Admu NSTP Manual

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Student Manual 2015


National Service Training Program PLUS

Office for Social Concern and Involvement
Manuel V. Pangilinan Center for Student Leadership, Room 104
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Telephone (02) 426 6001 loc. 5090-92
Telefax (02) 426 1017


2 Loyola schools mission-vision

3 integrated Ateneo Formation Program
4 four inaf developmental programs
6 Office for Social Concern and Involvement
7 national service training program
nstp components
8 nstp plus as inaf program
9 program approaches
11 pastoral cycle framework
12 activities
14 policies and guidelines
20 grading system
22 mga unang hakbang tungo sa tao
23 frequently asked questions
24 nstp plus implementers

Loyola Schools Mission-Vision

The Ateneo Loyola Schools is a Filipino,
Catholic, and Jesuit center of excellence of
higher learning that is globally competitive
while Asian in perspective; a community
that transforms society through its research
and creative work, its leadership in service to
others and the environment, and its formation
of persons-for-others.


Integrated Ateneo Formation Program

The Loyola Schools InAF program is aimed
towards the formation of persons-for-andwith-others who will contribute meaningfully
to the transformation of Philippine society as
servant-leaders engaged in various fields of
In line with the formation of the whole
person characteristic of Jesuit education,
the InAF program seeks to provide students
with opportunities that can help develop
and integrate the personal, academic, sociocultural, and spiritual dimensions that
comprise each students person.
In forming students to be professionalsfor-and-with-others, the InAF program seeks
to develop graduates who are: able to apply
their academic competence and training in the
service of nation building; conscious of their
responsibilities as global citizens; guided by
Ignatian discernment and rooted in a personal
relationship with God; strongly oriented to
faith and justice; and critically rooted in their
To achieve the abovementioned goals,
all undergraduate students of the Loyola
Schools undergo four programs as part of
their holistic formationthe Introduction to
Ateneo Culture and Traditions (InTACT),
the National Service Training Program PLUS
(nstp plus), the Junior Engagement Program

(jeep), and the Senior Integration Program

(sip). These programs are supervised by the
Office of the Associate Dean for Student
Affairs and involve the following officesthe
Office of Campus Ministry (ocm), the Office
of Guidance and Counseling (ogc), the Office
of Placement and Career Services (opcs), the
Office for Social Concern and Involvement
(osci), and the Office of Student Activities

Academic Competence

Spiritual Maturity
Personal Awareness



Cultural Rootedness
Naka-ugat sa Pinanggalingan

student manual

Four InAF Developmental Programs

First Year: Introduction to Ateneo Culture and Traditions
The InTACT program aims to help first year students develop
self-awareness and self-empowerment by providing them with
opportunities to take a closer look at themselves and at how they
relate to their family, friends, school, country, and God. As students
are welcomed into the Ateneo community and introduced to the
universitys culture and traditionswhich are rooted in Filipino,
Catholic and Jesuit valuesthey not only go through a journey of self-discovery but one of
formative growth as well.
The InTACT program is designed to assist students in their academic adjustment to college
life; raise their self-awareness; introduce them to the value of Ignatian Spirituality; and develop
their sense of community and awareness of social realities.
Second Year: National Service Training Program PLUS
(nstp plus)
The nstp plus was conceived in response to the National Service
Training Program (nstp) Act of 2001 or Republic Act 9163, which
seeks to promote civic consciousness among the youth and
develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social wellbeing. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism, and
advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. As such, the
program seeks to develop the ethics of social involvement and patriotism among sophomores
as they undergo training in any of the following componentsCivic Welfare Training Service
(cwts) or Reserved Officers Training Corps (rotc).
The nstp plus aims to provide students with opportunities to get to know their neighbor
from the marginalized sectors of society and to respond to the call of being a gift to others
through their particular academic disciplines or fields of interest. These opportunities also hope
to deepen the students knowledge of themselves through the continuous exploration of their


Third Year: Junior Engagement Program ( jeep)

