Quincy QSF Instruction Manual
Quincy QSF Instruction Manual
Quincy QSF Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
This manual contains important safety information and should be made available to
all personnel who operate and/or maintain this product. Carefully read this manual
before attempting to operate or perform maintenance on this equipment.
Section I General Information
Standard Warranty............................................................................................................................................... 1
Safety Precautions and Warnings .....................................................................................................................2-4
Section II - Description
General Description of Quincy QSF Series Air Compressors.............................................................................. 5
The Compression Cycle....................................................................................................................................... 6
Description of Air Flow ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Description of Fluid Flow and Compressor Cooling System ...........................................................................6-7
Modulation Control Standard.............................................................................................................................. 7
Auto/Dual Standard............................................................................................................................................. 7
Electrical System Description .............................................................................................................................. 8
Indicators ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Section III - Installation
Receiving ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Moving the Unit to the Installation Site............................................................................................................. 10
Location ........................................................................................................................................................10-11
Piping Connections............................................................................................................................................ 12
Piping Fit-Up...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Relief Valves....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Pressure Vessels................................................................................................................................................. 13
Electrical ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Guards ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Manual Relief and Shutoff Valve........................................................................................................................ 14
Water and Sewer Facilities at the Installation Site (Water-cooled models only) ............................................... 14
Fluid Level.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Compressor Rotation......................................................................................................................................... 15
Fan Rotation....................................................................................................................................................... 15
Section IV Operating Procedures
Prior To Starting................................................................................................................................................. 16
Starting the Compressor.................................................................................................................................... 16
Stopping the Compressor - Normal Operation ................................................................................................ 17
Stopping the Compressor - Emergency Operation .......................................................................................... 17
Electronic Control Operations......................................................................................................................17-22
QSF Compressors
Seller warrants products of its own manufacture against defects in workmanship and materials under normal use
and service, as follows:
Packaged Compressors - Twelve (12) months from date of start-up or eighteen (18) months from date of
shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first.
Airend on Packaged Compressors (service at full load pressure 150 PSIG and below) - Twenty-four (24)
months from date of start-up or thirty (30) months from date of shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first.
Five (5) and ten (10) year Extended Airend Warranties are available. See pages 40-41 for details.
Airend on Packaged Compressors (service at full-load pressure above 150 psig) - Twelve (12) months from
date of start-up or eighteen (18) months from date of shipment from the factory, whichever occurs first.
Remanufactured Airend - Twelve (12) months from date of shipment from factory.
Parts - Ninety (90) days from date of Distributor sale or twelve (12) months from date of factory shipment,
whichever occurs first.
With respect to products not manufactured by Seller, Seller will, if practical, pass along the warranty of the
original manufacturer.
Notice of the alleged defect must be given to Seller in writing with all identifying details including serial number,
model number, type of equipment and date of purchase, within thirty (30) days of the discovery of same during
the warranty period.
Sellers sole obligation on this warranty shall be, at its option, to repair, replace or refund the purchase price of
any product or part thereof which proves to be defective. If requested by Seller, such product or part thereof
must be promptly returned to Seller, freight collect for inspection.
Seller warrants factory repaired or replaced parts of its own manufacture against defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service for ninety (90) days or for the remainder of the warranty on the
product being repaired, whichever is longer.
This warranty shall not apply and Seller shall not be responsible or liable for:
Equipment conditions caused by fair wear and tear, abnormal conditions of use, accident, neglect or
misuse of equipment, improper storage or damages resulting during shipment;
Labor charges, loss or damage resulting from improper operation, maintenance or repairs made by
person(s) other than Seller or Sellers authorized service station.
In no event shall Seller be liable for any claims, whether arising from breach of contract or warranty of claims of
negligence or negligent manufacture, in excess of the purchase price.
This warranty is the sole warranty of seller. Any other warranties, expressed or implied, including any
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use are hereby excluded.
Reference to the machine MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER and DATE OF ORIGINAL START-UP must be made in
all communication relative to parts orders or warranty claim. A model/serial number plate is located on the
frame and in the upper right corner inside of the control panel door.
SPARE PARTS ORDERING -- Quincy Compressor maintains replacement parts for Quincy compressors. A parts
manual is shipped with all new machines. Order parts from your Authorized Quincy distributor. Use only
genuine Quincy replacement parts. Failure to use genuine Quincy parts may void your warranty.
Air from this compressor will cause death or serious injury if used for
breathing or food processing (if non-food grade fluid is used). Air used for
these processes must meet OSHA 29CFR1910.134 regulations or
FDA21CFR178.3570 regulations.
Hazards or unsafe practices that will result in death or serious injury.
Immediate hazards which could result in death or serious injury.
Hazards or unsafe practices which may result in minor injury or product or
property damage.
Section II Description
General Description of Quincy QSF Series Air Compressors
The compressor is a single stage, positive displacement, fluid-flooded helical screw type unit. The
compressor consists of two precision-machined rotors. The male rotor is driven by a gear train,
connected to motor shaft through a flexible drop out type coupling. The male rotor has four lobes that
mesh with a female rotor consisting of six flutes. Both rotors are housed in a single cast iron cylinder.
