Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
The King
The Bishop
The following are definitions from Black's Law Dictionary (6th Edition):
The Church is the religious society founded and established by Jesus Christ, to receive, preserve, and
propagate His doctrines and ordinances. A Church is a body or community of Christians, united under
Corporation Sole
one form of government by the profession of the same faith and the observance of the same ritual and
ceremonies. A Mission is an establishment of churches, schools and relief depots through which are
taught the principles of Christianity, the afflicted cared for, and the needy supplied.
Corporation Sole
An Introduction
To understand the Corporation Sole, one must understand how a
"church", as an entity, is protected by the Constitution for the United
States and the U.S. code.
In Title 26 of the United States Code (USC) and Income Tax Regulation 5
- June 26, 1977, edition published by Commerce Clearing House, Section
1.513-2(ii) vol. 1, page 33, 471-42, and in The Law of Tax Exempt
Organizations by Bruce Hopkins, published by Lerner Law Book Co., 1977
(page 107), it states the following:
The term "church" includes a religious order to a religious organization if
such order or organization is:
(a) an integral part of a church;
(b) is engaged in carrying out the functions of a church. whether as a civil
law corporation or otherwise. (note "or otherwise", you do not have to
incorporate and thus become a creature of the state.)
However, the option does remain for the church to incorporate if it
desires. There are both advantages and disadvantages to both sides of
this question. One item of interest is the position taken by the State on
the rights on incorporated entities. Official IRS Audit Guide, Section
242.31, addressing corporation books and records it states:
The privilege against self incrimination under the Fifth Amendment does
not apply to corporations.
The theory for this is that the State, having created the corporation, has
reserved the power to inquire into its activities. Now, if we truly subscribe
to the doctrine of "separation of church and state", we should give this
matter our full attention. If we incorporate, we give up the Right and
become controlled, at least to a degree, by the State. If we remain
Unincorporated (as one who is not a 14th Amendment citizen), we retain
all of our Rights under the Bill of Rights, (i.e., the first ten amendments
to the Constitution for the united States of America). We elect to remain
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
attempts to repeal remains in full force and effect. The general principles
stated above apply to the constitutions as well as the laws of the several
states insofar as they are repugnant to the Constitution and the Laws of
the United States. Moreover, a constitution will nullify it as effectually as
if it had, in express terms been enacted in conflict therein." I6 AM. Jr.
2nd, Page 177
From this it is established by the Supreme Law of the land, that NO LAW
for, because of, against, or otherwise is possible regarding religion. No
law is no law at all! The church exists in a legal null under the Supreme
Law of the land, the Constitution for the United States of America.
So far we have established under the NO LAW concept of the First
Amendment that: The Church is exempt by right and does not have to
petition any government agency for recognition of exempt status. In fact,
as stated in the code cited previously (1.508-1(a)(4)) the church is
exempt whether it files notice or not.
Let us say we have established a church and operated it for one year. The
question comes to mind when every organization and private person is
required to file an annual return - does the church also have to file?
6033 (a) exempts religious organizations from the need for filing returns
of any kind.
6033 (a)(2)(A) Mandatory exceptions - Paragraph (2) shall not apply to (i) churches.
6033 (a)(2)(A)(i) provides for mandatory exceptions to filing requirements
for religious organizations and states that filing requirements shall not
apply to "churches", their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or
associations of churches.
6033 (a)(2)(A)(iii) exempts as well "the exclusive religious activities of any
religious order"
Explanation: Under Title 26 6033, your church or religious order has
complete immunity to disclosure. It is not necessary for you to maintain
Corporation Sole
records of any kind except for your own purpose and reasons.
Can you believe it? The Congress remained true to the Supreme Law of
the land again. The First Amendment says: "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion,"... and they have NO LAW
whatsoever. We are sure that you can now see how you can establish
your church and operate your organization without any liability to any
agency (as far as establishment of recognition of exempt status is
concerned) as well as how you are also legally exempted from filing any
return with any government agency for any reason. NO LAW IS NO
People are not more than the sum total of what they think, say and do,
Let us say because of whom we are and where we are emotionally,
spiritually, academically, financially and personally, we can no longer live
with or otherwise support our involvement in the Church and/or ministry.
