Orbital Variations

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Variations in the Earth's Orbit:

Pacemaker of the Ice Ages

For 500,000 years, major climatic changes have followed
variations in obliquity and precession.
J. D. Hays, John Imbrie, N. J. Shackleton

Science, 194, 1976

John Noble
Earth 206
April 2009

J. D. Hays
Professor of Earth and environmental sciences at Columbia University.
BA from Harvard University
MS from Ohio State University
PhD from Columbia University
Current research:
history of climate change over the past three million years and the
evolutionary history recorded by microfossils.
"Faunal Extinction and Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field," in
the Geological Society of America Bulletin (1971);
"Lithospheric Plate Motion, Sea Level Changes and Climatic and
Ecological Consequences," in Nature (1973).

John Imbrie
Professor Emeritus at Brown; has been on the faculty of the Geological
Sciences Department at Brown University since 1977, where he has
held the Henry L. Doherty chair of Oceanography.
Undergrad: Coe College (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) and Princeton
M.S. and Ph.D. from Yale University in 1950 & 1951., Geology and
William H. Twenhofel Medal by the Society for Sedimentary Geology
in 1991.
Wilbur Cross medal
Advancement of Basic and Applied Science

Prof. Sir. Nicholas J. Shackleton

Educated at Cranbrook School, Kent, Shackleton studied natural
sciences at Clare College, University of Cambridge, graduating with
the BA degree in 1961
1964 a MA degree.
1967 he was awarded at the same university a PhD degree, with his
thesis entitled 'The Measurement of Paleotemperatures in the
Quaternary Era'.
Doctor of Science (ScD), University of Cambridge, 1984
Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), 1985
Shepard Medal (SEPM) for excellence in marine geology 1985
Carus Medal, Deutsche Akademie fr Naturforscher 'Leopoldina'
Lyell Medal, Geological Society of London 1987
Founding member, Academia Europaea 1988
Fellow, American Geophysical Union 1990

Early climate research

Croll (1875) compared
astronomical calculations of
orbital history with the
geologic record of climate,
hypothesizing that evidence
of multiple glaciations
confirm the astronomical
theory of the ice ages.

John Evelyn
John Evelyn, 1661
Fumifugium, or,
The inconveniencie of the
aer and smoak of London
dissipated together with
some remedies humbly
proposed by J.E. esq. to
His Sacred Majestie, and
to the Parliament now

Scientific questions and goals

Better understand the interplay of causes responsible for

Pleistocene ice sheet fluctuations.


Create test to geologically determine frequencies

Methods and tests:
1. Geologic time series: stratigraphic record of 18O, Ts, summer
sea-surface temperature (SST) Cycladophora davisiana
2. Frequency domain tests (spectral analysis)
Time domain tests for phase relationships

Possible explanations
Theories invoking variations of factors
1. External to climate system
Solar luminosity
interstellar dust concentration
earth's orbital geometry
Atmospheric volcanic dust content
Earths magnetic field
2. Internal to climate system (response times sufficiently long to
yield 105-yr fluctuations)
growth and decay of ice sheets

Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets

CO2 distribution between atmosphere and ocean

deep circulation of the ocean

Orbital hypothesis

Formulated to predict frequencies of major Pleistocene

glacial fluctuations.
Obliquity and precession are the underlying, controlling
variables that influence climate through their impact on
planetary insolation.

Obliquity: ~ 41,000-yr period

precession of the equinoxes: ~ 21,000yr period

Broecker, Imbrie, and others have provided strong suggestive

evidence that orbital changes induced climatic change

1. Which aspects of the radiation budget are critical to
climatic change? e.g. Different predictions from same
astronomical data depending on latitude & season used:

65 N summer insolation curve for world climate

prediction; should be critical to the growth and decay of
ice sheets (Milankovi, Koppen and Wegener)
critical time may be September and October in both
hemispheres (Kukla 1975)

Resulting in range for last interglacial from 80,000

180,000 yr ago


2. Geological chronology

150,000-yr testing interval limit due to dating method

inaccuracies (until ~ mid 1970s)
Data: Barbados, New Guinea, and Hawaiian coral terraces
record episodes of high sea level ( low ice volume)
consistent with Milankovitheory



(Ruddiman 2001)

At perihelion, Earth receives ~3.5% more radiation aphelion

(Ruddiman 2001)

Obliquity, , angle between equatorial and ecliptic planes
Current value: 23.4
range: 22.1 to 24.5
~ 41,000-yr mean period.
As increases:
summer radiation increases (at high-latitudes)
Winter radiation totals decline


Tilt and precession


Eccentricity-modulated precession


(Ruddiman 2001)


Most of these hypotheses single out mechanisms of
climatic change which are presumed to respond to
particular elements in the insolation regime
Hays et al. generalization and assumption:
treat secular orbital changes as a forcing function of a
system whose output is the geological record of
climate-without identifying or evaluating the
mechanisms through which climate is modified by
changes in the global pattern of incoming radiation.
Assumption: climate system responds linearly to
orbital forcing.

