ASTM F1759-2004-Part 3

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An American National Standard

Designation: F 1759 97 (Reapproved 2004)

Standard Practice for

Design of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Manholes for

Subsurface Applications1


This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1759; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
D 2321 Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications
D 2657 Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyolefin Pipe
and Fittings
D 2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design
Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure Design
Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products
D 3035 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe
(DR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter
D 3212 Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic
Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals
D 3350 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and
Fittings Materials
F 412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
F 477 Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for
Joining Plastic Pipe
F 714 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe
(SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter
F 894 Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Large Diameter
Profile Wall Sewer and Drain Pipe









1. Scope
1.1 This practice covers general and basic procedures related to the design of manholes and components manufactured
from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for use in subsurface
applications and applies to personnel access structures. The
practice covers the material, the structural design requirements
of the manhole barrel (also called vertical riser or shaft), floor
(bottom), and top, and joints between shaft sections.
1.2 This practice offers the minimum requirements for the
proper design of an HDPE manhole. Due to the variability in
manhole height, diameter, and the soil, each manhole must be
designed and detailed individually. When properly used and
implemented, this practice can help ensure a safe and reliable
structure for the industry.
1.3 DisclaimerThe reader is cautioned that independent
professional judgment must be exercised when data or recommendations set forth in this practice are applied. The publication of the material contained herein is not intended as a
representation or warranty on the part of ASTM that this
information is suitable for general or particular use, or freedom
from infringement of any patent or patents. Anyone making use
of this information assumes all liability arising from such use.
The design of structures is within the scope of expertise of a
licensed architect, structural engineer, or other licensed professional for the application of principles to a particular structure.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are provided
for information only.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.


3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 Definitions used in this practice are in accordance with
Terminology F 412 and Terminology D 1600 unless otherwise
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.26 on Olefin
Based Pipe.
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2004. Published September 2004. Originally
approved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as F 1759 - 97.

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 1759 97 (2004)

FIG. 1 Manhole Terminology






3.2.1 anchor connection ringan HDPE ring attached to

the manhole riser on which to place an antiflotation device,
such as a concrete anchor ring.
3.2.2 archingmobilization of internal shear resistance
within a soil mass that results in a change in soil pressure
acting on an underground structure.
3.2.3 benchingthe internal floor of a manhole when it is
elevated above the manhole invert, usually provided as a place
for personnel to stand.
3.2.4 closed profilea manhole barrel construction that
presents an essentially smooth internal surface braced with
projections or ribs, which are joined by an essentially smooth
outer wall. Solid wall construction is considered a special case
of the closed profile.
3.2.5 downdragdownward shear force acting on the
shafts external surface and resulting from settlement of the
manhole backfill.
3.2.6 extrusion weldinga joining technique that is accomplished by extruding a molten polyethylene bead between two
prepared surface ends.
3.2.7 floorthe lowest internal surface of the manhole. The
floor and bottom are often the same.
3.2.8 inlet/outletpipe (conduit) passing through the wall
of the manhole.
3.2.9 invertthe flow channel in the floor of a manhole.
This may consist of the lower half of a pipe, thus the name
3.2.10 manholean underground service access structure,
which can access pipelines, conduits, or subsurface equipment.
3.2.11 manhole bottomthe lowest external surface of the
3.2.12 manhole conethe top portion of the manhole
through which entrance to the manhole is made and where the
diameter may increase from the entrance way to the larger
manhole barrel. Sometimes referred to as the manway reducer.
3.2.13 open profilea manhole barrel construction that
presents an essentially smooth internal surface with a ribbed or
corrugated external surface. Open profile barrel constructions
are normally not used for manholes.
3.2.14 performance limitsmechanisms by which the function of a structure may become impaired.
3.2.15 riserthe vertical barrel or shaft section of a
3.3 See Fig. 1 for illustration of manhole terminology.






backfill extending at least 3.5 ft (1 m) from the perimeter of the

manhole for the full height of the manhole and extending
laterally to undisturbed in situ soil. Manholes are assumed
placed on a stable base consisting of at least 12 in. (30.5 cm)
of Class I material compacted to at least 95 % standard proctor
density or a concrete slab. The foundation soils under the base
must provide adequate bearing strength to carry downdrag
4.2.1 Manholes installed in sanitary landfills or other fills
experiencing large settlements may require special designs
beyond the scope of this practice. The designer should evaluate
each specific site to determine the suitability for use of HDPE
manholes and the designer should prepare a written specification for installation, which is beyond the scope of this practice.
5. Materials
5.1 HDPE MaterialManhole components, such as the
riser, base, and anchor connection ring, shall be made of HDPE
plastic compound having a cell classification of 334433C or
higher, in accordance with Specification D 3350.

4. Significance and Use

4.1 UsesThe requirements of this practice are intended to
provide manholes suitable for installation in pipeline or conduit
trenches, landfill perimeters, and landfills with limited settlement characteristics. Direct installation in sanitary landfills or
other fills subject to large (in excess of 10 %) soil settlements
may require special designs outside the scope of this practice.
4.1.1 Manholes are assumed to be subject to gravity flow
4.2 Design AssumptionThe design methodology in this
practice applies only to manholes that are installed in backfill
consisting of Class I, Class II, or Class III material as defined
in Practice D 2321, which has been compacted to a minimum
of 90 % standard proctor density. The designs are based on the

NOTE 1Materials for use in manholes may be subjected to significant

tensile and compressive stresses. The material must have a proven
capacity for sustaining long-term stresses. There are no existing ASTM
standards that establish such a stress rating except for Test Method
D 2837. Work is currently in progress to develop an alternate method for
stress rating materials and when completed, this standard will be altered

5.2 Other MaterialManhole components, such as tops

and lids, may be fabricated from materials other than HDPE as
long as agreed to by the user and manufacturer.

