Curriculum Science Grade 5
Curriculum Science Grade 5
Curriculum Science Grade 5
Grade 5
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Properties...............................................................................................................1
Unit 2: Reactions..............................................................................................................21
Unit 3: Force, Motion, and Energy Transformations...................................................37
Unit 4: Cells to Living Organisms..................................................................................57
Unit 5: Ecosystems...........................................................................................................71
Unit 6: Earth: Its Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Atmosphere..................................89
Unit 7: Cycles and Climates..........................................................................................111
Unit 8: Space...................................................................................................................129
Grade 5
Unit 1: Properties
Time Frame: Approximately 3 weeks
Unit Description
This unit presents hands-on activities that use metric tools to measure objects and
substances. The organization of the periodic table by atomic number (number of protons),
the structure of the atom, and the electrical charge of protons, neutrons, and electrons are
emphasized. The characteristics of selected elements and their physical and chemical
properties are investigated.
Student Understandings
Students will be able to measure, compare, and describe the properties of several samples
of large and small objects using metric and customary units and use these properties to
discriminate between objects that are similar. Students will be able to explain differences
between physical and chemical properties of objects and identify some chemical
reactions. Students will be able to identify the parts of an atom, and the charge for each.
Students will be able to use the Periodic Table to identify elements by their atomic
structure and describe some shared properties of elements on the Periodic Table.
Guiding Questions
1. Can students describe the differences between large and small quantities of
similar masses, using metric and standard measurements?
2. Can students identify various objects by their measurements?
3. Can students describe the physical and chemical properties of various objects?
4. Can students describe some ways to group objects by properties and
5. Can students use a periodic table and describe the structure of an atom, its
relative mass, and the electrical charge?
6. Can students describe early models of the atom and explain how they have
changed since first proposed by scientists?
7. Can students identify models of elements by their atom structure?
Identify and explain the limitations of models used to represent the natural world
Use evidence to make inferences and predict trends (SI-M-A5)
Communicate ideas in a variety of ways (e.g., symbols, illustrations, graphs, charts,
spreadsheets, concept maps, oral and written reports, equations) (SI-M-A7)
Use evidence and observations to explain and communicate the results of
investigations (SI-M-A7)
Use relevant safety procedures and equipment to conduct scientific investigations
Recognize that investigations generally begin with a review of the work of others
Explain how skepticism about accepted scientific explanations (i.e., hypotheses and
theories) leads to new understanding (SI-M-B5)
Physical Science
Measure a variety of objects in metric system units (PS-M-A1)
Compare the physical properties of large and small quantities of the same type of
matter (PS-M-A1)
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 1Properties
Give each student a copy of the Science Safety Contract BLM to sign. Emphasize the
importance of what they are signing; then send it home for parents to read and sign.
Keep signed contracts in a folder to refer to when students are not following the safety
rules appropriately.
Throughout the course, refer back to the safety chart at the beginning of each activity, by
having students identify appropriate safety procedures to follow. Include a sample
scenario related to the skills being taught on every written test that requires students to
identify safety rules that are being broken or followed correctly.
Activity 2: Qualitative Observations of Physical Properties (SI GLEs: 7, 22; PS
GLE: 4)
Materials List: for each group of 4-6 students: small rubber ball, wooden block, spoon,
quarter, glass marble, rubber eraser, wooden stick, another small object made from glass,
quart-size re-sealable plastic bag; for each student: Identify that Object BLM
Place each groups objects in a re-sealable plastic bag and give one bag to each group.
Give the Identify that Object BLM to each student. Ask students to remove objects from
the bag and describe each object using their senses. Remind students that tasting is not
Direct students to record observations on the Identify that Object BLM. Once students
have completed observations for each item, have students share them with the class. Ask
students to categorize the types of observations that were made. They should notice that
shape, size, color, hardness, and smell are the most common observations.
Ask students:
Did your observations change the objects in any way?
What did you use to make your observations? (senses)
Help students to develop the working definitions that physical properties are properties of
an object that can be observed without changing the object, and that qualitative
observations are physical properties that are observed without having to measure the
Select one of the Identify that Object BLM sheets from a group and read aloud the
description of one of the objects. Display the groups objects, so everyone can see them.
Ask students to identify the object that matches the description. Discuss with students the
need to clearly describe each object so that others can identify it. Have students from one
group read the descriptions of their objects to another group so they can determine the
identities. If descriptions are unclear and create confusion, discuss with them the need to
be as clear as possible. They should understand that scientists use evidence and
observations to explain and communicate the results of their investigations, and
communication needs to be precise.
Provide each group with a 5 x 7 index card on which to record the measurements of one
of the three blocks. They should include the length, width, height, and mass of the block
on the card. Once measurements are recorded, have each group trade their index card and
three blocks with another group. Students should use the measurements on the card to
determine which block is being described. Have students check with the original group
for accuracy in identification.
Activity 4: Types of Measurements (SI GLEs: 6, 9, 10, 22; PS GLEs: 1, 2)
Materials List: graduated cylinders with wide mouths (25 ml, 100 ml, and 250 ml);
calculators; spring scales; balances; several small regular and irregular shaped objects
that can be weighed with spring scales and will fit into the mouths of graduated cylinders
or can be measured with a metric ruler, such as rocks, marbles, etc.; a container for
holding objects being weighed with attached string or wire; science learning logs; metric
measuring tapes; metric rulers; calculators; string; container of water; paper towels; class
chart for recording observations; for each group of 3-4 students: three objects to measure
that are very similar in appearance and only slightly different in size such as sea shells,
small rubber balls, marbles, rectangular blocks, dice, etc.; permanent marker; safety
Safety Note: Have students review safety procedures and determine which one(s) should
be followed during this activity. Students should identify those that address working with
water, as well as reading all directions before beginning each experiment.
Introduce the activity by reviewing the definitions of physical properties, quantitative
observations, and qualitative observations. The focus of this activity will be on
quantitative observations and will be accomplished in three parts. In the first part,
students will learn how to determine the mass and weight of objects. In the second part,
students will learn how to determine the volume of regular and irregular objects. In the
third part, students will use metric measurements to describe different objects, and then
use the measurements to determine which object is being described.
Students will then use observations to explain how the objects being measured are
Direct students to copy a chart such as the one below into their science learning logs
(view literacy strategy descriptions) and include as many sections as there will be
objects to measure. Science learning logs are journals created and used by students to
record written and visual observations, make predictions, record new understandings,
explain science processes, pose and solve problems, and reflect on what has been learned.
Students will use their science learning logs throughout the school year as they
investigate science concepts and build new knowledge.
(Regular or Irregular)
(mL or cm3)
The chart will be used to record measurements made throughout the activity.
Part 1
Review and demonstrate to students how to use a balance and spring scale. Guide
students to understand the difference between mass and weight as they investigate how to
use both instruments. The mass of an object refers to the amount of matter in an object;
the weight of an object is the force of gravity acting upon that object.
A spring scale is used to measure weight. Weight is determined by the force of gravity
pulling on the object. The force of gravity is the force with which the earth, moon, or
other massive body attracts an object towards itself. Since different planets have
different gravitational forces, the same amount of mass has different weights on different
planets. Even on Earth, objects can have different weights at different locations (due to
the Earths gravitational pull at that location, i.e., on top of Mount Everest the pull of
gravity is less than at sea level). The metric unit used to measure this force is the
Newton. The U.S. uses the same measurement units for weight as they use for mass,
which often causes confusion for students. Show students how to measure the weight of
objects with spring scales. Provide each group with several small objects to use in
determining weight and mass and allow some opportunity for investigation. Students
should use the chart previously created in their science learning logs to record
Students should write an explanation of how mass and weight are similar and different in
their science learning logs.
Part 2
Review with students the proper procedures for determining the volume of regular and
irregular objects. (The volume of an irregular object is determined by measuring a
specific amount of water in the graduated cylinder, then dropping the object into it, and
determining how much water is displaced. It is recorded in mL. The volume of a regular
object is determined by finding the length, width, and height of the object and using the
formula: V = L x W x H.)
Provide students with the same objects used in Part 1 and have them determine the
volume of each. Students may use calculators or mental math to determine volume of
regular objects. Students should determine if the volume should be recorded in mL or
cm3. Be sure students understand that 1 mL of liquid is equal to 1 cm3.
To reinforce what has been investigated, have students read about mass, volume, and
weight in their textbooks, or view a video on the topic, such as Matter and its
Properties: Measuring Matter available through LPB Cyberchannel site at
Part 3
Show students a group of similar-looking objects that are slightly different in one
measurement. Ask students to suggest ways that each object could be distinguished from
the others. Guide students to determine that measurements can be used to distinguish
objects that are otherwise very similar. Set up three stations: 1) Linear Measurements
2) Mass and 3) Volume. Station 1 should have calculators, metric rulers, metric tapes,
and string. Station 2 should have three balances with mass units and spring scales, and
Station 3 should have three graduated cylinders or calibrated beakers large enough to
hold the objects, paper towels, safety goggles, and a container of water.
Have students prepare a chart in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy
descriptions) to record the applicable measurements of mass, volume, and linear
measurements of each object as well as one master wall chart (see example below) that
will include all groups measurements. Each groups objects should be labeled with a
different letter.
(ml or cm3)
1C (etc.)
Provide each group of students with a set of three different-sized, but similar objects to
measure (e.g., same-type seashells, walnuts, marbles, bolts, metal ball bearings,
rectangular blocks, other rectangular-shaped objects, etc.). For each group of objects, try
to choose objects that are more similar than dissimilar, in order to assure that
measurements must be made to distinguish between them. Label the objects in each set as
A, B, and C. (It would be helpful to provide written instructions at each station.)
Divide students into six groups. The first three groups will make initial
measurements while the second three groups read in their textbooks about
measurement; then the second three groups will re-measure the objects to
determine which ones match the measurements, while the first three groups read.
Assign each small group one of the three measuring stations at which to start.
They should rotate through the stations, obtaining measurements of their three
objects and recording them on the chart in their science learning logs. Once all
measurements have been taken, have a group leader record data on the master
wall chart.
Then have the second group rotate through the stations to check initial
measurements and determine which object in each group matches all of the
measurements that were taken.
Have students identify data that has been recorded on the chart that is not
supported by the evidence. Have students explain how they could tell which
object was which by using the measurements recorded on the chart.
Once students have finished, have a class discussion about the value of having
exact measurements to identify and/or distinguish objects that are similar.
careful not to name the object in their description. Have students record their descriptions
on an index card. Collect the cards; then remove the objects from the paper bags and set
them on a table in plain view. Read the physical properties and have students select the
correct object based on the written description. Discuss with students the types of
physical properties that were used to describe the objects and make a list of them on the
board; then ask what other physical properties could be used in identification, such as
ability to transmit light (e.g., clear, translucent, opaque), ability to be attracted to a
magnet, ability to conduct heat and electricity, etc. Ask students the following questions:
What was used to observe the properties of these objects? (senses,
measurement tools, magnets)
Did you notice any change in the object while it was being observed? (no)
Does making observations change the object in any way? (no)
What type of change occurs when an object is just observed? (no change)
What type of properties can be observed without changing the object into a
new substance? (physical properties)
Define physical properties. (Physical properties are those properties of an
object that can be observed without making any change in the object.)
B. Chemical Properties Discovery
Safety note: Review safety measures that should be considered when handling materials
that can react with other materials. Have students refer to the wall chart created in the
first activity. Remind students that they should never taste materials in a science lab
unless specifically instructed to by the teacher. Review the procedure for detecting odors
(hold object a safe distance from the face and use hand to waft odor towards you.)
Part 1
Prior to beginning the investigation of chemical properties and changes, read from the
textbook or have students view an appropriate video about chemical properties and
chemical changes such as Matter and Its Properties: Changes in Matter which can be
obtained from LPBsCyberchannel
Check to see if your school has a paid subscription. LPBs Cyberchannel offers many
video clips on educational topics to enhance teaching and learning.
Discuss the definition of a chemical property with students. Ask students to explain what
possible actions will be observed when a chemical reaction occurs (color change, creation
of gas, temperature change, light, formation of a precipitate). Then, ask students to name
some examples of chemical reactions that they have seen or heard about (e.g., cut apple
turning brown, fireworks exploding, firefly lights, tanning of the skin, candle burning,
etc.). Write all suggestions on the board. Ask students to predict what causes the chemical
reactions to occur in each of the suggestions (combining of two or more substances,
addition of heat, etc.). If needed, demonstrate some simple chemical reactions to help
students understand, such as combining vinegar and baking soda, putting a raw potato
slice in hydrogen peroxide, adding iodine to a cut slice of potato, or burning a piece of
paper (if school policy allows). Ask students to identify the evidence that a change is
taking place, such as the formation of bubbles, the potato turning black, and the
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 1Properties
production of light and heat as paper turns to ash. Explain to students that chemical
changes result in new materials with different properties than the original materials.
Part 2
Allow students to investigate a chemical change taking place. Provide each group with 10
mL of milk and 10 mL of vinegar in separate small containers (test tubes or baby food
jars). Through class discussion and guided probing questions, have the students use their
senses to generate a list of physical properties, such as odor, color, texture, hardness, and
state of matter at room temperature. Students should also list other less obvious, but more
advanced physical properties that are measurable, such as ability to conduct heat and
electricity, and ability to transmit light (e.g., clear, translucent, opaque).
Then, combine most of the milk and vinegar into one container. Students should retain a
small amount of each liquid to use when observing changes in the new substance.
