A Technology Enhanced Learning Environment

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A Technology Enhanced Learning Environment (TELE) which focuses on a student-centred model of

education integrates themes that are given real-life applicability through technologically supported
delivery methods (Hannafin & Land, 1997).
]Based upon constructivist pedagogy TELEs provide learners with opportunities to explore their own
interests in a flexible and enriching manner. In turn, students utilize their background knowledge in
synthesizing new information through the support of technology while acquiring new knowledge, skills,
and attitudes.

Technology is in a constant state of advancement. We have moved from tablets of stone and counting
sticks. We have advanced from slates to calculators and other useful tools. Technology has worked well
to reduce the time spent in carrying out multiple tasks as well as increased efficiency in the home with the
use of vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, online banking and bill payment options and other modern
facilities. It is no wonder then that advocates for technology use in schools have so many high hopes for
its success in the education system.
Technology is truly beneficial to the education process. It is not just for the furtherance or continuation of
the education system, but is useful for the transformation of learners and all persons involved in the
education system. Recent technology tools have really managed to take learning to the next level. These
tools are capable of assisting learners in the collection and analysis of data. They help learners release
unlimited potentials that they may not have known that they possess. The process has only begun, but as
more persons interact with the technology and become aware of its inescapable liberating and inspiring
potential, they will be forced to deregulate their current practice, eradicate their inhibitions and incorporate
technological tools and devices.--Smith 04:31, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
Coolie Verner classifies educational technology into the following schema: illustrative technologies,
manipulative technologies, environmental technologies, extension technologies, and connective
technologies (as cited by ETEC 500, 2007). Verners schema depicts technology for education from
everything from a blackboard (illustrative technology) to listservs and blogs (connective technologies).
Whether it was Sam Spetch in 1918 advocating for his daughters education from rural British Columbia
(Owl Creek) or the provincial governments foray into online learning through LearnNow BC, educational
environments, like society in general, have changed according to the technologies available to them.
TELEs which are designed to support student-centred learning are rooted in five foundations:
psychological, pedagogical, technological, cultural, and pragmatic (Hannafin & Land, 1997). A brief
overview of the five foundations of student-centred learning environments will be address in this wiki. To
explore some of the intricacies of student-centred learning please refer to The foundations and
assumptions of technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments [3]by Michael J. Hannafin
and Susan M. Land.

Foundations of Student-Centred Learning Environments

Image from The foundations and assumptions of technology-enhanced student-centered learning

Scaffolding off of Piaget (1952) and Vygotsky (1978) student-centred learning environments advocate that
learning occurs through environmental interactions in which an individual constructs meaning internally
i.e., learning is not an external truth to be found.
The learner must engage with their learning (i.e., environment) not only in a manner that connects to their
prior knowledge but also utilizes technological resources in an applicable and constructivist approach; this
model encourages environments which promote sampling, discovering, manipulating, and investigating
(Hannafin & Land, 1997).
Technology enables learners to adapt, modify, and extend their learning in dynamic contextualized
possibilities. Students have the ability (through new technologies) to experience abstract concepts in
applicable and often easily accessible formats. In turn, learners acquire deeper knowledge, skills, and
attitudes regarding the topic of discovery.
By and large, the culture of any given TELE is representative of its culture of origin. Whether this is a
schools culture, school district, community, or nation all environments are embedded with cultural norms
and mores. Therefore, recognizing that student-centred technological environments also espouse
changes in theory, pedagogy, and technology is an ongoing reflective process.
Educators recognize the importance of having a flexible curriculum, resources, and assessment and
evaluation tools at hand. Student-centred learning environments also value the ability to be malleable.

Construction of knowledge, skills, and attitudes is a uniquely subjective and internalized process.
Therefore, any learning environment must be able to adapt to its learners in order to optimize
engagement and ultimately lead to the acquisition of the aforementioned knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Arguments for Supported Learning Environments

Technology according to Ginsbury (1999) is of benefit to both the instructors and learners. She believes
that: Technology including the Internet and spreadsheet, database modeling and simulation software has
made it easier for instructors to envision new ways to study traditional subjects. These tools support
activities in which learners collect or analyze real world data, make observations, investigate relationships
and ask what if questions (p. 14). Beldarrain (2006) seem to echo the same sentiments in relation to the
beneficial factors of technology in education in her statement that expresses her belief that by using
technology in education we can: accommodate the needs of the 21st century learner by including
activities that allow students to contribute to the learning process at any time from anywhere; [they] may
take on the role of instructor by sharing expertise, presenting sections of the course content, and using
the file-sharing capabilities to share documents with the instructor or peers (p. 154). According to Frick,
technology is also beneficial in terms of the student-content relationship. He believes that with the use of
technology students would be actively engaged in the learning process through their interaction with the
technology-mediated learning materials. These materials he says afford the students unlimited
opportunities to communicate and be provided with immediate feedback (1991). Frick opines that by
interacting with the content through the use of technology: Students would have more control over the
pace of their learning and spend as much time as needed to master particular learning objectives. The
decision of when to move on to subsequent objectives would not be determined by the average group
achievement but rather by the individual student's progress. Students actively engaged with content and
experiencing success with it would be more enthusiastic about the subject matter they are studying.
Finally, when the content is technology mediated, it becomes possible to present it more dynamically in
aural and visual modalities using interactive video (Frick, 2001, para). --Smith 04:31, 26 January 2009

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