F 1759 97 (2004)
NOTE 2Use of the active pressure is based on measurements taken by
Gartung et al. (2) and on the ability of the material placed around the
manhole to accept tangential stresses and thus relieve some of the lateral
pressure. It may actually understate the load on the manhole, however this
appears to be offset by the stress relaxation that occurs in the HDPE
manhole as shown by Hossain (3). Stress relaxation permits mobilization
of horizontal arching, thus the active earth pressure can be assumed for
design purposes.

om If the active earth pressure is modified to take into

account uneven compaction around the perimeter of the pipe as
described by Steinfeld and Partner (4), the radially directed
design pressure is given by Eq 1.
PR 5 1.21 KAgH

PR =
H =
KA =

FIG. 2 Radial Pressure Acting on Manhole (Assumed Distribution

for Design)


applied radial pressure, psf (KPa),

soil unit weight, lbs/ft3(kN/m3),
weight of fill, ft (m), and
active earth pressure coefficient as given by Eq 2.



KA 5 tan 2 45 2 2





f = angle of internal friction of manhole embedment
material, .
6.2.2 Downdrag (Axial Shear Stress)The settlement of
backfill material surrounding a manhole riser develops a shear
stress between the manhole and the fill, which acts as downdrag along the outside of the manhole. The settling process
begins with the first lift of fill placed around the manhole and
continues until all the fill is placed and consolidated. As fill is
placed around a manhole, the axial force coupled into the
manhole by downdrag shear will increase until it equals the
frictional force between the soil and manhole. When this limit
is reached, slippage of the fill immediately adjacent to the
manhole occurs. This limits the axial force to the value of the
frictional force. Downdrag loads can be calculated using finite element methods, field measurements, or other procedures. In lieu
of these, the following method may be used. The average shear
stress is given by Eq 3, for an active earth pressure distribution
as shown in Fig. 2.


FIG. 3 Downdrag Force Acting on Manhole (Assumed for Design)



6. Subsurface Loading on Manhole Riser

6.1 Performance LimitsThe manhole risers performance
limits include ring deflection, ring (hoop) and axial stress (or
strain), and ring and axial buckling. Radially directed loads
acting on a manhole cause ring deformation and ring bending
stresses. The radial load varies along the length of the manhole.
See Fig. 2. In addition to radial stresses, considerable axial
stress may exist in the manhole wall as a result of downdrag.
Downdrag occurs as the backfill soil surrounding the manhole
consolidates and settles. Axial load is induced through the
frictional resistance of the manhole to the backfill settlement.
See Fig. 3. The manhole must also be checked for axial
compressive stress and axial buckling due to downdrag forces.
6.2 Earth Pressure Acting on Manhole Riser:
6.2.1 Radial PressureRadial pressure along the length of
the manhole riser may be calculated using finite element
methods, field measurements, or other suitable means. See
Hossain and Lytton (1).3 In lieu of the preceding, the active
earth pressure modified for uneven soil compaction around the
perimeter of the riser can be used.


TA 5

PR1 1 PR2


TA = average shear (frictional) stress, psf (kPa),
PR1 = radial earth pressure at top of manhole, psf (kPa),
PR2 = radial earth pressure at bottom of manhole, psf
(kPa), and

= coefficient of friction between manhole and soil. The coefficient of friction between an HDPE manhole with an essentially smooth outer surface and a granular or
granular-cohesive soil can be taken as 0.4. See Swan et al. (5)
and Martin et al. (6). In some applications the coefficient of
friction may be reduced by coating the exterior of the manhole
with bentonite or some other lubricant.
NOTE 3The use of external stiffeners or open profiles to stiffen the
riser greatly increases the downdrag load due to their impeding the
settlement of soil beside the manhole. This has the effect of increasing the

The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the

end of the text.

F 1759 97 (2004)
6.3.3 Where partial saturation of the soil exists, that is
where the groundwater level is below the ground surface but
above the manhole invert, the radial pressure can be found by
combining the pressure due to the soil above the groundwater
level and the pressure given in Eq 5 due to the groundwater and
the submerged soil. In this case, H8 as given in Eq 6 should be
substituted for H in Eq 5. See Appendix X2.

average shear stress in Eq 3. Where open profiles are used, the coefficient
of friction may equal or exceed 1.0. The downdrag creates an axial-directed load (downdrag load) in the manhole wall that increases with depth. The
axial force developed on the manhole can be found by
integrating the shear stress (or frictional stress) between the
manhole and soil over the height of the fill. This integration is
equal to the product of the surface area of the manhole times
the average shear stress acting on the surface. The maximum
downdrag force can be found using Eq 4. Whether or not to
include surface vehicular loads in this term depends on the
manhole top design. See 7.3.

PD =
Do =
TA =
H =


H = weight of manhole, ft (m), and
Z = distance to water from surface grade, ft (m).
6.3.4 Radial pressure obtained with Eq 5 should not be used
to calculate downdrag pressure as the groundwater does not
carry shear and thus does not contribute to downdrag. Calculate downdrag forces assuming a dry installation using Eq 1 for
radial pressure as described in 6.2.1. Use either the dry weight
or the saturated weight of the soil. The saturated weight applies
where the groundwater might be drawn down rapidly.
6.3.5 Where manholes are located beneath the groundwater
level, consideration should be given to restraining the manhole
to prevent flotation. The groundwater exerts a force on the
manhole equal to the weight of the water it displaces. Restraint
is provided by downward-resisting forces, which include the
weight of the manhole and the downdrag load. However, the
full downdrag load given by Eq 4 may not develop, as this
force may be reduced due to buoyancy. Therefore, it may be
necessary to anchor the manhole to a concrete base or ring.
When a ring is used, the buoyant weight of the column of soil
projecting above the ring can be added to the resisting force
and downdrag is neglected. Axial loads in the manhole riser are
minimized by keeping the ring close to the manhole base.



PD 5 TAp 12 H

H8 5 H 2 Z



downdrag load, lb (kN),

outside diameter of manhole, in. (m),
average shear stress, psf (kPa), and
height of fill, ft (m).



NOTE 4When SI units are used, the 12 in the denominator of Eq 4

may be dropped.
NOTE 5This equation can be used for HDPE manholes with the
recognition that the HDPE manhole is not unyielding. Axial deflection of
the HDPE manhole will lessen the downdrag load. The actual load will
depend on the relative stiffness between the manhole and the soil and on
the effect of stress relaxation properties on the relative stiffness.