Students are to summarize the observed results in their science learning logs (view
literacy strategy descriptions). (The substance changed, demonstrating a chemical
reaction in which vinegar and milk react.) Have students compare the original physical
properties to the physical properties of the new substance. Then, instruct students to
create a graphic organizer (view literacy strategy descriptions) such as a Venn diagram
in their science learning logs to compare and contrast the physical and chemical
properties of the three substances (the original two substances and the new one). Graphic
organizers are effective tools because they provide the learner with two avenues to
memoryverbal (the text) and spatial (the placement of information in relation to other
facts). The Venn diagram is useful when comparing similar and dissimilar characteristics
of material.
Have students observe and describe any properties that milk and vinegar have in
common, (i.e., both are liquids) and place them in the appropriate section of the Venn
diagram. Students should also observe and describe characteristics of milk and vinegar
that are not the same (i.e., one is transparent and one is opaque, one has a pungent smell
and one doesnt) and place these observations on the Venn diagram. Once the two liquids
are combined, students should notice similarities and differences between the new
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 1Properties
substance and the original substances. These should be recorded on the Venn diagram.
Ask students if a chemical reaction occurred and explain their decision based on their
Explain to students that chemical properties are typically observed when one substance
reacts with another substance, creating a new substance with different physical and
chemical properties.
Activity 6: Magnetism, Heat, and Electricity (SI GLEs: 1, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23;
PS GLE: 4)
Materials List: safety goggles, lantern battery, 20 or 22 gauge insulated copper wire, light
socket and miniature light bulbs, magnets, objects from Activity 5, paper clips, nails,
wire, wood, rubber bands, glass, plastic, coins, rocks, unlabeled metal cans, glass bottles,
plastic bottles, a container containing rice or sand, candle, candleholder, thermometer,
science learning logs
Safety Notes: Have students refer to the safety procedures displayed on the wall (created
in Activity 1) and identify the appropriate procedures to observe when working with
electricity, batteries, light bulbs, and wire. Caution students never to place batteries in
their mouths or remove their protective coverings. Review safety procedures for working
with fire or heat and monitor carefully for appropriate use.
The purpose of this activity is to determine what common property or properties of
objects allow them to be attracted to magnets, conduct heat, and/or conduct electricity. A
pattern they should notice in the results of their investigation is that most objects made of
metal share the properties of heat and electrical conduction and are often magnetic, too.
Show students objects that were described in Activity 5 and ask them to identify any
other properties that these objects may have. Have students generate questions about
additional properties that can be answered through scientific investigation. Guide
students to elicit questions about the physical properties of (1) magnetism, (2) heat
conduction, and the (3) ability to conduct electricity.
Have students create a chart in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy
descriptions) to record observations (see example below).
The materials for Learning Center 1 (Attraction to Magnets) should include magnets,
paper clips, nails, wood, rubber balls, glass marbles, plastic, coins, cork, and rocks. Have
students test these objects to determine if they are magnetic. Results should be recorded
on the chart.
The materials for Learning Center 2 (Conducting Electricity) include a lantern battery, 20
or 22 gauge pieces of insulated copper wire, and a small light socket with a miniature
bulb. Review how to set up a complete circuit with students. Provide the same materials
used in the investigation for magnetism. Students should test which items conduct
electricity. Results should be recorded on the chart. After all items have been tested,
students should look for patterns in the results (most metal objects conduct electricity and
objects that are not metal do not). Introduce the term insulator and explain to students
that insulators do not conduct electricity. This is a useful property of some objects that
allows them to be used to protect people from electrical shock.
Learning Center 3 (Conducting Heat) should be designed to investigate what materials
will conduct heat and could include such items as unlabeled metal cans, glass bottles,
plastic bottles, a container containing rice or sand, and a candle in a candleholder. Have
students place a thermometer in the container of sand or rice and record the temperature;
then shake the container for several minutes and reinsert the thermometer. Have them
take another reading, record temperature, and answer these questions: Did the
temperature increase or decrease? (increase) Why do you think there was a change in
temperature? (the movement of the particles in the can generated friction which caused
mechanical energy to be transformed into heat energy) Next, place a can near a lit candle.
Ask Does the opposite side of the can get warm, too? Why? Have students document the
findings in their science learning logs. Next, have students try a glass bottle and a plastic
bottle. Is there evidence that heat is conducted through these substances?
Ask students to look at the types of materials that share the properties of magnetism, heat
conduction, and electricity conduction. Encourage students to make a generalization
about the types of materials that conduct heat and electricity and are also magnetic.
Activity 7: Atoms (SI GLEs: 14, 15, 28, 35; PS GLE: 3)
Materials List: for each student: labeled diagram of the parts of an atom, science learning
Safety Note: Have students identify the safety rule for working with scissors and explain
why it is important to follow such procedures.
Atoms are everywhere and are part of everything. If you could break down any substance
into its smallest building blocks, you would have only atoms. As long ago as the times of
Empedocles, Democritus, and Aristotle, people have tried to determine what makes up
matter. Democritus actually coined the term atom when he was describing the very
small particles that make up matter.
Show students a diagram of an atom and explain to them that atoms are composed of
even smaller parts that are called protons, neutrons, and electrons. These smaller parts are
found in very specific places within the atom. Protons have a positive charge (+) and are
found in the nucleus of the atom with neutrons, which have no charge (N). Electrons have
a negative charge (-) and are found spinning around the nucleus of the atom in energy
levels. Guide students to understand that as small as the atom is, there are even smaller
parts that make it complete. Tell students that they will create human models of an atom
in a later activity.
To help students understand the early theories about the atom, introduce the Greek
philosophers, Empedocles and Democritus, and the English scientist, John Dalton, and
share their atomic theories with students. Provide students with excerpts from an article
called Matter: Atoms from Democritus to Dalton, available at or The Story of the
Atom by Joy Hakim, available at Have students
use the literacy strategy, SQPL (view literacy strategy descriptions), to help them
understand the concepts in the article. Student Questions for Purposeful Learning, or
SQPL, is a strategy designed to gain and hold students interest in the material they are
reading by having them ask and answer their own questions. When students, instead of
teachers, pose the questions about what is to be learned, they become much more
motivated to pay close attention to the information sources for answers to their questions.
To create motivation for reading the text, share the following statement with students:
Everything on Earth is composed of earth, air, fire or water.
Write the statement on the board and have students record it in their science learning logs
(view literacy strategy descriptions). Have students pair up and, based on the statement,
generate two or three questions they would like to have answered. The questions must be
related to the statement and must make sense. Have students share their questions and
write them on the board under the statement. Once all the questions have been shared,
look over the list and decide if you need to add any of your own.
Some suggested questions include the following:
What were the building blocks of everything, according to the hypotheses of early
philosophers and scientists?
Did the ideas of later philosophers and scientists build on earlier ones ideas?
What did scientists do differently than philosophers to change ideas about atoms
as time passed?
Are living and non-living things made of the same matter?
How small is the smallest particle that makes up matter?
If we cant see the smallest particle that makes up matter, how can we be sure we
know what it is?
Have them read to find the answers to their questions and the ones provided by the
teacher. The material can be read as a group, in pairs, or by the teacher. As content is
covered, stop periodically and have students discuss with their partners which questions
could be answered; then ask for volunteers to share. Continue reading until all questions
have been answered. Students can write questions and answers in their science learning
Have students compare and contrast Democritus and Daltons theories, emphasizing the
passage of time between the introductions of each. Students should be led to understand
that Democritus did not base his theory on scientific investigation, but Dalton did. John
Daltons atomic theory marked the beginning of true scientific investigation into the
study of atoms.
Activity 8: Become an Element Consultant (SI GLEs: 3, 11, 13, 15, 19; PS GLE: 3)
Materials List: large index cards, paper plates, markers, scissors, sticky dots, construction
paper, hole punchers, split peas, glue, different sizes of circle templates to create energy
levels on construction paper, chart paper or light colored shower curtain for wall chart,
permanent marker, research materials, Internet
To develop an understanding of how the Periodic Table of Elements is organized, each
student will research and present an element chosen from the chart. Students will gather
the following information from the chart and various other research sources including the
Internet: number of protons, neutrons, and electrons, classification on periodic chart and
common physical characteristics, color, when discovered and by whom, and common
uses. An excellent Internet site for this activity is Chemical Elements, available at This information gathered from their research will be
placed on large index cards using the following format: name and symbol in the center,
atomic number in the upper left corner, and atomic mass at the bottom. All other
information will be on the back of the card. Students will use these cards to answer
questions about their element.
Following a teacher demonstration, have students make Bohr models of their atoms to
show placement of protons, neutrons, and electrons within the atom. They will use a
paper plate, two colors of sticky dots (to represent protons and neutrons) for the nucleus,
and split peas or other small beans to represent electrons in the energy levels. Students
should determine how many energy levels are present in their element and use different
colored construction paper circles to represent each level. These levels should be glued
onto the paper plate in descending size, with the smallest circle in the center of the plate.
This circle will represent the nucleus. An example of the Bohr model can be found in
most science textbooks, as well as a website such as HowStuffWorks, available at Ask students to identify limitations of the
models used to represent each element. Explain to students that this model has recently
been replaced with a newer model, the electron cloud model of the atom, proposed by
Louis de Broglie and Erwin Schrodinger. According to this model, electrons do not move
about an atom in a definite path, like the planets around the sun. In fact, it is impossible
to determine the exact location of an electron. The probable location of an electron is
based on how much energy the electron has. The location of electrons in the cloud
surrounding the nucleus depends upon how much energy the electron has.
Have students present their element rsums to the class by using the literacy strategy
called professor know-it-all (view literacy strategy descriptions). With this strategy,
students assume the roles of know-it-alls or experts who are to provide answers to
questions posed by their classmates. This approach teaches students to ask a variety of
questions at different levels of difficulty and requires the professor to be well-versed in
the information being taught. Students should generate three to four questions about the
element being presented, including at least one question about the use(s), physical
properties, or chemical properties of the element.
Prepare a large wall chart on which to place element cards once they are complete. (Prior
to having students place their cards on the chart, be sure to label the rows and columns of
the wall chart appropriately with any additional information not provided by students
research, such as element groups, numbers of rows and columns, and additional
Once everyone has had an opportunity to be professor know-it-all, have students place
their cards on a chart to make a class model of a periodic element chart. Have students
use the chart to answer the following questions:
What pattern do you see on the chart for atomic numbers of elements? (the
atomic numbers increase from left to right and from one row to the next)
What pattern do you see on the chart for atomic masses of elements? (the
atomic masses increase as the atomic number increases, also from left to
right and from one row to the next)
To understand why these patterns exist, have students make a second periodic table wall
chart with the paper plate models; then use the chart to answer the following questions:
What pattern of electrons in the outer shell do you see in the first column? (all
elements in the first column have one electron in the outer shell) Second
column? (two electrons in the outer shell) Does this pattern continue across all
of the columns? (it doesnt continue for columns 3-12, but once you get past
the transition metals, column 13 has 3 electrons in the outer shell, column 14
has 4 electrons in the outer shell, column 15 has 5 electrons, etc.)
What pattern do you notice with the number of protons? (the number of
protons increases as you move from left to right and from row to row)What
does this number compare to on the other chart? (the atomic number)
What pattern do you notice with the number of energy levels in each row or
period? (the number of energy levels equals the row number, i.e., row 1 has
one energy level, row 2 has two energy levels, etc.)
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 1Properties
What pattern do you see when you compare the number of protons to
electrons in each element? (the number of protons is equal to the number of
electrons) What charge does this give to the atom? (a neutral charge)
What parts of the atom determine the atomic mass? (the number of the
protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom) How can you find the
number of neutrons in an atom if you only know the atomic mass and the
number of protons and electrons? (subtract the number of protons from the
atomic mass and it will give you the number of neutrons)
Explain to students that the elements are grouped on the periodic chart according to
similarities in properties. Some of these properties will be explored in the next activity.
Activity 9: Human Models of Elements (SI GLEs: 15, 19, 23; PS GLE: 3)
Materials List: large sheet of chart paper or old solid-colored shower curtain or tarp for
drawing diagram of Bohr model, Periodic Table for each student that includes atomic
numbers and atomic masses or a large wall chart of Periodic Table that clearly shows
atomic numbers and atomic masses, index card labels of protons, neutrons, and
electrons with string attached to hang around students necks
Safety Note: Review and have students identify safety procedures for safely moving
within the model.
Have students create a human model of an atom of an element. Divide students into two
groups. In each group, allow students to select one of the elements on the periodic table
to model. Determine how many students are needed to correctly model the atom.
Students should decide among themselves how many protons, neutrons, and electrons are
needed and who will represent each on the floor model. Once this is determined, students
participating in the model should place a placard around their necks indicating what they
represent. Use several sheets of bulletin board paper to draw a Bohr atom diagram with
several energy levels that is large enough for students to stand within each part. Place the
diagram on the floor. Students should arrange themselves in the correct place within the
atom. Protons and neutrons should gather together closely in the nucleus and the
electrons should move quickly around within the energy levels. Have the rest of the
students in the class determine what element is being modeled. If possible, show students
a picture of the element being modeled after it has been correctly identified. Repeat with
other elements. Have students identify and explain the limitations of using this type of
model to represent an element. Remind students that this model is useful in showing
placement of protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom, but has been replaced by
the newer electron cloud model of the atom.
Sample Assessments
General Guidelines
Assessment will be based on teacher observation/checklist notes of student participation
in unit activities, the extent of successful accomplishment of tasks, and the degree of
accuracy of oral and written descriptions/responses. Journal entries provide reflective
assessment of class discussions and laboratory experiences. Performance-based
assessment should be used to evaluate inquiry and laboratory skills. All student-generated
work, such as drawings, data collection charts, models, etc., may be incorporated into a
portfolio assessment system.