To enable third year students to further engage the world beyond
the self, the jeep aims to help juniors develop a deeper awareness
of their responsibility towards the other and of their role as
members of society.
The jeep is designed to provide opportunities that will allow
students to critically engage in the life experiences of people who
experience, or work to address the reality of marginalization.
Through these experiences, it is hoped that students will gain an understanding of the various
contexts of the other in relation to economic, political, and socio-cultural realities as well as
grow in social responsibility.
Fourth Year: Senior Integration Program (sip)
The sip aims to help graduating students reflect on and integrate
their Ateneo college experience in light of their personal vocation
and the call to help build the nation. By helping seniors discern
how their respective disciplines and future career decisions can
respond effectively to societal needs, the program seeks to form
graduates who will be catalysts for change as professionals-for-andwith-others.
The sip is designed to form leaders who possess a strong sense of their personal giftedness,
competence in their respective fields of study, a genuine desire and commitment to be of service
to the nation, and a capacity to ground their decisions in Ignatian discernment.

student manual

Office for Social Concern and Involvement

Following the Ignatian Pedagogical
Tradition, the Office for Social Concern and
Involvement (osci) seeks to deepen social
awareness and intensify the passion for social
involvement among Loyola School students
in order to create positive impact among
marginalized communities.
Through its formation programs, the osci
1. Raises awareness of the reality of poverty
and fosters solidarity action and advocacy
2. Utilizes service-learning as pedagogical
strategy across various academic disciplines;
3. Serves as a principal link of the Loyola
Schools to marginalized communities.


National Service
Training Program
Signed into law in 2001, Republic Act 9163 or
the National Service Training Program (nstp)
Act seeks to promote civic consciousness
among the youth and shall develop their
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and
social well-being. It shall inculcate in the
youth patriotism, nationalism, and advance
their involvement in public and civic affairs.

Literacy Training Service ( lts) is a
program designed to train students to become
teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to
school children, out of school youth, and
other segments of society in need of their
Civic Welfare Training Service (cwts)
refers to program or activities contributory
to the general welfare and the betterment of
life for the members of the community or the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those
developed to improving health, education,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation, and morals of the citizenry.
Reserve Officers Training Corps (rotc)
is a program institutionalized under sections
38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077 designed
to provide military training to tertiary level
students in order to motivate, train, organize,
and mobilize them for national defense

student manual

NSTP PLUS as InAF Program

In the Ateneo, the nstp plus aims to provide holistic development and formation in four key
areas: personal and interpersonal development, spiritual development, social, and cultural
formation, as well as leadership development. To achieve this, students are provided with
opportunities to get to know their neighbor from the marginalized sectors of society and
respond to the call of being a gift to others through their particular academic disciplines or fields
of interest. These opportunities also hope to deepen the students knowledge of themselves
through the continuous exploration of their gifts, enhance their commitment to pursue personal
growth and increase their sense of Gods personal love. nstp plus is an integrated student
formation effort among various Loyola Schools offices such as the Office for Social Concern
and Involvement (osci), the Office of the Campus Ministry (ocm), the Office of Guidance and
Counseling (ogc), the Office of Student Activities (osa), and the Office of the Associate Dean for
Student Formation (adsf).
nstp plus Expected Learning Outcomes
At the end of the program, the students were able to:
Critically reflect on their experience
Critically analyze their experience using the Sustainable Livelihood framework
Apply technical skills in their area engagements
Demonstrate socio-emotional skills in their area engagements
Demonstrate generosity in service.


