NSTP Lts Module
NSTP Lts Module
NSTP Lts Module
Vision Ingenuity - Refers to prudent use of resources, prudence in
A vibrant and nurturing Polytechnic Service College for spending, cost cutting measure and deciding the best possible
action considering circumstances.
transforming lives and communities. Synergy - Pertains to the teamwork, collaboration,
orchestration, subordination and of all partner agencies,
Mission sponsors and stakeholders, parents, alumni and communities.
To improve the lives of people and communities through quality Excellence - Refers to global orientation, borderless
instruction, innovations, productivity initiatives, environment and perspective, equal opportunities, empowerment, and
industry-feasible technologies, resource mobilization and transformation, multi-tasking and leading by example.
transformation outreach programs and services.
1. To make the college responsive and relevant to the Bridging Networks and Building Communities
individual and social needs for optimum human Resource Generation and Employees Empowerment
development. Accreditation and Development of Academic Programs
2. To offer priority programs in tourism, teacher education, Virtual Technology Systems and Website Development
agriculture fishery, agro-forestry, trades, business industry Empowering Student Services and Enhancing Pedagogical
and Information technology which will generate knowledge System
base to educate the people and communities.
3. To conduct a wide-range of research and extension Development of Quality, Relevant and Accessible
programs to provide quality training and technologies for Undergraduate and Graduate School System
inclusive growth.
4. To implement government programs and thrusts in the Scholarship and Financial Assistance
context of regional and national development for poverty Training of Employees for Global Competitiveness
alleviation. Organizational Immersion and Revolutionary Extension
5. To prepare and develop highly productive and employable Activities
professionals, “glocal” (global and local) technopreneurs who Revolutionized Research and Gender Development Programs
are morally-crafted and environmentally-oriented for coping Maintenance, Modernization and Mitigation Measures
globalization standards.
Core Values
Flourish ISPSC,
Productivity - The delivery of quality programs in instruction, Deliver Quality Education and Services and
research, extension, production and development of Launch Academic Excellence
responsive, proactive professionals and graduates and
professing determination and hard work in the system.)
Resiliency - Refers to the renewal and motivational
strategies, looking at the bright side of academic life and
cultivating positive attitudes amidst failures and adversities.
Accountability - Means the responsibility, answerability,
transparency, impartially, decisiveness and delegation of
work roles and streamlining of functions.
Introduction to NSTP
THE NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM [R.A. 9163] Who are covered by the NSTP Law?
1. What is the legal basis of the National Service Training A. All incoming freshmen students, male, female, starting
Program (NSTP)? school year (SY) 2002-2003, enrolled in any
baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year technical-
The National Service Training Program (NSTP) Law or RA 9163 vocational or associate courses, are required to complete
also known as “An Act Establishing the National Service Training one (1) NSTP component of their choice, as a
Program (NSTP) for tertiary level students, amending for the graduation requirement;
purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential Decree No.
1706, and for other purposes.” was enacted last January 2002 to B. All higher and technical-vocational education institutions
amend the Expanded ROTC. This program aimed to enhance must at least offer one (1) of the NSTP components.
civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing C. State universities and colleges (SUC‟s), shall offer the
training in any of its three (3) program components, specifically ROTC component and at least one (1) other NSTP
designed to enhance the youth‟s active contribution to the component.
general welfare.
D. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA), Philippine
2. What are the components of the NSTP?
Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA), Philippine National
Police Academy (PNPA), and other SUC‟s of similar
a. Reserve Officer’s Training Corps [ROTC] - refers to the
nature, in view of the special character of these
program component, institutionalized under Section 38 and
institutions, are exempted from the NSTP.
39 of Republic Act No. 7077, designed to provide military
training to motivate, train organize and mobilize them for
national defense preparedness. E. Private higher education and technical-vocational
education institutions with at least 350 student cadets
b. Civic Welfare Training Service [CWTS] - refers to the may offer the ROTC component and consequently
program component or activities contributory to the general establish / maintain a Department Of Military Science
welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the and Tactics (DMST), subject to the existing rules and
community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially regulations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
those devoted to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the 3. What is the duration and equivalent course unit of each
citizenry and other social welfare services. of the NSTP Component?
c. Literacy Training Service [LTS] - refers to the program Each of the NSTP components shall be undertaken for an
component designed to train the students to teach literacy academic period of two (2) semesters for 54 to 90 training hours
and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth per semester. It shall be credited for three (3) units per
and other segments of society in need of their services. semester.
4. What fees shall be charged to students taking any of the 7. How are Clustering and Cross-Enrollment done?
NSTP components?
a. Clustering of students from different education institutions
No other fees shall be collected except basic tuition fees, which during semestral or summer periods may be done for any of
should not be more than 50% of the charges of the school per the NSTP component, taking into account logistics, branch of
academic unit. service and geographical locations. The host school shall be
responsible in managing the Program.
5. Who are covered by the suspension of the ROTC
requirement? b. Schools that do not meet the required number of students to
maintain the optional ROTC and any of the NSTP
The completion of ROTC training as a requisite for graduation is components, or do not offer the component chosen by the
set aside for students who have completed all their academic student shall allow their students to cross-enroll in other
requirements for their respective courses as certified by the schools irrespective of whether such school is under CHED
school on or before the effectivity of the NSTP Act of 2001, or TESDA; and in the case the students taking the ROTC
which is March 23, 2002. The concerned students may apply for component irrespective of whether the two semesters shall
graduation in their respective schools. be taken from different schools whose ROTC is managed by
different branches of service of the Armed forces of the
6. What happens to male students who are currently Philippines(AFP).
enrolled and have not taken nor completed the ROTC
requirements for graduation? 8. What is NSTP-One Summer Program (NSTP-OSP)?
a. Male students who are not covered by Section 12 of this NSTP-OSP is created under RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001,
Rule and are currently enrolled but have not taken any of especially Section 6 and jointly devised, formulated and adopted
the Military Service (MS), Civic Welfare Service (CWS) or by DND, CHED and TESDA.
Law Enforcement Service (LES) shall be covered by the
NSTP Law. NSTP-OSP is established for the three (3) components: ROTC,
CWTS and LTS. This is intended for graduating students in
b. Male students who have completed two semesters of the baccalaureate or at least two-year technical-vocational or
Expanded ROTC (E-ROTC) / National Service Program (NSP) associate courses, who have yet to comply with the NSTP as a
are deemed to have complied with the NSTP requirement. requirement for graduation, as well as for students, thus allow
them to concentrate on the academic subjects and other co-
c. Male students who are not covered by Section 12 of these curricular concerns.
Rules and have taken only one (1) semester of Basic ROTC
or E-ROTC/NSP shall take any of the NSTP components to 9. What is the National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)?
qualify for graduation.
NSRC is created under Section 11 of RA 9163 or the NSTP Act of
d. Students who want to qualify for enlistment in the Reserve 2001, composed of graduates of the non-ROTC components: the
Force or attend the advance ROTC program shall undertake CWTS and LTS. Members of this Corps maybe tapped by the
a special program for this purpose. State for literacy and civic welfare activities, through the joint
efforts of DND, CHED, and TESDA.