The unit has an inlet port at the power-input end and a discharge port at the opposite end.
All models use positive pressure in the reservoir to circulate fluid through the system.
All components are attached to a heavy-duty steel frame. Controls and indicators are arranged on a
control panel. Acoustical cabinets are available to reduce sound levels.
Figure 2-1
Section II Description
The Compression Cycle
The compression cycle of a rotary compressor is a continuous process from intake to discharge with no
reciprocating mechanisms starting and stopping as found in reciprocating compressors. The compressor
consists of two rotors in constant mesh, housed in a cylinder with two parallel adjoining bores. The male
drive rotor has four lobes that mesh with six flutes in the female rotor. All parts are machined to exacting
As the rotors rotate, (male-clockwise as viewed from the power-input end) air is drawn into the cylinder
through the inlet port located at the power-input end. A volume of air is trapped as the rotor lobes pass
the inlet cut off points in the cylinders. Compression occurs as the male rotor rolls into the female flute,
progressively reducing the space thereby raising the pressure. Compression continues until the lobe
and flute pass the discharge port. The compressed air is then discharged into the service line. There are
four complete compression cycles for each complete rotation of the male rotor. (Figure 2-1).
Description of Air Flow
With the compressor operating, air entering via the compressor air filter flows directly into the rotor
housing where it is compressed. Compressed air passes through the complete system then through a
minimum pressure check valve to the service connection.
Description of Fluid Flow and Compressor Cooling System
The fluid serves three functions: it lubricates the bearings, rotors, and gears; it removes heat from the air
as the air is being compressed thus lowering the compressed air discharge temperature; it also seals the
rotor clearances.
All models use positive pressure in the reservoir to circulate fluid. Fluid is circulated through the cooler,
fluid filter, and into the compressor. In the compressor, some fluid is diverted directly through internal
passages to ensure positive lubrication of the bearings, gears and shaft seal. The remainder of the fluid
is injected into the early stage of the compression cycle to seal clearances, cool, and lubricate the rotors.
Fluid Coolers
Fluid coolers may use either air or water as a cooling medium. The following descriptions point out the
major differences between the two types of coolers.
Section II Description
Water-cooled Fluid Coolers
Water-cooled fluid coolers are of the shell and tube design. Fluid passes through the shell transferring
its heat to the water flowing through the tubes. Fluid leaving the cooler does not pass through a
thermal mixing valve as in an air-cooled unit, but goes directly to the fluid filter and the compressor.
Fluid discharge temperature at the compressor is maintained by a water temperature regulating valve
located in the discharge water line. The water temperature-regulating valve uses a probe to sense fluid
temperature and opens and closes, governing water flow through the cooler.
Air-cooled aftercoolers are furnished as standard equipment on the QSF. Water-cooled aftercoolers are
available as an option on standard QSF. Aftercoolers are used to lower the temperature of the
discharge air, thereby condensing water vapor from the compressed air. This allows most of the
contained water to be trapped and expelled from the unit, reducing water related problems
Air-cooled aftercoolers are part of the air-cooled fluid cooler. Cooling air from the fan is blown through
the aftercooler and the fluid cooler.
Water-cooled aftercoolers are placed in series with the fluid cooler. Incoming water is first directed
through the aftercooler and then on to the fluid cooler.
A combination moisture separator and water trap is provided for collecting and expelling water to the
customer's drain.
Modulation Control Standard
As the motor starts driving the compressor rotors, air is drawn in, compressed and discharged into the
reservoir. When the air pressure in the reservoir exceeds the set point of the pilot valve (normally 100
PSIG), the valve opens and passes a controlled volume of air to the inlet valve air cylinder. The air forces
a piston to move within the cylinder, closing the inlet valve. The compressor will continue to run
matching air demand with air delivery by constantly adjusting the position of the inlet valve. The inlet
valve regulates compressor capacity between 100% and nearly 0% of rated delivery. When maximum
pressure (typically 10 PSIG above normal full load pressure) has been obtained in the air system,
complete compressor unloading occurs. The pressure transducer located in the control panel sends a
signal to the control and the solenoid valve opens, venting the residual pressure from the blowdown
valve. At the same time, control air from the reservoir check valve is directed through the solenoid to
the inlet valve air cylinder.
The inlet valve is held in a closed position, preventing the intake of air into the compressor and serving
as a check valve preventing reverse air/fluid flow through the inlet valve and air filter. See control
schematic in parts manual.
Auto/Dual Standard
The Auto/Dual system is standard on the Quincy QSF Compressor.
The control uses a programmable timer to shut the compressor down if it stays unloaded for the
programmed time period. The timer should be set during unit start up for a minimum of six (6) minutes.
During the unloaded/timing mode, if plant pressure should drop causing the electronic control to load
the compressor, the timer will reset.
Quincy Compressor QSF Series
Section II Description
Never assume it is safe to work on the unit because it is not operating. It
may be in the automatic stand-by mode and may restart at any time.
