CHE Assignment

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Name: Arnab Kumar Pal

Roll no: 17CH8032

Reg. no: 17U10344

Energy Management and Process Optimization in Chemical Industry

(CHE 719)

1. Write and explain briefly how pinch technology helps to save energy in process industry

Pinch Technology provides a systematic methodology for energy saving in processes and total
sites. The methodology is based on thermodynamic principles. Figure 1 illustrates the role of
Pinch Technology in the overall process design. The process design hierarchy can be represented
by the “onion diagram” [2, 3] as shown below. The design of a process starts with the reactors
(in the “core” of the onion). Once feeds, products, recycle concentrations and flowrates are
known, the separators (the second layer of the onion) can be designed. The basic process heat
and material balance is now in place, and the heat exchanger network (the third layer) can be
designed. The remaining heating and cooling duties are handled by the utility system (the fourth
layer). The process utility system may be a part of a centralised site-wide utility system.

A Pinch Analysis starts with the heat and material balance for the process. Using Pinch
Technology, it is possible to identify appropriate changes in the core process conditions that can
have an impact on energy savings (onion layers one and two). After the heat and material
balance is established, targets for energy saving can be set prior to the design of the heat
exchanger network. The Pinch Design Method ensures that these targets are achieved during
the network design. Targets can also be set for the utility loads at various levels (e.g. steam and
refrigeration levels). The utility levels supplied to the process may be a part of a centralised site-
wide utility system (e.g. site steam system). Pinch Technology extends to the site level, wherein
appropriate loads on the various steam mains can be identified in order to minimise the site
wide energy consumption. Pinch Technology therefore provides a consistent methodology for
energy saving, from the basic heat and material balance to the total site utility system.

The pinch technology can be used for the following reasons:

 To obtain energy targets by the construction of composite curves.
 To abide by the three rules of the pinch principle by which energy efficient heat exchanger
network designs must abide to increase efficiency of heat exchanger network.
 To learn about the capital-energy trade off for new and retrofit designs.
 Of the best way to make energy saving process modifications.
 To go about multiple utility placement.
 To integrate distillation columns with the background process.
 To integrate heat engines and heat pumps.
 To know the principles of data extraction.
 For some of the techniques applied in a study of a total site.

In simpler words pinch technology means the process of replacing the utility heat exchangers
with process - process heat exchanger. This is tool used to optimise waste heat recovery and
design efficient heat integration schemes in a wide range of applications, throughout the process
industries. The pinch point of a system is determined by drawing a curve between enthalpy and
temperature, the point where the temperature difference is minimum is called pinch point. The
system above the pinch requires a heat input and is therefore a net heat sink. Below the pinch,
the system rejects heat and so is a net heat source. If there is a cross pinch heat transfer in the
system then energy requirement will increase. There must be no external cooling above pinch
and no external heating below pinch. These ensure the least energy consuming system. By usage
of pinch technology, we can avoid usage of utility heat exchangers and replace them with
process – process heat exchanger avoiding heat wastage. This results in decrease of steam and
cooling water consumption which consumes a lot of energy for production. In the below figure
we can observe that the heat duty in blue shaded part can be achieved by process – process
heat exchanger and the heat duty required is QHmin + QCmin. Pinch technology ensures
maximum heat recovery within the system resulting in energy savings.

2. Write and explain three methods to save energy in distribution column.

Distillation columns are one of the major consumers of energy in chemical processes. In this section
the principles for appropriate modification of distillation columns and their integration with the
remaining process are considered. Firstly pinch analysis for stand-alone modification of distillation
columns is considered, followed by principles for appropriate integration of distillation columns with
the remaining process.
The SuperTarget Column module developed by Linnhoff March provides an advanced software tool
for the implementation of standalone column modifications. PinchExpress and SuperTarget Process
provide tools for assessing the impact of column heat integration within a process.

The three methods to save energy in distillation column are:

Stand-alone column modifications

There are several options for improving energy efficiency of distillation columns. These include
reduction in reflux ratio, feed conditioning and side condensing/reboiling etc. Using pinch analysis it
is possible to identify which one of these modifications would be appropriate for the column and
what would be the extent of the modification.

The Column grand composite curve

The tool that is used for column thermal analysis is called the Column Grand Composite Curve
(CGCC) [15], an example of which is shown in Figure 17. The procedure for obtaining the CGCC starts
with a converged column simulation as shown in the figure. From the simulation, the necessary
column information is extracted on a stage-wise basis. This information can then processed (for
example by using the SuperTarget Column module) to generate the CGCC as shown in Figure 17(b).

