Height Gauges - 2

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Linear Height
1D/2D Measuring Gage

Ease and Accuracy with a

Unique Pneumatic Floating System
The new Mitutoyo Linear Height, multifunctional single axis height
gage, makes 2D measurement simple and accurate. It is possible to
measure from simple 1D parameters of the surface height, circle
diameter, distance, perpendicularity and straightness to sophisticated
2D measurement.

• Excellent accuracy of (2+L/600)µm with • In addition to the provided basic statistical

0.1µm/0.5µm resolution/repeatability. processing, RS-232C data output allows you to
• Perpendicularity (frontal) of 6µm and evaluate the measurement data with an
straightness of 4µm are guaranteed. external PC and SPC software.
• Unique pneumatic full/semi-floating system • Data entry from a Digimatic tool.
makes it possible to adjust the height of the • Optional external battery charger and spare
air-cushion according to the operation battery pack are available for continuous
(movement/measurement). It achieves rapid operation.
inspection speed while maintaining the • Choice of message language in English,
accuracy. German, French, Spanish, Italian and
• One-key operation for semiautomatic Japanese for user friendly operation.
measuring run.
• Automatic stand-by in the repeat
The probe automatically moves to the next
start position of measurement to stand-by.
• Independent drive/measurement speed
setting for quick moving (max. 40mm/s)
and circumspect measuring.
• Immediate GO/NG judgment at each
• Complete stand-alone design with
rechargeable battery pack and self-contained
pneumatic system.
• 24kg smart body for high mobility.
• Large memory capacity for 50 measuring
programs and 60,000 measured data.
• Off-line part programming for increased
measurement efficiency.

With power grip model

The LH-600B affords greater convenience and ease of use through the integration of sequential key
operations for frequent measurement. The touch of a single key automatically runs the Linear Height until
the last result display. This eliminates troublesome key operations at each step in the measurement process,
allowing you to concentrate on workpiece inspection.

[Measurement [Suspension] key

Command] keys
[Numeric] keys

Origin setting Calculation and other

and probe setting measurement functions

[Character] keys [Cursor] keys

Basic functions Other functions

2D measurement
Measures the height Measures the difference between • 2-D origin setting
of an upward-facing surface. maximum height and minimum • X/Y axis setting
height of the upward or • Coordinate system rotation
downward-facing surface. • 2-D origin translation
• Coordinate save
Measures the height Measures the width and center
of a downward-facing surface. position between two elements. • Coordinate recall
• Element recall
• Polar coordinate recall
• Coordinate distance calculation
Measures the diameter Sets the ABS origin (absolute • 2-D distance calculation
and center of a hole. reference origin) or INC origin • 2 elements intersection-angle
(incremental origin defined by a
user), switches the ABS/INC origin, calculation
and sets the offset ABS origin • 3 elements intersection-angle
Measures the diameter calculation
and center of a shaft. Sets the probe type, measures the • Pitch-circle calculation
probe diameter, inputs the probe
diameter, saves the probe, Tolerance judgment function
loads the probe and shifts • Tolerance/nominal value setting
the probe position.
Measures the width • Tolerance judgment result output
and center • Warning function
of an inner diameter. Performs calculation, including
angle. User-support function
• Switching resolution
Measures the width • Power saving function
and center Displays a comment when • Switchable measurement speed
of an outer diameter. operations are paused, measures • Semi-floating measurement
the position of a hole with a
tapered probe, inputs measurement Part-program functions
Measures the maximum from a Digimatic measuring • Creating/editing/executing a part
height of a downward instrument and measures the
or upward-facing surface. perpendicularity. program
Statistical processing functions
Suspends • Basic statistical processing
Measures the minimum or resumes system operation. • Histogram
height of an upward
or downward-facing surface. Accuracy-compensation functions
• Temperature compensation
• Scale factor
• Setting of workpiece thermal-
expansion coefficient

Linear Height
Height measurement
Width measurement

Height measurement

Width measurement

Circle measurement

An example of a printout
A receipt printer, which can be set on the main unit of the
Linear Height, is provided as an optional accessory. Printout can
Circle Measurement also be executed using a commercially available *A4-size printer.