Follow all safety instructions in the Preparing for Maintenance or
Service chapters.
High voltage could cause death or serious injury. Disconnect all power
supplies before opening the electrical enclosure or servicing.
Safety Sensors
Two high air temperature (HAT) sensors are standard on the QSF units. These sensors protect the unit
by sensing unusually high temperatures and shutting the unit down. One is located in the discharge line
from the compressor. The second sensor is located at the minimum pressure check valve. These nonadjustable sensors are set to trip at approximately 2250F.
Section II Description
Never remove, bypass or tamper with this HAT switch. Failure to provide
this safety feature could cause death, serious injury and/or property
damage. If the compressor is shutting down due to high discharge
temperature, contact a qualified service technician immediately.
Always check power supply disconnect. The Power-on light may be
Improper lifting can result in component of system damage or personal
injury. Follow good shop practices and safety procedures when moving the
Locate the compressor on a level surface that is clean, well lit and well ventilated. Allow sufficient space
(four feet of clearance on all sides and top of the compressor) for safe and proper daily inspection and
maintenance. The entire length of the frame base must be supported. Shim where necessary but do
not use wood. Ambient temperature should not exceed 1100 F. (Failure to heed this may result in a
high air temperature shutdown.) Careful consideration of room size and shape must be done so that hot
exhaust air from the cooling fan does not recirculate within the room, causing the operating
temperatures to rise. High temperature shutdown may result. All models are intended for indoor
installation; however, it is possible, with certain modifications, to accommodate some outdoor locations.
Cabinet models are water-resistant but not water tight. Sheltering from rain, snow and freezing
temperatures is mandatory.
Clean, fresh air of sufficient quantity is required for proper compressor
Never locate the compressor system inlet where it can ingest toxic, volatile
or corrosive vapors, air temperatures exceeding 110 F, water or extremely
dirty air. Taking in any of the above would jeopardize the performance of
the equipment or pose a health hazard to all personnel exposed to the total
compressed air system.
In high humidity areas, avoid placing the compressor in a basement or other damp locations. Control
the compressor temperatures and monitor compressor fluid for signs of water contamination. Fluid and
filter changes may need to be increased in high humidity areas. Increased operating temperatures may
be required.
Removal or modification of sound insulation will result in high sound levels
which may be hazardous to personnel.
The Quincy QSF models are essentially vibration free; however, some customers may choose to bolt the
unit to the floor to prevent the accidental breakage of piping or electrical connections as a result of
being bumped. Only use lag bolts to locate the unit. Do not pull the bolts down tight as this may,
under certain circumstances, place the frame in a twist or bind causing eventual breakage of fluid
coolers, piping and reservoirs.
Relief valves are to protect system integrity in accordance with ANSI/ASME
B19 safety standards. Failure to provide properly sized relief valves will
result in death or serious injury.
Relief valves are to be placed ahead of any potential blockage point, which includes, but is not limited
to, such components as shut-off valves, heat exchangers and discharge silencers. Ideally, the relief valve
should be threaded directly into the pressure point it is sensing, not connected with tubing or pipe and
pointed away from any personnel. Always direct discharge from relief valves to a safe area away from
Relief Valve
ASME coded pressure vessels must not be modified, welded, repaired,
reworked or subjected to operating conditions outside the nameplate
ratings. Such actions will negate code status, affect insurance status and
will cause death.
Before installation, the electrical supply should be checked for adequate wire size and capacity. During
installation, a suitable fused disconnect switch or circuit breaker should be provided. Where a 3-phase
motor is used to drive a compressor, any unreasonable voltage unbalance (5%) between the legs must
be eliminated and any low voltage corrected to prevent excessive current draw. The installation, electric
motor, wiring and all electrical controls must be in accordance with National Electric Code, and all state
and local codes. A qualified electrician should perform all electrical work. This unit must be grounded
in accordance with applicable codes. See control panel for the proper wiring diagram.
Quincy would like to emphasize the importance of providing adequate grounding for air compressors.
The common practice of grounding units to building structure steel may not actually provide adequate
grounding protection, as paint and corrosion build-up may exist.
NEMA electrical enclosures and components must be appropriate to the
area in which they are installed.
Removal or painting over safety labels will result in uninformed conditions.
This could result in personal injury or property damage. Warning signs and
labels shall be provided with enough light to read, conspicuously located
and maintained for legibility. Do not remove any warning, caution or
instructional material attached.
Water and Sewer Facilities at the Installation Site (Water-cooled models only)
Make sure the water supply is connected and open. Piping supplied by the user should be at least equal
to the connections provided on the compressor. Sewer facilities should be readily accessible to the
installation site and meet all the requirements of local sewer codes, plus those of the compressor. Make
absolutely sure water inlet and discharge connections are correct. NOTE: The water temperatureregulating valve is located in the discharge water line. Water pressure should be 40 PSI
minimum/100 PSI maximum. Water temperature should be 50F minimum/90F maximum.