It is an Ateneo approach to formation
that makes use of knowledge and skills
related to ones discipline or course to serve
development institutions and marginalized
Service-Learning as a credit-bearing
educational experience in which students
participate in an organized service activity
that meets identified community needs
and reflect on the service activity in such
a way as to gain further understanding of
course content, a broader appreciation of the
discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic

student manual

Pastoral Cycle Framework

A heightened and deepened sense of awareness and
understanding of social realities can be brought about by
experiential learning. Furthermore, ones preferential
option for the poor places a priority on the experiences,
views, needs, feelings and stance of the poor and the most
vulnerable in a community.
What to do is an inevitable
question in the movement
around the pastoral
learning cycle. Two
principles of the Churchs
social teachings orient
the threefold response
of planning, action and
evaluation. The first is the
principle that places action
at the lowest level possible:
solidarity. The second is
the principle that reckons
the most efficient, equitable
and sustainable use of

The question of why such
conditions exist will be
guided by those whose
rights are being violated and
whose responsibilities are
called upon to change the
situation. The language of
rights and responsibilities
rooted in the human
dignity of each person in
the community pushes
analytical approaches
beyond economic and
political causes to social and
cultural causes.

When we come to ask what it means to our faith
to evaluate this situation, and what is really most
at stake in this situation, we can be guided by the
churchs social teachings on human dignity and
solidarity. Every person is made in the image of
God. Dignity need not be earned; it has been given
as a gift.

student manual


This session aims to provide students
knowledge on the nstp plus, its program
objectives/rationale, processes, policies and
guidelines, and the institution of community.

Processing Sessions
These small group sessions, conducted at most
twice every semester, aim to facilitate the
sharing of the students reflections and analysis
of their experiences.

Community Integration Workshop

At the end of this session, students should
be able to demonstrate effective community
integration skills, and have the correct
disposition in doing community service.

Social Analysis
Students should be able to define
marginalization, analyze and identify issues
of marginalization in the community or
institution using basic needs, capability
deprivation, and Sustainable Lives and
Livelihood Framework as a tool for analysis
and action.

Skills Training
At the end of this session, students should be
able to demonstrate skills necessary for the
effective implementation of their tasks in their
assigned communities.
Area Engagement
For each school year, the students are expected
to engage with the communities they signed
up for through their identified civic-oriented
work. Each engagement gives the students
not only the opportunity to bond with the
community but also render community
service related to their specific component
and/or discipline. Aside from the componentbased services, activities also include the Area
Orientation, home visits, Christmas party,
urban gardening, and culminating activity.


The Recollection provides students an
opportunity for silence and solitude to see how
ones relationship and attitude is towards ones
neighbor and God. Students are invited to
look at how one receives and welcomes Christ
as a person, as a gift in ones life, and reflect on
the concrete ways one is invited to be Christlike: a gift to ones neighbor.

Reaity Bytes #TheMillenials

The Loyola Schools Office of Guidance and
Counseling aims to provide evidence-based
programs and services that will cater to the
psycho-social needs of the students. This
session aims to make students:
Have a better understanding of themselves
as adolescents in relation to the possible
challenges they may face
Be aware of how they cope with their
current concerns
Know what they need to improve on as they
journey towards becoming men and women
for others
10:30 - 12:00
26 Oct Monday
3:00 - 4:30
9:00 - 10:30
27 Oct Tuesday
1:30 - 3:00
9:00 - 10:30
28 Oct Wednesday
4:30 - 6:00
10:30 - 12:00
29 Oct Thursday
3:00 - 4:30
10:30 - 12:00
30 Oct Friday
4:30 - 6:00

Ignatian Discernment Talk

The Discernment Talk aims to help our
students become aware of the basic steps of the
Ignatian Discernment Process to help them
develop the capacity to discern. This is one of
our initiatives to make our sophomores learn
more about Ignatian Spirituality whose yearlevel Ignatian theme is Cura Personalis.
National Greening Program
The National Greening Program (ngp)
seeks the attainment of sustainable human
development, and economic and ecological
security. As a strategy, it aspires the planting
of some 1.5 billion trees in around 1.5 million
hectares of public lands for six years, starting
2011 to 2016. Students should be able to
participate in activities such as tree planting
and site preparations.
Ateneo Task Force 2016
At the end of the session, students should be
able to discuss the state of the nation and how
to engage the youth in political affairs beyond

Venue: Escaler Hall

Students can sign-up using the link:
from 5 to 21 October
student manual


Policies and Guidelines

Responsibility to dispose oneself physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually to
undergo the formation programs

Safety and Security

Responsibility of osci, areas, and students
to ensure safety and security during area

Rationale: Students are expected to predispose

themselves for all activities of the program. To be
physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
prepared is a shared responsibility between the
formator and the students. Since engagement in
communities is valued in the program, readiness of
students is non-negotiable.

