LoA - Basic - Book 4 PDF
LoA - Basic - Book 4 PDF
LoA - Basic - Book 4 PDF
Steve G. Jones
Dr. Joe Vitale
Manifesting things requires diligence, because you have to be in the zone to receive all
the best things that the Universe wants to give to you. Size does not matter when it comes
to the law of attraction. To think that something is too big for you to receive is just plain
wrong. Nothing is bigger than the Universe itself and its most primal law the law of
The more you doubt the ability of the Universe to give to you what you need, the less the
law of attraction will work for you. The law of attraction wants to give you what you
need but you have to be clear about your desires and you have to completely believe that
you have already received it. The Universe may have already responded to your requests
but you just havent been receiving actively.
If you do not actively receive, you will receive nothing. As for the time needed to receive
what you have requested from the Universe, think of it this way: small things are easier to
deliver than big things. But rest assured, if you wanted a large ocean liner to be yours, the
Universe is doing everything in its power to attract one to you so that you can grab it for
Again, dont worry about the size of your desire. Nothing is too big for the law of
attraction. Just make sure that you are physically and mentally ready to receive what you
have requested because the Universe is getting ready to send it to you.
Your positive transmissions will also be stronger and will not waiver as long as the
expectation stays with you.
Expecting good things to happen will also have a profound impact even in the smallest
details in your life. For example, if you are always worried about stressful days at work,
expecting a better day at work and focusing intently on this one expectation will help
change the negative cycle that has been causing so much grief in your life.
Now there will be days that will not completely agree with your renewed positive outlook
in life. There will be days when you feel that nothing is going right and it is very difficult
to continue thinking positive thoughts and feeling positive emotions when these days roll
in. What you can do during these times is to simply plan the following days through the
process of revision.
Again, this process is not complicated nor does it require a high degree of skill. You see,
the law of attraction pays close attention to even the minutest changes in your life. These
changes do not occur instantly in physical reality. If you have been reading close enough,
you would have understood by now that nothing in physical reality is possible without the
power of thought and emotion.
Human civilization itself will not materialize without the law of attraction and all that it
requires in order to create. With this in mind, you will understand now how important it
is to continue changing any type of negativity that we may still have.
Bad things happen because we have attracted these events, whether consciously or
unconsciously. The smallest gestures and decisions can attract either positive
consequences or negative consequences. If you are aware that you are only attracting
negative consequences at the moment, then a revision is in order.
Now, revision is another way of fine-tuning your own transmissions to the Universe.
Revision is one method of correcting the frequency of your transmissions so you will
begin attracting good things instead of bad ones. To prove the effectiveness of this
method, we want you to remember a particularly bad series of events in your past.
Think back and remember how the chain of bad events stopped. It is likely that one
specific event turned things around for you and everything was corrected after this
particular event. This one event changed everything because it changed what you were
attracting to yourself in the first place. That is the power of just one positive change in
ones life. Think of the power of a hundred positive events, taking place every day of
your life.
We want you to harness the power of positive events such as this. This can be achieved
through the process of mental revision. Mental revision can be performed anywhere,
anytime. All you need is a quiet place where you can sit or lie down.
Once you are relaxed, think of all the events in the day that did not play out as planned.
Animate these non-ideal moments in your imagination and change the event. For
example, if you had an unnecessary argument with your spouse, recall the moment and
change the direction of the argument so that it will be resolved. Do this until you have
corrected or changed all of the unfortunate events that have transpired during the day.
Mental revision is performed to ensure that all your signals to the Universe are corrected
so that positive events will be attracted the next day. We can do nothing about the time
that has already passed, but we can do a lot about the days and months that have yet to
Thankfulness is such an underestimated trait that people barely slow down to think of the
things that they should be happy and thankful for. If you want to attract more positive
things in your life, you should also learn how to be more thankful. As a practitioner of
attraction and manifesting, it would much easier for you to attract more positive things in
life if you knew what these things were in the first place. Some people ask for cars,
gadgets or even a new partner in life.
But our question is what is it that really matters to you? What would really make you
happy in the long term? Because if you are going to exert a lot of effort to use the law of
attraction and your renewed, positive relationship with the Universe, you might as well
attract the best things in life first. And believe us when we say that it is not just wealth
that can make you happy.
Even the wealthiest people in the world will attest to the truth of our previous statement.
Sure, wealth is a necessity in todays world and in many cases; wealth can really
transform a persons life. But the challenge of attracting a more meaningful and
satisfying life does not end with the quest for wealth. Wealth is just one part of the
equation and your life will become more meaningful if you fill in the missing parts of
your lifes puzzle.
Thankfulness or the practice of gratitude will help shift your perspective in life. If you
feel that your life has been going nowhere these past few years, gratitude will change all
that. Thankfulness will help redefine your own view of what is really happening in your
life. You might be surprised how many things we should be thankful for.
The practice of thankfulness is tied integrally with the mental and emotional shifting we
have explored early in this course. And of course, this all leads back to the basic principle
of the law of attraction which is like attracts like. If you want to end the negativity in
your life, you must first be aware of the positive things you already have.