Defining Man
Considering the characteristics, and their definitions, given above, it THE ESSENCE OF A PERSON
can be deduced that a human person is the ultimate expression of
By understanding the character and the definition of a person, the
the Supreme Being that has the freedom, capacity and ability to
next question would be “how are we going to maximize these
reason, reflect and relate to his co-existence.
characteristics to be able to create a positive result?”
There are several guiding principles in realizing a person’s
DIMENSION VALUES competence and ability. The totality of the person is best explored in
PHYSICAL HEALTH the field of humanistic psychology. This study theorized that a
Physical Fitness, cleanliness, person’s behavior and relationship with others is shaped by his inner
harmony with the material feelings and self-image.
universe, beauty and art
INTELLECTUAL TRUTH One of the foundations of humanistic psychology is Abraham Maslow
Knowledge, creative and critical and his theory on the hierarchy of needs as illustrated below:
Integrity/honesty, self-worth/
self-esteem, personal discipline
Faith in God
Family Mutual Love/ respect, fidelity,
Society responsible parenthood,
4. Esteem - there are two esteem needs: The self-esteem that our reflections in life to be able for the individual to realize his
include achievement, mastery, confidence and the esteem the problem and create his own solutions for it. It is the individual who
person gets from others. These include recognition, respect, will eventually direct his own life and not the people around him.
attention etc. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels
self-confident and valuable as a person in the world. However, THE EIGHT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT
when these needs are not met, the person may feel inferior, ERIK H. ERIKSON
weak, helpless and worthless. STAGE CRISIS VIRTUE
Basic Trust VS. Mistrust Hope
5. Self-Actualization - it is the highest form of motivation. Child is helpless dependent on Emerges as an enduring
adults. belief in the attainability of
Maslow describes this need as reaching the person’s peak Caring is the satisfying needs fervent wishes (trusting
potential. of the child. children are more future-
If parents are rejecting and the oriented)
As discussed above, Maslow’s theory pointed out that a person satisfying needs of the child is Children lacking enough
inconsistent, it develops trust cannot hope because
must satisfy first the other lower needs before he can
feelings of mistrust they must worry
actually realize his self-worth and potential. Accordingly, when constantly about whether
lower needs are unmet, the person cannot fully devote himself to their needs will be
fulfilling his potentials (Boeree;1988). He theorized that self - satisfied and therefore are
actualization is the driving force of human personality. Thus, a tied to the present.
Autonomy VS. Shame and Will
person cannot appreciate intellectual and aesthetic learning when Doubt Defined as the unbroken
the person is hungry and his safety is difficult to obtain. “ Artistic and Child develops rapidly varied determination to exercise
scientific endeavors do not flourish in a society where people must skills. free choice as well as self-
struggle for food, shelter and safety. The highest motive - self- Learns how to hold on and let restraint.
go – feces and urine.
actualization - can only be fulfilled after all other needs are fulfilled” Child can willfully decide to do
Early Childhood
(Intro to Psych 10th by Atkinson, Smith, Bem, p. 525). something ort to do it.
(Ages 1 – 3)
Effects of parental discipline
and control over the
Following Maslow’s theory, Carl Rogers (1902-1987) in his person-
development of child’s own
centered therapy theory, believed that every person has within self-control.
him an inherent desire towards a positive transformation From a sense of self-control
and development of his capacity. Furthermore, he came to without loss of self-esteem
comes lasting sense of good
believe that man is basically good and inherently possesses a seed of
will and pride
goodness no matter how imprudent his actions are. From a sense of self-control
comes a lasting propensity for
The theory of person - centered therapy of Carl Rogers explained doubt and shame
that persons are the only ones able to change the direction of their Initiative VS. Guilt Purpose
Initiative – the general ability The courage to envisage
lives and which path to take. The therapist’s role is to act as a to initiate ideas and actions and (predict or visualize) and
“sounding board” while the person himself explores and analyzes his
Pre-School Age
problem (Intro to Psych 10th by Atkinson, Smith, Bem, p 523). The child begins to explore infantile fantasies, by guilt
what kind of person he can and by foiling fear of
become limits are tested to find punishment.
In accordance with the view of Roger’s theory, the writer of this out what is permissible and
article personally believes that the therapist being referred to should what is not.
not be restricted to psychologists only, but must also be identified Guilt develops if parents
with the person’s environment and the people surrounding him. In ridicule the child’s self-initiated
behaviors and fantasies.
other words, the role of our society should be a “sounding board” of
Industry VS. Inferiority Competence The stages of development are patterned sequence encompassing
Industry – the sense of It is the free exercise of appropriate physical, emotional and cognitive tasks that the
enjoyment from work and from dexterity and intelligence
sustained attention. in the completion of tasks, individual must muster in a struggle to adjust to the demands of the
Child learns skills necessary for unimpaired by infantile social environment.
economic survival the inferiority.
technological skills that will
(Ages 6 – 11)
the context of life and what lies merit, loyalty, social and other words, there are many opportunities await each person and he
Teen Age
another person. subduing the antagonism innate positive values to transform further and realize that by
Isolation – the inability to share inherent in dividend
one‟s identity with that of functions
understanding his self-first is the best way that he can effectively
another person. Development of a greater relate to others.
sense of intimacy.
Generativity VS. Stagnation Care Furthermore, every person must be guided by the understanding
Generativity – the impulse to The widening concern for
that he exists in this world achieving his temporary assignments.
(Ages 35 – 64)
For example, a congressman proudly „gives‟ a town a new chapel, a The term bahala na comes from the words Bathala na. It reflects the
bridge, or a waiting shed (no matter whether the money came from Filipino‟s dependence on the supernatural being and on fate. This
his pocket or from the government), this makes the people indebted tends to move toward the commonly conceived procrastination
to him. And when elections come, he recites the litany of his projects character of the Filipino.
and people “ought” to repay these through their votes. Not to repay
this form of debt means that those who were benefited are walang OTHER STRENGTHS OF THE FILIPINO CHARACTER
utang na loob. After having been elected, the people would
approach this congressman for return of the favor by seeking Strengths of the Filipino
employment for them. Thus, this would end into a vicious cycle, Character
where the person na pinagkakautangan ng loob becomes the giver
and the giver becomes the person na may utang na loob. Camaraderie and feeling of closeness to
1. Pakikipagkapwa–Tao one another; foundation for unity as well
as sense of social justice.
However, utang na loob may be interpreted in a positive outlook. If Feeling of belongingness and rootedness
2. Family Oriented
it is used with the concept of justice, truth and human dignity, it and a basic sense of security.
would reflect the beautiful aspect of the Filipino character. Thus, Emotional balance, optimism, a healthy
this altruistic feeling must voluntarily come from within the person 3. Joy and Humor disrespect for power and office and the
capacity to survive.
himself, kusang loob; and should not be demanded by coercing the Productivity, innovation,
person who has utang na loob, so as blind his sense of judgment. 4. Flexibility and Adaptability entrepreneurship, equanimity and
Furthermore, this value should be used discriminately. The Productivity and entrepreneurship for
5. Hardwork and Industry some and survival despite poverty for
pagtatanaw ng utang na loob should emerge from within the self of others.
an individual with sense of justice so as to repay the person for the Courage, daring, optimism, inner peace,
favor or services rendered. 6. Faith and Religiosity as well as the capacity to genuinely
accept tragedy and death.