6.3 Groundwater Effects:

6.3.1 The presence of groundwater around a manhole exerts
an external hydrostatic pressure on the riser as well as a
buoyant uplift force on the bottom of the manhole. When soil
is submerged beneath the groundwater level, the radial earth
pressure acting around the outside diameter of the riser is
reduced because the buoyant force of the water reduces the
effective weight of the soil. In order to calculate the radial
pressure acting on the manhole, the groundwater pressure is
added to the radial soil pressure produced by the buoyant
weight of the soil. The resulting radial pressure is used when
calculating ring performance limits. For axial performance
limits that are controlled by downdrag forces, the radial
pressure should be calculated as though there was no groundwater, since downdrag forces may occur during construction or
otherwise prior to submergence.
6.3.2 Radial Pressure with GroundwaterThe radial pressure acting in a saturated soil can be calculated using finite
element methods, field measurements, or other procedures. In
lieu of these, Eq 5 can be used to find the radial pressure in a
fully saturated fill surrounding the manhole. (Fully saturated
means that the groundwater level is at the ground surface but
not above it.)





7. Design Procedure for HDPE Manholes

7.1 The typical manhole consists of the vertical riser, a floor,
a top, and outlets. Each of these components has unique design
requirements. The riser must resist groundwater pressure,
radial earth pressure, and shear forces due to downdrag
induced by settlement of the surrounding soil. It also has to
carry the live and dead load weight. The floor has primarily to
resist groundwater pressure. The top must transmit live load to
the riser. For manholes subjected to vehicular loading, special
consideration must be given. See 7.3. Consideration must be
given to the attachment of outlets above the invert of the
manhole so that they do not induce unduly high bending
moments or shear stresses into the riser wall. The load on
outlets due to fill settlement increases with the distance the
outlets are located above the manhole base.
7.1.1 The manhole riser, floor (bottom), and cone can be
designed using finite element analysis, empirical testing, or
other means. In lieu of these methods, the methodology given
in 7.1-7.3 may be used. This methodology is based on practical
experience and field observations and it accounts for arching
and viscoelastic effects empirically. Further refinements of this
methodology could be made by the following: accounting in a
direct way for the earth load reductions due to radial and axial
deformations in the manhole structure as a result of the
viscoelasticity of the HDPE and the surrounding soil, accounting directly for the benefits of stress relaxation in the HDPE,

PR8 5 gWH 1 1.21 KA ~gS 2 gW!H

PR8 =
KA =
gW =


applied radial pressure, psf (kPa),

active earth pressure coefficient,
height of fill, ft (m),
unit weight of water, pcf (kN/m3), and
unit weight of saturated soil, pcf (kN/m3).

F 1759 97 (2004)
e 5 Co ~DM/2!

considering the interaction between axial and ring buckling,

and directly determining the soils enhancement of the risers
axial buckling resistance. Manhole Riser DesignDesign of the manhole riser
consists primarily of assuming a trial wall section and checking
its performance limits for the radial and downdrag loads.
Usually, the maximum loads occur near the deepest buried
portion of the manhole. Because loads are lower near the
surface, the riser wall thickness can be tapered from bottom to
top. Radial LoadsThe performance limits under radial
loads consist of ring compressive thrust, ring bending, and ring
buckling. Ring compression and ring bending create a combined strain in the manhole wall that must be within a limiting
strain value. Ring Compressive ThrustRadial loads acting on
the manhole create a compressive hoop thrust. For a vertical
riser, the maximum thrust occurs at the deepest section. (Due to
the presence of the manhole floor, the maximum thrust actually
occurs slightly above the floor.) Eq 7 gives the ring thrust.

= eccentricity, in. (cm),
Co = 0.02 ovality correction factor for 2 % deflection, and
DM = mean diameter of manhole, in. (cm). The resulting bending moment due to the ring thrust
acting over the eccentricity can be found from Eq 10.
ME 5 e ~NT! ~0.5!



ME = bending load, in.-lb/in. (N-cm/cm),
= eccentricity in. (cm), and
NT = ring thrust, lb/in. The bending strain, eB, for a given section is given in
Eq 11.
eB 5 E S


eB =
SX =
E =



bending strain, in./in. (cm/cm),

section modulus, in.3/in. = I/c (cm3/cm),
moment of inertia of manhole wall, in.4/in. (cm4/cm),
distance from riser centroid to surface, in. (cm), and
stress relaxation modulus of HDPE, psi (N/cm2).


NT 5 144 ~RM!


NT = ring thrust, lb/in. (N/cm),
PR = applied radial pressure, psf (N/cm2) (1N/cm2 = 10
kPa), and
RM = mean radius of manhole, in. (cm).
For applied radial pressure use Eq 1, if dry, and Eq 5 if
groundwater is present.



NOTE 7If the stress relaxation modulus for bending is different than
the stress relaxation modulus for compression, the respective values
should be used in Eq 8 and Eq 11. (Stress relaxation values may be
obtained from the manhole manufacturer or HDPE resin supplier.) Combined Ring Compression and Ring Bending

StrainThe total ring strain occurring in the manhole riser
wall is given by Eq 12.


NOTE 6When SI units are used, the 144 in the denominator of Eq 7

may be dropped.

eC 5 eT 1 eB

eT =
NT =
E =
AS =


eT 5 E A

se The ring compressive strain due to the ring thrust is

given by Eq 8. In order to calculate the ring compressive strain,
a wall section must be assumed.


eC = combined ring strain, in./in. (cm/cm),
eT = compressive thrust strain, in./in. (cm/cm), and
eB = bending strain, in./in. (cm/cm). The wall thickness should be designed so that the
combined ring strain in Eq 12 is less than the materials
permissible strain limit (capacity). Strain capacity of HDPE
can vary depending on the particular resin, its molecular
weight, and its molecular weight distribution. Because of the
variations in HDPE resins and blends, the strain limit should be
established for each particular material. The strain limit may be
determined by accelerated laboratory testing. Test data for the
end-user should be available from the manufacturer. An alternate design approach is to design for stress
rather than strain and use an allowable compressive stress
value. This method can be used by converting the strain in Eq
12 to a combined stress value.