Clean air is essential for your Quincy QSF compressor. Always select a source providing the cleanest air
possible. When an outside air source is used, keep all piping as short and direct as possible. Use
vibration isolators and support all piping correctly. Piping size should be at least as large as the inlet
valve opening and increased several sizes for extremely long piping runs. The piping must be leak free
and absolutely clean after fabrication.
Relieve compressor and system air pressure by opening the appropriate
manual relief valve prior to servicing. Failure to relieve all system pressure
could result in death, serious injury and property damage.
Compressor Rotation
The compressor rotation must be checked prior to start-up. Proper rotation is counter-clockwise as
viewed from the power-input end. The power-input end of the compressor is marked with an arrow
noting the proper rotation. Failure to operate the compressor in correct rotation will result in extreme
damage to the compressor and warranty coverage will be voided. Briefly jog the starter button allowing
the motor to turn 2 or 3 revolutions. Observe the drive element for correct direction. If incorrect
rotation is observed, lock out power supply, reverse electrical leads L1 and L3 at the motor starter. Recheck for correct rotation.
Operating more than one second in reverse rotation may cause damage to the airend.
It is always a good practice to close the service valve when the compressor is not being used. It will
prevent the system's air pressure from leaking back into the reservoir if the check valve leaks or fails.
Stopping the Compressor - Emergency
Press the emergency stop button or remove the power at the main disconnect switch or panel.
System Indicators:
RUN STATUS indicates that the compressor is in a run state. Steady indicates that the compressor is
running. If this light is flashing, and the compressor is in a stopped condition, the compressor will restart at any time. This also indicates that the compressor is about to start, when the auto-restart option
is enabled.
LOAD/UNLOAD: The left-most digit on the numeric display will show 'L' when the compressor is
loaded, and 'U' when unloaded.
Operational test:
Remove tag and lock out tools. Restore power to unit. If electronic control was replaced, refer to the
Program Setup Menu to program the replacement electronic control. Once completed, perform an
operational test to assure unit is operating correctly.
Section V Servicing
Preparing for Maintenance or Service
Never assume the compressor is ready for maintenance or service because
it is stopped. The automatic control may start the compressor at any time.
Death or serious injury may result.
The following procedure should be used for maximum safety when preparing for maintenance or service.
1. Disconnect and lockout the main power switch and hang a sign at the switch of the unit being
2. Close shut-off valve (block valve) between receiver and plant air system to prevent any back up of
airflow into the area to be serviced. NEVER depend upon a check valve to isolate the system.
3. Open the manual vent valve and wait for the pressure in the system to be completely relieved
before starting service. DO NOT close the manual vent valve at any time while servicing.
4. Shut off water and depressurize system if water-cooled.
Only trained and qualified technicians should perform maintenance.
Safety procedures performed while servicing the compressor are important to both the service personnel
at the time of servicing and to those who may be around the compressor and the system it serves.
Listed below are some, but not all, procedures that should be followed:
Wait for the unit to cool before starting service. Temperatures may exceed at 180oF when the
compressor is working.
Clean up fluid spills immediately to prevent slipping.
Loosen, but do not remove, flange or component bolting. Then, carefully pry apart same to be sure
there is no residual pressure before removing the bolting.
Never use a flammable solvent such as gasoline or kerosene for cleaning air filters or compressor
Safety solvents are available and should be used in accordance with their instructions.
Unusual noise or vibration indicates a problem. Do not operate the
compressor until the source has been identified and corrected.
Section V Servicing
Each unit comes equipped with a fluid level sight gauge, fluid fill opening, and a fluid drain located in
the reservoir. The fill plug is drilled to allow some pressure to escape before the plug is
completely removed. Should you hear pressurized air venting through this hole, immediately
screw the plug back in to the reservoir. Relieve the pressure before proceeding.
Each unit is factory filled with QuinSyn IV synthetic fluid or QuinSyn F (food grade) synthetic fluid. The
use of other brands or types of fluid may reduce the design life of the compressor or cause problems
with filtration or carryover. Consult the Quincy factory before changing brands of fluid.
Hot fluid under pressure could cause death or serious injury. Do not
remove the fluid fill plug and attempt to add fluid to the air/fluid reservoir
while the compressor is in operation or when the system is under pressure.
Be sure that the compressor's red mushroom stop button is pushed in and
locked, and that the main power disconnect switch is in the off position and
locked out to assure that the compressor will not start automatically or by
Fluid Specifications
We recommend that all Quincy gear drive rotary screw compressors be filled with QuinSyn IV or QuinSyn
synthetic fluid. QuinSyn IV or QuinSyn is available from any authorized Quincy distributor. For
applications requiring a food grade fluid, we recommend QuinSyn F. Sustained (3 hours or more) of
discharge temperatures over 210oF, require the use of QuinSyn HP fluid.
Failure to follow the above recommendation will adversely affect your warranty.
Fluid Life
QuinSyn IV fluid can be used up to 4,000 hours depending upon application and recommendations from
the fluid analysis. QuinSyn fluid can be used up to 8000 hours; QuinSyn F (food grade) can be used
between 2,000 and 3,000 hours under good operating conditions. Draining of the fluid should be done
while the fluid is hot to carry away more impurities. It is strongly suggested that a reputable fluid
analysis program be followed to establish fluid change intervals.