Bravely live through the harshest
We should always remember that in demanding for the return of 7. Ability to Survive
economic and social circumstances.
indebtedness, the golden rule “Do unto other as you would want
them to do unto you.” By demanding the return of the favor, would
you wish to become indebted in return? And when indebted, would
you want that person to act the same way when they are demanding
the return of the favor?
Bahala na
Weaknesses of the
Filipino Character
The given set of values is inherently within each Filipino. This part of The Mystic rebuked the crowd, “You found the House of Life empty
the module aspires to awaken these values amongst us and because you did not knock before you entered it. You rushed into life
hopefully, later on, inspire us to practice it in our everyday lives. even without knocking, as if the house belonged to you. The Master
These values, if carried out with one’s heart can serve as a vehicle of Life, seeing that you lacked respect for life and reverence for it,
and reinforcement towards our goal of realizing social change and took away its beauty because you would not know how to use it.
progress. You are proud and vain as if you are the master of your own life. For
this reason, the Master of Life gave you the House of Life to look at
For us to have a better view on the said topic, short stories and but not to live in. If only you had knocked before you entered, then
activities, conveying and promoting the said set of values were you would have seen the beauty I saw and conversed with the
integrated in this module. Master of Life himself.”
THE VALUE OF RESPECT FOR LIFE “Tell us please,” the crowd begged the mystic, “what does it mean
to knock on the Door of Life?”
“Treat life with respect and life itself will reveal its beauty to you.”
The Mystic solemnly spoke, “to knock on the door of Life is to be
The House of Life
humble enough to accept that the house does not belong to you but
By Andrew Maria (2004)
to the Master. “To knock on the door of life is to seek the Master of
the House and not the treasure in the House. To knock on the Door
The crowd said to the Mystic, “We found a big and beautiful house
of Life is to wait with patience for the Master to open it from within
called Life. Without giving any thought to whom the House of Life
and not to force it from the outside. To knock on the Door of Life is
might belong, we rushed inside it. Yet to our dismay, the House of
to follow the statutes and commandments of the Master of Life.”
Life was empty and there was nothing in it. Life is empty, Life has no
“To knock on the Door of Life is to pray to the Master of Life that
you may love him since he not only owns the house but your very
The Mystic went to the House of Life to see if it really was empty. He
selves as well.”
knocked on the door before entering and someone from within
opened it. He stayed inside the house for quite some time while the
They left the Mystic after they heard this. The crowd returned to the
crowd waited outside. It was already evening when the Mystic went
House of Life and they knocked before entering. The Master of the
House of Life opened it from within. Once inside, the crowd saw the
beautiful things the Mystic had seen. But most of all, they were able
“Is the House of Life empty as we told you?” the crowd questioned
to dine and converse with the Master of Life himself.
Life, after all, is not empty.
The Mystic answered the crowd, “the House of Life is not empty.
When I was inside, I saw the most beautiful rooms with golden
chairs, silver tables, and jeweled walls. Above all these, I dined and
conversed with the Master of Life himself.”
“How can that be? The crowd insisted. “When we were inside the
House of Life, it was empty, yet now you tell us that it is not.”
The Truth about Lies (2004)
“We can get so involved in what we are doing that we forget why we
are doing it. We are so involved in living that we forget the purpose Lies are said in the place of truth…
of living. We get so involved in pursuing the things money can buy Why not prefer to tell the truth than settle for a lie?
that we forget about the things that money can’t buy.”
There are no half-truths or white lies…
Father’s Mistake - No Time It‟s either you say the truth or tell a lie!
By Bel San Luis (2004)
A million lies cannot make up a single truth…
One night, a father came to a parent-teacher conference in a city You can never transform a lie into truth.
high school. During a talk with one of his son’s teachers, the father
broke down and began to cry. It’s easier to tell the truth than tell a lie…
With the truth, you merely have to state the facts:
After he regained his composure, the father apologized, saying, “My With lies, you‟d have to cook up a thousand alibis.
son no longer lives with me. But I still love him and I want to know
how he’s doing in school.” You’ll know when your lies have caught up with you…
The father then told the teacher how his wife and four children had When you begin to believe in them as being the truth.
left him that afternoon.
In the end, we find but a single truth about lies:
He was a building contractor and sometimes worked sixteen hours a That there is No Truth and No Good in Lies.
day. Naturally, he saw little of his family, and then slowly grew
farther and farther apart.
There was once a poor farmer who would come to town every day in One day, a group of skulls in the cemetery had a conversation.
order to supply a baker with homemade bibingka. In exchange for
five pounds of bibingka, the baker would give the farmer five pounds “Hey,” said a skull to another, “who were you when you were alive?”
of bread for his family.
One day, the baker decided to weigh the bibingka. He discovered “I was a king,” answered the skull with an air of pride.
that the bibingka was one pound short. This made the baker very
angry, and he accused the farmer of having cheated him. “Yes, I was once his slave,” replied another skull. “He was a tyrant, a
ruthless, merciless king!”
But the farmer very calmly declared, “You see sir, I am very poor
and have no weights at home. So I take the five pounds of bread “How dare you speak about me like that!” countered the king-skull.
you give me and use it as a standard. In this way, I can be sure of “I am your king, remember?”
giving you an equal amount of bibingka.”
“Shut-up!” shouted the slave-skull. “You are no longer my king nor
am I your slave anymore! We are the same now-rotten skulls!”
THE VALUE OF PROMOTION OF THE COMMON GOOD “Bamboo, beloved Bamboo, I would… cut thy leaves and branches
from thee also.” Master, Master, spare me. Cut me down and lay my
The real heroes among us are those who live their lives daily in
beauty in the dust; but wouldst though take from me my leaves and
genuine concern for the welfare of the others.
branches also?”
“Bamboo, alas, if I cut them not away, I cannot use thee.” The sun
A Chinese Legend
hid his face. A listening butterfly glided fearfully away. And Bamboo
By Benigno P. Beltran (2004)
shivered in terrible expectancy, whispering low: “Master, cut away.”
Once upon a time, in the western Kingdom, lay a beautiful garden.
“Bamboo, Bamboo, I would yet… cleave thee in twain and cut thine
And there, in the cool of the day was the Master of the garden want
heart, for if I cut not so, I cannot use thee.” Then Bamboo bowed to
to walk. Of all the denizens of the garden, the most beloved was a
the ground. “Master, Master… then cut and cleave.” So the Master of
gracious and noble bamboo. Year after year, Bamboo grew yet more
the garden took Bamboo and cut him down and hacked off his
noble and gracious, conscious of his master’s love and watchful
branches and stripped off his leaves and cleaved him in twain and
delight, but modest and more gentle withal. And often, when the
cut out his heart. And lifting him gently carried him to where there
wind revel to the garden, Bamboo could cast aside his grave
was a spring of fresh, sparkling water in the midst of his dry field.
stateliness, to dance and play right merrily, tossing and swaying,
Then putting one end of broken bamboo in the spring, and the other
leaping and bowing in joyous abandon, leading the Great Dance of
end into the water channel in his field, the Master laid down gently
the Garden which most delighted the Master’s heart.
his beloved Bamboo. And the spring sang welcome and the clear,
sparkling waters raced joyously own the channel of Bamboo’s torn
One day, the Master himself drew near to contemplate his Bamboo
body into the waiting fields. Then the rice was planted, and the days
with eyes of curious expectancy. And Bamboo, in a passion of
went by, and the shoots grew and the harvest came.
adoration, bowed his great head to the ground in loving greeting.
