
more likely.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Duration of breastfeeding
The virus can be transmitted at any time during breastfeeding. In general, the longer
the duration of breastfeeding the greater the risk of transmission.
Exclusive breastfeeding or mixed feeding
There is evidence that the risk of transmission is greater if an infant is given any other
foods or drinks at the same time as breastfeeding. The risk is less if breastfeeding is
exclusive. Other foods or drinks may cause diarrhea and damage the gut, which might
make it easier for the virus to enter the babys body.
Condition of the breast
Nipple fissure (particularly if the nipple is bleeding) mastitis or breast abscess may
increase the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding. Good breastfeeding
technique helps to prevent these conditions, and may also reduce transmission of HIV.
Condition of the babys mouth
Mouth sores or thrush in the infant may make it easier for the virus to get into the baby
through the damaged skin.
This list of factors suggests several strategies that would be useful for all women,
whether they are HIV-positive or HIV-negative. They provide ways to reduce the risk of
HIV transmission, which can be adopted for everyone, and they do not depend on
knowing womens HIV status. Other strategies, such as the avoidance of
breastfeeding, can be harmful for babies, so they should only be used if a woman
knows that she is HIV-positive.
Prevention of MTCT
Antiretroviral drugs (ARV) are used to reduce the amount of HIV in the body. It has
been shown that if a short course of ARVs are given at the end of pregnancy and at
the time of delivery, the risk of transmission at that time can be reduced by about half.
There are several different short ARV regimens, which can be used in different ways.
These are used to reduce the amount of HIV in the body. Some names that you may
have heard of are AZT (azidothymidine) and ZDV (zidovudine), which are two names
for the same drug, and nevirapine.
It has been shown that a short course of ARVs given at the end of pregnancy and at
the time of delivery, halves the risk of transmission. There are several short ARV
regimens, which can be used in different ways.
Most countries have developed initiatives to provide one of these drug regimes to
women who are HIV-positive and some are providing them for long-term treatment. In
some regimens, the baby is also given one or more of the ARVs for a short time.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Infants born to HIV positive mothers, like other infants, may also fall ill and die from
causes other than HIV/AIDS. They may also contract neonatal sepsis, pneumonia, and
diarrhea. Exclusive breastfeeding is a protective factor against these other causes of
infant mortality. A comparison of these risks is depicted in the Table above. EBF is the
best option even for HIV-infected women because of the significantly lower risk of
mortality and morbidity due to causes other than HIV.
A mother who is HIV-positive may decide that breastfeeding is her best option and she
should be supported to establish and maintain it. If a woman does breastfeed, it is
important for her to breastfeed exclusively. This gives protection for the infant against
common childhood infections and also reduces the risk of HIV transmission. An HIVinfected mother who chooses to breastfeed needs to use a good technique to prevent
nipple fissure and mastitis, both of which may increase the risk of HIV transmission.
Replacement feeding is only advised if certain conditions are met. An HIV-infected
mother who chooses to give replacement feeding to her infant should be adequately
supported in order to ensure that the replacement feeding is hygienically prepared
adequate to meet the infants nutritional requirements.
Mixed feeding is the worst option, as it increases the risk of HIV transmission as well
as exposing the infant to the risks of illness from contaminated formula made with dirty
water and given in dirty bottles, and contaminated foods and other liquids.
All HIV-infected mothers should receive counselling, which includes provision of
general information about the risks and benefits of various infant feeding options, and
specific guidance in selecting the option most likely to be suitable for their situation.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Known HIV
Positive mothers who decide to stop breastfeeding should do so gradually
within one month. Mothers or infants who are receiving ARV prophylaxis
should continue prophylaxis for one week after breastfeeding is fully
Stopping breastfeeding abruptly is not advisable.
When mothers known to be HIV-infected decide to stop breastfeeding,
infants should be provided with safe and adequate replacement feeds.
As infant feeding counselors, you will not be expected to give general counselling
for HIV unless you have special training to do this. If you have not been trained,
you need to know where to refer women for this service.
Guidelines for voluntary counselling and testing for HIV are defined in the
Department of Healths Administrative Order No. 2010-0028. AO 2009-0016
discusses the policies and guidelines for the prevention of MTCT of HIV.
For Women Who Have Not Been Tested or Do Not Know Their Results:
Talk to them about the advantages of HIV testing for them and their families.
Refer them to a convenient HIV testing and counselling centre if they would like
a test.
In the absence of a test result, provide counselling about their concerns and
encourage them to feed their babies as if they were HIV-negative, that is to
breastfeed exclusively for six months and to continue breastfeeding with
adequate complementary feeding up to two years or beyond.
