Block Diagram:: Gas Sensor GSM Modem Arduino

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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Ideal gas sensor is used to detect the presence of a dangerous LPG leak in your car or
in a service station, storage tank environment. This unit can be easily
incorporated into an alarm unit, sound an alarm or give a visual indication. The
sensor has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick response time. The sensor can
also sense iso-butane, propane, LNG alcohol and cigarette smoke.
If the LPG sensor senses any gas leakage from storage the output of this sensor goes
low. This low signal is monitored by the microcontroller and it will identify the
gas leakage. Now the microcontroller is turn on LED and Buzzer. And send
messages as GAS LEAKAGE to a mobile number written in c-code.

Block Diagram:

Gas sensor





Platforms to be used:
Hardware: Arduino Uno board, Gas sensor Buzzer, LED and GSM

Software:Arduino IDE (Arduino compiler), Proteus

Languages: Arduino C

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

This project is applicable in following fields:
1. Domestic gas leakage detector
2. Industrial Combustible gas detector
3. Portable gas detector
4. Homes
5. Factories
6. LPG storage
7. Gas cars
8. Hotels etc.

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System


It senses the leakage of LPG. The out put of this sensor is high at normal condition.
The output goes low, when it senses the LPG.

It is the whole control of the project. LED, Buzzer and when LPG leak occurs. The
input/ output ports of the microcontroller is used for this.

When buzzer is blowing, this indicates the leakage of LPG gas. It is 12 V DC operated

When LED is glowing, this indicates the leakage of LPG gas. It is 1.2 V DC operated

GSM Modem
To send alert as SMS to remote mobile number which defined in

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

1.1 Background...6
1.2 Aim of the project................7
1.3 Methodology................7
1.4 Significance of this work.8
1.5 Outline of this report...............8
1.6 Conclusion9

2.1 Overview.....................10.
2.2 Schematic and reference design..11
2.3 Summary..11
2.4 Power...12
2.5 Memory................13
2.6 Input and Output..13
2.7 Communication................13
2.8 Programming................14
2.9 Automatic reset...14
2.10 USB Over current protection.15

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

2.11 Physical Characteristics..15

3.1 Overview................16
3.2 Applications17
3.3 Dimensions.................18
3.4 Features...19
3.5 Performance specifications................20
3.6 Functional description.21

4. GSM Modem
4.1 Overview.................22
4.2 Features...22
4.3 Specifications..23
4.4 Operating conditions..25
4.5 Pin configuration...............25

5.1 Overview................30
5.2 Applications30
5.3 Dimensions.................31
5.4 Features...31
5.5 Performance specifications................32
5.6 Functional description.32

6. LED
6.1 Overview................33

7.1 Block diagram.34
7.2 Flow chart...35

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Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

7.3 Program...36

Chapter 1

1.1 Background
In humans daily life, environment gives the most significant impact to
their health issues. Therefore, environment and industry air quality issues are
critically discussed to increase the awareness and responsibility regarding the
threat on the environment towards public and workers health. Most of the
dangerous gas such as carbon monoxide (CO), refrigerant gas and liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) are colorless and odorless compound that are produced by
incomplete combustion. Therefore, gas detector device is needed in order to inform
the safety situation continuously. Carbon monoxide (CO), often referred to as a "silent
killer" is an injurious gas and its prolonged exposure to living beings can lead to brain
damage and even death. The harmfulness of CO is dependent on both, the
concentration of the gas and the exposure time. Thus, a small concentration of the
CO when exposed for a long period of time can be fatal just like a large concentration
of the CO for a small period of time. Fires are the most common source of CO
[1]. In smaller quantities (e.g. 100 ppm) it may cause a headache and dizziness
after a couple of hours of exposure. Higher concentrations (example 3200 ppm)
may causes headaches and dizziness after 510 min, and death within 30 min.
Very high concentrations (e.g. 12800 ppm) causes unconsciousness after a couple
of breaths, followed by death in less than 3 min. [2] The indoor dangerous sources are
the leak source of CO, CO2 and CH4, which may be gas tank or the fire site. The
essential component of coal gas or nature gas is CO or alkanes gas. The burning of
chemical materials or decorative materials will emanate CO, CO2 and alkanes gas.
The danger of these gases arising is from two aspects, one is the toxicity of
these gases themselves, the other side is that the accumulation of these gases will
easy be ignited. The position of gas tank or pipeline is usually fixed, so it is easy to
inspect, yet the fire site is random, and it will be difficult for inspection. [ 3] The
danger of the CO gas is the same as the LPG and others dangerous gas in the
environment. Gas detector is a gas detecting device. It only can detect if there is a gas
leakage or the leaking concentration.
This is what is running situation in our day to day life, a thought of finding some

