Pap by Laws Doc
Pap by Laws Doc
Pap by Laws Doc
Regular Members
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Non-registered members who have obtained a graduate degree in
Psychology. Associate members can: attend conventions & general meetings of the Association; vote
in PAP elections, run as chair or division, special interest group, or regional chapter and is eligible to
receive PJP issues.
AFFILIATE MEMBERS. Affiliates shall be individuals who are have obtained at least an
undergraduate degree in Psychology or allied discipline. Affiliate members may attend the
conventions and general meetings.
International Affiliates shall be psychologists who reside in countries other than the
Philippines or non-Filipino nationalities members of the psychological association of the country in
which the applicant resides or, if no such association exists, shall present evidence of appropriate
qualifications. International affiliates may attend the conventions and general meetings.
through non-payment of dues, may reapply as a new member. The individual will go through
the standard procedures for new membership application.
Only members in good standing are entitled to the privileges enumerated supra,
except for the privilege of attending any convention where members, regardless of category or
present standing, may avail of special membership rates.
Any Regular, Affiliate, or International Affiliate member who has reached the age of
sixty-five and has been a member of the Association for at least twenty-five years shall
become eligible for a dues reduction process, culminating in dues exemption. Such members
shall retain all rights and privileges of membership in the Association except the privilege of
receiving the PAP Journal publication normally provided to its members as a membership
benefit. In order to receive the PAP Journal publication, an option to pay a reasonable
subscription price/servicing fee for them shall be made available to dues-exempt members.
Any Regular, Affiliate, or International Affiliate member who has been determined to
be totally and permanently disabled shall be exempt from further payment of dues. Such
members shall retain other rights and privileges of the Association
SEC. 6. LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP. Membership may be lost by resignation, loss of qualifications for
initial membership, or expulsion for cause.
The Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Scientific and
Professional Ethics, shall decide on any case involving the membership status of any member of the
At least two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board, voting during a meeting called for this purpose,
shall be required for the expulsion or implementation of any disciplinary act against any member of
the Association.
SEC. 7. APPEAL. Any member who loses membership in the Association through expulsion, or
who may be the subject of any disciplinary act of the Board, may appeal his or her case to the
Advisory Council which shall be composed of Past Presidents of the Association.
The Board shall, henceforth, promulgate guidelines for the organization of the Advisory
SEC. 1. ANNUAL MEETINGS. The Annual Membership Meeting of the Association shall be
held on August 15, to coincide with its Annual National Convention. The Board shall determine the
date, time and place of the annual meeting and convention.
The purpose of the Annual Membership Meeting is to take up matters that may be of
importance to the Association, to discuss its annual business reports, to ratify and approve the acts of
the Board, and to elect such number of Directors, as vacancies exist, to complete fifteen (15) members
of the Board.
SEC. 2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of Members may be held at any time at the
call of the Chair when matters of utmost importance to the Association are to be taken up. Under
extreme circumstances, it may also be called by at least five members of the Board or by at least twenty
percent (20%) of the Membership.
SEC. 3. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Written notice of a Membership meeting stating the time
and place where the same is to be held, shall be sent by the Secretary at least ten (10) days before such
SEC. 4. QUORUM. A quorum for any meeting of the membership shall consist of one fourth
(1/4) of the total number of Charter Members, Fellows, and Associates in good standing, except in
cases where the Corporation Code or these By-Laws require a higher percentage of the membership to
constitute a quorum.
SEC. 5. VOTING. Each voting member of the Association is entitled to one vote at any
meeting of members. A majority vote of all the members constituting a quorum shall be sufficient to
approve, ratify, or pass a Resolution during a Membership Meeting, except in cases where the
Corporation Code or these By-Laws require a higher percentage of votes.
In cases where voting by mail is the mode chosen for votes to be cast, ballots received within
the time stipulated as provided in Art. XI, Sec. 1, infra shall constitute the total number of members
voting at the process. Percentage of votes required for any action to be approved shall be governed as
described, supra in this Section.