If a woman does not know her HIV status, it is usually safer for her baby if she
breastfeeds. Babies who do not breastfeed are at greater risk of illness.
When you counsel a woman who does not know her HIV status about infant
feeding, she may need reassurance that breastfeeding is the safest option for
her baby.
Women who give birth at home may be offered testing and counselling when they are
in contact with the health service. Traditional birth attendants, community health
workers or infant feeding counselors can provide women with information and
encourage them to think about testing.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
A woman may believe that she is HIV-positive despite a negative test. She needs
counselling to discuss her worries and generally should be encouraged to breastfeed.
For Women Who Have Been Tested and are HIV-negative:
Talk to them of the risks of becoming infected during pregnancy or while
Suggest that they have a repeat test if they think they have been exposed to
HIV since the last test.
Suggest that they feed their babies as per the general population
For Women Who Have Been Tested and are HIV-positive:
You will need to discuss with the woman her possible infant feeding options
from birth to six months.
You will need to counsel her again as the child approaches six months of age,
to discuss feeding options from 6 months onwards.
Counselling Flowchart
Most HIV-positive women are not ready to discuss infant feeding options at their
first post-test counselling session. They will need to be referred specifically for
that later. The infant feeding counselor may be a different person from the person
who gives general counselling.
Infant Feeding Counselling for HIV-Positive Women may be needed:
As her baby gets older, or if her situation changes, an HIV-positive mother may need
on-going infant feeding counselling. She may want to change her method of feeding
and to discuss this with the infant feeding counselor.
Each woman's situation is different, so health workers need to be able to discuss all
the various feeding options as previously discussed.
In order to help the woman without telling her what to do, you will need to follow a
systematic process for providing information and support. The figure below outlines the
counselling process.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Source: World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explain the guiding principles in feeding non-breastfed children 6-23 months of age.
2. Discuss schedule of follow-up of infants and young children who are not breastfed.
Sometimes young children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years are not breastfed.
Reasons include when their mother is unavailable, or has died, or is HIV-positive. These
children need extra food to compensate for not receiving breast milk, which can provide one
half of their energy and nutrient needs from 6 to 12 months, and one third of their needs
from 1223 months.
Box 8E.1 Guiding Principles in Feeding Non-breastfed Children 6-23 Months of Age
1. Amount of food needed
Ensure that energy needs are met. These needs are approximately 600 kcal per
day at 6-8 months of age, 700 kcal per day at 9-11 months of age, and 900 kcal
per day at 12-23 months of age.
Please see Box 8E.2 Quantities of foods that meet estimated energy needs
by age interval in South Asia for examples of diet for different age groups (6-8
months, 9-11 months and 12-23 months).
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
2. Food consistency
Gradually increase food consistency and variety as the infant gets older,
adapting to the infants requirements and abilities.
Infants can eat pureed, mashed and semi-solid foods beginning at six months.
From 9 up to 12 months, most infants can also eat finger foods. And by 12
months, most children can eat family foods.
3. Meal frequency and Energy density
For the average healthy infant, meals should be provided 4-5 times per day, with
additional nutritious snacks (such as pieces of fruit or bread) offered 1-2 times
per day, as desired.
The appropriate number of feedings depends on the energy density of the local
foods and the usual amounts consumed at each feeding.
If energy density or amount of food per meal is low, more frequent meals may be
4. Nutrient content of foods
Feed a variety of foods to ensure that nutrient needs are met.
Meat, poultry, fish or eggs should be eaten daily, or as often as possible,
because they are rich sources of many key nutrients such as iron and zinc. Milk
products are rich sources of calcium and several other nutrients. Diets that do not
contain animal- source foods (meat, poultry, fish or eggs, plus milk products)
cannot meet all nutrient needs at this age unless fortified products or nutrient
supplements are used.
Dairy products are important to provide calcium. A child needs 200400 ml of
milk or yoghurt every day if other animal source foods are eaten, or 300500 ml
per day if no other animal source foods are eaten.
Foods of thick consistency or with some added fat, help to ensure an adequate
intake of energy for a child. Foods of animal origin some meat, poultry, fish, or
offal should be eaten every day to ensure that the child gets enough iron and
other nutrients.
The child should be given legumes, seeds and nuts daily to help provide iron and
vitamins, with vitamin C-rich foods to help iron absorption. The child should also
be given orange and yellow fruits and dark-green leafy vegetables to provide
vitamin A and other vitamins.
5. Micronutrients supplements
If the child receives no foods of animal origin, then it is necessary to give vitamin
and mineral supplements to ensure sufficient intake, particularly of iron, zinc,
calcium and vitamin B12.