Student responsibilities
Prepare themselves (knowing basic
information, objectives of the program)/
Familiarize themselves with the area
Responsibility for oneself and ones
Accountability to peers and area
Respect for (written and verbal) guidelines
set by osci, partner institution/community
and the University
Conduct oneself according to the objectives
of the program and context of the area

It is therefore the responsibility of students to:

1. Attend the Orientations, Community
Integration Workshop and Skills Trainings;
a. Students who missed the Orientation and
Skills Training sessions are required to
attend a make-up session. However, cuts
incurred for such an absence will remain.
b. Students will not be allowed to participate
in the Area Engagement without the
proper orientation and training.
c. Area Engagements missed for not having
the said pre-engagement activities are
considered absences.
2. Submit the nstp plus Student Manual



osci responsibilities
Identify communities and designate field of
Identify transportation provision going to
and from the area
Implement monitoring system for student
Identify emergency plan

Area responsibilities
Designate field of engagement
Implement monitoring system for student
Identify emergency plan
Rationale: It is the primary responsibility of the
formators to ensure the safety and security of the
students. However, students also have obligations
to ensure the safety and security of the community
people, the formator and their peers as well.
These responsibilities are:
1. Knowing basic information such as objectives,
schedules, requirements etc.
2. Looking after ones and peers belongings.
3. Being a brothers/sisters keeperAccountability
to peers and area
4. Respect for (written and verbal) guidelines set
by osci, partner institution/community and the
5. Conduct oneself according to the objectives of
the program and context of the area
6. Observe parameters of engagement
a. During Area Engagements, students should be
in their appropriate nstp plus uniform: nstp
plus shirt, pants, and closed shoes.
i. It is the responsibility of the student to
inform the formator and the monitor if
he/she is not in complete uniform. Failing
to do so can merit a dishonesty case.

ii. A student will be given a warning if he/

she failed to follow the above mentioned
policy for the first time. For all the
succeeding violations, the students will
be marked absent. This shall be observed
on a per semester basis.
b. Students should not bring materials that
are not related to area work such as mp3
players, gaming consoles, school work, etc.
Students should always be responsible for
their things.
c. Do not bring and/or wear expensive
watches, jewellery, gadgets, etc.
7. Follow transportation guidelines
a. Students are not allowed to proceed
directly to the area unless students are
instructed to do so by their formator.
However, students may submit a letter of
request to their formator from their parents
or guardians, with proximity of the area
to their place of residence as a reason that
may be considered in allowing them to go
directly to the area.
b. Going directly to the area without prior
approval from their formator is considered
an absence.
c. Students are not allowed to ride the jeep
once it has left the dispatching area.
8. Report any untoward incident to the area
monitor, coordinator, and/or formator
student manual


Task-related/Technical competency
Responsibility of the student to perform their
task with the required competencies
Rationale: Students are expected to provide high
quality outputs as a result of their best efforts and
their desire to be excellent in serving.
Professionalism is expected from every student,
therefore it is their responsibility to prepare for each
engagement and to execute activities with diligence
and care.
It is the responsibility of students to:
1. Attend task-related orientation and training
of the program
a. Students will not be allowed to participate
in the Area Engagements without the
proper orientation and training. Students
who missed the Orientations and Skills
Trainings sessions are required to attend a
make-up session. However, cuts incurred
for such an absence will remain. Area
Engagements missed for not having the
said trainings are considered absences.
2. Bring and use materials necessary for the
implementation of their task
3. Submit required outputs
4. Follow institutional policies and university
research ethics
5. Any form of dishonesty committed in the
context of nstp plus shall automatically
merit a disciplinary case.