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of students work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
With emphasis on using metric units, the student will measure a variety of objects
to assure that skills of estimation, measuring, and equipment used are grade-level
appropriate. Objects that could be used are balls, erasers, pens, etc.
The student will create a game using element cards created in Activity 2.
After classifying materials as conductors or insulators, the student will problemsolve to determine the best safety practices to follow when using electrical
equipment. The student can draw, diagram, or write the solutions. Students will
share their work.
The student will make a flow chart that describes how electrons light the bulb
when using the conductors.
The student will create a game about the theme of physical and chemical change.
This could be a board game or a card game.
Display the element models made in Activity 2. The student will match the
element card to the model.
The student will create a scavenger hunt for elements.
The student will reflect on the journal entries and make a list of statements about
how he/she encounters these living and nonliving substances.
Provide students with one example of a chemical reaction. Each student will
identify the process that creates it and the observable proof of the reaction (gas
bubbles, temperature change, color change, light emission, etc.)
Provide students with the physical and chemical properties of several very
different substances and pictures. The student will identify the substance, using
his/her understanding of these properties.
The student will create a Jeopardy game board to review properties of different
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 3: Provide students with several regular and irregular shaped objects, as
well as a graduated cylinder with water, metric ruler, and calculator. Have
students determine the volume of each object using the appropriate tools. Then,
provide students with a second set of objects and their pre-determined volumes
and have students work backwards to determine which objects belong to each
Activity 4: Provide students with four nearly identical objects that have slightly
different measurements. Label each object A, B, C, or D. The student
will rotate through stations to measure and record measurements for each object.
Provide students with official measurements of the objects and have them identify
the objects that match each.
The Usborne Big Book of Experiments. Smith, Alastair (Ed.) EDC Publications.
Grade 5
Unit 2: Reactions
Time Frame: Approximately 2.5 weeks
Unit Description
This unit focuses on reactions and provides additional information about the elements and
matter. The properties and behavior of water in solid, liquid, and gaseous states are
investigated; and chemical reaction investigations show how new substances are formed.
Student Understandings
Students understand that a variety of changes and reactions are found in the physical
sciences. Examples that students should be aware of include the burning of combustible
materials and the changing states of matter of substances, such as water. Examples of
several types of simple physical changes and chemical changes provide students with a
basis for understanding more complex chemical reactions.
Guiding Questions
1. Can students describe the differences in the properties of water in three
different phases of matter?
2. Can students model the movement of molecules of water in different phases
and explain how this movement affects the phase of water?
3. Can students differentiate between physical changes and chemical changes
and recognize that a chemical reaction is taking place?
4. Can students describe the properties of a substance that has undergone a
chemical reaction (e.g., ash from burning a piece of paper)?
5. Can students give examples of both physical changes and chemical changes
that take place during cooking?
Sample Activities
Activity 1: Going through the Phases (SI GLEs: 6, 7, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23: PS GLE: 5)
Materials List: For each group of students: Changing Phases BLM, five colored ice
cubes, thermometers, plastic resealable bags large enough to close with a thermometer
inside, balance, chart for recording temperature changes; For entire class: food
coloring, ice cube trays, hot plate, glass or metal container for heating water, appropriate
thermometer for measuring the temperature of boiling water or digital thermometer with
software program for class demonstration, potholder or oven mitt, access to freezer, ice
chest (optional)
Safety Note: Before beginning the activity, discuss safety procedures that should be
followed when working with water, electricity, and hot plates.
In this activity, students will observe water as it goes through phases (or changes in state)
and will use their observations to infer what is needed to change water from one phase
into another.
Ask students to predict what is needed to make solid water (ice) change to liquid water
and water vapor. Conversely, what is needed to change water vapor back to liquid water
and ice? (the addition or removal of heat energy) Introduce the term phase change and
explain to students that when water changes from one form into another, it is still water
and has only changed its phase.
Tell students they will conduct an investigation to observe water going through phase
changes. Provide each group of students with a baggie of 5 ice cubes that have been made
with water colored with food coloring. Before removing the ice cubes from the freezer,
the teacher should measure and record the temperature of the freezer. If the ice cubes are
being transferred from the freezer to an ice chest, it will also be necessary to measure the
temperature of the ice chest right before removing the ice cubes from it. Students should
then quickly measure the mass of the baggie and the five ice cubes in grams, and record
the temperature of the freezer and ice chest, as well as the mass measurements on the
Changing Phases BLM. Have students observe, describe, and record the shape of the ice
cubes. All data should be recorded using the metric system. Ask students to identify what
phase of water is being observed.
Place a thermometer inside each baggie and record the temperature of the water at two
minute increments until it completely melts. Allow ice cubes to melt in the baggie
observing, describing, and recording the shape of the melted ice cubes. Students should
record the temperature of the water/ice mixture several times before the ice is completely
melted. (Students should observe that the temperature initially rose from the temperature
of the freezer until it reached the melting point of water. Once the water began to melt,
the temperature of the water/ice mixture should remain constant until the ice has
completely melted.) The thermometer can stay submerged in the baggie throughout the
melting time. Once the ice is totally melted, students should then take a final reading of
the waters temperature, remove the thermometer from the baggie, measure the mass of
the baggie and its contents, and record their results on the chart. The thermometer should
then be placed back into the baggie and the bag should be sealed.
Ask students
At what temperature was the water in its solid state? ( 32F or 0C)
What was added to the solid state (ice) to cause it to change state? (heat energy from
the air surrounding the baggie or the students hands)
Have students use their observations and data to infer that a temperature change has
caused the change of state to occur and to identify the phase of water being observed.
(Students should also be able to see that as long as the water was going through the
phase, the temperature remained constant. It was not until the water was in its new phase
that the temperature began to change again.) Students should keep the thermometer in
the bag for approximately four minutes as they continue to monitor the temperature every
two minutes and record the temperature on their charts. Ask students to explain what is
causing the rise in temperature once the ice has completely melted. Guide them to
understand that heat energy from the surrounding air on the outside of the baggie is
flowing into the baggie. The added energy makes the water molecules move more
quickly. This increase in activity is recorded as the temperature of the water.
Ask students
When did the student notice a change in temperature? (when all of the ice finally
melted, the temperature of the water began to rise)
What did the students observe about the temperature of the water over time once the
ice was completely melted? (the temperature rose until it reached room temperature
and then stabilized)
Why did the temperature of the water stop rising? (Students should infer that no more
heat energy is being added to the water, so the temperature of the water is becoming
equal to the air temperature.)
The next step should be done as a teacher demonstration to ensure the safety of students.
The teacher should pour the liquid from all of the groups baggies into a glass or metal
container that can be heated and then place a thermometer into the combined water to
measure the temperature of this water. Have students record the temperature on the
Changing Phases BLM. Demonstrating the safety procedures for working around hot
plates and with boiling water, the teacher should apply heat and allow the water to
evaporate (color will be left behind). While the water is heating, the teacher should read
the temperature of the water every two minutes and have students record it. Students
should note the temperature of the water as it begins to evaporate and record it on their
Changing Phases BLM. If a computer program and digital thermometer are available, the
thermometer should be placed in the container before the water heats up and begins to
evaporate. Have students observe the temperature of the water as evaporation begins.
(Students should observe that the water has not reached the boiling point yet, even though
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 2Reactions
evaporation has begun to occur.) Ask students to identify which change in phase is
occurring. Explain to them that this is what it means to infer, (i.e. to use the
observations that they can see, smell, feel, hear, or taste, to come to a conclusion about
what is being observed.)
Ask students
What was added to the water in the glass or metal container on the hot plate that
caused the temperature to change? (heat energy was added from the hot plate)
Describe the temperature of the water while it was being heated to the point of
evaporation. (it was steadily increasing)
Did the temperature reach boiling point before or after the water began to evaporate?
(the water began to evaporate before it reached the boiling point)
Once the water is at a full boil, record the temperature again. (Students should observe
that once the water comes to a full boil, the temperature remains the same until all of the
water is evaporated.) Afterwards, the container which held the water starts heating up,
and students will see the temperature rise again. Ask students if it is possible to measure
the mass of the evaporated water. (Students should observe that the water vapor is
escaping and spreading out into the surrounding air. From this, they should be guided to
infer that it would be difficult to measure the mass of the evaporated water.) Guide
students to understand that if the water vapor could be collected and contained, it could
be measured; however, in this experiment, the mass of the water vapor will not be
measured. Instruct students to record their visual observations of the evaporating water
and the residue of color left behind, and then analyze temperature data on the chart to
infer that a change in temperature was needed for water to change from one phase to
another. Use the recorded data to compare the mass of the ice, ice/water mixture, and the
water after it melted. Students should understand that a change in state does not change
the mass of the water. Discuss with students the differences between observations and
Ask students
What happened to the temperature of the water once it began to boil? (the
temperature of the water stopped rising and stayed the same)
What can you say about the temperature of the water as it is going through a phase
change? (Once the phase change begins, the temperature of the water stays the same
until the phase change is over.)
Have students write an explanation for what happens when water changes phase and
include supporting evidence from the activity in their science learning logs (view literacy
strategy descriptions). A science learning log is a notebook that students keep in order to
record ideas, questions, reactions, and new understandings, as well as observations and
data from science lab activities. In their explanation, students should provide evidence
that they understand that heat energy is added to each phase of water, and that this
increase in heat energy is what makes water change phase. Their explanation should also
indicate that they recognize that while water is actually going through the phase change,
the temperature remains constant and only increases once the phase change has been
The ability of substances to change phase is very important to many of the activities we
do and the materials we use. Students study phase changes, but often dont think of how
important this ability of substances is to their everyday lives. To provide students with an
opportunity to really think about the importance of this process, provide them with the
SPAWN prompt (view literacy strategy descriptions) called What If?
Present the following SPAWN prompts to students by writing it on the board or overhead
projector and tell them to select one to write about.
What if water was only available in its solid form? How would it affect our
What if metals were only available in liquid form? How would it affect the way
we travel?
Allow students to write their responses in a reasonable amount of time (approximately 10
minutes). Ask students to copy the prompt in their science learning logs before writing
responses and record the date. Learning logs are journals created and used by students to
record written and visual observations, make predictions, record new understandings,
explain science processes, pose and solve problems, and reflect on what has been learned.
Have students share their SPAWN responses with classmates. Their responses should
demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the ability of substances to exist in
solid, liquid, or gaseous states.
Activity 2: How Are They Different? (SI GLEs: 7, 15, 22, 23; PS GLE: 5)
Materials List: For demonstration: hot plate, saucepan with water and larger pan with ice;
for each student: science learning logs
Safety Note: Set up a demonstration for the water cycle using the hot plate, saucepan
with water, and larger pan of ice. Before beginning the activity, show students the hot
plate with the pot of water. Ask students to identify the poster which was created in the
Safety Activity that demonstrates the proper procedures to follow when using heat and
boiling water.
Have students read from their text or other source to learn about the behavior of water
molecules in solid, liquid, and gaseous phases. Students will model molecules of water
in each phase (solid, liquid, or gas). Place some ice in the larger pan and some water in
the saucepan. Place the saucepan on the hot plate and heat the water. When the water is
boiling, draw students attention to the water in the pan and the water vapor rising from it.
Hold the pan with ice about 6 inches above the saucepan with boiling water. Wait a few
minutes until water vapor begins to turn back into liquid water and condense on the
underside of the larger pan. Ask students to observe the liquid water, the water vapor, and
the ice, and then compare and contrast all three phases. Have students write a short
description of each phase in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy
descriptions) and then name several places where each phase is found in nature.
Tell students they will now model how molecules of water in each phase behave. First,
ask students to look at the ice and describe what they think water molecules would act
like in a solid state. To model the solid ice, the students will gather in a designated area
(inside a set of desks or lines on playground). Have students act out the behavior of the
water molecules that they would expect to see in a solid. Students should infer that the
molecules of a solid are very close, so students should gather as closely as possible.
Explain to students that the attraction of water molecules for each other (cohesion) exerts
enough force to hold the water molecules together when there is a lack of heat energy.
The water molecules stay very close together in one place and vibrate. Since water
molecules are attracted to each other, their closeness increases the attraction. This makes
the water remain as ice (or a solid). Ask students
How is this model similar to what was observed when looking at the ice? How
is it different?
Next, ask students how they think molecules of liquid water would act? Let students
demonstrate their prediction and compare the movement with the movement of water.
Guide them to demonstrate that liquid molecules of water will spread out and slowly
move around, but again it should be confined to a limited area (demonstrating that
liquids take up space in the container or specific area). Explain to students that, as heat is
added to the ice, the molecules begin to move more, lessening the attraction they have for
other water molecules. This allows them to slide past each other and act like a liquid. Ask
How is this model similar to what was observed when looking at the ice
How is it different?
Is it more difficult to create a model of liquid water or solid water? Why?
Last, ask students to reflect on the movement of water vapor and model it. As heat energy
is added to liquid water molecules, they begin to move even faster. Allow students to
move beyond the boundaries set for liquid molecules to show how molecules of gas can
spread great distances. Explain to students that as more heat is added to the liquid water,
the speed of the molecules becomes stronger than the cohesive property of water and can
no longer hold the molecules close. This allows them to move out in all directions and
rise into the air. Ask students
How is this model similar to what was observed when looking at the water
How is it different?
Is it easier to model solid, liquid, or gaseous water molecules? Why?
Have students draw diagrams of the models in their science learning logs, including the
boundaries of each. Ask students
How is waters ability to exist in three states important for living organisms?
What are some important earth processes that are possible because of the
ability for water to exist in three states?
What are some activities that we would not be able to do if water only existed
as a solid? A liquid? A gas?