6. Fluid Needs
Plain, clean (boiled, if necessary) water should be offered several times per day
to ensure that the infants thirst is satisfied.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Box 8E.2 Quantities of foods that meet estimated energy needs by age interval in South
Asia [Quantities (g/day)]
6-8 months
Diet 1
9-11 months
Diet 2
Diet 3
Diet 1
12-23 months
Diet 2
Diet 3
Diet 1
Diet 2
Diet 3
poultry, fish,
or liver
Rice or
Source: WHO. Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed children 624 months of age.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the following modules:
1. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
2. WHO. Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed children 624 months of age.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explain the guiding principles in feeding non-breastfed children 6-23 months of
2. Discuss schedule of follow-up of infants and young children who are not
Severe malnutrition is both a medical and a social disorder. Malnutrition is the end result of
chronic nutritional and, frequently, emotional deprivation by carers who, because of poor
understanding, poverty or family problems, are unable to provide the child with the nutrition
and care he or she requires. Successful management of the severely malnourished child
requires that both medical and social problems be recognized and corrected (WHO, 1999).
Assessment of the malnourished child
1. Nutritional status
Assess for the following nutritional status to determine whether a child is malnourished or
a. Weight-for-height (or length)
See Session 7 or WHO/UNICEF publications regarding child growth standards and the
identification of severe acute malnutrition (WHO. WHO child growth standards and the
identification of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children. Geneva: 2009.)
b. Height (or length)-for-age
See Session 7 or WHO/UNICEF publications regarding child growth standards and the
identification of severe acute malnutrition (WHO. WHO child growth standards and the
identification of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children. Geneva: 2009.)
c. Edema
Edema is swelling from excess fluid in the tissues. Edema is usually seen in the feet
and lower legs and arms. In severe cases it may also be seen in the upper limbs and
2. History and physical examination
a. History
Ask for the following information about the child: usual diet as before current
episode of illness, breastfeeding history, food and fluids taken in past few days,
recent sinking of eyes, duration and frequency of vomiting or diarrhea,
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
appearance of vomit or diarrheal stools, time when urine was last passed,
contact with people with measles or tuberculosis, any deaths of siblings, birth
weight, milestones reached and immunizations.
b. Physical Examination
Assess for the following data: weight and length or height, edema, enlargement
or tenderness of liver, jaundice, abdominal distention, bowel sounds, abdominal
splash, severe pallor, signs of circulatory collapse, temperature, thirst, eyes,
ears, skin, respiratory rate and type of respiration and appearance of feces.
3. Laboratory tests
Refer the child for the following tests: blood glucose, blood smear by microscopy,
hemoglobin, urinalysis, feces examination, chest x-ray, skin test for tuberculosis,
serum proteins, HIV testing and electrolytes level.
Severe Malnutrition (<6-59 months)
Children < 6 months of age can be classified under severe malnutrition if he/she
meets the following criteria:
Visible wasting AND edema
+ difficulties in breastfeeding
(No MUAC cut-off points for this age group)
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the following modules:
1. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
2. WHO. Training course on the management of severe malnutrition. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2002.
3. WHO. Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for physicians and other senior
health workers. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1999.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Identify causes, symptoms and management of different breast conditions.
2. Explain causes, symptoms and management of other breastfeeding difficulties.
Significant consequences of infant feeding problems are malnutrition and its effects on a
childs physical and psychosocial development. In order to prevent these problems, it is
important to identify and manage them at the earliest possible time.
Some of the identified problems for infant feeding are breastfeeding difficulties,
psychological and physical factors affecting the mother and certain conditions of the
baby. Many of this problems are preventable and can be solved using family and
community resources.
In breast engorgement, the breasts are swollen and edematous, and the skin
looks shiny and diffusely red. Usually the whole of both breasts are affected,
and they are painful. The woman may have a fever that usually subsides in
24 hours.
The nipples may become stretched tight and flat which makes it difficult for
the baby to attach and remove the milk. The milk does not flow well.
This condition is caused by the failure to remove breast milk, especially in the
first few days after delivery when the milk comes in and fills the breast, and at
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
the same time blood flow to the breasts increases, causing congestion.
The common reasons why milk is not removed adequately are delayed
initiation of breastfeeding, infrequent feeds, poor attachment and ineffective
Management of breast engorgement includes the following:
The mother must remove the breast milk. If the baby can attach well
and suckle, then she should breastfeed as frequently as the baby is
willing. If the baby is not able to attach and suckle effectively, she
should express her milk by hand or with a pump a few times until the
breasts are softer, so that the baby can attach better, and then get
him or her to breastfeed frequently.