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

solution to this problem come up with this idea of giving the alert about gas leakage as
soon as possible. So, a thought from taking responsibility of society came our

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

1.2 Aim of the project

1.To analyze gas sensor in detecting the LPG smoke and alcohol
2.To design gas control system that shows the indicator alarm and blow the
3.To develop a system that can automatically alert via SMS

1.3 Methodology
The purpose of this project is to develop alarm system for gas detector. The
gas sensor used in this project is MQ6 which detect the present of smoke alcohol and
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). These sensor will detect the concentration of the gas
according the voltage output of the sensor. To make the sensors operate in the alarm
system and data monitoring system, Arduino Uno was used as the microcontroller
for the whole system. The circuit also includes LED GSM and buzzer.GSM will send
the alert as SMS from gas sensor to a remote mobile.

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

1.4 Significance of this work

This project is very useful in day to day life and adds extra safety,Use of this
project makes your remote place secure from GAS Leakage by taking proper action
when we get alert.

1.5 Outline of this report

This report contains a detailed information about all the components used in this project.
The components used are:

Arduino UNO
Gas sensor
GSM module

A detailed report about each and every component is described in separate chapter wise.
Chapter 2 contains information about Arduino UNO.
Chapter 3 contains information about Gas sensor.
Chapter 4 contains information about GSM module.
Chapter 5contains information about Buzzer
Chapter 6contains information about LED
Chapter 7 contains block diagram, flow chart, and program for the project.
At last ending with bibliography and appendix.

Department of Computer Science

Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

1.6 Conclusion
I have finally succeeded in making the MICROCONTROLLER BASED GAS
LEAKAGE ALERT SYSTEM VIA SMS Satisfactorily. More knowledge is
gained and more experiences are faced lot of informations are collected ultimately,
I have concluded with a great pleasure for achieving our aim
.I have planned to fulfill my technical requirements. The knowledge I have
attained with this project really would follow till the end of our career.
This system is built to help user to feel comfortable in a work place and easy to
monitor the range of air quality in the environment from remote location. This
system device also gives an advantage to the user to easily get the information
about the air quality in their building or industrial area by monitoring the system.

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Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Chapter 2

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16
MHzceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a
reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect
it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get
The Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial
driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2(Atmega8U2up to version R2) programmed
as a USBto-serial converter.
Revision3of the board has the following new features:
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other
new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to
adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible
both with the board that use the AVR, which operate with 5V and with the Arduino
Due that operate with 3.3V. The second one is a not connected pin, that is reserved
for future purposes.
Atmega 16U2 replace the 8U2.
"Uno" means one in Italian and is named to mark theupcoming release of Arduino

The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino, moving forward. The
Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for
the Arduino platform; for a comparison with previous version

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Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

(Arduino Uno R3 Front)

(Arduino Uno R3 Back)

2.2Schematic & Reference Design

The Arduino reference design can use an Atmega8, 168, or 328, Current models use
an ATmega328, but an Atmega8 is shown in the schematic for reference. The pin
configuration is identical on all three processors.

2.3 Summary


Operating Voltage


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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Input Voltage


Input Voltage (limits)


Digital I/O Pins

14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins

DC Current per I/O Pin

40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin

50 mA

Flash Memory

32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader


2 KB (ATmega328)


1 KB (ATmega328)

Clock Speed

16 MHz

2.4 Power
The Arduino Uno can be powered via the USB connection orwith an external power supply.
The power source is selected automatically.

External (non-USB) power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart) or
battery. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm center-positive plug into the
board's power jack. Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Gnd and Vin pin
headers of the POWERconnector.

