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Consultancy services for Dam Safety, Civil, Electro-Mechanical Works and Capacity Building
Kali Gandaki A Hydropower Rehabilitation Project (KGAHPPRP)
1. The World Bank is considering funding the rehabilitation of the Kali Gandaki A Hydropower Plant in Nepal. The Kali Gandaki A is a 144
MW Hydropower Plant, located in central Nepal. It includes a 44 m tall dam with high-level radial gates, an intake and desander, tunnel,
and powerhouse equipped with Francis turbines operating under a net head of 115 m of design head at a discharge of 142 m 3/s. The
dam site is located at approximately 83 36' East and 27 57 north, some 180 km west of Kathmandu. Commissioned in 2002, today it is
the largest hydroelectric power station in Nepal. The project was funded by the Asian Development Bank, designed by a consortium of
international firms and also constructed by international contractors. It operates as a run-of-river plant with pondage sufficient to
provide 6 hours of peak power, and generates about 750 GWh of electric energy annually. Nearly 25% of the total countrys generation
and 40% of Nepal Electricity Authoritys (NEA) generation is supplied by this plant. Nepal experiences a severe electrical power shortage
with daily nationwide load-shedding, and this shortage is most severe during the low-flow winter months.
2. The Kali Gandaki hydropower plant suffers from high sediment loads during the monsoon season, which causes severe damage to the
hydro machinery. During the dry season turbines are further damaged by cavitation attributed to the seasonally low tailwater elevation.
The dam impounds a 7.7 Mm3 reservoir, of which 3.1 Mm3 consists of live storage, sufficient for 6 hours of peak power. The dead
storage pool is fully sedimented, and the live pool has lost about 7% of its volume to sedimentation. These sediments consist primarily
of medium to fine quartz sands. Sediment accumulation within the live pool is controlled though reservoir drawdown during the
monsoon season. The plant also experiences seasonally reduced power production due to excessive clogging of the trash rack. It is
desired to optimize plant operation to maximize energy production and sustain long-term operations.
3. Modifications have been proposed by NEA to the headworks and the desilting basins with the objectives of: (a) reducing the sediment
load reaching the turbines, and (b) reducing operational interruptions and excess head loss due to clogging of trash racks.
4. The rehabilitation also involves replacement/refurbishment of the turbines and other electro-mechanical equipments and upgradation
of PLC automation System including instrumentation and communication system, improved trash rack cleaning system, some hydraulic
modifications to the inlet zone of the desanders as well as mitigation measures to resolve cavitation issues.
5. A draft Operating Manual was developed in 2001 but was not updated to incorporate plant operating experience, especially with
respect to procedures to maximize power production while achieving sustainable sediment management. The dam also lacks a dam

safety plan which includes an instrumentation plan, emergency preparedness plan.

6. Approximately 100 m of the intake access road has been affected by a landslide immediately upstream of the headworks, and a portion
of the road collapsed into the reservoir. This slope continues to be unstable and requires treatment. Two factors are thought to have
contributed to this slope instability: scour at the toe of the slope by the river and the multiple road cuts across the face of the slope for
construction of the intake access road.
A. Project Components
7. Component A: Civil Works will address the main items related to civil works and will consist of the following sub-components.

Sub-Component A1: Headworks Modifications.

Sub-Component A2: Improving Dam Safety Monitoring & Instrumentation.
Sub-Component A3: Maintenance Works.

8. Component B: Electro-Mechanical Works. This component consists of mechanical and electrical works divided into two subcomponents.

Sub-Component B1: Mechanical Works.

Sub-Component B2: Electrical Works.

9. Component C: Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building. Component consists of the following three sub-components.

Consulting Services for Dam Safety, Civil & Electro-Mechanical works.

Safeguard Implementation.


