Ratified Minutes of A Meeting of Quidhampton Parish Council Held On Tuesday 28 January 2014 in The Village
Ratified Minutes of A Meeting of Quidhampton Parish Council Held On Tuesday 28 January 2014 in The Village
Ratified Minutes of A Meeting of Quidhampton Parish Council Held On Tuesday 28 January 2014 in The Village
In attendance;
Mrs C Churchill (Clerk), 3 members of the public, Wilts Cllr Edge, PC Jung
Cllr Bass. Mr C Frank.
There were no questions or statements from members of the public on any matter concerning the village.
Report from the Wilton Rural Neighbourhood Police Team. PC Jung had nothing to report.
Report from Wiltshire Councillor Mr Peter Edge.
CATG meeting held on 20th January.
SWWAB meeting next week at Tisbury. 6.30pm for youth grants and 7.30pm for the main
WC has a full council meeting on 4th February, called to discuss allowances.
Review of parish boundaries.
Reminder everyone of community grants.
Update on CLT Ken Taylor has stood down as Chairman, new Chairman has been appointed,
Mark Pountain. Issue over affordable housing numbers on the Wilton Hill application.
Cllr Roberts opened the meeting at 7.41pm
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Bass (conflicting engagement).
Quidhampton PC resolved to accept the apology for the reason given.
Local Government Act 1972 s85(1)
Exclusion of the press and public. None
Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1972 ss100
Council meeting minutes - to confirm and sign the minutes of the parish council meeting
held on 21st November 2013.
Quidhampton PC resolved to approve without amendment, the previously circulated Minutes which were
taken as read and signed by the Chairman.
Interests. Cllr Edge stated an interest in item 14/015, as he lives next door to the property
Localism Act 2011, section 31.
Co option of Cllr. There are currently two vacancies for a Parish Councillor on
Quidhampton PC which may be filled by co-option. Two parishioners stood for co-option. Mr Charles and
Mrs Victoria Frank from Almeric.
Quidhampton PC resolved to co-opt both Mr and Mrs Frank onto Quidhampton PC.
Cllr Mrs Frank signed the declaration of acceptance of office and joined the council.
Clerk to sort out paperwork with Cllr C Frank.
To receive an update from the Quidhampton Young Peoples Forum regarding
Quidhampton recreation ground.
Clerk has chased sovereign for the quote and requested a hard copy. Clerk to chase again.
Clerk and Cllr Roberts will try to confirm date for the consultation in the village hall.
Update of actions from the meeting dated 21st November 2013.
1. (13/131) Clerk has asked Dog Warden to patrol the village.
2. (13/131) Nothing was received from Cllr Edge re dog fouling prosecutions. Cllr Edge confirmed he
had no further information.
3. (13/138) Cllr Rowley spoke to Mr Strawson but he had already handed all the keys back to
Enterprise and these included the key to the shed storing the marquee.
Cllr Taylor will speak to the Enterprise contact and ask about the marquee.
Cllr Taylor
Cllr Taylor then to inform Clerk who will send a letter to Enterprise clarifying the ownership of the
CllrTaylor / Clerk
There is a possibility someone has signed the lease for the White Horse.
Commemoration of the outbreak of the First World War. Ms Tilbrook spoke
about her research so far, there are 10 names on the Lych Gate which are associated with
Quidhampton and of these they have identified all but 3.
Cllr Roberts thanked Ms Tilbrook on all the work she had done so far and asked her to remember that
Quidhampton PC will consider any applications for funding.
To be on the agenda for every other meeting.
Pedestrian crossing on the A36 to allow safe pedestrian crossing to the bus stop by
the quarry. One of the arguments to keeping a bus service throughout the village was the lack of a
crossing on the A36. If there were a crossing it may result in a reduced bus service therefore no action to
be taken at the moment but to be reviewed at least annually.
Highway issues.
Safety issues along Lower Rd between Footshill and Skew Rd junctions.
Due to the weather no meeting has taken place with Highways.
20mph speed limit in the village.
WC have now approved a policy and each Area Board may put forward two sites for
consideration of a 20mph speed limit per year. The policy has been circulated.
Clerk has f/w the policy to Salisbury CC, possibility of working with SCC to get the whole
length of Lower Rd as a 20mph.
Quidhampton PC resolved to request a 20mph speed limit / zone for Lower Rd from its
junction with the A3094 to the parish boundary with the City of Salisbury.
Clerk to clarify with Stephen Harris whether the zone or limit needs to be stipulated. Clerk
Speed limit review in Skew Rd.
The metrocount has recently been put down.
Pedestrian safety issues in Skew Rd.
Delayed until after the metrocount has been done.
Update from the CATG meeting held on 20th January 2014.
Pedestrian crossing at North and South street in Wilton to be installed shortly, lot of talk on the
state of the roads. Please report all potholes.
Village Hall Enhancements. To consider current grants available for
enhancements and if agreed to contact the Village Hall Management Committee.
Quidhampton PC wish to support the village hall and are willing to assist in any application.
Shared workspace was discussed, Cllr Rowley will speak to Mr Dawson about this.
Cllr Rowley
To receive an update on flooding. A meeting was held by WC on 22nd January on
recent flooding. WC have been sending daily updates on areas on concern (not Quidhampton)
and progress on these areas.
There was no known property flooding in Quidhampton although several gardens were flooded,
the flood plain was flooded.
Year ending 31st March 2014.
(i) To note the balance of the accounts
Quidhampton PC noted the account balance stands at 8,241.75 with 151.88 unpresented cheques
making an available balance of 6,060.17, this includes committed funds totalling 800.
(ii) To review and approve terms of expenditure as detailed in schedule of payments.
Quidhampton PC authorised payments totalling 528.34.
Local Government Act 1972 s150(5). Account and Audit Regulations 2008
5 The Alders, Lower Rd. 2 storey rear extension.
Quidhampton PC resolved to support the application.
Clerks Report.
Daily email updates on flooding issues in the county
Several emails on council tax support, as yet no decision has been made on capping.
Applied for Precept
Applied for 40 x 35kg bags of salt / grit from WC (supplied free of charge).
Clarified white line issue, it is an offence to completely obstruct the white line but it would be a matter for
the police.
Attended SWWAB, CATG, Flood meeting, Rights of way meetings and SLCC meeting (focus on
Will attend SWWAB and CATG.
To note agenda items for the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 25th March 2014.
Please note all agenda items should be sent to the Clerk by 9am on Monday 17th March.
Cllr Roberts closed the meeting at 21.09pm