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Do Changes in Connectivity Explain


Arid and semiarid regions cover more than 40% of Earths land surface. Desertification, or broadscale land degradation in drylands, is a major
environmental hazard facing inhabitants of the worlds deserts as well as an important component of global change. There is no unifying framework
that simply and effectively explains different forms of desertification. In this article, we argue for the unifying concept that diverse forms of
desertification, and its remediation, are driven by changes in the length of connected pathways for the movement of fire, water, and soil resources.
Biophysical feedbacks increase the length of connected pathways, explaining the persistence of desertified landscapes around the globe. Management
of connectivity in the context of environmental and socioeconomic change is essential to understanding, and potentially reversing, the harmful effects
of desertification.
Keywords: desertification, connectivity, erosion, fire, vegetation dynamics

roadscale land degradation in arid and semiarid regions of

the globedesertificationdirectly affects about 250

million people in the developing world through the loss of soil
nutrients and reduction in the lands productivity, and could
potentially affect the 2.5 billion people who live in drylands
worldwide (Reynolds et al. 2007). In addition to imposing the
direct impacts of land degradation on people living in drylands, desertification is increasingly recognized as an important element of global change. For instance, changes in
vegetation structure and albedo as a result of desertification
can significantly affect regional climate, with feedbacks to
ecosystem dynamics (Taylor et al. 2002). Desertification has
been shown to affect animal biodiversity (Bestelmeyer 2005).
Atmospheric dust, with its myriad effects (Okin et al. 2004,
Kaufman et al. 2005, Kellogg and Griffin 2006), is produced
by erosional processes in deserts worldwide and increases
with desertification (Moulin and Chiapello 2006). A recent
report by Seager and colleagues (2007) suggests that increasingly arid conditions are expected in the next decades in
the southwestern United States, southern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. This aridification will contribute to desertification, with significant impacts on human
populations and important feedbacks within the global environment.
Understanding the causes and consequences of desertification requires an integrated analysis of the dynamics and interactions of key biophysical and socioeconomic variables
across multiple spatial and temporal scales (Reynolds et al.

2007). The objective of this article is to describe the unifying

concept that the length of connected pathways (LOCOP) in
landscapes explains four major types of desertification in
terms of both the patterns and the processes that occur. The
LOCOP concept can also serve as a framework for anticipating
future landscape dynamics and for guiding management and
remediation efforts.
The term desertification has been used to refer to many
disparate land degradation phenomena, but, in part because
of the flexibility of the term, an integrated biophysical understanding of the processes of desertification has been lacking.
Any general biophysical model of desertification and the
feedbacks that propagate it must encompass at least four
dominant forms of desertification, as reflected in changes in
vegetation cover, composition, and spatial distribution (figure 1): form 1, vegetation loss due to agriculture (Puigdefabregas 1998, Okin et al. 2001); form 2, vegetation loss due
to changes in climate or land use (Khalaf and Al-Ajmi 1993,
Gonzalez 2001); form 3, invasion of woody vegetation into
perennial grasslands (Van Auken 2000, Cabral et al. 2003); and
form 4, invasion of exotic grasses into desert shrublands,
resulting in replacement of woody vegetation (DAntonio
and Vitousek 1992). Each of these forms of desertification is
associated with a complex suite of changes in dynamic soil
properties, micrometeorology, and animal communities.
Each is also sustained by an important set of feedbacks
(figure 2).

BioScience 59: 237244. ISSN 0006-3568, electronic ISSN 1525-3244. 2009 by American Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. Request
permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions Web site at
reprintinfo.asp. doi:10.1525/bio.2009.59.3.8