10. The objective of the service will be to: i) prepare detailed design, cost estimates, bill of quantities, bidding documents and assist in the
bidding process and supervision of construction of civil works; ii) develop plans for Sustainable Sediment Management and Sediment
Guided Operations at Kali Gandaki A; iii) assess the slope stability problem and develop a design for remedial measures to control the
unstable slopes upstream of the headworks; iv) determine if there is any significant rock scour problem in the channel immediately

below the dam and propose concept and design to remedy the problem; v) develop a dam safety plan for Kali Gandaki A dam and assist
in the formulation of a national dam safety plan; vi) assist NEA to supervise the installation of electro-mechanical works; vii) assess the
automation control system, upgradation requirement and assist in the preparation of specifications, bid documents, supervision,
installation and commissioning; viii) supervise the quality of the spare parts procurement under electromechanical works; ix) supervise
the thermodynamic tests of the turbine; x) develop the final operating manual for Kali Gandaki dam which includes optimization of
power production operations, sediment-guided power production to minimize damage to hydro machinery, to sustain long-term
capacity in the reservoir live pool, and to minimize flooding at the Village of Seti Beni; xi) capacity building of NEA counterpart staffs
both at assistant and officer level through involvement in all phases of the project and undergoing specialized training at manufacturers
premises; and xii) training NEA personnel in implementation of the recommended procedures contained in the final Operating Manual
including sampling, data collection protocols and operation and maintenance practices in hydropower stations;
11. Modifications to Civil Works
(i) The Consultant shall review the recommendations on headworks modifications made by Hydrolab based on the results of physical
modeling, and by Dr. Gregory Morris, independent Consultant. A physical model is still present at Hydrolab and the Sediment Expert
should study the model and suggest any additional tests that may be needed on the physical model.
(ii) The Consultant shall Prepare detailed design drawings of the recommended headworks modifications, prepare technical
specifications, BOQ, estimate project cost, estimate construction timetable focusing on minimizing power plant outage, and prepare
bidding documents. Headworks modifications include civil works to modify the intake configuration, installation of improved
machinery for cleaning trash racks, and the fabrication and installation of hydraulic deflectors in the inlet area of the desanders.
12. Dam Safety Plan
(i) To resume appropriate dam safety management at KGAHPP and to draw lessons for preparing guidelines for a national dam safety
program and shall include:
a) The Consultant shall review Technical Archive of the project; recommend electronic system for data storage, retrieval and use to
be housed centrally in a newly created cell in NEA head office.
b) The Consultant shall inspect existing instrumentation and put back in service what can be made good by resources available on
site (e.g. open type piezometers, benchmarks for global movement survey, seepage monitoring devices).

c) The Consultant shall prepare technical specifications, bill of quantity and cost estimates of recommended instrumentation
rehabilitation/ addition requiring procurement.
d) The Consultant shall prepare Instrumentation Plan and train operators in its use.
e) The Consultant shall conduct a PFMA (Potential Failure Mode Analysis) Workshop according to the methodology developed by
f) The Consultant shall prepare a Dam Safety Plan to include an Operation and Maintenance Plan, and Emergency Preparedness
Plan of KGHPP, train operators in implementing the provisions of the plans.
g) The Consultant shall recommend establish a Central Unit in NEA in charge of Dam Safety and Quality Management in the
portfolio of hydropower projects operated by NEA.
13. National Dam Safety Regulations
(i) The Consultant shall help formulate a National Dam Safety Plan and building on the a) long-term capacity-building in NEA on
sustainable dam operation and safety management; b) regulatory procedures for dam safety management to be followed by
operators; and c) setting up a regulating entity for dam safety; d) conduct workshops to discuss the findings from Kali Gandaki on
Dam Safety and organize workshop on dam safety awareness and the need for a National Dam Regulator and policy.
14. Sustainable Sediment Management for Sediment Guided Operations
(i) The Consultant shall (a) develop plans for Sustainable Sediment Management and Sediment Guided Operations at Kali Gandaki. This
plan will be developed from a review of the operation manual prepared by Khali Mahmood and Damodar Shrestha in 2001, the
Hydrolab physical model and report, the reports prepared by Banks consultants during 2012 and 2013, bathymetric and other data
collected by NEA, and information collected during interviews and field observations during the monsoon. (b) Incorporate
recommended Sediment Management activities into the final Operating Manual (c) Monitor installation of Real Time Sediment
Monitoring equipment (LISST real-time sampler) and upgrading of the sediment laboratory, and be present at the site for a period of
several days during the monsoon to observe sediment transport phenomena and to guide and assist NEA in the collection, reporting,
and interpretation of hydrologic and suspended sediment data as it relates to implementing sediment guided operations to
maximize power production while minimizing turbine damage. This activity will also include sampling in the desanders to better
document their performance during periods of high sediment loading. Based on observations during the site visit, the Consultant
shall develop or consider improving any protocols considered necessary to meet the plants operational objectives.