ring compressive strain, in./in. (cm/cm),

ring load, lb/in. (N/cm),
stress relaxation modulus, psi (N/cm2), and
manhole cross-sectional area, in.2/in. (cm2/cm). (For
solid wall risers, AS equals the wall thickness.) Ring BendingThe ring strain calculated by Eq 8
will be combined with the bending strain to determine the
design adequacy of a proposed wall section. The radial pressures applied to a manhole varies
around the circumference due to variability in the fill material
and its placement as demonstrated by the 1.21 factor in Eq 1.
This eccentricity introduces bending strain in the riser wall.
The bending strain can be found either by using an equation
that relates the deflection in the riser to the strain (such as
Molins Equation) or by the following method, which considers the bending moment induced by the eccentricity of the
thrust load. The eccentricity factor, e, can be calculated from
Eq 9. It can be assumed that the ring bending deflections will
be low and generally on the order of one or two percent of the
manhole diameter.

NOTE 8The limiting stress approach is usually applied to pressure

pipe where the pipe is subjected to long-term hoop stress that must be kept
below the threshold for developing slow crack growth within the design
life. For several years, it was customary to design non-pressure rated
HDPE pipes using an allowable compressive stress approximately equal to
the hydrostatic design stress. However, it has recently been shown that the
long-term, compressive design stress is higher than the hydrostatic design
stress, primarily due to a difference in failure mechanisms.

F 1759 97 (2004) Ring BucklingIf the ring compressive thrust
stress exceeds a critical value, the manhole can lose its ability
to resist flexural deformation and undergo ring buckling.
Moore and Selig have used continuum theory to develop
design equations for buckling (7). The continuum theory
addresses buckling of cylindrical structures surrounded by soil.
The presence of groundwater tends to lower the critical
buckling value as fluid pressure is not relieved by small
deformations that would promote arching in soil. A solution for
hydrostatic pressure effects has not yet been published using
the continuum theory. At present the most commonly used
solution for groundwater effects is Luschers equation as given
in AWWA C-950 (8). Manhole Section Above Groundwater LevelThe
critical ring thrust at which buckling occurs is given by Eq 13.
See Moore et al. (9).

1 1 4e


B8 5

1 1 4e~20.213H!

~SI units!

(16) For design purposes, the ring thrust as given by Eq

7 should not exceed one-half the critical ring thrust, NCRW. When radial stiffeners are provided in the manhole
wall, the average moment of inertia of the wall can be used in
the above equations. But, a check should be made to ensure
that the spacing between stiffeners does not permit local
7.1.2 Axial Load Performance LimitsIn the above section
on earth loading, the axial load due to downdrag was given. In
addition to the downdrag, other axial loads include the weight
of the manhole and its appurtenances and the weight of any live
loads, such as equipment or vehicles. These loads create an
axial, compressive strain in the manhole wall. The strain is
limited by the compressive strain capacity of the material and
by the strain limit at axial buckling. Both limits are calculated
and the smallest allowable strain controls design. Axial StrainThe maximum axial strain induced by
the downdrag shear occurs at the risers lowest point. Assuming uniform downdrag the strain in a solid wall riser is constant
around the perimeter of the riser. For profile walls, the axial
strain will vary along the length of the profile and possibly
around the perimeter depending on the wall thickness at a
given section. The wall thickness at the thinnest point is
usually referred to as the net section and it equals the
manhole wall thickness minus the height of any hollow
geometric cores. For solid wall risers, the net wall equals the
riser wall thickness.
The maximum axial strain occurs at the net section. The
maximum axial, compressive strain, eA, resulting from the
downdrag force acting in the net section of the riser wall is
given by Eq 17.


NCR 5 0.7 RH ~EI!1 / 3 ~ES!2 / 3

B8 5



2.6 EI
ES r 3



Relative Stiffness 5






critical ring thrust (no groundwater), lb/in. (N/cm),

geometry factor,
stress relaxation modulus, psi (N/cm2),
moment of inertia of manhole wall, in.4/in. (cm4/
cm), and
= Youngs modulus of the soil, psi (N/cm2).
The geometry factor is dependent on the depth of burial and
the relative stiffness between the embedment soil and in situ
soil. Where the width of the circular zone of fill equals the
manhole riser radius, the value of RH approaches unity as the
relative stiffness between the manhole and the soil approaches
0.005. Relative stiffness is defined as:

r = radius of manhole riser, in. (cm).
For almost all HDPE manholes installed in a granular or
compacted, cohesive-granular embedment, the relative stiffness will be less than 0.005 and RH equals 1.0. Moore (9) also
showed that for deep burial in uniform fills, RH equals 1.0. For design purposes, the ring thrust as given by Eq
7 should not exceed one-half the critical ring thrust, NCR. Manhole Section Below Groundwater LevelThe
critical thrust for buckling beneath the groundwater level can
be determined using Eq 15. See Ref (8).


eA 5




eA = axial compressive strain, in./in. (cm/cm),
PD = downdrag force from Eq 4, lb (N),
= live load, lb (N),
PW = dead load including riser weight, lb (N),
= stress relaxation modulus, psi (N/cm2),
DM = mean diameter of manhole, in. (cm), and
= net wall thickness, in. (cm).
en For design, the maximum axial strain must be less
than the allowable strain for the manhole material. Axial BucklingAs the axial strain is increased in a
cylindrical tube, supported by soil, the tube is subject to local
buckling rather than column buckling. In the lowest (local)
buckling modes, the tube will deflect outward slightly and
dimple inward. For a buried manhole, the resistance to buckling in this manner is increased by the surrounding soil, which
acts to restrain outward deflection. Buckling equations for a
cylindrical tube with no soil support are given in the literature.
These equations can be used for manhole design but give a
conservative value in cases where the surrounding soil is a
stable, well-compacted granular material.