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Here we argue that these four dominant forms of desertification have key commonalities that serve as the basis of a
mechanistic understanding of the biophysical aspects of desertification. The biological feedbacks model proposed by
Schlesinger and colleagues (1990) and widely used by others
in environments around the world, though relevant to many
systems, explains only one aspect of desertification (shrub encroachment) at only one scale (the plant interspace). Furthermore, it fails to fully define the fundamental processes that
make desertification so difficult to reverse in many regions.
The cross-scale interactions framework of Peters and colleagues (2004) describes one class of desertification events that
propagate through time and space and are driven by a change
in dominant processes. However, this model does not account for broadscale changes in vegetation that occur nearly
simultaneously, such as vegetation loss with agriculture. The
more recent interacting-elements framework of Peters and colleagues (2006) provides an overall structure for understanding the dynamics of complex landscapes in arid and semiarid
regions. However, this framework does not provide details on
238 BioScience March 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 3

how transport vectors interact with vegetation. The structural

and functional connectivity framework of Turnbull and colleagues (2008) discusses the interrelation between landscape
structure and abiotic connectivity, but only in the context of
water relations. To date, the biophysical commonality between different forms of desertification has not been adequately explained in terms of a unifying principle. Here we
propose that the underlying principle is changing connectivity
in landscapes undergoing desertification.

Landscape connectivity
Connected pathways serve as conduits for the movement
of fire, water, or soil resources borne by water or wind. We
argue that the four main forms of desertification are related
by changes in connectivity, which is defined specifically as the
length of connected pathways, or LOCOP (figure 2). This definition of connectivity confers more specificity to the recent
connectivity framework developed to explain how processes
at local to regional scales can influence continental-scale
dynamics (Peters et al. 2008).

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Figure 1. Schematic representation of the four forms of desertification and feedback processes that can be explained by
changes in connectivity. Abbreviation: LOCOP, length of the connected pathway; ORV, off-road vehicle.


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focused on the importance of hydrologic connectivity in controlling runoff and sediment

movement (Cammeraat 2002,
2004, Imeson and Prinsen 2004,
Bracken and Croke 2007, Mueller
et al. 2007a, Reaney et al. 2007).
Okin and Gillette (2001) and
McGlynn and Okin (2006) used
geostatistical arguments based on
connectivity to explain patterns in
vegetation caused by wind erosion. Appreciation for the role of
connectivity in the feedbacks
between transport processes and
plant processes that control ecosystem structure in deserts has
also emerged in the last several
years. Dunkerley and Brown
(1999) invoked flow of water and
sediment in unvegetated patches
to explain banded vegetation
in Australia. Sandercock and
colleagues (2007) studied the
of vegetation in conFigure 2. A model of desertification linking the length of the connected pathway, or
and geoLOCOP, to climate change, land use, and vegetation cover. Abbreviations: ORVs, off-road
vehicles; P/PE, precipitation/potential evapotranspiration.
channels in mediterranean Europe. Ludwig and colleagues
(2007) developed an index of leakiness that relates resource
Removal of vegetation to create arable fields (form 1)
flow from patchy arid and semiarid landscapes to the health
allows the cleared area to act as a connected pathway for
of these landscapes for Australia (table 1). Peters and colleagues
runoff, water erosion, and wind erosion, thus reducing infil(2006) discussed the role of connectivity in determining retration and increasing the removal of soil, nutrients, and
source flow and explaining patterns across scales in comother resources (Okin et al. 2001, Avni 2005). The connectivity
plex landscapes. Ares and collegues (2003a, 2003b) investigated
of agricultural fields during the drought of the 1930s has
the relationship between vegetation distribution and transbeen implicated in the Dust Bowl in the United States (Peters
port processes in Argentina. Li XR and colleagues (2006) inet al. 2007). Vegetation loss due to other land use, such as grazvestigated the use of straw checkerboards designed to reduce
ing or off-road vehicle use (form 2), similarly opens gaps that
act as connected pathways for wind and water (Webb 1982,
Table 1. The average size of unvegetated linear
Khalaf and Al-Ajmi 1993). Although these gaps usually aptransport pathways.
pear (at least initially) as small, open patches at intensively used
Average size of linear
sites (e.g., near water sources, along trails or roads), they can
transport pathways
Directional leakiness
expand because of the resulting reductions in soil moisture
and other soil resources. In the case of shrub encroachment
75 meters from water
into perennial grasslands (form 3), where the transport of soil
(most degraded)
resources by wind and water reinforces fertile islands
1400 meters from
(Schlesinger et al. 1990), bare transport pathways between
water (intermediate)
shrubs provide the requisite connectivity (Bartley et al. 2006,
Cattle exclosure
Peters et al. 2006, Mueller et al. 2007a, Okin 2008). When
(least degraded)
shrublands are replaced by a continuous cover of exotic grasslands (form 4), senescent grass during the dry season provides
Note: Calculations were made using the method of McGlynn and
Okin (2006) for data from Ludwig and colleagues (2002) for three
connectivity for fire; fires of sufficient intensity and duration
Australian grazed savanna sites. The directional leakiness index (DLI)
to kill woody plants cannot occur without a nearly continuis an index of the resource loss potential of a system. A fully functionous or connected stratum of fuel.
ing (i.e., conserving) system has DLI = 0.0. A system that is completely
unable to conserve its resources (i.e., a completely leaky system) has
Other authors have noted the importance of connectivity
DLI = 1.0.
in deserts. Much of the previous work on connectivity has


