Sand method
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent
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judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process.
IFAD/G.M.B. Akash
Photos in the text are from the video Mini-hatchery by Sayeed Kazol.
ISBN 978-92-9072-274-8
2011 by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
September 2011
Table of contents
Additional reading
This manual was prepared by S.M. Rajiur Rahman, Training Officer, Microfinance and
Technical Support Project, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation, Bangladesh.
The author is grateful to the Policy and Technical Advisory Division (PTA) of the
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for financial support and other
services without which this manual could not have been prepared. The author is grateful to
Antonio Rota, IFAD Senior Technical Adviser, Livestock and Farming Systems, PTA for his
cooperation and important suggestions in developing the manual.
The author gratefully acknowledges the following for their assistance in preparing the
manual and producing the video:
Nigel Brett, IFAD Country Programme Manager
Fazlul Kader, Deputy Managing Director (Operation), Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation,
Sarah Jesmin, Project Coordinator, Microfinance and Technical Support Project,
Kazi Abdul Fattah, Livestock Coordinator, Microfinance and Technical Support Project,
Beneficiaries of the IFAD-supported Microfinance and Technical Support Project who
have established mini-hatcheries in the Districts of Kishoreganj of Bangladesh
Special thanks go to the following technical peer reviewers:
Shabbir Ahmed Chowdhury, Director, Microfinance, Bangladesh Rural Advancement
Committee International, Bangladesh
Mohammad A. Saleque, Senior Adviser, Agriculture and Livestock, Bangladesh Rural
Advancement Committee International, Bangladesh
Olaf Thieme, Livestock Development Officer, Animal Production and Health Division,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
Emmanuel B. Sonaiya, Department of Animal Science, Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria
The author wishes to thank Paul Neate for editing the manual.
Mini-hatcheries, or incubators, have been used to hatch chicken and duck eggs in Egypt and
China for some 3,000 years. Mini-hatcheries have been in use in Bangladesh since the 1970s.
In 1992, BRAC a Bangladesh-based non-governmental organization started a programme
to promote the use of an incubator based on heated rice husk. However, the system was not
widely adopted, largely because of poor management of fertile eggs in the supply chain.
With financial support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),
the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) expanded the conventional incubation process,
producing a more efficient and functional system, building on an adapted, comprehensive
training programme that covered all aspects of the rural poultry production chain. In
particular, a four-week practical training programme for rural women was developed and
carried out by a livestock agent at the village level.
Mini-hatcheries can be constructed from cheap materials available locally, such as
rice husk, quilts and sand, to retain heat. The incubators can be easily made using readily
available skills and tools.
Sand-based mini-hatcheries give the highest hatching percentages for both chicken and
duck eggs (80-85 per cent and 70-72 per cent respectively, compared with 70-75 per cent and
65-68 per cent for rice husk incubators and 75-80 per cent and 60-62 per cent for rice husk
and quilt incubators. As a result, sand-based incubators are gaining popularity. The advantages
and disadvantages of the different types of incubators are shown in the Table below.
This manual aims to provide people with the skills and knowledge needed both to
construct sand-based incubators and to operate them efficiently.
Electric incubator
Sand method
Not required
Not required
Not required
modern equipment
Installation in
remote areas
Cannot be installed
in areas without
Can be installed
in remote areas
where electricity
is not available
Installation cost
Higher than
sand method
(chicken eggs)
Fuel cost
Only wealthy
people can afford
this system
All, including
landless and
households in
marginal areas
Width: 230 cm
Depth: 105 cm
8-12 cm thick
layer of cotton
Width of trays:
56-61 cm
Egg tray
Egg tray
15-20 cm
between trays
1.5-3.0 cm
sand layer
135 cm
Egg tray
Sand tray
50 cm
8 cm between
tray and wall
of the box
The sand tray should be lined with black cloth to retain the sand and filled with a layer of
sand, between 1.5-3 cm thick. The hatching trays should be lined with a layer of jute sacking
and a black cloth.
