Hays 1976
Hays 1976
Hays 1976
Geological Time Series Go
cn (Fig. 6, top) and by prewhitening the
4, signal to reduce distortions in the higher-
L -
0 - frequency part of the spectrum caused
by variance transfer from the a peak
during analysis. The resulting spectra,
-J a. which have the flat trend desired (Fig. 6,
0 6-
bottom), should be used in the higher-
12 | R(f) R(f) R(f) frequency part of the spectrum, not only
to conduct statistical tests but also to
.. 9- obtain more accurate frequency esti-
n0*- mates.
Estimates of b peak frequencies in the
C.) prewhitened signals are changed very
little; their dominant cycles now range
f 0
'~ ~ ~ ~~T'
.033 .067 .100 .133 .167 0
.033 .067 .100 .133 .167
0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 f
from 42,000 to 43,000 years (Table 4).
The c peaks differ mainly in the appear-
1/f 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 1/f ance of a small subsidiary peak in the Ts
Frequency (cycles/1000 years) spectrum. The midpoints of the three cl
Fig. 5. High-resolution spectra of climatic variations in Ts, 8180, and percentage of C. davis- peaks now correspond to cycles 24,000
iana. Variance (as percentage of total variance per unit frequency band) is plotted as a function years long; and the midpoints of the c2
of frequency (cycles per thousand years). Prominent spectral peaks are labeled a, b, and c. Ar- peaks in the Ts and 8180 spectra corre-
rows indicate weighted mean cycle lengths (in thousands of years). The age models used in the
calculations are given in Table 2. (A) Spectra for core RC1 1-120 are calculated for the SIM- spond to a 19,500-year cycle (Fig. 6 and
PLEX age model. (B) Spectra for core E49-18 are calculated for the SIMPLEX age model. (C) Table 4).
Spectra of the combined (PATCH) record are calculated for the ELBOW age model. Statistical evaluation. Based on the
1126 SCIENCE, VOL. 194
null hypothesis that the data are a sample the assumption of constant accumulation tions differs from ours by about a factor
ofa random signal having a general distri- rates. of 2. The explanation of this paradox is
bution of variance like that in the ob- Having found the frequencies of obliq- to be found in the dominant climatic
served low-resolution spectrum, con- uity and precession in our geological rec- periodicity, which in all of the cores is
fidence intervals are calculated as a ords-as predicted by a linear version of the 100,000-year cycle, and not, as ex-
guide to the statistical significance of the theory of orbital control-we should pected (2, 26), the geologic response to
spectral estimates in the high-resolution consider again the lower-frequency cli- the 41,000-year obliquity cycle (Table 5).
spectrum (Fig. 6). A particular peak in matic components which, although not The spectral peak identified by Kemp
that spectrum is judged significant if it predicted, actually contain about half of and Eger (16) and by Chappell (20) as
extends above the low-resolution spec- the observed variance. These com- due to precession, corresponds to our b
trum by an amount that exceeds the ap- ponents form the a peaks in our spectra. peak, and therefore (we argue) is ac-
propriate one-sided confidence interval. Concentrated at periods near 100,000 tually an effect of obliquity. The spectral
Of the three b peaks, one is significant at years (Figs. 5 and 6), they are close to peak identified by van den Huevel (14) as
P = .02 (C. davisiana) and one at the 105,000-year period in the eccentric- due to the precession half-cycle corre-
P = .05 (8180). Of the three c1 peaks, ity spectrum (Table 4). This similarity of sponds to our c peak, and therefore is
one (Ts) is significant at P = .05 (65). the dominant frequencies in late Quater- now to be understood as the effect of a
We carefully considered aliasing and nary records of climate and eccentricity full precession cycle. Only with the ad-
harmonic problems (66) and conclude has been noted before (13, 17, 18) and vent of chronologies based on the
that our spectral peaks are not an artifact demands an explanation. One hypothesis Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal
of procedure. This conclusion was sup- (developed further below) is that the radi- (17, 18, 31) was the dominant climatic
ported by examining more detailed ation-climate system responds nonlinear- period in the 8180 record identified as
spectra calculated by the maximum en- ly (68) to changes in the geographic and approximately 100,000 years (Table 5).
tropy technique (67). seasonal distribution of insolation. An-
Discussion. Having examined the con- other is that the small control eccentric-
fidence intervals for individual climatic ity exerts on the total annual insolation is Time-Domain Tests
spectra, and having eliminated the alias- significant climatically (59).