Attendance and Participation

Active engagement in all activities
Physical presence in all activities
Diligence in informing the nstp plus
formator about concerns and absences
Rationale: Whether in class or in the area, each
student is expected to actively participate and show
respect to other people. Students are expected to be
punctual at all times.
1. Students are only allowed 10 hours of absences
from all the nstp plus activities. Incurring
more than 10 hours of absences would mean
withdrawal from the course.
2. Students are required to inform their formator
in advance if they will be absent for an Area
Engagement. Unforeseen absences should also
be reported as soon as possible.
3. Students incurring absences should submit
an Absence Report Form signed by the
a. adaa for representations,
i. If a student misses any nstp plus
activity for representing the school or
the country such as competitions or
conferences, or was unable to do so due
to bad weather, he/she can request for an
alternative activity.
b. Parent or guardian for bad weather,
medical concerns, or family emergencies

c. Concerned professor for academic conflict.

i. If a student misses an nstp plus activity
scheduled outside the enrolled nstp plus
schedule due to conflict with academics,
he/she can request for an alternative
activity. An example of this scenario
would be a student enrolled to nstp plus
on a Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm, misses a
Social Anaysis scheduled on a Monday,
6:00-7:30pm due to a departmental long
test or a make-up class.
It should be submitted at least 2
working days before the absence if
foreseen, and at most 7 working days
after if unforeseen. No alternative
activities will be given to students who
do not comply or who do not fit the said
description of absence.
4. Students who missed nstp plus activities for
attending InTACT exposure trips as Student
Facilitators, or immersions will not be marked
5. Students are expected to complete the time
required for each activity. Students who leave
before the end of the session will be given
a cut equal to the number of hours for that
6. There is a 15-minute grace period for Ateneobased activities. Arriving beyond the grace
period would mean a 0.5 hour cut on the
students record. Arriving 20 minutes after the
sessions schedule is considered an absence.
7. Every student must monitor his or her
number of absences and/or tardiness in the
student manual


Decorum/Integration Skills:
Sensitivity and Adaptability
Recognition of their moral responsibilities
to others, particularly the preferential option
for the poor and to themselves (Article III,
Section 3)
Conduct oneself according to the objectives
of the program and context of the area as a
manifestation of respect for others.
Awareness of the situation and culture in the
Consciousness of ones disposition to
deliberately appropriate ones actions
Generosity of ones skills and strengths
Rationale: Cura Personalis or care for the person/s
is a value we promote to our students whenever
they interact with their peers, formators and people
from the community or institution. Students are
expected to(be mindful of themselves and) proceed
with sensitivity, adaptability and generosity as they
conduct themselves in the engagements.



Students are expected to:

1. Be respectful at all times
a. Saying po, opo, ho, and oho
b. Not saying derogatory terms like iskwater,
jologs, bobo, etc.
i. Be creative in describing people or
behaviour like hirap sa buhay, ibang
manamit, mabagal, etc.
c. Not saying bad/curse words
d. Mobile phones should be kept in silent
mode at all times
2. Not bring things not related to area work
such as mp3 players, gaming consoles, school
work, etc.
a. Mobile phones should not be used
unnecessarily while in the area
3. Not smoke, drink alcohol, or gamble
a. Smoking is absolutely prohibited while
going to and coming from the area, and
while in the community or the institution.
b. Students under the influence of alcohol or
drugs are not allowed to participate in any
nstp plus activity
4. Participate in tasks
a. Avoid non-area work related endeavors
5. Follow institutional policies
a. Since nstp plus is a school activity,
University policies, guidelines, and
sanctions stated in the Undergraduate
Student Handbook shall apply while in the