NCRW 5 2.825

P D 1 Pl 1 PW


critical ring thrust (groundwater), lb/in. (N/cm),

mean diameter, in. (cm),
1-.33 H8/H, buoyancy reduction factor,
height of groundwater above invert, ft (m),
height of fill, ft (m),
modulus of soil reaction, psi (N/cm2),
stress relaxation modulus, psi (N/cm2), and
moment of inertia of manhole wall, in.4/in. (cm4/


F 1759 97 (2004) One such equation is given by Timoshenko and Gere
(10). It can be restated in terms of the critical strain as given
eCR 5


DM =3~1 2 2!

critical axial strain, in./in. (cm/cm),

mean diameter of manhole, in. (cm),
Poissons ratio of HDPE, and
equivalent solid wall thickness, in. (cm).
SE 5



eCR =
DM =



serves as the floor of the manhole. For bottoms located above

the groundwater level and where runoff cannot saturate the
manhole trench, creating a perched water level, the bottom
thickness can be nominal. However, where uplift pressures act
on the bottom from water, the bottom must be sized to limit
bending stress and deflection. Manhole floors are generally
limited to a deflection not greater than two percent for 60 in.
(150 cm) and smaller diameter and not greater than one percent
for larger diameters. Larger deflections may be tolerable but
pumps or other equipment located on the floor can become
7.2.1 In lieu of finite element analysis, empirical results, or
analytical equations, the following equations taken from Sealy
and Smith (13) may be used. It is usually assumed that yielding
occurs around the outer perimeter and that the maximum
stresses are at the center of the bottom.


I = wall cross-section moment of inertia, in.4/in. For the design of buried manholes, this equation can
be applied without a safety factor, as the soil support will
provide sufficient safety factor and the axial loads on a
viscoelastic manhole are believed to be considerably lower
than predicted by the method given herein. (Where soil support
is minimal, such as in saturated loose or saturated fine grain
material, an appropriate safety factor should be applied to Eq
18.) Wall buckling due to axial downdrag usually occurs
over a large length of wall. On profile wall risers, the shape of
the profile determines whether buckling is initiated by the
average wall strain or by the maximum net strain. For profiles
with circular cores, the average wall strain usually controls
buckling. The average wall strain can be found by substituting
the cross-sectional area of the profile wall for the net wall strain
value in Eq 17. Methods used for calculating buckling resistance of
buried horizontal cylinders subject to axial loads may be
applied to the vertical manhole riser. See Chau et al. (11) and
Chau (12). Practical experience has shown that uneven placement of fill around a manhole and non-uniform settlement of
the fill can induce bending in the manhole riser. This bending
leads to tensile strains occurring in the axial direction in the
manhole. Insufficient information exists for quantifying these
strains, however, field experience has indicated that manholes
constructed from HDPE with a high resistance to slow crack
growth can sustain these strains. Interaction of Axial and Radial BucklingThe critical stress at which radial buckling occurs is reduced by axial
loading. Normally, this interaction is ignored. This is supported
by elastic stability methods given in Timoshenko and Gere
(10). However, Chau et al. have published a biaxial buckling
equation (12).
7.2 Manhole Bottom/Floor Design ConsiderationsFor
manholes installed with bases meeting the requirements of 4.2,
the downdrag load carried by the manhole riser wall is
transferred directly into the base at the contact surface between
riser wall and soil without need of a manhole bottom. Where
manholes are located beneath the groundwater table and a
manhole bottom is provided, the critical load acting on the
bottom is groundwater pressure. The bottom is usually a flat
circular plate with or without gussetting. In many cases, it also

3 r2
s54p 2





s = maximum stress, psi (N/cm2),
p = groundwater pressure, psi (N/cm2),
r = radius of bottom, in. (cm), and
t = plate thickness, in. (cm).
pr 4
d 5 16 ~1 2 2! 3








d = maximum deflection, in. (cm),
= Poissons ratio,
p = groundwater pressure, psi (N/cm2),
r = radius of bottom, in. (cm),
t = plate thickness, in. (cm), and
E = stress relaxation modulus, psi (N/cm3). Stiffening gussets can be added to the manhole
bottom to reduce stress and deflection. An analysis should be
made to prove that these stiffeners are adequate and that the
shear stress in the weld between the stiffeners and the bottom
is acceptable. Manhole bottoms that are not flat plates, such as an
invert and bench construction, may be considered on the basis
of more sophisticated analysis or physical testing. Since these
features are normally not embedded in soil, they should be
designed for an unsupported buckling resistance capable of
handling the design groundwater pressure.
7.3 Manhole Top/Cone Design Considerations
Polyethylene flat-plate tops and cones can be designed to carry
light live-loads, such as personnel and light equipment. The top
design should be proven sufficient by either testing or by
design calculations.
7.3.1 For applications subject to vehicular loading, a concrete cap is normally placed over the manhole or the polyethylene manhole top is cast in concrete. Although PE tops can be
designed to withstand the weight of H-20 loads, repeated traffic
loads can cause significant deflection of the top and the riser.
The deflection may not damage the PE, but it may lead to
severe cracking of pavement. Before accepting a PE top for
installation under traffic loading without a concrete cap or

F 1759 97 (2004)
manhole should be considered. This pressure is significantly
reduced by a properly designed concrete manhole cap. (An
example of this would be a cap that extends downward below
the manhole top a few inches to encompass the very top of the
manhole riser.) Where concrete caps are not used, an analysis
should be made to determine if the manhole barrel is of
sufficient stiffness to resist this radial pressure.
7.4 Manhole Riser Section JointsRiser sections should be
joined by thermal fusion or gasket joints. Where riser sections
are joined by a gasket joint, the joint should meet the
requirements of Specification D 3212.
7.4.1 Manhole Cone JointWhere gasket joints are required to seal the connection between a manhole cone or top,
the gasket joint should be demonstrated by testing to provide
an adequate seal for the maximum water-head expected for the
intended service.


encasement, the designer is advised to seek test data from the

manufacturer showing its acceptability for vehicular loading.
7.3.2 When designing a manhole for vehicular loads, consideration should be given to whether or not the live-load force
is transmitted into the manhole barrel. Where a concrete cap is
set directly onto the manhole riser, the live-load force will be
transmitted into the riser and, for design, it should be added
directly to PD in Eq 4. Where the cap rests on the soil so that
there is no direct load transfer into the HDPE riser, the amount
of live-load force transmitted to the riser will depend on the
radial pressure at the top of the manhole. In lieu of a direct
determination of this value, an approximate method is to
convert the wheel load to an equivalent surcharge load applied
over the entire area of the concrete slab. Then multiply this
value by KA to obtain the radial pressure at the top of the
manhole (PR1 in Eq 3). For manholes more than 10 ft (3.05 m)
deep this is usually a negligible value, and therefore the
live-load force is ignored.
7.3.3 Ring compression in the manhole barrel resulting
from radial pressure due to a vehicular live-load acting on the




8. Keywords
8.1 downdrag; earth loads; manholes; PE pipe; polyethylene; profile pipe


(Nonmandatory Information)




X1.1 Presumptive values for the Youngs Modulus of Soil

used in Eq 13 are given in Table X1.1 and Table X1.2.

