Cambridgeshire Deaf News Summer 2015

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Summer 2015

From the Cambridgeshire Deaf Association

Lots going on .. And we want your views

2015 AGM Details

I hope as many people as possible

can come to our AGM this year. It
is on Saturday 19th September at

Saturday 19th September

At the AGM we are going to ask

our members for their ideas about
what CDA should offer in the


By Dr Janie Anderson
Chairman of CDA
Welcome to the Summer edition
of the newsletter. I have been
enjoying the lovely weather, just
maybe we will have a nice
summer this year.

We will also be welcoming deaf

journalist, Editor of the Limping
Chicken blog and film-maker

Charlie Swinbourne to the AGM to

talk about his work and his latest

After that we will have food and
time for socialising!

Begins at 2pm
Election of Trustees

Workshops on future
Charlie Swinbourne talk
and films
Evening celebration food
and drinks

It is an exciting time as we start to

plan the next 3 years at CDA. We
are going from strength to
strength and we want to hear
everyones ideas.

Have you seen our Facebook page

I will send the official notice of the
recently? I was so impressed
when I had a look recently, there AGM to members soon.
are lots of news posts too. I was
really amazed about how many
Best wishes
shares our posts get.


a shine to her dog! The

interview wasn't subtitled but
Cover story: Terry-Anne Walker we at CDA subtitled it to make
and her hearing dog, Havanese it accessible to Terri-Annes
Billy, reached final of the cross- friends
breed competition at the Crufts Terry-Anne works for Sense,
dog show called Scrufts
the deaf-blind charity as a
support worker and said she

Me, scruffy? Never!

Terry-Anne qualified for Scufts

after winning the prize for most
handsome dog at a semi-final
event at Earls Court in London.
Terry-Anne was also on TV as
she was interviewed by a
Channel 4 presenter who took

was thrilled to share her first

experience of Crufts with Billy.
Terry-Anne has also been
collecting prizes with her horse
Libby. In March Terri-Anne won
first place in a dressage
Pictures is Libby the horse with
competition in Somersham.
her rosette from competition.

CDA Working with

Police to make
videos Accessible
CDA have been working with
Cambridgeshire Police to help
them make their campaign
videos more accessible to the
deaf community.

crimes that effect vulnerable

people, particularly elderly
people with conditions like

received plenty of likes and

positive comments.

Andy Palmer, managing

Director said: Its very positive
Charlene Spires provided the
that Cambridgeshire Police see
on-screen sign language
that important information such
translation to the text on the
as this is provided in a way that
is accessible to the deaf
community to help keep people
It has been watched over
12,000 times on Facebook and safe.

As part of an agreement with

the force, CDA will provide
sign language interpretation
on videos that the police
produce to raise awareness
of particular types of crime.

The first video, which was

released in May, focused on

Community housing for deaf people: Meeting planned

A meeting is being held in
Wisbech to discuss plans for a
possible social housing scheme
especially for deaf people.

What do you think? Why not

come along and have your say.

Working with Luminus Group, a

housing association working in
Cambridgeshire, CDA want the
views of deaf people in the
county to see if they would
support plans for a housing
development with deaf people
with care or support needs and
for those with no support


Any such scheme could also

see support services on hand
with staff who can sign and
deaf clubs established closeby.
It is thought that by creating a
housing scheme whereby deaf

Meeting details:
Octavia View,
10a14 South Brink
PE13 1JQ
When: 10:30am
27th June
people live closer together,
isolation could be reduced and
services centred in a particular
area, saving money and
increasing convenience for
local deaf people.

If you need assistance with

transport. Please get in

explained that they found

libraries often inaccessible with
staff who were not aware of the
needs of deaf people. Also that
the DVDs and videos that
could be borrowed did not have
Mental Health
pressures might be.
sign language options nor were
CDA have been working with
Council staff said that it was an there many easy read titles for
Cambridgeshire County
extremely useful event but time those who wanted them.
Council to make sure that deaf will tell if any of the points
people have their say on the
raised by deaf people influence Both the mental health and
way services are provided.
the councils strategy on
libraries consultation are part of
CDAs approach to ensuring
In May the Public Health
that people in Peterborough
Department visited Hope Hall
to meet with 9 deaf people and Fenland drop in saw a bumper and Cambridgeshire have their
say on local issues.
talk about how to improve
turn out for a consultation on
mental health in the county.
the future of libraries in
Cambridgeshire. Jon Anderson
It was a lively and honest
visited with an interpreter and
discussion where issues
Check out our website
explained that the council were
related to being deaf and
looking into ways of making
for all the latest news
mental health were raised.
They also discussed what it is
they were sustainable.
like to be deaf and employed
and what the additional