ing and harmonic problems, we can now An apparently independent confirma- Assumptions. As with the frequency-
ask if the frequencies found in the three tion of our conclusions about spectral domain test, we start here with the as-
spectra are those predicted by our linear peaks b and c can be found in reports of sumption that the radiation-climate sys-
version of orbital theory. In making this climatic periodicities in the 8180 record tem is time-invariant and linear. One
frequency-domain test we must note that closely matching those of obliquity and well-known characteristic of such a sys-
the geologic spectra contain substantial precession (14, 16, 20, 26, 69). However, tem forms the basis for our time-domain
variance components at many fre- the time scale used in these investiga- tests: any frequency component of the
quencies in the range of interest, and not
simply ask whether there are statistically
significant frequencies which match
those predicted but whether the spectra
observed show sufficient emphasis at the
frequencies predicted to be accepted as
nonrandom results (65). Our answer is
"yes" for the following reasons: (i) Us-
ing a chronology that is completely inde- o
f 0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 f
In addition, the predicted ratios of obliq- l/f 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 100 30 15 10 7.5 6 1/f
uity to precession frequencies (calcu- Frequency (cycles/1000 years)
lated for the time intervals represented Fig. 6. Spectra of climatic variations (in Ts, 8180, and percentage of C. davisiana) in the com-
bined (PATCH) record from two subantarctic deep-sea cores. Calculations are based on the
by cores RCl 1-120 and E49-18) match ELBOW age model (Table 2). Arrows without crossbars indicate weighted mean cycle lengths
the ratios of measured climatic fre- of spectral peaks (in thousands of years). Arrows with crossbars show one-sided confidence
quencies in the two cores (using the SIM- intervals (C.I.) attached to estimates in the high-resolution spectrum. Prominent spectral peaks
PLEX chronology) to within 5 percent- are labeled a, b, and c. (Top row) High-resolution spectra from Fig. 5C expressed as the natural
log of the variance as a function of frequency (cycles per thousand years). (Bottom row) High-
a result that is independent of absolute resolution spectra (solid line) and low-resolution spectra (dashed line) after prewhitening with a
age specifications and depends only on first-difference ifiter.
10 DECEMBER 1976 1127
input signal will appear at the same fre- Although our predictive model is non- pect that curve to lag Ts and percentage
quency as a component of the output, specific, in the sense that it does not say of C. davisiana at all frequencies.
but exhibit there a certain phase shift. what the shape of a particular climatic Numerical procedures. Discrete spec-
How much that phase shift will be we record should be, it does predict that tral peaks in our geological time series
cannot say, for at any particular fre- whatever orbital-geological phase shift is have already been observed and identi-
quency the magnitude of the phase lag observed at a particular (obliquity or pre- fied as variance components related to
will depend not only on the time constant cession) frequency, that shift should be obliquity and precession. Using a band-
of the system, but also on the exact form constant (19). pass digital filter (Tukey filter), we will
of the system's linear response. If, for Furthermore, we can assume that each now extract these components from the
example, the system has a single-expo- climatic index reflects a response of one signal and display them in the time do-
nential response without delay, then the physical part of the climate system and is main (70). To use this phase-free filter
output will lag behind the input by no characterized by a certain time constant. the investigator chooses f0, the center
more than a quarter of a cycle. But if the Therefore, whatever phase shift is ob- frequency in the band to be studied, and
system does exhibit delay, then the lag served (at a particular frequency) be- fixes the bandwidth by determining r, the
can exceed a quarter-cycle. An addition- tween a pair of climatic indices should resolution of the filter (71). The impact of
al source of uncertainty attaches to the also be constant, and the subsystem with a particular ifiter on the frequency do-
23,000-year (but not the 40,000-year) the larger time constant should lag the main is described by its frequency-re-
component of the orbital input, for the other. Because the 8180 curve reflects sponse function, H(f). We used two fil-
phase of the precession index itself is changes in the cryosphere (a part of the ters, one centered at a frequency of 0.25
arbitrarily defined with respect to a par- climate system that must have longer cycle per 1000 years and one at 0.043
ticular time of the year. time constants than the ocean), we ex- cycle per 1000 years (Fig. 7). These will
be referred to as the 40K (40,000-year)
and 23K (23,000-year) filters, respective-
Table 5. Comparison of published 8180 chronologies and spectra. Dominant periods (in thou- ly. Their bandwidths have been chosen
sands of years) as calculated by investigators cited are correlated with spectral peaks a, b, and c
documented in this article. so that the adjacent half-power points
nearly coincide, and the variance in the
Chronological models Correlation of dominant ifitered signal is approximately the same
periods identified as the variance in the corresponding
Age of 12-11 spectral peak.
boundary Reference a b c Because filters of this type yield
(x 10 years) smooth curves no matter what data are
220* Emiliani (26) 40 processed (72), the objective in using
220 van den Heuvel (14)t 40 13 them is simply to determine in the time
240t Kemp and Eger (16) - 52 - 27 domain, and for each frequency com-
270§ Emiliani (27) 50 ponent of interest, the position of in-
270 Chappell (20)11 - 46 - 25 flection points in the filtered record. Al-
350 Imbrie and Kipp (18)1 80 30
375 Broecker and van Donk (17) 90 though the average interval between in-
380 Pisias (82)# 23 flection points must match some
This article: frequency within the passband of the ifl-
425 TUNE-UP age 99 42 22 ter, information in the data controls the
440 ELBOW age 106 43 22
exact timing of each inflection. Phase
*Age calculated on the assumption that 8180 stages reflect obliquity. tData from Emiliani (68).
selected to match spectral peaks calculated from Emiliani's (27) 8'8O data with orbital frequencies.