The Master spoke: “Bamboo, Bamboo, I would use thee.” Bamboo
In that day was Bamboo, once glorious in his stately beauty, yet
flung his head to the sky in utter delight. The day of days had come,
more glorious in his brokenness and humility. For in his beauty he
the day for which he had been made, the day for which he had been
was life abundant, but in his brokenness he became a channel of
growing hour by hour, this day in which he would find his completion
abundant life to his Master’s world.
and his destiny. His voice came low: “Master, I am ready. Use me as
thou wilt.”
“Bamboo”- the Master’s voice was grave- “I would fain take thee and
cut thee down!” A trembling of great horror shook Bamboo.
“Cut… me… down! Me… who, Master, has made the most beautiful
in thy entire garden…to cut me down! Ah, not that, not that. Use me
for thy joy, O Master, but cut me not down.”
“Beloved Bamboo” – the Master’s voice grew graver still – “If I cut
thee not down, I cannot use thee.” The garden grew still. Wind held
his breath. Bamboo slowly bent his proud and glorious head. There
came a whisper: “Master, if thou cannot use me if though cut me not
down… then… do thy will and cut.”
THE VALUE OF CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT gone.” “My teeth are too weak for mangoes,” said the boy. “My
branches are gone,” said the tree. “You cannot swing on them.” “I
am too old to swing on branches,” said the boy. “My trunk is gone,”
The Giving Tree
said the tree. “You cannot climb.” “I am too tired to climb,” said the
By Fr. Benigno P. Beltran (2004)
boy. “I am sorry,” sighed the tree. “I wish I could give you
something… but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am
Once there was a tree… and she loved a little boy. Every day, the
sorry.” “I don‟t need very much now.” said the boy, “Just a quiet
boy would gather leaves, make them into a crown and play king of
place to sit and rest. I am very tired.” “Well,” said the tree,
the forest. The boy would also play hide and seek, climb her
straightening herself up as much as she could, “well, an old stump is
branches and eat her mangoes. At the end of the day, when he is
good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down and rest.” And the
tired, the boy would sleep in her shade. And the boy loved the tree…
boy did and the tree was happy.
very much… and the tree was very happy.
But time went on… and the boy grew older. And the tree was often
alone. One day the boy went to the tree who said: “Come boy, come
and climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat my mangoes,
play in the shade and be happy.” “I am too big to climb and play and
I don‟t have money,” said the boy. “If only I can have some money.”
“I am sorry,” said the tree, “but I don‟t have money. Go take my
mangoes, boy, and sell them to the market. That way, you will have
enough money and you will be happy.” And so the boy gathered all
her mangoes and carried them away. And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time… then one day, the boy
came back to the tree who shook with joy and said: “Come boy and
climb up my trunk, swing from my branches, eat my mangoes, play
in the shade and be happy.” “I am too busy to climb trees.” said the
boy. “I want a house to keep me warm.” “I want a wife and children
so I need a house. Can you give me a house?” “I have no house,”
said the tree, “the forest is my house, but you may cut-off my
branches and build a house. And so the boy cut-off her branches
and carried them away to build his house. And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time… then one day the boy
came back and the tree was happy that she could speak. “Come,
boy,” she whispered, “come and play.” “I am too old to play.” said
the boy. “I want a boat that would take me away from her. Can you
give me a boat?” “Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the
tree. “Then you can sail away. And the tree was happy… but not
And after a time, the boy came back again. “I am sorry boy,” said
the tree. “But I have nothing left to give you – my mangoes are
Group Dynamics
Group Dynamics
To make yourself the kind of person who attracts others, Commitment can be improved by doing the following:
you need to personify these pointers:
Measure it. Commitments can be measured through the following:
Love Life; how much time you devote at work, family, in service, in health and
Put a “10” on every person’s head; recreation activities, and how much you spend on living expenses,
Give people hope; entertainment, personal development, and giving. Compare how
Share yourself; much you devote and spend on these things. Is it justifiable?
Charisma can be improved by doing the following: Know what’s worth dying for. Answer the question. Write what‟s
in your thoughts. Match if your actions are parallel with your ideas.
Change your focus. Always check if your focus during conversation
is towards yourself. Learn how to balance. Recognize the persons
who made contributions on the success of a project. Leader Qualities # 4: [COMMUNICATION]
Without it you travel alone.
Play the first impressions game. When you meet a person for
the first time, focus on him. Remember his name and interests, and COMMUNICATION:
give positive comments. Try your best to give a very good The act of communicating
impression. Something communicated
A means of sending a message, orders, etc.
Share yourself. Share your resources to others. Resources come in
different ways. Share what you have: talents, skills and valuable You can be more effective as a communicator if you follow
services aside from material things. These are highly appreciated. four basic truths:
Find three ways to improve. There‟s always room for Discover the root issues;
improvement. Assess yourself and make necessary changes. Enhance your problem solving;
Evaluate your options for maximum impact;
Multiply your opportunities
Leader Qualities # 6: [COURAGE]
One person with courage is a majority. Discernment can be improved by doing the following:
COURAGE: Analyze past success. Remember the things you had done to
The quality of the mind that enables the person to face succeed on your goals. Problems arise on the process of achieving
difficulty, danger, etc. without fear. these goals. Solutions that made you succeed can be used again in
the future.
Truths about courage:
Learn how others think. We admire other personalities as leaders.
Courage begins with an inward battle; Putting ourselves to think like leaders who are wise will make us
Courage is making things right, not just smoothing them more discerning.
Courage in a leader inspires commitment from followers; Listen to your gut. Your intuition affects your decisions. There are
Your life expands in proportion to your courage many instances that your intuition is correct. Find a pattern of your
intuitive ability. This pattern will give you imminent recourse that will
affect your decision.
Leader Qualities # 8: [FOCUS] Don’t allow the desire for possessions to control you. Let your
The sharper it is, the sharper you are. heart be in charge within you, not the material things that you
possess. There would never be satisfaction if your material desires
FOCUS are endless.
A central point of attraction, attention or activity.
Regard money as a resource. Man has been a slave of money.
Guidelines to focus your time and energy: The only way to win over money as J. C. Maxwell states is to hold it
loosely and be generous with it to accomplish things of value.
70% on strength;
25% on new things; Develop the habit of giving. There is a time when all things come
5% on areas of weakness in abundance, and it is also a time of redistributing it for those in
need. For those who don‟t have material things to share, let this
Focus can be improved by doing the following: saying be their guide: “Richness, I have nothing, but I can help
through loving, with my life worth giving.”
