Advances in Water Resources
Advances in Water Resources
Advances in Water Resources
Princeton University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton, NJ, USA
Arizona State University, School of Sustainability and Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Science Center, Tempe, AZ, USA
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Laboratorie of cohydrology, Faculte ENAC, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
Universita di Padov, Department IMAGE and International Centre for Hydrology, Dino Tonini, Padua, Italy
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Available online 3 March 2012
Carrying capacity
Climate change
a b s t r a c t
A synthesis is presented highlighting the importance of hydrologic variables and dynamics to biodiversity
patterns. The focus of this paper is the key hydrologic controls crucial towards quantifying the impacts of
climate changes on the distribution of species. Specically, we highlight the hydrologic controls operating
on the carrying capacity, niche formation, and dispersal dynamics. This synthesis will facilitate avenues of
future research and is connected to issues of major practical importance, such as the integration of the
structure of river networks into conservation strategies and the evaluations of the impacts of climate
change on biodiversity.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Maintenance of biodiversity across multiple scales has been of
basic interest to the biological and ecological sciences for decades
[43,41,31]. The debate over the ultimate controls on biodiversity is
a contentious one and indeed the numerous papers investigating
them rarely reach solid conclusions. However, it is without debate
that patterns exist across taxa, geographical areas, and geological
eras [67]. With the ever growing body of literature detailing the
benets provided by biodiversity [12,14,21,30], increasing attention is being paid towards its fundamental drivers and how
changes to key components could affect specic patterns of biodiversity. Additionally, increased global species loss [58] has made it
critical to better understand the processes that govern biodiversity.
The principal threats to biodiversity vary widely depending on
geographic location and the complicating effects of differences in
spatial and temporal scale. At present, the principal threats to biodiversity are the effects due to land use change and associated habitat loss and fragmentation, as they act on a much shorter time
scale than other processes [28,19,55,56]. Several global modeling
scenarios show that land use changes will continue to be the principal reason for terrestrial biodiversity loss until at least 2050
[34,56,71,72]. However, climate change is likely to be the major
reason for biodiversity loss worldwide after 2050 [48,75,76].
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Konar).
0309-1708/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. (A) Map of the Mississippi Watershed within the continental United States. The Mississippi Watershed is highlighted in grey and the network structure in blue. (B)
Impact of climate change on region-averaged local species richness (LSR) in sub-regions of the Mississippi Watershed. Shades of green indicate the percentage change in the
region-averaged local species richness under climate change, with dark green indicating a higher percentage lost. The general trend is that a higher percentage of species are
lost in the west with a decreasing trend to the east. The change per local community in region-averaged local species richness under climate change is indicated for each
region by the bold numbers. The species-rich regions east of the 100oW meridian lose more species, though these species represent a smaller percentage of species in these
regions. The mean local species richness in the South is anticipated to decrease by 6.3 species under climate change, the largest loss of all sub-regions. Taken and modied
from Konar et al. [39] and Bertuzzo et al. [4]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
vegetation cover. They show that areas with similar seasonal rainfall totals have higher fractional woody cover if the local rainfall
climatology consists of frequent, less intense precipitation events.
This distinction is crucially important since climate change is projected to lead to more intense, less frequent storm events, with
important repercussions for vegetation. Similarly, Bartholomeus
et al. [1] demonstrate that increased extremes in soil moisture,
similar to those likely to be observed under climate change, will
impact plant functional groups, though this study does not address
the impact of hydrologic variation on species diversity directly. To
our knowledge, there has not yet been a study that quanties the
impact of hydrologic variation on species diversity, so this represents an important area for future research. Thus, although hydrologic averages may drive the carrying capacity and diversity in
some systems, spatial and temporal variability may prove more
important in other ecosystems.
The carrying capacity of organisms in river systems is strongly
impacted by the gradient of a number of physical factors connected
to the drainage network [81]. In fact, the ow of water, which is
strongly correlated with other physical variables, can be considered a master variable that limits the distribution and abundance
of organisms in rivers [63,59]. Recent research on sh biomass
demonstrates the importance of ow characteristics. Halls et al.