*Age shifts can be estimated visually by com-
calculated by extrapolation beyond a section of the curve estimated to be younger than 150,000 years by early paring two geological variables filtered at
results of the Parh technique. IlData from Emiliani (27). 1Data for 80 from Broecker and van Donk the same frequency, or by comparing an
(17); an unconformity was later recognized in this record (78). #Data for 8180 from Shackleton and Op-
dyke (31). orbital curve with a geological curve fil-
tered at the same frequency. Cross-spec-
tral techniques are employed on unfil-
1.2 H(f) 40K filter A H(f) 23K filter B tered data to obtain for the frequency of
r 18 r 15 interest a quantitative estimate of the av-
fo. 025 fo=.043 erage phase shift over the study interval
Patterns in the geologic record. Two
sets of curves (Fig. 8, A and C) show the
results of applying filters to the ELBOW
time series. The three geological curves
filtered at 40K are approximately in
phase throughout their length. Cross-
spectral analysis shows 8180 lagging Ts
by 2000 years and percentage of C. davis-
iana by 1000 years. The data filtered at
23K show a nearly constant phase rela-
0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 0 .033 .067 .100 .133 .167 tionship between 8180 and percentage of
Frequency (cycles/1000 years) C. davisiana throughout the record, with
Fig. 7. Gain function for band-pass filters used to calculate curves in Figs. 8 and 9: (A) 40K ifiter 8180 lagging percentage of C. davisiana
centered on a frequency of 0.025 cycle per thousand years; (B) 23K filter centered on a fre- by an average of 4000 years. After
quency of 0.043 cycle per thousand years. Tukey filters were used (70). 350,000 years ago 8180 systematically
1128 SCIENCE, VOL. 194
lags Ts by an average of about 2000 Discussion. We regard the results of magnitude of the phase shift (7000 to
years. Before that time, however, 8180 the time-domain test as strong evidence 9000 years) is less than a quarter of the
and Ts are clearly out of phase. oforbital control of major Pleistocene cli- cycle length. (ii) Averaged over the same
The general pattern of these relation- matic changes, for the following reasons: interval, the 23K components of the geo-
ships can be observed on the strati- (i) Over the past 300,000 years, each of logical curves exhibit in-phase relation-
graphic diagrams (Figs. 2 and 3) and is in- the 40K components of the geological ships with precession which are as con-
dependent of assumptions about chronol- records exhibits a phase relationship stant as could be expected from a geo-
ogy. Therefore, the climate changes of with obliquity which is as constant as logical record. Again, the observed
the two hemispheres are nearly in phase could be expected from a geological rec- regularity is too great to be explained as
during the last 300,000 years with ord. Monte Carlo tests we have con- a random result. When the chronology is
changes in the Southern Hemisphere ducted with our filters show that the de- most accurate for the filtered record
ocean appearing to lead changes in the gree of regularity observed would be (50,000 to 150,000 years ago), the 23K
Northern Hemisphere ice sheets by up to highly unlikely as a random result. The components of the geological curves lag
a few thousand years. However, before
300,000 years ago Ts and 8180 appear to
be out of phase in the 23K but not the I_
40K frequency band. 23K
Orbital-geologic phase relationships.
Displayed on the ELBOW chronology,
phase relationships between the filtered -0.15._
geological curves and orbital curves are 0 E
systematic over the past 300,000 years
(Fig. 8, A and C); that is, back to the up- +0.1 X
per part of stage 9. Over that interval, .2 1- +0.5T-
U) r
times of low temperature, high 8180 ra- C.)
tios, and abundant C. davisiana follow o '--
times of low obliquity. The 40K com-
ponents of the geological curves (Fig.
8C) lag obliquity by about a quarter- - 1.0
cycle. Measurements made at the maxi-
ma and minima of 12 obliquity half-cy-
cles covering the interval 70,000 to
300,000 years ago show that 8180, Ts, Go
and percentage of C. davisiana lag obliq- -1 %
uity by 9000 + 3000, 8000 + 3000, and
7000 + 4000 years, respectively. Below
the top of stage 9, however, the geologi-
cal curves on the average lead obliquity
by several thousand years.
Over the interval 0 to 150,000 years -0.1 --
ago on the ELBOW time scale, the inter- E
val that has the most certain chronology,
+0.1 ff
the 23,000-year components of the geo-
logical curves systematically lag pre- ._
+0.5 ,c
cession by about 3000 years (Fig. 8A). 0
However, when averaged over the inter- 0 -0.5
val 0 to 300,000 years they are approxi-
mately in phase with precession. Mea-
surements made at the maxima and mini-
ma of 22 precession half-cycles covering
the interval 50,000 to 300,000 years ago
show that 8180, Ts, and percentage
of C. davisiana lag precession by
1500 ± 3500, 0 ± 3000, and-500 + 4500
years, respectively. Times of low temper-
ature, high 8180 ratios, and abundant C.
davisiana are associated with times of 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
high positive values of the precession in- Years x 103 B.P.
dex-that is, times when the earth-sun Fig. 8. Variations in obliquity, precession, and the corresponding frequency components of cli-
distance in June is greater than normal. mate over the past 500,000 years. Orbital data are from Vernekar (39). Climatic curves are varia-
The systematic orbital-geologic phase tions in 8180, Ts, and percentage of C. davisiana plotted against alternate geological time scales
relationships just described do not, how- (ELBOW and TUNE-UP) as defined in Table 2. The variations shown are frequency com-
ever, exist below the 300,000-year hori- ponents extracted from the raw-data curves by means of digital band-pass filters (Fig. 7). The
two sets of curves in (A) and (B) include the precession curve and the 23,000-year frequency
zon. There, a confusing pattern of leads components of climate based on the ELBOW (A) and TUNE-UP (B) time scales. The two sets
and lags among all of the curves is dis- of curves in (C) and (D) include the obliquity curve and the 40,000-year frequency components
played. of climate based on the ELBOW (C) and TUNE-UP (D) time scales.