The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less
than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may be
unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the
board. The recommended
range is 7 to 12 volts.
The power pins are as follows:
VIN:The input voltage to the Arduino board when it's using an external power

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GAS Leakage Alert System

source (as opposed to 5 volts from the USB connection or other regulated
power source). You cansupply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via
the power jack, access it throughthis pin.
5V:This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. The board can
besupplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V),the USB connector
(5V), or theVIN pin of the board (7-12V). Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V
pins bypasses the regulator, and can damage your board. We don't advise it.
3V3:A 3.3 volt supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximumcurrent draw
is 50mA.
GND:Ground pins.
IOREF:This pin on the Arduino board provides the voltage reference with
which the microcontroller operates. A properly configured shield can read the
IOREF pin voltage and select the appropriate power source or enable voltage
translators on the outputs for working with the 5V or 3.3V.

2.5 Memory
The ATmega328 has 32 KB (with 0.5 KB used for the bootloader). It also has 2 KB of
and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROMlibrary).

2.6 Input and Output

Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an input or output, using
pinMode(),digitalWrite(),and digitalRead()functions. They operate at 5 volts. Each pin
canprovide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor
(disconnected by default) of 20-50 kOhms. In addition, some pins have specialized

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX).Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data.
Thesepins are connected to the corresponding pins of theATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL
Serial chip.
External Interrupts: 2 and 3.These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt
on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change invalue. See the
attachInterrupt()function for details.
PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.Provide 8-bit PWM output with the
SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK).These pins support SPI
communicationusing the SPI library.
LED: 13.There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is HIGH
value,the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it's off.
The Uno has 6 analog inputs, labeled A0 through A5, each of which

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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024 different values). By default they

measure from ground to 5 volts,though is it possible to change the upper end
of their range using the AREF pin and the analogReference() function.
Additionally, some pins have specialized functionality:
TWI: A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin.Support TWI communication using the
There are a couple of other pins on the board:
AREF:Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used withanalogReference().
Reset:Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add a reset
buttonto shields which block the one on the board.

2.7 Communication
The Arduino Uno has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer,
another Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega328 provides UART TTL (5V)
serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An
ATmega16U2 on the board channels this serial communication over USB and appears
as a virtual com port to software on the computer. The '16U2 firmware uses the
standard USB COM drivers, and no external driver is needed. However, on Windows, a
.inf file is required. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple
textual datato be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the
board will flash when data is being transmitted via the USB-to-serial chip and USB
connection to the computer (butnot for serial communication on pins 0 and 1).
A Software Serial libraryallows for serial communication on any of the Uno's digital
pins.The ATmega328 also supports I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino
software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the documentationfor
details. For SPI communication, use the SPI library.

2.8 Programming
The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino software. The ATmega328 on the
Arduino Uno comes preburned with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code
to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the
original STK500 protocol (reference, C headerfiles).
You can also bypass the bootloader and program the microcontroller through the
ICSP (InCircuit Serial Programming) header; see these instructions for details.
The ATmega16U2 (or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 boards) firmware source code is
available . The ATmega16U2/8U2 is loaded with a DFU bootloader, which can be activated

On Rev1 boards: connecting the solder jumper on the back ofthe board (near the

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GAS Leakage Alert System

map ofItaly) and then resetting the 8U2.

On Rev2 or later boards: there is a resistor that pulling the 8U2/16U2
HWB line toground, making it easier to put into DFU mode.
You can then use Atmel's FLIP software(Windows) or the DFU programmer(Mac
OS Xand Linux) to load a new firmware. Or you can use the ISP header
with an external programmer (overwriting the DFU bootloader). See this usercontributed tutorialfor more information.