(ii) The Consultant shall prepare sediment management plans incorporating measures that can be implemented to minimize the
sedimentation problem and flood levels at Seti Beni and Holy Stone pilgrimage site located at the edge of the Kali Gandaki River at
the upstream limit of the reservoir pool, the area of delta deposition. .
(iii) The Consultant shall provide onsite training to NEA operational personnel in implementing the procedures which are outlined in the
final Operational Manual, including tasks such as data collection, record-keeping, and data interpretation to optimize plant
operation and safety.

15. Operation of the Reservoir

(i) The Consultant shall develop optimum operating guidelines based on sediment management. More detailed sediment modeling
outcome will establish whether the operating level can be held at 518 for a shorter time period to increase generation without
adversely affecting the water levels and sedimentation at Seti Beni. The operating rule is relevant because Francis turbines have
steep hill curves, i.e. small change in discharge and in head result in large changes in efficiency. The design net head at Kali Gandaki
is stipulated as 115 meters, which provides 94% turbine efficiency. But given the operating levels of the reservoir, waterway head
losses, corresponding tail water level, the corresponding turbine efficiency decreases. The Consultant shall study the operating rules
to help design the best approach to maximize generation.
16. Slope Stability
(i) The Consultant shall (a) analyze the slope stability problems on the left bank of Kali Gandaki reservoir immediately upstream of the
headworks based on site visit and review of prior reports (b) Prepare detail designs, technical specifications for remedial measures
and bidding documents for the slope stability works. One option under consideration by NEA is relocation of the intake access road,
and the Consultant shall review this option in conjunction with NEA personnel (c) study geological mapping and characterization of
the rock slope on the right side of the spillway; detailed mapping of rock mass joints and defects (orientation, spacing, persistence
and other defect characteristics) to determine failure modes and recommend rock mass reinforcement measures to counteract
progressive failures.
17. Rock scouring below the dam
(i) The Consultant shall (a) inspect Rock Scouring at the area immediately below the dam to determine if any rock scour problems exist
which require treatment, and recommend a treatment strategy if a problem is considered to exist. (The river bed below the dam

will not be accessible or visible during the monsoon period.) (b) review river bed bathymetric surveys and assess evolution of
scouring processes, compare with design expectations, develop criteria for measurement interpretation and use.
18. The Consultant shall assist in the (i) procurement process and supervise installations and commissioning of the following :
OEM works which is supported by a contract with Toshiba and covers:
o The supply of spare parts for the turbines: modified wicket gates, shaft seal labyrinth liner
o The supply of spare parts for generator: mainly generator air cooler set and temperature gauges.
o The modification of the main inlet valves: new modified servo motors, main seals
Turbines component consisting of the following:
o Repair and hard coating of runners and wicket gates
o Supply and hard coating of wearing rings and facing plates.
New trash rack raking machine:
o An automatic new trash rack racking machine will be installed at the intake of the de-sander beside the intake dam.
(ii) Factory fabrication control, transport, erection at site and commissioning and identifying sets of spare parts for electromechanical
equipments specified by NEA.
(iii) Resolve cavitation issues at the plant by: (a) Reviewing available data for tailwater levels and compare these levels to the turbines
hydraulic requirement for minimum tailwater level; (b) Coordinating with the turbine manufacturer to insure that the manufacturer
makes a thorough assessment of remedial options in addition to increasing downstream tailwater, with the objective of selecting the
option which maximizes power generation during the dry season. If an increase in the downstream tailwater elevation is selected as
the preferred alternative, prepare the hydraulic and civil design for the placement of a concrete sill or other structure immediately
downstream of the plant discharge to establish the required tailwater elevation. (c) Determining the actions to be taken to solve
cavitation problem by adjustment of the tailwater and/or by adjunction of compressed air system with effect in the spiral case.
The Consultant shall have access to the turbine manufacturer data.
Measurement of tailwater will be organized under the responsibility of the Consultant to check the existing situation at the confluence
between the hydropower tail water and the Kali Gandaki River.
19. The Consultant will assist NEA in (i) defining the scope of the work, preparing preliminary designs and assuring that all the steps are
undertaken properly, so that the completed works will deliver the quality, capacity, performance, reliability and economic life required.

