Jurnal International PDF
Jurnal International PDF
Jurnal International PDF
Clinical Instructor, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU) College of Nursing, Loni (Bk), Tal. Rahata, Dist.
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra
Background: It was estimated that around 25 millions of low weight babies are born annually and
they are exposed to number of problems like hypoglycemia, infection, hypothermia and respiratory
problems etc. It is essential that the babies are taken care specially with utmost precaution. They need
special nursing care. The present study was undertaken with an aim to determine the effectiveness of
health education package on care of LBW baby among post natal mothers.
Material and methods: A quasi experimental study, pre and post test design without control group
approach was undertaken among post natal mothers of Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni (Bk). A total of
50 post natal mothers were selected by simple random sampling technique, and self prepared and
content validated structured questionnaire (for knowledge) and checklist (for practice) was used for
data collection. The descriptive statistics (mean, SD and inferential statistics (chi square test) were
applied wherever required.
Results: In pre test, the overall knowledge score was (21.2±4.52) which is 66% (average) whereas
after implementation of health education package (post test) the score has improved i.e. (29.4±1.51)
which is 91.81% (good) and found statistically significant (t =6.28) at p<0.05 level. Similarly the post
test practice score had improved from ‘partially adaptive’ practice (15.78±3.34) to ‘completely
adaptive’ practice (23.32±1.93) and found significant (t=6.28) at p<0.05 level. It was noted that
practice on care of LBW babies had significant association with demographic variables like
educational qualification (x2=5.99), type of family (x2=4.56) and parity of mother (x2=8.06) at p<0.05
Conclusion: The study outcome revealed that the health education package was found effective in
improving the knowledge and practice on care of low birth weight baby of post natal mothers. It
should be emphasized to have a health education packages on care of LBW babies in daily practice to
enhance awareness and increase the competency of postnatal mothers.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Health education package, Knowledge, Practice, Low birth weight babies
1000 live birth accounts for nearly two – LBW is a multifaceted problem with
thirds of all infant mortality and half of some known and few unknown reasons. The
under five child mortality. Over one third of etiology of LBW is also complex with
all neonatal deaths occur on the first day of demographic, nutritional, reproductive, and
life, almost half within three days, and socioeconomic factors each potentially
nearly three four of them in the first week. playing a role. These causes can be enlisted
as maternal Hemoglobin (Hb) level, hard
The reduction of low birth weight manual work during antenatal period,
forms an important contribution to the maternal nutrition, economic condition,
Millennium Development Goal (MDG) for antenatal care, parent’s education, tobacco
reducing child mortality. Activities towards use, maternal age, and parity. [8]
the achievement of the MDGs will need to It is important to recognize that
ensure a healthy start in life for children by nursery personnel need to be trained to
making certain that women commence accept what a mother feels, and praise what
pregnancy healthy and well nourished, and a mother is doing right. Give practical help,
go through pregnancy and child birth safely. relevant information and suggestions
Low birth weight is therefore an important regarding lactation supporting lactation in
indicator for monitoring progress towards mothers of Very Low- Birth weight
these internationally agreed-upon goals. [3] (VLBW) infant are achievable with
Maternal malnutrition and anemia appropriate knowledge, attitude and skill. [9]
are the most important causes responsible Along with the training of health
for reduced birth weight in developing care professionals including nurses, TBA’s
nations. Other maternal factors playing a and anganwadi workers, it has also been
part include young age at conception, universally accepted that improved survival
multiple pregnancies; pregnancy induced rate of low birth weight babies can be
hypertension, infections, substance abuse successfully achieved by training and
etc. Genetic factors also play a role. [4] educating the mother’s and family members
The pre-maturely born baby did not on home based care. The programs of
have enough time to fully develop all his Government of India (GOI) namely Child
body organs like brain, Lungs, Heart, Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM) and
Kidneys and Liver etc. He is prone to Reproductive Child Health program (RCH)
several health problems due to lack of emphasizes the need of involving mother
maturity of vital organs. [5] and family members in essential new born
WHO (2009) focused on the care which focus on feeding, maintaining of
importance of caring for LBW infants, proper warmth, recognizing danger signs in
including feeding, kangaroo mother care, the new born, immunization, spacing,
hygiene, cord & skin care, early detection follow up and screening. [10]
and treatment of infections and A number of scientific studies and
complications which can remarkably reduce systematic reviews showed a significant
mortality of LBW infants. [6] improvement in awareness and skill in care
In India over 30% of the infants are of LBW babies. Alongside it was
born as low birth weight. Nearly 75% of the recommended that the education and
neonatal deaths and 50% of infant death training must be integral part of nursing
occur among low birth-weight neonates. In care, thereby reduces the occurrence of
Davangere in the year 2009 there are 995 associated illness and mortality of LBW
cases of low birth babies are admitted in babies. Thus the present study was
NICU of Bapuji Child Health Institution undertaken with an aim to assess the
among there are nearly 350 deaths are awareness, and determine the effectiveness
reported. [7] of health education package on care of
LBW baby among post natal mothers.