Shift to strengths. Identify your strengths and dedicate 70% of
your time on it. Generosity can be improved by doing the following:
Staff your weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses and try to Give something away. There are things that are important to you
improve on them. that can be replaced. Try giving this to people who will really benefit
from it. As they say, giving it anonymously would be better.
Create an edge. Since you had identified your strengths and
weaknesses, you can proceed to the next level. Think of the new Put your money to work. Use your money to improve other‟s
tools that you need, to go to the next level. lives. Money as resources can be put into work to outlive your
expectations for better people, community, and world.
Leader Qualities # 9: [GENEROSITY] Find someone to mentor. A time will come when you had reached
Your candle loses nothing when it lights another. the peak of your leadership. It would be good if you have someone
whom you would train to be a good leader like you.
The quality of being generous.
Giving freely. Leader Qualities # 10: [INITIATIVE]
You won‟t leave home without it.
The following will cultivate the quality of generosity in your
An introductory act or step, readiness and the ability in
Be grateful for whatever you have. Contentment seems to be initiating action, one personal, responsible decision
very ideal. A person cannot become generous if he is not contented
with what he has. There are things that we must be grateful for and A leader possesses the following qualities to make things
be contended with. Be generous in your own small ways. happen:
Put people first. Giving becomes easier when generosity comes in. They know what they want;
A leader is measured not in terms of the number of people who They push themselves to act;
serve him but rather, to the number of people he is serving. They take more risks;
They make more mistakes Listen between the lines. Factual and emotional content of
conversation must be given attention. Listen with your heart.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”
– Sen. Robert Kennedy
Leader Qualities # 12: [PASSION]
Initiative can be improved by doing the following: Take this life and love it.
Don’t wait for opportunity to knock. Opportunity does not knock Truths about passion:
at your door. You know that you have the potential. Find
opportunities. Show and share to the world what you‟ve got. Passion is the first step to achievement;
Passion increases your willpower;
Take the next step. When opportunities come, select the best. Passion changes you;
Now that you have found the opportunity to share and show the Passion makes the impossible possible
world what you‟ve got, work it as far as you can.
Passion can be improved by doing the following:
Leader Qualities # 11: [LISTENING] Take your temperature. Assess the level of desire towards your
To connect with their hearts, use your ears. work and your life. Passion makes the difference on how you see
To give attention for the purpose of hearing. Return to your first love. You are more enthusiastic when doing
other things. These are the things that you had left behind because
Keep your ears open to the following: you have to attend to other obligations. Take advantage and do
these things again to relax and to energize your body.
Your mentors;
Your followers; Associate with people of passion. Your environment affects your
Your customers; being. Birds of the same feather flock together. Having passionate
Your competitors people around gives booster to bring you back on track.
Positive attitude can be improved by doing the following: Surround yourself with problem solvers. Be with persons who
are good at problem-solving. They will complement your weaknesses
Feed yourself the right food. Books about positive attitude are and teach you on how to deal with them.
available on book stands. Give yourself time to read and reflect on it.
Achieve a goal every day. Setting an achievable goal every day Leader Qualities # 15: [RELATIONSHIPS]
changes the attitude of a person. When a pattern of achievement If you get along, they‟ll go along.
has been observed, a person has the tendency to think more
positively. RELATIONSHIP:
The state or fact of being related.
Write it on your wall. It does not mean that you vandalize your
wall. Make a corner where you can show all your awards and To cultivate good relationships, it requires the following:
citations. Have your plaques and trophies displayed on that corner.
These will serve as a reminder that you have been doing positive Have a leader‟s head – understand people;
things in your life and willing to do it over and over again. Have a leader‟s heart – love people;
Extend a leader‟s hand – help people
Leader Qualities # 14: [PROBLEM SOLVING] Relationships can be improved by doing the following:
You can‟t let your problems be a problem.
Improve your mind. Be mature enough and widen your
Five (5) qualities demonstrated by a leader with good understanding. Allot some time to observe and talk to people and try
problem solving ability: your best to understand them.
They anticipate problems; Strengthen your heart. Show them that you care. Show your
They accept the truth; feelings and act your way out.
They see the big picture;
They handle one thing at a time; Repair a hurting relationship. Rebuild, reconcile and reconnect
They don‟t give up a major goal when they‟re down relationships that had crumbled even though it has happened several
years ago. Learn to forgive and apologize. Try to be more loving and
Problem solving can be improved by doing the following: understanding to people whom you had disagreement before.
The one who embraces responsibility has the following Security can be improved by doing the following:
Know yourself. Gather information about yourself from people you
They get the job done; know. Let them assess you as a person. Don‟t be defensive and
They are willing to go the extra mile; reactive on their assessment. Reflect and make some necessary
They are driven by excellence; improvements.
They produce regardless of the situation
Give away the credit. Lift the morale of your team. Recognize
Responsibility can be improved by doing the following: their contributions. This will improve the organization.
Keep hanging in there. When everything seems to crumble, stop Get some help. Seek professional help if you cannot fight
for a while then think and find ways to succeed. Be creative in insecurities on your own. Be honest with yourself.
finding ways to keep you on the right track.
Admit what’s not good enough. Failing depends on standards Leader Qualities # 18: [SELF – DISCIPLINE]
that must be met. Reset your standards to a higher level. The The first person you lead is you.
standards that you have been following might not be as good as it
may seem as it was, compared to this time. Action points to follow:
Find better tools. It seems that things are not falling on their right Develop and follow your priorities;
places even though your standards are high, you have good attitude Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal;
and you had been working hard consistently. Consider the tools that Challenge your excuses;
you are using. It‟s time to update your materials and further develop Remove rewards until the job is done;
your skills. Read books. Stay focused on results
Leader Qualities # 19: [SERVANTHOOD] Try something new. Always open your world for challenges. Try
To get ahead, put others first. things that need mental, emotional and physical activities.
A true servant leader embodies the following: Learn in your area of strength. There is always room for
improvement. New things are being discovered every now and then.
Puts others ahead of his own agenda; Read books, update yourself and get a harder grip on your field.
Possesses the confidence to serve;
Initiates service to others;
Is not position-conscious; Leader Qualities # 21: [VISION]
Serves out of love You can seize only what you can see.
Learn to walk slowly through the crowd. Try to connect as Vision starts within;
much as many people in the crowd. Approach them and say hello. Vision draws in your history;
Be updated on what keeps them busy. Vision meets other‟s needs;
Vision helps you gather resources;
Move into action. Learn how to serve. You can start with your
family, your church and then with your community.
Vision can be improved by doing the following:
Leader Qualities # 20: [TEACHABILITY] Measure yourself. Ask the opinions of people around you
To keep leading, keep learning. regarding your vision. If your vision is coherent then you‟re living
your life with your vision.
Guidelines to help cultivate and maintain teachable attitude:
Write it down. Writing clarifies thinking. Put your vision into writing
Cure your destination disease; and evaluate it every now and then. If your vision will make you
Overcome your success; achieve your best, then do everything possible to pursue it.
Swear off shortcuts;
Trade in your pride; Do a gut check. Check your gut level by answering the following
Never pay the same price for the same mistake; questions:
Teachability can be improved by doing the following: What makes you cry?