Local deaf people involved in


First Deaf
Health Forum
Deaf people in Peterborough
will get the chance to express
their views on the health
service direct to NHS
representatives in the first
ever Deaf Health Forum.
There will be BSL interpreters
there and speech-to-text
provided by AI Media.
The meeting is the first in what
CDA hopes will be regular
twice-yearly forums where
deaf people can give feedback
on their experiences and then
the NHS will be able to report
back to deaf people any
progress or problems. The

meeting is on 25th June at

House, Thorpe Road,
6:30pm at the Friends Meeting Peterborough.

Thank you, Marathon Man!

All staff and volunteers send
our heartfelt thanks and
congratulations to Chris Byrne
after completing the London
Marathon on behalf of CDA
and NDCS.
Chris made it round the historic
London course in just over 4
hours and raised over 2,400
which will be split equally
between the two charities.
Chris is father to Henry Byrne
who is six years old and has
had an operation to have two
bone anchored hearing aids to
help him hear. The family have
received invaluable support
from NDCS and from CDA who

have worked with the family on

a holistic communication
approach which included the
family learning some useful
sign language.
If you like what we do, there is
still time to donate to Chriss

page and help make sure

charities like NDCS and CDA
can support more families in
Once again, we all salute Chris
Byrne! Thank you

Enrolment opens
soon for BSL
Over 100 people have registered their interest in learning
BSL across Cambridgeshire
and Peterborough and enrolment for the courses open in
June for registrants and July for
the general public.

It is hoped that classes can be

expanded in Peterborough and
Cambridge to accommodate
day-time as well as evening
CDA Sign Language Academy
will also be opening BSL Level
1 in Huntingdon and Level 2 in


teacher in Peterborough has

also started working with Deaf
Blind UK to provide BSL Level
1 to employees there.

In other news, CDA Sign Language Academy has been

working with Cambridge University to teach 6 medical students deaf awareness and BSL If youre interested in learnLevel 1 on a fast-track basis.
ing sign language, please
Charlene Spires, our BSL

Citizens Advice
Bureau now giving
advice in BSL in
Working with CDA in
Peterborough, the Citizens
Advice Bureau will now offer

Two guest
speakers at
Deaf Church
Deaf lady Penny Beschizza
visited BSL Deaf Church at
Hope Hall in February.
Penny is very involved with
Deaf issues and politics. She
talked about how new life can
come when things look

support for deaf BSL using

clients with BSL interpreted
sessions once-a-month.
Following on from the
successful sessions at
Peterborough Drop-in, funding
has now been secured to
provide BSL interpreters once a
month. If you would like to
book, please get in touch with
CAB direct or via CDA.

Easter and worshippers shared get vouchers from Social

Communion of Bread and
Workers or GPs and Food
Banks provide 3 days food.
The next BSL Cafe church is
on Sunday June 21st at 2pm till
5pm at Hope Hall. People are
asked to bring food to share.
The theme will be about the
Holy Spirit (Pentecost).

The Cambridgeshire Deaf

Church Group also have small
groups where discussions are
had about Christianity,
questions answered and
communal prayer sessions.

On 20th September there will

be a traditional Harvest
Service. Worshippers are
invited to bring and share food
to eat together.

From September, the group will

start to look at Old Testament
Bible characters, like Noah,
Moses and David.

Dry food like pasta or teabags

or canned food is encouraged
and it will be taken to local
In April, Rev. Anne Richardson Food banks. People who are
visited. She talked about
having money problems can

See the deaf church dates in

the planner. If youd like more
information on deaf church visit

March Deaf and District Deaf Club

St Peters Church Hall, March, Cambs. Meets
first Friday each month from 711pm. Contact
Godfrey Palmer by email or Christine Pape 07902

Peterborough Deaf Club

Kingfisher Centre, Bretton, Peterborough.
Meets second Saturday each month. Dan
Peterborough Deaf Drop In
2 weekly at City College Peterborough, Ky
Dai 07548 667944
Peterborough Deaf Skills Club
2 weekly at Quaker House. Charlene Spires,

Peterborough Coffee Morning

John Lewis Caf Peterborough. Contact to be
Peterborough Social Services
2nd Floor, Town Hall
Bridge Street
Voice 01733 747474
Mobile text: 07917133170
Fax 01733 454445
Minicom: 01733 454449
Peterborough Deaf Football Andy Palmer 07949
Peterborough and District Deaf Childrens