morbid illness like jaundice and nephritic (15.7±3.3) which is 61%, wherein the
syndrome etc. effectiveness was 29% (range 18% to 41%)
Effectiveness of health education package and found statistically significant (t=6.28) at
on knowledge on care of LBW baby: It p<0.05 level. It echoed that the health
was noted from the depicted Table No. I education package was effective in
that the post test mean score was (29.4±1.5) improving the competence on various
which is 92% higher than pre test score aspects of care of LBW among postnatal
(21.2±4.5) which is 66%, wherein the mothers.
effectiveness was 26% (range 02% to 32%) There was a significant association
and found statistically significant (t=6.24) at found between the practice score with socio
p<0.05 level. It highlights that the health demographic variables such as education
education package was effective in (x2=5.99), type of family (x2=4.56) and
enhancing the knowledge on various aspects parity (x2=8.06) at p< 0.05 level. Similarly,
of related to care of LBW among postnatal a coefficient of correlation value depicted a
mothers. positive relationship between knowledge
Effectiveness of health education package and practice scores on care of LBW baby
on practice on care of LBW baby: It was (r=0.8). However there was no statistical
noted from the depicted Table No. II that association found between knowledge score
the post test mean score was (23.3±1.9) and socio demographic variables.
which is 90% higher than pre test score
Table No. I: Effect of health education package on knowledge regarding care of LBW baby N=50
SN Area Max Pre test Post test ‘t’ value
score Mean SD Mean% Mean SD Mean%
1 Introduction to LBW 3 2.8 1.82 93 2.8 0.28 95 5.14*
2 Management of LBW 6 4.2 0.94 71 5.4 0.78 91 5.60*
3 Thermoregulation 4 2.3 1.08 57 3-4 0.69 85 5.80*
4 Feeding 5 3.4 0.98 68 4.8 0.44 96 5.73*
5 Skin Care 4 2.4 0.67 61 3.6 0.54 91 6.01*
6 Eye Care 3 1.9 0.72 64 2.6 0.62 89 4.92*
7 Infection control 5 3.7 1.03 74 4.7 0.51 95 5.14*
8 Complication 2 1.1 0.60 55 1.7 0.41 87 4.94*
Over all 32 21.2 4.52 66 29.4 1.51 92 6.24*
Df – 29 * Significant P<0.05 level
Table No. II: Effect of health education package on practice about care of LBW baby N=50
SN Area Max Pre test Post test ‘t’ value
score Mean SD Mean% Mean SD Mean%
1 Care of fever 4 3.0 0.70 77 3.9 0.73 98 5.41*
2 Nutrition care 5 3.5 0.67 71 4.4 0.57 89 4.85*
3 Skin care 4 2.5 0.75 64 3.4 0.64 86 5.77*
4 Cord care 4 2.1 1.03 54 3.8 0.4 95 5.89*
5 Eye care 3 1.2 0.69 41 2.3 0.70 78 1.44
6 Infection control 6 3.1 1.24 53 5.32 0.76 89 6.29*
Over all 26 15.78 3.34 61 23.32 1.93 90 6.28*
Df – 29 * Significant P<0.05 level
illness. These findings were correlated with awareness influences the practice of post
WHO criteria findings that 51.13% of natal mothers on practice on care of LBW
mothers are anemic.5.03% mothers had the baby.
history pregnancy induced hypertension and
24.75% mothers had one of the obstetric CONCLUSION
complications during their pregnancy. [13] Low birth weight is one of the most
More than half (66%) of low birth significant contributing factors for neonatal
weight baby between 2001 – 2500 gm and morbidity and mortality. The reduction of
significant percent 34% of the baby’s had low birth weight and care of LBW babies
birth weight less than 2000 gm, This forms significant contribution in the
findings were contradictory with the millennium development goal. The parental
findings of Pravati Tripathy that higher education and training is paramount
percent 42% were between 1500 – 2000 gm important for mothers to overcome the
and only 26% were 2000 – 2500 gm. [14] health issues related to LBW babies, and it’s
There was a statistically significant a need of the hour. The study result
difference was found after the highlights that health education package
implementation of health education package was effective in improving knowledge as
to post natal mothers. It highlights that the well the practice on care of LBW babies,
nursing intervention was effective in and found statistically significance. It was
enhancing the awareness and practice of evident that there was a significant positive
care of LBW babies. These facts were relationship was existed between knowledge
consistent with study by Sheoran P, Babu and practice regarding care of LBW babies.
M, Mandal K and Rai K that the nurse led Hence, it should be emphasized that
education enables the knowledge and skill having educational sessions along with
on care of LBW babies among the maternal educative material like pamphlet, leaflet,
mothers. [15] poster would thereby improve the
The study findings show that knowledge and develop competencies on
recognition of LBW by mothers is difficult care of low birth weight baby. Thus it
especially when the baby is not weighed. significantly contributes in reducing the
Knowledge regarding causes and care of mortality and morbidity rate, minimize the
LBW babies was high among mothers who impact of complication. It contributes in
delivered in the hospital compared to those achieving the notion on health baby wealthy
who delivered in lower level health facilities nation.
or at home. There are beliefs especially
associated with causes of LBW, keeping the Source of Funding: Self
baby warm and feeding which affect the Conflict of Interest: Nil
home care practices either positively and
negatively. Home care practices were good REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Bhoknal K. Effectiveness of health education package on knowledge and
practice regarding care of low birth weight babies (LBW) among post natal mothers. Int J Health
Sci Res. 2018; 8(3):167-172.