At Zero-Dimensional Combustion Simulation
At Zero-Dimensional Combustion Simulation
At Zero-Dimensional Combustion Simulation
Zero-Dimensional Combustion
Simulation in Real Time
by Oliver Philipp, Robert Hoepler, Cornelius Chucholowski, Tesis Dynaware
The development and validation of engine control device functions relies more and more on
modern simulation and modelling techniques. The en-Dyna Themos models not only provide a
realistic description of the physical behaviour of the entire internal combustion engine, they
also satisfy the need for high computational efficiency mandated by the real-time application
in Software-in-the Loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop environments.
Components of
engine models
Thermodynamical engine
paves the way
to faster ECU
function development.
AutoTechnology 2/2007
C - T e c h n o l o g i e s
Figure 1: Process
for setting up an
HiL/SiL application.
C - T e c h n o l o g i e s
Figure 3: Characteristic map of the Arrhenius coefficient Karrh resulting from Preprocessing.
The simulation of
the combustion is
based on the
laws of thermodynamics
equations and algorithms as well as the parameterisation. Preparing the parameters for a new model
can be a tedious and error-prone task. To alleviate
this work, the model library is accompanied by a
data preparation system called Preprocessing. It calculates the model parameters from standard measurements and data sheet information usually available during engine development [4].
One important step of this process calculates the
characteristic map of the Arrhenius coefficient Karrh,
shown in Figure 3, which is required by the combustion model. An optimisation algorithm adapts the
coefficient for each operating point in such a way
that the sum of the mean combustion torques of the
cylinders in the simulation matches the combustion
torque calculated from the measurement data.
In the same way, heat transfer coefficients and
parameters describing turbine and compressor
blocks, for example, are calculated by Preprocessing.
Many of these calculations are also based on results
of the engine characteristic map measurement.
The time-dependent cylinder volume is determined from the current crank angle and the kinematics of the crank drive [1]. The wall heat transfer
coefficient a used in Qwall = awall (T Twall) is calculated using various simplifying assumptions in accordance with the approach by Woschni [2].
The reaction kinetics of the combustion of fuel is approximated by the following chemical reaction
CxHy + x + _4O2 xCO2 + _2H2O.
Hence, the heat release dQcombustion/dt during combustion can be represented by the concentration of
= 1_x _
mCylinder HFuel
C - T e c h n o l o g i e s
c(O2) c(CxHy)
Application Scenarios
The presented model facilitates the development
process of an engine control unit (ECU) at various
stages. In controller design, a graphical specification
of the controller function may be interfaced to the
engine model to validate the conceptual design. Parameter studies up to pre-calibration of the controller
before it is run with the real engine can reveal sensitivity to controller parameters. Tests of the ECU on an
HiL test rig take place later in the development, either
for the ECU alone or as a part of a network of controllers for integration tests. In a recent application, a
car manufacturer developed controller functions with
cylinder pressure feedback. At first, it was planned to
test these functions on the real engine. However,
AutoTechnology 2/2007
Real-time engine simulation including gas dynamics
and combustion is a key enabler for testing leadingedge engine control device functions and can be applied to design control algorithms at an early stage
of the development process, with the model simulating the engine as a controlled system. The high-fidelity approach presented here includes a zero-dimensional model for the simulation of combustion
that guarantees a realistic calculation of the crankshaft-related combustion torque and the pressure in
the cylinder.
The problem of very small time scales introduced
by treating the combustion process in detail on the
one hand and expensive computations on the other
is solved by an innovative step size control to maintain real-time capability. Hence, the same model is
applicable in SiL and HiL applications for designing
and testing control device functions.