SEC. 6. NO PROXIES HONORED. Only members physically present and qualified to vote as
provided in Section 4, supra, may participate in any election or in the transaction of the Associations
business during any meeting of members. No proxies shall be honored.
SEC. 7. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year to be observed by the Association shall start on the
first day of June and end on the thirty-first day of May of the succeeding year.
SEC. 1. COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD. The Association shall be governed by a Board of
fifteen (15) Directors who shall be elected from among the qualified Members of the Association
during the Annual Membership Meeting.
SEC. 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Registered psychologists and
psychometricians with at least 10 years of experience, at least 3 years relevant supervisory experience,
whose personal, as well as professional conduct is beyond reproach, and who are updated in their
membership dues, are qualified to be elected to the Board.
SEC. 3. TERM OF OFFICE OF DIRECTORS. Directors shall serve for a term of three (3) years
or until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified. They shall be so classified, such
that the term of one third () of their number shall expire every year.
Directors may serve for six (6) consecutive years as full Directors. A mandatory hiatus of at
least one (1) year shall be required before such member may qualify for Board membership again.
SEC. 4. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERSHIP IN THE BOARD. The immediate past president of the
Association shall serve, ex-officio, on the Board subsequent to the expiry of his or her term of office.
Where the immediate past president continues to be a full Director, the ex-officio position is necessarily
left vacant.
Ex-officio membership in the Board entitles said Director to all rights and privileges of the
Directors, except the right to vote.
SEC. 5. MEETINGS. The Board of Directors shall hold the following meetings, to wit:
A. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS. Soon after their election at the Annual Membership
Meeting, the New Board shall hold an Organizational Meeting. They shall elect the
officers of the Association and transact such other business as may come before the
B. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held once a month on a
date and time it shall set for itself.
C. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or
by the written request of any five (5) Directors.
SEC. 6. QUORUM IN BOARD MEETINGS. A simple majority of the total number of Directors
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A quorum being present, a majority vote of
those present shall be sufficient to validly pass a Board Resolution for the transaction of the
Associations business, except in cases where the Corporation Code, or these By-Laws, requires a
higher percentage of votes.
SEC. 7. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. The Secretary shall notify all the Members of the Board of
all meetings at least two (2) days before said meeting. No failure or irregularity of notice of any
meeting however, shall invalidate such meeting or any proceeding thereat.
SEC. 8. TERMINATION OF BOARD MEMBERSHIP. A member of the Board may lose
membership therein by resignation, loss of qualification, or removal for cause.
The Board, acting as a collegial body, shall decide on any case involving a Directors
continuing membership in the same.
At least two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board, voting during a meeting called for this purpose,
shall be required to terminate a Directors membership therein for whatever cause.
SEC. 9. APPEAL. Any Director whose term of office may have been terminated by an act of
the Board may appeal his or her case to the Advisory Council as analogously contemplated in Art. III,
Sec. 7, supra.
SEC. 10. VACANCIES. If any vacancy should occur in the Board because of death, incapacity,
resignation or expulsion of any member thereof, such vacancy shall be filled by the candidate who
received the next highest number of votes at the last election or by the candidate elected at a special
election called for this purpose, as may be decided upon by the Board. Such Director, however, shall
serve only the remaining term of the Director being replaced.
SEC. 1. GENERAL POWERS, FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES. The Board of Directors shall
exercise all the powers inherent in the general powers of administration and management, those granted
it by law, the Articles of Incorporation of the Association, and these By-Laws.