Grading System
nstp plus implements the percentage system
of grading.Your total grade is divided into
three aspects: Ateneo-based activities, Area
Engagement, and your requirements.
Ateneo-Based Activities are sessions that are
held within the campus.
Requirements are assigned by your formator.
Area Engagements grades are given by your
area monitors in your assigned communities.
Range of Letter Grades
92% - 100%
B+ 87% - 91.99%
83% - 86.99%
C+ 79% - 82.99%
75% - 78.99%
70% - 74.99%
F Below 70%
Ateneo-Based Activities
Ateneo-based activities are held within
the campus. These will be rated by your
formator based on the following indicators:
Echoed knowledge on the topic (recitation)
Accomplished tasks well (output)
Asked questions that are related to the topic
Showed respect to blockmates and facilitator


Assessment of Submitted Papers

(Reflection, Reaction, Journal, etc.)
Grade Description

Applies previous knowledge to a real

world experience. Identifies strengths and
weaknesses in previous understanding.
Considers alternative options or solutions.


Makes logical connection between new

and previous knowledge. Reveals alternative ways of judging or explaining events
but shows inconsistent reflection at times.


Approaches the experience and its rationale from a personal perspective. Tends to
follow practices out of habit. Only identifies strengths in previous understanding.


Goes beyond descriptive writing. Sets out

what happened and why it happened. But
it generally considers the issues from an
impersonal perspectives.


Describes events without any discussion of

alternative viewpoints or analysis.


Simply lists down what happened.


Did not submit.

Late submission of papers will automatically

merit a letter grade deduction.

Area Engagements
Your performance during Area Engagements is rated by your area monitors. This is assessed according to the following indicators:


Work Output

Quality of


(Failed to meet
the minimum

Violated at least one

(E.g., used mobile
phones without prior
permission, not in
nstp plus uniform,
left the venue
without permission)

Did not do or
participate in
expected tasks.

Not prepared for the


Did not interact with

others, only with
classmates or clients.

Did not violate any


Accomplished tasks.

Met Expectations
(Met the minimum

Does not display a

positive disposition
towards others.

(Exceeded the

tasks according to
schedule but can still
be improved.

Interacted with
others aside from
classmates or clients.

Accomplished tasks
more than what was

Interacted with
people within
and outside the

regarding tasks.

Showed respect.

Showed respect.

Accomplished tasks
well according to

Wore complete uniform
Did not go directly to the area (unless
permitted by the formator)
Asked for permission from the monitor,
deputy, or formator before leaving service
Used appropriate language and manner of

Showed respect
Did not use things not related to nstp
plus/area work (e.g., cellphone, iPod,
psp, textbooks/notebooks for personal or
academic subjects etc.)
Did not exhibit public display of affection

student manual


Excerpts from

Mga Unang Hakbang Tungo sa Tao

Joe Vibar Nero

Hindi gawaing biro ang gawaing tao o gawaing

pagtatrabaho kasama ang tao. Hindi kasing dali ng
pagparoon at pagparito.
Napakalaking halaga ang hinihingi nito sa
isang tao na ang buong kalooban ay nakatuon sa
kapwa at sa pagpapahalaga ng kanyang pagkatao.
Tinutukoy ang salitang tao (ang buong pagkatao)
bilang isang indibidwal at bilang bahagi ng isang
komunidad ng mga tao, ang bawat kasapi ay buo
ang pagkatao: may dangal, pagpapasya, at kalayaan.
Layunin ng pagtungo natin sa tao ang gawaing
komunidad na makatao at maka-Kristiyano, ito
ang mga taong bumubuo nito. Isang Kristiyanong
Komunidad, isang Bayan, isang Diyos.
Dahil tayoy mga estudyante, limitado ang
ating panahon. Anong magagawa natin upang
pagkasyahin at hindi sayangin?
Pumunta ka sa Tao
Napakahalagang dalisay ang hangarin mo sa iyong
pagpunta. Hindi ka pumunta dahil gusto mo lang,
walang mangyayari sa iyo. At pangalawa, kung
iniisip mong kailangan ka nila, nagkakamali ka.
Hindi ka isang Mesiyas o isang tagapagligtas. Ano
ka? Tao, katulad ng mga pupuntahan mong tao.
Tumingin Ka
Ang kahulugan ng salitang tingin at di lamang ang
pagtingin ng buong mga mata kundi ng buong
pagkatao. Ang katotohanay hubad ang iyong
harap! Nasa gitna ka ng hiwaga. Huwag kang
tumulala! Damhin mo ang kanilang nadarama.
Tumitibok pa ba ang puso nila?