Is there any requirement for the person or persons who establish, and
operate a church to notify ANY government agency of a dissolution,
termination or substantial contraction of their church?
26 USC 6033(b)(1) No return shall be required under this subsection from
churches, their integrated auxiliaries, conventions or associations of
churches REG. 1.6043-3 - Returns regarding liquidation, termination or
substantial contraction or organization exempt from taxation under
501(a), (Vol. 3, pg. 40, 325)
Reg. 1.6043-3(b) - Exceptions. The following organizations are not
required to file the return described in paragraph (a) of this Section.
REG. 1.6043-3(b)(1) - Churches, their auxiliaries, or conventions or
association of churches
In terminating the church existence, there is a form published just for
that action. The number for that form is 966-E and it addresses 26 USC
6043(b) of the Code and your responsibility thereunder. The Title of this
Form is: Liquidation, dissolution. Termination, or substantial contraction
of organizations exempt or formerly exempt under Section 501(a). The
Church is in 501(c)(3), and every organization in (c) is also in (a) You will
find in the instructions at the bottom of the page that the Church, the
integrated auxiliaries and/or associations of churches are exempt from
filing this Form.
Corporation Sole
What's A Church?
"Religion is not confined to a sect or a ritual. The symbols of a religion to
one are anathema to another. What one may regard as charity, another
may scorn as foolish waste. And even education is today not free from
divergence of view as to its validity." Unity School of Christianity, 4 B.T.A.
61, 70 (1925)
"Neither this court nor any branch of this government will consider the
merits or fallacies of a religion. Nor will the court compare the beliefs,
dogmas, and practices of a newly organized religion with those of an
older, more established one. Nor will the court praise or condemn a
religion, however, excellent or fanatical or preposterous it may seem.
Were the court to do so, it would impinge upon the guarantees of the
First Amendment." Judge Brattin for the Eastern District of California;
Universal Life Church, Inc. vs United States, 372, F. Supp. 770, 776 (E.D.
Cal (1974))
In United States vs Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 (Supreme Court 1965), we find
the Court addressing the concept of and religion and holding that the
test of belief in ( they put in supreme being) is whether a given belief
that is sincere and meaningful occupies place in the life of its possessor,
[parallel] to that filled by the orthodox belief in of one who is clearly
religious. Assuming the holding of the Court is valid in the above cases, it
then necessarily follows that any lawful means of formally observing the
tenets of faith of any religious body is worship within the meaning of the
tax-emption provisions.
In another case the court held that.
'The terms "religion" or "religions" in tax exemption laws should not
include any reference to whether the beliefs involved are theistic or nontheistic. Religion simply includes: (1) a belief, not necessarily referring to
supernatural powers; (2) a cult, involving a gregarious association openly
expressing the belief; (3) a system of moral practice directly resulting
from an adherence to the belief; and (4) an organization with the cult
designed to observe the tenets of belief The content of the belief is of no
moment.' Fellowship of Humanity vs Alameda County (57)(1) 153 Cal A.
2nd 673, 315 P. 2nd 394
Corporation Sole
There are two things that a Church does not do: file tax returns (see 26
USC 6033 (a)(2)(A)(l); and think for itself. SO we see that we have created
a legal person with no brains!
Corporation Sole
Conversion is an experience that an individual experiences, the end of
which establishes a deep seated personal conviction with respect to ,
and that individual's responsibility thereunder. More literally translated
from the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures, Conversion is a turning either
towards or away from and His Law and Word (in this case we are
considering the turn toward and a final Life, long commitment
thereto) This final commitment may come as a sudden cri5is or as the
result of a prolonged sequence at experience and events.
The Conversion of the individual comes about by becoming aware of the
truth. The truth being established in the heart of the convert causes him
to want to share the truth with others around him. If a real change has
taken place in the life of a convert, he or she will want, with deep desire,
to communicate the truth to others, sharing knowledge and desiring to
bring all unto Christ.
NOTE: We are certain that there are other perspectives relative to
churches and the free exercise of religion which are not necessarily
Christian in nature. However, we cannot speak to these perspectives
since our perspective is one that is particularly Christian.