Hatchery room
Ideally, the incubator should be kept in a room set aside for the hatchery. The room should be
built using low-cost local materials (such as bamboo, stra.w, hardboard, polythene, etc.). It
should have a door and windows that can be closed to help control the temperature in the
room and hence in the incubator.
Collect fertile eggs from breeding flocks where roosters and hens
and drakes and ducks are kept together, with a ratio of at least one rooster or
Place two or three lit kerosene lamps in the incubator and allow the
temperature in the incubator to rise to 98 F to 100 F (36.5 C to 37.5 C).
This should take 2 to 3 hours. The lit kerosene lamps must be clean and the
operator should be careful to regulate the flame to avoid producing smoke,
which would poison the embryos in the eggs.
Once the incubator has reached the desired temperature, carefully arrange the
warm eggs on the hatching trays. The eggs should be set at a 45 angle, with
the narrower end pointing down.
Continue turning the eggs until Day 18 for chicken eggs and until Day 24
for duck eggs.
Check the temperature inside the incubator every time you turn the eggs to
ensure that it is consistently between 98 F and 100 F (36.5 C to 37.5 C).
If the temperature falls below 98 F (36.5 C), increase the size of the flame of
the kerosene lamps. If it rises too high, open the hatch in the top of the
incubator to release some hot air and reduce the flames in the lamps or
remove one or more of the lamps.
Remove and throw away any broken eggs.
Add water to the water bowl in the incubator whenever it runs low. This is
important to maintain the humidity in the incubator.
Candle the eggs on Day 7 and Day 14 to identify infertile and spoiled eggs.
Candling: Place a candle or
electric light bulb inside a
box with an egg-sized hole
in the side. Place each egg
in turn into the hole and
observe the pattern of light
shining through the shell.
(See Annex II.)
Remove all the infertile and spoiled eggs from the incubation chamber.
After 7 days infertile eggs are still safe to eat, but spoiled eggs should be
discarded. After 14 days, spoiled eggs need to be discarded.
Some 75-90 per cent of eggs from a good breeding flock should be fertile.
- Fertile egg:
You will see a faint
pattern of blood vessels.
- Infertile egg:
These are transparent,
with no sign of
blood vessels.
- Spoiled egg:
These are opaque.
Candling an egg to check
whether it is fertile.
Chicks are dry within 30 to 45 minutes after emerging from their shells.
Once dry, they rapidly overheat in the incubator. Remove chicks as soon as
they are dry and place them in a holding basket equipped with a heat lamp
to keep them warm.
Day-old chicks from the hatchery are now ready for the next production phase:
Remove eggshells, dead chicks and spoiled eggs from the hatching trays.
Dispose of them hygienically, for example by burying them in the soil.
Once all the chicks have hatched, remove the cloth linings from the hatching
trays and clean and disinfect the incubator thoroughly so that it is ready for
the next batch of eggs.
Hatched ducklings.
If a duckling is having difficulty getting out of the egg, wash your hands
and gently break the shell, taking care not to tear the umbilical cord
of the duckling.
Ducklings dry within 30 to 45 minutes after emerging from their shells. Once
dry, they rapidly overheat in the incubator. Remove the ducklings as soon as
they are dry and place them in a holding basket equipped with a heat lamp
to keep them warm.
Day-old ducklings from the hatchery are now ready for the next production
phase: brooding.
Remove eggshells, dead ducklings and spoiled eggs from the hatching trays.
Dispose of them hygienically, for example by burying them in the soil.
Once all the ducklings have hatched, remove the cloth linings from the
hatching trays and clean the incubator thoroughly so that it is ready for the
next batch of eggs.
Annex I
Black cloth
10 kg
Jute sacks
4 (estimate)
Water pot
Egg tray
Chick box
Approximate cost
United States
8 000/-
300/1 500/-
12 080/-
Approximate cost
United States
Chicken eggs
Fertile eggs
disinfectant, antiseptic
solution, etc.