Scale and connectivity

The key concept in the connectivity model of desertification is the connected pathway. Connected pathways are conduits on the land surface that allow relatively free movement
of fire, water, and materials borne by both water and wind.
240 BioScience March 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 3

The size of connected pathways is measurable, and therefore

our model is scale explicit. The overall connectivity of a landscape is a function of the size distribution of its connected
pathways. A landscape with many short pathways will have a
low degree of connectivity, whereas a landscape composed
mostly of long pathways will have a high degree of connectivity.
Because connected pathways are of varying sizes, our
model serves to integrate multiple hierarchies of scale. For instance, the fertile islands model explains desertification at the
plant-interspace scale because it pertains to the movement of
soil resources from plant interspaces to adjacent areas beneath
plant canopies (Schlesinger et al. 1990). The connectivity
model includes the plant-interspace scale because plants are
naturally connected to their adjacent interspaces, but it supersedes that model because connected pathways also explain how
the plant-interspace scale connects with larger scales. Long
connected pathways account for the loss of soil resources at
a larger scale and the transport of that material over longer
distances. Thus, on a slope with short connected pathways,
small amounts of sediment are eroded from one area but
deposited nearby, whereas on a slope with long connected
pathways, a much larger area contributes sediment and erosional areas are further separated from depositional areas
(Bartley et al. 2006). If connected pathways are long enough,
transport can feed into a river network or ephemeral lake in
a closed basin, effectively removing the water and waterborne resources from the landscape entirely. In the case of
wind, short pathways may result in the redistribution of
coarse material and litter from interspaces to under-canopy
areas (Okin et al. 2006a). Longer pathways will result in
significant wind erosion (figure 3; Li J et al. 2007, Okin 2008)
and the loss of nutrient-rich dust that can be transported
thousands of kilometers with significant impacts on downwind ecosystems (Okin et al. 2004).
At a regional scale, climatic variables influence the size of
connected pathways and thus exert an influence on processes
at finer scales. For instance, the area that contributes runoff
to a point increases with greater rainfall intensity (Wainwright et al. 2002), and the proportion of the landscape undergoing wind erosion increases with wind speed (Okin
2005, 2008). Thus, greater rain intensity or wind strength results in increasingly connected landscapes. Furthermore, because new recruits can occur in locations that interrupt
transport pathways and the death of individuals can extend
existing pathways, climatic conditions controlling establishment (Neilson 1986) and mortality (Schultz and Ostler 1993)
can further influence pathway length and landscape connectivity. Likewise, fire connectivity is controlled by wind speed
during the fire as well as by the amount of senescent biomass
available, a result of climatic conditions during the previous
growing season.

The length of connected pathways

The existence of a connected spatial corridor does not by
itself ensure that a process can act along a pathway. Energy to

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connectivity for arid land remediation in China. Discussions