She can apply warm compresses to the breast or take a warm shower
before expressing, which helps the milk to flow. She can use cold
compresses after feeding or expressing, which helps to reduce the
Engorgement occurs less often in baby-friendly hospitals which
practice the Ten Steps and which help mothers to start breastfeeding
soon after delivery.
2. Blocked Duct
Blocked duct presents with tenderness and localized lump in one breast, with
redness in the skin over the lump.
It is caused by failure to remove milk from part of the breast, which may be
due to infrequent breastfeeds, poor attachment, tight clothing or trauma to the
breast. Sometimes the duct to one part of the breast is blocked by thickened
The following are the management for this condition:
Improve removal of milk and correct the underlying cause.
The mother should feed from the affected breast frequently and gently
massage the breast over the lump while her baby is suckling.
Some mothers find it helpful to apply warm compresses and to vary
the position of the baby across her body or under her arm).
Sometimes after gentle massage over the lump, a string of the
thickened milk comes out through the nipple, followed by a stream of
milk, and rapid relief of the blocked duct.
3. Mastitis
In mastitis, there is a hard swelling in the breast, with redness of the overlying
skin and severe pain. Usually only a part of one breast is affected, which is
different from engorgement, when the whole of both breasts are affected. The
woman has fever and feels ill. Mastitis is commonest in the first 23 weeks
after delivery but can occur at any time.
An important cause is long gaps between feeds, for example when the
mother is busy or resumes employment outside the home, or when the baby
starts sleeping through the night. Other causes include poor attachment, with
incomplete removal of milk; unrelieved engorgement; frequent pressure on
one part of the breast from fingers or tight clothing; and trauma.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Mastitis is usually caused in the first place by milk staying in the breast, or
milk stasis, which results in non-infective inflammation. Infection may
supervene if the stasis persists, or if the woman also has a nipple fissure that
becomes infected. The condition may then become infective mastitis.
To manage this condition:
Improve the removal of milk and try to correct any specific cause that
is identified.
Advise the mother to rest, to breastfeed the baby frequently and to
avoid leaving long gaps between feeds. If she is employed, she
should take sick leave to rest in bed and feed the baby. She should
not stop breastfeeding.
She may find it helpful to apply warm compresses, to start
breastfeeding the baby with the unaffected breast, to stimulate the
oxytocin reflex and milk flow, and to vary the position of the baby.
She may take analgesics (if available, ibuprofen, which also reduces
the inflammation of the breast; or paracetamol).
Breast abscess occurs with a painful swelling in the breast, which feels full of
fluid. There may be discoloration of the skin at the point of the swelling.
This is identified to be usually secondary to mastitis that has not been
effectively managed.
To manage this condition, an abscess needs to be drained and treated with
penicillinase-resistant antibiotics. When possible drainage should be either by
catheter through a small incision, or by needle aspiration (which may need to
be repeated). Placement of a catheter or needle should be guided by
ultrasound. A large surgical incision may damage the areola and milk ducts
and interfere with subsequent breastfeeding, and should be avoided.
The mother may continue to feed from the affected breast. However, if
suckling is too painful or if the mother is unwilling, she can be shown how to
express her milk, and advised to let her baby start to feed from the breast
again as soon as the pain is less, usually in 23 days. She can continue to
feed from the other breast. Feeding from an infected breast does not affect
the infant (unless the mother is HIV-positive,
Sometimes milk drains from the incision if lactation continues. This dries up
after a time and is not a reason to stop breastfeeding.
Sore or fissured nipple is characterized by severe nipple pain when the baby
is suckling. There may be a visible fissure across the tip of the nipple or
around the base. The nipple may look squashed from side- to-side at the end
of a feed, with a white pressure line across the tip.
The main cause of sore and fissured nipples is poor attachment. This may be
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
due to the baby pulling the nipple in and out as he or she suckles, and
rubbing the skin against his or her mouth; or it may be due to the strong
pressure on the nipple resulting from incorrect suckling.
The mother should be helped to improve her babys position and attachment.
Often, as soon as the baby is well attached, the pain is less. The baby can
continue breastfeeding normally. There is no need to rest the breast the
nipple will heal quickly when it is no longer being damaged.
Nipples naturally occur in a wide variety of shapes that usually do not affect a
mothers ability to breastfeed successfully. However, some nipples look flat,
large or long, and the baby has difficulty attaching to them.
Most flat nipples are protractile if the mother pulls them out with her fingers,
they stretch, in the same way that they have to stretch in the babys mouth. A
baby should have no difficulty suckling from a protractile nipple.