Methods: core selection

Hays et al. selected two CLIMAP cores (RC11-120 and E49-18) for
testing the orbital hypothesis.

450,000-yr continuous climatic record

accumulation rates (> 3 cm 1,000 yr -1) resolve climatic fluctuations
with periods below 20,000 yr.
location provides an opportunity to monitor simultaneously both
Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice volume and Southern Hemisphere
(SH) temperature.


Geologic data
1. 18O, planktonic foraminifera
2. Ts, summer sea-surface temperature (SST) derived from
statistical analysis of radiolarian assemblages
3. percentage of Cycladophora davisiana, the relative
abundance of a radiolarian species not used in the
estimation of Ts18O reviewOrbital data




accounts for ~ 99.8% of natural oxygen

18O/16O ~ 1/400 = 0.0025

Average 18O value of ocean water = 0.0

1 o/oo 18O in foraminifera shells 4.2C
Ice sheet growth causes 18O
18Oc = 18Ow x 0.23 T
18O variations are recorded in CaCO3
benthic foraminifera shells that take oxygen from
bicarbonate ions

Stratigraphic sequence
deep-sea sediments provide a basic 1,000,000-yr
1000-yr resolution limited by mixing and




C. davisiana
maxima are ~ correlated in time with
Ts minima and 18O maxima
not correlated in amplitude




Frequency-Domain Tests

Milankovitch theory postulates two systems operating in

1. radiation system transforms orbital signals (obliquity and
precession) into a set of insolation signals (dep. on latitude
& season).
2. insolation signals are transformed by a second, explicitly
formulated climate-response system into (predicted)
climate curves.

Hays et al. postulate a single, radiation-climate system that

transforms orbital inputs into climatic outputs.

Timeinvariant, linear system that can described by a linear

differential equation with constant coefficients.


Precessional index (esin)

climatic effect of precession is a function of
, the longitude of perihelion based on the moving equinox
solar intensity (latitude & season dependent) varies as esin
Precessional index (esin) to deviation from 1950 value of
June earth-sun distance
index range: +0.03 to -0.07
mean period ~ 21,000 yr



Frequency analysis of astronomical data


Frequency analysis of astronomical data

the three dominant cycles in these spectra
(41,000, 23,000, and 19,000 years) correspond to
those observed in obliquity and precession
insolation spectra are characterized by frquencies
reflecting obliquity and precession, but not
Second, the relative importance of the insolation
components due to obliquity and precession
varies with latitude and season.


(Ruddiman 2001)

Frequency analysis of geological data

same techniques as applied to astronomical data






Power spectra

(Ruddiman 2001)

(Ruddiman 2001)

(Ruddiman 2001)

(Ruddiman 2001)

(Ruddiman 2001)

1. Three indices of global climate (Ts, 18O, C. davisiana %)
have been monitored in the record of the past 450,000
years in SH ocean-floor sediments.
2. Over the frequency range 10-4 to 10-5 cycle/year, climatic
variance of these records is concentrated in three discrete spectral peaks at periods of 23,000, 42,000, and ~
100,000 yrs, corresponding to the dominant periods of
the earth's solar orbit, and containing respectively ~ 10,
25, and 50% of the climatic variance.
3. The 42,000-yr climatic component has the same period
as variations in the obliquity of the earth's axis and
retains a constant phase relationship with it.
4. The 23,000-year portion of the variance displays the
same periods (about 23,000 and 19,000 years) as the
quasi-periodic precession index.

5. The dominant, 100,000-yr climatic component has an
average period close to, and is in phase with, orbital eccentricity. Unlike the correlations between climate and
the higher-frequency orbital variations (which can be explained on the assumption that the climate system
responds linearly to orbital forcing), an explanation of the
correlation between climate and eccentricity probably
requires an assumption of non-linearity.
6. It is concluded that changes in the earth's orbital
geometry are the fundamental cause of the succession
of Quaternary ice ages.
7. A model of future climate based on the observed orbitalclimate relationships, but ignoring anthropogenic effects,
predicts that the long-term trend over the next several
thousand years is toward extensive Northern
Hemisphere glaciation.

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