Eng Week 1
Eng Week 1
Eng Week 1
C. Establishing a The teacher will let the learners How do you feel when you are Using the word FORM, write five Have you ever experience to
purpose for the play Never Have I Ever. The asked to fill out forms? sentences connected to it. fill out forms? Where and
lesson/ learners will choose to HAVE When?
Motivation and NEVER based on the given F–
question. O–
1. Never Have I ever confused R–
about fill in, fill up and fill out? M–
2. Never Have I ever
experienced filling out forms?
3. Never Have I ever been to a
D. Presenting We are oftentimes asked to fill We are oftentimes asked to fill We are oftentimes asked to fill We are oftentimes asked to fill
examples/instanc out forms whenever we use out forms whenever we use out forms whenever we use out forms whenever we use
es of the new documents at the school, bank, documents at the school, bank, documents at the school, bank, documents at the school,
lesson/Motivation or office. This is an essential or office. This is an essential or office. This is an essential bank, or office. This is an
activity that we cannot avoid activity that we cannot avoid activity that we cannot avoid essential activity that we
doing. For these reasons, we doing. For these reasons, we doing. For these reasons, we cannot avoid doing. For these
need to master how to fill out need to master how to fill out need to master how to fill out reasons, we need to master
forms. Can you do the job? Did forms. Can you do the job? Did forms. Can you do the job? Did how to fill out forms. Can you
you know that to fill up CANNOT you know that to fill up CANNOT you know that to fill up CANNOT do the job? Did you know that
be used to mean the act of be used to mean the act of be used to mean the act of to fill up CANNOT be used to
completing a form? Can a form completing a form? Can a form completing a form? Can a form mean the act of completing a
hold liquid? Since it cannot, it is hold liquid? Since it cannot, it is hold liquid? Since it cannot, it is
form? Can a form hold liquid?
not appropriate to use fill up. not appropriate to use fill up. The not appropriate to use fill up. Since it cannot, it is not
The appropriate expressions are appropriate expressions are fill in The appropriate expressions are appropriate to use fill up. The
fill in and fill out. So, please and fill out. So, please don’t ask fill in and fill out. So, please appropriate expressions are
don’t ask anyone to fill up a form anyone to fill up a form because don’t ask anyone to fill up a form
fill in and fill out. So, please
because they will not be able to they will not be able to do it. Ask because they will not be able to don’t ask anyone to fill up a
do it. Ask them to fill in or fill out them to fill in or fill out a form do it. Ask them to fill in or fill out
form because they will not be
a form instead. instead. a form instead. able to do it. Ask them to fill in
or fill out a form instead.
E. Discussing Forms are everywhere, at Forms are everywhere, at school, Forms are everywhere, at Forms are everywhere, at
new concepts school, at work, banks, at work, banks, hospitals, offices, school, at work, banks, school, at work, banks,
and practicing hospitals, offices, restaurants, restaurants, when paying bills hospitals, offices, restaurants, hospitals, offices, restaurants,
new skills No. 1 when paying bills and even and even when you do online when paying bills and even when paying bills and even
when you do online shopping. shopping. Forms are part of our when you do online shopping. when you do online shopping.
Forms are part of our daily lives. daily lives. As you grow older you Forms are part of our daily lives. Forms are part of our daily
As you grow older you will be will be encountering more kinds As you grow older you will be lives. As you grow older you
encountering more kinds of it. It of it. It is good for you to know as encountering more kinds of it. It will be encountering more
is good for you to know as early early as now how to fill out form is good for you to know as early kinds of it. It is good for you to
as now how to fill out form accurately and correctly. To fill as now how to fill out form know as early as now how to
accurately and correctly. To fill out means to complete a form by accurately and correctly. To fill fill out form accurately and
out means to complete a form writing the required information out means to complete a form correctly. To fill out means to
by writing the required on it. What are these by writing the required complete a form by writing the
information on it. What are information? It can be your name, information on it. What are these required information on it.
these information? It can be birthday, address, Learner’s information? It can be your What are these information? It
your name, birthday, address, Reference Number (LRN), name, birthday, address, can be your name, birthday,
Learner’s Reference Number contact number, and many more. Learner’s Reference Number address, Learner’s Reference
(LRN), contact number, and (LRN), contact number, and Number (LRN), contact
many more. many more. number, and many more.
