Council Minutes April 2013
Council Minutes April 2013
Council Minutes April 2013
Minutes of the Meeting Held at The Tanyard, Tongwynlais, on Monday 29th April 2013. Meeting Commenced at 7:30pm.
1.00 ATTENDANCE : Community Councillors: Chair Brian Griffiths, Chris Morgan, Julie Jones, Mike Griffiths, Peter Tiidt, and Mike Jones-Pritchard. Clerk: Ceri Lane County Councillors: Jonathan Evans and Benjamin Thomas. Police Representative: None present. Four members of the public. 2.00 APOLOGIES : Councillors: Ceri Morgan, Graham Walters and Linda Morgan. PC Paul Tebbutt and PCSO Gary Dunning
DECLARATION AND REGISTRATION OF INTERESTS. None were declared. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of previous meetings held on 25th March were agreed. (Both the open and closed meetings) POLICE MATTERS No Police report available. Cllrs were concerned that no police officers could attend and no report was sent.
MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES AND ANY REMAINING BUSINESS FROM PREVIOUS MEETING. Item 6.02. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths explained that the meeting was in fact with the Manager of Homestyle of Blackwood. Resolved. Item 6.04. The Clerk requested the keys for the notice board, Cllr Graham Walters informed the Clerk that the locks would be fitted by himself that week. As Cllr Graham Walters is not in attendance, there is no update available. 76
Item 10.02. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths and the Clerk met with Rob Jones from the Parks Dept. regarding planters being placed on the land at Merthyr Road/ Bute Street. Rob Jones explained that the land would require six planters. He pointed out that we already get six planters in the village, and therefore he felt that another six would be unfair to other communities. He suggested having railings put along the edge of the ground and then he could arrange for hang-on planters. Rob Jones contacted Steve Carrel from Highways to get some advice. Steve Carrel advised in an email that as there are no yellow lines along that stretch of road, the pavement parking of vehicles could not be enforced, however, if the vehicles are obstructing the pavement then the police can take further action. Mr Carrel suggested that bollards should be erected along the edge of the adopted highway. County Cllr Benjamin Thomas will try to find out where the boundary line between Highway and private land is situated. Item 10.03. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths asked the County Cllrs if there was any update on additional bins. County Cllr Jonathan Evans said that no decisions had been made yet. Item 10.04. County Cllr Benjamin Thomas recently placed a box of dog poop bags in the Spar. Dog poop bags are available at Whitchurch Library. Resolved. Item 10.05. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths contacted the Parks Dept. they have raised a works order to repair the fence. Ongoing. Item 10.08. Some members are still concerned about the Tanyard being used late at night with live music. It was agreed that the booking on 13th June could take place subject to conditions and 100 refundable deposit. The Clerk shall liaise with the Chairman and send a letter with the conditions to the hirer. Ongoing. Item 3.01 of closed meeting. Chair Brian Griffiths asked for a breakdown of projects. Expenses included under projects are Christmas lights, summer festival, winter fayre and any street parties. Resolved. Item 3.02 of closed meeting. The Clerk arranged for meetings with both Elsbury and Floodlighting. Both companies have sent quotations for new led lights to be fitted along Merthyr Road using the lampposts instead of along the houses. The Councillors asked for copies of the quotations to be given to each Councillor so that it can be discussed further at a later meeting. Ongoing. Item 3.04 of closed meeting. Cllr Brian Griffiths has spoken to Tyfrion Edwards and he is happy to work the agreed hours. Any particular work that needs to be undertaken should be discussed and arranged at a monthly meeting. CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS, PLANNING APPLICATIONS & REPORTS OF MEETINGS:The Clerk reported the following correspondence received since the previous meeting:a) Mazars Annual Return. Clerk to finalise end of year account and contact Jane White to carry out internal Audit. b) Mazars letter apologising for not franking some of the Annual Returns. c) One Voice Wales, The Voice Issue 22. d) One Voice Wales, vacancy. e) One Voice Wales, Consultation on Welsh Governments draft Social and Environmental Guidance to Ofwat. f) One Voice wales, training, Allotments/Community Growing. 77
One Voice Wales, WPD Stakeholder Workshop. One Voice Wales, Agenda for 22nd April and Minutes from 14th January. Glasdon Products. Clerks and Councils Direct. Cardiff Council land rent, 10. Clerk to raise cheque. Business Gas Electricity 1st March 31st March 2013 32.76. S4C, poster. Statutory Guidance to Welsh Local Authorities on the Power to promote or improve Economic, Social or Environmental Well-Being under the Local Government Act 2000. Planning Applications 13/00507/DCO, 51A Merthyr Road. No comments. 13/00625/DCO, Former Taff Gorge, Heol-y-Fforest. Two residents living close to the proposed development attended the meeting to raise their concerns over the application. After discussion, the Council agreed to oppose the application. Cllr Mike Jones-Pritchard will write to development control on behalf of the Council. 13/00655/DCH, Ton y Bwlch House, Rhiwbina Hill. The Council would like to suggest that this must be conditioned so that it can never be a separate dwelling. Always ancillary to the main property. Planning Application 13/00174/DCO, Mount Pleasant, County Cllr Benjamin Thomas will check status with Planning committee. There were no reports of meetings.