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
religious body.
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Under 6033, your church or religious order has complete immunity to
disclosure. It is not necessary for you to maintain records of any kind
except for your own purposes and reasons.
2. Section 107....
In case of a minister of the gospel, gross income does not include: (1)
the rental value of a home furnished to him as part of his compensation;
or, (2) the rental allowance paid to him as part of his compensation, to
the extent used by him to rent or provide a home.
In order to qualify for the exclusion, the home or rental allowance must
be provided as remuneration for services that are ordinarily the duties of
a minister of the gospel. The rental allowances may be used for the rental
of a home, the purchase of a home, and for expenses directly to
providing a home. Expenses for food and servants are not considered for
this purpose to be directly related to providing a home.
3. SECTION 3401 (A)(9)
Provides that the definition of the term "wages" for tax withholding
purposes does not include remuneration paid "for services performed by a
duly ordained commissioned or licensed minister of a church in the
exercise of duties required by such order; etc."
Internal Revenue Service regulations provide guidelines for IRS
employees to help them understand the Internal Revenue Code. IRS
regulation 31.3401 (a)(9) - 1 states; "Service performed by a member of
Corporation Sole
4. SECTION 170
Provides that up to 50% of an individuals Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is
deductible for contributions to religious and charitable organizations. The
"General Rule" allows tax-deductible status for contributions to "a church
or a convention or association of churches, etc."
A person with an adjusted Gross Income of $30,000 may contribute up to
$15,000 and claim such a deduction. Other subsections of Section 170
provide for donations of income-producing assets and also for the
Unlimited Charitable Deduction sometimes known as the "Nuns Rule".
5. SECTION 1402 (c)(4) provides that:
"the performance of service by a duly ordained, commissioned, or
licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a
member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such
order" Is not considered a "trade or business" when used with reference
to self-employment.
An auto mechanic, gardener, or medical doctor may be self-employed. If
the religious order of which one is a member directs one to undertake
duties in ones field of training or experience, as a self-employed person,
then any income received Is not taxable as Income from a "trade or
IRS PUBLICATION 15, 1978 Circular E. Employers Tax Guide is
distributed free of charge by the IRS. On page 11, you will find that
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Advantages of "Corporation
The following is a report of a discussion of Corporation Sole for
the financial services and asset protection Professionals
Recently, there has been a lot of information and misinformation passed
around among estate planners and investment consultants regarding the
Corporation Sole. Corporations Sole have been around for over 450
years, so they are not a "new kid on the block". Corporations Sole are
used primarily for holding and passing the title for property belonging to a
church, religious society, or charitable organization. Two examples of
well-known Corporations Sole are the Brothers Winery and the Sierra
Club. Because you will be asked about Corporations Sole, if you havent
already been asked, Ill share a little background information on
Corporations Sole and you may be able to decide if or how they fit in with
the estate planning strategies that you provide for clients. This discussion
is the result of five years of studying Corporations Sole, and writing
Corporations Sole for dozens of clients. In this learning curve, I have
studied the documents written by most of the current Corporations Sole
gurus. In various ways and to varying degrees, I find that there is a
general lack of understanding of the historic usage of Corporation Sole,
even among the so-called "gurus". There is also a lack of understanding
of the statutes regarding Corporation Sole that results in most cases in
giving away of the potential benefits gained by this unique form of
People use corporations when they need a means of limiting liability.
Normal Corporations are a creation of the state, and begin their existence
on the date that the state incorporates them. Normal corporations owe
their existence and allegiance to the government. Corporations "live"
forever unless limited by their own Articles of Incorporations. Normal
corporations require several officers, they have boards of directors,
stockholders, annual fees, annual reports, and operate under many
statutory regulations.
People use trusts when they need a means of protecting assets. Trusts
are used when one person entrusts another person with some valuable
asset or a right. The asset or right must be sufficiently identified for title
to pass to the trustee and title must actually pass to the trustee. The
asset or right, therefore, belongs to the Trustee and is not returned into
the ownership of the original owner [trustor] or a designated beneficiary
until the trust terminates on a stipulated date. The reason why assets
placed in trust are not liable for claims against the trustor or for taxes of
the trustor is because the property really does not belong to someone
Corporation Sole
else. Trusts are not perpetual and they are limited by statute to a certain
number of years [20, 30, 99 years, etc.]. There are laws against
perpetual trusts in virtually most, if not actually all, jurisdictions.