F. Discussing Form is a structured document Form is a structured document Form is a structured document Form is a structured
new concepts with spaces or blank field in with spaces or blank field in with spaces or blank field in document with spaces or
and practicing which you can write on, check which you can write on, check or which you can write on, check or blank field in which you can
new skills No. 2 or select the required select the required information. It select the required information. write on, check or select the
information. It is used to gather is used to gather necessary It is used to gather necessary required information. It is used
necessary information for a information for a particular information for a particular to gather necessary
particular purpose. Forms purpose. Forms usually ask you purpose. Forms usually ask you information for a particular
usually ask you to give details to give details about yourself. to give details about yourself. purpose. Forms usually ask
about yourself. There are There are particular forms that There are particular forms that you to give details about
particular forms that you have to you have to fill out as a you have to fill out as a yourself. There are particular
fill out as a requirement for requirement for admission to a requirement for admission to a forms that you have to fill out
admission to a school, school, enrolment form at the school, enrolment form at the as a requirement for
enrolment form at the beginning beginning of the school year or beginning of the school year or admission to a school,
of the school year or registration registration form in an registration form in an enrolment form at the
form in an organization or organization or school club. organization or school club. beginning of the school year
school club. When transacting in When transacting in a bank you When transacting in a bank you or registration form in an
a bank you will fill out cash will fill out cash transaction slip, will fill out cash transaction slip, organization or school club.
transaction slip, deposit or deposit or withdrawal slip. When deposit or withdrawal slip. When When transacting in a bank
withdrawal slip. When you finish you finish your studies, you will you finish your studies, you will you will fill out cash
your studies, you will be be applying for a job and you be applying for a job and you transaction slip, deposit or
applying for a job and you need need to fill out an application need to fill out an application withdrawal slip. When you
to fill out an application form or form or a Bio-data. There are form or a Bio-data. There are finish your studies, you will be
a Bio-data. There are also also electronic forms like google also electronic forms like google applying for a job and you
electronic forms like google forms which are widely used forms which are widely used need to fill out an application
forms which are widely used nowadays as these can be filled nowadays as these can be filled form or a Bio-data. There are
nowadays as these can be filled out if you are online. Forms are out if you are online. Forms are also electronic forms like
out if you are online. Forms are filled out in either single, filled out in either single, google forms which are widely
filled out in either single, duplicate or triplicate copies duplicate or triplicate copies used nowadays as these can
duplicate or triplicate copies depending on the requirement depending on the requirement be filled out if you are online.
depending on the requirement set by the institution. Accuracy is set by the institution. Accuracy Forms are filled out in either
set by the institution. Accuracy very important in filling out these is very important in filling out single, duplicate or triplicate
is very important in filling out forms. Did you know that to fill up these forms. Did you know that copies depending on the
these forms. Did you know that CANNOT be used to mean the to fill up CANNOT be used to requirement set by the
to fill up CANNOT be used to act of completing a form? Can a mean the act of completing a institution. Accuracy is very
mean the act of completing a form hold liquid? Since it cannot, form? Can a form hold liquid? important in filling out these
form? Can a form hold liquid? it is not appropriate to use fill up. Since it cannot, it is not forms. Did you know that to fill
Since it cannot, it is not The appropriate expressions are appropriate to use fill up. The up CANNOT be used to mean
appropriate to use fill up. The fill in and fill out. So, please don’t appropriate expressions are fill the act of completing a form?
appropriate expressions are fill ask anyone to fill up a form in and fill out. So, please don’t Can a form hold liquid? Since
in and fill out. So, please don’t because they will not be able to ask anyone to fill up a form it cannot, it is not appropriate
ask anyone to fill up a form do it. Ask them to fill in or fill out a because they will not be able to to use fill up. The appropriate
because they will not be able to form instead. do it. Ask them to fill in or fill out expressions are fill in and fill
do it. Ask them to fill in or fill out a form instead. out. So, please don’t ask
a form instead. In filling out forms we need to: anyone to fill up a form
• Read and analyze each item In filling out forms we need to: because they will not be able
In filling out forms we need to: and instructions in the form • Read and analyze each item to do it. Ask them to fill in or fill
• Read and analyze each item carefully. and instructions in the form out a form instead.
and instructions in the form • Follow the given directions carefully.
carefully. precisely. • Follow the given directions In filling out forms we need to:
• Follow the given directions • Provide true and correct precisely. • Read and analyze each item
precisely. information. • Provide true and correct and instructions in the form
• Provide true and correct • Write legibly and neatly. Avoid information. carefully.
information. making erasures and any stray • Write legibly and neatly. Avoid • Follow the given directions
• Write legibly and neatly. Avoid marks. making erasures and any stray precisely.
making erasures and any stray • Do not use red or other ink marks. • Provide true and correct
marks. colors aside from the standard • Do not use red or other ink information.
• Do not use red or other ink blue or black. colors aside from the standard • Write legibly and neatly.
colors aside from the standard • Do not skip any sections. blue or black. Avoid making erasures and
blue or black. Remember to fill out all • Do not skip any sections. any stray marks.