SEC. 2. SPECIAL POWERS AND DUTIES. In addition to the general powers referred to supra,
the Board shall have the following powers and duties, to wit:
1.) To establish the direction and policies of the Association as well as oversee its
2.) To actively articulate the associations Vision-Mission in the light of changing needs
and situations and in the attainment of each goals and objectives;
3.) To define procedures and standards for membership and affiliation to the Association
as well as for loss of the same;
4.) To enter into such contracts or execute such deeds, documents and instruments as
may be necessary for carrying out its corporate functions in accordance with the
purposes of the Association and these By-Laws;
5.) To promote understanding between the Association as an exponent of the profession
of Psychology, and the community at large;
6.) To receive in trust, legacies, gifts, donations and endowments of real and personal
property of all kinds and from any acceptable source; to administer the same in
accordance with the direction or instructions specified thereto, and in the fault, to
administer the same in such manner and procedure as the Board may, in its
discretion, determine;
7.) To be responsible for the acquisition, conservation, and management of funds and
properties of Association;
8.) To determine policies on investment of funds and assets of the Association;
9.) To approve the annual budget of the Association, provided that the necessary
apportionment of funds reflect the purposes of the Association as well as each social
commitments as articulated in its Vision-Mission statements;
10.) To elect the officers of the Board, prescribe the rules for its own governance, and to
formulate such rules and regulations for the Association as are consistent with it
purposes and objectives;
11.) To appoint the Editorial Board of its publications;
12.) To recommend amendments to these By-Laws for the approval of the Membership;
13.) To oversee the accomplishment by the responsible officer or committee that all acts
required by the government entity that has supervision over the Association as a
Corporation are diligently fulfilled;
14.) In general, to do all such acts as are necessary, convenient and proper for the
attainment and pursuit of the Associations purposes and objectives.
SEC. 3. REGULAR COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD. The Board shall have the following
Committees, to wit:
be composed of the Executive Secretary as Chair and four (4) others elected by the
Board from among regular members. Its duties shall be:
1.) To actively recruit members into the Association;
2.) To screen all applicants for membership according to the required
3.) To recommend approval of applications for membership;
4.) To keep a roster of all members of the Association including all documents
pertaining to their membership and to file the same with the office of the
Corporate Secretary as part of the permanent files of the Association;
5.) To actively seek possible nominees to Board Directorship and other
committees and/or Specialty Divisions and other similar working groups, for
the approval of the Board/President; and
6.) To conduct the annual Membership Electoral process.
composed of the immediate past president (ex-officio Board Director) as chair, and
four (4) others elected by the Board from among regular members. Its duties shall
1.) To formulate rules or principles of professional ethical conduct regarding
psychological testing, therapy, research and other professional activities for
adoption by the Association;
2.) To receive and investigate cases of unethical conduct among its members,
whether endorsed by the Board or forwarded to it directly; and
3.) To submit a written report to the Board on its findings regarding any member
it has investigated and make recommendations as to specific disciplinary
action the Board may take regarding such member whom it has investigated.
C. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. This Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer as
Chair, and four (4) others elected by the Board from among the regular members of
the Association. Its duties shall be:
1.) To present to the Board for its approval, the annual budget of the Association;
2.) To supervise the financial operations of the Association; and
3.) To employ a professional auditor whose appointment shall be approved by the
Board. This Auditor shall likewise submit an annual oral and written report to
the Board.
D. PAP CONVENTION COMMITTEE. This committee shall be composed of a PAP
Board members as Chair, the Vice President of PAP and four (4) others elected by the
Board from among the regular members of the Association. Its duties shall be:
1.) To be in charge of planning and executing a program of activities for the PAP
2.) To create guidelines for hosting of PAP convention
3.) To coordinate with host institution in the planning and implementation of the
PAP convention
4.) To evaluate the outcomes and make recommendations on the design and
implementation of future conventions
E. PAPJA CONVENTION COMMITTEE. This committee shall be composed of a PAP
Board members as Chair, the Vice President of PAP and four (4) others elected by the
Board from among the regular members of the Association. Its duties shall be:
1.) To be in charge of planning and executing a program of activities for the
PAPJA Convention
2.) To create guidelines for hosting of PAPJA convention
3.) To coordinate with host institution in the planning and implementation of the
PAPJA Convention
4.) To evaluate the outcomes and make recommendations on the design and
implementation of future conventions
F. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE. This Committee shall be composed of the Editor as
Chair and the Board of Editors of the Philippine Journal of Psychology. Its duties
shall be:
1.) To be in-charge of publishing the Philippine Journal of Psychology;
2.) To oversee the continuity of the publications projects of the Association by
encouraging and training potential members of the Board of Editors to actively
participate in the production of the said publication.
G. CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE. This Committee shall be composed of a PAP Board
member as head and four (4) others elected by the Board from among the regular
members of the Association. Its duties shall be:
1.) To formulate and review guidelines for certification of specialization in keeping
with PRC guidelines and in coordination with the Professional Regulatory
Board of Psychology
2) To constitute the evaluators and ensure the proper evaluation of applicants for
3) To communicate to the applicants the results of the evaluation
H. ACCREDITATION COMMITTEE. This Committee shall be composed of a PAP BOARD
MEMBER AS HEAD AND four (4) others elected by the Board from among the members of
the Association. Its duties shall be:
1.) To be part of the continuing professional development council of the
Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC)
2.) To formulate and review guidelines for accreditation of Continuing Professional
Development providers in keeping with the guidelines set by PRC.
3.) To constitute the evaluators and ensure the proper evaluation of applicants for
4.) To communicate to the applicants the results of the accreditation evaluation
SEC. 5. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. In addition to its regular Committees, the Board may create
any number of Special Committees and/or ad hoc Committees for any project or program it decides to
undertake, as well as appoint chairs and members thereof, from among the members of the Association.
SEC. 6. SPECIALTY DIVISIONS. The Board may, from time to time, create any number of
Specialty Divisions to be headed by qualified members of the Association, the purpose of the same
being to advance a specialization area in Psychology. Members may request PAP to create a specialty
division provided they have at least 3% of PAP members from different regions whose educational
background, research outputs and experience focus on the specialization. Officers of the specialty
division will be elected from among certified specialists.
SEC. 7. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. The Board may, from time to time, create any number
of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to be headed by qualified members of the Association, the purpose of
the same being to advance the interests of a group of PAP members. These SIGs may be interdisciplinal in nature. Members may request PAP to create a special interest group provided they have
at least 3% of the total registered members of the PAP have signified interest in joining the new Special
Interest Group. Officers of the Special Interest Group will be elected from among SIG members.
SEC. 8 REGIONAL CHAPTERS. The Board may, approve the creation of a regional
chapter among qualified members of the Association, the purpose of the same being to advance the
interests of a group of PAP members located within a region. These Regional Chapters may be interdisciplinal in nature. Members may request PAP to create a special interest group provided they have
at least 3% of the total registered members of the PAP have signified interest in joining the new
Regional Chapter. Officers of the Regional Chapter will be elected from among regional chapter
SEC. 8. LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. The Chairs of the Specialty Division, Special Interest
Groups, and Regional Chapters will comprise the Leadership Council and headed by the Internal
Relations Officer. The Leadership Council will be consulted by the PAP Board with regards to major
changes and plans of the organization.
SEC. 1. OFFICERS . The Officers of the Association shall be a President who shall be the
Chair of the Board, a Vice-President who shall be the Vice-Chair of the Board, and a Corporate
Secretary who shall be the Executive Secretary of the Board, a Treasurer, and an External Relations
Officer and Internal Relations Officer. The Board may, from time to time, create other positions as the
need arises and as it sees fit.
SEC. 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers of the Board shall take place
during its organizational meeting as provided in Art.V, Sec. 5-A, supra.
SEC. 3. TERM OF OFFICE. Officers of the association shall serve until their successor shall
have been duly elected and qualified. Directors whose terms of office on the Board are continuing shall
be qualified for re-election to the same or any other office.
SEC. 4. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of the
above-named officers:
A. THE PRESIDENT/CHAIR OF THE BOARD shall have the following duties:
Render and audited report for every fiscal year during the annual
membership meeting;
Assume the office of the President for the remainder of his or her term
in the event that the President is unable to serve his or her entire term, for whatever
Have charge of the Seal of the Association, its Corporate Books, all
records and reports relevant thereto, as well as the proceedings of the Association;
Perform such other duties as are incident to her or his office or required
of her or him by the Board.