of forms of desertification other than those explicitly addressed here, such as the reduction of cover that accompanies
the building of earthworks that disrupt overland flow
(Schlesinger and Jones 1984), implicitly recognize the importance of connectivity in the lateral distribution of resources. Clearly, there is growing recognition of the importance
of connectivity in desert landscapes.
But instead of seeing connectivity as simply an emergent
phenomenon, our view is that the connectivity of landscape
pathways serves as the underlying and unifying concept for
understanding desertification. Landscape-change processes
and feedbacks depend on connectivity because connected
pathways provide the conduits for processes (fire propagation
and wind or water movement) that are directly responsible
for changing the spatial distribution of resources and vegetation (figure 2). Thus, changes in connectivity provide not
only a way to understand desertification but also a framework
to evaluate strategies for desertification mitigation. Successful strategies will be those that manage connectivity in effective ways. For example, many traditional soil conservation
measures such a shelterbelts, no-till agriculture, mulching, and
terracing essentially reduce the connectivity of the landscape
with respect to wind and water erosion.
A review by Van Auken (2000) of the likely controls on
shrub encroachment (form 3) has supported the role of
cattle grazing in reducing grass biomass, thus reducing fire frequency in an environment where fires are necessary for the
control of woody seedlings (DOdorico et al. 2006). In this
view, shrub encroachment is promoted by a reduction in
grass (i.e., fuel) connectivity. This analysis would seem to
contradict our assertion that greater connectivity is the key
factor controlling desertification. However, one must consider
the dominant processes in a landscape that drive desertification. In the case of shrub encroachment, the dominant
processes in desertification are wind and water erosion
(Schlesinger et al. 1990). Though a reduction in grass biomass
resulting from grazing shortens fuel and fire pathways, it simultaneously lengthens the abiotic transport pathways of
wind and water erosion. Fire limits the establishment of
shrub seedlings, but it cannot drive the landscape entirely to
the desertified and stable shrubland state. When desertification manifests as fire-induced conversion of woody shrublands
to exotic grasslands (form 4), the situation is the opposite, but
the analysis remains the same. Invasion of exotic grasses
lengthens the fire-fuel pathways while simultaneously shortening abiotic transport pathways. Here, fire is responsible
for the death of woody species and is the dominant process
that controls the conversion of fireproof woodlands to exotic


move material or to propagate fire is also required. Thus,

there is not any single value that can be used to differentiate
short pathways, which do not contribute significantly to biophysical transport or fire propagation, from long pathways,
which do. The effectiveness of a pathway for biophysical
transport or fire propagation is an increasing, nonlinear function of the length of the transport pathway and the energy
available for transport (e.g., volume of runoff and slope in the
case of water erosion or wind speed in the case of soil erosion
and fire). Thus, for any landscape, what constitutes a short or
long transport pathway depends on the forcing conditions at
a particular place and time. Nonetheless, a consideration of
the literature suggests that short pathways generally are less
than 0.5 to 1 meters (m) in size, whereas long pathways are
more than 2 to 5 m in size.
For instance: (a) Under prevailing conditions in southcentral New Mexico, unvegetated gaps smaller than 1 to 2 m
do not appear to contribute appreciably to aeolian flux (Okin
et al. 2006a), and gaps larger than 5 to 10 times the height of
the upwind vegetation are unaffected by the presence of vegetation (Okin et al. 2006b). (b) A rainfall experiment in
southern Arizona showed two to eight times more erosion
from a shrubland with plant spacing of 2 to 5 m compared
with a grassland on similar soils with plant spacing of 0.2 to
0.5 m (Parsons et al. 1996). The shrubland sites also experienced equilibrium runoff conditions more often than did the
grassland sites. The vegetation cover on the grassland site
was 33%, whereas the shrubland site had 44% cover. Thus, although the shrubland site had greater vegetation cover, the
longer connected pathways led to higher rates of erosion and
more frequent runoff production at the site. (c) Wildland fire
requires a nearly continuous stratum of fuel. The invasion of
nonnative grasses into shrublands of the southwestern United

Feedbacks to connectivity
When transported material reaches the end of a pathway, it
behaves in ways that tend to lengthen the pathway. For example, sand transported by wind can bury, abrade, or strip
leaves from plants that interrupt the flow, increasing mortality

Figure 4. AVIRIS (Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging

Spectrometer) image (NIR:Green:Blue::R:G:B) of abandoned central-pivot agricultural fields in the Mojave
Desert (black circles). Areas of wind-blown sand leading
to expanding desertification are outlined in yellow.
Source: Adapted from Okin and colleagues (2001).
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Figure 3. The emission of nitrogen (in milligrams of nitrogen per square meter per day) on dust from experimental
plots in the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico,
versus the length of the average aeolian transport pathway, in centimeters. Source: Based on data from Li FR
and colleagues (2005) for spring (triangles) and summer
(circles) of 2005.