Wouldnt it be nice if we could have an organization that has the
advantages of limited liability of a corporation, without the regulation,
without the multiplicity of offices of a corporation, for an organization that
the government does not create (therefore the organization does not
have its allegiance to the state), and also allows the organization to
function as a perpetual trust in order to protect and convey assets for
many generations? Carefully reading and comparing the Utah Corporation
Sole statutes, a good Corporation Sole instrument, and the "Apostille"
[not: "Creation" issued by the Governor's office of the State of Utah,
show that the Corporation Sole can be everything that is listed above. Are
all Corporation Sole documents equally serviceable? Many documents that
do meet the States requirements are so poorly written that they give
away all of the advantages recognized in the first amendments "free
exercise [of religion]" clause. Some Corporation Sole documents even
attempt to form a contract with "the ALLEGED state of [State]." Under
UCC 1-203, Good Faith is a requirement in all contracts. Because it is not
possible, in our opinion, to operate in good faith when one is alleging that
the other party may or may not exist, then that kind of Corporation Sole
instrument is inherently flawed and the courts will eventually walk right
through them and seize all of the assets that the corporation
accumulates. Some folks who have (in the past) organized a church
under Corporation Sole and then promptly applied for the IRS 501(c)(3)
status. Applying for permission for exemption under 501(c)(3) voids the
natural immunity against regulation found in the First Amendment to the
Constitution as well as the Internal Revenue Service Code, section 508.
In spite of some sad examples of poor planning, there are also some very
solid Corporation Sole instruments that do hold up in the courts.
Being a "Corporation," the Corporation sole is by nature a form of limiting
liability within the assets of the corporation. The statutes on Corporation
Sole in some States stipulate that the property is held "in trust" for the
membership of the organization. This makes this kind of corporation
function as a trust! In fact, the Oklahoma statutes describing Corporation
Sole are found in that states trust successor provisions, with a waiver of
the "rule against perpetuities".
One feature of religious societies is that they can accept vows of poverty
by their members [Re; monks, nuns, priests and Overseers]. The IRS
recognizes these vows of poverty. For a small part of the IRS information
on Vows of Poverty, look at pages 2 and 5 in IRS Publication 517. When one
is under vow of poverty, the physical objects in their possession are not
their own, although it may be their job to look after and use those
objects. Thus, when you see a Catholic Bishop being moved between a
cathedral and a golf course, he may be carried in stretch limousine, but
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
James B. OHara
In 1894, Sir Frederick Pollock asked his American friend Oliver Wendell
Holmes. "Have you such a thing as a corporation sole still about you?"
The future Justice replied, "I dont know of any corporation sole."
I. Introduction
Blackstone begins his treatment of corporations with the following
The first division of corporations is into aggregate and sole
Corporations sole consist of one person only and his successors, in
some particular station, who are incorporated by law, in order to give
them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of
perpetuity, which in their natural persons they could not have had.
He then proposes two conspicuous examples of corporations sole, one
civil ("the king is a sole corporation") the other, ecclesiastical ("so is a
bishop...and so is every parson and vicar").
In the period prior to the rise of the modern business corporation and the
legal evolution and development that accompanied it, the corporation sole
was a fixture in every tier of English society. The corporation sole was as
distant from the ordinary peasant and tradesman as the Crown, but as
near as the parish clergy.
A modern Holmes attempting a reply to a modern Pollock might initially
be perplexed, since the usual sources of ready reference suggest two
contradictory conclusions. On the one hand, the sources indicate the
corporation sole is "not common," "almost obsolete," or "obsolescent."
The standard casebooks and hornbooks of corporation and property law
do not usually treat the topic. Cases cited in legal literature are often very
Corporation Sole
old, and the only full-length journal article devoted exclusively to the
subject is from the turn of the century. At least one author equates it
with the modern "one person" corporation, although the two have
completely distinct origins.