2.9 Automatic (Software) Reset

Rather than requiring a physical press of the reset button before an upload, the Arduino Uno
is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by software running on a connected computer.
One of the hardware flow control lines (DTR) of theATmega8U2/16U2 is connected to the
reset line of the ATmega328 via a 100 nanofarad capacitor. When this line is asserted
(taken low), the reset line drops long enough to reset the chip. The Arduino software uses
this capability to allow you to upload code by simply pressing the upload button in the
Arduino environment. This means that the bootloader can have a shorter timeout, as the
lowering of DTR can be well-coordinated with the start of the upload.
This setup has other implications. When the Uno is connected to either a computer running
Mac OS X or Linux, it resets each time a connection is made to it from software (via USB).
For the following half-second or so, the bootloader is running on the Uno. While it is
programmed to ignore malformed data (i.e. anything besides an upload of new code), it
will intercept the first few bytes of data sent to the board after a connectionis opened. If a
sketch running on the board receives one-time configuration or other data when it first
starts, make sure that the software with which it communicates waits a second after opening
the connection and before sending this data. The Uno contains a trace that can be cut to
disable the auto-reset. The pads on either side of the trace can be soldered together to reenable it. It's labeled "RESET-EN". You may also be able to disable the auto-reset by
connecting a 110 ohm resistor from 5V to the reset line.

2.10 USB Overcurrent Protection

The Arduino Uno has a resettable polyfuse that protects your computer's USB ports from
shorts and overcurrent. Although most computers provide their own internal
protection, the fuse provides an extra layer of protection. If more than 500 mAis applied to
the USB port, the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is

2.11 Physical Characteristics

The maximum length and width of the Uno PCB are 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively, with
the USB connector and power jack extending beyond the former dimension. Four screw

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GAS Leakage Alert System

holes allow the board to be attached to a surface or case. Note that the distance between
digital pins 7 and 8 is 160 mil (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100 mil spacing of the
other pins.

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Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Chapter 3


3.1 Overview
LPG Gas Sensor Module is designed to detect the presence of a dangerous LPG leak
in your Home, car or in a service station, storage tank environment by interfacing with
Microcontroller without ADC Channels and programming. In this version of LPG Gas
sensor module two pots are included, one for trigger level setting and the other for
setting sensitivity of the sensor. It allows to determine when a preset LPG gas level
has been reached or exceeded. The module uses MQ-6 sensor to sense LPG leak. The
MQ-6 can detect gas concentrations anywhere from 200 to 10000 ppm.
Interfacing with the sensor module is done through a 4-pin breadboard compatible SIP
header and requires One I/O pin from the host microcontroller. The onboard
microcontroller provide initial heating interval after power-up and then starts to
measure LPG sensor output.If it found the LPG concentration above preset value , it
will inform the Host controller by pulling the Output Pin to High and Starts to blink a
onboard status LED. The sensor module is mainly intended to provide a means of
comparing LPG sources and being able to set an alarm limit when the source becomes
The best location to fix Gas Sensor Module is near the Gas Cylinder or near the
pipeline in case of piped gas connection. In case of LPG, when Gas leakage occurs ,
the gas will settle down near the floor because LPG is heavier than the air. So for best
results it would be advisable to fit Gas Sensor Module nearly 1m above the floor.

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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System


They are used in gas leakage detecting equipments in family and industry, are
suitable for detecting of
LPG, iso-butane, propane, LNG, avoid the noise of alcohol and cooking fumes
and cigarette smoke.

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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

3.3 Dimensions(in mm)

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GAS Leakage Alert System


Uses the MQ-6 LPG Gas Sensor

Easy SIP interface
Compatible with most microcontrollers
Analog Sensor voltage is available at ANG pin.
Onboard Status and Power LED
Onboard Pot for threshold setting
Onboard Pot for Sensitivity setting
On board microcontroller

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Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

3.5 Performance specifications

1. Standard work ondition

2. Environment condition

3. Sensitivity characteristic

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GAS Leakage Alert System

3.6 Functional description

sensor composed by micro AL2O3 ceramic tube, T in Dioxide (SnO2) sensitive
layer , measuring electrode and heater are fixed into a crust made by plastic
and stainless steel net. The heater provides necessary work conditions for work
of sensitive components. The enveloped MQ-6 have 6 pin ,4 of them are used
to fetch signals, and other 2 are used for providing heating current.

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Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Chapter 4

GSM Modem
4.1 Overview
GSM/GPRS TTL Modem is built with SIMCOM Make SIM900 QuadbandGSM/GPRS engine, works on frequencies 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and
1900 MHz. It is very compact in size and easy to use as plug in GSM Modem.
The Modem is designed with 3V3/5V TTLinterfacing circuitry, which allows
you to directly interface to 5V microcontrollers(PIC,Arduino,AVRect)as well as
3V3 Microcontrollers ( ARM,ARM Cortex XX, ect) .The baud rate can be
configurable from9600-115200 through AT command. Initially Modem is in
Autobaud mode. This GSM/GPRS TTL Modem ishaving internal TCP/IP stack to
enable you to connect with internet via GPRS. It is suitable for SMS aswell as
DATAtransfer application in M2M interface.