Add your details to the

Cambridgeshire Deaf News
If you would like your organisation or
group to be featured in the news, contact
page or the diary pages of the
Cambridgeshire Deaf News please
contact CDA or
contact the office on (18002) 01223
Cambridgeshire Deaf News is
produced by the Cambridgeshire Deaf
Association. Contact details and
dates of events are subject to change
and we take no responsibility for any
loss incurred through using
information contained in this

Summer 2015 Diary


9th Fenland Deaf Drop-in 11am

10th Huntingdon deaf and hearing club
13th BSL Caf Lounge Wisbech 2:30pm (Tesco) 7:30pm
11th Peterborough Deaf Club 6:30pm
18th Golden Hind BSL Pub meet
12th Sign Post Deeping Service 3pm
Cambridge 7:30pm
12th Signed Service St Andrews
18th Peterborough Skills Club
Soham, 10am
20th Peterborough Coffee morning
16th Peterborough Skills Club
10.30 12pm
20th Tea and a sign chat in Cambridge 18 Cambridge Deaf Club 7.30
20th Peterborough Coffee morning
22nd Ely Drop-in 10 12pm
10.30 12pm
23rd Cambridge Lunchtime Drop-in
21st Huntingdon Church Group 7:45pm
23rd Golden Hind BSL Pub meet
27th BSL Gathering Peterborough
Cambridge 7pm
25th Sign Post Deeping
27th Sign Post Deeping
25th Cambridge Deaf Pub 7:30 pm
27th Cambridge Deaf Pub 7:30pm
26th Signed Service St Barnabas
27th Cambridge Deaf Club 7.30
Cambridge, 10:30am
27th Ely Drop-in 10 12pm
28th Signed Service St Barnabas
28th Cambridge Lunchtime Drop-in
Cambridge, 10:30am
30th Peterborough Skills Club

1st Cambridge Church Lunch Group at
Hope Hall 11am
2nd Peterborough Skills Club
2nd Huntingdon deaf lunchtime group
3rd March and District Deaf Club 7pm
5th Signed Service St James,
Hemingford Grey, 11am
6th Peterborough Coffee morning
10.30 12pm

Summer 2015 Diary



2nd Signed Service St James,

Hemingford Grey, 11am
3rd Peterborough Coffee morning 10.30
5th Cambridge Church Lunch Group at
Hope Hall 11am
8th Peterborough Deaf Club 6:30pm
9th Sign Post Deeping Service 3pm
9th Signed Service St Andrews Soham,
11th Huntingdon deaf and hearing club
(Barley Mow Pub) 7:30pm
13th Peterborough Skills Club
17th Peterborough Coffee morning
10.30 12pm
18th Huntingdon Church Group 7:45pm
27th Peterborough Skills Club
20th Golden Hind BSL Pub meet
Cambridge 7pm
23rd Signed Service St Barnabas
Cambridge, 10:30am
29th Cambridge Deaf Pub 7:30pm
29th Sign Post Deeping
31st Peterborough Coffee morning
10.30 12pm

2nd Cambridge Church Lunch Group at

Hope Hall 11am
6th Signed Service St James,
Hemingford Grey, 11am
3rd Huntingdon deaf lunchtime group
4th March and District Deaf Club 7pm
10th Fenland Deaf Drop-in 11am
10th Peterborough Skills Club
11th Huntingdon deaf and hearing club
(Tesco) 7pm
12th Peterborough Deaf Club 6:30pm
13th Signed Service St Andrews Soham,
13th Sign Post Deeping Service 3pm
14th Peterborough Coffee morning
10.30 12pm
15th Huntingdon Church Group 7:45pm
19th Cambridge Deaf Club 7.30
24th Peterborough Skills Club
26th Cambridge Deaf Pub 7:30pm
27th Signed Service St Barnabas
Cambridge, 10:30am
26th Sign Post Deeping
28th Peterborough Coffee morning
10.30 12pm
28th 29th Ely Drop-in 10 12pm
29th Cambridge Lunchtime Drop-in

Useful Contacts
Addenbrookes audiology
Box: 94
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation
Hills Road,
Tel: 01223 217 797
Fax: 01223 586 912
Minicom: 01223 274 494

CDA Sign Language Academy (BSL Course

and Deaf Awareness Courses)
Charlene Spires
Cambridgeshire Deaf Church
For any information about services or advice
concerning Weddings, Funerals or Baptisms
please contact me, Jan Smith, on 07596
652077 or

Cambridge Deaf Drop in

At CDA, monthly. Contact CDA for more

Cambridge Hard of Hearing Club

Meetings are held at the Meadows Community
Centre, 1 St. Catherines Road, Cambridge
CB4 3XJ.
Phone Pam on 235547 or text Chris

Cambridge Deaf Club

Held at Cambridge Deaf Association. 8 Romsey
Terrace. Third Saturday of the month. Contact
CDA for more information.