Makinig Ka
Huwag kang masyadong mausisa. Ingatan mo ang
iyong pananalita. Higit na mabuti kung huwag ka
munang magsalita. Pakinggan mo ang kanilang
sinasabi at ang kanilang hindi sinasabi kailanman.
Pumasok ka sa Karanasan
Huwag mong hatulan ang iyong nakikita at
naririnig. Huwag kang padadala sa maling
katwiran. Pumasok ka sa kanilang buhay at
karanasan, sa kanilang kalooban.
Kilatisin mo ang mga Bagay
Tingnan mo ang lahat sa pamamagitan ng mata ng
Manalangin Ka
Huwag umasa sa sariling lakas. Higit mo Siyang
kailangan, di tulad ng iyong akala.
Sa Kabuuan...
Maging magalang at mapagkumbaba.
Makakatulong ang paggamit ng po, opo, at
ho. Laging magpasalamat sa mga kabutihang
ipinapakita sa atin.
Makinig nang mabuti sa sinasabi at gustong
sabihin ng kausap. Huwag ipilit ang sariling
paningin o makipagtalo. Maging interesado tayo...
Huwag mangako ng anumang tulong kung
hindi kayang tuparin, kahit na simpleng babalik sa
komunidad o institusyon pagkatapos ng nstp...
Ihanda ang sarili at maging bukas sa anumang
maaring mangyari...

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get exempted from nstp plus?
No. All sophomore students have to undergo
any of its 3 components.
What will I do in case of any untoward
incident or emergencies during Area
Inform your area monitor or area deputy and
formator at once for immediate action.
May I transfer to another nstp area or
component for the second semester?
You cannot transfer to another component
(e.g., cwts to rotc). You are also not allowed
to transfer to another area or section unless
you have problems with your academic
What happens in case of inclement
Kindly wait for the announcement from your
formator regarding any cancellations.

If I miss a Social Analysis session, will

that be considered an absence?
Yes. All Ateneo-based activities are part of
nstp plus.
If I get left behind by our jeep or
section, may I go directly to the area?
No. This will already be counted as an
Why do I seldom see my formator
during Area Engagements?
Your formator handles an average of 5
nstp plus sections with 170 students and is
expected to monitor them four times each
semester. For concerns and inquiries
during his/her absence during your Area
Engagements, you may coordinate with your
area monitors/coordinator.

student manual


Office of the
Associate Dean for
Student Formation

Roberto Conrado O. Guevara, Ph.D.

Associate Dean

NSTP PLUS Implementers

Office for Social Concern and Involvement
Leland Joseph R. Dela Cruz, Ph.D.

Eugene G. Panlilio
Asst. to the Director for Programs

Antoinette Sunday C. Santos

nstp plus Team Leader

Zynen S. Baniel

Abigail E. Lim

Maria Flor V. Soriano

Via Lereine P. Buhay-Chuavon

John Paul F. Marasigan

Erikha Ghale M. Villasanta

King Emmanuel C. Filart

Anitta Joy A. Nuevo

Romina Grace C. Zaballero

Carlos S. Granados, Jr.

Jeremy M. Oidem

Angela C. Itchon

Clefvan S. Pornela

Vernadeth C. Diego
nstp plus Office Assistant

Office of Guidance
and Counseling

Office of the Campus


Office of Student

Jeremy Peter Y. Gatmaitan, Ph.D.


Rizalina T. Timpas

Christopher Fernando F. Castillo


Mark Stephen P. Gotidoc





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