10 DECEMBER 1976 1129
precession by about 3000 years. (iii) The Implications of Test Results time domain (Fig. 8, B and D) is to ex-
expectation that the 23K and 40K com- tend the systematic phase relationships
ponents of the 8180 curve should show a Quaternary time scale. Takern together previously noted with obliquity back
constant lag against the corresponding with the results of the frequenc y-domain over the whole range of the filtered rec-
components of Ts and percentage of C. test, the systematic phase relaLtionships ord-some 425,000 years. There is also a
davisiana is confirmed by the geological just described suggest that a srnall error definite improvement in the phase rela-
record of the last 350,000 years. The out- occurs in the older portions off the EL- tionship with precession. For the 8180
of-phase relationship between Ts and BOW chronology. To explore this hy- record, this relationship is generally regu-
8180 that appears in stage 10 and the up- pothesis we have made the minLimum ad- lar and includes 13 cycles extending back
per part of stage 11 may be related to the justments in the ELBOW chironology 340,000 years. For Ts the relationship ex-
low amplitudes of precession variation which would extend farther bacAk in time tends back 325,000 years, and for the per-
resulting from near-zero eccentricity at the systematic phase relationw ships ob- centage of C. davisiana back 280,000
this time. This may have allowed a de- served in the younger parts off the EL- years (with one exception near 240,000
coupling of Ts variation from precession BOW record. These adjustmenits (Table years). We have experimented with oth-
over this short interval. (iv) The fact that 2) are easily within the absolut(e error of er ages for our chronological control
the large irregularities which do occur in the radiometric dates on whichi the EL- points and find that further adjustments
the observed orbital-geologic phase rela- BOW time scale is based. On thiis revised result in a deterioration of the match be-
tionships at both frequencies are strati- chronology (called TUNE-UP)>,the age tween orbital parameters and the geologi-
graphically concentrated in the early part of the isotope stage 11-12 boundlary is re- cal records filtered at the same fre-
of the record (before 300,000 years ago) duced by 3 percent (25,000 years), and quencies (74). In the frequency domain,
where the chronology is least accurate, the age of isotope stage 7-8 boiundary is estimates for spectral peaks calculated
rather than randomly distributed, sug- reduced by 2 percent (4000 yearrs) (Table from the TUNE-UP time series match
gests that these irregularities result from 6). those predicted for obliquity and pre-
errors in the older chronology. The impact of these adjustme nts in the cession within 1000 years (Table 5).
The 100,000-year cycle. The dominant
cycles in all of our spectra (Fig. 5C and
Table 4) are about 100,000 years long-
3 an observation which merely confirms a
geological opinion now widespread (17,
18, 75-77). Yet this cycle would not arise
as a linear response of the climate sys-
tem to variations in obliquity and pre-
a, .04 >, cession. Mesolella et al. (15) and Broeck-
F , er and van Donk (17) account for this
0 -.02 c cycle by relating it to eccentricity or to
F the phasing of obliquity with precession.
° Our data, displayed on a time scale de-
rived without reference to eccentricity,
dramatically confirm the empirical asso-
ciation of glacial times with intervals of
0 low eccentricity (Fig. 9).
0 +1.5 Because this time-domain match
O- ,\ ", ,,
,II agrees with independent evidence in the
frequency domain (8180 and Ts in Table
-1.5 -
4), we conclude, as others have (15, 18),
10.5- . .! .04 >' that the 100,000-year climate cycle is
- A 2 driven in some way by changes in orbital
8.0 ,'
-.02 @ eccentricity. As before, we avoid the ob-
5.5- 0 (, ligation of identifying the physical mech-
3.0- anism of this response, and instead char-
+1 .0 A
acterize the behavior of the system only
o- \\ ,
A, ,w
~ ~ ,
\ in general terms. Specifically, we aban-
-1.0- A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~\
don the assumption of linearity (78). In
such a nonlinear system (68) there are
0 50 1oo 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 many ways in which the modulating ef-
Years x 103 B.P. fect of eccentricity on the precession in-
dex could generate 100,000-year vari-
Fig. 9. Variations in eccentricity and climate over the past 500,000 years. Climatic 4curves are ance components in the geological rec-
obtained from the combined (PATCH) record of two subantarctic deep-sea cores and
the TUNE-UP time scale (Table 2). (A) Solid line in center shows variations in 8180. 1)otted line ord. Among these we are attracted to a
is a plot of orbital eccentricity (39). Upper curve is the 23,000-year frequency comlponent ex- hypothesis that ice sheets waste faster
tracted from 8180 by a band-pass digital filter (Fig. 6). Lower curve is the 40,000-year frequency than they grow; that is, that two different
component extracted from 8180 by a band-pass digital filter (Fig. 6). (B) Dashed lin e in center time constants of the cryosphere's re-
shows variations in estimated sea-surface temperature (Ts). Dotted line is a plot of orb
tricity data from Vernekar (39). Upper curve is the 23,000-year frequency component
from Ts by a band-pass digital filter (Fig. 6). Lower curve is the 40,000-year frequc corn-
sponse to orbital forcing are involved.