A free service provided with the use of QuinSyn IV fluid is a fluid analysis. This analysis provides the end
user with important information regarding the performance of the fluid and in detecting any special
problems that might arise. Fluid samples should be taken at the time of fluid filter changes or at 1,000hour intervals or sample as directed by analysis report. Fluid sample bottles, labels and instructions are
provided with the compressor package at the time of shipment. Additional sample bottles may be
purchased through your distributor.
Section V Servicing
Water Removal
Water vapor may condense in the separator reservoir and must be removed. The frequency with which
water must be removed is determined by the ambient air conditions. During hot and humid conditions,
water should be drained off the bottom of the reservoir daily. In cold and dry conditions, water may only
need to be drained weekly. To drain water from the reservoir, turn the compressor off and let set for at
least 5 minutes. Then open the drain valve. Water is heavier than the compressor fluid and will collect
at the bottom of the reservoir. When the drain is first opened some compressor fluid may come out
before the water starts to flow. Close the valve when the water flow changes to compressor fluid. Make
certain that there is no pressure in the reservoir before opening the drain valve.
Understanding the Analysis Report
a) REPORT DATE - The date that the fluid was analyzed.
b) REPORT NUMBER - The assigned number to this report.
c) CUSTOMER ADDRESS - The name and address of person that this report is being mailed to. This
information is being taken from the sample bottle as it is received.
d) CUSTOMER - The owner of the unit that sample came from.
e) COMPRESSOR MANUFACTURER - Brand of compressor sample taken from.
f) FLUID TYPE - This should always be QuinSyn IV or QuinSyn F fluids.
g) SERIAL NUMBER - The unit serial number of the Quincy compressor the fluid sample was taken from.
h) MODEL NUMBER - The model number of the Quincy compressor that the fluid sample was taken
i) HOURS ON FLUID - These are the actual hours that the QuinSyn IV has been in the unit since the last
fluid change.
j) HOURS ON MACHINE - This is the total hours on the compressor hourmeter.
k) SAMPLE DATE - The date that the sample was taken from the compressor.
Items (c through k) are information provided by the service person supplying the fluid for analysis.
Incomplete or incorrect information will affect the report's accuracy.
l) EVALUATION - This is a brief statement made by the technician performing the actual fluid analysis.
This statement addresses the condition of the fluid and filter. This statement will also note any
problems that need attention.
m) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES RESULTS - Particle size is measured in microns.
n) SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS - See parameters page.
Fluid levels should fill the sight level gauge while the compressor is in operation. DO NOT OVERFILL.
Operating over full will result in high fluid carryover.
Section V Servicing
Section V Servicing
QuinSyn, QuinSyn IV & QuinSyn F
Test Method
New Fluid
ASTM D-445
38-42, 48-52
<38, >52
Liquid Chromatography
mg KOH/gm
ASTM D-947
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Plasma Emission
Karl Fisher
Acid No.
Hiac Royco
Section V Servicing
Do not mix different grades or types of fluid. Do not use inferior grades of
fluids. Use only QuinSyn HP if discharge air temperatures exceed 210 f for
more than 3 hours. Failure to follow these recommendations will cause
serious fluid breakdown, resulting in the information of heavy varnish and
sludge throughout the system. This will result in clogging the fluid
separators, coolers and internal fluid passages. Warranty will be voided.
Fluid Filter
The fluid filter is a spin on, full flow unit. Replacement of the filter requires spinning off the complete
cartridge and replacing it with a new one.
The initial filter change should occur after the first 500 hours of operation. During normal service, the
filter cartridge should be replaced under the following conditions, whichever occurs first:
As indicated by the fluid filter maintenance indicator when the fluid is up to its operating
The fluid filter maintenance indicator may read high upon start up on cool mornings due to
sluggish fluid creating higher than normal differential pressures. Monitor indicator after the fluid
warms up.
Section V Servicing
Compressor Air/Fluid Separator Element
The element is a one piece construction that coalesces the fluid mist, as it passes through the
filtering media, into droplets that fall to the bottom of the separator element to be picked up by a
scavenging tube and returned to the compressor. Care must be taken in handling the separator
element to prevent it from being damaged. Any denting may destroy the effectiveness of the
filtering media and result in excessive fluid carryover. Even a very small hole punctured through
the element will result in a very high carryover of fluid.
QSF-50 thru 150 horsepower:
Do not remove the staples from the separator element. Their function is to
prevent an electrostatic build-up, which could spark a fire. Use genuine
Quincy replacement separators.
Section V Servicing
QGV-200 Separator Installation
The 200 horsepower model utilizes an inside/out flow requiring the separator seal to be located on the
inlet to the separator. The sealing surface is located inside the pressure vessel and is coated to prevent
corrosion. Remove any loose material prior to separator installation.
After the continuity verification procedure is complete, install the separator as follows:
1. Lubricate the separator o-ring with compressor fluid and place separator inside the reservoir with o-ring
end facing down, centered inside studs.