[27] developed a ood index that accounts for the extent and duration of ooding during the entire ood period of the Tonle Sap
River, Cambodia. Fish biomass varied by almost a factor of 5 in response to the ood index over the last decade [27]. The Mekong
River is subject to rapid development, with the construction of several large-scale hydropower dams and reservoirs [40]. The related
ow alterations will have signicant impacts on productivity and
numbers of sh in Tonle Sap ecosystem, with signicant repercussions for sh diversity.
Taking advantage of the relationship between the number of
sh and river ow, Xenopoulos et al. [84] analyze the projected impacts of climate change and future water withdrawals on sh
diversity at a global scale. To address this issue, they present the
rst coupling of a global hydrological model with a freshwater biodiversity model. A species-discharge regression model was used to
produce scenarios of sh species loss. Species richness generally
increased with increased mean river discharge, in a similar manner
to the species-area curve of terrestrial ecosystems [84].
Fig. 2 illustrates the 52 watersheds that Xenopoulos et al. [84]
show will lose more than 10% of their sh species. The combination
of increased evapotranspiration and decreased precipitation as a result of climate change (specically, under the IPCC SRES A2 scenario
Fig. 2. Impact of change in water discharge from climate change and water consumption on sh diversity at a global scale. Colors display the percentage change in sh
diversity, where red indicates approximately 50% loss of diversity and green indicates roughly 50% gain in diversity. The 52 watersheds that are projected to lose more than
10% of their sh species are numbered. Climate change is projected to decrease sh diversity more than water withdrawals in most watersheds. However, in a few
watersheds, such as the Euphrates and Cauvery, sh species losses due to water withdrawals will be more severe. Taken and modied from Xenopoulos et al. [84]. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Additionally, the lack of long term temporal and wide spatial coverage data presents a further complication to understanding the role
of hydrology in structuring vegetation communities.
Todd et al. [79] examine the hydrologic control of niches across
a long temporal and wide spatial scale of the entire Everglades National Park (ENP). This analysis quanties the hydrological niches
of the dominant vegetation communities. Mean hydroperiod depth
and percent time inundated best describe the vegetation niches.
For instance, muhly grass occurs most often at shallower depths
and at locations that are not inundated for long period of time. In
contrast, bay-hardwood scrub favors more hydric locations. However, results for sawgrass, by far the most common vegetation
community across the ENP, supported earlier studies that hydrology is not the only variable structuring sawgrass niches [26,29].
Thus, the work of Todd et al. [79] showed that, while multiple
factors can inuence the landscape distribution of vegetation communities, hydrology plays a principal, if not dominant role, in many
cases. Most importantly, this work indicates that hydrology structures vegetative niches at large spatial and temporal scales, reinforcing the results of many studies conducted previously at
smaller scales.
In an effort to gauge the impacts of projected changes in precipitation on plant diversity, Todd et al. [80] used the relationships between vegetation communities and hydrologic variables developed
in Todd et al. [79]. Specically, Todd et al. [80] utilized projected
precipitation values for this region under various climate change
scenarios to model future hydroperiod characteristics. Projected
values of mean depth and percent time inundated are then used
to determine impacts to vegetation communities, based upon the
relationships described by Todd et al. [79]. Under increasing emissions scenarios, precipitation decreased across the ENP by as much
as 8% from present scenarios, leading to an associated decrease in
mean depth and percent time inundated (refer to Fig. 3). These
Fig. 3. The joint probability surface of percent time inundated and mean depth for (A) present conditions and under (B) low (B1), (C) middle (A1B), and (D) high (A2) climate
emissions scenarios. The value of each pixel represents the relative frequency of all pixels across the Everglades National Park meeting both hydrologic conditions. These
hydrologic scenarios were used to determine the impact of climate change on plant communities in the Everglades National Park, provided in Table 1. Taken from Todd et al.
Table 1
Percent coverage of dominant vegetation types within Everglades National Park under
the present and high emissions scenarios. The percent change of dominant vegetation
types between the present and high emissions scenarios are also provided. Only those
vegetation types constituting more than one percent of the total landscape are listed.
Taken from Todd et al. [79].