TABLE X1.1 Typical Range of Values for Modulus EsA






Very soft
Sand and Gravel








150 to 450
200 to 500
1000 to 1700

7 to 21
10 to 24
48 to 81

1000 to 3000
2000 to 4000

48 to 144
96 to 192

Taken from Ref (13), p. 67.

TABLE X1.2 Typical Range of Values for Poissons Ratio A


Clay, saturated
Clay, unsaturated
Sand (dense)

0.4 to 0.5
0.1 to 0.3
0.2 to 0.4

Taken from Ref (13), p. 67.

F 1759 97 (2004)

against this flotation. The designer should make an analysis as

to whether or not anchoring is required. This analysis should
include determining the uplift force and comparing it to the
frictional resistance of the soil. For this determination, a low
estimate of the coefficient of friction between soil and riser is
conservative. Where an antiflotation device is employed, the
designer should perform calculations to determine not only that
the manhole will not float but that the device will not be
overstressed. Conservative devices include: anchoring the
manhole to a concrete base slab, extending the base of the
manhole beyond the manhole riser outer diameter and placing
a concrete anchor ring over it, welding a circular ring to the
riser and placing a concrete anchor ring over it. For this case,
shear stress between the HDPE ring and manhole barrel must
be below the allowable. In the second and third case, the
concrete anchor ring uses the soil weight for resistance. HDPE
rings alone may provide sufficient resistance, however, the
designer should check to determine they do not undergo
excessive bending and allow small upward movements. HDPE
anchor rings or HDPE shelves on which to place concrete
anchor rings, must be kept near the bottom of the manhole,
otherwise considerable downdrag load is added and may
overload the riser.


X2.1 Manhole LaddersLadders used in HDPE manholes

may be made from HDPE or other corrosion-resistant materials. Ladders may be permanently attached to the manhole, if
the ladder and its placement within the manhole meet all
applicable OSHA standards for ladders and their use and if the
method of attachment has been proven sufficient by calculations or testing. Manholes should be entered only by qualified
personnel wearing proper safety equipment including proper
gas detection equipment, and cable and harness or a similar
restraining device to protect from falls.


X2.2 Manhole Lifting LugsWhere lifting lugs or other

external devices are provided to ease handling and placement
of manholes, the design of such lugs should be verified by
calculations or testing. The end-user is advised to thoroughly
acquaint himself with all manufacturers literature on handling
of manholes. Most manhole manufacturers require that all
lifting lugs be utilized simultaneously when lifting.




X2.3 Antiflotation DevicesWhere manhole risers extend

beneath the groundwater level, considerable uplift force may
act on the manhole bottom. This force may be sufficient to
overcome the frictional resistance between the manhole and
soil and cause the manhole to move upward and off-grade.
Several approaches have been used to anchor the manhole



X3.1 Given Information:

NOTE X3.2The axial compressive strain is limited to 3.5 % to prevent

the long-term stress in the HDPE from exceeding 1000 psi.

X3.1.1 Minimum Manhole Dimensions and Geometric

PropertiesFor this example, consider a manhole shaft wall
manufactured from a closed profile wall with a single layer of
circular hollow cores (coretubes) centered on the centroid of
the shaft wall and having the following dimensions and
geometric properties:


ecal 5 0.035 in. 0.035 cm



Long-term allowable ring bending

strain at 73F, (C)

D = 48 in. (122 cm)

Moment of inertia (in.4/in.)

I 5 0.367 in.4


Manhole inside diameter (in.)

Cross sectional area (in.2/in.)

~6.01 cm4 / cm!

A 5 0.752 in.2


ebal = 0.05 in./in.(0.05 cm/cm)

NOTE X3.3The typical value for the allowable ring bending strain for
materials meeting the requirements of 5.1 is 5 %.
Long-term allowable tensile stress at
73F, (C), psi (KPa)


~1.91 cm2 / cm!

stal = 800 psi (550 N/cm2)

NOTE X3.4The long-term allowable tensile stress for materials meeting the requirements of 5.1 and having an HDB of 1600 psi (1100 N/cm2)
is 800 psi (550 N/cm2).


X3.1.3 Soil and Installation Information:

ZC = 0.913 in. (2.32 cm)

h = 1.83 in. (4.65 cm)
tn = 0.38 in. (0.97 cm) tn equals h
minus coretube diameter

Depth of manhole, ft
Depth from surface to groundwater (ft)

H = 18 ft (5.49 m)
Z = 10 ft (3.05 m)

Manhole base plate thickness (in.)

tp = 2.0 in. (5.08 cm)

Saturated soil weight (lb/ft3)

Sw 5 135 lbf

Dry soil weight (lb/ft3)

Dw 5 120

Angle of internal friction (degrees)

u = 30

Modulus of soil reaction (psi)

E8 5 1000 psi 689
T = 73 (23C)

Centroid (in.)
Wall Height (in.)
Net wall thickness (in.)

X3.1.2 Material Properties for Selected HDPE:

Long-term stress relaxation modulus at
73F (23C), (psi)
Long-term Poissons Ratio of HDPE
Long-term Allowable Compressive
Stress at 73F (23C) (psi)

E = 28 250 psi (19 478 N/cm2)

= 0.48
Cs = 1000 psi (689 N/cm2)

Manhole design temperature (F)

(Usually 73.4 to 140F)
Coefficient of friction for HDPE to soil

NOTE X3.1The typical value for the allowable compressive stress for
materials meeting the requirements of 5.1 and having an HDB of 1600 psi
(1100 N/cm2) is 1000 psi (689 N/cm2).

f = 0.4

/ ft ~21.21 kN / m !