g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n)
8.00 8.01
1292 1293 1294 1295/96/97 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 D/D
-2286.00 -2600.00 -1750.00 -799.18 -950.00 -89.78 -400.00 -858.40 -212.00 -521.59 18000.00
Cheques to be raised. Total wages and expenses for April (211.83+223.31) Cardiff Council 10.00 Refund Brian Griffiths 46.34. NOTICES OF MOTION None received. 78
9.00 9.01
10.00 10.01
QUESTION TIME. This item was discussed at the beginning of the meeting as agreed by all members present. A local resident attended the beginning of the meeting, he explained that he is a keen gardener and would be willing to help plant some spring bulbs in the Autumn. Mr Cartwright is keen to plant in front of the Doctors surgery and village hall if permitted. He showed the meeting a slide show of Spring flower displays in other areas of Cardiff to give an idea of what it would look like. It was agreed that the Council would request various Spring bulbs and a volunteer group could be arranged to plant them. The Community Council and most local residents are infuriated and want to know why twenty five trees were felled along a stretch of Merthyr Road. County Cllr Jonathan Evans confirmed that he responded to concern about some trees and contacted the Parks Dept and asked them to assess the trees along Merthyr Road. He went on to say that on inspection of the trees, a professional tree officer from the Parks Dept. assessed them to be in poor and declining health. The decision to remove the trees was also based on the structural integrity of the wall and the risk to public health and safety. Cllr Mike Jones-Pritchard and other community councillors have inspected the trunks that have been left and found no evidence of rot or damage. He requested that County Cllr Jonathan Evans obtain a full report from the Parks Dept. Cllr Mike Jones-Pritchard was extremely worried that based on the assessment by the Parks Dept. many more trees throughout Tongwynlais could be felled. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths asked Cllr Jonathan Evans when these concerns were originally brought to his attention. The councillor replied that he was unsure of the exact date but said it was approximately October 2012. This troubled Chair Cllr Brian Griffith even more as there was no consultation with the Community Council, in fact nobody else including other County Cllrs seemed to know that the trees were to be felled. County Cllr Jonathan Evans was reminded that there is a Charter in place between Cardiff Council and Community Councils. Cllr. Jonathan Evans took full personal responsibility for any failure in communication by the council. Tongwynlais Community Council wish to be notified of any Cardiff Council work orders to take place in Tongwynlais in order for the Community to have their say. County Cllr Jonathan Evans agreed that there had been a breakdown in communication and explained that it may have been down to his recent ill health. County Cllr Jonathan Evans informed the meeting that a meeting has been arranged to discuss the landscape options at 19:00hrs Tuesday 30th April on location of the felled trees. County Cllr Jonathan Evans will request a full report from the Parks Dept. and will update the Community Council in due course. Cllr Mike Jones-Pritchard asked if the Council could write to Graftons and request that they consider donating the land beside the village hall to the Community. Clerk shall write when requesting the maintenance payment that is overdue. Cllr Peeter Tiidt informed the Council that some trees on the allotment ground may need to be felled. Cllr Chris Morgan will attend the allotment and take a look at the trees. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths asked the meeting to decide what kind of blinds should be used in the Tanyard. It was agreed that the Council purchase vertical blinds for the windows. Glass replacements were required for kitchen use. It was decided that the hirer would bring their own plastic glasses. The plastic red chairs are in storage waiting to be cleaned. The following rates were agreed for Tanyard hire. 15 per party for local resident childrens parties plus 100 returnable deposit. 79
10.07 10.08
12 per hour for all other event hire plus 100 returnable deposit. Whole Day/weekend rates to be considered on request.
A community litter pick has been arranged for Monday 6th May. Meet at Lewis Arms at 11am. A list of names of all people who take part needs to be kept on file. Chair Cllr Brian Griffiths asked the Clerk to send a letter to David Lloyd thanking him for his help moving furniture from and to the Tanyard. ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS BY PERMISSION OF THE CHAIR. None. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. The date of the next meeting will be Monday 20th May 2013 at 19.30hrs The meeting closed at 21:04hrs.