Lump sum
5 100/600/-
5 700/-
Duck eggs
Fertile eggs
disinfectant, antiseptic
solution, etc.
Lump sum
4 500/800/-
5 300/-
* 1 US$ = 71 BDT.
Chick sales
70 infertile (edible) eggs x 5.5 BDT per egg = 385 BDT (US$5)
Total sales
Net income
* 1 US$ = 71 BDT.
Duckling production
Ducklings hatched
Duckling sales
70 infertile (edible) eggs x 5.5 BDT per egg = 385 BDT (US$5)
Total sales
Net income
* 1 US$ = 71 BDT.
Note: Depreciation of 150 BDT to 160 BDT (US$2) may be deducted from each batch income. This is based on
total fixed cost for the incubator of 12,080 BDT, with an operational life of 10 years and utilization for 8 months
per year, i.e. depreciation spread over 80 months.
Annex II
Candling eggs
Candling is the process of shining light through an egg to determine whether the egg is fertile,
infertile or spoiled.
The manual recommends candling on Day 7 and Day 14 for chicken eggs, and Day 7 and
21 for duck eggs. The principle is simple: In a dark room a source of light is placed against the
eggshell, and the light passes through illuminating its contents. If the egg is fertile a tiny
network of blood vessels emerging from a dark red spot (similar to a spider) will be seen (see
photo below). If the egg is infertile the yolk will appear as a floating shadow with no sign of
blood vessels. And if the egg is spoiled it will appear opaque.
A candler can be easily made by using a 25 to 60 Watt light bulb (if electricity is available)
or a candle placed in a container (small box or empty tin can), with a hole (3-4 cm) to let the
light pass through (Figure 1). A battery torch can also be used with a box or tin can placed on
top and the egg positioned over a hole to allow the light to shine through (Figure 2).
Always handle the eggs with care and do not keep them out of the incubator for more
than 10 to 15 minutes.
Infertile chicken eggs at Day 7 can be consumed, while infertile chicken eggs at Day 14
must be disposed of hygienically.
Figure 1.
Candler using a light bulb
Figure 2.
A torch candler
Additional reading
Card, L. E., and M.C. Nesheim. 1972. Poultry production (11th ed., reprinted). Philadelphia, USA:
Lea & Febiger.
Khan, M.A. 1983. Dim Prashfutaner Katha. [A book on the principles of duck hatchery operation].
Friends in Village Development of Bangladesh, Khadim Nagar, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
Khan, M.S.R., and K.S. Farid. 2011. Study on the technical and financial aspects of mini- hatcheries
(for chicken and duck) and poultry model breeders including diseases associated with the production in
the two systems. Research report submitted to the Microfinance and Technical Support Project,
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). Dhaka, Bangladesh: PKSF.
Nahar, J., K.A. Fattah, S.M. Rajiur Rahman, Y. Ali, A. Sarwar, E. Mallorie, and F. Dolberg. 2006.
The rice husk hatchery in the microfinance and technical support project in Bangladesh.
INFPD Newsletter 16(2):2729.
Rajiur Rahman, S.M. 2008. Family poultry development through micro-credit and technical
support. Worlds Poultry Science Journal 64(2).
Rota, A., N. Brett, J. Nahar, S.M. Rajiur Rahman, Y. Ali, A. Sarwar, and K.A. Fattah. 2006.
The experience with mini-hatcheries technology in Bangladesh. Available at:
http://www.enrap.org/events/ifad-events/ifad-fao-study-tour-on-microfinance-for-marginaland-small-farmers-reaching-the-target-group-2/Paper - Mini-hatcheries poultry.doc
Sumy, M.M.C., and M.M Islam. 2010. Study on the viability and profitability of improved backyard
poultry enterprises in the poultry model chain in Bangladesh. Research report submitted to the
Microfinance and Technical Support Project, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF).
Dhaka, Bangladesh: PKSF.