On the other hand, further research reveals functioning corporations sole
in at least one-half of the states, with explicit statutory provisions for
corporations sole in about a third. In many jurisdictions, this is the
manner of incorporating Roman Catholic dioceses, or more accurately,
the bishops of those dioceses. From this perspective, the corporation sole
is a useful, even commonplace, legal reality.
The apparent discrepancy is not real. The old common law corporation
sole, which was transported to American shores in colonial days, is indeed
almost dead. However, a modern version, which bears the same name,
has evolved and is widely used today. The transformation from the old to
the new is a fascinating story, well worth the telling.
The present study proposes: 1) to define the classic common law
corporation sole; 2) to trace its development in America; and 3) to
describe the present status of the corporation sole in the United States
with analysis of its modern forms. The emphasis will be fundamentally
American, with English sources serving as points of reference and
prologue. Moreover, the English side of the story has already been told."
II. The "Old" Common Law Corporation Sole
"Legal nomenclature is for once its own interpreter. A member of a
corporation sole is one of a series of single persons succeeding one
another in some official position." The crux of this description is no: that
the corporation sole is composed of a single person. Rather, it is really
composed of a number of persons who, one after another, hold the same
office. The really crucial element of this definition is the series itself and
the seriatim succession.
For example, Queen Elizabeth II, as a corporation sole, is identical to
Victoria; the present Archbishop of Canterbury in his corporate form is
one with his predecessors, Laud, Benson or Lang. The corporation sole,
unlike its business counterpart, is only vertical in time.
"There are very few points of corporation law applicable to a corporation
sole, according to Kent." There are, however, four legal characteristics
unique to it:
1. All corporations sole are "either public officers or dignitaries of the
established church." In short, the corporation sole is the incorporation of
an office.
2. At common law, the corporation sole can claim title to real property
Corporation Sole
3. Property and powers of a corporation sole are transferred on the death
of an incumbent to successors in the office, "not to heirs or through
4. The corporation sole lacks the usual trappings of a corporation. It does
not have a board of directors, officers, stock, bylaws, official minutes, or
corporate name. The older corporations sole are also devoid of a royal
charter or other formal authorization, "characteristics that are required in
later corporations."
Historically, both the king and a variety of clergy qualified as corporations
in their official capacities. However, the ecclesiastical form is older, dating
to the mid-fifteenth century. Initially, the corporation sole grew out of the
efforts of judges to solve title problems that arose from the passage of
real property to a church. Although the early common law of property
was elaborate and intricate, it sometimes lacked the sophistication to deal
with these problems. At that time, legal forms did not exist that allowed
the devise of real property to a church in fee simple absolute.
The law struggled with this problem in amusing ways. For example,
property was sometimes devised to the saint after whom a parish was
named, or to the four walls of a church building. Under these
circumstances, the local bishop or priest was the agent or administrator.
Therefore, it was only a short leap in logic to incorporate the agent."
The hierarchical polity of the English church was well suited to this type of
corporate structure. However, it was still another one hundred fifty years
before a civil corporation sole appeared when Lord Coke ascribed
corporateness to the crown. "Blackstone confidently called this
development uniquely English." In one sense, he is correct, but modern
scholarship also finds a powerful Roman Catholic Canon Law influence on
the process.
For all its singularity, the sole corporation had many detractors. In fact,
Maitland and Pollock particularly thought it was an anomaly, a "strange
conceit," a "juristic abortion," an "unhappy freak of English law,"" and a
"useless figment of shreds and patches."
Some of the criticism came from theorists who objected to the
philosophical underpinnings of the fictitious personality of the corporation
sole. But practical problems were also evident. The courts accepted some
officers as corporations, yet resisted the corporate claims of others
similarly situated. This inconsistency may explain why the corporation
sole was not widely extended to other civil officers.
Other practical questions were also raised. What claims on corporate
property might arise from the heirs of a deceased incumbent? What limits
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
The civil form of the corporation sole never really took hold in the United
States. The king was the most obvious civil corporation sole in colonial
days. After the Revolution, however, only a few minor officers in some
states were accorded a corporate identity probate judges and town
The governor of a state was regarded as a corporation only in Tennessee.