2. Place the square separator compression plate over the 4 studs.
3. Install the (4) Nylok nuts on studs and tighten as follows:
Turn nuts down until theyre touching the compression plate. Do not over compress o-ring.
Tighten nuts by turning clockwise turn in a cross pattern. Over tightening the compression plate will
deform the separator, reducing performance.
Section V Servicing
Fluid Scavenging System
Fluid from inside the fluid separator element is returned to the inlet valve or air-end by way of a
scavenger tube positioned inside the fluid separator element, through an orifice and via a stainless steel
tube to the compressor. Failure to keep the orifice clean will result in excessive fluid carryover. Cleaning
of the orifice should be performed which ever occurs first.
Section V Servicing
Air Filter
The standard air filter for the QSF stock version consists of an automotive style disposable element(s).
Removal and replacement is accomplished by unscrewing the wing nut and exchanging the element(s).
Tighten the wing nut snugly after making certain the element is seated correctly on its mounting base.
An optional two stage dry-type heavy-duty filter is available for the QSF stock version.
The heavy-duty air filter is supplied on standard QSF models. The heavy-duty air filter is a two stage, dry
type element. The first stage is cyclonic. That is, centrifugal airflow spins the larger dirt particles to the
outside walls of the filter canister. In the second stage, air passes through the filter element with an
efficiency of 99.9% as tested by SAE J7266 test code specifications. Removal and replacement of the
element is accomplished by unscrewing the wing nut and exchanging the element. Tighten the wing nut
snugly after making certain the element is seated correctly on its mounting base.
Service intervals of the air filter element depend on ambient conditions and should be established by
checking at regular intervals until a pattern for servicing is found. Daily maintenance of the filter element
is not uncommon in dirty conditions. If dirty conditions exist, it would be advisable to relocate the intake
air to an outside source.
Each time a filter is serviced, inspect the filtered air side of the air cleaner canister and the suction
manifold for dirt. If dirt is found, determine the cause and correct. Always make sure all gaskets,
threaded connections, flange connections, and hose connections between the air filter and air
compressor are absolutely airtight.
Dirty filters result in reduced airflow and can distort such that dirt will bypass the filter element.
Intake filtration equipment supplied from the factory may not be adequate for extremely dirty
applications or some forms of dust or vapors. It is the customer's responsibility to provide
adequate filtration for those conditions. Warranty will be void if a failure is determined to be
caused by inadequate filtration.
Control Line Air Filter
An automatic draining control line filter is used. Draining occurs only when the compressor is in the
unloaded condition.
Section V Servicing
Compressor Shaft Seal
Compressor shaft seals are wear items that may eventually have to be replaced. A complete
understanding of the installation procedure and special tools are required for a successful seal
replacement. Should you decide to replace the seal yourself, be certain to ask your Quincy distributor
for the complete illustrated instructions (available as a Service Alert) at the time you order the seal and
special tools. If your distributor does not have a copy of these instructions, ask him to order a copy from
Quincy Compressor Division at no charge.
QSF compressor units incorporate a fluid scavenge system to complement the use of the triple lip seal
assembly. Any complaint of shaft seal leakage requires that the scavenge system be inspected for
proper operation prior to the replacement of the shaft seal. Proper inspection consists of the following:
If the check valve is stuck closed the seal cavity will not scavenge. On QSF 50/60 units, inspect the
check valve by removing the fitting located at the bottom of the motor adapter. On QSF 75-100 remove
the fittings located at the bottom of the seal adapter. Remove the check ball and inspect for wear.
Replace if necessary.
1. Shaft seal replacement on the QSF requires the removal of the drive motor to allow use of the wear
sleeve removal and installation tools.
2. Remove motor after coupling guards and coupling halves are removed. Remove the drive coupling
hub and key from the compressor shaft.
3. Remove the four bolts that secure the seal adapter to the suction housing.
4. Insert two of the seal adapter retaining bolts into the seal adapter jack holes and turn clockwise
pushing the seal adapter away from the suction housing.
5. After the seal adapter outer O-ring has cleared the seal adapter bore, the adapter can be removed
for inspection. Assure that bearing shims are not lost or bent during the removal process.
Disassemble the seal adapter for inspection or service by taking the following steps:
a. With the face of the seal adapter up, insert two small, flat screwdrivers under the outer lip of the
fluid slinger and pop the slinger from the seal adapter bore.
b. Using a brass drift, tap the shaft seal assembly from the seal bore.
c. Inspect both seal lips for excessive wear, lip flaws or damage.
d. Inspect the outer o-ring on the fluid slinger for cuts or nicks.
e. Inspect the outer o-ring on the seal adapter for cuts and nicks.
f. Use the tools listed in the Parts Manual for your specific machine needs.
g. To remove the seal wear sleeve, slide the wear sleeve removal tool over the end of the shaft and
allow the jaws of the tool to snap on the backside of the wear sleeve. Tighten the outer shell of
the tool down over the inner jaws. Using a ratchet and socket, turn the puller jackscrew
clockwise in against the end of the compressor shaft. Caution! Do not use an impact wrench
with this tool.