Activity 3: Condensation ExampleWater Cycle (SI GLE: 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 16, 19,
21, 22; PS GLEs: 5, 12)
Materials List: clear bowl, clear plastic cup, small rock that will fit within the
circumference of the plastic cup, clear plastic wrap, water, Water Cycle Vocabulary Chart
BLM, science learning logs
Waters ability to go through phases is what makes the water cycle possible. The water
cycle is also called the hydrologic cycle. This is the cycle water makes as it passes from
sea to land, water body to water body, land to land, and land to sea. Precipitation in the
form of rain, sleet, hail, or snow falls to Earth from the clouds. Some of this water
evaporates from the ground or water body and goes back into the air during the process of
evaporation. Plants also takes in some of this water that falls on the ground and releases
it back into the air during a process called transpiration. Some of the moisture that falls
to the Earth will also pass into the soil. This water can take several paths: moving deep
into the earth, remaining close to the surface, or flowing into the oceans, rivers, ponds or
streams where it can eventually evaporate back into the air. Since the water cycle is such
a vital process to life on Earth, understanding the process of the water cycle is an
important concept for students to understand and be able to explain. Students may already
know some of the vocabulary concepts associated with the water cycle. Others, such as
transpiration, infiltration, and condensation may still cause some confusion.
Part 1
Before beginning the activity, it is helpful to have students complete a self-assessment of
their knowledge of the water cycle vocabulary words using the literacy strategy
Vocabulary Self-Awareness (view literacy strategy descriptions.) Provide each student
with the Water Cycle Vocabulary Chart BLM. Identify the target vocabulary for this
lesson and provide students with a list of terms. Included in the list should be the words
precipitation, condensation, infiltration, evaporation, runoff, and transpiration. Students
may also add terms to the list as they participate in the activity that follows. Each
vocabulary word is rated according to the students understanding, including an example
and a definition. If they are very comfortable with the word, they give themselves a +
sign. If they think they know, but are unsure, they note the word with a . If the word is
new to them, they place a - next to the word. Over the course of the activity, students
add new information to the chart. The goal is to replace all the check marks and minus
signs with a plus sign. After the activity that follows, students should refer back to the
chart to see if they can change the signs to indicate new vocabulary knowledge.
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 2Reactions
Part 2
In this activity, students will construct a model to demonstrate the water cycle. Have
student groups use a clear bowl, a small cup, a rock, plastic wrap, tape, and water. Place
an empty cup in the middle of the bowl. Pour water into the bowl until it surrounds the
cup, but not so much that the cup floats. Cover and seal the bowl with clear plastic wrap,
using tape if necessary. Allow the wrap to sag in the center. Place a small rock on the
plastic wrap above the cup. Before setting the bowl in the Sun to observe the water cycle,
have students create a chart such as the one below in their science learning logs (view
literacy strategy descriptions) to record the starting time for each observed phase of the
1st Predicted Phase Change: _______________ to __________________
As students conduct the investigation, they can use a modified DR-TA (view literacy
strategy descriptions). This strategy encourages inductive and deductive reasoning by
inviting predictions and then stopping at predetermined places during the investigation to
check and revise predictions that were made. Have students predict what step of the water
cycle will be observed first and record predictions on the chart. In the prediction, have the
student include the amount of time expected before this step of the cycle begins, and
then, place the bowl in the Sun. Have students record how long it takes for them to first
observe any changes. Students should record the results, and then continue timing to find
out how long it takes for the next observed step of the water cycle to begin.
Students should draw a pictorial diagram with labels to convey their observations about
the water cycle, identify the phase changes that are taking place, and infer what is causing
each phase to occur. Have students hypothesize what could be done to speed up or slow
down the process of phase change, then design and conduct an experiment to test their
hypotheses. In their design, students should identify independent, dependent, and
variables that should be controlled. Students should use a similar chart to record new
observations and then compare the data to determine what changes in time, if any,
occurred. Students should use what was learned from Activity 2 to infer that a change in
temperature will be needed to speed up or slow down the phase change process, and
demonstrate this understanding when designing a new experiment. At the completion of
this activity, students should be able to describe what happened during each phase change
and explain what was causing the change.
Ask students to
Identify the heat source that fuels the water cycle (Sun); then hypothesize
what would happen to this cycle if the Suns heat was diminished, increased,
or disappeared entirely. Use this opportunity to introduce global warming and
how scientists think it can affect global climate change.
Identify what phase of water was not observed in this mini-water cycle model.
(solid phase)
Also ask
Is this phase necessary for the water cycle to take place? (no, some areas in
more tropical climates do not experience cold enough temperatures for ice or
snow to develop)
Under what conditions are all three phases of water present in the water cycle?
(conditions with temperatures that vary enough for all three phases to occur)
Under what conditions are only the liquid and gaseous phases of water usually
present? (weather conditions that include temperatures that remain above
Is there any way for the water cycle to occur with only one phase of water?
Explain why or why not. (No, since the water cycle is a cycle, there must
a change from one form of water into another; if water remained in one form
only, there would be no need for cycling)
Is the length of time needed for water to evaporate from Earth and condense
back into clouds always consistent? (No) Is the length of time needed for
water to fall as precipitation or change into its solid form consistent? (No)
Why or why not? (Students should understand that temperature (and other
factors) will determine the time it takes for phase changes to occur and that
the length of time will vary because of this.)
Have students use their science learning logs to write an explanation for the processes
that occur during the water cycle that is based on their predictions and observations from
the investigation.
Activity 4: What Is Rust? (SI GLEs: 4, 5, 7, 12, 22, 23; PS GLE: 5, 6)
Materials List: steel wool pads, test tubes, baby food jars, metric rulers, water, permanent
marker, science learning logs
Safety Note: Have students identify the appropriate safety poster created during the first
activity, and then discuss appropriate safety rules for working with water.
This activity demonstrates that properties of a substance change after a chemical reaction
occurs. Working in cooperative groups of four, each group will set up their investigation
and make observations over five days. They are to record results on student generated
charts. Provide each group with steel wool pads, two test tubes, two baby food jars, a
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 2Reactions
metric ruler, and water. Have students use the permanent marker to mark one of the jars
two cm up from the base. Fill the test tubes with 3 cm of loosely-packed steel wool and
invert each one in its own baby food jar. Have students fill one of the jars to the 2 cm
mark with water. The other jar should have steel wool in the test tube and no water in the
jar. Ask students to identify the independent variable (the presence or absence of water)
and dependent variable (presence or absence of rust) in the investigation. Place the jars in
the window or under a light source. Start observations. Predict what will happen.
Compare the groups predictions and investigations. After two or three days, they will see
the steel wool in the jar with water starting to rust (iron oxide). This is a chemical change.
Compare it to steel wool that was not used (control).
Each group is to decide what happened and write an explanation in their science learning
logs (view literacy strategy descriptions) by using their charts and answering questions
such as the following:
Can this sample be returned to its original state? (no)
What are the properties of the new matter? (reddish brown, brittle, powdery)
How did the water reach the steel wool? (water in the baby food jar turned into
water vapor and rose in the test tube to make contact with the steel wool)
What two elements combined to form a new compound? (iron and oxygen)
What is the name of the new compound? (rust or iron oxide)
What does iron react with to become rust? (it reacts with oxygen, and the
electrolyte [water vapor] which transfers electrons between the iron and the
What was missing from the two experiments that did not create rust? (there was
no water in contact with the steel wool)
Was oxygen present in both experimental conditions? (yes)
Was iron present in both experimental conditions? (yes)
Was water present in both experimental conditions? (no)
Why did rust only form in the baby food jar that had water, if only the iron and
oxygen combine to form rust? (water served as the electrolyte, or liquid that
helped electrons move between the iron and the oxygen)
Provide students with the definition of a chemical change; then ask them if the formation
of rust on the surface of the steel wool satisfies the definition of a chemical change. Ask
students to use the definition of a chemical change to also determine if water changing
from liquid to water vapor is a physical change or a chemical change (physical change
because the molecules of water changed phase, not composition).
Activity 5: Physical Change or Chemical Change? (SI GLEs: 7, 12, 21, 22, 23;
PS GLE: 6 )
Materials List: Suggested materials include: numbered labels for stations, paper, scissors,
sticks of butter or margarine, paper plates, powdered drink mix, clear plastic cups, seltzer
tablets, thermometers, spoons, potato slices, hydrogen peroxide, bread, toaster, alum
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 2Reactions
(available from the grocery store in the spice section or at a pharmacy), knife for cutting
potato slices, loose sediment, Is it Physical or Chemical? BLM
Safety Note: Explain the procedure students will follow at each station and have them
identify the safety rules to follow when using water, chemicals, sharp instruments,
electrical appliances, and heat.
Physical changes occur when a substance changes its shape, size, or state without
changing the substance itself. Chemical reactions occur when the atoms in the
substance, called the reactants, are rearranged to form new substances, called the
products. Evidence that a chemical reaction is occurring can be a color change,
temperature change, formation of a precipitate, or formation of gas. In this activity,
students will use observation skills to infer when physical changes and chemical changes
have occurred.
Set up stations for students to visit. At each station, set up one experiment that
demonstrates a physical change or chemical reaction that results in a chemical change.
Examples of physical changes can include activities such as changing the size of a piece
of paper, melting butter, and adding powdered drink mix to a glass of water. Activities
that demonstrate chemical reactions can include such activities as gas being produced
when slices of potato are placed in hydrogen peroxide, bread being toasted, adding alum
to water mixed with suspended soil particles, and adding a seltzer tablet to water.
Provide students with a copy of the Is it Physical or Chemical? BLM. Student should
work in small groups to perform the investigation, describe what is observed, and infer if
the event is a physical change or a chemical change. Have students explain which
observations were used to make inferences. Students should be able to differentiate
between observations and inferences.
Activity 6: Chemistry in Cooking (SI GLEs: 21, 22, 23, 37; PS GLEs: 4, 6)
Materials List: for demonstrations: paper, oven mitt, matches, metal container for burning
paper demonstration, chalk, vinegar, baking soda, raw egg, hot plate, skillet, toaster; for
each group: raw egg, paper plate, paper towel; piece of white bread, recipes using baking
powder or baking soda
Safety Note: Before allowing students to perform the following demonstrations or
activities, have them identify appropriate safety procedures for handling chemicals and
fire. Only the teacher should handle the uncooked eggs, hot plate, skillet, and toaster.
Use teacher demonstration or stations with appropriate teacher monitoring and reviewing
concepts covered in Activity 5, have students observe examples of chemical changes,
such as the burning of paper, chalk in vinegar, and baking soda and vinegar. Ask students
to explain what was observed as the change occurred (e.g., formation of a gas, a color
change, a temperature change, etc.). Then, lead a class discussion about chemical
properties of materials and certain characteristics that depend on the reaction of one
substance with another substance to form new substances. Students should indicate when
they know a chemical reaction has occurred.
Physical and chemical changes are very important in cooking. Without chemical changes,
many of the foods we enjoy, such as bread or cakes, would not be possible. In this
activity, students will explore the physical and chemical changes that occur in different
recipes. Ask students if they think cooking involves physical or chemical changes. Have
students provide justification for their thoughts.
For each group, the teacher should crack a raw egg and pour the contents onto a paper
plate. Have the students observe the physical properties of the egg and draw and label a
diagram showing the uncooked parts in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy
descriptions). Provide students with proper terms for each part of the egg. Diagrams of
egg parts can be found online at a website such as or . Then demonstrate what happens when heat is
added to the raw egg by cooking an egg on a hot plate or other source of heat. Students
should observe that the clear liquid part of the egg turns white and solid, and the yellow
liquid part turns into a solid. Ask students if this is a physical change or a chemical
change. (A chemical reaction has occurred and is demonstrated by a color change in the
clear part of the egg.) Explain to students that the protein molecules in the egg whites
uncurl and combine with other protein molecules when heat is applied. This is a chemical
change, even though you still have an egg.
Next, give students a slice of white bread and have them observe and describe its physical
properties in their science learning logs. Then toast the bread and have students observe
any changes that occur. Ask students to identify whether the change is physical or
chemical. (A chemical change has occurred because the bread has changed color when
the sugar turns to carbon. The hardening of the bread is a result of moisture removal and
is a physical change.)
Gather at least three recipes that call for the use of baking soda or baking powder, making
sure that no other ingredient besides all-purpose flour and salt is common in the recipes.
Examples of good recipes include simple biscuits, cookies made without eggs, and simple
shortbreads. Make copies for the students to read. Have them determine the common
ingredient(s) in all of the recipes and what is similar about the way the recipe is cooked
(the recipes require heating the ingredients).
To illustrate the chemical reactions that occur in some recipes, show students what
happens when vinegar is added to baking soda. Ask students
What changes are observed? (production of gas bubbles when carbon dioxide
gas is created)
Is the production of a gas a chemical or physical change? (chemical)
How can the creation of gas bubbles be useful in baking a cake or bread? (it
causes the batter or dough to rise)
Have students locate a recipe from a cookbook at home, or provide them with one that
requires a chemical or physical change to occur. Students should write each step of the
recipe and identify whether a chemical or physical change is occurring in that step. Have
other students in the class critique each step of the recipe to determine if it demonstrates a
physical or chemical change. Students should provide justification for their critiques.
Have students prepare the recipes, if possible, and share with other students as they
explain the procedure for creating the recipes. Remind students to follow appropriate
safety procedures when preparing recipes at home. During the presentation of recipes,
have students explain safety measures used when preparing the recipe to reinforce the
importance of being safe when conducting experiments, even in the safety of their own
Sample Assessments
General Guidelines
Assessment will be from teacher observation/checklist notes of student participation in
unit activities, the extent of successful accomplishment of tasks, and the degree of
accuracy of oral and written descriptions/responses. Journal entries provide reflective
assessment of class discussions and laboratory experiences. Performance-based
assessment should be utilized to evaluate inquiry and laboratory technique skills. All
student-generated work, such as drawings, data collection charts, models, etc., may be
incorporated into a portfolio assessment system.