States has provided this continuous fuel bed during and

after wet years (e.g., Brooks and Matchett 2006). Plant spacings in Mojave Desert shrublands are more than 4 to 5 m (figure 4; Wallace et al. 2000). Thus, unvegetated gap sizes greater
than 4 to 5 m do not appear consistent with propagation of
fire in these environments. Areas with unvegetated gaps of
more than 4 to 5 m must necessarily have short fire-fuel
Connected pathways exist in every landscape, though there
may be a threshold length required to initiate cascading landscape changes. Indeed, for short pathways, local resource redistribution is a beneficial effect of connectivity: (a) water
deposited at the base of a plant at the end of a short pathway
contributes to the growth of that plant, and (b) nutrient-rich
litter and fine soil particles that are deposited at the end of a
short wind or water pathway contribute to the fertility of
the soils at that site. When bare, erodible patches coalesce to
create interconnected transport pathways, however, wind
and water erosion can remove or significantly redistribute soil
resources. Changes in grazing, land use, climate, or other
factors are required to change connectivity so that short connected pathways coalesce to form long pathways, which are
then further elongated by feedback processes. Extreme events
such as drought, intense grazing, or other human activities may
trigger pathway coalescence. Once pathways have become
very long, further lengthening is limited by landscape characteristics, such as topography and soil parent material, that
can change only on very slow timescales.

landscapes. Invasion of native grasslands and shrublands by
exotic grasses will continue, particularly with the introduction of new varieties (e.g., the US Department of Agricultures
cold-resistant Frio variety of buffelgrass), resulting in connectivity of fuel. Each of these changes clearly presents new
management challenges, particularly because they are associated with positive feedbacks that make them difficult to reverse (Peters et al. 2004). They may also present new
opportunities for management.
For instance, an understanding of the degree of connectivity
in a landscape can aid in triage of remediation efforts. Areas
that are dominated by long connected pathways will not respond to small-scale manipulations because those pathways
present inertia that a small-scale manipulation cannot overcome. Remediation resources should be directed to cases
where they can do the most good, namely, to cases where the
scale of the potential remediation matches the scale of landscape connectivity.
Managing increasingly dynamic arid landscapes will require
significant changes in the ways in which we assess, monitor,
and respond to changes in connectivity within these landscapes. Assessment and monitoring protocols must be sensitive to changes in connectivity at the management-unit
scale to provide the information required to rapidly adapt
management. A protocol that reflects the size distribution of
intercanopy gaps (Herrick et al. 2005) has already been
adopted by the National Resource Conservation Services
National Resource Inventory and applied at more than 10,000
points in the United States, but most monitoring programs
continue to document only vegetation cover and composition.
This same indicator can also be applied at the managementunit scale to minimize the proportion of the soil surface exposed in gaps that are susceptible to wind erosion (Okin et

Managing connectivity
Aridification of arid and semiarid areas has
already begun and is expected to continue for
the next 50 years in the southwestern United
States (Seager et al. 2007). The ensuing
droughts can be expected to reduce establishment and increase mortality of desert plants,
leading to decreased cover and greater length
of connected pathways for transport processes.
Wind speed and rainfall intensity may also increase in the coming decades (IPCC 2007),
leading to greater effective connectivity of arid
242 BioScience March 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 3

Figure 5. Relative infiltration of water flowing downslope from three

shrublands (negative distances) into grasslands (positive distances), with the
grass-shrub boundary at distance = 0 meters. The infiltration multiplier at a
point is the infiltration rate at that point divided by the infiltration in the
high-connectivity shrubland. Water infiltrates preferentially (e.g., infiltration
multiplier > 1) in low-connectivity grasslands downslope of high-connectivity
shrublands, which contribute runoff (e.g., infiltration multiplier is
approximately 1). Source: Adapted from data in Mueller and colleagues

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and effectively lengthening the connected pathway (figure 4;