This concept (79) can be deduced glacio-
ponent extracted from Ts by a band-pass digital filter (Fig. 6). logically (7) or arrived at inductively
1130 SCIENCE, VOL. 194
from the climatic record (17). Because Table 6. Estimates of the ages of stage bound- 12. E. N. Lorenz, Meteorol. Monogr. 8, 1 (1968).
13. W. S. Broecker, Science 151, 299 (1966);
the amplitude of each precession-index aries based on the TUNE-UP chronology. Ex- D. L. Thurber, J. Goddard, T.-L. Ku,
cycle is proportional to eccentricity, cept for the lowest two boundaries, the esti- R. K. Matthews, K. J. Mesolella, ibid. 1S9, 297
mates are considered accurate within a range (1968).
such a nonlinear response of the ice of +5000 to -1000 years (74). 14. E. P. J. van den Heuvel, Geophys. J. R. Astron.
sheets would bring out the 100,000-year Soc. 11, 323 (1966).
15. K. J. Mesolella, R. K. Matthews, W. S. Broeck
eccentricity signal in the geologic record tIopic Depth in core (cm) Age er, D. L. Thurber, J. Geol. 77, 250 (1969).
16. W. C. Kemp and D. T. Eger, J. Geophys. Res.
by forcing the mean of the 23,000-year stage (x 103 72, 739 (1967).
climatic cycle to approach values direct- bound- RCl 1-120 E49-18 years) 17. W. S. Broecker and J. van Donk, Rev. Geophys.
Space Phys. 8, 169 (1970).
ly proportional to eccentricity. dary 18. J. Imbrie and N. G. Kipp, in The Late Cenozoic
Future climate. Having presented evi- Glacial Ages, K. K. Turekian, Ed. (Yale Univ.
2-1 40 10 Press, New Haven, Conn., 1971), pp. 71-182.
dence that major changes in past climate 3-2 105 29 19. G. Kukla, Boreas 1, 63 (1972); Nature (London)
were associated with variations in the ge- 2S3, 600 (1975).
4-3 215 61 20. J. Chappell, Quat. Res. (N. Y.) 3, 221 (1973).
ometry of the earth's orbit, we should be 5-4 255 73 21. W. Koppen and A. Wegener, Die Klimate der
6-5 440 490 127 Geologischen Vorzeit (Berlin, 1924).
able to predict the trend of future cli- 7-6 620 640 190 22. N. J. Shackleton, The Phanerozoic Time-Scale
mate. Such forecasts must be qualified in (Geological Society, London, 1971), part 1, pp.
8-7 785 825 247 35-38.
two ways. First, they apply only to the 9-8 900 920 276 23. A. Bloom, W. S. Broecker, J. Chappell, R. K.
natural component of future climatic 10-9 1115 336 Matthews, K. J. Mesolella, Quat. Res. (N. Y.) 4,
185 (1974).
trends-and not to such anthropogenic 11-10 1180 356 24. T.-L. Ku, M. N. Kimmel, W. H. Easton, and T.
effects as those due to the burning of fos- 12-11 1405 - 425 J. O'Neil [Science 183, 959 (1974)] document
13-12 1510 - 457 only the oldest of the terraces.
sil fuels. Second, they describe only the 25. M. L. Bender, F. T. Taylor, R. K. Matthews,
Quat. Res. (N.Y.) 3, 142 (1973).
long-term trends, because they are 26. C. Emiliani, J. Geol. 63, 538 (1955).
linked to orbital variations with periods 27. , ibid. 74, 109 (1966).
ic component has an average period 28. More than a century ago, J. Croll [Climate and
of 20,000 years and longer. Climatic os- Time (Appleton, New York, 1875)] of Scotland
cillations at higher frequencies are not close to, and is in phase with, orbital ec- employed the same basic strategy. He compared
astronomical calculations of orbltal history with
predicted. centricity. Unlike the correlations be- the geologic record of climate, and pointed to
tween climate and the higher-frequency evidence of multiple glaciations as confirming
One approach to forecasting the natu- the astronomical theory of the ice ages.
ral long-term climate trend is to estimate orbital variations (which can be ex- 29. W. L. Donn and D. M. Shaw, Science 157, 722
plained on the assumption that the cli- (1966); J. M. Suarez and I. M. Held, inProceed-
the time constants of response necessary ings of the WMOIIAMAP Symposium on Long
to explain the observed phase relation- mate system responds linearly to orbital Term Climatic Fluctuations (World Meteor-
forcing), an explanation of the correla- ological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland,
ships between orbital variation and cli- 1975).
matic change, and then to use those time tion between climate and eccentricity 30. The raw data on which this study is based will be
published (J. D. Hays, A. D. Vemekar, J. Im-
constapnts in an exponential-response probably requires an assumption of non- brie, N. J. Shackleton, in preparation).
model. When such a model is applied to linearity. 31. N. J. Shackleton and N. D. Opdyke, Quat. Res.
(N. Y.) 3, 39 (1973).
Vernekar's (39) astronomical projec- 6) It is concluded that changes in the 32. N. J. Shackleton, Colloq. Int. CNRS 219, 203
earth's orbital geometry are the funda- (1974).
tions, the results indicate that the long- 33. , Nature (London) 215, 15 (1967); W.
term trend over the next 20,000 years is mental cause ofthe succession of Quater- Dansgaard and H. Tauber, Science 166, 449
nary ice ages. (1969).
toward extensive Northern Hemisphere 34. J. Lozano and J. D. Hays, Geol. Soc. Am. Mem.
glaciation and cooler climate (80). 7) A model of future climate based on 145 (1976), pp. 303-336.
