August Newsletter
August Newsletter
August Newsletter
Dear Parents,
As this is the first newsletter of the term we hope
everyone had an enjoyable holiday and a special
welcome to our new students listed above and our new teacher
aide, Lana Wagner. We hope everyone has had a great first three
weeks back at school.
This terms value is Independence with a focus on the schools
performance at the end of the term. Please mark in your diary
Thursday the 17th of September, 6pm at the Otago Boys High
School Auditorium. The performance is based upon the theme
of Kiwiana and is called from the Mountains to the Sea.
Classes have been paired up and will spend at least 45mins per
week working with our new teacher Xzenia Kutia on their
Kind regards,
Simon Clarke
Important Dates
11 August - ICAS
Math Exam
11 August OMathalon
11 August - Hills
Cross Country
19 August Ukulele Jam
25 August Netball
28 August - Next
29/30 August Ski
Middle News Its a new term and classes in the middle syndicate have got their dancing shoes on. We have begun practising our
dances for the production later in the term with our buddy classes.
Joy Tiong has joined Room 3 as a student teacher. Joy is working towards achieving her masters degree and will be
with us on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the year. She will also spend the last weeks of this term with
us for a six week posting.
Gingerbread Horses
$459 was raised for the Dunedin Riding for the Disabled by Rooms 5 and 11. Thankyou to everyone that helped
by buying the gingerbread horses.
In the last week of this term we will begin our swimming programme, this will carry over into the first two weeks of
Term 4. Information about cost and class schedules will be sent home later in the term.
Senior News
In the senior classes we have all enjoyed beginning the development of our dance segments for our production
of KIWIANA. Each of our senior classes is buddied up with either a junior or middle class. It is proving to be
a lot of fun, and while we have made some progress, we still have a lot more work to do.
This term is always a particularly busy term. Year 6 children have visited Balmacewen Intermediate, and had
visits from both Columba and Balmacewen teachers and students who shared some of the main features of
their schools. This information is interesting and informative, and along with the open nights they are designed
help families to make decisions about next year.
There have been some interesting extras in our programmes recently. Last week the children enjoyed having
the opportunity to extend themselves in the cross-country run. Many children made their best times yet. This
week our classes have all heard a presentation from a researcher called Love Your Water. It covered the main
points about what a precious resource water is, and how we all have a responsibility to look after it. One class
is starting an environmental topic to track the small, nocturnal animals that are active in our school grounds.
And yet another class will have visited the Kaikorai estuary near the landfill site, to help plant some native trees
and bushes to improve the area.
Mathletics Success
On the last week of Term
2, children in room 6
worked extremely hard to
earn points on Mathletics,
to make it onto the Top 50
classes in New Zealand on
the Mathletics Hall of
Fame. At the end of the
week, they still managed to
remain in the number 1
spot. As there are over
115,000 kiwi students using
Mathletics, being the top
class in the country is a
huge achievement!
Everyone received a
certificate and wrist band to
celebrate their success.
Head lice are an (unwelcome) part of life, and are easily spread between people, particularly
The key to managing head lice is early detection: Look through your childs hair on a regular basis nominate a certain night of the week so it becomes routine. Use your fingers or a head lice comb,
and look for little brown insects on the scalp. The eggs are almost invisible before they hatch, so by
the time you spot the little white eggs on the hair shaft they are already hatched.
Do not treat your child unless you see live lice.
The best treatment is thorough combing with a head lice comb and lots of conditioner in the hair.
This should be done every 2nd day until no live lice have been seen for 10 days. If you choose to use
a head lice shampoo, you should still do the combing as described above. Shampoos do not kill eggs,
and do not always kill all the live lice.
Do not use animal products on your childs scalp. They are harmful to humans.
For more information look up -
The Public Health Nurse for our school is: Nicola Hough 034769748
Ski Trip
The second ski trip has been
organised for the 29/30 August.
You can find the sign up form for
the August trip here. All money and
forms need to be completed by
August 24.
If you are interested in going the
following weekend, could you please
Marrzipan Drama
Is your child shy? Do they feel intimidated by the idea of public speaking and performance? Do
they sometimes find it difficult to make eye contact? Do they just need an hour a week to take part
in organised craziness?! Come and join Marrzipan! We run awesome drama classes which focus
on key life skills in the Hall during lunch time on Tuesdays! We play fun engaging games and
perform at the end of term once to parents and once to the school. All scripts are original,
engaging, educational and HILARIOUS. All children receive an end of term progress report too,
along with a certificate to remind them they are awesome! Give me a call to come along for a free
trial, or just a chat to discuss how our classes can benefit your child's development. Contact Sophie
on 021 083 95692 or email
Parent Group
We have two fundraising events planned for
Term 3. A Sausage Sizzle will be held on
Thursday 3rd September and a Pizza Lunch
will be held on Friday 25 September. We need
parents support on the day so these events can go
ahead. If you are able to assist please email
Thefunds made from the Pizza lunch, and
School Disco last term will fund:
Cross Country
Congratulations to all of the children who
have been selected to represent the school at
the Hills Cross Country. The cross country is
being held at Bishopscourt Grounds on
Tuesday the 11 August at 1.30pm.
The top runners from this event will go on to
represent the school at the Otago Cross
Country at Kaikorai Valley College on Friday
4th of September.
Ph: (03) 467 7204
Mob: 021 277 5554
Shona Cumming
Business & Property Lawyer