Being thankful is a systematic approach to identifying these positive aspects in your life.
By being more thankful for these positive aspects of life, we also break the vicious cycle
of dwelling on the negative. How many times have we ignored the rest of our life because
of debt, spousal problems, etc.? How many times have we failed to see the beauty of the
Universe and ones life because of temporary problems?
Visualization is such a big part of manifesting that we simply have to tackle it early in
this course. Normally, people associate visualization with mere imagining. It is true that
without the human imagination, visualization would be impossible. But that doesnt mean
that you are just imagining. Remember our own theory of creation and manifesting?
Without human thought, creation would be impossible. Thought is more than just
synapses and electrical signals in your grey matter its the very stuff that animates your
life and the world around you.
Visualization in the context of the law of attraction is quite different from plain imagining
or fantasy. Are you ready to try it? Good heres how it works. First find a quiet place
where you can practice visualization. An ideal spot would be a quiet spot in the house
that is cool and has low lighting.
You dont need extra distractions so if you can go to a room without any kind of noise,
that would be ideal. Now focus on one thing that you want the most at the present time.
Put this mental image at the very center and dwell on it.
Feel it and jump into the image as if you already have whatever is depicted in the mental
image. If its a new gadget, imagine yourself using the gadget, enjoying its features and
getting a kick out of having owned it already. Make this simple visualization an
immersive experience. Do this for about a minute before slowly opening your eyes to end
the strategic visualization.
What did you notice about the visualization? What did you experience during the
visualization? The most common answer (which is also the simplest answer) is
happiness. People feel extremely happy during such visualizations because they
experience creation firsthand. You see, before anything can fall into your hands, it must
first be created by your mind.
At a very basic level, you must first attract and create what you want through strategic
visualization before you can actively receive it.
This is the reason why we should do everything in our power to purge negativity from
our lives. But how can we do this without spending too much time going over thousands
of ill feelings and bad events that have already passed? There is a way. This technique is
so familiar that many of you would have little trouble applying it. Its called the love
Many theorists have already touched upon this technique and you will gain a hundred
fold in your quest for abundance and happiness if you learned and applied this method
every day, from now on. The love method is quite simple actually: you must declare love
for anything and everything that comes your way, even if you are suddenly confronted by
misfortunes and not-so-positive events.
This may sound strange to some of you at the outset, but if you sincerely say I love you
to both positive and negative things in your life, what you are actually doing is you are
purging all the negativity while keeping the affirmative/positive thoughts and emotions
intact. This purging or cleansing is performed so that your mind will always be clear to
receive what you have been attracting and manifesting. Love is actually a complete
package for the law of attraction.
Let us explain: the law of attraction requires several essential components before it can
truly work for you: affirmative thoughts, positive emotions, genuine desire, gratitude,
redefined action and active receiving. When you add love to the whole equation, all of
these components manifest automatically. Because when one loves, it is impossible for
anything negative to arise.
When one declares love for something, one becomes thankful that the event, person or
circumstance is there in the first place. You start to see the positive aspect of everything
that exists in your life right now. The smallest of things become gifts that are cherished.
Challenges become less daunting and you are now searching for life lessons and silver
linings, instead of excuses to give up and dwell on the negative.
Positive emotions and thoughts are automatically brought to the surface when you love
something. You will feel light and happy as the mental and emotional baggage
Saying I love you to the worst of situations also helps revitalize our minds and hearts
and makes everything that much more manageable. This ritual purging is necessary if you
want to sustain the effort of manifesting the things that you want the most. Because lets
face it: modern society can be challenging.
But a significant portion of our living experience is dependent on our thoughts and
emotions. The world itself would be utterly meaningless without our thoughts and
emotions. Life and creation would be impossible without your thoughts.
Thats why we have to protect your positive thoughts and emotions with the love method.
Frequent declarations of love also facilitate better relationships with people. You dont
have to say it out loud. You just have to remember to love more than complain or hate.
The changes in your life will be nothing short of monumental. Start loving today you
have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Do you feel that despite your best efforts, something is still holding back what you are
trying to manifest in your life? Do you feel that there is a solid gate between yourself and
what you wish to receive? That obstacle may be lack of forgiveness. And like all other
things that belong to the realm of the negative, lack of forgiveness has a large impact on a
persons ability to manifest his or her desires.
Lets face it; modern society is rarely a forgiving society. From childhood, we have been
taught that good deeds are rewarded while bad deeds are punished.
There is no real middle ground. Judgmental attitudes stem from this basic belief that
forgiving has no place in a progressive society. Why forgive if you can punish? Why
bother forgiving somebody if you can ostracize the person and forget about everything
about the person?
Some people may not even consider this a problem. But let us consider this issue further,
since we want you to be in the best position when you are ready to manifest your desires.
When a person does not want to forgive someone or something (i.e. a bad event in ones
childhood) he must hold on to a lot of clutter and baggage so he can remember why he
doesnt want to forgive in the first place.
Forgiveness is as easy as breathing fresh air (if you are finally willing to forgive, that is).
Not forgiving someone or something takes a lot effort both mentally and emotionally.