Section V Servicing
Preparation for New Seal Installation
1. Inspect the compressor shaft for burrs or deep scratches at the wear sleeve area. Using a 100 grit
emery cloth, lightly sand horizontally any rust or "LOCTITE" that was between the wear sleeve and
shaft. Using a fine file or emery cloth, deburr the key area of the rotor shaft. Cover the keyway with
masking tape to prevent any damage to the new seal during installation.
2. Clean the seal adapter with clean, fast drying solvent. Assure that the scavenge drain in the seal
adapter is clean and open. Place the outer face of the seal adapter on a flat, hard surface. Remove
the new triple lip seal from the package and inspect for damage or imperfections on the seal lips.
With the adapter sitting on the outer face, the mechanic would be looking down on the two lips that
face the same direction facing toward the rotor and the single lip facing the scavenge cavity and
drive motor.
3. With the lips of the seal facing the correct direction, apply a thin coat of "LOCTITE 290" to the outer
steel case of the seal and position the seal in the seal adapter bore. Insert the proper seal driver
over the seal. See Parts Manual for tool list for your specific machine needs. Insert the proper
wear sleeve driver in the seal driver and tap the new seal into the bore with a medium sized hammer.
4. Preheat the seal wear sleeve to 3500 in a small oven. Do not preheat in warm oil. Apply a thin film
of "LOCTITE" to the inner diameter of the wear sleeve and immediately install on the compressor
shaft using the proper wear sleeve driver. Drive the wear sleeve on the shaft until the driver bottoms
on the shaft shoulder.
Seal Installation
1. Apply a thin coat of compressor fluid to the outer face of the seal wear sleeve and seal lip.
2. Cover the keyway in the compressor shaft with masking tape so there is no chance of damage
occurring to the seal face during installation.
3. Inspect the bearing shims for damage. Assure they are installed correctly with the thickest shim
toward the seal adapter.
4. Slide the proper seal installation sleeve against the wear sleeve with the taper toward the end of the
rotor shaft. Install a new o-ring on the seal adapter and lubricate with compressor fluid. Install a
new o-ring around the scavenge port, use petroleum jelly to hold the o-ring on the seal adapter face
during installation. Carefully slide the seal adapter with the new seal installed over the end of the
rotor shaft and up against the adapter bore.
5. Using care not to damage the o-ring, evenly draw the adapter into the bore, install the four retaining
bolts and tighten to the specified torque. Remove the installation sleeve.
6. Apply a thin film of compressor fluid to the O-ring and seal lip of the outer fluid slinger. Install the
outer slinger over the end of the rotor shaft and push into the scavenge bore using both thumbs.
7. Reinstall drives motor and coupling. Reinstall the coupling guards before starting the compressor.
Section V Servicing
Air and Fluid Tubing
Flareless tubing is used in the air piping to eliminate pipe joints and provide a cleaner appearance.
Replacement tubing and fittings are available; however, special installation procedures must be
followed. Your authorized distributor has the necessary instructions and experience to perform these
Failure to install flareless tubing or fittings correctly may result in the tubing coming apart under
pressure. Serious personal injury and property damage may result.
Failure to install flareless tubing or fittings correctly may result in the tubing
coming apart under pressure. Serious injury and property damage may
Fluid Piping
Fluid piping on QSF units incorporates a machine-rolled flare tube and a "SEAL-LOK" fitting. Proper
assembly methods for "SEAL-LOK" fittings are listed below.
Failure to Start
Power not turned "ON"
Blown control circuit fuse
Safety circuit shutdown resulting
from high discharge air temperature
Turn the power "ON" by closing the main disconnect switch or circuit
Replace fuse. Find and correct cause.
Power failure
Faulty transformer
Unscheduled Shutdown
High air discharge temperature
Power failure
Check service for leaks using soap suds and repair as needed.
Adjust air pressure switch to assure unload pressure does not exceed
maximum recommended operating pressure.
Correct in accordance with instruction on Inlet valve not opening or
closing in relation to air demand section of this troubleshooting
Check control solenoid and blowdown valve.
Cooler plugged
If faulty air filter elements, replace them. If air filter is inadequate for
the environment, relocate the intake air to a clean source.
Replace fluid filter element.
Fluid breakdown
System contamination
Check fluid cooler for varnishing and rust deposits. If condition exist,
clean cooler thoroughly and contact Quincy service technician for
Maximum ambient for proper operation is listed in data sheet.
Correct rotation is with the fan pushing the air through the cooler.
Reverse motor starter leads L1 and L2.
Use recommended fluids only. Refer to lubrication section of
Clean or replace as necessary.
Faulty gauges
Improper fluid
Check air inlet valve bushing and shaft. Check piston and cylinder
bore. Repair or replace as necessary.
Repair or replace as necessary.
Compressor does not revert to load when service line pressure drops to reset pressure
Incorrect load pressure setting
Faulty solenoid
Faulty timer
Faulty cooler-leaks
Replace cooler.