General Assessments
The student will create a flow chart for the water cycle.
Cooperative groups of four should submit six 5 x 10 index cards with
descriptions of a chemical change on them. Also, submit six 5 x 10 index cards
with descriptions of a physical change on them. Mix the cards, and have groups
exchange cards and then sort them by reactions.
The student will create a game using the above cards.
The student will find pictures in magazines and periodicals that show chemical
change. Create a collage.
The student will choose one of the examples of chemical change and reflect on
the positive and negative impact for this. He/she should include ways the
chemical change could be avoided. Place this in their portfolios. Use a rubric for
Have students observe a phase change occurring with matter that is different from
water. Students should be able to identify each phase in the change and explain
what caused it. Have students compare the temperature needed to change the state
of water with the temperature needed to change the state of the new substance.
Show students drawing of molecules of different types of matter in different
phases. Have students compare and contrast the arrangement of molecules in each
type of matter.
Have students identify three examples each of matter that exists in nature as a
solid, liquid, or a gas.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 6: Provide students with a written step-by-step recipe that has both
physical and chemical changes. Have students identify which change is occurring
with selected steps of the recipe and explain why.
SPEED IN ________
What force started the forward movement of the marble? (push with the hand)
What force is acting on the marble to slow it down? (friction)
How can we change the effect of this force? (change the surface over which
the marble rolls)
Guide students to an understanding that friction is acting on the marble. Instruct students
to use textbooks and other resources to research Newtons First Law of Motion (An
object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion, at a
constant speed and in a straight line, until an outside force acts on the object.); then, as a
class, use the information to design an experiment that tests the effects of different
surfaces on the speed of toy cars. Through class discussion, have students identify
dependent, independent, and controlled variables. (The independent variable should be
the different surfaces over which the car travels. The dependent variable should be the
speed, and the controlled variables will be the height of the track and the car that is
used.) Encourage students to use prior research to predict which surface will provide the
most friction. Guide students to develop a procedure to follow in investigating different
ramp surfaces on the speed of a toy car and use a large sheet of chart paper to record the
procedure that all students will follow. Students should also record the procedure in their
science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions), including a predetermined
metric and U.S. measurement for distance cars should travel (1 meter or 1 yard), and then
create a chart in their science learning logs such as the one started below, for both meters
and yards), to record individual and average speeds for three trials using different
TIME (s)
for three
TIME (s)
Divide students into cooperative groups of four students, instructing each group to follow
the class-created directions to perform the experiment. If problems arise due to confusing
directions, have students identify what is unclear and rewrite them to make more sense.
Discuss with students why it is necessary to obtain data for a minimum of three different
trials in order to determine the reliability of the results. Students will use calculators to
determine the average time the car traveled over each surface, and then determine the
average speeds of the car over each surface. Instruct them to create a bar graph to use for
comparing the effect of surface type on the cars speed. Average Speed (m/s or yd/s) and
Surface Types should be the two labels for the axes. What does the height or length of the
bars representing the cars speeds on different surfaces tell about the motion of each car?
(the longer the bar, the faster the speed of the car; the shorter the bar, the slower the
speed of the car)
Which surface allowed for the greatest speed? (the surface that was the smoothest
or had the least friction)
Which surface produced the most friction? (the roughest surface) Which surface
produced the least friction? (the smoothest surface) How can you tell? (the car
with the least friction had the least amount of force acting against it, so it had a
faster speed)
Explain Newtons First Law of Motion based on these results. (An object in
motion will continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed until a force
acts on it. The forces acting on the cars are friction and gravity. All cars had the
same force of gravity acting on them; that left the force of friction. The cars with
the most friction acting against them slowed down the fastest.)
Using what was learned through research, ask students to design a method to speed up or
slow down the rate the car travels over these different surfaces and to then test their
method which should include such responses as changing the slope of the track or
adding/removing weight from the cars. Ask students to identify some of the limitations
encountered by using toy cars to demonstrate the effect of friction on speed. What
variables were hard to control? What can be done to make the results more reliable? How
many trials should be done before the results can be accepted? Have students infer how
the results obtained through this investigation relate to the movement of real cars on
different surfaces.
Have the students form two Tug of War teams with an equal number of students on each
side. Remind students of the earlier discussion about safety when playing the game.
Position the bandana in the middle of the rope and place one cone on each side of the
rope directly in front of the two opposing lead players. Have both teams lift the rope and
hold it taut. Ask students if this is a balanced or unbalanced force (balanced, because the
bandana is not moving its position). Ask students to identify which forces are acting on
the rope (gravity pulls down, students pull up, each team is also pulling the rope toward
them with enough force to make the rope taut).The goal of the game is to pull the rope so
that the bandana crosses over the cone. Have the two teams play a game of Tug of War
and have the other students carefully note which forces are acting on the students and the
rope (the students are pulling up on the rope, gravity is pulling the rope downward, both
teams are pulling the rope toward their teams, and friction is acting in opposition to each
teams forward movement). After one side wins, ask students to determine if the forces
remained balanced throughout the game and explain how they were able to determine
their answer (the bandana moved over to one teams side which showed that their pulling
force and the force of friction opposing their forward movement was stronger than the
opposing teams, since there was movement, the forces had to be unbalanced). Have
students draw arrows to indicate the magnitude of each force acting on the rope, making
sure to draw larger arrows for the stronger forces. Students should be sure to indicate the
force of friction of the students feet acting against the forward movement of the rope, as
well as the upward force of students pulling up on the rope and the downward pull of
gravity. Friction and pulling are the two major forces at work in the game of tug-of-war
and should be given primary emphasis in the drawing. Student should also be sure to
always to show forces acting in pairs against each other. Ask students to devise a way to
make all forces balanced and try out their plan. Compare the two games. Have the
students reflect in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions),
describing the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces and how they would
use what they learned to choose teams for a field day game of Tug of War.
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of their work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
The student will create a race similar to the one in Activity 4, but change a
variable. Predict if the speed will increase. Do three trials and take the average
speed. Compare with classmates.
The student will keep a journal, tracking all the activities they perform in one day
where friction plays a role and including an explanation about how friction is
The student will create a list that ranks different surfaces according to the amount
of friction they generate.
Provide students with different examples of activities that demonstrate potential
and kinetic energy. The student will identify each type of energy that is being
The student will inventory small electrical appliances in his/her home and share
the results with classmates. Have students record a list of the appliances on the
board and how many times it was mentioned. Choose the most popular appliance
and write a story telling what the world would be like without this appliance.
The student will make a cause-and-effect chart using unbalanced forces.
The student will create a concept map of energy sources.
The student will research one of the energy sources and write a report explaining
the availability of this energy source.
The student will create a poster and oral presentation about his/her energy source.
The student will keep a log of daily activities he/she participates in for one week.
Next to each activity, list a way that he/she can change the activity to save energy
The student will make a human circuit by labeling students as D-cell, bulb,
and wire and then join hands to show the path the electricity travels by
squeezing hands to represent the current.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 3: The student will act out a physical activity for classmates, and ask the
rest of the students to identify the forces in action, determining whether they are
balanced or not. Students should record answers, including justifications, in a
science learning log or on a teacher-created observation sheet.
Activity 6: The student will create an illustration for an activity that demonstrates
the changing from potential energy to kinetic energy and back again.
A key understanding of this activity is that scientific investigations generally begin with a
review of the work of others and that scientists communicate with one another to share
their work and that of others.
Activity 2: Cell to Cell (SI GLEs: 6, 7, 10, 19, 22, 23; LS GLE: 17)
Materials List: art paper; colored pencils or crayons; pictures of plant and animal cells;
microscopes; prepared slides of objects such as an insect leg, bee wing, pollen, etc.;
prepared slides of plant and animal cells; or, if having students make their own wet
mounts: clean slides and cover slips, samples of plant cells obtained from onion skin,
eyedroppers, water; Plant and Animal Cell Parts BLM; Plant and Animal Cell Parts
Answer Key BLM
This activity develops the concept that there are differences and similarities among plant
and animal cells. Find pictures of plant and animal cells in a reference book, textbook, or
on an Internet site such Display example
pictures of several plant and animal cells on the board and have students identify
similarities and differences. Tell students that they will be using real microscopes to
observe some of the parts of plant and animal cells. Before actually observing plant and
animal cells, review the parts and use of simple microscopes with students; then give
them an opportunity to observe prepared slides of objects larger than cells, such as the
wing of a bee, a dandelion thistle, etc. Students should sketch each object and label its
parts and magnification. Give students opportunities to practice focusing the microscope
themselves to see the parts clearly. The teacher should then set up stations to allow
students to view examples of prepared plant and animal cells. Divide students into pairs.
Have each partner observe a different cell type (plant or animal), then use art paper to
sketch and color their cells and label the parts (cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm,
nucleus, chloroplasts, etc.) and type of cell they have drawn. Students should also
identify the magnification under which each sample was observed. If time allows, when
they have completed this task, have each partner view, sketch, and label the cell type that
the partner studied, so both types of cells can be seen by all students.
The word grid literacy strategy (view literacy strategy descriptions) can be used to record
observations. This strategy will help students learn important concepts about organelles
in plants and animals and expand their reading vocabularies. Provide students with the
Plant and Animal Cell Parts BLM. Across the top of the word grid, have students label
organelles that can be found in either a plant or animal cell. Down the side of the grid,
they should write the names plant and animal. Using what was sketched and labeled
in their drawings, student pairs should place a + sign in the space that corresponds
with a cell part found in plants or animal cells and a -sign in the space that corresponds
with a cell part that is not found in a particular cell type. Cell shapes should be included
within the word grid. Students should compare drawings and word grids to make sure all
cell parts have been identified and drawn correctly. The teacher should then quiz students
by asking questions about the words related to their similarities and differences, such as
(What do I Want to know?)
(What have I Learned?
Show students an enlarged picture of each body system. (Make sure that the individual
organs are easily recognizable.). Ask students to explain why they think there are so
many differences in human body systems. (Different systems, such as the digestive,
circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, and muscular systems, have different functions.)
Have teams of students choose an organ system to research using the Internet, textbooks,
or trade books. In their science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions) have
students illustrate the organs that make up their chosen organ system. Divide organs
within each system among the team members. Students can then utilize the vocabulary
card literacy strategy (view literacy strategy descriptions) to illustrate each organ and its
function. The cards allow students to see connections between words, examples of the
word, and the critical attributes associated with the word. Distribute 3 x 5 index cards to
students. Fill out information on the board that students will fill out on their cards. On the
board, place a targeted word in the middle box as students do the same on their cards. Ask
students to provide a definition in the students own words. Write the definition in the
appropriate space. In each additional space, place one of the following: characteristics or
description of the word, examples of the term, and a simple illustration.
Teams can then create their own organ system vocabulary cards. After using the cards to
reinforce understanding, have students use textbooks or the Internet to explore how cells
are organized into tissues, tissues into organs, and organs into the particular system they
are illustrating. Create a full body outline showing the construction of all organs in the
system. The system name should be displayed at the top of the drawing, followed by the
outline of the body and properly located organs within the system. Each organ should be
clearly labeled and include information about it. Each team member should also identify
one tissue type within their assigned organ and one cell type that makes up the tissue
(such as red and white blood cells that make up connective tissue or a myocyte cell in
muscle tissue). Have students share models with classmates, using vocabulary learned
from vocabulary cards in their explanations.
Activity 4: Microbes (SI GLEs: 3, 28, 29, 39; LS GLE: 21)
Materials List: books or information about Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister, one poster
board for each student or pair of students, markers or crayons, Internet access
Anton von Leeuwenhoeks discovery of animalcules opened the door to discovering the
causes of many of the diseases that plague the human race. Two scientists that were
instrumental in making the connection between microorganisms and diseases were Louis
Pasteur and Joseph Lister. To provide background experience, share information with
students about the investigations of both Pasteur and Lister, prior to doing this activity.
This can be done by reading books about them and their work or finding information in
encyclopedias or on websites such as and to share with students. Have students listen
for clues from the readings to clarify when discoveries were made by both scientists.
From their discussion, they should be able to identify which scientists investigations
occurred first and which occurred later. They should be able to explain how they
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 4Cells to Living Organisms
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B
Activity 5: Its a Frogs Life (SI GLEs: 7, 22, 24; LS GLE: 18)
Materials List: Internet access, colored transparency of frog eggs and overhead projector,
or real frog eggs and video microscope/television display, trade book Its a Frogs Life,
pictures of animals that go through complete and incomplete metamorphosis, art supplies
for student-created picture books, Internet access (Note: If using live frog eggs or frog
growth kits, be sure to allow ample time to order and to have proper resources to care for
eggs when they arrive. If using eggs obtained from local source, such as a pond, be sure
to use all precautions when handling eggs and pond water.)
Try to obtain real frog eggs or enlarged pictures of frog eggs to introduce this activity. If
available, show eggs on a television screen using a video microscope. Make a colored
transparency of the picture of frog eggs if a video microscope is unavailable. Without
identifying the source of the eggs (i.e., egg from a frog), have students try to guess what
the object is. Relate each part of the frog egg to one of the animal cells they have studied
in earlier activities. Tell students that in this activity they are going to learn about the life
cycle of a frog, from individual cell to adult frog.
