"Globalisation and Mauritius". Discuss
"Globalisation and Mauritius". Discuss
"Globalisation and Mauritius". Discuss
boundaries seeing best price and quality rather than national location.
Moreover some organisations also develop global advertising such as
coca-cola , Reebok, Loreal and the same advertising campaign are
broadcasted throughout the world.
Government drivers: The fact that government has promoted free trade
and reduced trade barriers in Mauritius has contributed towards
globalisation .Government of Mauritius gives incentives to foreign
investors such as tax incentives, payment facilities . Mauritius offers a
stable economic and political environment, modern
infrastructures a
good and reliable judiciary system, and a highly skilled and a dynamic
Mauritius being a member of SADC has to implement the SADC trade
Protocole that is the gradual elimination of custom duties and tariff. The
governments development strategy centers on expanding local financial
institutions and building a domestic information telecommunications
industry. Government of Mauritius offers lots of facilities to offshore
companies. for example the rate of tax applied by the government in the
jurisdiction in which an offshore company is incorporated is either low or
zero. The Financial Services Commission, as an integrated regulator for
non-banking financial services and global
business, has adopted a
business-friendly approach to regulation. The Commissions statutory
functions include promoting the development of the financial services
sector, and we make sure that our regulatory policies and practices do
promote such development. Consequently, Mauritius has attracted more
than 9,000 offshore entities, many aimed at commerce in South Africa,
and investment in India and the banking sector alone has reached over $1
billion. Mauritius, with its strong textile sector, has been well poised to
take advantage of the Africa growth and
opportunity act (AGOA).
Mauritius has attracted US$10.98 billion in foreign direct investment
inflows. Top sectors attracting FDI inflows from Mauritius (from January
2000 to December, 2005) are electrical equipment, telecommunications,
fuels, cement and gypsum products and services sector (financial and
non-financial). A transparent and well-defined investment code and legal
system have made the foreign investment climate in Mauritius one of the
best in the region. Taxation is competitive and efficient.
Information technology and the internet:
Information technology is a
driving factor in the process of globalisation.
In fact globalisation
accelerates the change of technology. In nearly every corner of the world,
from Mauritius to Paris , one cannot enter a caf or walk down the street
without seeing someone talking ,texting ,or surfing on their cell phones,
laptops or tablet. Multinational company is able to reach customers within
seconds and also manage operations throughout the world.IT sector has
encouraged a lot of companies to go global.
Effects of international business in the local context
The main effect of international business is foreign investment.
International investment is important to most economies and can be
particularly vital for developing countries. Mauritius being a developing
country has both the demand for good and service and labour and natural
resources to supply it. But very often there is a lack of capital necessary to
begin producing .Therefore foreign investment provides essential capital
to help entrepreneur to start their business. Foreign direct investment is
an investment in a business by an investor from another company for
which the foreign investor has control over the company purchased.
Businesses that make foreign direct investment are often called
multinational corporations. Foreign direct investment is be a source of
external capital for a developing country like Mauritius and can lead to
economic development. Foreign direct investment has been very
successful in Mauritius, to its economy and to both rural development
(luxurious hotels on the coast) and urban development (building and
construction at Ebene). For example , if a foreign investors decide to set
up a factory in Mauritius ,they will have to utilise at least some local
labour ,equipment and materials to construct it .Once the factory is
constructed ,the factory will hire local employees and use local raw
materials and services . Consequently new jobs will be created and foreign
money will be pumped into the economy and some new businesses will be
created. Overseas investments have also helped Mauritius to shift from
over dependence on agriculture to a diversified and dynamic economy
with new sectors of focus such as manufacturing , tourism ,and financial
services. This has a positive effect on the economy of Mauritius.
The globalization of the production and distribution of goods and services
is a welcome development for many people in that it offers them access
to products that they would not otherwise have. ,For example there is s
free flow of all kinds of vechicles in Mauritius BMW ,Mercedes ,Toyota
,Saab etc. However, some are concerned that the changes brought about
by globalization threaten the viability of locally made products and the
people who produce them. For example, the new availability of foreign
foods in a marketoften at cheaper pricescan displace local farmers
who have traditionally earned a living by working their small plots of
family-owned land and selling their goods local. Globalization, of course,
does more than simply increase the availability of foreign-made consumer
products and disrupt traditional producers. It is also increasing
international trade in cultural products and services, such as movies,
companies in the IT/BPO sector has increased from less 100 in 2004 to
400 in 2010 employing 18000 professionals fromover in Mauritius.
Globalisation has contributed in the expansion of the tourism industry.
Tourism is the third pillar in the economy of Mauritius after manufacturing
and agriculture. It has contributed significantly to the economic growth of
the country and created 40000 full time jobs.
With international trade a country is able to earn valuable foreign currency
when exporting its goods thus increasing our foreign reserve.
International trade has contributed in increasing the standard of living of
people as more jobs are being created .Moreover since there is a
reduction in imports duties ,Mauritian customers are getting quality goods
at reasonable prices. One examples is the Chinese electronics goods
which are both better quality and lowpriced, have flooded the Mauritian
markets. The availability of imported quality goods at lo rates has led to
improvement of Mauritian people. Even common people are enjoying
goods and services that ere beyond their reach earlier.
International trade removes rivalry between different countries and
promotes international peace and harmony .It creates dependence on
each other, improves confidence and good faith. It also fosters exchange
of culture and ideas between countries having greater diversities. A better
way of life, dress, food, etc can be adopted from other countries.
International trade enables us to face emergencies. In case of natural
calamity goods can be imported to meet necessaries.
Politically, globalisation has brought Mauritius with more nations into the
decisions-making process on international issues. For example Mauritius is
a member of different international organisations the Indian Ocean
commission, the common market for eastern and southern Africa
countries(COMESA), the southern Africa Development community (SADC)
and the world trade organisation (WTO)
International trade and Globalisation do not always amount to blessings.
With globalisation, the world of international business has progressed at a
fast pace and foreign companies often employ unfair means to get hold
over the market. They offer better bargain ,gifts and spend huge amount
of money on publicity. All these encourage Mauritian people to spend
rather than saving their money.
Another major drawback of globalisation is a deficit in the balance of
payments. Mauritius is facing a deficit in its current accounts of 36.2