What makes you dream?
Observe how you react to mistakes. Everybody commit What gives you energy?
mistakes. How do we react to our own mistakes? Ask someone close
to you on how you react when you commit mistakes. Do we ask Your answer on the above questions has great impact on your gut
apology or are we defensive when we commit one? Accept your level. Reflect and deal with it.
mistakes and learn from it.
Are compassionate, appreciative and responsive to each THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE
employee and recognize and celebrate each employee‟s
In Stephen Covey‟s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he
wrote about ways in which people can be productive. The seven
habits of highly effective people are as follows:
Four components of transformational leadership: (Bass, 1985, 1998,
Bass & Aviolo, 1993)
Habit # 1: [BE PROACTIVE]
Proactive means “the ability to choose the response.” We have the
1. Charisma - If the leadership is transformational, its
ability to choose between right and wrong. But it must be taken into
charisma or idealized influence is envisioning, confident, and
account that we must be responsible enough for whatever
sets high standards to be followed.
consequences our actions may lead to. Use your creativity and
initiatives. You are the one in charge.
2. Inspirational motivation - If the leadership is
transformational, its inspirational motivation provides
followers with challenges and meaning for engaging in
Where do we go from here? Know where you want to go. In making
shared goals and undertakings.
plans and decisions, see to it that the time and efforts that will be
spent and utilized conforms to what we want to achieve. Use your
3. Intellectual stimulation - If the leadership is
ability to envision. This is where I want to go and these are the
transformational, its intellectual stimulation helps followers
things that must be done to lead me to that direction.
to question assumptions and to generate more creative
solutions to problems.
Practice self-management. Know your priorities.
4. Individualized consideration - If the leadership is
transformational, its individualized consideration treats each
Habit # 4: [THINK WIN-WIN]
follower as an individual and provides coaching, mentoring
This concerns mutual benefit. Putting both parties on favorable
and growth opportunities
If such transformational leadership is authentic, it is
characterized by high moral and ethical standards in each of the
above dimensions.
As the saying goes, “The best way to understand is to listen.” The
practice of empathy governs this habit. It is about putting ourselves
on the shoes of the other person. Based on the person‟s explanation,
we ought to evaluate, probe, advise and interpret as a way of
responding to the person‟s feelings.
Habit # 6: [SYNERGIZE]
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks will be
done if we utilize all the things that we have. Even though your
contribution is that small, if everybody will do their part, things will
go on smoothly.
Group Dynamics
INVOLVEMENT IN DECISIONS: a decision especially if they feel their point of view was not
1. The Plop - Here the group makes a decision by not making
a decision. “Not to decide – is to decide” Someone makes a
7. Silent Consensus - Some groups aim at unanimous
suggestion, but it drops like a stone into a pond, and no one
decisions. These are good, if genuine, but they are rarely
pays any attention to it at all. If the person who made the
achieved completely on important issues. Unanimous
suggestion really felt enthusiastic about it, the fact that it
agreement is sometimes assumed, when some members
was totally ignored could make that person withdraw or
have not felt free to disagree and have kept silent.
resist later suggestions.
8. Consensus - This is an agreement, often involving
2. The One-Person Decision - This is quickly made, but later compromise or the combination of various possibilities, after
when the decider depends on free or voluntary support from
all opinions have been heard. Disagreements and minority
others to implement it, he may find himself carrying it out
viewpoints are discussed fully. It takes time and care to
build a climate in which all feel free to express themselves,
Topic Jumping: One person can also prevent a group
but this method does built unity, cooperation and
reaching a decision by introducing a new point just as the
commitment. It does not mean listening to people and then
group is ready to decide something. If the point is relevant it
doing what we were going to do in the first place. It means
should be allowed, though it should have been brought in
adapting to accommodate the concern of all. It may take
earlier. If it is not relevant, it should be recognized as a
longer to make a decision this way, but it will often be
distraction or any attempt by one person to control the
carried out more quickly and whole-heartedly.
group, and should not be allowed to prevent the group from
making a decision.
3. The Handclasp - One person makes a suggestion. Another 1. Fear of Consequences - The possible outcome of an
says, “What a marvelous idea!” and without further impending decision may bring division and disagreement.
discussion, the matter is decided. These decisions are more
frequent than one thinks, and other pass unnoticed at the 2. Conflicting Loyalties - When one person is a member of a
time but resentment comes to the surface later. number of groups, this frequently leads to divided loyalties
about decisions.
4. The Clique - This decision is made by a small group who
plan beforehand to get their way. Because they are better 3. Interpersonal Conflict - Personal differences occur which
organized than those who disagree, they are often provokes feelings of affection or dislike among members and
successful on the immediate issue but they bring a spirit of which interfere with sound decision making. Often another
rivalry rather than cooperation into the group. member who is not involved in the interpersonal conflict can
bring the real problem into the open.
5. Minority - These decisions are as consciously organized as
those of the clique, but a few powerful personalities 4. Hidden Agenda - One person may try to get the group to
dominate the group, often unconsciously and then later they make a certain decision, which he wants for reasons which
wonder why the other is apathetic. he will not share with the group.
6. Majority Vote - In big groups this is often the most 5. Blundering Methods - A group may be so bound by rigid
effective way to make a decision. However, one may lose procedures that there is little chance for a free expression of
the interest or the loyalty of the minority who voted against differences. Or a group may allow itself to substitute
HUMAN SECURITY AND NATIONAL SECURITY Thus, according to the United Nations (UN) Commission, Human
Since time immemorial, man has an awareness and knowledge about
security. In ancient era, man has devised means to protect himself
seeks to “protect the vital core of all human lives in ways
from ferocious animals and harsh conditions. As the society
that enhance human freedoms and human fulfillment”
advanced, they learned to create tools and weapons to safeguard
their lives and their properties. In our country, heroes were born
requires “protecting people from critical and pervasive
because they strive to save our people from conquerors. Currently,
threats” and "empowering them to take charge of their own
every country has its own way of defending and maintaining its
human and national security.
“protection and empowerment are mutually reinforcing and
In the 1994 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
cannot succeed in isolation”
Report, human security was referred to as having two aspects:
Commission puts emphasis on the “need for comprehensive,
“…first safety from such chronic threats as hunger, disease integrated and people-centered solutions that together can
and repression…second, it means protection from sudden help people develop the building blocks of survival,
and hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life – whether livelihood and dignity”
in homes, in jobs, or in communities. Such threats can exist
at all levels of national income and development.” National Security is defined as the state or condition wherein the
values which a nation treasures such as territorial integrity,
This was supplemented by an explanation from the former UN
sovereignty, people‟s way of life and well-being are protected and
Secretary-General Kofi Annan which states that:
enhanced. It is the requirement to maintain the survival of the
nation-state through the use of economic military and political power
“Human security, in its broadest sense, embraces far more and the exercise of diplomacy. The measures taken to ensure
than the absence of violent conflict. It encompasses human national security include:
rights, good governance, access to education and health
care and ensuring that each individual has opportunities and Using diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats;
choices to fulfill his or her potential… Every step in this Maintaining effective armed forces;
direction is also a step towards reducing poverty, achieving Implementing civil defense and emergency preparedness
economic growth and preventing conflict. Freedom from measures (including anti-terrorism legislation);
want, freedom from fear, and the freedom of future Ensuring the resilience and security of critical infrastructure;
generations to inherit a healthy natural environment – these and
are the interrelated building blocks of human – and Using intelligence services to detect and defeat or avoid
therefore national – security.” threats and espionage, and to protect classified information.