Have students share their own experiences with frogs and their prior knowledge of the
life cycle of a frog. Discuss the book, Its a Frogs Life, if available. If not, use the
Internet for resources such as A Frogs Life available at or
Frog Metamorphosis available at
If possible, order frog eggs or frog growth kits from a biological supplier. Have students
study and observe the metamorphosis of the frog from egg to adult. Ask them to create
their own picture books showing the life cycle of the frog by sketching, labeling, and
describing each stage of development. Have students discuss appropriate care and ethical
treatment that must be adhered to when animals are involved in scientific investigations
and why this is important.
Discuss the process of complete metamorphosis in other animals and have students
identify additional familiar animals that undergo the process, such as butterflies, moths,
beetles, flies, caddis flies, ants, wasps, bees, etc. If available, show students pictures of
some of these animals as they go through their life cycle.
Have students create posters to illustrate each step in both processes, making sure to
identify the exchange of gases that occurs during photosynthesis and respiration. Posters
for both types of organisms should focus on respiration at the cellular level. Have
students use the posters to explain the relationship between the two processes. Students
should be able to explain why plants would not be able to exist without the ability to
perform photosynthesis and respiration, and how this would affect all other organisms on
Earth. Ask students to contemplate if plants could exist on Earth without animals; could
animals exist on Earth without plants? What vital gas exchange takes place between
plants and animals? Explain to students that some organisms at the bottom of the ocean
are able to produce their own food without sunlight by a process called chemosynthesis.
Challenge students to learn more about the process of chemosynthesis and how it is
similar and different to the photosynthesis/respiration process.
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of their work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
The student will create a play about photosynthesis and respiration. Students can
become a water molecule in each and trace its travels.
The student will create cards illustrating the steps of germination for several
plants. Use the cards to play a matching game.
The student will design a poster that shows the life cycle of a frog.
The student will choose a system of the human body. Create a demonstration that
shows how that system is connected to another system.
The student will make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast how the human
lungs and heart work.
Divide the class into teams. Each team will choose a human body system.
Students will prepare and debate the value of their system to the whole body.
Provide students with a prepared, unlabeled slide of a plant and an animal cell.
The student will draw, identify cell parts, and determine if it is a plant or animal
The student will make a game board that reinforces the ways communicable
diseases are transmitted and prevented.
The student will make sets of cards illustrating the life cycles of different
organisms. Have students arrange the cards in the correct order and explain what
happens at each stage.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 5: The student will draw pictures on four index cards of different animals
going through the stages of complete metamorphosis and four index cards with
the labels of each stage. Trade cards with other students and have them arrange
them into the correct order with the correct label by each one.
What do I
What do I
want to
What have I
Questions for
Take students outside into the schoolyard to observe a schoolyard ecosystem. Check
around the school property to find an appropriate site prior to bringing students outside.
(An appropriate site can be any spot that has as little as a few plants or weeds and some
ants or other insects; or an area with many plants and lots of insects, birds, and other
animals.) If no appropriate site is available, show students a picture from a poster,
calendar or magazine of an area that includes the essential elements of an ecosystem.
Review appropriate behavior while outside and safety procedures that should be followed
when observing wildlife. Students should bring their science learning logs with them to
record observations. They should work in pairs to identify and list all of the components
they believe make up the schoolyard ecosystem (e.g., air, soil, water, plants, animals,
Sun, etc). Students should not be told what these components are until the end of the
activity. Before students return to the classroom, ask them to create a sketch of the area
they observed in their science learning logs, label all of its components, and draw arrows
between components to indicate how they think each one interacts with another
component in the ecosystem.
Once students return to the classroom, select student pairs to explain the difference
between what they actually observed interacting and what they think (infer) is interacting.
Ask them to justify their inferences. Each pair should share their sketches with the rest of
the class and compare similarities and differences. Once all students have shared their
ecosystem drawings, list on the board the components that were present in all of the
drawings. Then provide students with the definition of an ecosystem and have them
determine if they included both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components.
Instruct students to write a description of an ecosystem in their science learning logs,
explaining how the schoolyard ecosystem is important to all of the organisms living in it.
Revisit the KWLQ chart to see if any of their questions have been answered yet. If so, tell
them to record what they have learned in the What have I learned? column. Ask
students if their investigation created any new questions they would like to investigate.
Questions should be recorded in the last column of the KWLQ chart. Discuss possible
ways the questions could be investigated at a future date. If time allows, allow students to
do further investigations.
Students can access the following websites to learn more about decomposition:
The video, Rotten But Not Forgotten, an EnviroTacklebox module produced by
Louisiana Public Broadcasting is available through United Streaming, at , for those who subscribe to this
service. Several school libraries and individual teachers have copies of this series, as
Activity 9: Acetate Ants and Adaptations (SI GLEs: 2, 22; LS GLEs: 27, 29)
Materials List: hole puncher; red, blue, yellow, green, and clear acetate; timer; masking
tape; colored pencils or crayons
To introduce students to the concept of adaptations, conduct the following activity. Using
a hole puncher, punch out 30 circles each from sheets of red, yellow, blue, green and clear
acetate. Before students arrive, scatter the circles all over the floor of the classroom.
Students will be told that the floor will represent the habitat for a population of a very
small ant, Acetatis antus and that they (the students) will represent a predator that feeds
on this particular species of ant. The students will be given two minutes to search for the
prey (circles). When the two minutes are up, have students record their findings and make
a class tally, recording total number of ants by color, including the number of individuals
originally in the habitat, the number captured and the number remaining in the habitat.
Students should individually construct a graph to illustrate these findings. Students
should explain which animals were the most difficult to find and why and to predict what
would eventually happen to those animals who were least adapted.
Following this activity, elicit a class discussion, asking students to list organisms that live
in their local area. Have students identify any adaptations that enable each organism to be
successful there. Challenge students to use a variety of sources to obtain information
about one animal from a local ecosystem and adaptations that have made it suitable to its
environment. Have students make an illustration of the animal in its habitat utilizing this
adaptation. Ask students how this adaptation would make it difficult to survive in other
ecosystems. Guide students to understand that the adaptations that help an animal survive
in one ecosystem may make it difficult or impossible to survive in other ecosystems.
Have students share their research and illustrations with classmates.
Ask students to list some human adaptations. To illustrate one important primate
adaptation, have students tape their thumb down with masking tape, so that it is no longer
an opposable thumb, and ask them to try and pick up things, etc. Ask students why the
thumb is an important characteristic of humans and other primates. Discuss this
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 5Ecosystems
Activity 10: The Cycle Starts Here (SI GLEs: 21; SE GLE: 51)
Material List: aluminum can, section from a newspaper, plastic drink bottle, ecosystems
in a bottle from Activity 5, posterboard for each group
Introduce students to the chemical cycles in nature by showing them three familiar
objects that we commonly recycle. Explain briefly to students the process by which each
object is recycled (e.g., aluminum can, newspaper, plastic bottle, etc.) or show a segment
on recycling from a video such as EnviroTackleboxs Tackle Trash, which can be
accessed through the Louisiana Public Broadcasting service, United Streaming site at This is a fee-based service. Many
school libraries and individual teachers have copies of this series. Other appropriate
recycling videos can be used, as well. Ask students how recycling these materials help
the environment. What would eventually happen if these objects were not recycled? Write
ideas on the board to refer to during the next part of the activity.
Next, show students one of the aqua/terrariums from the Activity 5 that has been
successful in staying balanced. Ask the students that created it to identify any new
materials they placed into their model ecosystem over the last two weeks. (Students
should be able to state that no new material has been added to the ecosystem; in effect,
the ecosystem has been maintaining its own equilibrium.) Ask students to reiterate what
the organisms in the ecosystem need to stay alive and predict where these materials are
coming from if they were not added by students.
Divide students into three groups and assign them one of the major chemical cycles (e.g.,
oxygen, nitrogen, carbon). Have each group research to find out how this cycle occurs in
their ecosystem and create a drawing on poster board to illustrate this process. Have
students use their aqua/terrarium when explaining to the rest of the class what they
discovered. They should emphasize that these cycles return materials to the ecosystem
that can be reused over and over. Have students explain what would happen if these
chemical cycles did not exist.
Activity 11: Non-Native Invasion (SI GLEs: 26, 27, 34; SE GLE: 50)
Materials List: book or video about non-native invasion, pictures of invasive species
To introduce students to the topic of invasive species (alien species), use the SQPL
literacy strategy (view literacy strategy descriptions) to get the students attention and to
Activity 12: Pollution (SI GLEs: 16, 27; SE GLEs: 49, 50)
Materials List: photos of activities causing pollution in an ecosystem, chart paper,
Internet access, science learning logs
Show pictures of locations where pollution can possibly occur in different ecosystems
(e.g., sewage pouring into a river, exhaust from car exhaust pipes, rusting cans of toxic
waste buried in the soil, heavy sediment loading in a river) as well as not-so-obvious
types of pollution (e.g., spraying fertilizers and pesticides on golf courses, animal wastes
being deposited on lawns and from animals in pastures near rivers or streams, noise
pollution created by the driving of piles to create foundations for homes in new
neighborhoods, burning a large amount of trash, etc.) to students. On a large chart make
three columns for soil, water, and air.
Divide students into cooperative groups and provide each group with one of the pictures.
Have students in each group identify the types and source(s) of pollution being shown.
Provide students with an opportunity to find out about how each type of pollution affects
an ecosystem by using the EPA websites: or or other environmental websites that provide
information about pollution. Bring all groups together and have them share what was
discussed with the rest of the class. On the chart, list the identified pollutants under the
correct column. Discuss what effect each type of pollution might have on the ecosystems
created earlier.
Ask students to work in their cooperative group to brainstorm (view literacy strategy
descriptions) possible solutions to the type of pollution they just investigated.
Brainstorming allows students to activate previously gained knowledge about methods
that they know about for cleaning up pollution. Have each group record their ideas in
their science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions). Then, instruct students to
use the same website or another one to learn about methods that have been devised to
clean up or protect against the type of pollution they previously researched.
Ask students:
Did any of the ideas suggested while brainstorming, match any of the solutions
being used for cleaning up your type of pollution? (answers will vary) If so,
which ones?
Have any of the methods you investigated been discontinued? If so, which ones
and why? (some students may have found out that previously used methods of
solving pollution problems created new ones or didnt work effectively)
When scientists meet with failure in one of their methods, what do they do? (they
try something new)
Can you give an example of a new method of pollution control that came about as
a result of a previously failed method? (recycling paper instead of putting it in
Sample Assessments
General Guidelines
Assessment will be from teacher observation/checklist notes of student participation in
unit activities, the extent of successful accomplishment of tasks, and the degree of
accuracy of oral and written descriptions/responses. Journal entries provide reflective
assessment of class discussions and laboratory experiences. Performance-based
assessment should be utilized to evaluate inquiry and laboratory technique skills. All
student-generated work, such as drawings, data collection charts, models, etc., may be
incorporated into a portfolio assessment system.
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of their work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
The student will compare and contrast the interaction of one species in different
Using a Venn diagram, the student will compare the player levels in the different
food chains from different systems.
The student will create trading cards to illustrate the important components of a
particular ecosystem.
The student will create a set of I have Who has?. cards that show pictures
of all of the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem. Have students play
the game to review all of the interactions between the components. Descriptions
should be specific enough to allow only one answer to each card.
The student will create cards with pictures of predators and prey that are in the
ecosystem they researched. Allow students an opportunity to trade decks with
other groups to play a matching game.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 3 and 11: The student will create a game to demonstrate how carrying
capacity is compromised when a non-native species competes for necessary
nutrients. Students should create a game board illustrating one of the habitats
studied in this unit. Game pieces should represent native organisms competing for
nutrients, shelter, etc. Game cards should describe events that occur in the
ecosystem to keep it in balance or disrupt the balance. At least 5 game cards
should describe a negative effect of a non-native species introduced into the
ecosystem. At least three game cards should describe appropriate and
inappropriate methods of removing the invasive species from the ecosystem.
Have students move forward or retreat in response to the event on the card.
Common Ground: The Water, Earth, and Air We Share by Molly Garrett Bang.
Compost Critters by Bianca Lavies
Sample Activities
Activity 1: Soil (SI GLEs: 6, 7, 10, 22, 23, 29; ESS GLE: 30)
Materials List: soil samples from three different areas, liter-sized jars or containers, 250
mL graduated cylinder, stocking, 2 liter plastic bottle, scissors (to cut the 2L bottle),
container to capture water, disposable gloves, toothpicks, hand lenses, insect viewers,
white poster board, paper towels, snack-sized plastic bags, tweezers, toothpicks, plastic
tray, Soil Savvy BLM, science learning logs, flex cam (if available), scope-on-a-rope,
student microscope and/or a stereo microscope
Safety Note: Remind students of safety procedures for handling soil or have them refer to
the safety posters they created in Unit 1 and determine safety procedures they should
In this lesson, students will observe and identify the organic and inorganic components of
soil. Introduce students to the lesson by showing them liter-sized jars of different types of
soil. (Try to include soil from at least three different areas that show distinctive color
differences.) Ask students to look at the samples and describe similarities and differences
based on sight only and then to hypothesize what makes the soil different colors. Ask
students if they can identify the components of soil, and which ones are responsible for
the different colors of the soils.