The assistance covers studying existing PLC automation System including instrumentation and communication system; (ii) identifying the
requirements for upgradation in the existing control system and analyzing available solutions/scenarios possibly specific upgrading of
Controllers; (iii) proposing the optimal migration solution; (iv) preparing cost estimates for hardware/software modernization, technical
specifications and bidding documents; (v) support in the tendering process and bid evaluation; (vi) review and approval of contractors
detailed scheme; (vii) supervision of erection, testing and commissioning works from the owners engineer perspective; and (viii)
handing over the completed projects including issuance of provisional acceptance certificates and final acceptance certificates.

20. The Consultant shall assist in Capacity Building of NEA counterpart staffs through involvement during all the phases of the project. The
Consultant shall perform skills assessment and prepare a training program for NEA counterpart staffs at both the assistant and officer
level. The Consultant will be expected to work closely with the NEA staffs and shall ensure that the NEA staffs achieve higher skill levels
as a result of project involvement. The Consultant shall prepare and recommend specialized training of equipments supplied from
abroad at respective manufacturers premises to NEA staffs at officer levels.
21. The Consultant shall work closely with the NEA Project Coordination Committee (PCC), the Project Manager and NEAs concerned
Departments and Business Groups through all stages of the assignment. The Consultant shall (i) review all the existing documentation
on Hydrology, Hydraulics and Sediment Management of KGAHPP; (ii) Data Collection (iii) Consultations with NEA; and (iv) Home design.
22. Site Visit
The consultant is required to make initial site visit to familiarize with the site conditions, scope of works, preparation of inception report,
skill assessment of NEA staffs and preparation of subsequent training program, then short visits for the remainder of the project until
commissioning is completed.
The Sediment Consultant will be required to spend several days at the Kali Gandaki project site during the monsoon to observe and monitor
sedimentation conditions during the period of high hydraulic and sediment loading.
The site visit by geotechnical engineer to examine slope stability and potential downstream rock of water will take place during the
NEA staffs will provide information and assistance to the Consultant while at site. A visit to the village of Seti Beni, a critical site from the
standpoint of flooding, is also recommended. Scour issues should be scheduled during periods of low water, since the river below the dam
will be full.

D. Services provided by the Client

As an element of capacity development, NEA will depute counterpart staffs to work closely with the Consultant. NEA will identify qualified
counterparts in their respective organizations to liaise with the consultant, respond to questions, supply unpublished information and
reports, and assist with logistics and contacts for site visits. NEA will provide all documentation and in-house data related to the project.
NEA will also assist the consultant with contacts and other relevant stakeholders. All costs for data and information, such as hydrological
and rainfall data, sourced from other authorities, must be covered by the Consultant.
NEA will facilitate provision of site access to Kali Gandaki plant and will accompany the consultant during the field visits. The Consultant
shall arrange transport and logistics for their own team during field visits.
The Client and other stakeholders will cover their own cost in regard to participation in project workshops. The Consultant shall arrange the
workshops, including venue, food and beverages and needs to accommodate costs related to their own participation.
23. Tentative Staffing Requirements whose CVs and experience are to be provided.
The consultant shall be an internationally recognized firm, supported by local expertise, with experience in dam safety, hydropower, civil
and electromechanical engineering, refurbishments, power station automation and control system, sediment management in the
Himalayas, and preferably in Nepal. The consultant shall use the services to carry out the assignment from at least the following key
specialists in the team:
Team Member