35. J. D. Hays, J. Lozano, N. Shackleton, G. Ir-
the observed orbital-climate relation- ving, ibid., pp. 337-372.
ships, but ignoring anthropogenic ef- 36. M. G. Petrushevskaya, in Biological Reports of
the Soviet Antarctic Expedition (1955-1958), A.
Summary fects, predicts that the long-term trend P. Andriyashev and P. V. Ushakov, Eds. (Lenin-
over the next sevem thousand years is gradskoe Otdelenie, Leningrad, 1967; Israel Pro-
gram for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem,
1) Three indices of global climate have toward extensive Northern Hemisphere 1968), p. 2.
glaciation. 37. J. H. Robertson, thesis, Columbia University
been monitored in the record of the past (1975).
450,000 years in Southern Hemisphere 38. A. J. van Woerkom, Climatic Change (Harvard
References and Notes Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1953), pp. 147-
ocean-floor sediments. 157; S. G. Sharaf and N. A. Budnikova, Tr. Inst.
1. R. F. Flint, Glacial and Quaternary Geology Teor. Astron. 11, 231 (1967) (translated by the
2) Over the frequency range 10-4 to (Wiley, New York, 1971); J. M. Mitchell, Jr., in Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Techni-
10-5 cycle per year, climatic variance of The Quaternary of the United States, H. E.
Wright, Jr., and D. G. Frey, Eds. (Princeton
cal Information, Springfield, Va.).
39. A. D. Vernekar, Meteorol. Monogr. 12 (1972).
these records is concentrated in three dis- Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1965), pp. 881- 40. A. L. Berger, Astron. Astrophys., in press.
crete spectral peaks at periods of 23,000, 901. 41. N. J. Shackleton and N. D. Opdyke, Geol. Soc.
2. C. Emiliani and J. Geiss, Geol. Rundsch. 46, 576 Am. Mem. 145 (1976), pp. 449464; CLIMAP
42,000, and approximately 100,000 (1957). Project Members, Science 191, 1131 (1976).
years. These peaks correspond to the 3. B. Dennison and V. N. Mansfield, Nature (Lon- 42. D. Ninkovich and N. J. Shackleton, Earth Plan-
don) 261, 32 (1976); F. Hoyle and R. A. Lyttle- et. Sci. Lett. 27, 20 (1975).
dominant periods of the earth's solar or- ton, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 35, 405 43. H. Thierstein, K. Geitzenauer, B. Molfino, N. J.
bit, and contain respectively about 10, (1939). Shackleton, in preparation; S. Gartner,
4. M. Milankovitch, K. Serb. Akad. Beogr. Spec. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 12,
25, and 50 percent of the climatic vari- Publ. 132 (1941) (translated by the Israel Pro-
gram for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem,
169 (1972).
44. J. D. Hays and N. J. Shackleton, in preparation.
ance. 1969). 45. T. Kellogg, in Climate of the Arctic, G. Weller
3) The 42,000-year climatic component 5. J. P. Kennett and R. C. Thunell, Science 187, and S. A. Bolliny, Eds. (Geophysical Institute,
497 (1975). Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1975), pp. 3-36;
has the same period as variations in the 6. G. Woilin, D. B. Ericson, W. B. F. Ryan, J. H. Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 145 (1976), pp. 77-110.
obliquity of the earth's axis and retains a Foster, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 12, 175 (1971); 46. J. D. Hays and D. Ninkovich, Geol. Soc. Am.
G. Wollin, D. B. Ericson, W. B. F. Ryan, Na- Mem. 1Xe6 (1970), p. 263; J. D. Hays and N.
constant phase relationship with it. ture (London) 232, 549 (1971). Opdyke, Science 158, 1001 (1967).
4) The 23,000-year portion of the vari- 7. J. Weertman,J. Glaciol. 5, 145 (1964). 47. We have used only those ages for the stage 12-11
8. A.T. Wilson,Nature (London) 201,147(1964). boundary based on interpolations between the
ance displays the same periods (about 9. M. Ewing and W. L. Donn, in Polar Wandering core top and the Bnunhes-Matuyama magnetic
and Continental Drift (Society of Economic Pa- reversal. Although Hays et al. [J. D. Hays, T.
23,000 and 19,000 years) as the quasi-pe- leontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, Okla., Saito, N. D. Opdyke, L. H. Burckle, Geol. Soc.
riodic precession index. 1956), pp. 94-99. Am. Bull. 30, 1481 (1969)] estimated the time of
10. G. N. Plass, Tellus 8, 140 (1956). extinction of Stylatractus universus by this
5) The dominant, 100,000-year climat- 11. R. E. Newell, Quat. Res. (N.Y.) 4, 117 (1974). method and obtained an estimate of 341,000
10 DECEMBER 1976 1131
years, Shackleton and Opdyke (31) argued con- BMDO2T program (58) modified by Y. Yera- domain, r data points are lost at the end of the
vincingly that this estimate was too young, be- caris to avoid recoloring the spectrum when the filtered signal. All of our filter calculations were
cause of sedimentation rate changes between prewhitening option is used. carried out with a BMDOIT program (58).
the lower and upper Brunhes magnetic series. 58. W. J. Dixon, Ed., BMD Biomedical Computer 72. E. Slutsky, Econometria 5, 105 (1937).