To assess prior knowledge and prepare students for this unit, provide students with the
Soil Savvy BLM anticipation guide (view literacy strategy descriptions). Anticipation
guides present students with statements that can be answered yes/no, agree/disagree,
or true/false and are written in such a way that will grab students attention, challenge
preconceived and nave notions, or arouse curiosity. More importantly, since they are
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 6 Earth: Its Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Atmosphere
Activity 5: Types of Erosion (SI GLEs: 4, 7, 15, 22, 23; ESS GLEs: 32, 33, 38)
Materials List: (for each group of four students) safety goggles, flat pan, shoebox lid or
tray, flat piece of cardboard or tray, coarse and fine sand, modeling clay, shallow plastic
cup or jar lid, 250 ml graduated cylinder with water, area in school yard with bare soil,
handful of grass to cover bare soil, three ice cube trays, pebbles, newspaper, spoon, paper
towels, science learning log, Sample Vocabulary Card BLM
Safety Note: Safety procedures should be reinforced before allowing students to perform
the activities. Students should wear safety goggles to prevent wind-blown sand from
getting into their eyes. Students should be reminded always to direct the blowing sand
away from other students faces. The teacher should closely monitor activities done in
class using water. Students should immediately clean up any water spills to prevent
In addition to water-related weathering and erosion, other forces are at work moving
weathered materials to new places. These forces include ice and wind. Students will
perform the following explorations to demonstrate how wind, ice, and water weight can
move weathered materials to new locations. These investigations are best completed
outside, if at all possible. After group discussion, all observations and results should be
recorded in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions).
As students learn new concepts about weathering and erosion, they have an opportunity
to build new vocabulary. Have students use the vocabulary card literacy strategy (view
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 6 Earth: Its Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Atmosphere
to be created.)
How long do you think it took for the Mississippi Delta to be formed? What
events helped to shape it? Did weathering and/or erosion have any part in its
creation? (at least 100 million years to be formed, weathering of rocks and
soil along the river banks from Canada down to the Gulf of Mexico and
erosion caused by moving water brought sediment that was deposited over
time in several different lobes, creating the delta we see today ).
Can you predict how long it probably took for each landform that was studied
to be created? Explain your prediction.
Have students discuss differences of opinion and provide evidence to support them.
Teacher Note: In the interest of saving time, the teacher can locate photos and
information about each landform for the students; then have students study the photos
and read the information to create claims.
Activity 8: Modeling Destructive and Constructive Forces in Nature (SI GLEs: 1, 4,
7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 22, 25; ESS GLEs: 32, 38)
Materials List: clay, diagrams depicting three different types of earthquake faults, stiff
piece of cardboard or plastic tray, Internet access, science learning logs
Many landforms are created or destroyed through the geological processes of earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions. In this activity, students will model the different ways that
earthquakes affect the landscape. Using books and/or an Internet source, such as the one
found in the Resource section called Earthquakes-the Rolling Earth,
students should research one type of earthquake movement and then create a 3-D clay
model to demonstrate it. Students should generate a testable question about how this
earthquake movement will affect the land around it. After students predict outcomes,
have them conduct experiments to answer their question. A description of observations
should be recorded in science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions), and an
explanation of experimental results should be developed and shared with classmates.
Have students compare and critique each others scientific investigations, identifying
similarities and differences in design and outcomes. Students should draw and label a
before-and-after picture of each landscape, and then describe the actions that changed it
and explain how the new landform was created, if applicable. Have students use evidence
from the investigation to predict what will happen to land that is having a particular type
of earthquake.
Ask students to estimate how long it takes for an earthquake event to occur. (This energy
can be built up and stored for many years and then released in seconds or minutes.) Have
students evaluate the models they created and suggest ways to improve them. Discuss
with students the benefits of designing investigations and using models to study the
effects of earthquakes. Students should recognize that a very important aspect of
After all groups have completed their Venn diagrams and paragraphs, have each group
share them with the rest of the class. Have students generalize which components of
Earths atmosphere are more or less abundant than those of the other two planets, and/or
which components make Earths atmosphere unique.
Have students hypothesize what would happen to life on Earth if one of the components
of Earths atmosphere were to disappear or increase/decrease dramatically. Students
should justify their opinions with facts about the altered component. Provide students
with one of the following SPAWN prompts (view literacy strategy descriptions) for W:
What If?
What if all of the oxygen that was present in the atmosphere suddenly started to
disappear? What effect would it have on plants, animals, and people? How soon
would the effects begin to take place? What would we need to do to replenish the
What if nitrogen which makes up such a large percent of Earths atmosphere
suddenly disappeared? What organisms would be affected first? Why?
The writing prompted by SPAWN is typically short in length and can be kept in students
science learning logs. Allow students to write their responses within a reasonable amount
of time. Ask students to copy the prompt in their science learning logs before writing
responses and record the date.
Activity 11: Water, Water Everywhere, But How Much to Drink? (SI GLEs: 16, 22;
ESS GLE: 34)
Materials List: map of the world, 1,000 ml graduated cylinder, 25 ml graduated cylinder,
10 mL graduated cylinder, eyedropper, labels, clear plastic cups, water
Through a visual presentation, the students will learn the sources of fresh water and the
relative ratios of these water sources on Earth and be able to conclude just how little
drinking water we have on Earth.
Show the students the map of the world or the globe. Ask them what the color
blue represents (water). Ask them what percentage of the globe/Earth is
covered in water (approximately 72 percent) and if it is all usable by humans.
Show the students 1,000 ml of water in a clear graduated cylinder. Explain
that the water in the graduated cylinder represents all the water on Earth. Ask
the students to think about the different places that we find water. Ask where
we find the majority of the water on Earth (approximately 97 percent is found
in oceans). Tell them that because the majority of the water is in the ocean, we
will leave that water in the graduated cylinder. Tell the students that you will
be removing all water that is from a source other than the ocean.
Ask the students to tell you the different areas/sources in which we find water
(rivers, glaciers, atmosphere, etc.). As they give you answers, remove the
correct amount of water for the area (refer to the chart below), and place each
amount into its own small clear labeled container.
Water Source (% total)
oceans (97.2%)
icecaps/glaciers (2.0%)
groundwater (0.620%)
freshwater lakes (0.009%)
inland seas/salt lakes (0.008%)
atmosphere (0.001%)
rivers (0.0001%)
Representation Amount
water remaining in the pitcher
20 ml
6 ml
9 drops
8 drops
one drop
one flick
After you have removed all the different water sources (other than oceans),
ask the students if all the water you have removed and put into the clear
container is usable by humans. Discuss the sources, and put the water back
General Guidelines
Assessment will be from teacher observation/checklist notes of student participation in
unit activities, the extent of successful accomplishment of tasks, and the degree of
accuracy of oral and written descriptions/responses. Journal entries provide reflective
assessment of class discussions and laboratory experiences. Performance-based
assessment should be utilized to evaluate inquiry and laboratory technique skills. All
student-generated work, such as drawings, data collection charts, models, etc., may be
incorporated into a portfolio assessment system.
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of their work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
The student will use the list of organic and inorganic material found in different
soil types to infer what events in nature or by humans would have resulted in the
presence of each.
The student will create a flow chart for the rock cycle.
The student will research a local river and report on how it has affected the
surrounding area.
The student will create a model of a glacier and demonstrate how it affects the
surrounding landscape.
The student will create a Venn diagram for comparing and contrasting a mountain
and a volcano.
The student will make a graph illustrating different water sources and the amount
of water stored in each.
The student will create power point presentations showing what they have learned
about different types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary), the steps
of fossil formation, or properties of minerals. Share these presentations with the
The student will create rubrics that assess the students ability to interpret
correctly the models they have made to demonstrate erosion.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 3: The student will write an explanation of how life would change if
rocks could not be mined for use by people. In their explanation, students will
identify only one important use of rocks and how their unavailability would affect
peoples lives.
Activity 7: The student will observe landform pictures and determine how each
was formed, using historical climate and geographic information provided by the
teacher. Students will then write an explanation that describes how the landform
was created and include a justification for their beliefs.
Project Earth Science: Geology, an NSTA Press Book, available through NSTAs
Science as Inquiry
Note: The following Science as Inquiry GLEs are embedded in the suggested activities for this
unit. Additional activities incorporated by teachers may result in additional SI GLEs being
addressed during instruction on the Cycles and Climates unit.
Generate testable questions about objects, organisms, and events that can be answered
through scientific investigation (SI-M-A1)
Use a variety of sources to answer questions (SI-M-A1)
Design, predict outcomes, and conduct experiments to answer guiding questions (SI-MA2)
Identify independent variables, dependent variables, and variables that should be
controlled in designing an experiment (SI-M-A2)
Record observations using methods that complement investigations (e.g., journals, tables,
charts) (SI-M-A3)
Identify the difference between description and explanation (SI-M-A4)
Construct, use, and interpret appropriate graphical representations to collect, record, and
report data (e.g., tables, charts, circle graphs, bar and line graphs, diagrams, scatter plots,
symbols) (SI-M-A4)
Identify patterns in data to explain natural events (SI-M-A4)
Develop models to illustrate or explain conclusions reached through investigation (SI-MA5)
Identify and explain the limitations of models to represent the natural world (SI-M-A5)
Use evidence to make inferences and predict trends (SI-M-A5)
Identify faulty reasoning and statements that misinterpret or are not supported by the
evidence (SI-M-A6)
Communicate ideas in a variety of ways (e.g., symbols, illustrations, graphs, charts,
spreadsheets, concept maps, oral and written reports, equations) (SI-M-A7)
Write clear, step-by-step instructions that others can follow to carry out procedures or
conduct investigations (SI-M-A7)
Distinguish between observations and inferences (SI-M-A7)
Use evidence and observations to explain and communicate the results of investigations
Use relevant safety procedures and equipment to conduct scientific investigations (SI-MA8)
Explain how technology can expand the senses and contribute to the increase and/or
modification of scientific knowledge (SI-M-B3)
Describe why all questions cannot be answered with present technologies (SI-M-B3)
Evaluate models, identify problems in design, and recommendations for improvement
Critique and analyze their own inquiries and the inquiries of others (SI-M-B5)
Explain that, through the use of scientific processes and knowledge, people can solve
problems, make decisions, and form new ideas (SI-M-B6)
Ask students to identify how scientists and other people are using knowledge about the
causes of dead zones in their efforts to solve its associated problems.
Activity 5: Natures Cycles In Action: The Carbon Cycle and the Nitrogen Cycle
(SI GLEs: 3, 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 40; SE GLEs: 49, 50, 51)
Materials List: Internet access, diagrams of nitrogen and carbon cycles, poster board,
markers, soil, water, decomposing plant matter, sterilized manure, disposable gloves,
legumes, topsoil, fertilizer, soil and/or water test kit, containers for soil and/or water
Be sure that students discuss safety concerns about working with soil, manure,
decomposing plant material, soil and water testing chemicals, etc. before beginning the
first activity and determine proper safety procedures to follow to conduct the experiment.
To further investigate the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle, have students perform the
Part A: Carbon Cycle(1-2 class periods)
Provide students with a diagram of the carbon cycle, such as the one found at the
following website: Carbon: the Element of Surprise,
or an animated diagram, such as the one that can be found at the following website: EPA
Climate Change Kids Page: The Carbon Cycle Movie,
Students should view the movie to learn about the carbon sinks on land, in the air, and in
water. Students should use the diagrams to determine where the carbon sinks on Earth
can be found. (A carbon sink is a place on Earth where carbon is stored in large
quantities.) List the places on the board; then ask students to explain how each sink was
created. Students may draw on material previously read at the beginning of the activity to
form their explanations or use information found at one of the new websites. Instruct
pairs of students to choose one carbon sink to research further. They should find out how
it was formed, how carbon cycles through it and how fast it cycles. Student pairs should
identify key vocabulary words for their carbon sink and use the vocabulary card strategy
(view literacy strategy descriptions) to create vocabulary cards (refer to Unit 4, Activity 3
for an example of a card). Students should create cards for words such as slow-track
carbon recycling, fast-track carbon recycling, carbon sink, atmosphere, fossil fuel,
deforestation, transpiration, respiration, etc. Using the word carbon sink, for example,
students would write the word in the middle of the card. In the left top corner of the card,
students would write the definition of a carbon sink (an area which traps and stores
carbon). On the top right of the card, students should describe characteristics of a carbon
sink (contains a large amount of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide or elemental
carbon). On the bottom left of the card, students can write examples of carbon sinks
nitrogen is fixed for plant use can help farmers supply sufficient nitrogen
for crop needs.)
Which method of increasing nitrogen was most effective in the shortest
amount of time? What observations were used to determine which soil or
water sample had the greatest increase in nitrogen? (Measurements of
increases in nitrogen were observations.) How can these results be used to
help farmers improve crop production? Explain.
What evidence in the water samples indicates an increase in nitrogen?
(increases in algae growth) Students should understand that they are making
an inference about increased nitrogen from the increase in algae. Actual
measurements of the nitrogen levels are quantifiable observations.
What effect does excess nitrogen have on algae growth in waterways? How
have scientists used this knowledge to decrease pollution in waterways?
(Excess nitrogen increases algae growth in waterways, causing depleted
oxygen supply for organisms with gills when the algae die and decompose.
Increased algae blooms cloud the water and cause temperature increases
which allow less oxygen to remain dissolved in water and decrease water
quality. Scientists have created best management practices to be used to
control excess nitrogen from entering water bodies.)
Activity 6: Zones (SI GLEs: 3, 11, 13, 16, 19, 22; ESS GLE: 36)
Materials List: large world map, poster board, trade books about climate, Internet access,
resource materials such as encyclopedias, optional multimedia presentation software,
Climate Zone Investigation BLM
Outline and label the major climate zones on a large world map, including Tropical,
Moderate, Dry, Continental, and Polar (or similar descriptions). Divide students into
cooperative groups and assign each a climate zone to research, using various sources such
as trade books, encyclopedias, and the Internet. Provide each group with a copy of the
Climate Zone Investigation BLM and instruct them to only complete section 1 at this
time. Research should include types of severe weather events that can be expected to
occur in each zone, species of plants and animals, and typical precipitation amounts and
temperature ranges. Identify greatest/least rainfall, highest/lowest recorded temperature,
hurricane and/or tornado activity, dust storm occurrences, etc. Have students find photos
of vegetation and animals of their area and include the information and photos on a
poster. Provide students with the opportunity to view and study all posters. Then instruct
each group to choose another climate zone from the posters created by classmates and use
Section 2 of the Climate Zone Investigation BLM to complete a Venn diagram graphic
organizer (view literacy strategy descriptions) with the two climate zones. Using
information displayed in diagrams and posters, have students make inferences that
suggest why weather events might differ in different climate zones and why plants and
animals also differ in each zone. Have students create a large Venn diagram to display
with posters when making inferences or create a multimedia presentation to illustrate
what has been learned.