For the most part, the powers and duties of public officers were
adequately defined by statute. Incorporation was not necessary to
guarantee bonds or contracts, or to continue lawsuits. Beginning in the
first half of the nineteenth century, however, new social and religious
forces gave a revived impetus to the sole corporation. The chief thrust
came from a most unlikely source. When John Carroll was chosen as the
first Roman Catholic bishop in the United States in 1789, gaining secure
title to the property of his church in the various states and territories was
one of his most pressing tasks. This task was by no means easy.
Roman Catholicism had no legal standing in England and its position in
the new nation was awkward. Although Catholicism shared the fruits of
the first amendment, it had a structure that many Americans judged to
be autocratic and monarchical. At that time, congregational ownership of
church property was natural to many denominations in America, but was
contrary to long-established Roman Catholic policy.
Sometimes, for want of a better method, church property was held in fee
simple by the local priest or by a pious layman. This system, however, led
to endless difficulty. There was a constant fear that church property held
in a private name might be claimed by a relative of the holder. Worse yet,
the possibility existed that some unworthy claimant with a plausible story
could make out a case for ownership. In one lawsuit, an unfrocked priest
claimed to be heir to land that a deceased predecessor had purchased to
build a church.
Bishop Carroll won that suit, but for the next seventy years the Roman
Catholic hierarchy struggled to find a legally sufficient and canonically
suitable manner for its church to own property. Vesting title in a board of
elected or appointed trustees was one obvious possibility. In fact, that is
the way Carroll originally incorporated in Maryland." But "trusteeism"
itself became an issue when the trustees in some areas used their
property ownership to pressure the bishops in doctrinal or disciplinary
The internal problems of the Catholic Church were exacerbated and
complicated by the rise of a national social and political phenomenon
called the "Know-Nothing" movement In addition to their many other
objections to Catholicism, these opponents had particular objections to
control of church property by the clergy, and strenuously battled the
church on this issue." The bishops battled back, in what they saw as a
defense of the doctrine and practice of their religion against bigots on the
Corporation Sole
outside and recalcitrants on the inside. Over time, the corporation sole
became a major weapon."
Beginning in 1829, a series of national bishops meetings was held to
address the problems of Catholicism in America. Invariably, property
problems were on the agenda. Soon after the first of these gatherings,
Archbishop Whitfield of Baltimore sought a charter in the form of a
corporation sole from the Maryland General Assembly. In 1832, it was
The link between Roman Catholicism and the legal concept of a
corporation sole was surprising for two reasons. "First of all, in England,
this mode of incorporation was limited to the Anglican Church." In fact,
the Roman Catholic hierarchy was not reinstated in England until 1850.
Second, Catholic Canon Law did not envision a one-person corporation.
The minimum number required to constitute a "collegiate moral person"
was three." Even the Pope was not a corporation sole. Even though
bishops of dioceses have great autonomy in church law, favorable action
by a board of consultants is still required on major property decisions to
this day.
As Roman Catholicism spread geographically and grew in numbers in the
last decade of the nineteenth century, new dioceses were created as new
areas of the country were settled. Where they could, the bishops
incorporated as a corporation sole. In some states, this required a private
act of special incorporation; in others, a general incorporation statute was
The effort was not successful everywhere. On at least one occasion, a
legislature defeated a bishops request for sole incorporation on the
grounds that Catholicism would thus acquire a legal right not held by
other religious denominations. Slowly, Roman Catholics won the battle for
their church to be incorporated in a manner consistent with church polity.
During this struggle, the old common law corporation sole was gradually
transformed. There was no longer any link with an established church.
Although legislative action was often the result of activity by one church,
the laws passed were usually broad enough for others.
In the courts, judges began to require specific legislative authorization for
a corporation sole. The common law was not invoked to create sole
corporations in states where the legislature had not acted. Finally, at the
beginning of this century, the Supreme Court, in an opinion by Justice
Holmes, confirmed what was already an almost universal judicial stance:
Apart from statute the law does not recognize the bishop as a corporation
The transformation of the corporation sole from its common law form to a
legislative format, however subtle, created something altogether new.