18.85 3

F 1759 97 (2004)

~See X1 for typical values.!
RH = 1.0

Youngs modulus of soil

ES 5 7000 psi 4826

Geometry factor formation Moores eq

X3.2.2.3 The average shear stress is found using Eq 3 (see
~0 kPa!
ft 2

Pr1 5 0.0

X3.2 Calculation:

Ta 5 f

X3.2.1 Radial Earth Pressure (see 6.2.1 and 6.3.1):

X3.2.1.1 Paragraph 6.2.1 gives the equation for the radial
pressure acting on a manhole in dry soil. This equation is
modified in 6.3.2 for manholes subjected to external water
X3.2.1.2 In the sample calculation, the groundwater is
assumed to be 10 ft (3.05 m) below the surface. Therefore, the
radial pressure at the manhole invert has two components;
pressure due to the embedment soil above the groundwater
level and pressure due to the embedment soil below the
groundwater level. The radial pressure acting on the manhole is
found by taking the sum of Eq 1 (acting from 0 to 10 ft (0 to
3 m)) and Eq 5 (acting from 10 to 20 ft (3 to 5.5 m)).
X3.2.1.3 In order to calculate the radial pressure in Eq 1 and
Eq 5, the active earth pressure coefficient must be found:
Ka Active Earth Pressure Coeffcient (6.2.1 Eq 2):

Ta 5 0.4 2

Rm 5




~9.8 kN/m 3!
ft 3


g w 5 62.4




Prsat 5 733.456 2 ~35.1 kPa!

~46.9 kPa!
ft 2


cm 2



et 5 E A

et 5 0.01 in. 0.01 cm


X3.2.3.5 The bending strain can be found from the manhole

eccentricity. Some eccentricity is assumed to occur because of
installation and handling forces. For manhole shafts, this is
typically 2 % of the diameter. However, since the shaft is
reinforced against ring deflection by the manhole bottom, the
maximum eccentricity will not occur at the point of maximum
radial pressure.
X3.2.3.6 The eccentricity is given by Eq 9:


Prd 5 980

Pr 5 8.455 psi 5.83

Nt 5 210.628 in. 369 cm

Nt 5 Pr Rm

X3.2.2 Downdrag Load (see 6.2.2):

X3.2.2.1 The downdrag load is found by summing the
average shear stress over the surface area of the manhole. The
shear stress is equal to the product of the average radial
pressure and the coefficient of friction. See Eq 3 (
X3.2.2.2 The radial pressure used in Eq 3 is the pressure due
to the dry or saturated (but not buoyant) unit weight of the
manhole embedment soil taken over the full depth of the
manhole, whether the manhole is below the groundwater table
or not, as given in Eq 1:
Prd 5 1.21 Ka Sw H

D 1 2 ZC

et 5 0.01 in. 0.01 cm , ecal 5 0.035 in. 0.035 cm

X3.2.1.6 The radial pressure acting at the invert of the

manhole shaft equals:
~58.3 kPa!
ft 2



Pr 5 1217

PD 5 47 720 lbf ~212.4 kN!

X3.2.3.4 The ring compressive strain should be less than the

allowable compressive strain.


Prsat 5 gw Hsat 1 1.21 Ka ~Sw 2 gw! Hsat

Pr 5 Prd 1 Prsat



X3.2.1.5 The radial pressure component due to the combined earth pressure and water pressure beneath the groundwater level is found using Eq 5 (6.3.2):
Hsat 5 H 2 Z

Dod 5 4.305 ft ~1.31 m!

X3.2.3.3 The ring compressive strain can be found using Eq



Prd 5 1.21 Ka Dw Hd


X3.2.3 Manhole Shaft Design: Radial Loads:

X3.2.3.1 The performance limits under radial loads consist
of ring compression, ring bending, and ring buckling.
X3.2.3.2 The ring compressive thrust can be found using Eq
7 (see where Pr is converted to units of psi by dividing
the value of Pr in psf by 144 (where Pr is converted to units of
N/cm2 by dividing the value of Pr in kPa by 10).


Prd 5 484 2 ~23.2 kPa!

~9.4 kPa!
ft 2


PD 5 Ta p Dod H


Hd 5 10 ft ~3.05 m!

Ta 5 196.02

Dod 5 D 1 2 h

X3.2.1.4 The radial pressure component due to the soil

above the groundwater level is found using Eq 1 (see 6.2.1):
Hd 5 Z


X3.2.2.4 The downdrag load can be found using Eq 4 (see

Ka 5 0.333

Pr1 1 Pr2




(Eq 3,



Ka 5 tan 45 2 2

Pr2 5 Prd

e 5 Co Rm

Co 5 0.02


e 5 0.498 in. ~1.27 cm!


X3.2.3.7 The resulting bending moment due to ring thrust is

given by Eq 10:

ME 5 52.47 in. in. 233.7 cm

ME 5 e Nt 0.5


X3.2.3.8 Eq 11 gives the bending strain:

eb 5 E S




eb 5 0.005 in. 0.005 cm


F 1759 97 (2004)
X3.2.3.9 The combined bending and compressive strain can
be found from Eq 12:

Pl = live load

ec 5 et 1 eb ec
5 0.015 in. ~0.015 cm/cm!,e bal

Pw = weight of manhole shaft


ea 5

Both the ring compressive stress criterion given in X3.2.3.4

above and the allowable combined strain criterion must be met.
X3.2.3.10 Two equations are given in the standard for
checking buckling. Eq 13 is for use in dry ground applications
or above the groundwater level. Eq 15 is for shafts located
below the groundwater level. Both the dry and wet
portions of the shaft in this example are checked.
X3.2.3.11 Eq 13 is used for checking radial buckling of
manholes above the groundwater level and would apply to the
upper 10 ft (3 m) of this manhole:
Ncr 5 0.7 RH ~EI!