D. THE TREASURER shall have the following duties:
Have custody of all the funds of the Association which come into his or
her possession;
Deposit said funds of the Association in such banking institutions as may be
designated from time to time by the Board;
Withdraw any monies there from only upon checks or written demands of the
Association signed either by the President and countersigned by the Vice-President
or such other signatories duly authorized by the Board;
Keep a full and complete record of all money received and money paid out;
Chair the Finance Committee of the Board;
Prepare an annual budget for consideration and approval of the Board;
Prepare a report containing a statement of receipts and disbursements of each
operation of the Association during the fiscal year ended to form part of the
Presidents Report during the annual membership meeting.
THE EXTERNAL RELATIONS OFFICER (ERO) shall have the following duties:
SEC. 1. THE PAP WEBSITE. The Association shall have an official website, which shall
publish articles on professional problems, reports or proceedings of the Association, programs and
announcements, and official papers, which the Board shall authorize for publication.
SEC. 2. THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. The Association shall regularly
publish the Philippine Journal of Psychology (henceforth, PJP), which shall contain, primarily,
scientific papers and reports on research conducted on problems in psychology.
SEC. 3. THE BOARD OF EDITORS. The PJP Board of Editors shall be composed of the PJP
Editor and the associate editors. The PJP Editor will be chosen be the PAP Board and the associate
editors will be chosen by the PAP Board upon the recommendation of the PJP Editor. Their duties
include the following, to wit:
A. Outline the general editorial policy of the PJP with the concurrence of the Board;
B. Supervise the editorial operations of the PJP according to its editorial policies;
C. Submit to the Board a written annual report pertaining to the publications.
SEC. 4. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The annual subscription rates to the PJP shall be determined
by the Board, provided that membership fees of Fellows and Associates shall include subscription to
the Journal.
SEC. 1. MEMBERSHIP FEES. The annual membership fee payable to the Association shall be
determined by a two-thirds vote of the Board, provided that Membership is informed of any changes in
fees and the reasons therefore, as published in the Associations official organ, at least ninety (90) days
prior to its implementation.
THE ASSOCIATION . The Seal of the Association shall consist of the
SEC. 1. RULES OF AMENDMENT. These By-Laws may be amended, repealed or altered, in
whole or in part, by a majority vote of the qualified members of the Association at its Annual
Membership Meeting, at a special membership meeting called for this purpose, or e mail voting,
provided that any amendment to be voted upon had been previously approved by the majority of all the
members of the Board.
When members approval of proposed amendments to these By-Laws is obtained by personal,
mail, e-mail or fax voting, canvassing of votes shall close fifteen (15) days after the dissemination of
the proposed draft.
It shall be the task of the Committee in charge to announce the results thereof and transmit the
members approved amendment to the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) within thirty (30)
days thereof.
SEC. 2. MECHANICS OF AMENDMENT. The Board may create a special committee which
shall be responsible for (1) formulating and publishing the mechanics to be followed, (2) conducting
the proceedings, (3) reporting the results thereof, and (4) securing the required approval from the
proper government entity, which is the SEC.
SEC. 3. DATE OF EFFECTIVITY OF AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws, as well as any other
amendments that may henceforth be approved by the membership, shall take affect only upon approval
by the SEC.
All provisions shall take effect upon approval by the SEC, provided that rights and/or
privileges earned or acquired by virtue of the previous By-Laws shall be subsisting until expiry of the
Members who have been conferred the status of Fellow or Associate prior to the effectivity of
these By-Laws, shall continue to be regular members of the Association. Affiliates who meet the
requirements of regular membership are encouraged to apply to be upgraded to regular members in
keeping with the provisions of these By-Laws. All change in membership status will take effect on June
1, 2015.