Sometimes an inverted nipple is non-protractile and does not stretch out
when pulled; instead, the tip goes in. This makes it more difficult for the baby
to attach.
Protractility often improves during pregnancy and in the first week or so after
a baby is born. A large or long nipple may make it difficult for a baby to take
enough breast tissue into his or her mouth. Sometimes the base of the nipple
is visible even though the baby has a widely open mouth.
Different nipple shapes are a natural physical feature of the breast. An
inverted nipple is held by tight connective tissue that may slacken after a
baby suckles from it for a time.
The same principles apply for the management of flat, inverted, large or long
nipples as follows:
Antenatal treatment is not helpful. If a pregnant woman is worried
about the shape of her nipples, explain that babies can often suckle
without difficulty from nipples of unusual shapes, and that skilled help
after delivery is the most important thing.
As soon as possible after delivery, the mother should be helped to
position and try to attach her baby. Sometimes it helps if the mother
takes a different position, such as leaning over the baby, so that the
breast and nipple drop towards the babys mouth. The mother should
give the baby plenty of skin-to-skin contact near the breast, and let the
baby try to find his or her own way of taking the breast, which many
If a baby cannot attach in the first week or two, the mother can
express her breast milk and feed it by cup.
The mother should keep putting the baby to the breast in different
positions, and allowing him or her to try. She can express milk into the
babys mouth, and touch the lips to stimulate the rooting reflex and
encourage the baby to open his or her mouth wider.
As a baby grows, the mouth soon becomes larger, and he or she can
attach more easily.
Feeding bottles or dummies, which do not encourage a baby to open
the mouth wide, should be avoided.
For flat or inverted nipples, a mother can use a 20 ml syringe, with the
adaptor end cut off and the plunger put in backwards to stretch out the
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
7. Candida Infection
Candida infection or thrush can affect the mother ad the baby. In the mother it
is characterized by a sore and itchy nipples and with a shiny red area of skin
on the nipple and areola. This can often follow the use of antibiotics to treat
mastitis, or other infections. Some mothers describe burning or stinging,
which continues after a feed. Sometimes, the pain shoots deep into the
breast. A mother may say that it feels as though needles are being driven into
her breast.
In the baby, there are white spots inside the cheeks or over the tongue, which
look like milk curds, but they cannot be removed easily. Some babies feed
normally, some feed for a short time and then pull away, some refuse to feed
altogether, and some are distressed when they try to attach and feed,
suggesting that their mouth is sore.
This is an infection with the fungus Candida albicans, which often follows the
use of antibiotics in the baby or in the mother to treat mastitis or other
Treatment is with gentian violet or nystatin. If the mother has symptoms, both
mother and baby should be treated. If only the baby has symptoms, it is not
necessary to treat the mother.
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Delayed start
Feeding at fixed
Infrequent feeds
No night feeds
Short feeds
Poor attachment
Bottles, pacifiers
Other foods
Other fluids (water,
Lack of confidence
Worry, stress
Dislike of feeding
Rejection of baby
Contraceptive pill,
Severe malnutrition
Retained piece of
placenta (rare)
Poor breast
development (very
The reasons in the first two columns (Breastfeeding factors and Mother:
psychological factors) are common. Psychological factors are often behind the
breastfeeding factors, for example, lack of confidence causes a mother to give
bottle feeds. Look for these common reasons first.
The reasons in the second two columns (Mother: physical condition and Baby's
condition) are not common. So it is not common for a mother to have a physical
difficulty in producing enough breast milk. Think about these uncommon reasons
only if you cannot find one of the common reasons.
Babies who are not getting enough milk:
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from the modules of three existing infant and young
child feeding training packages:
1. UNICEF. The Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package.
New York: UNICEF; 2011.
2. World Health Organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling: An
Integrated Course. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
3. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Global Framework
a. Describe existing international policy instruments concerning infant and young child
2. Executive Order No.51
a. Discuss how EO No. 51 helps protect breastfeeding
b. Summarize the main points of EO No. 51
c. Explain the guidelines in monitoring for violations to EO No. 51
3. R.A. 10028.
a. Discuss how RA 10028 helps protect breastfeeding
b. Summarize the main points of RA 10028
c. Discuss roles of health workers in IYCF peer support and other community actions.
There are several policies and laws that serve as guidelines to achieving the goals and
objectives of our health system in terms of Infant and Young Child Feeding, from the
global framework down to republic acts and executive orders.
Policy and Health Systems
1. Global Framework: Global Strategy for IYCF
The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding is the overarching
framework for action by governments and all concerned parties to ensure that the
health and other sectors are able to protect, promote and support appropriate
infant and young child feeding practices.