The majority of people on this Earth have a hard time forgiving because many folks fear
that if they do forgive, they run the risk of being duped again. People associate
forgiveness with weakness and uncertainty, especially if someone has really caused harm
or injury (in whatever form).
But think about it: who is really the victim when you hold a grudge against a
circumstance or a person? Who is being harmed on a daily basis?
If someone tricked you or stole your cash and you do not forgive that person for twenty
years, who really won? Was it you or the person who wronged you in the first place? If
you view forgiveness from this particular perspective you will begin to see how injurious
non-forgiveness can be.
You dont gain anything from holding grudges. You are not strengthened by not
forgiving people. You are actually weakened.
When you have a long-standing grudge, your mind dwells on anger and resentment. You
feel that you have been horribly wronged by someone else and you feel injustice in your
bones. You feel that people are really out to get you and the world is an evil place. You
feel and believe that you are a victim and justice will probably never come.
Forgiveness resolves all of these negativity and complications. It frees you from the
bondage of resentment and allows you to heal inside.
Now, after forgiving those around you, you must also learn to forgive yourself. Some of
you may think: well, Im not angry at myself at all. If you have genuinely forgiven
yourself already, then thats good. But if something at the back of your mind is still
causing feelings of guilt and sadness, that is a sign that you may have unresolved issues
with yourself.
It is never too late to forgive yourself. Remember if you do not learn how to forgive
yourself, you are setting yourself up for a lot of failure down the road. Non-forgiveness in
itself is a limiting condition.
It is a roadblock that only you can tear down and remove. If you dont forgive yourself
for past mistakes and misdeeds, you will never feel that you deserve more than what you
have now. This applies not just to wealth (general abundance) but also to other things like
happy personal relationships, etc.
How can you improve your ability to forgive people? We must remember that slights and
grudges arise primarily because of our own judgment of people and their actions. It is
judgment that ignites anger and indignation. We are not saying that you should let go of
your common sense or anything like that. But if you want to forgive someone, there
should be some degree of letting go of your judgment, that is.
Heres an example: lets say someone borrowed your laptop computer and never gave it
back. After two months you hear that the guy who borrowed your computer now lives in
another city across the country.
You become extremely angry and you call your former friend a scoundrel, lowlife and
thief. You hold on to that anger because in your mind, you repeatedly rehearse your
judgment of the other person. After a few years, you still say to your friends that even the
sound of the other persons name brings a bad taste to your mouth.
Whats wrong with this picture? Sure, taking your laptop computer was definitely wrong.
But what made the situation worse in this situation? Thats right your judgment of the
other person created an entire world of anger and resentment. Your personal judgment is
keeping you from forgiving the other person. It is your judgment of the other person that
will continue to plague you.
If you relinquish your hold of your personal judgment, forgiveness will come more
easily. Once you let go of your initial personal judgment, you will also begin to see
motivations to forgive.
Motivation doesnt have to be special. For example, peace of mind is a good motivation.
Having grudges does not give a person peace of mind. It does not give you any kind of
peace at all. Resentment rises to the surface every now and then, and this not good if you
are trying to manifest positive things in your life.
This method of purging negativity in your life may sound too extreme to some people,
especially to those who have suffered from genuine injustices in the past. And we admit
this method takes time to learn and apply in real life.
Why are we advocating forgiveness? Look at it this way: from the viewpoint of the
Universe itself, past actions are past actions. What has been done has already passed. The
Universe does not dwell on past mistakes or anything that has already been done. It
doesnt matter anymore.
The Universe does not attract stuff that you tried to attract twenty years ago. The
Universe and the law of attraction are obedient only to what is happening in the present
and what you are planning in the future.
So essentially, holding on to the past is not necessary at all. And heres another thing:
holding grudges and being an unforgiving person requires a lot of energy. People have a
natural tendency to shift to the positive realm. Dwelling in the negative realm requires
double the energy and the effort. So in the end, you really are just wasting energy on
something that you cannot do anything about anymore.
Its good to learn from past mistakes but the learning process does not require grudges or
resentment. You might feel that resentment is a good reminder to avoid certain kinds of
people but its not. Resentment is not positive or transformative; it is in fact negative and
So when we say forgive everything and everyone we really do require that you let go of
your judgments so you can believe that nothing bad has been done to you. By
relinquishing the last strands of anger and resentment, you can begin to form happier and
more positive thoughts and emotions. Dont let history hold you back forgive
Traditional Chinese medicine stipulates that the human body operates on the basis of
energy channels. When a person experiences disease or any type of malaise, one or more
of these energy channels are obstructed. To establish harmony and relieve unnecessary
stress on the human body, it is believed that these blockages should be removed. It is a
good thing that its fairly easy to do this on your own. Stress and negative emotions can
all obstruct the normal flow of energy throughout the body. If energy channels in your
body are blocked, manifesting becomes doubly difficult because your mind is not focused
on the act of manifesting and attracting what you want. We have prepared a short, stepby-step guide to remove blockages in your energy channels:
As you hold a dialog with your own body, you will notice changes in your visualization.
This is your body telling you that it is trying its best to adjust itself and find a renewed