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 7Cycles and Climates
Activity 7: Climate Zones around the World (SI GLEs: 11, 16, 19; ESS GLE: 36)
Materials List: Taking A Closer Look at Climate Zones BLM; class comparison chart;
atlases that have maps showing physical features, global wind patterns, ocean currents,
and temperatures of different climate zones; available resources such as textbooks,
encyclopedias, Internet
Using what was learned from Activity 6 about differences in the climates for each zone,
have students hypothesize about what causes these differences. (nearness to a water
body, altitude, latitude, center of large land mass, ocean currents, wind patterns, etc.) As
students suggest possible causes for climate differences, list them on the board. Ask each
group to gather further information about the climate zone previously researched to
determine what factors affect its climate Students should use textbooks, encyclopedias,
or an Internet site such as to identify each
of the factors that affect their climate zone and include the information in the Taking a
Closer Look at Climate Zones BLM. Have each group record what was learned about
their climate zone on a class chart for comparison (see sample diagram below).
Distance from
Ocean or Sea
Ocean Currents
Affecting Area
Angle of
Direction of
Global Winds
*Names of zones vary with references used. Substitute the zones in the chart with ones used in your research.
Once students have investigated and listed the factors that affect a certain zones climate,
have them use the recorded data on their chart to infer and predict trends, using the
prompts below:
Does the location on Earth and the angle of sunlight affect temperature?
(direct sunlight is more intense than sunlight that hits Earth at a greater
angle; therefore, sunlight is bent over a larger area near the poles causing
lower temperatures than near the equator where the Sun hits the Earth more
Discuss the technology used to predict Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and its
success in helping thousands of people evacuate safely from the path of the
storms. Ask students to predict how the outcome of the storm would have been
different if no one knew that Katrina was approaching until it was too late to do
Ask students to describe some of the new technology in weather forecasting and
how it has improved the forecasting of weather, especially severe weather such as
hurricanes. Students can get information about this technology by accessing
NASAs Hurricane website at
Activity 10: Predicting the Weather (SI GLEs: 3, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40)
Materials List: roll of white paper or butcher paper for creating timeline, Internet access
or books about the history of weather-forecasting technology
Weather forecasting has progressed from use of human observation and primitive
instruments to very sophisticated weather satellites, such as GOES. In this activity,
students will learn about the progress in weather forecasting technology over the last 100
years and create a weather technology timeline.
Grade 5 ScienceUnit 7Cycles and Climates
Students can use trade books, magazines, textbooks, and the Internet to research the
progress in weather-forecasting technology over the last 100 years. Divide students into
two groups: weather instruments and weather satellites. Direct each student in the
weather instrument group to work independently to find information on the invention
and use of one of the following: weather lore, clinometers, wind calculators, computers,
weather balloons, ground stations, as well as weather instruments such as the barometer,
anemometer, thermometer, hydrometer, rain gauge, hygrometer, etc. Each student in the
weather satellite group should research one of the weather satellites launched by the
United States: TIROS I-X Series, ESSA I-IX Series, NIMBUS I-IX Series, ITOS/NOAA
Series, TIROS-N/NOAA Series, ATN/NOAA Series, ATS Series GOES I-M Series, and
GOES Next Series.
Information on the satellites can be obtained by accessing NOAAs or NASAs websites
(listed in the resource section) as well as from The Florida EXPLORES! Weather
Satellite Resource Guide,
After learning when each instrument was invented and first used, students in each group
can use a software program such as Tom Snyders Timeliner software or make a timeline
on butcher paper to show the progress of weather forecasting. Students should include a
picture of each satellite, as well as a brief description of the instruments capabilities and
limitations. Each instrument/satellite should be arranged on the timeline to demonstrate
how technological progress has improved weather forecasting.
Timelines should be posted and used to answer the following questions:
How did people forecast weather 100 years ago? 50 years ago? 25 years ago?
10 years ago? The present time?
What were some of the limitations of using weather instruments?
During which time period did weather forecasting change the most? Why?
What invention made the biggest difference in accuracy of weather
forecasting? Why?
What types of weather can weather satellites depict?
What are some limitations of using weather satellites?
What weather-related questions cannot be answered using present-day
technology? Give reasons.
What are some major weather-related events that were accurately predicted by
using one or some of the researched technology?
How did this prior knowledge affect the lives of people or the environment?
Was the effect negative or positive?
Sample Assessments
General Guidelines
General Assessments
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 3: Provide students with a copy of the water cycle without any labels.
Have students label and describe three different paths that water can take as it
moves through the water cycle. An explanation of why water moves in this way
should be included in the diagram. Have students use arrows of different colors to
illustrate each path in the diagram.
Activity 9: The student will be provided with three consecutive days of weather
forecasts for a different area of the country. Have them use the weather symbols to
Activity 1: Sun (SI GLEs: 3, 15, 30, 33; ESS GLE: 39)
Materials List: Internet access, Sun Facts and Stats BLM
Use the NASA Observatorium Image Gallery at, the
Solar Data Analysis Center at, and
Views of the Solar System, located at to
obtain information, pictures, and video clips of the Sun. The Sun-Earth system has many
important aspects that reveal the physical characteristics of the Sun. After previewing the
site, have students prepare questions for which they would like to find answers as they
explore the website. Instruct students to record facts and information on the Sun Facts
and Stats BLM, including a labeled drawing of the Sun. They should locate various
illustrations of the Sun in their research and make recommendations for improving the
models they find. Students should infer why there is still so much to learn about the Sun.
Be sure students realize that even though we have a tremendous amount of knowledge
about the Sun, there are still many questions that cannot be answered, because our
present-day technology is not sophisticated enough and the Sun is too hot to visit. Guide
students to realize that as our technology improves, scientists will be able to gather new
knowledge that can be used to solve problems, make decisions, and form new ideas (such
as minimizing the effects of solar flares on Earths communication systems and
protecting people against the harmful effects of UV radiation).
Activity 2: Creating an Edible Model of the Sun (SI GLEs: 14, 15, 19, 33; ESS
GLE: 39)
Materials List: (For edible model) for a class of 30: tub of yellow icing, shakers of
red and orange sprinkles, and white, red, and orange tubes of icing; for each
student: 3 inch diameter sugar cookie, small paper plate, 5-8 Red Hots, 2-3 strips
of red licorice, two 1 inch strips of black or chocolate licorice, 3 inch square of
Read the book The Sun by Seymour Simon (or another book that gives information about
the beneficial and harmful effects of the Sun) to students. Without discussing what was
read, have students identify five beneficial uses and at least three harmful effects of the
Sun and record comments in the T chart. Discuss answers with class. Ask students to
identify the characteristics of Earth that protect it from these harmful effects of the Sun.
(Students should mention Earths atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer.) Using a
poster of the Solar System, have students identify Earths position from the Sun. Ask
students if they think this position has anything to do with the fact that only Earth appears
to have any life. Ask students what effect the position and distance of the Earth from the
Sun has on living things (affects the amount and intensity of the energy that reaches
Earth, which affects the growth and health of all living things). Have students
hypothesize what would happen if the Sun were larger, farther away, closer to Earth, etc.
(larger Sun would release more energy, farther distance from Earth would decrease the
temperature on Earth and the intensity of the Suns energy, closer distance to Earth
would increase the temperature on Earth and the intensity of the Suns energy, all of
which would affect the growth of plants and the ability of other organisms to survive on
To develop students understanding of how the Sun makes life on Earth possible and the
characteristics of Earth that are necessary for life to exist, have students respond to a
SPAWN prompt (view literacy strategy descriptions). SPAWN represents five categories
of prompts: S (Special Powers), P (Problem Solving), A (Alternative Viewpoints), W
(What If?) and N (Next). These prompts can be designed to stimulate students
meaningful thinking about content area topics. The writing prompted by SPAWN is
typically short in length and can be kept in students science learning logs. In this
activity, students will be responding to W (What If?) or A (Alternative Viewpoints)
prompts. Provide students with a reading selection such as The Effect on EarthIs
There Life on other Planets? available from the Solar Week website at or similar source. Students should record additional facts
about the Sun on their T charts and note any facts about Earth that make it uniquely able
to support life in a list below the chart. After reading the article, students should use facts
about the characteristics of Earth and what they have learned about the Sun to respond to
one of the following prompts:
W-What If?-----What if scientists found a planet in another solar system that was
very similar to Earth? What would scientists at NASA need to find out about it to
determine the possibility that life, as we know it, exists on it?
A-Alternative Viewpoints-----Imagine that you are the scientist who has just
discovered a planet in another solar system that is identical in all ways to Earth,
What objects movement is actually causing the Sun and stars to appear to
move? (the movement of Earth)
Have students explain why we see certain constellations in different seasons. Have
students identify faulty reasoning and statements made by peers that misrepresent or are
not supported by the evidence. Students should record observations and write
explanations in their science learning logs (view literacy strategy descriptions),
adding detailed drawings to illustrate what was observed. Have students research various
myths that explain why certain constellations are only seen in certain seasons, such as
Scorpius and Orion. Have students summarize the myth and then write the scientific
explanation for seeing those constellations during different seasons.
If your school has access to a portable STARLAB, this can be used to show the
constellations. A field trip to a planetarium or a school star party would also be a
worthwhile experience for students, if possible.
Activity 9: Polaris (SI GLEs: 12, 13, 22, 35, 38; ESS GLE: 40)
Materials List: globe, black construction paper, white paper punches from a hole puncher
and glue or self-stick stars, story about the Little Dipper, chart paper, seasonal star map
that shows the position of Polaris, story called Why the North Star Stands Still from the website, STARLAB (if available)
Teacher Note: Given the celestial position and importance of Polaris, it is sometimes
expected to be a bright star. In actuality, Polaris is a distant variable star and often hard
to find without using the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor for reference.
This activity is designed to help students grasp the true significance of Polaris, the North
Star. Before beginning this activity, have students look in constellation books and locate
the constellation in which Polaris is located.
Read several myths about the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) and locate Polaris (the last star
in the handle of the Little Dipper). Select a story that provides an explanation for why the
Little Dipper seems to revolve around one star (Polaris). One such myth can be found at
Indians .org website at Prior to reading the
story, introduce students to the DR-TA literacy strategy (view literacy strategy
descriptions). This strategy is useful in helping students make predictions during reading,
and then to check their predictions during and after reading.
Begin by asking students why they think some stars are used for navigation. Explain to
students that, throughout history, people have observed patterns and changes in nature
and have used these observations to guide their daily lives. Examples include the
changing colors of leaves and flocks of migrating birds that announce the arrival of
autumn and the first sighting each year by people in Egypt of Sirius, the bright star in
Canis Major, which preceded the flooding of the Nile River each year. These dependable
observations helped people plant and harvest crops, predict changes in weather, and plan
Students should be monitored throughout the work on all activities via teacher
observation of their work and lab notebook entries.
All student-developed products should be evaluated as the unit continues.
Student investigations should be evaluated with a rubric.
For some multiple-choice items on written tests, ask students to write a
justification for their chosen response.
General Assessments
The student will make cards that represent constellations. Place them on a blank
sky. Use a reference book.
The student will choose a first-magnitude star and locate it on a sky map, and then
write directions for the class to locate it.
The student will compare and contrast revolving and rotating.
The student will create an informational chart with all the positive inventions and
products that have been created because of the NASA Space Program.
The student will assess the value of the NASA Program.
The student will create rubrics that assess each step of the research process as well
as the final product. Provide rubrics in advance and discuss components that will
be used for grading. Allow students to assess themselves as well as providing a
teacher assessment.
The student will create and use a KWL chart or pretest before beginning a specific
activity. Repeat the pretest as a posttest to determine student growth or have
students evaluate how the Learned part of the KWL chart corrects any
misconceptions mentioned in the Know part.
The student will assess growth of writing skills through evaluation of journal
writing from beginning to the end of the unit. Length and detail in descriptions
should increase as students become more adept in writing observations,
explanations, and feelings.
Activity-Specific Assessments
Activity 1: The student will prepare written critiques for the models of the Sun
found on the website(s) and then create a new and better model. Allow peers to
critique the new models by using the written critiques previously done on the
website models. Students should share critiques and new models with classmates,
explaining the obvious improvements or providing evidence of flaws in the newer
Activity 8: Provide students with pairs of constellations that appear in the same
season during different times in the night. The student will use a star map to
determine when each constellation appears and then create a moving night sky
scene containing these constellations by using butcher paper stretched between
two poles. Students should be able to explain the apparent movement of the stars
from east to west as they slowly turn their bodies from west to east.
Hillerman, Anne, & Yamashita, Mina. Done in the Sun: Solar Projects for
Kenda, Margaret, & Williams, Phyllis S. Science Wizardry for Kids.
Nicolson, Iain. The Illustrated World of Space.
Schatz, Dennis. Astronomy Activity Book. The Universe at Your Fingertips: An
Astronomy Activity and Resource Notebook I and II by Andrew Fraknoi (Editor)
and Dennis Schatz (Editor).