SE 5 ~12 I! 1 / 3
ecr 5


Rw 5 0.853

e 5 2.71828




B8 5

e20.065 H ft

Ncrw 5 2.825


4e20.213 H m

Dm 5 D 1 2 ZC

Rw B8 E8 E ~I!

Ncrw 5 795 in. 139 cm




Pl 5 0 lbf ~0 N!



pgw 5 W Hsat

pgw 5 3.47 psi

100 cm
pgw 5 2.39
cm 2




X3.2.5.3 The maximum stress in the base should be less

than the allowable stress for the base plate material.
sbp 5 374 psi

X3.2.4 Manhole Shaft Design: Axial Loads:

X3.2.4.1 The axial strain in the net wall section can be
found using Eq 17:

SF 5 2.87

ft 3 sat



PD 5 47 720 lbf ~212 400 N!

ea 5 0.015 in. 0.015 cm

D 2
sbp 5 4 pgw 2
s bp 5 374 psi 258
cm 2

Determine the SF using Nt from X3.2.3.2:

SF 5 3.77

P D 1 P l 1 Pw
E p Dm A

X3.2.5.2 Where the manhole base is constructed from a flat

plate with thickness tp and without gussets, the maximum base
stress can be determined using Eq 20:


SF 5 N


SF 5 e



ea 5

pgw 5 62.4

B8 5


X3.2.5 Manhole Base/Bottom Design:

X3.2.5.1 The primary load acting on the manhole bottom is
due to groundwater.


e = natural log base number


5 0.043 in. 0.043 cm

NOTE X3.5A SF of 1 is considered sufficient since the support

provided by the soil in restraining axial buckling is not included in Eq 18.





X3.2.3.12 Radial buckling of the portion of the manhole

shaft submerged beneath the groundwater table is given by Eq
Rw 5 1 2 0.33

Dm [3 ~1 2 2!#1 / 2




SE 5 1.639 in. ~4.16 cm!

2 SE




SF 5 N SF 5 66.7



Ntd 5 83.74 in. 5 146.8 cm

Ntd 5 Prd8 Rm

X3.2.4.4 For the closed profile shapes in Specification

F 894, the average wall strain controls axial buckling, rather
than the net wall strain as calculated in X3.2.4.2. The average
axial compressive strain can be found from Eq 17 by substituting the cross-sectional area for the net wall thickness:

~23.2 kPa!
ft 2

X3.2.4.3 The critical strain at axial buckling of the shaft can

be determined from Eq 18:

Applied radial load on upper 10 ft (3 m) of manhole shaft


Prd8 5 484


ea 5 0.029 in. 0.029 cm ,e cal 5 0.035 in. 0.035 cm


Prd8 5 Ka Dw Hd 1.21

X3.2.4.2 The net wall axial strain should be less than the
allowable axial compressive strain based on the long-term
strength rating of the material. See X3.1:

Hd 5 10 ft ~3 m!

ea 5 0.029 in. 0.029 cm



Ncr 5 5585 in. 9779 cm

P D 1 P l 1 Pw
E p D m tn



5 0.05 in. 0.05 cm

Pw 5 900 lbf ~4 000 N!


cm 2

,s tal 5 800 psi 550

cm 2


X3.2.5.4 The upward deflection that occurs in the base plate

(manhole floor) should be limited to 2 % of the manhole

F 1759 97 (2004)


pgw 2
dbp 5 16 ~1 2 2!
E tp 3

D % 5 D 100

dbp 5 0.734 in. ~1.87 cm!

D % 5 1.53, 2 %



(1) Hossain, M. K. and Lytton, R. L., Analysis of Large Diameter
High-Density Polyethylene Plastic Pipes as Vertical Shafts in Landfills, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, Vol 19, No. 6, Nov.
1991, pp. 475484.
(2) Gartung, E., Prhs, H., and Hoch, A., Design of Vertical Shafts in
Landfills, Second International Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, 1989.
(3) Hossain, M. K., Finite Element Analysis and Design of Large
Diameter Flexible Vertical Pipes Subjected to Incremental Compacted
Backfill Loads and Creep Effects, Master Thesis, Texas A&M
University, 1990.
(4) Report to Bauku, Wiehl, Germany from Grundbauingeniure Steinfeld
und Partner, Erobaulaboratium Hamburg, 1991.
(5) Swan, R. H., Jr., Bonaparte, R., Bachus, R. C., Rivette, C. A., and
Spikula, D. R., Effect of Soil Compaction Conditions on
Geomembrane-Soil Interface Strength, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 10, 1991, pp. 523529.
(6) Martin, J. P., Koerner, R. M., and Whitty, J. E., Experimental Friction
Evaluation of Slippage Between Geomembranes, Geotextiles and
Soils, International Conference on Geomembranes, Denver.
(7) Moore, I. D. and Selig, E. T., Use of Continuum Buckling Theory for





Evaluation of Buried Plastic Pipe Stability, Buried Plastic Pipe

Technology, ASTM STP 1093, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1990.
(8) Cagle, L. L. and Glassock, B., Recommendations for Elastic Buckling Design Requirements for Buried Flexible Pipe, Proceedings:
Better Water for the Americas, Part 1, AWWA, 1982.
(9) Moore, I. D., Selig, E. T., and Haggag, A., Elastic Buckling Strength
of Buried Flexible Culverts, TRB Session 143, Transportation Research Board, Washington, 1988.
(10) Timoshenko, S. P. and Gere, J. M., Theory of Elastic Stability,
McGraw-Hill Company, 1961.
(11) Chau, M. T., Chua, K. M., and Lytton, R. L., Stability Analysis of
Flexible Pipes: A Simplified Biaxial Buckling Equation, 68th Annual
Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 1989.
(12) Chau, M. T., Stability Analysis of Buried Flexible Pipes: A Biaxial
Buckling Equation, Master Thesis, Texas A&M University, 1990.
(13) Sealy, F. B. and Smith, J. O., Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1952.
(14) Bowles, J. E., Foundation Analysis and Design, 3rd Ed., McGrawHill Book Company, New York, 1982.


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