Moraga Rotary Newsletter - May 19 2015
Moraga Rotary Newsletter - May 19 2015
Moraga Rotary Newsletter - May 19 2015
Juvenile Hall
At a luncheon Moraga Rotary received the 2014
Juvenile Justice Award, along with recognition
awards from Candace Andersen and Karen
Mitchoff for the Moraga Rotary Annual Christmas
Stocking Project.
The meeting was called to order by Queen
Debbie who was without crown this week. Herb
Wehmeyer gave the Invocation and led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Board Meeting
Debbie reminded us that there is a Board meeting
this evening (5:00 pm) at the Trinity Center, School
Street. All agreed that a swift meeting would be
beneficial to all because of tonights basketball
game playoff.
Camp Royal
Angelo Costanza identified this years campersNicki Ahazee and Peter Moore from Campolindo
High School. (For information Camp Royal is the
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
Conference organized each June in the mountains
of northern California. The 71 Rotary Clubs of
Rotary District 5160 have been providing this
Crutches For Africa
leadership learning opportunity since 1979. About
Roger Gregory told the Club that the event is
150 outstanding young leaders are hosted each
nearly at an end. Sometime this week the trailer
year. This is a premier leadership training
storing the walking aids will be moved to a
opportunity provided to worthy young people by our
warehouse at the Port of Oakland. At some point
Rotary Clubs, as part of Rotarys New Generations
Joy Alaidarous, President of Rossmoor Rotary will mission.)
give us a call and ask for help to unload the trailer
at the warehouse, wrap/tie the walking aids for
shipment, and load them into a shipping container. Our Club received a nice, hand-crafted note from
This will be a good point to toss in any more
the students and teachers at Los Perales
walking aids we collect in the last days of this
Elementary School thanking us for the magazines
our club provides.
Orinda Rotary and the Orinda Chamber of
Commerce also thanked us for participating in the
2015 Trivia Contest and Dinner. In an attempt to
energize us for next years competition, Debbie
noted some little known trivia she recently came
Todays Speaker
Roger Gregory introduced todays speakers from
the Moraga Education Foundation (MEF). Heather
Davis led off with a comment about what a
pleasant time she and Niki Peterson had at this
years Moraga Rotary Night at the Races dinner
event and auction. Niki added that, They both had
a great time and went home with some interesting
new things.
A discussion of MEFs history followed. The Fund
was started in 1981 and focused completely on the
Moraga School District. In 1999 Campolindo High