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BioScience 2009 Okin 237 44
BioScience 2009 Okin 237 44
Arid and semiarid regions cover more than 40% of Earths land surface. Desertification, or broadscale land degradation in drylands, is a major
environmental hazard facing inhabitants of the worlds deserts as well as an important component of global change. There is no unifying framework
that simply and effectively explains different forms of desertification. In this article, we argue for the unifying concept that diverse forms of
desertification, and its remediation, are driven by changes in the length of connected pathways for the movement of fire, water, and soil resources.
Biophysical feedbacks increase the length of connected pathways, explaining the persistence of desertified landscapes around the globe. Management
of connectivity in the context of environmental and socioeconomic change is essential to understanding, and potentially reversing, the harmful effects
of desertification.
Keywords: desertification, connectivity, erosion, fire, vegetation dynamics
BioScience 59: 237244. ISSN 0006-3568, electronic ISSN 1525-3244. 2009 by American Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. Request
permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions Web site at
reprintinfo.asp. doi:10.1525/bio.2009.59.3.8
Here we argue that these four dominant forms of desertification have key commonalities that serve as the basis of a
mechanistic understanding of the biophysical aspects of desertification. The biological feedbacks model proposed by
Schlesinger and colleagues (1990) and widely used by others
in environments around the world, though relevant to many
systems, explains only one aspect of desertification (shrub encroachment) at only one scale (the plant interspace). Furthermore, it fails to fully define the fundamental processes that
make desertification so difficult to reverse in many regions.
The cross-scale interactions framework of Peters and colleagues (2004) describes one class of desertification events that
propagate through time and space and are driven by a change
in dominant processes. However, this model does not account for broadscale changes in vegetation that occur nearly
simultaneously, such as vegetation loss with agriculture. The
more recent interacting-elements framework of Peters and colleagues (2006) provides an overall structure for understanding the dynamics of complex landscapes in arid and semiarid
regions. However, this framework does not provide details on
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Landscape connectivity
Connected pathways serve as conduits for the movement
of fire, water, or soil resources borne by water or wind. We
argue that the four main forms of desertification are related
by changes in connectivity, which is defined specifically as the
length of connected pathways, or LOCOP (figure 2). This definition of connectivity confers more specificity to the recent
connectivity framework developed to explain how processes
at local to regional scales can influence continental-scale
dynamics (Peters et al. 2008).
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the four forms of desertification and feedback processes that can be explained by
changes in connectivity. Abbreviation: LOCOP, length of the connected pathway; ORV, off-road vehicle.
Feedbacks to connectivity
When transported material reaches the end of a pathway, it
behaves in ways that tend to lengthen the pathway. For example, sand transported by wind can bury, abrade, or strip
leaves from plants that interrupt the flow, increasing mortality
Figure 3. The emission of nitrogen (in milligrams of nitrogen per square meter per day) on dust from experimental
plots in the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico,
versus the length of the average aeolian transport pathway, in centimeters. Source: Based on data from Li FR
and colleagues (2005) for spring (triangles) and summer
(circles) of 2005.
landscapes. Invasion of native grasslands and shrublands by
exotic grasses will continue, particularly with the introduction of new varieties (e.g., the US Department of Agricultures
cold-resistant Frio variety of buffelgrass), resulting in connectivity of fuel. Each of these changes clearly presents new
management challenges, particularly because they are associated with positive feedbacks that make them difficult to reverse (Peters et al. 2004). They may also present new
opportunities for management.
For instance, an understanding of the degree of connectivity
in a landscape can aid in triage of remediation efforts. Areas
that are dominated by long connected pathways will not respond to small-scale manipulations because those pathways
present inertia that a small-scale manipulation cannot overcome. Remediation resources should be directed to cases
where they can do the most good, namely, to cases where the
scale of the potential remediation matches the scale of landscape connectivity.
Managing increasingly dynamic arid landscapes will require
significant changes in the ways in which we assess, monitor,
and respond to changes in connectivity within these landscapes. Assessment and monitoring protocols must be sensitive to changes in connectivity at the management-unit
scale to provide the information required to rapidly adapt
management. A protocol that reflects the size distribution of
intercanopy gaps (Herrick et al. 2005) has already been
adopted by the National Resource Conservation Services
National Resource Inventory and applied at more than 10,000
points in the United States, but most monitoring programs
continue to document only vegetation cover and composition.
This same indicator can also be applied at the managementunit scale to minimize the proportion of the soil surface exposed in gaps that are susceptible to wind erosion (Okin et
Managing connectivity
Aridification of arid and semiarid areas has
already begun and is expected to continue for
the next 50 years in the southwestern United
States (Seager et al. 2007). The ensuing
droughts can be expected to reduce establishment and increase mortality of desert plants,
leading to decreased cover and greater length
of connected pathways for transport processes.
Wind speed and rainfall intensity may also increase in the coming decades (IPCC 2007),
leading to greater effective connectivity of arid
242 BioScience March 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 3
This research was supported by NSF-DEB grants 0720218 and
0717448 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Environmental Biology and grant DEB-0618210 from
the NSF Long Term Ecological Research program. We also
thank the reviewers for their valuable comments.
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