In the Philippine context as indicated by the NSC Permanent THREATS TO NATIONAL SECURITY
Secretariat, National Security is described as a condition or state of
A. Man Made Threats
being where the Filipino people‟s values, way of life, institutions, a. Terrorism
welfare, and well-being, sovereignty and strategic relations are b. Explosion/Bomb Threats
protected and enhanced. The elements of National Security are the c. Campus Violence/Frat and Gang War
d. Kidnapping/Hostage Taking
e. Drug Addiction
Moral-spiritual consensus
f. Armed Robberies/Hold Ups
Cultural cohesiveness
g. Snatching
Economic solidarity
h. Sabotage
Socio-political stability
i. Fire
Ecological balance
j. Technological Threats such as gambling through number
Territorial integrity
games, internet hold ups and cyber crimes (computer
International harmony
hacking, computer pilferage, ATM stealing and cyber
The 1987 Philippine Constitution enshrined in its Declaration of B. Natural Threats
Principles that the Filipinos are duty-bound to protect the country a. Earthquakes
and, as such, they may be subjected to undergo service training b. Typhoons
programs (Art. II, Sec. 14, The Philippine Constitution). c. Floods
d. Volcanic Eruptions
The Government may call upon the people to defend the state, and e. Tsunamis
in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions
provided by law, to render personal, military or civil service.
DISASTER AWARENESS, PREPAREDNESS AND DISASTER CONTROL – refers to the act of limiting the effect of
MANAGEMENT disaster through the introduction of measures designed to
prepare the inhabitants before, during and after a disaster.
The Philippines is located in the circumpacific belt of fire and
typhoon. This being so, the country has always been subjected to
DISASTER MANAGEMENT – the efficient and effective utilization of
natural disaster and calamities anytime of the year. In whatever part
resources and the application of measure that will mitigate the
of the country, we have been experiencing yearly natural calamities
impact of unfortunate events and facilitate return to normalcy
– floods, typhoons, tornadoes, earthquakes, drought, tsunamis and
and redevelopment.
volcanic eruptions which have brought incessant miseries to our
people, lost of lives and properties.
FLOOD – a state or condition when water overflows from natural
waterways caused by heavy rainfall resulting in the water
In the mid-seventies and eighties, strong typhoons and torrential
accumulation in low lying areas.
rains brought devastation to Manila and large areas of central Luzon.
The 1990 killer earthquake that hit several Luzon provinces as well
HAZARDS – are natural or man-induced phenomena or activities, the
as Metro Manila and the effects of the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption
presence of which poses a threat to people‟s lives, limbs,
had put the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) in the
properties and socio-economic conditions.
To enhance the people‟s preparedness and ensure precision and
government body responsible in advising the President of the
spontaneity in responding to emergencies or catastrophes, the
country on the status of disaster preparedness program and
NDCC, together with the concerned agencies conduct regular
disaster relief and rehabilitation effort at the national level.
mobilization exercises and drills at all levels with the participation of
the private agencies concerned and the non-government
POLLUTION – refers to any discharge of liquid, solid substance or
gases into land, soil, waters, atmosphere, air or space which will
create or render such environmental elements and atmospheric
air harmful or detrimental or injurious to human beings, animals,
Here are the terminologies often used in disaster response and plants and the nature‟s environment and ecological balance.
rescue operations:
RADIO ACTIVE FALL-OUT – dust particles of Earth and debris,
CALAMITY – refers to a situation that is associated with catastrophic together with the radioactive materials that cling to them and
events where a number of persons are plunged with hardship are drawn up into mushroom clouds resulting from detonation of
and suffering that are caused by problems like shortage of food, a nuclear weapon or devise and which are carried by the wind
clothing, medical care and other basic necessities. and sent back to earth.
DISASTERS – are progressive or sudden events brought about by REHABILITATION – refers to the restoration of a person‟s economic
natural or human-induced hazards that cause losses and dependency to a stable living either physically, economically,
sufferings the consequence of which results to people and socially or emotionally.
communities undertaking extra-ordinary measures to cope with
their impacts. RELIEF – refers to anything that is done to alleviate the condition of
those who are suffering from the effects of a calamity/disaster
and who at that particular time are completely helpless.
RISKS – refers to the degree or chance and frequency that such The concept of disaster risk management accepts that some hazard
hazards will affect or impact people and communities. events may occur but tries to lessen the impact by improving the
community‟s ability to absorb the impact with minimum damage or
SPACE DEBRIS – these are remains of artificial satellites and other destruction. The Disaster Management Cycle is a traditional
components as well as their means of carriage aloft which fall approach to disaster management wherein disaster measure is
back to earth. regarded as a number of phased sequences of action or a
continuum. It aims to reduce the vulnerabilities in the community. In
STATE OF CALAMITY – it is a condition that is declared by the addition, when sustained over long term, it reduces unacceptable
President of the country in the event of a widespread destruction risk to acceptable levels and makes a community become disaster
to property and lives due to destructive forces of nature and resistant or resilient. This is represented as a cycle. This is illustrated
emergencies. below:
Preparedness planning (prepare in anticipation of a hazard Department of Interior and Local Government
event) Department of Public Information
Reconstruction planning after a disaster with the aim of Department of Budget and Management
reducing the vulnerability Chief of Staff, AFP
Mainstreaming risk management in development practice Secretary General, Philippine National Red Cross
and institutionalization Civil Defense Office
Disaster risk management includes administrative decisions and
Since the DND and the AFP possess the capability to react to natural operational activities that involve:
calamities with the DND‟s unique nature of organization and network
of troops and asset disposition, an inter-agency plan headed by the Prevention
DND was organized specifically to put into realization an action Mitigation
oriented Civil Defense Plan with the creation of the National Disaster Preparedness
Coordinating Council. Response
In the year 1989, the NDCC, by virtue of Memorandum Order Rehabilitation
Number 4 has issued some functional policies and procedures
intended to assist the victims of calamities and alleviate their plight. It involves all levels of government – decision makers and local
government. Non-government and community-based organizations
Upon the declaration of a state calamity by the President, priority plays a vital role in the process. Meanwhile, communities themselves
assistance is instantly extended to victims in terms of relief are the first responders.
operations, medical assistance, immediate repair of vital
infrastructures which were damaged by natural disasters and ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES
resettlement of calamity victims. Calamity funds are released directly
to the implementing departments and agencies. Funds released to During disaster operations, all other disaster coordinating councils
the Department of Social Welfare and Development are used for make available their facilities and expertise relative to the effective
emergency relief and rehabilitation assistance to affected areas and implementation of the council mission. Likewise, the office of the
disaster victims. Funds released to the Department of Health are Civil Defense prepares the national/regional disaster and calamity
used in the procurement of needed medicines and for medical preparedness plan in accordance with the approved disaster and
assistance to disaster victims. calamity guidelines. The members and tasks of the NDCC are as
The NDCC is composed of the following:
Department of National Defense (lead agency) 1. Chairman – convenes the Council as often as necessary and calls
Department of Public Works and Highways on all other departments/bureaus/agencies, other
Department of Transportation and Communication instrumentalities of the government and the private sector
Department of Social Welfare and Development for assistance when the need arises.