Senior Civil
Engineer (Team


University degree, at least Bachelors and preferably Masters

degree in civil engineering
At least 20 years of relevant work experience in planning,
detail design, tendering and supervision of construction woks
and 10 years of which shall have been in projects outside the
Consultants home country
Familiar with donor supported hydropower projects, MDB and
FIDIC conditions of contract and contract management,
financial management of hydropower projects and social and
environmental safeguards issues
Experience in rehabilitation projects, sediment management,


dam design and safety desirable

Having knowledge of Procurement guidelines of World Bank
under IBRD loans and IDA credits.
University degree, at least Bachelors and preferably Masters
Geotechnical/Rock degree in geotechnical engineering
At least 15 years relevant experience in geotechnical
engineering especially in the area of slope stability assessment
and stabilization works
Experience in slope engineering and rock mechanics desirable
Senior Structural University degree, at least Bachelors and preferably Masters
Dams Engineer/
degree in civil/structural engineering with specialization in
Dam Safety
both reinforced and mass concrete structures including
concrete dams and their appurtenant works
At least 15 years relevant experience in all phases of project
implementation including detail design, tendering, supervision
and evaluation of laboratory and field tests in dam
engineering including safety assessments and rehabilitation of
dams and appurtenant structures.
At least University Masters Degree preferably PhD in
Sediment/Hydrauli hydraulics/river engineering/ sedimentation engineering
cs Expert
At least 15 years relevant experience in sediment
management in run-of-river hydro power plants,
interpretation of results from physical and numerical model
studies and field monitoring programs
A least Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering
At least 15 years relevant experience in electro-mechanical
erection, testing and commissioning works
Having knowledge on electro-mechanical repair and
maintenance of ROR hydropower plants in the sub-continent
Electrical Engineer At least Bachelors Degree in Electrical / Electronics /
Instrumentation / Industrial automation Engineering
At least 15 years relevant experience in PLC automation
instrumentation, communication and control system erection,







Operation and


testing and commissioning in new and/or rehabilitation

Having Knowledge of with PLC automation system design,
specifications in power stations and/or process industries
University degree, at least Bachelors and preferably Masters
degree in environmental engineering
At least 10 years relevant experience in environmental and
safeguard implementation projects.
At least Bachelor's Degree in Electrical/Mechanical
At least 10 years relevant experience in electro-mechanical
operation and maintenance works of hydropower stations
Experience in providing training for capacity building of
operation and maintenance personnel.
At least Diploma Degree in Electrical Engineering
At least 10 years relevant experience in PLC automation,
SCADA System, instrumentation, communication and control
system erection, testing and commissioning in new and/or
rehabilitation projects


The Consultant shall engage local support staffs of corresponding expertise for regular supervision of works.
24. The Consultant shall prepare an Inception Report within 4 weeks of assignment, monthly and quarterly progress reports as applicable
based on field data and preparation of progress reports in a format and details acceptable to NEA and WB.
25. The Consultant shall maintain records documenting decisions made at meetings, progress on project implementation, financial records
and changes to the contract plans. The Consultant shall assist WB in preparing a project completion report and monitoring and
evaluation reports as required.
26. The consultant shall produce the detail scope of works of the project, cost estimates, technical specifications and bid documents.
27. All documents and reports would be made available on electronic format to WB.
All reports will be in English language.


Deliverables to be submitted by the Consultant


Inception Report
Technical report including all of the technical products delivered during the consultancy
Design Document
Detailed Design and drawings
Technical Specifications
Edited version of Operation Manual
Guidelines for O&M practices
Bidding Documents
Draft Final of project completion
Final Report

28. Reporting
The Consultant shall submit Monthly Progress Reports. The list of documents required in different phases is given below:
Mobilization Phase (within four months of Contract Effective date)
Inception Report
Draft Master Schedule
Master Manual
Cost Control System
Design Phase (within ten months of Contract Effective date)
Final Master Schedule
Design Report
Project Activities list with cost estimation report
Bid Documents
Responding to requests for clarification in the bidding period
Implementation Phase (including review of contractor's design, supervision of workshops activities and tests and supervision of site works)
(within 18 months of Contract Effective Date)
Factory tests reports
Supervision reports
Provisional Acceptance certificate complete with punch list
Completion Report


All reports will be in English language

The Consultant shall report to the Project Coordinator, NEA.
29. Counterpart
The main government counterpart will be Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA).
F. Time and implementation plan
30. The work will be conducted during a period of 30 months, expected to start in April 2014. The consultant will work in close collaboration
with the NEA staff as well as a team from the World Bank.


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