The Global Strategy was endorsed unanimously by WHO member states in 2002
and adopted by UNICEFs Executive Board in the same year.
To implement the Global Strategy, actions at international, national and local
level are needed to:
Strengthen policies and legislation to protect infant and young child
Strengthen health system and health services to support optimal infant
and young child feeding;
Strengthen actions to promote and support optimal infant and young
child feeding practices within families and communities
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
National coordinator and coordinating
body for infant and young child feeding
Health system norms
Code of marketing of breast-milk
Worksite laws and regulations
Information, education and
Pre-service curriculum reform
Baby-friendly hospital initiate
In-service training
Supportive supervision
Community participation
Training and supervision of
counselling network
Community education
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;2009.
In 2006, the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of the Milk code
was promulgated to achieve the relevant constitutional mandates, implement
international commitments and provide solutions to problems identified on violations
committed against the law.
The RIRR is not meant to compel women to breastfeed or prohibit or restrict
commercial sales of formula milk. The RIRR of the Milk Code is meant to ensure that
women are provided with accurate and unbiased information to enable them to make
an informed choice.
Main Points of the Milk Code
Exclusive breastfeeding is for infants from zero (0) to six (6) months;
There is no substitute nor replacement for breast milk
Appropriate and safe complementary feeding should start from six months onwards
in addition to breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is still appropriate for young children up to (twenty-four months) two
years of age and beyond;
Other related products such as, but not exclusive to, teats, feeding bottles, and
artificial feeding paraphernalia are prohibited in health facilities.
Government and all concerned stakeholders must continuously accomplish an
information, dissemination campaign/strategy, and do further research on the
advantages of breastfeeding and the hazards of breast milk substitutes or
Milk companies and their representatives should not form part of any policymaking
body or entity in relation to the advancement of breastfeeding
The latest survey of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute showed a rise in the
exclusive breastfeeding rate in the Philippines. In 2003, the rate was 29.7% but it
rose to 35.9% in 2008 and to 46.7% in 2011. The increase is encouraging but is
still far from the 90-95% target.
One explanation for this situation (as claimed by regulating bodies) is the
widespread violations of the Milk Code despite the revision of its rules and
regulations and improvement of the regulatory function of the inter-agency
committee (IAC) that was tasked to oversee the implementation.
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Being a milk code monitor is not only limited to the monitoring teams;
anyone who is committed to protecting and promoting breastfeeding can
be a Milk Code Monitor.
Individual health facilities and health workers can protect breastfeeding
by being aware of the violations committed against the milk code
commonly through advertisements, promotion and sponsorship of infant
formula or breast milk substitute by manufacturers and distributors. This
responsiveness is an important social responsibility.
For alleged violation against milk code, the report should be supported
by these items:
Date and place where the violation was found or seen
Specific location (health facility, store, TV ad, radio/TV channel)
For printed matter, get a sample or picture of the violation
For radio/TV ad or programs, clearly specify the airing time and
TV channel or radio frequency
For website-based violations, provide the web link
For violative (ex. mislabeled or misbranded) products, a sample
shall be purchased, and the receipt obtained and submitted as
part of the evidence
Reporting forms (See Appendix 3 MONITORING REPORT FORM E.O. 51
(MILK CODE) will be used by National and Regional Monitoring teams to
report to the respective Field Regulatory Operations Offices for proper action.
This reporting form is available in Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
Department of Health (DOH) Regional Offices, and in the DOH and FDA
Reporting of alleged violations to the Milk Code can be done thru written
reports, via telephone hotlines and by means of the internet.
The report should be supported by all the items mentioned earlier for it
to be valid.
After due process, violators of the Milk Code are going to be given the
necessary sanctions and penalties as mandated by the law. These
Imprisonment of two months to one year
A fine of not less than one thousand pesos and not more than
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Every workplace shall develop a clear set of guidelines that protects, promotes and
supports breastfeeding program.
Duration and frequency of breaks may be agreed upon by employees and employers
with the minimum being 40 minutes. Usually, there could be2-3 breast milk
expressions lasting to l5-30 minutes each within a workday.
Employers shall ensure that staff and employees shall have access to breastfeeding
information such as this law.
Any health and non-health facility may apply with their respective LGUs for a
'working mother-baby friendly' certification.
All health institutions adopting rooming-in and breastfeeding shall provide "milk
storage facilities".
Health institutions that are encouraged to put up milk banks include, but not limited
to, Medical Centers and Regional Hospitals. A human milk bank should only be used
as a temporary solution when the mother and baby are separated.