Zollmann, writing in 1915, called it "a new form vigorously flourishing and
Corporation Sole
American in the true sense of the word." The tide had turned. Momentum
to secure the property rights of the Roman Catholic Church a century ago
left permanent traces in modern American law. Today at least thirty
states have a corporation sole in one form or another.
IV. The Corporation Sole in Statutory Form
Seventeen states explicitly recognize the corporation sole under statutory
law, often in a special section for nonprofit corporations or in a section on
religious societies. At least eight other jurisdictions have at least one
corporation sole created under special or private charter, sometimes
dating to a time before the passage of a general incorporation statute.
To understand the corporation sole under both of these categories, a
method of analysis will be useful. For states that recognize the
corporation sole under general law, Californias statutes can serve as a
comparative model. For the states with special or private acts of
incorporation, Marylands private charter for the Archbishop of Baltimore
is a useful example.
The California legislation dates to 1877 and comprises part 6 of the title
division on nonprofit corporations. Some sections are technical, and relate
to filing provisions, applicability to corporations organized prior to the
implementation of the law, and procedures for voluntary dissolution. The
key sections are those dealing with who may incorporate, the corporate
powers, and the questions of vacancy and succession.
The California statutory system indicates that a corporation sole may be
formed by a bishop, chief priest presiding elder, or other presiding officer
of any religious denomination, society, or church. The corporate powers
specified in the California law are comprehensive.
In California, a corporation sole may:
(a) Sue and be sued, and defend, in all courts, and places, in all matters
and proceedings whatever.
(b) Contract in the same manner and to the same extent as a natural
person, for the purposes of the trust.
(c) Borrow money, and give promissory notes thereof, and secure the
payment thereof by mortgage or other lien upon property, real or
(d) Buy, sell, lease, mortgage, and in every way deal in real and personal
property in the same manner that a natural person may, without the
order of any court.
(e) Receive bequests and devises for its own use or upon trusts to the
same extent as natural persons may, subject, however, to the laws
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
The contrast between the California and Maryland laws is very apparent.
The California legislation consists of more formal and highly structured
general statutes, whereas the Maryland private charter is rather informal,
the product of patchwork amendment. The California code carefully
establishes a process for creating or dissolving a corporation sole,
whereas the Maryland law barely goes beyond the simple statement that
a corporation is deemed to exist. Clearly, the general statutes represent a
later stage in the evolutionary process.
Although differences exist, the corporations sole created under general
corporation laws and those established by special acts or private charters
have several common features. They both deserve to be classified under
the heading of "new" or "modern" corporations sole, because both are
more than merely modes of holding title to property. Both are meant to
provide a framework for the operation of a continuing concern. They are
also both meant to provide a structure for the planning, financing,
direction and management necessary for an organization existing and
working in a sophisticated business environment.
The Achilles heel of the "old" corporation sole was that the corporation
itself was a person holding an office. When the incumbent died, the
common law could only hold the corporate life and activity in suspension,
or "abeyance", until the office was filled again. In regard to the "old"
corporation sole, Maitland said, "Our corporation sole is a man who dies."
Carr added, "that is the difficulty. The artificial personality of the
corporation is not strong enough to compel us to ignore the natural
personality of the sole incorporator. The office has not been completely
personified if the death of the officeholder can cause such a deadlock.
The modern corporation sole, created under legislative auspices, solves
the succession problem quite satisfactorily in one of two ways. Either a
specified structure of continuing operation is created in statutes, as in
California, or the statutes specify some external set of canons, practices
or rules to deal with an interregnum, as in Maryland.
The fact that the modern American corporation sole works satisfactorily
is, perhaps, best illustrated by the relative absence of recent cases
carried to the appeal level. Corporate structure is seldom at issue, but the
cases tend to run the gamut: torts, contract, civil procedure, piercing the
corporate veil, workmans compensation, taxation, eminent domain,
estates and simple fraud. Property disputes are relatively rare, perhaps
because there would be first amendment implications for most
corporations sole.
The corporation sole seems to have a settled existence. There has been
no rash of new legislation, nor have there been any repeals of earlier
V. Special Circumstances
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole
Corporation Sole