Department of Education
Department of Finance
Department of Labor and Employment
Department of Justice
Department of Trade and Industries
2. Administrator, Office of Civil Defense – coordinates the activities, 9. Secretary of Trade and Industry – maintains normal level of
functions of the various agencies and instrumentalities of the prices of commodities during emergencies, and organizes
government, private institutions and civic organizations to Disaster Control Groups and Reaction Teams in large
implement the policies and programs of the NDCC; buildings used for commercial and recreational purposes,
disseminates materials relative to disaster prevention, maintains normal level of prices of commodities during
control and mitigation; advises the Chairman on matters emergencies.
concerning disaster management.
10. Secretary of Agriculture – undertakes surveys in disaster areas
3. Secretary of Interior and Local Government – oversees the to determine the extent of damage of agricultural crops,
organization of DCCs, the establishment of Disaster livestock and fisheries and renders technical assistance to
Operations Centers of all local governments, and the training disaster victims whose crops or livestock have been
of DCC members in coordination with OCD, DSWD, PNRC, destroyed.
and other appropriate agencies.
11. Secretary of Budget and Management – releases funds required
4. Secretary of Social Welfare and Development – extends relief by the departments for disaster operations.
assistance and social services to the victims as necessary.
12. Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources – responsible
5. Secretary of Health – provides health services during for reforestation and control of areas which tend to cause
emergencies as necessary, and organizes reaction teams in flooding, landslides, mudflow and ground subsidence,
hospitals, clinics and sanitary and other health institutions. provide seeds, seedlings and saplings and technical
assistance regarding mines, forests and lands, formulates
6. Director-General, NEDA – responsible for the determination and rules and regulations for the control of water and land
analysis of the effects of disasters and calamities on the pollution.
socio-economic plans and programs of the country, and
development of damage assessment scheme. 13. Secretary of Finance – issues rules and regulations with the
relevant agencies concerned for the funding by local
7. Secretary of Labor and Employment – provides emergency government of the requirements for organizing, equipping,
employment opportunities to disaster victims, implements and training of their disaster coordinating councils and
the industrial civil defense programs and measures, and reaction teams.
organizes and trains Disaster Control Groups in all factories
and industrial complexes. 14. Secretary of Public Works and Highways – restores destroyed
public structures such as flood control, waterworks, roads,
8. Secretary of Education – provides assistance in the public bridges, and other vertical and horizontal facilities/structures
education and campaign regarding disaster preparedness, and provides heavy and light equipment for relief, rescue
prevention and mitigation, makes available school buildings and recovery operations.
as evacuation centers, and organizes and trains disaster
control groups and reaction teams in all schools and 15. Secretary of Tourism – organizes and trains disaster control
institutions of learning. groups and reaction teams in hotels, pension houses,
restaurants and other tourist-oriented facilities.
16. Secretary of Transportation and Communications – restores Civic action activities like environmental and ecological
destroyed communication and transportation facilities such protection, river and watershed control projects and tree
as railroads and vertical structures, and organizes planting/forest fire control
emergency transport services from the national down to the
barangay level; and restores destroyed communication and Likewise, the concerned youth development agencies should
transportation facilities such as railroads and vertical establish coordination and linkages to be set up before, during and
structures. after every disaster. By using the NDCC operational model, the
leadership in the youth development agencies, in order to succeed in
17. Director, Philippine Information Agency – provides public their chosen endeavor should:
information service through dissemination of disaster
mitigation measures. a. Plan the chosen activities ahead before any calamity strikes.
Join or participate in training exercise on disaster and relief
18. Secretary-General, Philippine National Red Cross – conducts operations.
disaster leadership training courses, assists in the training of
DCCs at all levels; and assists in providing emergency relief b. See to it that the resources that are available could meet the
assistance to disaster victims. needs of chosen activities.
19. Chief of Staff, Armed Forces of the Philippines – responsible for c. Coordinate all activities properly with the City, Provincial and
the provision of security in disaster area and provision of Municipal Disaster Coordinator Councils.
assistance in the reconstruction of roads, bridges and other
structures and transportation facilities for rapid movement of d. Organize the groups. Assign the members‟ responsibilities
relief supplies and personnel and for the evacuation of which they feel they can properly handle. Confidence in
disaster victims. what is one is doing is the key to success.
HISTORY AND COMMONLY ABUSED DRUGS IN THE a. Disturbance in Perception – auditory and visual hallucination
PHILIPPINES b. Disturbance in Orientation – paranoia, psychosis
c. Disturbance in Memory
A. PRE-MARTIAL LAW ERA d. Disturbance in Judgment – depression that may lead to
a. Hallucinogens – drugs which affects sensation, thinking and
Example: Marijuana, Hashish, LSD
a. Systemic
b. Sedatives – drugs which reduces anxiety and excitement
Example: Barbituates, Tranquilizers, Alcohol 1. Cardiac (HEART) Pathology – irregularity of heart beat,
elevated or lowered blood pressure, chest pain,
c. Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and induce sleep convulsions or death from cardiac arrest
Example: Opium and derivatives like Heroin, Morphine, 2. Pulmonary (LUNG) Illnesses
Codeine 3. Hepatic (LIVER) Problems
4. Renal (KIDNEY) Diseases
Changes in attendance in school or work 4. Drug Dependents – people who tend to abuse the drug(s)
Changes in the normal capabilities in school/work everyday (almost everyday) or about five (5) to seven (7)
Abrupt changes in overall attitude times a week.
Generally lazy, irritable, discourteous, aggressive
Usually untrustworthy and lacks self-confidence 5. Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser/Substance Induced
Manipulative Psychosis – drug abusers who manifest signs and symptom
Have a distorted view of reality of psychotic disorders caused by the effects of drugs
Low frustration tolerance (hallucinations, disorientation, delusions, etc.)
Con-game player
Lacks interest in his studies/work (withdrawal from SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCY AND KEEPING DRUG-FREE
Blames everybody but himself (blame tosser)
No respect for the rights of others
Withdrawal symptoms
Prefers to stay with peers (barkada)
Need to take drugs to overcome withdrawal symptoms
May frequently go to odd places (to take drugs)
Poor physical appearance (unconcerned with grooming and
Wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times
Reduced social/occupational act
Unusual effort to cover arms to hide needle marks (long-
sleeved garments)
Stealing items which can be readily sold
Unusual borrowing of money from relatives and friends
Devote yourself to your studies and other productive
Association with known drug abusers
activities at home or in school
Stay away from people, places and events that promote
drug use
Learn to manage feelings and cope with stress without using
Abstainer Preventive Education
Occasional Users Counseling
Regular Users
Drug Dependent Drug Rehabilitation
Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser
(Substance Induced Psychiatric Treatment
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