Human milk banks should be registered, licensed and monitored by the Department
of Health (Bureau of Health Facilities and Services).
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
The month of August in each and every year throughout the Philippines shall be
known as "Breastfeeding Awareness Month".
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Training Module: Participants Handbook
Appropriate actions in the community that can be carried out in partnership with
the health sector include:
Behavior change communication
Training and support of community health workers
Training and support of lay peer counselors
Fostering breastfeeding support groups
Roles and responsibilities - IYCF community support group
All IYCF peer support activities have key players that sustain the implementation
of such programs. In knowing their roles and responsibilities, we will be able to
know their importance and what to expect from them.
Roles and responsibilities of IYCF community support group:
Identifies target mothers and children
Conducts home visits
Counsels mothers or caregivers
Records and reports activities between the counselors and the
Refers mothers needing clinical management or treatment
Attends regular meetings
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Contents of this session are adapted from this module:
1. World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO;
Other references utilized are:
1. About Executive Order No. 51, Retrieved October 10, 2012, from
2. FDA launches crackdown vs companies violating Milk Code, Philippine Star,
September 3, 2012, page 18, Retrieved October 10, 2012, from
3. Administrative Order 2006-0012: Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations
of Executive Order No. 51, Otherwise Known as the Milk Code, Relevant
International Agreements, Penalizing Violations Thereof, and for other Purposes,
Retrieved October 10, 2012, from
4. Department Circular 2009-0228: Guidelines for the Monitoring of Milk Code
Activities, Retrieved October 10, 2012 from
5. Department of Health. The implementing rules and regulation of Republic Act No.
10028. Retrieved October 25, 2012 from
6. Department of Health/National Nutrition Center. Guide on mobilizing community
support for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Program; 2012.
7. Malacaan Palace. Executive Order No. 51: Adopting a National Code of
Marketing of Breast - Milk Substitutes, Breast milk Supplements and Related
Products, Penalizing Violations Thereof, and for Other Purposes. Manila: 1986.
8. RP-Congress of the Philippines (Republic of the Philippines-Congress of the
Philippines). Republic Act No. 10028: Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of
2009. Manila: 2010.
9. WHO/UNICEF. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding: Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2003.
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Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Appendix 1: Breastfeeding and Mothers Medication
Appendix 2: Micronutrient Supplementation Package for 0-11 Month Old Infants and 12
to 59 Month Old Infants
Appendix 3: Monitoring Report Form EO 51 (Milk Code)
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
sedating psychotherapeutic drugs, antiepileptic drugs and opioids and their
may cause side effects such as
drowsiness and respiratory depression
and are better avoided if a safer
alternative is available.
radioactive iodine-131
cytotoxic chemotherapy
Source: World Health organization. Infant and Young Child Feeding: Model Chapter for
Textbooks for Medical Students and Allied Health Professional. Geneva: WHO; 2009.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Appendix 2: Micronutrient Supplementation Package for 0-11 Month Old Infants and
12 to 59 Month Old Infants
Table 1. Micronutrient Supplementation Package for 0-11 Month Old Infants
A. Routine Supplementation
6-11 monthIron
Drops, 15 mg
Give 0.6 ml once a day for 3
Once the
iron/0.6 ml
Give 60 sachets to consume
powder (MNP) is MNP
in 6 months
locally available,
Single served
(This maybe provided during
iron requirement
sachet 15
the growth monitoring visits of
will be in the form micronutrient
children at the health center)
of MNP instead
of iron drops.
Vitamin A
B. Therapeutic Supplementation
Low Birth
Infants (<2.5
6-11 month
Continue with the
old clinically
iron supplement
but infants need
with iron
to be assessed
for further
Capsule, 100,00
Drops, 15 mg
elemental iron/
Drops, 15 mg
elemental iron/
0.6 ml
6-11 months
with measles
(based on
IMCI protocol)
6-11 months
Vitamin A
100,000 IU
Vitamin A
6-11 month-
Vitamin A
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
old with
6-11 monthold severely
100,000 IU
Vitamin A
100,000 IU
Vitamin A
100,000 IU
Drops 27.5
(equivalent to
the elemental
zinc) 15 ml
Tablet, 20 mg
elemental zinc
Syrup, 55mg/ml
(equivalent to
20mg elemental
zinc) 60 ml
Tablet, 20 mg
elemental zinc
Syrup, 55mg/ml
(equivalent to
20mg elemental
zinc) 60 ml
Tablet, 20 mg
elemental zinc
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
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_____ Maternity
_____ Doctors office
_____ Supermarket
_____ Magazine
_____ Cable TV
_____ Newspaper
_____ Internet
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
_____ Bottle
_____ Teats
_____ Others (speficy)
If yes, describe:
d. Have text which suggest similarity
of the product to the breast or nipple?