• Do not skip any sections. applicable sections. Remember to fill out all • Do not use red or other ink
Remember to fill out all • Handle the form with utmost applicable sections. colors aside from the standard
applicable sections. care. • Handle the form with utmost blue or black.
• Handle the form with utmost • Review the entries or date you care. • Do not skip any sections.
care. have entered before submitting • Review the entries or date you Remember to fill out all
• Review the entries or date you the form. have entered before submitting applicable sections.
have entered before submitting • Submit the accomplished form the form. • Handle the form with utmost
the form. to the authorized person who will • Submit the accomplished form care.
• Submit the accomplished form collect it. Common instructions in to the authorized person who • Review the entries or date
to the authorized person who filling out forms: will collect it. Common you have entered before
will collect it. Common • Some information should be instructions in filling out forms: submitting the form.
instructions in filling out forms: written in CAPITAL LETTERS. • Some information should be • Submit the accomplished
• Some information should be • Write N/A if the items are not written in CAPITAL LETTERS. form to the authorized person
written in CAPITAL LETTERS. applicable. • Write N/A if the items are not who will collect it. Common
• Write N/A if the items are not • Some forms require a pattern applicable. instructions in filling out forms:
applicable. on how you will write the needed • Some forms require a pattern • Some information should be
• Some forms require a pattern information. on how you will write the needed written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
on how you will write the information. • Write N/A if the items are not
needed information. Example of patterns when writing applicable.
your name Example of patterns when • Some forms require a
Example of patterns when writing your name pattern on how you will write
writing your name the needed information.
G. Developing Directions: You are going to Directions: Fill out a withdrawal Directions: Fill out a withdrawal Directions: Read the selection
Mastery (Leads enroll in Grade 6. Fill out the slip using the suggested slip using the suggested about Ana and her Grandma.
to Formative admission form accurately using information found in the box. Use information found in the box. Help your friend, Ana, by
Assessment) your personal information. Write the form provided to you. Use the form provided to you. completing the withdrawal slip
your answers legibly in for her grandma. Use the form
CAPITAL LETTER. September 30,2021 • July 1, 2020 provided to you.
For items not applicable, write 0123-4567-89 • 1234567891
N/A. AIDEN Q. SISON • Criselda V. Castillo Off to the Bank
Five Thousand Pesos • Ten Thousand Pesos Hi, my name is Ana. I will
Php 5,000.00 • P 10,000.00 accompany my Grandma to
the bank today. Grandma told
me that we have to drop by
the bank before going to the
mall to buy me a birthday
present. Today is May 28,
2020 and two days from now I
will be turning 10! Grandma
needs money for the birthday
present. Today, she will get
3,000 pesos from her bank
account. She will have to
complete a form and she calls
it a withdrawal slip. Can you
help Grandma complete the
form, so that we can have the
money for my birthday
present? Yehey! Thank you.
Don’t forget to leave the
depositor’s signature line
empty, so that Grandma can
sign it. Here’s Grandma’s
bank information.
Name : Linda Cruz Account
Number : 0977 4444 88
H. Finding Why is it critical to understand Why is it critical to understand Why is it critical to understand Why is it critical to understand
Practical how to fill out the form? how to fill out the form? how to fill out the form? how to fill out the form?
Application of
Concepts and
Skills in Daily
I. Making How to fill-out school forms, How to fill-out school forms, How to fill-out school forms, How to fill-out school forms,
Generalization deposit slip and withdrawal slip? deposit slip and withdrawal slip? deposit slip and withdrawal slip? deposit slip and withdrawal
and Abstraction slip?
J. Evaluating Directions: You will deposit your Directions: You have an Directions: You have a savings REFLECTION: How can you
Learning 1,500 with the following cash appointment with your doctor. bank account and you want to make sure you fill out forms
breakdown: two 500 pesos and Before entering the clinic, you are put an amount of 2, 000 pesos accurately? What strategies
five 100 pesos in your savings required to log in. Fill-out the into it, with the following cash can you use?
account number 0123-4567-89 contact tracing form accurately. breakdown: two five hundred-
and the date is September 17, peso bills and ten one hundred- ________________________
2021. Fill out the cash deposit peso bills. Using the bank ________________________
slip. account number 0344- 5555- __________________
22, complete a cash deposit
slip. Fill out the form provided to
K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery
expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the of instruction
and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson purpose and objectives of the and
because the learners because the learners lesson because the learners expectations
meet the
purpose and
objectives of
the lesson
because the
VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process engaged in
incorporating incorporating when incorporating the teaching-
process when
A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored
below 80%
( needs
C. No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other