The Dynamics of Orthogonal Coil Conditioning of VTA Magnets
The Dynamics of Orthogonal Coil Conditioning of VTA Magnets
The Dynamics of Orthogonal Coil Conditioning of VTA Magnets
By Barry Beasley:
September 2001
In an attempt to ease the task of replicating the VTA work of the late Floyd Sweet, I decided that
as a first step, a better understanding of the dynamics of the orthogonal conditioning process
was desirable.
The Past
To begin to understand the thought processes employed by the late Floyd Sweet, it is
necessary to review the past, in particular the area of magnetics research carried out over last
40 years or so, in related subjects.
Transductors (Variable Inductors)
Transductors are generally considered to be a forgotten technology. The general concept is
simple, namely the means of altering the inductance of a cored coil and therefore the ability of
the magnetic material to support flux, by virtue of DC bias field applied either to a parallel or
orthogonal winding.
This is how transductors operate..
For that portion of the material whose magnetic poles are parallel with the DC bias field, the flux
moves along the hysteresis curve towards saturation. As the flux approaches saturation, the
permeability of the material decreases but the AC component of the flux becomes nonsymmetrical, which is how saturable cores are used for frequency multipliers.
For that portion of the material whose magnetic poles are 90 degrees to the DC bias field, the
poles become progressively saturated, causing the hysteresis curve to shear, or rather flatten,
which causes the permeability to decrease. The AC component of the flux remains symmetrical.
Some Transductor Terms
Incremental Current:
The DC bias current flowing through the inductor which causes an inductance drop of 5% from
the initial zero DC bias inductance value. This current level indicates where the inductance can
be expected to drop significantly if the DC bias current is increased further. This applies mostly
to ferrite cores in lieu of powdered iron. Powdered iron cores exhibit "soft" saturation
characteristics. This means their inductance drop from higher DC levels is much more gradual
than ferrite cores. The rate at which the inductance will drop is also a function of the core shape,
i.e. air gap.
Saturation Current:
The DC bias current flowing through the inductor which causes the inductance to drop by a
specified amount from the initial zero DC bias inductance value. Common specified inductance
drop percentages include 10% and 20%. It is useful to use the 10% inductance drop value for
ferrite cores and 20% for powdered iron cores in energy storage applications.
The cause of the inductance to drop due to the DC bias current is related to the magnetic
properties of the core. The core, and some of the space around the core, can only store a given
amount of magnetic ~ density. Beyond the maximum flux density point, the permeability of the
core is reduced. Thus, the inductance is caused to drop. Core saturation does not apply to 'aircore' inductors.
The Dynamics of Orthogonal Coil Conditioning of VTA Magnets
Normal Permeability:
The ratio of the normal induction to the corresponding magnetizing force.
In the cgs system, the flux density in a vacuum is numerically equal to the magnetizing force
and, consequently, the magnetic permeability is numerically equal to the ratio of the flux density
to the magnetizing force. Thus:
= B/H
Note: In a non-isotropic (anisotropic) medium the permeability is a function of the orientation of
the medium, since, in general, the magnetizing force and the magnetic flux are not parallel.
Incremental Permeability:
The ratio of change in magnetic flux density to change in magnetic field (magnetizing force).
inc = (1/o)DB/DH in MKSA units
inc = DB/DH in CGS units
The magnetic field variations are small or incremental and can be in addition to a steady (DC)
bias field. For magnetic powder core data, permeability is incremental permeability unless
otherwise noted. Because of the distributed air gap in powder cores, the initial permeability and
incremental permeability, without bias, are essentially the same.
With small parallel bias, inc decreases with increasing orthogonal bias. At higher parallel bias,
inc increases from an initial value to a peak value and then decreases. Behaviour of magnetic
material under an AC exciting field while simultaneously under the action of a DC bias field may
be mathematically modelled.
In this the permeability along the direction of the field Ha is:
( H0 , Ha ) =
(0, Ha )
where Ho is the orthogonal field strength and Ha is the applied field strength along the direction
that is measured.
Initial Permeability:
The limit of incremental permeability as a changing unbiased magnetizing force approaches
zero. Note: Because of the distributed gap in powder cores, the initial permeability and
incremental permeability without bias are essentially the same.
Orthogonal magnetization in soft magnetic material:
Some of the effects of orthogonal magnetization in soft magnetic material are described in the
U.S. patent No 4,210,859 titled Inductive Device Having Orthogonal Windings, Meretsky et al
July 1, 1980.
I decided to replicate one of the hardware configurations necessary to observe the effects
described in the above mentioned patent. A design utilising a ferrite pot core was chosen for
ease of manufacture and repeatability, the main aim being to achieve flux levels that would
partially saturate the core material, so better to observe the changes of permeability when
orthogonal fields were applied.
Fig 5 shows a slightly larger but still small amplitude signal at the output (bottom trace), with
only the B DC field (60A/T) present.
force is applied to two orthogonal planes, the flux levels generated are much higher in each
plane respectively, for a given magnetizing force, compared to the same magnetizing force
applied in one plane. The ferrite pot core setup demonstrates that the two applied half sine
waves add constructively if the phase of one winding is reversed.
In the case of a block anisotropic magnet that is magnetized through the easy axis, the
remanence provides the bias field, required for the 60Hz sine wave to modulate the two
orthogonal planes which at the same time have magnetizing pulses (half sine waves) applied
via coils.
It is postulated that permeability of the other two planes is modulated during the magnetization
pulse period, by the 60Hz sine wave. Timing is important because the conditions where all
three fields couple, is only present during the magnetization pulse period, after which the bias
field provided by the remanence in the anisotropic plane disappears or is highly modified by the
orthogonal magnetization. A full cycle of the 60Hz sine wave has to be completed during the
magnetization pulse, as this is the only time it can influence the orthogonal fields. Sweet found
that the 60Hz sine wave peak (voltage) or zero crossing (current), has to coincide with the start
of the magnetizing pulse. The application of the three signals simultaneously, allows the
formation of a highly stressed three dimensional domain pattern related to the 60Hz signal
applied waveform.
It is this pattern that we know can be stimulated by a small external tickler signal at the
programmed frequency, to produce large flux variations external to the magnetic block. This is
the point at which over unity becomes possible.
I hope this document will prove to be stimulating and help sponsor further activity within the
group. I believe the research now needs to be extended to determine why and how certain
magnetic materials will support domain patterns.