3 RD Milestone Changes
3 RD Milestone Changes
3 RD Milestone Changes
Admin Dashboard
1. Remove gender, city wherever we had in the system. Remove it from
database, admin, front side too.
2. In Breakcrumbs, the Link to the Dashboard is wrong and takes to the 404
3. Add Search Functionality on Orders, Users.
4. Move Users Tab from the left next to Orders.
5. Remove Blog from Admin Section, we will have Wordpress Install under
/Blog folder, remove Blog from Admin too, remove /articles module too etc.
wherever we have articles or blog. Layout of the Wordpress Blog should be
same as currently on http://traffic-gun.sparkidea.info/articles
6. Link the Title of the Page in Manage Tabs to link to the particular page on
frontend. And Page URLS should be like, http://trafficgun.sparkidea.info/about or http://traffic-gun.sparkidea.info/contact,
http://traffic-gun.sparkidea.info/press etc instead of http://trafficgun.sparkidea.info/page/1/contact
7. The Design of the each page should be like http://trafficgun.sparkidea.info/articles/blog/2/how-to-be-happy-as-a-freelancer
8. sure, we can have that - but I meant a sort by feature where we can see the
users ordered not by join date (as they currently are), but by the # of
orders, the user with most # of orders would be on top for instance and
yeah, that would require addition of a column named 'Orders', which would
show how many completed order a user has
9. Show Column Dropdown Set minimum to 10 and remove 5
10.Link the User name with Users Profile on the site.
11.Order Page, Transaction Details, so we can refund a User.
6. Design fixes
- homepage
- profile subsections
- order flows (checkboxes & buttons etc)
- google pagespeed parameters
- browser compatibility
- login - https://grove.wiredtree.com
- username - dugahost
- pswd - as87qyt3w2riua98s
- server info - main IP -
- WHM login -
- username - root
- pswd - Kx[9^*HbU]8()L5
- cPanel login - login to WHM, click List Accounts on the left, then click the
green cpanel icon to the right of trafficgun.com