The CGCC, like the grand composite curve for a process, provides a thermal profile for a column and
is used for identifying appropriate targets for the column modifications such as side condensing and
reboiling as shown in the figure. In a normal column energy is supplied to the column at reboiling
and condensing temperatures. The CGCC relates to minimum thermodynamic loss in the column or
“Ideal Column” operation (see Figure 17(c)). For ideal column operation the column requires infinite
number of stages and infinite number of side reboilers and condensers as shown in Figure 17(c). In
this limiting condition, the energy can be supplied to the column along the temperature profile of
the CGCC instead of supplying it at extreme reboiling and condensing temperatures. The CGCC is
plotted in either T-H or StageH dimensions. The pinch point on the CGCC is usually caused by the

Modifications using the Column grand composite curve

Figure 18 shows the use of the CGCC in identifying appropriate stand-alone column modifications.
Firstly, the feed stage location of the column must be optimised in the simulation prior to the start of
the column thermal analysis. This can be carried out by trying alternate feed stage locations in
simulation and evaluating its impact on the reflux ratio. The feed stage optimisation is carried out
first since it may strongly interact with the other options for column modifications. The CGCC for the
column is then obtained.

As shown in Figure 18(a) the horizontal gap between the vertical axis and CGCC pinch point indicates
the scope for reflux improvement in the column. As the reflux ratio is reduced, the CGCC will move
close to the vertical axis. The scope for reflux improvement must be considered first prior to other
thermal modifications since it results in direct heat load savings both at the reboiler and the
condenser level. In an existing column the reflux can be improved by addition of stages or by
improving the efficiency of the existing stages.

After reflux improvement the next priority is to evaluate the scope for feed preheating or cooling
(see Figure 18(b)). This is identified by a “sharp change” in the stage-H CGCC shape Introduction to
Pinch Technology 25 close to the feed as shown in the figure with a feed preheating example. The
extent of the sharp change approximately indicates the scope for feed preheating. Successful feed
preheating allows heat load to be shifted from reboiler temperature to the feed preheating
temperature. Analogous procedure applies for feed pre-cooling

After feed conditioning, side condensing/reboiling should be considered. Figure 18(c) describes
CGCC’s which show potential for side condensing and reboiling. An appropriate side reboiler allows
heat load to be shifted from the reboiling temperature to a side reboiling temperature without
significant reflux penalty.

In general, feed conditioning offers a more moderate temperature level than side
condensing/reboiling. Also feed conditioning is external to the column and is therefore easier to
implement than side condensing and reboiling. The sequence for the different column modifications
can be summarised as follows: 1. Feed stage location 2. Reflux improvement 3. Feed
preheating/cooling 4. Side condensing/reboiling.

Column integration
In the previous section, ways of improving column thermal efficiency by stand alone column
modifications were considered. In many situations it is possible to further improve the overall energy
efficiency of the process by appropriate integration of the column with the background process. By
“column integration” a heat exchange link is implied between the column heating/cooling duties and
the process heating/cooling duties or with the utility levels. Figure 19 summarises the principles for
appropriate column integration with the background process.

Figure 19(a) shows a column with a temperature range across the pinch temperature of the
background process. The background process is represented by its grand composite curve. The
overall energy consumption in this case is equal to that of the column plus the background process.
In other words, there is no benefit in integrating the column with the background process. The
column is therefore inappropriately placed as regards its integration with the background process.

Figure 19(b) shows the CGCC of the column. The CGCC indicates a potential for side condensing. The
side condenser opens up an opportunity for integration between the column and the background
process. Compared to Figure 19(a) the overall energy consumption (column + background process)
has been reduced due to the integration of the side condenser

As an alternative the column pressure could be increased. This will allow a complete integration
between the column and the background process via the column condenser (Figure 19(c)). The
column is now on one side of the pinch (not across the pinch). The overall energy consumption
(column + background process) equals the energy consumption of the background process. Energy-
wise the column is running effectively for free. The column is therefore appropriately placed as
regards its integration with the background process.

To summarise, the column is inappropriately placed if it is placed across the pinch and has no
potential for integration with the background process via side condensers or reboilers etc. The
integration opportunities are enhanced by stand-alone column modifications such as feed
conditioning and side condensing/reboiling. The column is appropriately placed if it lies on one side
of the pinch and can be accommodated by the grand composite of the background process.
Appropriate column integration can provide substantial energy benefits. However these benefits
must be compared against associated capital investment and difficulties in operation. In some cases
it is possible to integrate the columns indirectly via the utility system which may reduce operational

The principle of appropriate column integration can also be applied to other thermal separation
equipment such as evaporators.

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