We have not used estimates based on Io/Th Programs (Los Angeles School of Medicine, 73. Cross-spectral techniques (55) were first applied
techniques because we believe the intrinsic in- Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1965), p. 620. to deep-sea cores by Moore et al. [T. C. Moore,
accuracy of these estimates is large. 59. A. L. Berger [in Symposium on Long-Term Cli- Jr., N. Pisias, G. R. Heath, in The Fate of Fossil
48. C. Emiliani and N. J. Shackleton, Science 183, matic Fluctuations, Norwich, August, 1975 Fuel C02 (Plenum, New York, in press)].
511 (1974). (World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, 74. In arriving at the TUNE-UP chronology, we
49. E. Rona and C. Emiliani, ibid. 163, 66 (1969). 1975), pp. 65-72] concludes that variations in first expenmented with ages of the stage 12-11
50. H. H. Veeh and J. M. A. Chappell, ibid. 167, 862 eccentricity are positively correlated with plan- boundary ranging from 380,000 to 440,000 years
(1970). etary insolation receipt, and that, although ago, while retaining the stage 6-5 and younger
51. T.-L. Ku and W. S. Broecker, ibid. 131, 448 small, this effect might be climatically signifi- ELBOW control points (Table 2). The phase
(1966). cant. coherences between the orbital and filtered geo-
52. C. Sancetta, J. Imbrie, N. G. Kipp, Quat. Res. 60. Changes in n reflect the interaction of pre- logical signals reached a maximum in these ex-
(N.Y.) 3, 110 (1973). cession with the changing orientation of the periments when the 12-11 boundary was fixed at
53. L. A. Zadeh and C. A. Desoer, Linear Sys- orbital ellipse. 425,000 years. With that boundary determined,
tem Theory (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963), 61. This interpretation of the precession curve, due we then experimented with different ages of the
p.628. to Broecker and van Donk (17), was confirmed 8-7 and 6-5 boundaries to arrive at the TUNE-
54. In this section of the article we have benefited by A. L. Berger (personal communication) as UP chronology. To evaluate the uncertainty of
from discussions with W. A. Wolovich. accurate to the first order of the earth's eccen- this chronology over the interval 50,000 to
55. G. M. Jenkins and D. G. Watts, Spectral Analy- tricity. 350,000 years ago (where we can check phase
sis and Its Applications (Holden-Day, San Fran- 62. Digital data were provided by A. D. Vernekar. coherence at both frequencies) we next con-
cisco, 1968). 63. We have estimated astronomical frequencies by ducted trials in which the three oldest TUNE-
56. R. B. Blackman and J. W. Tukey, The Measure- two methods: averaging the number of peaks in UP control points were all shifted by the same
ment of Power Spectrafrom the Point of View of the time domain, and spectral analysis (Tables 3 experimental interval, while holding constant
Communication Engineering (Dover, New and 4). The averaging gives satisfactory results the 9400-year level dated by carbon-14 and the
York, 1958), p. 190. for simple sinusoidal curves such as obliquity, zero-age core top. With a shift of either plus or
57. The procedures are as follows: (i) Selection of but cannot resolve the component frequencies in minus 22,000 years (that is, an interval equal to
an absolute chronology. For astronomical vari- more complex precession, insolation, or climate an average precession cycle and approximately
ables, we adopt the chronology of Vernekar curves. For uniformity, spectral estimates are equal to half an obliquity cycle), the phase coher-
(39). For geological variables, we use our chron- used exclusively in this article. ences are drastically disturbed in the younger
ological models discussed above. (ii) Calculation 64. Higher-resolution spectra of much longer eccen- part of the record. A final experimental series in
of a time series. A uniform sampling interval (t) tricity records actually have two discrete peaks which the three oldest TUNE-UP control points
approximately equal to the average interval be- (corresponding to penods of 96,000 and 125,000 were shifted together over a range of t 6000
tween sample points is chosen (in this study, years). years shows that the only chronologies worth
3000 years), and a time series of n values is 65. Discussions with J. W. Tukey were helpful in serious consideration (under the hypothesis of
calculated by linear interpolation. For the framing statistical hypotheses and in properly phase coherence at the frequencies of obliquity
PATCH time series, n ranges from 157 to 163 prewhitening the signals. and precession) show deviations from the
according to the chronology used. (iii) Detrend- 66. Questions of sampling variance apart, there are TUNE-UP values ranging between +5000 and
ing. Any long-term trend is removed by calculat- two ways in which our results might be artifacts -1000 years, with the optimum phase matches
ing residuals from linear regression. (iv) Pre- of procedure. First, the b and c peaks could be from 50,000 to 350,000 years ago being very
whitening. If the spectrum is dominated by low- aliases of cycles present in the cores but not close to that fixed by the TUNE-UP chronology
frequency components the signal may be pre- visible in our data because their frequencies are (Table 2).
whitened by means of a first-difference filter in higher than the Nyquist frequency. However, 75. G. Kukla, Geol. Foeren. Stockholm Foerh. 92,
which the intensity of the prewhitening is con- the mixing of deep-sea sediments by bottom- 148 (1970).
trolled by a constant, C. In our study, C = 0.998 living animals rules out the possibility that sig- 76. W. F. Ruddiman and A. McIntyre, Geol. Soc.