Vegetation type
% Change
Mixed Gramminoids
Tall Sawgrass
Muhly Grass
Spike Rush
Red Mangrove Scrub
Pine Savanna
Willow Shrublands
Dwarf Cypress
Bay-Hardwood Scrub
Brazilian Pepper
Cattail Marsh
Slash Pine with Hardwoods
Hardwood Scrub
Subtropical Hardwood Forest
Fig. 4. A. The Prairie Pothole region of central North America (inset map) and six eco-regions. Yellow symbols represent weather stations (three per eco-region) used in
WETSIM analyses. Simulated waterfowl habitat across the Prairie Pothole region under historic (B) and future scenarios of climate change (C, D, and E). Taken from Johnson
et al. [36]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 5. (A) Map of the Indian Peninsula. Major rivers are shown in gray, and the 11 proposed links considered in the analysis are shown in black. The four major river basins
involved are shaded and labeled. The links are numbered according to enumeration assigned by Indias National Water Development Agency. (B) Impact of the 11 proposed
interbasin water transfers on local species richness (LSR) for the Indian Peninsula river network. The absolute differences (after minus before) in LSR are shown for each link in
the river network. Taken and modied from Lynch et al. [42].
A neutral metacommunity model of sh in river networks, similar to that of Muneepeerakul et al. [51], can be used to determine
the impacts of inter-basin water transfer projects on sh diversity.
With this approach, Lynch et al. [42] quantify the potential ecological impacts of the proposed inter-basin water transfers in India.
Although the neutral model is not able to predict how the proposed
inter-basin transfer project will impact specic species, it is a suitable framework to evaluate the potential landscape-scale consequences of changes to river connectivity [42].
Changes in species richness due to the 11 proposed inter-basin
water transfers are quantied and shown in Fig. 5. Their study
demonstrates the fragility of reaches in close proximity to the proposed canals. Note that local diversity increases throughout India
with increased connectivity, which is anticipated under the null
scenario of habitat fragmentation [7]. However, global diversity
Fig. 6. Dynamics of the zebra mussel invasion of the Mississippi Watershed. (A) Empirical data on zebra mussel spread over time. (B) Model snapshots of zebra mussel spread.
Note that the model (B) reproduces the data (A) very closely when both the connectivity structure of the river network and human interferences in zebra mussel spread are
taken into account. Human-mediated dispersal impacts the spread of zebra mussels through commercial and recreational boating activities. Taken and modied from Mari
et al. [45].
5. Looking forward
It is imperative to understand the key relationships between
hydrologic processes and biodiversity as global freshwater resources are subject to increasing pressures from both population
growth and climate change. There is certainly a vast literature that
relates to the many and varied interactions between hydrology and
species diversity that we do not cover in this paper. Instead, we
have outlined some of the major hydrologic drivers of biodiversity:
carrying capacity, niche formation, and dispersal. In this synthesis,
we have chosen to focus on hydrologic controls that can be used to
quantify the impacts of climate changes on biodiversity.
Forecasting the potential impacts of climate changes on biodiversity is of increasing importance. For this reason, the focus of this
paper is research that uses hydrologic processes to quantify
changes in species compositions. Going forward, there is a clear
need to develop a mechanistic model linking rainfall dynamics
and biodiversity. While the mean annual precipitation may be
the major driver of the distribution of species in some cases, it is
clear that rainfall timing and intensity will play a major role as well
[22]. For this reason, the development of a model that integrates
species diversity processes with rainfall dynamics would make a
valuable contribution to the literature. Similarly, recent research
has highlighted the importance of soil moisture variability to plant
functional groups [64,1]. It is important that future research continue to develop the relationship between soil moisture processes
and plant diversity.
As global water resources are increasingly constrained, water
withdrawals, transfer projects and dams will become increasingly
popular. Understanding the ecological impacts of proposed engineering projects is particularly important and challenging. The impact to sh diversity due to withdrawals and changes in river
network connectivity have only recently been examined quantitatively. In the future, these modeling approaches could be improved
by incorporating a more comprehensive set of relationships between hydrologic variables and the carrying capacity of sh.
M.K., R.M., and I.R.-I. acknowledge the support of the James S.
McDonnell Foundation through the Studying Complex Systems
Grant (220020138). M.K., M.J.T., and I.R.-I. acknowledge the support of NASA WaterSCAPES (Science of Coupled Aquatic Processes
in Ecosystems from Space; NASA NNX08BA43A). A.R. acknowledges funding from ERC Advanced Grant RINEC 22761 and SFN
Grant 200021/124930/1.
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