_____ Yes _____ No
If yes, describe:
13) Does the label indicate the recommended age of user/s?_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Yes
_____ No
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, which means that the HIV-positive person
has progressed to active disease.
Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation.
Anemia: Lack of red cells or lack of haemoglobin in the blood.
Antibodies: Proteins in the blood and in breast milk which fight infection.
Artificial feeding: Feeding an infant on a breast-milk substitute.
Artificial feeds: Any kind of milk or other liquid given instead of breastfeeding.
Artificially fed: Receiving artificial feeds only, and no breast milk.
Asthma: Wheezing illness.
Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI): An approach to transforming maternity practices
as recommended in the joint WHO/UNICEF statement on Protecting, promoting and
supporting breastfeeding: the special role of maternity services (1989).
Bonding: Mother and baby developing a close loving relationship.
Bottle-feeding: Feeding an infant from a bottle, whatever is in the bottle, including
breast milk, water, formula, etc.
Breastfeeding support: A group of mothers who help each other to breastfeed.
Breast-milk substitute: Any food being marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or
total replacement for breast milk, whether or not it is suitable for that purpose.
Calories: Kilo calories or Calories measure the energy available in food.
Cessation of breastfeeding: Completely stopping breastfeeding, including suckling.
Closed questions: Questions which can be answered with `yes' or `no'.
Colostrum: The special breast milk that women produce in the first few days after delivery;
it is yellowish or clear in colour.
Confidence: Believing in yourself and your ability to do things.
Contaminated: Containing harmful bacteria or other harmful substances.
Commercial infant formula: A breast-milk substitute formulated industrially in accordance
with applicable Codex Alimentarius standards to satisfy the nutritional requirements of
infants during the first months of life up to the introduction of complementary foods.
Complementary feeding: The child receives both breast milk or a breast-milk substitute
and solid (or semi-solid) food.
Complementary food: Any food, whether manufactured or locally prepared, used as a
complement to breast milk or to a breast-milk substitute.
Counselling: A way of working with people so that you understand their feelings and help
them to develop confidence and decide what to do.
Cup-feeding: Feeding from an open cup without a lid, whatever is in the cup.
Deficiency: Shortage of a nutrient that the body needs.
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Judging words: Words which suggest that something is right or wrong, good or bad.
Lactation: The process of producing breast milk.
Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM): Using the period of amenorrhoea after childbirth
as a family planning method.
Low-birth-weight (LBW): Weighing less than 2.5 kg at birth.
Micronutrients: Essential nutrients required by the body in small quantities (like vitamins
and some minerals).
Micronutrient supplements: Preparations of vitamins and minerals.
Milk expression: Removing milk from the breasts manually or by using a pump.
Mixed feeding: Feeding both breast milk and other foods or liquids.
Non-verbal communication: Showing your attitude through your posture and expression.
Nutrients: Substances the body needs that come from the diet. These are carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.
Nutritional needs: The amounts of nutrients needed by the body for normal function,
growth and health.
Mother-to-child transmission: Transmission of HIV to a child from an HIV-infected
woman during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding.
Mother-support group: A community-based group of women providing support for optimal
breastfeeding and complementary feeding.
Open questions: Questions which can only be answered by giving information, and not
with just a `yes' or a `no'.
Oxytocin: The hormone which makes the milk flow from the breast.
Pacifier: Artificial nipple made of plastic for a baby to suck, a dummy.
Paladai: A paladai is a small bowl with a long pointed tip traditionally used for feeding LBW
infants in some cultures.
Partially breastfed: Breastfed and given some artificial feeds.
Pneumonia: Infection of the lungs.
Porridge: Is made by cooking cereal flour with water until it is smooth and soft. Grated
cassava or other root, or grated starchy fruit can also be used to make porridge.
Postnatal check: Routine visit to a health facility after a baby is born.
Premature, preterm: Born before 37 weeks gestation.
Protein: Nutrient necessary for growth and repair of the body tissues.
Psychological: Mental and emotional.
Puree: Food that has been made smooth by passing through a sieve or mashing with a
fork, pestle or other utensil.
Replacement feeding: The process of feeding a child who is not receiving any breast milk
with a diet that provides all the nutrients the child needs until the child is fully fed on family
foods. During the first six months this should be with a suitable breast-milk substitute. After
six months it should be with a suitable breast-milk substitute, as well as complementary
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
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Glossary of Terms
Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Medical and Allied Professionals
Training Module: Participants Handbook