Cambridgeshire Hearing Help

8a Romsey Terrace, Cambrudge
Tel / Text 01223 416141
MonFri 9am to 2pm

Cambridgeshire Social Services for D/deaf

children and young people
Disabled Childrens Team Box SS1012
Babbage House Castle Park Castle Hill
Cambridge CB3 0AT
Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (General
enquiries) Fax: 01480 376748
Minicom: 01480 376743 Text: 07901 226 356

Deeping Signpost
Nigel Frisby Deeping Baptist Church, 42 Bridge
Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough, PE6

Cambridgeshire Sensory Services

Disability Service
Amundsen House
Compass Point Business Park
Stocks Bridge Way
St Ives PE27 5JL
Phone: 0345 045 5221
Fax: 01480 498066
Send a text: 07765 898732
Minicom: 01480 376743

Ely Deaf Drop In

Gem Dixon text 07786

Emmeline Implant Centre

Box: 163, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2
Tel/minicom: 01223 217 589
Appointments line: 01223 348 973
Fax: 01223 586 735
Fenland Deaf Drop in
Christian Centre,
Upwell Road March
Meets on third Thursday each month
Contact Christine Pape by text 07902 282390

Huntingdon Deaf and Hearing Club &

CDA Support and Advocacy Services
Huntingdon Deaf Drop in
8 Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. Tel 01223
246237 Fax 01223 411701 Gem Dixon text 07786 434700
07902 281668
CDA Connect (BSL Interpreter Services)
Anna Baker 07895 072132

CDA Support Services

Support Advocacy Drop- in Services BSL Training Deaf Awareness
Deaf Church Deaf Social Events Information Sessions

What do CDA offer? Advocacy

What issues can

Community Support Advocacy is about

we advocate for?

We visit people at home,

or anywhere they feel
safe. We support with



Employment (work)



Social Services

Advocates take


supporting people to
express their views and
concerns, ensuring
they understand their
rights so they can
make informed
decisions about their


Finances (money)

Accessing services



Developing new skills

action to support



people to:

Family issues

Providing information

Access to services

Emotional support

Raising confidence

Reducing isolation

Sign posting


Employment (work)

Express their views

and wishes

Secure their rights Get in touch to find out if

Have their interests we are able to support
Access information 8 Romsey Terrace,
Cambridge. Tel 01223
and services
Explore choices
and options

246237 Fax 01223

411701 office@cambsde 07902 281668

See more information online

Over 60 enjoy bangers and mash at Fenland Deaf Drop-in

Over 60 deaf people were at
the Fenland Drop-in in April
when Norwich Deaf Cub paid a
Organiser Christine Pape said
the day was a great success.

raffle and bingo with some big

prizes on offer.
Every two-years, Fenland Drop
-in invites deaf people from
around the UK to visit.

See a video of the event online

Everyone was fed with bangers by scanning this QR code with
and mash and there followed a your mobile phone
Jule Garner was the Killer
Queen at Cambridge Deaf
Clubs games night in April.
She had the best aim of all the
players at the club who play a
variety of different games every
This time around, David Cook
treated everyone to a specially
made cake with darts on the
If you would like to go to
Cambridge deaf club, check
our website and the diary
section of this newsletter.

One of our members David

Cook asked me if I
remembered playing a card
game called O-Yes. I did
remember playing it at
Cambridge Deaf Club between
1962 and 1965. David and I
tried to remember how to play it
and the rules. Eventually we
got it. Our members were
looking interested and nine
people joined us to play We
played two rounds and the first
one was won by Paul Langford
and the second by John Uren.
Members not playing cards sat
There was an error in the
& chatted. It was an enjoyable
Spring 2015 newsletter. The
winner of the Rope Quoits was evening.
On Friday March 6th
Donates Pichovkinas not
2015 we played Indoor Kurling.
Dennis Pope.
We had 18 peoples names
On Friday February 6th
drawn out in pairs for a knock
2015, 21 people came for a
out competition. It was a hard
social evening with games.
game to play, trying to get on

