Chapter02 ComputerSystemsOrganization
Chapter02 ComputerSystemsOrganization
Chapter02 ComputerSystemsOrganization
Chapter 2
CPU Organization
Figure 2-3. An interpreter for a simple computer (written in Java).
Figure 2-4. (a) A five-stage pipeline. (b) The state of each stage as
a function of time. Nine clock cycles are illustrated
Figure 2-7. The SIMD core of the Fermi graphics processing unit.
Multiprocessors (1)
Multiprocessors (1)
Figure 2-11. (a) Big endian memory. (b) Little endian memory.
Cache Memory
Secondary Memory
Memory Hierarchies
Figure 2-21. A disk with five zones. Each zone has many tracks.
SCSI Disks
RAID (1)
RAID (2)
Solid-State Disks
CD-ROMs (1)
CD-ROMs (2)
Figure 2-27. Cross section of a CD-R disk and laser (not to scale).
A CD-ROM has a similar structure, except without the dye layer
and with a pitted aluminum layer instead of a reflective layer.
DVD (1)
Was Digital Video Disk
Now Digital Versatile Disk
New features
1. Smaller pits
2. A tighter spiral
3. A red laser
DVD (2)
Single-sided, single-layer (4.7 GB)
Single-sided, dual-layer (8.5 GB)
Double-sided, single-layer (9.4 GB)
Double-sided, dual-layer (17 GB)
DVD (3)
Buses (2)
Figure 2-31. A typical PC built around the PCI bus. The SCSI
controller is a PCI device.
Figure 2-37. Halftone dots for various grayscale ranges. (a) 06.
(b) 1420. (c) 2834. (d) 5662. (e) 105111. (f) 161167.
Color Printing
Color monitors use transmitted light;
Color printers use reflected light.
Monitors have 256 intensities per color;
Color printers must halftone.
Monitors have a dark background;
Paper has a light background.
The RGB gamut of a monitor and the CMYK gamut of a
printer are different.
Problems to overcome:
How to add Internet access without interfering with TV
How to have two-way traffic when amplifiers are
inherently one way.
Digital Cameras
Chapter 2