Okin and Gillette 2001). Likewise, through gully erosion,
runoff generated over a large area and funneled into a channel can cut through microtopographic barriers that would otherwise have interrupted the flow. In the absence of gully
erosion, runoff flowing from a high-connectivity shrub patch
(i.e., an area with long connected pathways) to a lowconnectivity grass patch (i.e., an area with short connected
pathways) does not immediately infiltrate upon reaching the
boundary (figure 5). Instead, the runoff travels beyond the
patch boundary, resulting in an effective increase in the connectivity of the landscape. The vegetation at the boundary, in
turn, has experienced removal of accumulated soil nutrients
in the runoff and relatively little infiltration of the runoff
water, with negative consequences for later growth (Mueller
et al. 2007b).
Feedbacks also exist in fire-driven desertification. A landscape dominated by short pathways for the spread of fire
can resist the influence of fire because, in the absence of a connected fuel load, the consequence of an ignition event is
minor. A landscape dominated by long connected pathways
for the spread of fire is prone to the effects of fire because the
fire can easily spread (Brown and Minnich 1986, Brooks and
Matchett 2006). Ignition of a grassy patch can kill or damage
woody plants within and at the downwind edges of a fire. The
resulting reduction in woody cover opens further areas for invasion of grasses.
Thus, positive feedbacks increase the length of connected
pathways in arid lands (figure 2) and small disturbances can
cause short pathways to coalesce, resulting in long pathways
with landscape- and regional-scale consequences (Peters et al.
2004). The presence of these feedbacks further explains why
the major forms of desertification have proven so difficult to
mitigate despite many decades of effort (Whitford et al. 1995).
Significant changes in climate may be able
to short-circuit positive feedback loops by interrupting long pathways through increased
recruitment, reduced wind speed, or lower
rainfall intensity. However, the persistence of
desertified ecosystems suggests that the ability
of other factors to overcome positive feedback
processes may be limited.


This research was supported by NSF-DEB grants 0720218 and
0717448 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Environmental Biology and grant DEB-0618210 from
the NSF Long Term Ecological Research program. We also
thank the reviewers for their valuable comments.

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al. 2006a). This indicator can be used by ranchers to decide

when to move livestock, and by federal land managers to
control off-highway vehicular traffic to reduce the risk of
crossing wind or water erosion thresholds.
In addition to providing managers early warning data on
potential degradation associated with changes in connectivity, these data could be used to identify potential opportunities for remediation. For example, greater hydrologic and
sediment connectivity upslope, or sediment connectivity upwind, may offer opportunities for increased production or
restoration in downslope or downwind locations. For millennia, humans managed connectivity by (a) selecting highly
connected parts of the landscape to enhance water availability for crop production (Homburg et al. 2005), (b) designing
production systems and soil and water conservation practices
that reduce connectivity among patches of bare soil (Bennet
1939), and (c) creating terraces to capture and exploit sediment associated with upslope connectivity. Nevertheless,
connectivity in the management of noncultivated dryland
ecosystems is rarely explicitly considered in the development
of new strategies, particularly at the multiple scales at which
it is relevant. By considering linkages at the landscape scale,
managers can often take advantage of greater upslope
connectivity to promote reduced connectivity in downslope
positions (e.g., by constructing barriers; Herrick et al. 2006).
In essence, changes in connectivity result in a constantly
shifting mosaic of resource availability. Better understanding
of this mosaic and the processes that control it can help managers to identify opportunities for promoting recovery
while limiting efforts in areas where they are likely to have
little effect.
Changes in the degree of connectivity in drylandsdefined
by the length and number of connected pathways for the
movement of fire, water, or soil resources by wind and water
are a key indicator of desertification worldwide. Feedbacks that
increase connectivity in drylands help explain the persistence of desertified ecosystems, even where the drivers have
been reduced or eliminated (Herrick et al. 2005). Research into
practical ways to manage landscape connectivity by interrupting connected pathways is needed if effective means for
the control, and perhaps reversal, of desertification are to be
found. This research must be integrated with an understanding of key socioeconomic variables to ensure that the
practices proposed are realistic (Liu et al. 2007). To the extent
possible, the biophysical and socioeconomic components of
desertification research should be integrated (Reynolds et al.


244 BioScience March 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 3

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Gregory S. Okin (e-mail: is with the Department of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles. Anthony J. Parsons and John
Wainwright are with the Department of Geography at the University of
Sheffield, United Kingdom. Jeffrey E. Herrick is a research soil scientist,
Brandon T. Bestelmeyer is a research ecologist, Debra C. Peters is an ecologist,
and Ed L. Fredrickson is a rangeland management specialist, all with the US
Department of Agricultures Agricultural Research Service, Range Management
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