Fun and

Games at

Deaf Club

Forthcoming events at St Peters

Church Hall High Street March
PE15 9JR. Doors open at 7pm
5th June Sid Follows shove halfpenny
3 July Social Evening and Games
4th September. Sausage and Mash

target. The winners were Paul

Musgrove and Billy Rodwell
and runners up Paul Landford
and Rodney Hopkins. The
Kurling set belongs to
Peterborough Deaf Club and
we would like thank David
Kettle for letting us use it. (See
The 32nd Annual General
Meeting and Election was held
on Friday 10th April. About 35
people came. The election
results are as follows. Hon
Chairman John Uren, Hon vice
Chairperson Christine Pape,
Hon Secretary Godfrey Palmer,
Hon Treasurer Michael
Manchett, Committee
Catherine Palmer, Michael
Pape, Ann Ratcliffe and Terry
Murray. These appointments
are for at least 3 years.
On Friday 1st May we
played Jenga. The winner
was John Uren. He was taller
than the other 13 people
playing so it was easier for him.
Thanks to Pam Pope who lent
us her own Jenga. Another
enjoyable evening was had by

Elaines Latvian Diary

so Jonas took me half a mile
away where there was a water
The following day, we went to
visit a Deaf club in Daugavpils,
Irena called this as a 'drop in'
without the coffee! It was nice
to meet the Deaf
community. An old gentleman
read the main news from a
newspaper with two
interpreters as to keep
everyone up to date.

y good friend Irena

who I met through her
daughter in King's
Lynn had asked me a few
years back to visit her at her
home in Latvia so I finally went
there a few months ago.
I took a flight to Vilnius which is
the capital of Lithuania and
also the home of Jonas who is
Irena's partner. Met Irena and
Jonas very late at night at the
airport so went straight to the
flat where Jonas lived. Next
day was spent sightseeing in
Vilnius, i was amazed to see so
many churches and cathedrals.
All very beautiful I would
describe as Baroque style and
one church was in candyfloss
pink on the outside, very
beautiful indoors too with
paintings on the ceilings. We
walked to the top of a hill where

I managed to communicate
well with the deaf although sign
language is different and I am
still learning the Latvian and
Lithuanian sign alphabet. I
would like to thank Irena and
Jonas for their hospitality and
the opportunity to be shown the
cities where they live.
the castle was with panoramic
views of the city.
Jonas took me to the Deaf club
in Vilnius, it was an old building
with an office, meeting room
and a theatre with rows of
On the third day, Jonas drove
me and Irena to Latvia along
the small roads, there were no
passport controls on the border
that we crossed. Irena lives in
Daugavpils which is the second
city in Latvia (Riga is the capital
city), like Jonas, she lives in a
flat. Irena also has a dacha Russian word for summer
house - with an allotment.
I found this place really
delightful, the weather was
good at the time. The stream
where they get water was low

Elaine Heath is a trustee of

If you would like to share
your stories with our
readers, please get in touch

Cambs Deaf Sports News

Two players from Peterborough Uniteds deaf
football club have been training with Great Britain
in June. Jamz Masoud was in the female training
squad ahead of the European Championships and
Will Palmer was invited to train as a goodwill
gesture from Manager Phil Gardener after the two
appeared together in a documentary earlier in the

Striker Cameron Cockerill and midfielder Matthew

Wheeler who have both played for Posh were also
selected to play for the Great Britain under-23 team
earlier in the year.

Neils red
nose day stall
Neil Coot from Suffolk got in
touch with this picture of him
on a stall selling cakes for
Red Nose Day!

Cambs Deaf Sports News

Players and coach from the Peterborough

Uniteds deaf under-13 team celebrate after
Harry Howarth (centre) scores a golden goal in
the final against Charlton in May. The team
qualified for the finals after winning the southern

tournament in Reading in March and beat

Newcastle United, Morecambe and Charlton to
win the trophy at Englands training
headquarters at St Georgess Park near Burtonupon-Trent. See

Posh Deaf

Mens team
still looking for
their first win
Peterborough Uniteds deaf
team are still searching for
their first win after a frustrating few minutes which allowed
defeat to Bricketwood last
Bricketwood to take the lead.
The goals came from Alex
Tovey who turned in a
Bricketwod are a deaf team
scrambled corner and
from St Albans and had won
all of their last 3 games before Cameron Cockerill who placed
the ball in the top corner from
they played Peterborough.
the edge of the penalty area.
Peterborough took the lead
Man of the Match Michael
twice in the game but
Bedford (pictured) said: It was
conceded a penalty in the last

a good game to start off with.

We were passing the ball well
and created a couple of
chances. A couple of decisions
went against us but thats
Peterboroughs next match is
against Nottingham Deaf FC
on June 28th in Werrington.

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