The modem needed only two wires (Tx,Rx) except Power supply to interface
with microcontroller/Host. The built in Low Dropout Linear voltage regulator
allows you to connect wide range ofunregulated power supply (4.2V -13V). Yes, 5 V
is in between !! .Using this modem, you will be able to send& Read SMS, connect to
internet via GPRS through simple AT commands.

4.2 Features

High Quality Product (Not hobby grade)

Quad-Band GSM/GPRS 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz
3V3 or 5V interface for direct communication with MCU kit
Configurable baud rate
SMA connector with GSM L Type Antenna.
Built in SIM Card holder.
Built in Network Status LED
Inbuilt Powerful TCP/IP protocol stack for internet data transfer over GPRS.
Audio interface Connector
Most Status & Controlling Pins are available at Connector
Normal operation temperature: -20 C to+55 C

Input Voltage: 5V-12V DC

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GAS Leakage Alert System

Quad-Band 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz

GPRS multi-slot class 10/8

GPRS mobile station class B
Compliant to GSM phase 2/2+
Class 4 (2 W @850/ 900 MHz)
Class 1 (1 W @ 1800/1900MHz)
Dimensions: 24*24*3mm
Weight: 3.4g
Control via AT commands (GSM 07.0707.05 and SIMCOM enhanced
Low power consumption: 1.0mA(sleep mode)
Operation temperature: -40C to +85 C\

Specifications for Data

GPRS class 10: max. 85.6 kbps (downlink)

PBCCH support
Coding schemes CS 1, 2, 3, 4
CSD up to 14.4 kbps
Non transparent mode

Specifications for SMS via GSM/GPRS

Point to point MO and MT

SMS cell broadcast
Text and PDU mode

Software features

0710 MUX protocol

embedded TCP/UDP protocol

Special firmware

Java (cooperate with Iasolution)

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GAS Leakage Alert System

_ Embedded AT

Specifications for Voice

Half rate (HR)
Full rate (FR)
Enhanced Full rate (EFR)
Hands-free operation
(Echo suppression)
Half rate (HR)
Full rate (FR)
Analog audio interface
Serial interface
SMA Antenna Connector
Seriel Port Pins (RXD,TXD) at 2mm PitchRMC
Seriel Port Status and Controlling Pins at2mm Pitch RMC
DC Power pins at 2mm Pitch RMC

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4.4 Operating Conditions

4.5 Pin Descriptions

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Interfacing Arduino With GSM Modem

Getting Started
1) Insert SIM card
Open the SIM cardholder by sliding it as per the arrow mark and lift up. Insert
the SIM card , so as to alignthe chamfered corner suits in card holder .After
inserting the SIM card, lock the holder by sliding it to theopposite direction of
arrow mark.
2) Connect The Antenna
Fix the Supplied RF antenna to the SMA Antennae connector and tighten it by
Rotating the Nut (Never rotate the antennae for tightening ).
3) Connect the Pins
Connect the GSM modem as per the circuit diagram provided
4) Power the Modem
Power the modem from suitable power supply, which is having enough current
5) Check the Status of the LEDs
PWR LED - Red LED will lit immediately
STS LED - Green LED will lit after 1-2 seconds
NET LED -Blue LED will starts to blink in fast for few
seconds(Searching For Network) Andbecomes slow blinking once the
Modem registers with the Network.

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6) Network LED
The Network LED indicates the various status of GSM module eg.
Power on, Network registration &GPRS connectivity. When the modem
is powered up, the status LED will blink every second. After theModem
registers in the network (takes between 10-60 seconds), LED will blink in step
of 3 seconds. Atthis stage you can start using Modem for your application.
7) Baud rate
The Baud rate supported by the modem is between 9600 and 115200. Make
sure the host system is setto the supported baud rate.
The modem automatically sets to the baud rate of the first
command sent by the host system afterit is powered up. User must
first send A to synchronize the baud rate. It is recommended to wait
2 to 3seconds before sending AT character. After receiving the OK
response, Your Device and GSM Modemare correctly synchronized. So
there is no need for setting the baud rate using commands.
Before You Start using the modem, please make sure that the
SIM card you inserted support the needed features and there is
enough balance in SIM.!!!