Periodically/Daily - 8 hours
Addendum 1 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Installation and Service Recommendations
The satisfactory use of this heat exchanger equipment is dependent upon precautions which must be taken at
the time of the installation.
1. Connect and circulate the hot fluid in the shell side (over small tubes) and the cooling water in the tube side
(inside the small tubes). Note piping diagrams.
2. If an automatic water regulating valve is used, place it on the INLET connection of the cooler. Arrange the
water outlet piping so that the exchanger remains flooded with water, but at little or no pressure. The
temperature probe is placed in the hydraulic reservoir to sense a system temperature rise. Write the factory for
water regulating valve recommendations.
3. There are normally no restrictions as to how this cooler may be mounted. The only limitation regarding the
mounting of this equipment is the possibility of having to drain either the water or the oil chambers after the
cooler has been installed. Both fluid drain plugs should be located on the bottom of the cooler to accomplish
the draining of the fluids. Drains are on most models.
4. It is possible to protect your cooler from high flow and pressure surges of hot fluid by installing a fast-acting
relief valve in the inlet line to the cooler.
5. It is recommended that water strainers be installed ahead of this cooler when the source of cooling water is
from other than a municipal water supply. Dirt and debris can plug the water passages very quickly, rendering
the cooler ineffective. Write the factory for water strainer recommendation.
6. Fixed bundle heat exchangers are generally not recommended for steam service. For steam applications, a
floating bundle exchanger is required. Note: When installing floating bundle unit, secure one end firmly and
opposite end loosely to allow bundle to expand and contract. Consult factory for selection assistance.
7. Piping must be properly supported to prevent excess strain on the heat exchanger ports. If excessive
vibration is present, the use of shock absorbing mounts and flexible connectors is recommended.
Addendum 1 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Installation and Service Recommendations
Each heat exchanger has been cleaned at the factory and should not require further treatment. It may be well to
inspect the unit to be sure that dirt or foreign matter has not entered the unit during shipment. The heat
exchanger should be mounted firmly in place with pipe connections tight.
If sealant tape is used on pipe threads, the degree of resistance between mating parts is less, and there is a
greater chance for cracking the heat exchanger castings. Do not over tighten. When storing the unit, be sure to
keep the oil and water ports sealed. If storage continues into cold winter months, the water chamber must be
drained to prevent damage by freezing.
Performance information should be noted and recorded on newly installed units so that any reduction in
effectiveness can be detected. Any loss in efficiency can normally be traced to an accumulation of oil sludge, or
water scale.
Added 09/2010
Addendum 1 - Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Installation and Service Recommendations
Replace gaskets when removing end castings. It is recommended that gaskets be soaked in oil to prevent
corrosion and ensure a tight seal.
Salt water should not be used in standard models. Use salt water in special models having 90/10 copper-nickel
tubes, tube sheets*, bronze bonnets and zinc anodes on the tube side. Brackish water or other corrosive fluids
may require special materials of construction.
When zinc anodes are used for a particular application, they should be inspected two weeks after initial startup.
At this time, by visual inspection of the anode, determination of future inspection intervals can be made based
on the actual corrosion rate of the zinc metal.
The zinc anodes must be replaced when 70% of the zinc volume has been consumed.
It may be necessary to drain the water chambers of the exchanger to protect it from damage by freezing
temperatures. Drains are provided in most standard models.
The oil chamber of the exchanger may become filled with sludge accumulation and require cleaning. It is
recommended that the unit be flooded with a commercial solvent and left to soak for one-half hour. Back
flowing with the solvent or regular oil will remove most sludge. Repeated soaking and back flowing may be
required, depending on the degree of sludge build-up.
It may be necessary to clean the inside of the cooling tubes to remove any contamination and/or scale build up.
It is recommended that a fifty-fifty percent solution of inhibited muriatic acid and water may be used. For severe
problems, the use of a brush through the tubes may be of some help. Be sure to use a soft bristled brush to
prevent scouring the tube surface causing accelerated corrosion. Upon completion of cleaning, be certain that
all chemicals are removed from the shell side and the tube side before the heat exchanger is placed into service.
Added 09/2010
(d) Labor charges, loss or damage resulting from improper operation, maintenance or repairs made by person(s) other
than Seller or Sellers authorized service station.
In no event shall Seller be liable for any claims whether arising from breach of contract or warranty or claims of negligence or
negligent manufacture in excess of the purchase price.
LIABILITY LIMITATIONS: Under no circumstances shall the Seller have any liability for liquidated damages or for collateral,
consequential or special damages or for loss of profits, or for actual losses or for loss of production or progress of
construction, whether resulting from delays in delivery or performance, breach of warranty, negligent manufacture or
ENVIROMENTAL AND OSHA REQUIREMENTS: At the time of shipment of the equipment from the factory, Quincy
Compressor / Ortman Fluid Power will comply with the various Federal, State and local laws and regulations concerning
occupational health and safety and pollution. However, in the installation and operation of the equipment and other matters
over which the seller has no control, the Seller assumes no responsibility for compliance with those laws and regulations,
whether by the way of indemnity, warranty or otherwise.
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