(56). (v) Lagging. The number of lags (m) to be nals with sufficient power at these frequencies Am. Mem. 145 (1976), pp. 111-146.
used in the next step is chosen according to the could remain in the record. Second, a significant 77. U.S. Committee for the Global Atmospheric
bandwidth (amount of detail) desired in the esti- part of the variance in the data for 8flhS and Research Program, National Research Council,
mated spectrum. (vi) Calculation of autocovari- particularly for Ts has the form of a DiMrac Understanding Climatic Change, A Program for
ance function. The covariance between the origi- comb-that is, has equally spaced spikes (Figs. Action (National Academy of Sciences, Wash-
nal time series and each of m lagged versions is 2 and 3). As the Fourier transform of a comb ington, D.C., 1975), figure A-14.
calculated. (vii) Smoothing. The autocovariance yields a comblike spectrum with frequencies 78. J. Imbrie, J. van Donk, N. G. Kipp, Quat. Res.
function, smoothed by a Hamming lag window, that are harmonics of the fundamental, it might (N. Y.) 3, 10 (1973).
yields a bandwidth of approximately 1.258/mAt be supposed that our b and c peaks (42,000, 79. N. Calder, Nature (London) 252, 216 (1974).
cycles per thousand years. To establish the gen- 24,000, and 19,500 years) could be statistically 80. J. Imbrie and J. Z. Imbrie, in preparation.
eral trend of the spectrum, we fix m as 8; the blurred versions of the third, fifth, and sixth 81. J. Hfilsemann, J. Sediment. Petrol. 36, 622
resulting spectrum has high accuracy but low harmonics of a fundamental 122,000-year cycle (1966).
resolution. For more detail, m is fixed at 40 to (- 41,000, - 24,000, and - 20,000 years). But 82. N. G. Pisias, Geol. Soc. Am. Mem. 145 (1976),
50, depending on n. (viii) Spectral estimation. several arguments can be advanced which elimi- pp. 375-392.
Variance contributions to each of m + 1 fre- nate this possibility: (i) No discrete spectral 83. Supported by NSF IDOE grants IDO 71-04204
quency bands are calculated by a Fourier trans- peaks occur at frequencies corresponding to the and OCE 75-19627 to Lamont-Doherty Geologi-
form of the smoothed autocovariance function. second and fourth harmonics (61,000 and cal Observatory of Columbia University; NSF
The resulting spectrum has a frequency range - 30,000 years) of the presumed fundamental. grant OCD 75-14934 to Brown University; and
from zero to the Nyquist frequency (fn = 1/ (ii) The dominant frequencies of peaks b and c NERC grant GR 3/1762 to Cambridge Universi-
2At), the highest frequency that can be deter- are not harmonics of the dominant cycles we ty, England. We are grateful to those who mate-
mined with a given At. Frequencies in cycles per estimate in a (94,000 years for Ts and 106,000 rially contributed to this article in the following
thousand years are plotted on a linear scale; a years for 8180). (iii) Although the percentage of ways: data generation, G. Irving, K. Jare (radio-
reciprocal scale indicates cycle length in thou- C. davisiana a peak actually has a dommant larian counts), M. A. Hall (operation of V.G.
sands of years. (ix) Scaling. The initial estimates period near 122,000 years, and its 42,000-year Micromass mass spectrometer), A. Vernekar
of an unprewhitened signal specify variance spectral peak is strongly developed, this time (orbital and insolation data in digital form), and
(" wer") as a function of frequency, that is, series does not approach a Dirac comb. A. L. Berger (digital data on seasonal in-
Pp. For prewhitened spectra, the correspond-
ing symbol is Pc(f). To simplify the use of con-
67. This method [R. T. Lacoss, Geophysica 36, 661
(1971)] was applied to our data by T. E. Land-
solations); data processing, Y. Yeracaris, J.
Morley, N. Kipp, D. Kirkpatrick, and J. Z.
fidence intervals, variance is expressed on a log ers, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Insti- Imbrie; production of manuscript, R. M. Cline,
scale. To facilitate the comparison of spectra tute of Technology. M. Perry, and R. Mellor. We are also grateful to
calculated from variables with different scales, 68. H. S. Tsien, Engineering Cybernetics (McGraw- all those who freely contributed their ideas and
values of P(f) are rescaled as A(f) so that the Hill, New York, 1952), p. 164. critically read the manuscript; in particular we
area under the curve equals unity. (x) Statistical 69. C. Emiliani, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 95, 521 wish to thank J. M. Mitchell, Jr., A. Cox, T.
evaluation. A one-sided confidence interval at- (1961). Hughes, J. W. Tukey, G. Kukla, A. Berger, and
tached to each estimate in the high-resolution 70. N. R. Goodman, J. Franklin Inst. 270, 437 S. Sachs. We are grateful to all our CLIMAP
spectrum is calculated from the chi-square distri- (1960). colleagues who encouraged and criticized this
bution, using 2n/m degrees of freedom, and ex- 71. The larger the value of r, the narrower the work during the past 2 years. This article is
pressed on a log scale (55, 56). Calculations in passband. Because the filter is an array of 2r + I Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Con-
steps iii through viii were carried out with a weights for a moving average applied in the time tribution 2434.