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AT - This command is used to check communication between the
module and thecomputer.For example,
The command returns a result code OK if the computer (serial port) and
module are connected properly. If any of module or SIM is not working, it
would return a result code ERROR.
+CMGF - This command is used to set the SMS mode. Either text or PDU
mode can be selected by assigning 1 or 0 in the command.
0: for PDU mode
1: for text mode
The text mode of SMS is easier to operate but it allows limited features of
SMS. The PDU (protocol data unit) allows more access to SMS services
but the operator requires bit level knowledge of TPDUs. The headers and
body of SMS are accessed in hex format in PD U mode so it allows availing
more features.For example,

3) +CMGW - This command is used to store message in the SIM.

SYNTAX: AT+CMGW= Phone number> Message to be stored Ctrl+z
As one types AT+CMGW and phone number, > sign appears on next line
where one can type the message. Multiple line messages can be typed in
this case. This is why the message is terminated by providing a Ctrl+z
combination. As Ctrl+z is pressed, the following information response is
displayed on the screen.
+CMGW: Number on which message has been stored
+CMGS - This command is used to send a SMS message to a phone number.
SYNTAX: AT+CMGS= serial number of message to be send.As the
command AT+CMGS and serial number of message are entered, SMS is
sent to the particular SIM.Forexample,
ATD - This command is used to dial or call a number.
SYNTAX: ATD<Phone number>(Enter)For example,

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

ATA - This command is used to answer a call. An incoming call is

indicated by a message RING which is repeated for every ring of the
call. When the call ends NO CARRIER is displayed on the screen.
SYNTAX: ATA(Enter)As ATA followed by enter key is pressed, incoming
call is answered.For example,
ATH - This command is used to disconnect remote user link with the GSM

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Chapter 5


5.1 Overview
Buzzer as shown in Figure is an audio signaling device. The typical uses of
buzzers are for alarms, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse
click or
keystroke. The project used an electronic type of buzzer which is a piezoelectric
that driven by an Arduino microcontroller signals.

5.2 Applications

Electric ranges
washing machines
computer terminals
various devices that require speech synthesis output.

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

5.3 Dimensions

5.4 Features
The PS series are high-performance buzzers that employ unimorph piezoelectric
element and are designed for easy incorporation into various circuits.
They feature extremely low power consumption in comparison to
electromagnetic units.
Because these buzzers are designed for external excitation, the same part can
serve as both a musical tone oscillator and a buzzer.
They can be used with automated inserters. Moisture-resistant models are also
The lead wire type(PS1550L40N) with both-sided adhesive tape installed easily
is prepared.

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

5.5 Performance specifications

5.6 Functional description

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

Chapter 6


6.1 Overview
When a diode is forward biased which is switch on, electron are able to
recombine with holes within the devices, releasing energy in the form of photon. This
effect is called electroluminescence and the colour of the light is determined
by the energy gap of the semiconductor. LED are usually integrated optical
components are used to shape its radiation pattern and assist in the reflection.

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

7.2 Block Diagram

Gas Sensor


Arduino Uno Rev-3
GSM Modem

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

7.2 Flow Chart

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>
#include "SIM900.h"

int g; // variable 'g' declared as integer

void setup()

// set the pin 'A1' as input(MQ6 Gas sensor module is

Serial.begin(9600); // baud rate of GSM module


// wait for 3 second


Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

void loop()
g=analogRead(A1); // Get the analog value to variable 'g'
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

// Turn the LED off

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
send_sms(); // Call sub function 'send_sms'

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System

void send_sms()

Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"8891574056\"\r"); //Mobile number of recipient
Serial.println("Take proper action");
Serial.write(26); // ASCII Value of ctrl+z

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

Main Project 2013-15

GAS Leakage Alert System


Intro to Embedded systems, By Shibu, 2009.
GRIET Arduino manual
Data sheet for GPS module from Rhydolabz
Data sheet for GSM module from Simplelab

Department of Computer Science


Majlis Arts & Science College

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