A4-size printer


Receipt printer

Thermal-receipt printer
(with connecting cable
and mounting bracket)

Cable for page
printer (2m/4m) Page printer

SPC cable Mu-checker Lever head


Touch signal Connecting RS-232C cable

probe cable (2m/4m) PC

CMM probes

Floppy disk drive unit

Auxiliary weight (with connecting cable
and mounting bracket)

charger Battery

Thermal-receipt printer,
Floppy disk drive unit, Battery charger

12AAA787 Block for calibrating 12AAC073 ø20 taper probe • Thermal receipt printer and page printer are available for recording of
probe diameter 12AAB136 ø10 cylindrical the measurement result.
(applicable to taper probe Thermal-receipt printer (220V): 12AAA796
probe) 12AAA793 Probe extension Thermal-receipt printer (120V): 12AAA797
957261 ø2 ball probe holder (84mm/3.3") Thermal print paper (10pcs.): 12AAA802
957262 ø3 ball probe 12AAA792 Dial indicator (ø8 • Page printer recommended: EPSON LQ-300 or LX-300
957263 ø4 ball probe stem) holder Cable for page printer (2m): 12AAA804
12AAB552 ø10 ball probe 12AAA837 Dial indicator (ø3/8" Cable for page printer (4m): 12AAA805
12AAA788 ø4 ball offset probe stem) holder • Floppy disk drive unit allows for storage and retrieval of measuring
12AAA789 ø6 ball offset probe 932361 Mu-checker lever programs, measurement results and measuring conditions.
957264 ø14 disk probe head holder Floppy disk drive: 12AAA799
957265 ø20 disk probe 06AAN066 Touch signal probe • Battery charger: 12AAA800
226116 Test indicator (ø6 12AAA794 Probe connecting • RS-232C cable (2m/80"): 12AAA807
stem) adapter cable RS-232C cable (4m/160"): 12AAA808
226117 M2 CMM stylus ———— CMM ball and disk • SPC cable (1m/40"): 936937
adapter hard probes are • SPC cable (2m/80"): 965014
226118 M3 CMM stylus available
adapter 12AAA798 Auxiliary weight
12AAC072 Depth probe

Linear Height
Detailed Specification
Order No. 518-321-20
Linear Height 24 in w/o Manual
& Power Grip
Linear Height (in/mm)
24 in, 120V


140 (5.51")
Unit: mm (inch)

Measuring range (stroke) 0 - 972mm (600mm)/0 - 38" (24")

262 (10.31")
Resolution (selectable) 0.0001mm/0.001mm/0.01mm/

372 (14.64")
0.1mm/.000001"/.00001"/ 600

.0001"/.001" 24

Accuracy Measuring accuracy*1 (2+L/600)µm

at 20˚C L=Measuring length (mm)
Repeatability (2σ)*1 Plane: 0.5µm Bore: 1µm
Perpendicularity*2 6µm
Straightness*2 4µm 400
1013 (39.88")

972 (38.27")
Drive method Manual/Motor (5 - 40mm, 7 steps)
Measuring force 1N
Balancing method Counter balance
Main unit floating method Full/semi-floating with air
Air source Built-in air compressor 200

LCD Graphic LCD

600 (23.62")

(320x240 dot, with backlight)

Language for display English/German/French/Spanish/

Number of program 50 (max.)
Number of data 60.000 (max.)
Power supply AC adapter/Battery (Ni-MH)
Power consumption 43VA
Operation time Approx. 5hours
240 (9.45") 82.5 287 (11.30")
Mass 24kg/52.8lbs (3.25")
Standard accessories ø5 stepped probe, block for
calibrating probe diamater
*1 This accuracy is guaranteed when using the standard eccentric ø5 probe.
*2 This accuracy is guaranteed when using a lever head (MLH-321) or Mu-Checker (M-411) Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Mitutoyo Corporation
20-1, Sakado 1-Chome, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
Kanagawa 213-0012, Japan
Phone (044)813-8230 Fax (044)813-8231

Printed in Japan
35.000207 (2) CBS

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